def convert_timestamp(obj, default_tz='America/Chicago'): """Makes a Bark timestamp from an object. If the object is not timezone-aware, the timezone is set to be `default_tz.` Args: obj: time object; see :meth:`timestamp_to_datetime` for supported types default_tz (str): timezone to use if `obj` is timezone-naive; must be a string from the `tz database <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_tz_database_time_zones>`_. Returns: Arrow: Bark timestamp """ dt = timestamp_to_datetime(obj) if dt.tzinfo: return arrow.get(dt).isoformat() else: return arrow.get(dt, default_tz).isoformat()
def share(self, profile): """Share this content as the profile given.""" if self.content_type != ContentType.CONTENT: # TODO: support sharing replies too raise ValidationError("Can only share top level content.") if self.author == profile: raise ValidationError("Cannot share own content") if not self.visible_for_user(profile.user): raise ValidationError("Content to be shared is not visible to sharer.") if self.shares.filter(author=profile).exists(): raise ValidationError("Profile has already shared this content.") # Use get or created as a safety to stop duplicates share, _created = Content.objects.get_or_create(author=profile, share_of=self, defaults={ "visibility": self.visibility, }) delete_memoized(Content.has_shared, self.id, profile.id) return share
def sell_positions(self): q = Query() test_func = lambda closed: not closed docs = self.position_db.search(q.closed.test(test_func)) # Sell and remove position if >1hr old for doc in docs: if arrow.get(doc["at"]) < (arrow.now() - datetime.timedelta(hours=1)): self.logger.log("Trader/Seller", "informative", "Selling position for contract " + doc["contract_id"] + "!") if self.web_interface.have_position_in_market(doc["contract_id"]): self.web_interface.sell(doc["contract_id"], doc["side"], doc["amount"]) self.position_db.update({ "closed": True }, eids=[doc.eid]) # Make a trade based on the result
def test_event(self, container_factory, rabbit_config): from examples.retry import Service container = container_factory(Service, rabbit_config) container.start() timestamp = arrow.utcnow().replace(seconds=+1) dispatch = event_dispatcher(rabbit_config) with entrypoint_waiter( container, 'handle_event', callback=wait_for_result ) as result: payload = {'timestamp': timestamp.isoformat()} dispatch("src_service", "event_type", payload) res = result.get() assert arrow.get(re.match("Time is (.+)", res).group(1)) >= timestamp
def test_message(self, container_factory, rabbit_config): from examples.retry import Service container = container_factory(Service, rabbit_config) container.start() timestamp = arrow.utcnow().replace(seconds=+1) publish = publisher(rabbit_config) with entrypoint_waiter( container, 'handle_message', callback=wait_for_result ) as result: payload = {'timestamp': timestamp.isoformat()} publish(payload, routing_key="messages") res = result.get() assert arrow.get(re.match("Time is (.+)", res).group(1)) >= timestamp
def get_revision_list(self, article_path): """Get a list of revision objects for a given article title """ revisions = [] for commit in self.get_commits(article_path): committed_date = arrow.get(commit.committed_date) revisions.append({ 'id': commit.hexsha, 'message': commit.message, 'author': commit.author.name, 'email': commit.author.email, 'committed': str(committed_date), 'committed_humanized': committed_date.humanize() }) return revisions
def get_revision(self, article_path, sha): """Get a single revision from a blob object for a given article title and commit ID """ commit = self.get_commit(article_path, sha) if not commit: return None commit_date = arrow.get(commit.committed_date) blob = self.get_blob(article_path, commit) raw_article_content = ( blob.data_stream.read().decode('UTF-8').replace('\u00a0', '') if blob else self.raw_article(article_path) ) return { 'title': self.article_title(article_path), 'html': self.markdown_to_html(raw_article_content), 'raw': raw_article_content, 'committed': str(commit_date), 'committed_humanized': commit_date.humanize(), }
