Python ast 模块,walk() 实例源码


项目:catalearn    作者:Catalearn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_local_vars(source, namespace):

    # local_vars = sys._getframe(depth).f_locals

    local_vars_names = set(namespace.keys())

    root = ast.parse(source)

    required_vars_names = set()
    for node in ast.walk(root):
        if isinstance(node, ast.Name):

    builtin_vars_names = set(vars(builtins).keys())

    required_local_vars = required_vars_names & local_vars_names

    # we might want to add a compiler-ish thing in the future 

    params = {}
    for v in required_local_vars:
        params[v] = namespace[v]

    return params
项目:catalearn    作者:Catalearn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def search(func, depth=1):
    local_vars = sys._getframe(depth).f_locals
    source = get_source_code(func)
    tree = ast.parse(source)
    child_funcs = []
    for node in ast.walk(tree):
        if isinstance(node, ast.Call):
            if isinstance(node.func, ast.Name):
        elif (isinstance(node, ast.Name) and in local_vars and callable(local_vars[]) and not in sys.builtin_module_names):

    child_load_str = ''
    for child in child_funcs:
        if child in local_vars:
                load_string = search(local_vars[child], depth=(depth + 1))
                child_load_str += load_string + '\n'
            except Exception as e:

    load_str = child_load_str + source
    return load_str
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def replaceHazards(a):
    if not isinstance(a, ast.AST):
    for field in ast.walk(a):
        if type(a) == ast.Import:
            for i in range(len(a.names)):
                if a.names[i].name not in supportedLibraries:
                    if not (a.names[i].name[0] == "r" and a.names[i].name[1] in "0123456789") and not ("NotAllowed" in a.names[i].name):
                        a.names[i].name = a.names[i].name + "NotAllowed"
        elif type(a) == ast.ImportFrom:
            if a.module not in supportedLibraries:
                if not (a.module[0] == "r" and a.module[1] in "0123456789") and not ("NotAllowed" in a.module):
                    a.module = a.module + "NotAllowed"
        elif type(a) == ast.Call:
            if type(a.func) == ast.Name and in ["compile", "eval", "execfile", "file", "open", "__import__", "apply"]:
       = + "NotAllowed"
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gatherAllNames(a, keep_orig=True):
    """Gather all names in the tree (variable or otherwise).
        Names are returned along with their original names 
        (which are used in variable mapping)"""
    if type(a) == list:
        allIds = set()
        for line in a:
            allIds |= gatherAllNames(line)
        return allIds
    if not isinstance(a, ast.AST):
        return set()

    allIds = set()
    for node in ast.walk(a):
        if type(node) == ast.Name:
            origName = node.originalId if (keep_orig and hasattr(node, "originalId")) else None
            allIds |= set([(, origName)])
    return allIds
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def gatherAllParameters(a, keep_orig=True):
    """Gather all parameters in the tree. Names are returned along
        with their original names (which are used in variable mapping)"""
    if type(a) == list:
        allIds = set()
        for line in a:
            allIds |= gatherAllVariables(line)
        return allIds
    if not isinstance(a, ast.AST):
        return set()

    allIds = set()
    for node in ast.walk(a):
        if type(node) == ast.arg:
            origName = node.originalId if (keep_orig and hasattr(node, "originalId")) else None
            allIds |= set([(node.arg, origName)])
    return allIds
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAllImports(a):
    """Gather all imported module names"""
    if not isinstance(a, ast.AST):
        return []
    imports = []
    for child in ast.walk(a):
        if type(child) == ast.Import:
            for alias in child.names:
                if in supportedLibraries:
                    imports.append(alias.asname if alias.asname != None else
                    log("astTools\tgetAllImports\tUnknown library: " +, "bug")
        elif type(child) == ast.ImportFrom:
            if child.module in supportedLibraries:
                for alias in child.names: # these are all functions
                    if in libraryMap[child.module]:
                        imports.append(alias.asname if alias.asname != None else
                        log("astTools\tgetAllImports\tUnknown import from name: " + \
                                    child.module + "," +, "bug")
                log("astTools\tgetAllImports\tUnknown library: " + child.module, "bug")
    return imports
项目:settei    作者:spoqa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_version():
    with open(os.path.join('settei', '')) as f:
        tree = ast.parse(,
        for node in ast.walk(tree):
            if not (isinstance(node, ast.Assign) and len(node.targets) == 1):
            target, = node.targets
            value = node.value
            if not (isinstance(target, ast.Name) and
           == 'VERSION_INFO' and
                    isinstance(value, ast.Tuple)):
            elts = value.elts
            if any(not isinstance(elt, ast.Num) for elt in elts):
            return '.'.join(str(elt.n) for elt in elts)
项目:test-infra    作者:istio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def process(fl, external, genfiles, vendor):
    src = open(fl).read()
    tree = ast.parse(src, fl)
    lst = []
    wksp = WORKSPACE(external, genfiles, vendor)

