def generate_pyast(code): """ Parses the code and creates a structure of lists and dicts only. :param code: the code as a string :return: a structure of lists and dicts only, representing the ast of code """ import ast def transform_ast(code_ast): if isinstance(code_ast, ast.AST): # noinspection PyProtectedMember node = {to_camelcase(k): transform_ast(getattr(code_ast, k)) for k in code_ast._fields} node['node_type'] = to_camelcase(code_ast.__class__.__name__) return node elif isinstance(code_ast, list): return [transform_ast(el) for el in code_ast] else: return code_ast return transform_ast(ast.parse(code))
def ast_to_code(node: ast.AST, old_code: types.CodeType = None, file: str = None) -> types.CodeType: """ Compile node object to code. """ if node and not isinstance(node, ast.AST): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for node: {}'.format(str(type(node)))) if old_code and not isinstance(old_code, types.CodeType): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for old_module: {}'.format(str(type(old_code)))) result = old_code if node: file = file or (inspect.getfile(old_code) if old_code else None) result = _call_with_frames_removed\ ( compile , source = node , filename = file or '<file>' , mode = 'exec' , dont_inherit = True ) elif not old_code: raise ValueError('Not specified value') return result
def ast_to_class(node: ast.AST, old_class: type = None, file: str = None) -> type: """ :param node: :param old_class: :param file: :return: """ if node and not isinstance(node, (ast.Module, ast.ClassDef)): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for node: {}'.format(str(type(node)))) if old_class and not isinstance(old_class, type): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for old_class: {}'.format(str(type(old_class)))) result = old_class # @TODO: raise NotImplementedError return NotImplemented
def generatePathToId(a, id, globalId=None): if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return None if hasattr(a, "global_id") and a.global_id == id: if globalId == None or (hasattr(a, "variableGlobalId") and a.variableGlobalId == globalId): return [] for field in a._fields: attr = getattr(a, field) if type(attr) == list: for i in range(len(attr)): path = generatePathToId(attr[i], id, globalId) if path != None: path.append(i) path.append((field, astNames[type(a)])) return path else: path = generatePathToId(attr, id, globalId) if path != None: path.append((field, astNames[type(a)])) return path return None
def createNameMap(a, d=None): if d == None: d = { } if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return d if type(a) == ast.Module: # Need to go through the functions backwards to make this right for i in range(len(a.body) - 1, -1, -1): createNameMap(a.body[i], d) return d if type(a) in [ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef]: if hasattr(a, "originalId") and a.name not in d: d[a.name] = a.originalId elif type(a) == ast.arg: if hasattr(a, "originalId") and a.arg not in d: d[a.arg] = a.originalId return d elif type(a) == ast.Name: if hasattr(a, "originalId") and a.id not in d: d[a.id] = a.originalId return d for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(a): createNameMap(child, d) return d
def findId(a, id): if hasattr(a, "global_id") and a.global_id == id: return a if type(a) == list: for child in a: tmp = findId(child, id) if tmp != None: return tmp return None if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return None for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(a): tmp = findId(child, id) if tmp != None: return tmp return None
def getSubtreeContext(super, sub): if not isinstance(super, ast.AST): return None for field in super._fields: attr = getattr(super, field) if type(attr) == list: for i in range(len(attr)): if compareASTs(attr[i], sub, checkEquality=True) == 0: return (attr, i, attr[i]) else: tmp = getSubtreeContext(attr[i], sub) if tmp != None: return tmp else: if compareASTs(attr, sub, checkEquality=True) == 0: return (super, field, attr) else: tmp = getSubtreeContext(attr, sub) if tmp != None: return tmp return None