def get_invites(self, email=None, note=None, team_id=None): """ Get invitations matching certain filters :param email: The users' email address :type email: ``str`` :param team_id: The team identifier :type team_id: ``str`` :param note: Additional notes on the user :type note: ``str`` :return: A list of :class:`Invite` :rtype: ``list`` of :class:`Invite` """ params = {} if email is not None: params['email'] = email if note is not None: params['note'] = note if team_id is not None: params['teamId'] = team_id invites = self.client.get('invites', params=params) return [self._to_invite(i) for i in invites['data']]
def get_activity_data(datasets): # if not fields: # fields = ["name", "reference product", "amount", "location", "unit", "database"] # obj = {} # for field in fields: # obj.update({field: key.get(field, '')}) # obj.update({"key": key}) for ds in datasets: obj = { 'Activity': ds.get('name', ''), 'Reference product': ds.get('reference product', ''), # only in v3 'Location': ds.get('location', 'unknown'), # 'Amount': "{:.4g}".format(key['amount']), 'Unit': ds.get('unit', 'unknown'), 'Database': ds['database'], 'Uncertain': "True" if ds.get("uncertainty type", 0) > 1 else "False", 'key': ds, } yield obj
def __upload_refresh_item(self, reply, parent_item, *args, **kwargs): """ Called by __upload_finished, if it is possible to add the new item at the correct position in the tree, without refreshing the whole tree. """ item = json.loads(safe_decode(reply.readAll().data())) # Remove old item first, before adding new one updateIndex = kwargs.get('updateIndex') if not updateIndex is None: parent_item.takeChild(updateIndex) # Add the item as a new item to the tree new_item, kind = self.tree.add_item(parent_item, item['data']) # Set new item as currently selected item self.tree.setCurrentItem(new_item) # Store item in kwargs so callback functions can use it kwargs['new_item'] = new_item # Perform the afterUploadCallback if it has been specified after_upload_cb = kwargs.pop('afterUploadCallback', None) if callable(after_upload_cb): after_upload_cb(*args, **kwargs)
def get_item(self, data): """Method to get an item Args: data (dict): A dictionary of attributes to put Returns: (dict) """ try: response = self.table.get_item(Key=data, ConsistentRead=True) except ClientError as err: raise IOError("Error getting item: {}".format(err.message)) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise IOError("Error getting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata'])) if "Item" in response: return response["Item"] else: return None
def delete_item(self, data): """Method to get an item Args: data (dict): A dictionary of attributes to access an item (hash and sort keys) Returns: None """ try: response = self.table.delete_item(Key=data) except ClientError as err: raise IOError("Error deleting item: {}".format(err.message)) if response['ResponseMetadata']['HTTPStatusCode'] != 200: raise IOError("Error deleting item: {}".format(response['ResponseMetadata']))
def scan_table(self, eval_function, result_dict, attribute_str): """Method to scan a table, passing each item into an evaluation function Args: eval_function (function): Function to process the items attribute_str (str): Comma separated string of attributes to get Returns: (dict) Result of the scan """ client = boto3.client('dynamodb', region_name="us-east-1") paginator = client.get_paginator('scan') params = {"ProjectionExpression": attribute_str, "TableName": self.table_name, "PaginationConfig": {'PageSize': 500} } response_iterator = paginator.paginate(**params) for page in response_iterator: result_dict = eval_function(page["Items"], result_dict) return result_dict
def _youtube_info(*video_ids): results = googleapi( 'youtube', 'v3', 'videos', part='contentDetails,snippet,statistics', id=','.join(video_ids)) return [dict( title=r['snippet']['title'], duration=r['contentDetails']['duration'][2:].lower(), likes=r.get('statistics', {}).get('likeCount'), dislikes=r.get('statistics', {}).get('dislikeCount'), views=r.get('statistics', {}).get('viewCount'), channel=r['snippet']['channelTitle'], date=r['snippet']['publishedAt'][:10]) for r in results] ###############################################################################