    for stmt in ast.walk(tree):
        stmttype = type(stmt)
        if stmttype == ast.Call:

            fn = getattr(wksp,, "")
            if not callable(fn):

            path, name = keywords(stmt)
            if path.endswith(".git"):
                path = path[:-4]
            path = pathmap.get(path, path)
            tup = fn(name, path)

    return lst
项目:dati-ckan-docker    作者:italia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk_python_files():
    Generator that yields all CKAN Python source files.

    Yields 2-tuples containing the filename in absolute and relative (to
    the project root) form.
    def _is_dir_ignored(root, d):
        if d.startswith(u'.'):
            return True
        return os.path.join(rel_root, d) in IGNORED_DIRS

    for abs_root, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(PROJECT_ROOT):
        rel_root = os.path.relpath(abs_root, PROJECT_ROOT)
        if rel_root == u'.':
            rel_root = u''
        dirnames[:] = [d for d in dirnames if not _is_dir_ignored(rel_root, d)]
        for filename in filenames:
            if not filename.endswith(u'.py'):
            abs_name = os.path.join(abs_root, filename)
            rel_name = os.path.join(rel_root, filename)
            yield abs_name, rel_name
项目:flake8-builtins    作者:gforcada    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self):
        tree = self.tree

        if self.filename == 'stdin':
            lines = stdin_utils.stdin_get_value()
            tree = ast.parse(lines)

        for statement in ast.walk(tree):
            for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(statement):
                child.__flake8_builtins_parent = statement

        for statement in ast.walk(tree):
            value = None
            if isinstance(statement, ast.Assign):
                value = self.check_assignment(statement)

            elif isinstance(statement, ast.FunctionDef):
                value = self.check_function_definition(statement)

            if value:
                for line, offset, msg, rtype in value:
                    yield line, offset, msg, rtype
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk(node):
  Recursively yield all descendant nodes in the tree starting at ``node`` (including ``node``
  itself), using depth-first pre-order traversal (yieling parents before their children).

  This is similar to ``ast.walk()``, but with a different order, and it works for both ``ast`` and
  ``astroid`` trees. Also, as ``iter_children()``, it skips singleton nodes generated by ``ast``.
  iter_children = iter_children_func(node)
  done = set()
  stack = [node]
  while stack:
    current = stack.pop()
    assert current not in done    # protect againt infinite loop in case of a bad tree.

    yield current

    # Insert all children in reverse order (so that first child ends up on top of the stack).
    # This is faster than building a list and reversing it.
    ins = len(stack)
    for c in iter_children(current):
      stack.insert(ins, c)
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def print_timing(self):
    # pylint: disable=no-self-use
    # Test the implementation of asttokens.util.walk, which uses the same approach as
    # visit_tree(). This doesn't run as a normal unittest, but if you'd like to see timings, e.g.
    # after experimenting with the implementation, run this to see them:
    #     nosetests -i print_timing -s tests.test_util
    import timeit
    import textwrap
    setup = textwrap.dedent(
      import ast, asttokens
      source = "foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')"
      atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(source, parse=True)
    print("ast", sorted(timeit.repeat(
      setup=setup, number=10000,
    print("util", sorted(timeit.repeat(
      setup=setup, number=10000,
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_walk_ast(self):
    atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(self.source, parse=True)

    def view(node):
      return "%s:%s" % (node.__class__.__name__, atok.get_text(node))