def basicTypeSpecialFunction(cv): """If you're in a number or string (which has no metadata), move up to the AST to make the special functions work.""" if isinstance(cv, SwapVector) or isinstance(cv, MoveVector): return cv if (cv.path[0] in [('n', 'Number'), ('s', 'String'), ('id', 'Name'), ('arg', 'Argument'), ('value', 'Name Constant'), ('s', 'Bytes'), ('name', 'Alias')]): cvCopy = cv.deepcopy() cv.oldSubtree = deepcopy(cvCopy.traverseTree(cv.start)) if cv.path[0] == ('n', 'Number'): cv.newSubtree = ast.Num(cv.newSubtree) elif cv.path[0] == ('s', 'String'): cv.newSubtree = ast.Str(cv.newSubtree) elif cv.path[0] == ('id', 'Name'): cv.newSubtree = ast.Name(cv.newSubtree, cv.oldSubtree.ctx) elif cv.path[0] == ('arg', 'Argument'): cv.newSubtree = ast.arg(cv.newSubtree, cv.oldSubtree.annotation) elif cv.path[0] == ('value', 'Name Constant'): cv.newSubtree = ast.NameConstant(cv.newSubtree) elif cv.path[0] == ('s', 'Bytes'): cv.newSubtree = ast.Bytes(cv.newSubtree) elif cv.path[0] == ('name', 'Alias'): cv.newSubtree = ast.alias(cv.newSubtree, cv.oldSubtree.asname) cv.path = cv.path[1:] return cv
def cleanupRanges(a): """Remove any range shenanigans, because Python lets you include unneccessary values""" if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return a if type(a) == ast.Call: if type(a.func) == ast.Name: if a.func.id in ["range"]: if len(a.args) == 3: # The step defaults to 1! if type(a.args[2]) == ast.Num and a.args[2].n == 1: a.args = a.args[:-1] if len(a.args) == 2: # The start defaults to 0! if type(a.args[0]) == ast.Num and a.args[0].n == 0: a.args = a.args[1:] return applyToChildren(a, cleanupRanges)
def cleanupSlices(a): """Remove any slice shenanigans, because Python lets you include unneccessary values""" if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return a if type(a) == ast.Subscript: if type(a.slice) == ast.Slice: # Lower defaults to 0 if a.slice.lower != None and type(a.slice.lower) == ast.Num and a.slice.lower.n == 0: a.slice.lower = None # Upper defaults to len(value) if a.slice.upper != None and type(a.slice.upper) == ast.Call and \ type(a.slice.upper.func) == ast.Name and a.slice.upper.func.id == "len": if compareASTs(a.value, a.slice.upper.args[0], checkEquality=True) == 0: a.slice.upper = None # Step defaults to 1 if a.slice.step != None and type(a.slice.step) == ast.Num and a.slice.step.n == 1: a.slice.step = None return applyToChildren(a, cleanupSlices)
def combineConditionals(a): """When possible, combine conditional branches""" if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return a elif type(a) == ast.If: for i in range(len(a.body)): a.body[i] = combineConditionals(a.body[i]) for i in range(len(a.orelse)): a.orelse[i] = combineConditionals(a.orelse[i]) # if a: if b: x can be - if a and b: x if (len(a.orelse) == 0) and (len(a.body) == 1) and \ (type(a.body[0]) == ast.If) and (len(a.body[0].orelse) == 0): a.test = ast.BoolOp(ast.And(combinedConditionalOp=True), [a.test, a.body[0].test], combinedConditional=True) a.body = a.body[0].body # if a: x elif b: x can be - if a or b: x elif (len(a.orelse) == 1) and \ (type(a.orelse[0]) == ast.If) and (len(a.orelse[0].orelse) == 0): if compareASTs(a.body, a.orelse[0].body, checkEquality=True) == 0: a.test = ast.BoolOp(ast.Or(combinedConditionalOp=True), [a.test, a.orelse[0].test], combinedConditional=True) a.orelse = [] return a else: return applyToChildren(a, combineConditionals)
def occursIn(sub, super): """Does the first AST occur as a subtree of the second?""" superStatementTypes = [ ast.Module, ast.Interactive, ast.Suite, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.For, ast.While, ast.If, ast.With, ast.Try, ast.ExceptHandler ] if (not isinstance(super, ast.AST)): return False if type(sub) == type(super) and compareASTs(sub, super, checkEquality=True) == 0: return True # we know that a statement can never occur in an expression # (or in a non-statement-holding statement), so cut the search off now to save time. if isStatement(sub) and type(super) not in superStatementTypes: return False for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(super): if occursIn(sub, child): return True return False
def gatherAllParameters(a, keep_orig=True): """Gather all parameters in the tree. Names are returned along with their original names (which are used in variable mapping)""" if type(a) == list: allIds = set() for line in a: allIds |= gatherAllVariables(line) return allIds if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return set() allIds = set() for node in ast.walk(a): if type(node) == ast.arg: origName = node.originalId if (keep_orig and hasattr(node, "originalId")) else None allIds |= set([(node.arg, origName)]) return allIds