def steam(inp, title, _cache={}): """Find steam games by their title.""" if not _cache: data = requests.get( 'http://api.steampowered.com/ISteamApps/GetAppList/v0001/').json() data = data['applist']['apps']['app'] data = {i['name'].lower(): i['appid'] for i in data} _cache.update(data) if title in _cache: return get_steam_game(_cache[title]) for k, v in _cache.items(): if title in k: return get_steam_game(v) return lex.steam.not_found ###############################################################################
def dictionary(inp, *, query): """Look up dictionary definition of a word or a phrase.""" url = 'http://ninjawords.com/' + query soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, 'lxml') word = soup.find(class_='word') if not word or not word.dl: return lex.dictionary.not_found output = ['\x02{}\x02 - '.format(word.dt.text)] for line in word.dl('dd'): if 'article' in line['class']: output.append('\x02{}\x02:'.format(line.text)) idx = 1 elif 'entry' in line['class']: text = line.find(class_='definition').text.strip().lstrip('°') output.append('{}. {}'.format(idx, text)) idx += 1 elif 'synonyms' in line['class']: strings = [i for i in line.stripped_strings if i != ','][1:] output.append('\x02Synonyms\x02: ' + ', '.join(strings) + '.') return ' '.join(output)
def tvtropes(inp, *, query): """Show laconic description of the trope, and a link to the full page.""" query = query.title().replace(' ', '') baseurl = 'http://tvtropes.org/{}/' + query url = baseurl.format('Laconic') soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, 'lxml') text = soup.find(class_='page-content').find('hr') if text is None: return lex.tvtropes.not_found text = reversed(list(text.previous_siblings)) text = [i.text if hasattr(i, 'text') else i for i in text] text = [str(i).strip() for i in text] return '{} {}'.format(' '.join(text), baseurl.format('Main')) ############################################################################### # Kaktuskast ###############################################################################
def _parse_kk(url): url = 'https://www.djkakt.us/' + url soup = bs4.BeautifulSoup(requests.get(url).text, 'lxml') episodes = [] for epi in soup.find(class_='blog-list')('article'): date = epi.find(class_='entry-dateline-link').text date = ' '.join(date.split()) date = arrow.get(date, 'MMMM D, YYYY').format('YYYY-MM-DD') title = epi.find(class_='entry-title').text.strip() index = _extract_episode_index(title) if not index: continue text = epi.find(class_='sqs-block-content').text url = epi.find(class_='entry-title').a['href'] url = urllib.parse.urljoin('https://www.djkakt.us/', url) episodes.append(utils.AttrDict( date=date, title=title, index=index, text=text, url=url)) episodes = list(sorted(episodes, key=lambda x: x.date, reverse=True)) return episodes
def alert(pr): aset = pr.subparser('set') aset.add_argument( 'date', type=arrow.get, nargs='?', help="""Date in YYYY-MM-DD format.""") aset.add_argument( 'span', re='(\d+[dhm])+', help="""Time to wait before the alert, for example 2d3h4m.""") aset.exclusive('date', 'span', required=True) aset.add_argument( 'message', nargs='+', action='join', help="""Alert text.""") ########################################################################### pr.subparser('echo')
def get_quote(inp, *, user, index): """Retrieve a quote.""" if index is not None and index <= 0: return lex.input.bad_index if user: query = db.Quote.find(channel=inp.channel, user=user) else: query = db.Quote.find(channel=inp.channel) if not query.exists(): return lex.quote.not_found index = index or random.randint(1, query.count()) if index > query.count(): return lex.quote.index_error quote = query.order_by(db.Quote.time).limit(1).offset(index - 1)[0] return lex.quote.get( index=index, total=query.count(), time=str(quote.time)[:10], user=quote.user, text=quote.text)
def get(self, url, **kwargs): params = {} for label, item in six.iteritems(kwargs): if isinstance(item, list): params[label + "[]"] = item else: params[label] = item r = requests.get(self.base_url + url, params=params, headers=self.get_header, auth=(self.username, self.password), proxies=self.proxies) if r.status_code == requests.codes.ok: return r.json() elif r.status_code == 401: click.echo("API error: {} Message: User authorization denied.".format(r.status_code)) exit() else: click.echo("API error: URL: {} Status: {} Message: {}".format(self.base_url + url, r.status_code, r.content)) exit()