    scan = [view(n) for n in asttokens.util.walk(atok.tree)]
    self.assertEqual(scan, [
      "Module:foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')",
      "Expr:foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')",
      "Call:foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')",
      'Call:bar(1 + 2)',
      'BinOp:1 + 2',
      "BinOp:'hello' + ', ' + 'world'",
      "BinOp:'hello' + ', '",
      "Str:', '",
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_walk_astroid(self):
    atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(self.source, tree=astroid.builder.parse(self.source))

    def view(node):
      return "%s:%s" % (node.__class__.__name__, atok.get_text(node))

    scan = [view(n) for n in asttokens.util.walk(atok.tree)]
    self.assertEqual(scan, [
      "Module:foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')",
      "Expr:foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')",
      "Call:foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')",
      'Call:bar(1 + 2)',
      'BinOp:1 + 2',
      "BinOp:'hello' + ', ' + 'world'",
      "BinOp:'hello' + ', '",
      "Const:', '",
项目:asttokens    作者:gristlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_replace(self):
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace("this is a test", [(0, 4, "X"), (8, 9, "THE")]),
                     "X is THE test")
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace("this is a test", []), "this is a test")
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace("this is a test", [(7,7," NOT")]), "this is NOT a test")

    source = "foo(bar(1 + 2), 'hello' + ', ' + 'world')"
    atok = asttokens.ASTTokens(source, parse=True)
    names = [n for n in asttokens.util.walk(atok.tree) if isinstance(n, ast.Name)]
    strings = [n for n in asttokens.util.walk(atok.tree) if isinstance(n, ast.Str)]
    repl1 = [atok.get_text_range(n) + ('TEST',) for n in names]
    repl2 = [atok.get_text_range(n) + ('val',) for n in strings]
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace(source, repl1 + repl2),
                     "TEST(TEST(1 + 2), val + val + val)")
    self.assertEqual(asttokens.util.replace(source, repl2 + repl1),
                     "TEST(TEST(1 + 2), val + val + val)")
项目:MDT    作者:cbclab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _fine_property_definition(self, property_name):
        """Find the lines in the source code that contain this property's name and definition.

        This function can find both attribute assignments as well as methods/functions.

            property_name (str): the name of the property to look up in the template definition

            tuple: line numbers for the start and end of the attribute definition
        for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(self._source)):
            if isinstance(node, ast.Assign) and node.targets[0].id == property_name:
                return node.targets[0].lineno - 1, self._get_node_line_end(node)
            elif isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef) and == property_name:
                return node.lineno - 1, self._get_node_line_end(node)
        raise ValueError('The requested node could not be found.')
项目:execnet    作者:pytest-dev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_non_builtin_globals(source, codeobj):
        import ast
    except ImportError:
        return None
        import __builtin__
    except ImportError:
        import builtins as __builtin__

    vars = dict.fromkeys(codeobj.co_varnames)
    return [ for node in ast.walk(ast.parse(source))
        if isinstance(node, ast.Name) and not in vars and not in __builtin__.__dict__
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:bandit-ss    作者:zeroSteiner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def linerange(node):
    """Get line number range from a node."""
    strip = {"body": None, "orelse": None,
             "handlers": None, "finalbody": None}
    for key in strip.keys():
        if hasattr(node, key):
            strip[key] = getattr(node, key)
            setattr(node, key, [])

    lines_min = 9999999999
    lines_max = -1
    for n in ast.walk(node):
        if hasattr(n, 'lineno'):
            lines_min = min(lines_min, n.lineno)
            lines_max = max(lines_max, n.lineno)

    for key in strip.keys():
        if strip[key] is not None:
            setattr(node, key, strip[key])

    if lines_max > -1:
        return list(range(lines_min, lines_max + 1))
    return [0, 1]
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:vizgen    作者:uva-graphics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_orig_line_from_s_orig(s_orig, line_no):
    if(line_no == None):
        return -1
    node = py_ast.get_ast(s_orig)
    nodeList = [i for i in ast.walk(node) if (hasattr(i, 'lineno') and hasattr(i, 'orig_lineno') and i.lineno == line_no)]
    if(len(nodeList) == 0):
        #print("------ get_orig_line_from_s_orig begin--------")
        #print("------ get_orig_line_from_s_orig end--------")
        #print("cannot find lineno")
        #node = preprocess.add_str_node(node)
        #nodeList2 = [i for i in ast.walk(node) if (hasattr(i, 'lineno') and hasattr(i, 'orig_lineno') and i.lineno == line_no)]
        #if(len(nodeList2) == 0):
        return line_no