def getAllGlobalNames(a): # Finds all names that can be accessed at the global level in the AST if type(a) != ast.Module: return [] names = [] for obj in a.body: if type(obj) in [ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef]: names.append(obj.name) elif type(obj) in [ast.Assign, ast.AugAssign]: targets = obj.targets if type(obj) == ast.Assign else [obj.target] for target in obj.targets: if type(target) == ast.Name: names.append(target.id) elif type(target) in [ast.Tuple, ast.List]: for elt in target.elts: if type(elt) == ast.Name: names.append(elt.id) elif type(obj) in [ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom]: for module in obj.names: names.append(module.asname if module.asname != None else module.name) return names
def doCompare(op, left, right): """Perform the given AST comparison on the values""" top = type(op) if top == ast.Eq: return left == right elif top == ast.NotEq: return left != right elif top == ast.Lt: return left < right elif top == ast.LtE: return left <= right elif top == ast.Gt: return left > right elif top == ast.GtE: return left >= right elif top == ast.Is: return left is right elif top == ast.IsNot: return left is not right elif top == ast.In: return left in right elif top == ast.NotIn: return left not in right
def test_AST_objects(self): if not support.check_impl_detail(): # PyPy also provides a __dict__ to the ast.AST base class. return x = ast.AST() self.assertEqual(x._fields, ()) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.vararg with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.foobar = 21 with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): ast.AST(lineno=2) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # "_ast.AST constructor takes 0 positional arguments" ast.AST(2)
def test_AST_objects(self): x = ast.AST() self.assertEqual(x._fields, ()) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.vararg with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.foobar = 21 with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): ast.AST(lineno=2) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # "_ast.AST constructor takes 0 positional arguments" ast.AST(2)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node): has_starargs = False args = list(node.args.args) if node.args.vararg: if isinstance(node.args.vararg, ast.AST): # pragma: no cover (py3) args.append(node.args.vararg) has_starargs = True if node.args.kwarg: if isinstance(node.args.kwarg, ast.AST): # pragma: no cover (py3) args.append(node.args.kwarg) has_starargs = True py3_kwonlyargs = getattr(node.args, 'kwonlyargs', None) if py3_kwonlyargs: # pragma: no cover (py3) args.extend(py3_kwonlyargs) has_starargs = True arg_offsets = {_to_offset(arg) for arg in args} if arg_offsets: key = Offset(node.lineno, node.col_offset) self.funcs[key] = Func(node, has_starargs, arg_offsets) self.generic_visit(node)
def visit_FunctionDef(self, node, phase): '''Visitor for AST FunctionDef nodes add relevant information about the node to the context for use in tests which inspect function definitions. Add the function name to the current namespace for all descendants. :param node: The node that is being inspected :return: - ''' self.context['function'] = node qualname = self.namespace + '.' + b_utils.get_func_name(node) name = qualname.split('.')[-1] self.context['qualname'] = qualname self.context['name'] = name # For all child nodes and any tests run, add this function name to # current namespace self.namespace = b_utils.namespace_path_join(self.namespace, name) self.update_scores(self.tester.run_tests(self.context, 'FunctionDef', phase=phase))
def visit_Call(self, node, phase): '''Visitor for AST Call nodes add relevant information about the node to the context for use in tests which inspect function calls. :param node: The node that is being inspected :return: - ''' self.context['call'] = node qualname = b_utils.get_call_name(node, self.import_aliases) name = qualname.split('.')[-1] self.context['qualname'] = qualname self.context['name'] = name self.update_scores(self.tester.run_tests(self.context, 'Call', phase=phase))
def generic_visit(self, node, phase=None): """Drive the visitor.""" phase = phase or constants.PRIMARY for _, value in ast.iter_fields(node): if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if not isinstance(item, ast.AST): continue if not self.pre_visit(item): continue self.visit(item, phase=phase) self.generic_visit(item, phase=phase) self.post_visit(item) elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): if not self.pre_visit(value): continue self.visit(value, phase=phase) self.generic_visit(value, phase=phase) self.post_visit(value)
