def run(self): mutex.acquire() while True: Services = models.Service.query.all() for c in Services: if time.time() - float(c.createdtime) > 600: removeServices(c.serviceid) print "Stopped %s" % c.serviceid time.sleep(10) mutex.release()
def shell(ipython): """Runs a Python shell with QPD context""" import code import readline import rlcompleter banner_msg = ( "Welcome to QPD interactive shell\n" "\tAuto imported: app, db, models, views, admin" ) _vars = globals() _vars.update(locals()) _vars.update(dict(app=app, db=db, models=models, views=views, admin=admin)) readline.set_completer(rlcompleter.Completer(_vars).complete) readline.parse_and_bind("tab: complete") try: if ipython is True: from IPython import start_ipython from traitlets.config import Config c = Config() c.TerminalInteractiveShell.banner2 = banner_msg start_ipython(argv=[], user_ns=_vars, config=c) else: raise ImportError except ImportError: shell = code.InteractiveConsole(_vars) shell.interact(banner=banner_msg)
def new(username, email, password): user = User() user.username = username user.email = email user.password = User.generate_password_hash(password) user.avatar = avatar.init_avatar() db.session.add(user) db.session.commit() UserProfile = app.user.models.UserProfile profile = UserProfile() profile.user_id = user.id db.session.add(profile) return user
def get_articles(self, page, topic=None): """ ????????? """ Article = app.article.models.Article per_page = current_app.config["USER_PAGE"] articles = db.session.query(Article).filter_by(user_id=self.id) if not current_user.is_authenticated or current_user.id!=self.id: articles = articles.filter_by(access="public") if topic: ArticleTopic = app.article.models.ArticleTopic Topic = app.home.models.Topic articles = articles.filter(Article.topics.any(ArticleTopic.topic.has( Topic.name==topic.lower()))) articles = articles.order_by(Article.timestamp.desc()) articles = paginate(articles, page, per_page=per_page, error_out=False) return articles
def prefix_autosearch(name, page, per_page): """ ??????? """ Article = app.article.models.Article ArticleTopic = app.article.models.ArticleTopic topics = db.session.query(Topic).outerjoin(ArticleTopic, Article).filter( Topic.name.ilike(u"{0}%".format(name))).filter(Article.access=="public").group_by( Topic).order_by(func.count(ArticleTopic.topic_id).desc()) return paginate(topics, page, per_page = per_page, error_out = False)
def get_user_article_topics(user_id, page): per_page = current_app.config["USER_TOPIC_PAGE"] ArticleTopic = app.article.models.ArticleTopic Article = app.article.models.Article topics = db.session.query(Topic, func.count(ArticleTopic.topic_id).label("count"))\ .outerjoin(ArticleTopic, Article).group_by(Topic) if not current_user.is_authenticated or current_user.id!=user_id: topics = topics.filter(db.and_(Article.user_id==user_id, Article.access=="public")) else: topics = topics.filter(Article.user_id==user_id) topics = topics.order_by(func.count(ArticleTopic.topic_id).desc()) topics = paginate(topics, page, per_page=per_page, error_out=False) return topics
def get_article_topics(num): """ ????????? @param num: ?????? """ ArticleTopic = app.article.models.ArticleTopic Article = app.article.models.Article topics = db.session.query(Topic) topics = topics.outerjoin(ArticleTopic).filter( ArticleTopic.article.has(Article.access=="public") ).group_by(Topic).order_by( func.count(ArticleTopic.topic_id).desc()) return topics.limit(num).all(), topics.count()
def count_article(self): Article = app.article.models.Article return self.articles.outerjoin(Article).filter(Article.access=="public").count()
def create_app(config_name): """ Given a configuration name, loads the correct configuration from the config.py :param config_name: The configuration name to load the configuration :return: The app to be initialized """ app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True) app.config.from_object(app_config[config_name]) app.config.from_pyfile('config.py') db.init_app(app) """ Configurations of the flask-login, in which, if user tries to access a page that they are not authorized to, it will redirect to the specific view and display the message below on the route auth.login """ login_manager.init_app(app) login_manager.login_message = "You must be logged in to access this page" login_manager.login_view = "auth.login" """ Migrations setting up. This object "migrate" will allow us to run migrations using Flask-Migrate. We also have imported the models from the app package. """ migrate = Migrate(app, db) Bootstrap(app) """ Import the models to be used in the application """ from app import models """ Configuring the blueprints of each package on the app """ from .admin import admin as admin_blueprint # This url_prefix means that all the views for this blueprint will be # accessed in the browser with the url prefix admin. app.register_blueprint(admin_blueprint, url_prefix='/admin') from .auth import auth as auth_blueprint app.register_blueprint(auth_blueprint) from .home import home as home_blueprint app.register_blueprint(home_blueprint) return app