    return nodeList[0].orig_lineno
项目:vizgen    作者:uva-graphics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_ast(source_prog):
    """Returns the ast of the program, with comments converted into string 
        source_prog, string, string version of the source code
    wrapped_str = comment_to_str(source_prog, TRANS_PREFIXES)
    node = ast.parse(wrapped_str)
    nodeList = [i for i in ast.walk(node) if (isinstance(i, ast.stmt))]
    for i in nodeList:
            #i.orig_lineno = 1
            temp = getLineNum(i)
            if(temp != -1):
                i.orig_lineno = temp
                #a = 1
    nodeList = [i for i in ast.walk(node)]
    for i in nodeList:
            delattr(i, 'parent')
    return node
项目:chainercv    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    args = parser.parse_args()

    n_err = 0

    for dir, _, files in os.walk(args.dir):
        for file in files:
            _, ext = os.path.splitext(file)
            if not ext == '.py':
            path = os.path.join(dir, file)
            lines = open(path).readlines()

            for lineno, msg in check(''.join(lines)):
                print('{:s}:{:d} : {:s}'.format(path, lineno, msg))
                print(lines[lineno - 1])

                n_err += 1

    if n_err > 0:
        sys.exit('{:d} style errors are found.'.format(n_err))
项目:Python-FMI    作者:TsHristov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_nesting(self, **kwargs):
        """Inspect the code for too much nested expressions."""
            max_nesting = kwargs['max_nesting']
        except KeyError:
        # Traverse the nodes and find those that are nested
        # (have 'body' attribute).
        nodes = [(node, node.lineno) for node
                 in ast.walk(self.parsed_code.body[0])
                 if hasattr(node, 'body')]
        nesting_level = len(nodes)
        if nesting_level > max_nesting:
            # The line number where the error was found
            # is the next one (thus + 1):
            line_number = nodes[-1][1] + 1
                    nesting_level, max_nesting
项目:Python-FMI    作者:TsHristov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_indentation(self, **kwargs):
        """Inspect the code for indentation size errors."""
            indentation_size = kwargs['indentation_size']
        except KeyError:
            # Use the default value instead:
            indentation_size = self.DEFAULT_RULES['indentation_size']
        # Traverse the nodes and find those that are nested
        # (have 'body' attribute).
        nodes = [node for node in ast.walk(self.parsed_code.body[0])
                 if hasattr(node, 'body')]
        # Use the previous line offset
        # as a guide for the next line indentation.
        last_offset = 0
        for node in nodes:
            line_number = node.body[0].lineno
            col_offset = node.body[0].col_offset
            if col_offset > last_offset + indentation_size:
                offset = col_offset - last_offset
                    self.code_errors.indentation(offset, indentation_size)
            last_offset = col_offset
项目:Python-FMI    作者:TsHristov    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def check_methods_per_class(self, **kwargs):
           Inspect the code for too many methods per
            methods_per_class = kwargs['methods_per_class']
        except KeyError:
        klass = self.parsed_code.body[0]
        if not isinstance(klass, ast.ClassDef):
        methods = [(node, node.lineno) for node in ast.walk(klass)
                   if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)]
            # Get the last method of the class
            # and its line number:
            line_number = methods[-1][1]
                    len(methods), methods_per_class
        except IndexError:
项目:Typpete    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk(self, prog_ast):
        result = list(ast.walk(prog_ast))
        import_nodes = [node for node in result if isinstance(node, ast.Import)]
        import_from_nodes = [node for node in result if isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom)]
        for node in import_nodes:
            for name in node.names:
                if ImportHandler.is_builtin(
                    new_ast = ImportHandler.get_builtin_ast(
                    new_ast = ImportHandler.get_module_ast(, self.base_folder)
                result += self.walk(new_ast)
        for node in import_from_nodes:
            if node.module == "typing":
                # FIXME ignore typing for now, not to break type vars
            if ImportHandler.is_builtin(node.module):
                new_ast = ImportHandler.get_builtin_ast(node.module)
                new_ast = ImportHandler.get_module_ast(node.module, self.base_folder)
            result += self.walk(new_ast)