def datetime_parser(s): try: ts = arrow.get(s) if ts.tzinfo == arrow.get().tzinfo: ts = ts.replace(tzinfo=LOCAL_TIMEZONE) except: c = pdt.Calendar() result, what = c.parse(s) ts = None if what in (1, 2, 3): ts = datetime.datetime(*result[:6]) ts = arrow.get(ts) ts = ts.replace(tzinfo=LOCAL_TIMEZONE) return ts if ts is None: raise ValueError("Cannot parse timestamp '"+s+"'") return ts
def load_config(): """Load configuration parameters from the settings file""" if not os.path.exists(gv.USER_SETTINGS_PATH): logger.info("The user settings file {} was not found! " "Using hardcoded default values.".format(gv.USER_SETTINGS_PATH)) config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.read_string(gv.DEFAULT_SETTINGS_INI) config.read(gv.USER_SETTINGS_PATH) conf = config['clikraken'] # Get the default currency pair from environment variable if available # otherwise take the value from the config file. gv.DEFAULT_PAIR = os.getenv('CLIKRAKEN_DEFAULT_PAIR', conf.get('currency_pair')) gv.TICKER_PAIRS = os.getenv('CLIKRAKEN_TICKER_PAIRS', conf.get('ticker_currency_pairs')) # Get the default asset pair from the config file gv.DEFAULT_ASSET = os.getenv('CLIKRAKEN_DEFAULT_ASSET', conf.get('asset')) gv.TZ = conf.get('timezone') gv.TRADING_AGREEMENT = conf.get('trading_agreement')
def _cache_refresh(self, s, auth): resp = s.get(self.remote, stream=True, auth=auth, timeout=self.fetcher_timeout, verify=self.verify_ssl) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp if resp.status_code == 429 or resp.status_code in [500, 502, 503, 504]: n = RETRIES retry_delay = RETRIES_DELAY while n != 0: if resp.status_code == 429: logger.info('Rate Limit Exceeded, retrying in %ss' % retry_delay) else: logger.error('%s found, retrying in %ss' % (resp.status_code, retry_delay)) sleep(retry_delay) resp = s.get(self.remote, stream=True, auth=auth, timeout=self.fetcher_timeout, verify=self.verify_ssl) if resp.status_code == 200: return resp n -= 1
def _post(self, uri, data): if type(data) == dict: data = [data] if type(data[0]) != dict: raise RuntimeError('submitted data must be a dictionary') data = json.dumps(data) if self.nowait: uri = "{0}?nowait=1".format(uri) logger.debug('uri: %s' % uri) body = self.session.post(uri, data=data, verify=self.verify_ssl) logger.debug('status code: ' + str(body.status_code)) if body.status_code > 299: logger.error('request failed: %s' % str(body.status_code)) logger.error(json.loads(body.text).get('message')) return None body = json.loads(body.text) return body
def __init__(self, indicator=None, group='everyone', provider=None, firsttime=None, lasttime=None, tags=None): self.indicator = indicator self.group = group self.provider = provider self.firsttime = firsttime self.lasttime = lasttime self.tags = tags if isinstance(group, list): self.group = group[0] if isinstance(self.tags, list): self.tags.sort() self.tags = ','.join(self.tags) if self.lasttime and isinstance(self.lasttime, basestring): self.lasttime = arrow.get(self.lasttime).datetime if self.firsttime and isinstance(self.firsttime, basestring): self.firsttime = arrow.get(self.firsttime).datetime # http://www.pythoncentral.io/sqlalchemy-orm-examples/
def test_nltk_vnc(): x = text_to_list(vnc) ips = set() ts = set() tags = set() for i in x: ips.add(i.indicator) ts.add(i.lasttime) tags.add(i.tags[0]) assert '' in ips assert '' in ips assert '' in ips assert '' in ips assert 'vncprobe' in tags assert arrow.get('2015-12-06T21:09:17.000000Z').datetime in ts
def test_nltk_ssh(): x = text_to_list(ssh) ips = set() ts = set() tags = set() for i in x: ips.add(i.indicator) ts.add(i.lasttime) tags.add(i.tags[0]) assert '' in ips assert '' in ips assert 'sshpwauth' in tags assert arrow.get('2016-03-22T06:19:56Z').datetime in ts
