def _is_numeric_pow(self, node: ast.BinOp) -> bool: if isinstance(node.op, ast.Pow): left, right = node.left, node.right if isinstance(left, (ast.Name, ast.Num)): if isinstance(right, ast.Num): degree = right.n elif isinstance(right, ast.UnaryOp)\ and isinstance(right.op, (ast.USub, ast.UAdd))\ and isinstance(right.operand, ast.Num): degree = right.operand.n else: return False if isinstance(degree, float): degree = int(degree) if degree.is_integer() else degree return isinstance(degree, int) return False
def num_negate(op): top = type(op) neg = not op.num_negated if hasattr(op, "num_negated") else True if top == ast.Add: newOp = ast.Sub() elif top == ast.Sub: newOp = ast.Add() elif top in [ast.Mult, ast.Div, ast.Mod, ast.Pow, ast.LShift, ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd, ast.FloorDiv]: return None # can't negate this elif top in [ast.Num, ast.Name]: # this is a normal value, so put a - in front of it newOp = ast.UnaryOp(ast.USub(addedNeg=True), op) else: log("astTools\tnum_negate\tUnusual type: " + str(top), "bug") transferMetaData(op, newOp) newOp.num_negated = neg return newOp
def _UnaryOp(self, t): self.write("(") self.write(self.unop[t.op.__class__.__name__]) self.write(" ") # If we're applying unary minus to a number, parenthesize the number. # This is necessary: -2147483648 is different from -(2147483648) on # a 32-bit machine (the first is an int, the second a long), and # -7j is different from -(7j). (The first has real part 0.0, the second # has real part -0.0.) if isinstance(t.op, ast.USub) and isinstance(t.operand, ast.Num): self.write("(") self.dispatch(t.operand) self.write(")") else: self.dispatch(t.operand) self.write(")")
def eval_numeric_constexpr(node: ast.AST) -> int: if isinstance(node, ast.Num): return node.n if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): if isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd): return +eval_numeric_constexpr(node.operand) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.USub): return -eval_numeric_constexpr(node.operand) else: return None if isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add): return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) + eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub): return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) - eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Mult): return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) * eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Div): return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) / eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right) return None
def eval_expr(expr): import ast import operator as op op = { ast.Add: op.add, ast.Sub: op.sub, ast.Mult: op.mul, ast.Div: op.truediv, ast.Pow: op.pow, ast.BitXor: op.xor, ast.USub: op.neg, } def eval_(node): if isinstance(node, ast.Num): return fractions.Fraction(node.n) elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): return op[type(node.op)](eval_(node.left), eval_(node.right)) elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): return op[type(node.op)](eval_(node.operand)) raise TypeError(node) return eval_(ast.parse(str(expr), mode='eval').body)
def visit_Num(self, t): # -0.0 is distinct from +0.0, but my compiler would mistakenly # coalesce the two, if both appear among the constants. Likewise # for -0.0 as a component of a complex number. As a hack, instead # of handling this case correctly in the compiler, we just forbid # it. It's especially unlikely to crop up because the parser even # parses -0.0 as UnaryOp(op=USub(), operand=Num(0.0)) -- you'd # have to build the AST some other way, to get Num(-0.0). assert not has_negzero(t.n), "Negative-zero literals not supported: %r" % (t,)
def resolve_negative_literals(_ast): class RewriteUnaryOp(ast.NodeTransformer): def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): if isinstance(node.op, ast.USub) and isinstance(node.operand, ast.Num): node.operand.n = 0 - node.operand.n return node.operand else: return node return RewriteUnaryOp().visit(_ast) # Make a getter for a variable. This function gives an output that # contains lists of 4-tuples: # (i) the tail of the function name for the getter # (ii) the code for the arguments that the function takes # (iii) the code for the return # (iv) the output type # # Here is an example: # # Input: my_variable: {foo: num, bar: decimal[5]} # # Output: # # [('__foo', '', '.foo', 'num'), # ('__bar', 'arg0: num, ', '.bar[arg0]', 'decimal')] # # The getters will have code: # def get_my_variable__foo() -> num: return self.foo # def get_my_variable__bar(arg0: nun) -> decimal: return self.bar[arg0]
def unary_operations(self): operand = Expr.parse_value_expr(self.expr.operand, self.context) if isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.Not): # Note that in the case of bool, num, address, decimal, num256 AND bytes32, # a zero entry represents false, all others represent true return LLLnode.from_list(["iszero", operand], typ='bool', pos=getpos(self.expr)) elif isinstance(self.expr.op, ast.USub): if not is_numeric_type(operand.typ): raise TypeMismatchException("Unsupported type for negation: %r" % operand.typ, operand) return LLLnode.from_list(["sub", 0, operand], typ=operand.typ, pos=getpos(self.expr)) else: raise StructureException("Only the 'not' unary operator is supported") # Function calls
def visit_BinOp(self, node: ast.BinOp): node = self.generic_visit(node) if self._is_numeric_pow(node): left, right = node.left, node.right degree = ( right.n if isinstance(right, ast.Num) else -right.operand.n if isinstance(right.op, ast.USub) else right.operand.n ) degree = int(degree) if abs(degree) == 0: node = ast.copy_location(ast.Num(n = 1), node) elif abs(degree) == 1: node = node.left elif 2 <= abs(degree) <= self.MAX_DEGREE: for _ in range(1, abs(degree)): new_node = ast.BinOp\ ( left = left , op = ast.Mult() , right = copy(node.left) ) left = new_node = ast.copy_location(new_node, node) node = new_node else: return node if degree < 0: new_node = ast.BinOp\ ( left = ast.Num(n = 1) , op = ast.Div() , right = node ) node = ast.copy_location(new_node, node) return node