        return result
项目:focuson    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ingest(self, rootdir):
        Collect all the .py files to perform analysis upon
        if not os.path.isdir(rootdir):
            raise Exception("directory %s passed in is not a dir" % rootdir)

        self.__target_dir = rootdir 

        # walk the dirs/files
        for root, subdir, files in os.walk(self.__target_dir):
            for f in files:
                if f.endswith(".py"):
                    fullpath = root + os.sep + f
                    contents = file(fullpath).read()
                    tree = ast.parse(contents)
                    self.__fn_to_ast[fullpath] = tree 

        # potentially analyze .html files for jinja templates
        if self.perform_jinja_analysis:
            self.__template_dir = self.get_template_dir()
项目:focuson    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_template_dir(self):
        # web-p2 is web-p2/partners/templates
        # login is login/templates
        # TODO: look for invocations of `jinja2.Environment` and see if
        # we can pull the template directory / package from there? Should work
        # for most.
        template_dirs = set()
        for root, subdir, files in os.walk(self.__target_dir):
            for fname in files:
                fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
                if fname.endswith(".html"):
                    with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
                        # Hmm, smells like a jinja template!
                        if b"{%" in
        # If there are multiple template directories in a repo we might need
        # repo-specific overrides.
        return None if not template_dirs else os.path.commonprefix(template_dirs)
项目:focuson    作者:uber    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_template_dir(self):
        """ return the directory containing jinja2 templates
            ex:  web-p2 is web-p2/partners/templates
        template_dirs = set()
        for root, subdir, files in os.walk(self.__target_dir):
            for fname in files:
                fpath = os.path.join(root, fname)
                if fname.endswith(".html"):
                    with open(fpath, "rb") as f:
                        # Hmm, smells like a jinja template!
                        if b"{%" in
        # If there are multiple template directories in a repo we might need
        # repo-specific overrides.
        return None if not template_dirs else os.path.commonprefix(template_dirs)
项目:offshoot    作者:SerpentAI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def file_contains_pluggable(file_path, pluggable):
    plugin_class = None

        with open(file_path, "r") as f:
            syntax_tree = ast.parse(
    except FileNotFoundError:
        return [False, None]

    for statement in ast.walk(syntax_tree):
        if isinstance(statement, ast.ClassDef):
            class_name =

            bases = list(map(lambda b: if isinstance(b, ast.Name) else b.attr, statement.bases))

            if pluggable in bases:
                plugin_class = class_name

    return [plugin_class is not None, plugin_class]
项目:pynd    作者:d0ugal    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _walk_files(self, path):
        """Walk paths and yield Python paths

        Directories and files are yielded in alphabetical order. Directories
        starting with a "." are skipped. As are those that match any provided
        ignore patterns.

        if os.path.isfile(path):
            yield path
        elif not os.path.isdir(path):
            LOG.error("The path '%s' can't be found.", path)
            raise StopIteration

        for root, dirs, filenames in os.walk(path):
            # Remove dot-directories from the dirs list.
            dirs[:] = sorted(d for d in dirs if not d.startswith('.') and
                             not self._is_ignored(d))
            for filename in sorted(filenames):
                if self._is_python(filename):
                    yield os.path.join(root, filename)
项目:pynd    作者:d0ugal    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _walk_ast(self, node, top=False):
        if not hasattr(node, 'parent'):
            node.parent = None
            node.parents = []
        for field, value in ast.iter_fields(node):
            if isinstance(value, list):
                for index, item in enumerate(value):
                    if isinstance(item, ast.AST):
                        self._set_parnt_fields(item, node, field, index)
            elif isinstance(value, ast.AST):
                self._set_parnt_fields(value, node, field)

        if top:
            return ast.walk(node)
项目:py101    作者:sophilabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def runTest(self):
        """Makes a simple test of the output"""

        body = ast.parse(self.candidate_code, self.file_name, 'exec')
        code = compile(self.candidate_code, self.file_name, 'exec')

        format_nodes = [
            for node in ast.walk(body)
            if isinstance(node, ast.Attribute) and
            node.attr == 'format' and
            isinstance(node.value, ast.Str) and
            '{}' in node.value.s