def save_message(request, pk): form = MessageForm(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): return JsonResponse({'error': form.errors}, status=400) chat = Chat.objects.get(pk=pk) if not chat: return JsonResponse({'error': 'Invalid chat'}, status=401) affiliation = Affiliation.objects.filter(chat=chat, user=request.user) if not affiliation: return JsonResponse({'error': 'User does not belongs to chat'}, status=401) message = Message.objects.create(chat=chat, user=request.user, content=form.cleaned_data.get('content')) return JsonResponse(_message_to_dict(request, message), status=201)
def chat_preferences(request): # abort if invalid request should_abort = _should_abort(request, ['POST']) if should_abort: return should_abort form = ChatPreferencesForm(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): return JsonResponse({'error': form.errors}, status=400) pk = Affiliation.get_id_from_hash(form.cleaned_data.get('key')) affiliation = get_object_or_404(Affiliation, pk=pk, user=request.user) affiliation.active = form.cleaned_data.get('active') affiliation.save() return JsonResponse(_affiliation_to_dict(affiliation))
def facebook(request): # abort if invalid request should_abort = _should_abort(request, 'POST') if should_abort: return should_abort form = FacebookSearchForm(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): return JsonResponse({'error': 'URL inválida.'}) token = _get_token(request.user) person = GetFacebookData(form.cleaned_data.get('url'), token=token) # check if user already tagged this person chat = Chat.objects.filter(person=person.facebook_id).first() args = {'chat': chat, 'user': request.user} affiliation = Affiliation.objects.filter(**args).first() if affiliation: error = "Você já entrou na sala do(a) {} e a apelidou de “{}”." name = person.data.get('name') return JsonResponse({'error': error.format(name, affiliation.alias)}) return JsonResponse(person.data)
def create_affiliation(request): # abort if invalid request should_abort = _should_abort(request, 'POST') if should_abort: return should_abort form = AffiliationForm(request.POST) if not form.is_valid(): return JsonResponse({'error': form.errors}) # make sure chat exists chat_data = {'person': form.cleaned_data.get('person')} chat, created = Chat.objects.get_or_create(**chat_data) # create or update affiliation alias = {'alias': form.cleaned_data.get('alias')} fields = {'chat': chat, 'user': request.user, 'defaults': alias} affiliation, created = Affiliation.objects.update_or_create(**fields) return JsonResponse(_affiliation_to_dict(affiliation), status=201)
def _should_abort(request, allowed_methods, **kwargs): ajax_only = kwargs.get('ajax_only', True) should_redirect = False if ajax_only else True # abort if user is not valid should_abort = _should_abort_user(request, should_redirect) if should_abort: return should_abort # only accept AJAX requests if not request.is_ajax() and kwargs.get('ajax_only', True): return HttpResponse(status=422) # only accept certain methods if isinstance(allowed_methods, str): allowed_methods = [allowed_methods] if request.method not in allowed_methods: return HttpResponseNotAllowed(allowed_methods) return None
def search_user(): query = request.args.get('q', '') results = User.search(query) simplified = list() for result in results: entry = { 'link': '/admin/user/manage/%s' % result.doc_id } for field in result.fields: if field.name == 'created': entry[field.name] = arrow.get(field.value).humanize() else: entry[field.name] = field.value simplified.append(entry) extra = { 'total': results.number_found, 'shown': len(results.results), } return render_template('admin-user-search.html', results=simplified, extra=extra)
def freemium(): if request.method == 'POST': operation = request.form.get('operation') if operation == "add": addresses = [email.strip() for email in request.form.get('addresses', '').split(',')] for email in addresses: Freemium.create_or_update(email) elif operation == 'remove': prefix = 'remove-' for key in request.form: if key.startswith(prefix): email = key[len(prefix):] entry = Freemium.get_by_email(email) if entry is not None: entry.key.delete() else: flash('Unknown operation') entries = Freemium.get_all() entries = [entry.key.id() for entry in entries] return render_template('admin-freemium.html', entries=entries)