def check_call_visitor(self, visitor): tree = ast.parse("1+1") with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm: visitor.visit(tree) binop = tree.body[0].value what = ast.dump(binop) self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'error at <string>:1 on visiting %s: bug' % what) # Test truncature of the AST dump with mock.patch('fatoptimizer.tools.COMPACT_DUMP_MAXLEN', 5): with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm: visitor.visit(tree) what = 'BinOp(...)' self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), 'error at <string>:1 on visiting %s: bug' % what)
def generic_visit(self, node: ast.AST) -> None: """Called if no explicit visitor function exists for a node.""" for _field, value in ast.iter_fields(node): if self.should_type_check: break if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if self.should_type_check: break if isinstance(item, ast.AST): self.visit(item) elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): self.visit(value) # Generic mypy error
def visit_For(self, node): for field, value in ast.iter_fields(node): flag_cache = self.flag if field == 'target': self.flag = 'lhs' if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, ast.AST): self.visit(item) elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): self.visit(value) self.flag = flag_cache
def visit_Assign(self, node): for field, value in ast.iter_fields(node): if field == 'targets': self.flag = 'lhs' elif field == 'value': self.flag = 'rhs' if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, ast.AST): self.visit(item) elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): self.visit(value) self.flag = None
def visit_AugAssign(self, node): for field, value in ast.iter_fields(node): if field == 'target': self.flag = 'lhs' elif field == 'value': self.flag = 'rhs' if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, ast.AST): self.visit(item) elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): self.visit(value) self.flag = None
def to_source_any(n): """ Convert AST node to string, handling all node types, without fixing comments. """ try: return astor.to_source(n) except AttributeError: pass cls = n.__class__ if cls in astor.misc.all_symbols: return astor.misc.all_symbols[cls] def wrap(s): return '___' + s + '___' extra_d = {ast.Load: wrap('load'), ast.Store: wrap('store'), ast.Del: wrap('del'), ast.AugLoad: wrap('augload'), ast.AugStore: wrap('augstore'), ast.Param: wrap('param'), ast.keyword: wrap('keyword')} if cls in extra_d: return extra_d[cls] raise AttributeError('unknown node type {}'.format(cls))
def add_after_node(ast_root, after_node, node_to_add): """Same idea as add_before_node, but in this case add it after after_node """ node, parent = find_node_recursive(ast_root, after_node) if node is None: raise ValueError("Node %s not found in ast: %s" % ( str(after_node), dump_ast(after_node))) for field, value in ast.iter_fields(parent): if isinstance(value, list): for i in range(len(value)): if isinstance(value[i], ast.AST) and \ nodes_are_equal(value[i], node): value.insert(i + 1, node_to_add) return
def get_all_nodes_in_bfs_order(ast_root): q = [ast_root] result = [] while len(q) > 0: top = q.pop(0) result.append(top) for field, value in ast.iter_fields(top): if isinstance(value, list): for item in value: if isinstance(item, ast.AST): q.append(item) elif isinstance(value, ast.AST): result.append(value) return result
def do_ExceptHandler(self, node): result = [] result.append(self.indent('except')) if getattr(node, 'type', None): result.append(' %s' % self.visit(node.type)) if getattr(node, 'name', None): if isinstance(node.name, ast.AST): result.append(' as %s' % self.visit(node.name)) else: result.append(' as %s' % node.name) # Python 3.x. result.append(':\n') for z in node.body: self.level += 1 result.append(self.visit(z)) self.level -= 1 return ''.join(result) # Python 2.x only
def eval_numeric_constexpr(node: ast.AST) -> int: if isinstance(node, ast.Num): return node.n if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): if isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd): return +eval_numeric_constexpr(node.operand) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.USub): return -eval_numeric_constexpr(node.operand) else: return None if isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add): return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) + eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub): return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) - eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Mult): return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) * eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Div): return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) / eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right) return None