            "It should have at one format call with curly braces {}"

        self.assertMultiLineEqual('Talk is cheap. Show me the code.\n',
                                  'Output is not correct')
项目:py101    作者:sophilabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def runTest(self):
        """Makes a simple test of the output"""

        body = ast.parse(self.candidate_code, self.file_name, 'exec')
        code = compile(self.candidate_code, self.file_name, 'exec')

        mult_instructions = [
            node for node in ast.walk(body)
            if isinstance(node, ast.Mult)
                           "It should have at least one duplication"
                                  "Should have printed ka 10 times")
项目:py101    作者:sophilabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def runTest(self):
        """Makes a simple test of the output"""

        body = ast.parse(self.candidate_code, self.file_name, 'exec')
        code = compile(self.candidate_code, self.file_name, 'exec', optimize=0)

        if_statements = [
            for node in ast.walk(body)
            if isinstance(node, ast.If)
                           "Should have at least on if statement")

                                  "Output should be correct")
项目:GSM-scanner    作者:yosriayed    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:GSM-scanner    作者:yosriayed    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:py    作者:pytest-dev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_statement_startend2(lineno, node):
    import ast
    # flatten all statements and except handlers into one lineno-list
    # AST's line numbers start indexing at 1
    l = []
    for x in ast.walk(node):
        if isinstance(x, _ast.stmt) or isinstance(x, _ast.ExceptHandler):
            l.append(x.lineno - 1)
            for name in "finalbody", "orelse":
                val = getattr(x, name, None)
                if val:
                    # treat the finally/orelse part as its own statement
                    l.append(val[0].lineno - 1 - 1)
    insert_index = bisect_right(l, lineno)
    start = l[insert_index - 1]
    if insert_index >= len(l):
        end = None
        end = l[insert_index]
    return start, end
项目:tredparse    作者:humanlongevity    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_init(self, filename=""):
        """ Get various info from the package without importing them
        import ast

        with open(filename) as init_file:
            module = ast.parse(

        itr = lambda x: (ast.literal_eval(node.value) for node in ast.walk(module) \
            if isinstance(node, ast.Assign) and node.targets[0].id == x)

            return next(itr("__author__")), \
                   next(itr("__email__")), \
                   next(itr("__license__")), \
        except StopIteration:
            raise ValueError("One of author, email, license, or version"
                        " cannot be found in {}".format(filename))
项目:cohesion    作者:mschwager    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_instance_variables(node, bound_name_classifier=BOUND_METHOD_ARGUMENT_NAME):
    Return instance variables used in an AST node
    node_attributes = [
        for child in ast.walk(node)
        if isinstance(child, ast.Attribute) and
        get_attribute_name_id(child) == bound_name_classifier
    node_function_call_names = [
        for child in ast.walk(node)
        if isinstance(child, ast.Call)
    node_instance_variables = [
        for attribute in node_attributes
        if get_object_name(attribute) not in node_function_call_names
    return node_instance_variables
项目:python-holdup    作者:ionelmc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, expr):
        self.expr = expr
        self.ns = {}
            tree = ast.parse(expr)
        except SyntaxError as exc:
            raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Invalid service spec %r. Parse error:\n'
                                             '  %s %s^\n'
                                             '%s' % (expr, exc.text, ' '*exc.offset, exc))
        for node in ast.walk(tree):
            if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
                if not hasattr(builtins,
                    except ImportError as exc:
                        raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError('Invalid service spec %r. Import error: %s' % (expr, exc))
                    self.ns[] = sys.modules[]
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def childHasTag(a, tag):
    """ Includes the AST itself"""
    if hasattr(a, tag):
        return True
    if type(a) == list:
        for child in a:
            if childHasTag(child, tag):
                return True
        return False
    elif not isinstance(a, ast.AST):
        return False
    for node in ast.walk(a):
        if hasattr(node, tag):
            return True
    return False
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hasMultiComp(a):
    if not isinstance(a, ast.AST):
        return False
    for node in ast.walk(a):
        if hasattr(node, "multiComp") and node.multiComp:
            return True
    return False