def delete(): if request.method == 'POST': dos = arrow.get(g.user.created).humanize() calendars = len([c for c in Calendar.query(ancestor=g.user.key)]) todos = len([e for e in Event.query(ancestor=g.user.key)]) subject = '%s %s closed their account' % (g.user.first_name, g.user.last_name) body = ''' %s (joined %s, made %d todos and had %d calendars) %s ''' % (g.user.email, dos, todos, calendars, request.form.get('feedback')) mail.send_mail(sender=EMAILS['alerts'], to=EMAILS['support'], subject=subject, body=body) calendars = Calendar.get_all(g.user.key) for calendar in calendars: for event in Event.get_all(calendar.key): event.key.delete() calendar.key.delete() User.unindex(g.user.key.urlsafe()) g.user.key.delete() session.pop('user', None) return redirect('/index.html') return render_template('delete.html')
def get_todolist(user, client): # Try the primary calendar first, as this is the default for the # vast majority of users. default = client.calendars().get(calendarId='primary').execute() event = _get_todolist(user, client, default) if event is not None: return event, default # Now look at the user's other calendars to see if it's on there. calendars = client.calendarList().list().execute() for calendar in calendars.get('items', ()): if calendar['id'] == default['id']: continue if not calendar['accessRole'] in ('owner', 'writer'): continue event = _get_todolist(user, client, calendar) if event is not None: return event, calendar # They don't have one, so add it to their default calendar. return None, default
def mk_entry(): p = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="create a bark entry") p.add_argument("name", help="name of bark entry") p.add_argument("-a", "--attributes", action='append', type=lambda kv: kv.split("="), dest='keyvalues', help="extra metadata in the form of KEY=VALUE") p.add_argument("-t", "--timestamp", help="format: YYYY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS.S") p.add_argument("-p", "--parents", help="no error if already exists, new meta-data written", action="store_true") p.add_argument('--timezone', help="timezone of timestamp, default: America/Chicago", default='America/Chicago') args = p.parse_args() timestamp = arrow.get(args.timestamp).replace( tzinfo=tz.gettz(args.timezone)).datetime attrs = dict(args.keyvalues) if args.keyvalues else {} bark.create_entry(args.name, timestamp, args.parents, **attrs)
def get_latest_tag(path, exec_function=asyncio.create_subprocess_exec): """Get the latest tag in path. Args: path (str): the path to run ``git describe --abbrev=0`` in. Returns: str: the tag name found. Raises: ScriptWorkerRetryException: on failure. """ proc = await exec_function( 'git', "describe", "--abbrev=0", cwd=path, stdout=PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL, stdin=DEVNULL, close_fds=True, ) tag, err = await proc.communicate() exitcode = await proc.wait() if exitcode: raise ScriptWorkerRetryException( "Can't get tag at {}: {}!".format(path, err) ) return tag.decode('utf-8').rstrip()
def _get_related(self, related): """ Get the related class. :param related: The related model or table :type related: Model or str :rtype: Model class """ if not isinstance(related, basestring) and issubclass(related, Model): return related related_class = _Register.get(related) if related_class: return related_class raise RelatedClassNotFound(related)
def get_attribute(self, key, original=None): """ Get an attribute from the model. :param key: The attribute to get :type key: str """ in_attributes = key in self.__attributes if in_attributes: return self._get_attribute_value(key) if key in self.__relations: return self.__relations[key] relation = original or super(Model, self).__getattribute__(key) if relation: return self._get_relationship_from_method(key, relation) raise AttributeError(key)
def _get_attribute_value(self, key): """ Get a plain attribute. :param key: The attribute to get :type key: str """ value = self._get_attribute_from_dict(key) if self._has_cast(key): value = self._cast_attribute(key, value) elif key in self.get_dates(): if value is not None: return self.as_datetime(value) return value