def parse_decorator(node: ast.AST): if isinstance(node, ast.Name): ret = Decorator() ret.name = node.id return ret elif isinstance(node, ast.Call): ret = Decorator() ret.name = node.func.id for arg in node.args: if isinstance(arg, ast.Num): ret.args.append(str(arg.n)) elif isinstance(arg, ast.Str): ret.args.append(str(arg.n)) elif isinstance(arg, ast.Name): ret.args.append(arg.id) else: v = eval_numeric_constexpr(arg) if v: ret.args.append(str(v)) else: error(loc(node), "Unsupported decorator type") return ret else: error(loc(node), "Supported decorators are Name and Call") return None
def cmpop_str(op: ast.AST) -> str: if isinstance(op, ast.Eq): return '==' if isinstance(op, ast.NotEq): return '!=' if isinstance(op, ast.Lt): return '<' if isinstance(op, ast.LtE): return '<=' if isinstance(op, ast.Gt): return '>' if isinstance(op, ast.GtE): return '>=' error(loc(op), "Invalid compare operator encountered: {0}:{1}. Check supported intrisics.".format(op.lineno, op.col_offset)) return 'INVALID_CMPOP' # Parsers # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def vars_defined_in_all_cases(self, node): if isinstance(node, ast.If): vars_defined = None for if_node in u.ifs_in_elif_block(node): cur_vars_defined = self.vars_defined_in_all_cases(if_node.body) if vars_defined is None: vars_defined = cur_vars_defined else: vars_defined = vars_defined & cur_vars_defined elif isinstance(node, list): vars_defined = set() for stmt_node in node: vars_defined = vars_defined | self.vars_defined_in_all_cases(stmt_node) elif isinstance(node, ast.AST): vars_defined = set() if u.is_set_to(node): vars_defined.add(node.value.func.value.id) return vars_defined
def test_AST_objects(self): if not test_support.check_impl_detail(): # PyPy also provides a __dict__ to the ast.AST base class. return x = ast.AST() self.assertEqual(x._fields, ()) with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.vararg with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): x.foobar = 21 with self.assertRaises(AttributeError): ast.AST(lineno=2) with self.assertRaises(TypeError): # "_ast.AST constructor takes 0 positional arguments" ast.AST(2)
def __call__(self, t): if isinstance(t, list): for child in t: self.visit(child) elif isinstance(t, ast.AST): self.visit(t) else: assert False, "Unexpected type: %r" % (t,)
def visit_Num(self, t): # -0.0 is distinct from +0.0, but my compiler would mistakenly # coalesce the two, if both appear among the constants. Likewise # for -0.0 as a component of a complex number. As a hack, instead # of handling this case correctly in the compiler, we just forbid # it. It's especially unlikely to crop up because the parser even # parses -0.0 as UnaryOp(op=USub(), operand=Num(0.0)) -- you'd # have to build the AST some other way, to get Num(-0.0). assert not has_negzero(t.n), "Negative-zero literals not supported: %r" % (t,)
def to_ast(value, file: str = None) -> ast.AST: """ Returns node object for any value. """ raise TypeError('Unexpected type for value: {}'.format(str(type(value))))
def node_to_ast(node: ast.AST, file: str = None) -> ast.AST: """ """ if node and not isinstance(node, ast.AST): raise TypeError('Unexpected type: {}'.format(str(type(node)))) return node
def ast_to_module(node: ast.AST, old_module: types.ModuleType = None, file: str = None) -> types.ModuleType: """ Compile node object to module. """ if node and not isinstance(node, ast.AST): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for node: {}'.format(str(type(node)))) if old_module and not isinstance(old_module, types.ModuleType): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for old_module: {}'.format(str(type(old_module)))) if not isinstance(node, ast.Module): node = ast.copy_location(ast.Module(body = [node]), node) file = file or (inspect.getfile(old_module) if old_module else None) code = _call_with_frames_removed\ ( compile , source = node , filename = file or '<file>' , mode = 'exec' , dont_inherit = True ) module = old_module or types.ModuleType() exec(code, module.__dict__) return module
def ast_to_func(node: ast.AST, old_func: types.FunctionType, file: str = None) -> types.FunctionType: """ Compile node object to function. """ if node and not isinstance(node, (ast.Module, ast.FunctionDef)): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for node: {}'.format(str(type(node)))) if old_func and not isinstance(old_func, types.FunctionType): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for old_func: {}'.format(str(type(old_func)))) result = old_func if node and old_func: old_code = getattr(old_func, '__code__', None) if not isinstance(node, ast.Module): mod_node = ast.copy_location(ast.Module(body = [node]), node) fun_node = node else: mod_node = node fun_node = node.body[0] module = ast_to_code(mod_node, old_code, file=file) for code in module.co_consts: if not isinstance(code, types.CodeType): continue if code.co_name == fun_node.name and code.co_firstlineno == fun_node.lineno: result.__code__ = code break else: raise ValueError('Not specified value') return result
def ast_to_method(node: ast.AST, old_method: types.MethodType, file: str = None) -> types.MethodType: """ :param node: :param old_method: :param file: :return: """ raise NotImplementedError return NotImplemented
def ast_to_node(node: ast.AST, old_node: ast.AST = None, file: str = None) -> ast.AST: """ """ if node and not isinstance(node, ast.AST): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for node: {}'.format(str(type(node)))) if old_node and not isinstance(old_node, ast.AST): raise TypeError('Unexpected type for old_node: {}'.format(str(type(old_node)))) return node or old_node
def from_ast(node: ast.AST, old_object, file: str = None): """ :param node: :param old_object: :return: """ if isinstance(old_object, types.CodeType): compiler = ast_to_code elif isinstance(old_object, types.ModuleType): compiler = ast_to_module elif isinstance(old_object, types.FunctionType): compiler = ast_to_func elif isinstance(old_object, types.MethodType): compiler = ast_to_method elif isinstance(old_object, str): compiler = ast_to_source elif isinstance(old_object, type): compiler = ast_to_class elif isinstance(old_object, ast.AST): compiler = ast_to_node elif old_object: raise TypeError('Unexpected type for node: {}'.format(str(type(node)))) else: raise ValueError('Not specified value') result = compiler(node, old_object, file=file) return result
def childHasTag(a, tag): """ Includes the AST itself""" if hasattr(a, tag): return True if type(a) == list: for child in a: if childHasTag(child, tag): return True return False elif not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return False for node in ast.walk(a): if hasattr(node, tag): return True return False
def noneSpecialFunction(cv): """If the old type is 'None' (which won't show up in the original), move up in the AST to get the metadata""" if (not isinstance(cv, AddVector)) and cv.oldSubtree == None: cvCopy = cv.deepcopy() if cv.path[0] == ('value', 'Return'): cv.oldSubtree = deepcopy(cvCopy.traverseTree(cv.start)) cv.newSubtree = ast.Return(cv.newSubtree) cv.path = cv.path[1:] elif cv.path[0] == ('value', 'Name Constant'): cv.oldSubtree = deepcopy(cvCopy.traverseTree(cv.start)) cv.newSubtree = ast.NameConstant(cv.newSubtree) cv.path = cv.path[1:] elif cv.path[0] in [('lower', 'Slice'), ('upper', 'Slice'), ('step', 'Slice')]: tmpNew = cv.newSubtree cvCopy = cv.deepcopy() cv.oldSubtree = deepcopy(cvCopy.traverseTree(cv.start)) cv.newSubtree = deepcopy(cv.oldSubtree) # use the same slice if cv.path[0][0] == 'lower': cv.newSubtree.lower = tmpNew elif cv.path[0][0] == 'upper': cv.newSubtree.upper = tmpNew else: cv.newSubtree.step = tmpNew cv.path = cv.path[1:] # get rid of None and the val else: log("Individualize\tmapEdit\tMissing option in None special case 1: " + str(cv.path[0]), "bug") elif cv.oldSubtree == "None": cv.path = cv.path[1:] # get rid of None and the id cvCopy = cv.deepcopy() cv.oldSubtree = deepcopy(cvCopy.traverseTree(cv.start)) if cv.path[0] == ('value', 'Return'): cv.newSubtree = ast.Return(ast.Name(cv.newSubtree, ast.Load())) else: log("Individualize\tmapEdit\tMissing option in None special case 2: " + str(cv.path[0]), "bug") cv.path = cv.path[1:] return cv
def hasMultiComp(a): if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return False for node in ast.walk(a): if hasattr(node, "multiComp") and node.multiComp: return True return False
def getLineNumberFromAst(a): if not isinstance(a, ast.AST): return None if hasattr(a, "lineno"): return a.lineno line = None for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(a): line = getLineNumberFromAst(child) if line != None: return line return line