def get_original(self, key=None, default=None): """ Get the original values :param key: The original key to get :type key: str :param default: The default value if the key does not exist :type default: mixed :rtype: mixed """ if key is None: return self.__original return self.__original.get(key, default)
def get(request): ''' Generate x number of emails ''' count = int(get_post_param(request, 'count')) try: if count <= 0: raise InvalidUsage('count must be greater than 0') except KeyError: raise InvalidUsage('count must be present') live_emails = mail.Email.all() logger.debug("Generating %s emails.", count) email_gen = utils.generate_emails(count) emails = [] addresses = [] for n in range(count): email = next(email_gen) emails.append(email) addresses.append(email.address) db_service.batch_save(emails) return json({'accounts': addresses, "total_active": len(live_emails) + count}, status = 201)
def generate_dates(submission_date_s3, ts_offset=0, creation_offset=0): # convert submission_date into profile_creation_date and timestamps submission = arrow.get(submission_date_s3, "YYYYMMDD") creation = submission.replace(days=+creation_offset) timestamp = submission.replace(days=+ts_offset) # variables for conversion epoch = arrow.get(0) seconds_per_day = topline.seconds_per_day nanoseconds_per_second = 10**9 date_snippet = { "submission_date_s3": submission_date_s3, "profile_creation_date": ( long((creation - epoch).total_seconds() / seconds_per_day) ), "timestamp": ( long((timestamp - epoch).total_seconds() * nanoseconds_per_second) ) } return date_snippet
def main(start_date, end_date, bucket, prefix, input_bucket, input_prefix): spark = (SparkSession .builder .appName("sync_bookmark") .getOrCreate()) version = 1 input_path = "s3://{}/{}".format(input_bucket, input_prefix) # use the airflow date convention ds_format = "YYYYMMDD" start = arrow.get(start_date, ds_format) end = arrow.get(end_date if end_date else start_date, ds_format) for date in arrow.Arrow.range('day', start, end): current_date = date.format(ds_format) logger.info("Processing sync bookmark validation for {}" .format(current_date)) extract(spark, input_path, current_date) transform(spark) load(spark, bucket, prefix, version, current_date) spark.stop()
def parse(cls, api, json): """Parse a JSON object into a model instance. :param api: instance of :class:`API <annict.api.API>` . :type api: annict.api.API :param dict json: JSON from Annict API. :return: :class:`User <User>` object :rtype: User """ user = cls(api) user._json = json for k, v in json.items(): if k == 'created_at': setattr(user, k, arrow.get(v).datetime) else: setattr(user, k, v) return user
def parse(cls, api, json): """Parse a JSON object into a model instance. :param api: instance of :class:`API <annict.api.API>` . :type api: annict.api.API :param dict json: JSON from Annict API. :return: :class:`Work <Work>` object :rtype: Work """ work = cls(api) work._json = json for k, v in json.items(): if k == 'released_on': if v: date = arrow.get(v).date() else: date = None setattr(work, k, date) else: setattr(work, k, v) return work
def parse(cls, api, json): """Parse a JSON object into a model instance. :param api: instance of :class:`API <annict.api.API>` . :type api: annict.api.API :param dict json: JSON from Annict API. :return: :class:`Program <Program>` object :rtype: Program """ program = cls(api) program._json = json for k, v in json.items(): if k == 'started_at': setattr(program, k, arrow.get(v).datetime) elif k == 'work': work = Work.parse(api, v) setattr(program, k, work) elif k == 'episode': episode = Episode.parse(api, v) setattr(program, k, episode) else: setattr(program, k, v) return program
def get(self): try: req_resp = stats.request(str(get_ip(self.request))) say("Received API request (" + req_resp + ")") except: error("Errored while handling request IP -- still served...") self.set_header("Content-Type", "application/json") latest = -1 try: latest = int(self.get_argument('latest')) except: pass # no latest flash specified data = { "server": "LibreNews Central", "channels": [k[2] for k in configuration.get_accounts()], "latest": [flash for flash in flashes.get_latest_flashes(25) if int(flash['id']) > int(latest)] } self.write(unicode(json.dumps(data, sort_keys=True, separators=(',',':'))))