def turnPositive(a): """Take a negative number and make it positive""" if type(a) == ast.UnaryOp and type(a.op) == ast.USub: return a.operand elif type(a) == ast.Num and type(a.n) != complex and a.n < 0: a.n = a.n * -1 return a else: log("transformations\tturnPositive\tFailure: " + str(a), "bug") return a
def isNegative(a): """Is the give number negative?""" if type(a) == ast.UnaryOp and type(a.op) == ast.USub: return True elif type(a) == ast.Num and type(a.n) != complex and a.n < 0: return True else: return False
def doUnaryOp(op, val): """Perform the given AST unary operation on the value""" top = type(op) if top == ast.Invert: return ~ val elif top == ast.Not: return not val elif top == ast.UAdd: return val elif top == ast.USub: return -val
def _translate_unaryop(self, operand, op, location): value = operand if isinstance(op, ast.USub): value_node = self._translate_node(value) if value_node['pseudo_type'] != 'Int' and value_node['pseudo_type'] != 'Float': raise type_check_error('- expects Int or Float', location, self.lines[location[0]], wrong_type=value_node['pseudo_type']) if value_node['type'] == 'int': return { 'type': 'int', 'value': -value_node['value'], 'pseudo_type': 'Int' } else: return { 'type': 'unary_op', 'op': '-', 'value': value_node, 'pseudo_type': value_node['pseudo_type'] } elif isinstance(op, ast.Not): value_node = self._testable(self._translate_node(value)) if value_node['type'] == 'standard_method_call' and value_node['message'] == 'present?': value_node['message'] = 'empty?' return value_node else: return { 'type': 'unary_op', 'op': 'not', 'value': value_node, 'pseudo_type': 'Boolean' } else: raise translation_error('no support for %s as an unary op' % type(op).__name__, location, self.lines[location[0]], suggestions='not and - are supported')
def visitUnaryOp(self, node): import ast if isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd): return +self.visit(node.operand) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.USub): return -self.visit(node.operand) else: raise SyntaxError("Unknown unary op: %r" % node.op)
def visit_BinOp(self, node): if node.op.__class__ in self.operators: sympy_class = self.operators[node.op.__class__] right = self.visit(node.right) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub): right = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=right) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Div): right = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='Pow', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[right, ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=ast.Num(1))], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()))], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) new_node = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=sympy_class, ctx=ast.Load()), args=[self.visit(node.left), right], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()))], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) if sympy_class in ('Add', 'Mul'): # Denest Add or Mul as appropriate new_node.args = self.flatten(new_node.args, sympy_class) return new_node return node
def _get_constant(node, *, types=None): if isinstance(node, ast.Constant): return node.value if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(node.op, ast.USub): # FIXME: rely on constant folding for that! value = get_constant(node.operand, types=types) if value is UNSET: return UNSET return (-value) return UNSET
def visit_UnaryOp(self, node, **kwargs): if isinstance(node.op, (ast.Not, ast.Invert)): return UnaryOp('~', self.visit(node.operand)) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.USub): return self.const_type(-self.visit(node.operand).value, self.env) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd): raise NotImplementedError('Unary addition not supported')
def is_int_constant_py_ast(s): """ py_ast version on is_int_constant in redbaron_util.py """ s = s.strip() rootnode = get_ast(s).body if len(rootnode) == 1 and isinstance(rootnode[0], ast.Expr): node = rootnode[0].value if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): if isinstance(node.op, (ast.USub, ast.UAdd)): return isinstance(node.operand, ast.Num) else: return isinstance(node, ast.Num) return False
def TO_INT(node: ast) -> (bool, int): if isinstance(node, ast.Num): return (True, node.n) if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(node.operand, ast.Num): if isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd): return (True, +node.operand.n) if isinstance(node.op, ast.USub): return (True, -node.operand.n) error(loc(node), "Expected +/- Num") return (False, 0) error(loc(node), "Expected signed integer") return (False, 0)
def unop_str(op: ast.AST) -> str: if isinstance(op, ast.UAdd): return '+' if isinstance(op, ast.USub): return '-' if isinstance(op, ast.Not): return '!' if isinstance(op, ast.Invert): return '~' error(loc(op), "Invalid unary operator encountered: {0}:{1}. Check supported intrinsics.".format(op.lineno, op.col_offset)) return 'INVALID_UNOP'
def visit_UnaryOp(self, node): term = self.visit(node.operand) if self.__is_bool(term): if isinstance(node.op, ast.Not): return Not(term) elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Invert): return Not(term) else: raise Exception("Unsupported bool unary operation %s" % unparse(node)) if DATA_TYPE == "int": if isinstance(node.op, ast.USub): return -term elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Not): if is_is_int(term): term = term == IntVal(1) return Not(term) else: raise Exception("Unsupported integer unary operation %s" % unparse(node)) elif DATA_TYPE.startswith("bit_"): if isinstance(node.op, ast.Not): return ~term elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Invert): return ~term else: raise Exception("Unsupported bitvector unary operation %s" % unparse(node)) else: raise Exception("Unsupported unary operation %s" % unparse(node))
def mutate_UAdd(self, node): return ast.USub()
def Subscript_default(t, x): assert isinstance(x.slice, ast.Index) v = x.slice.value if isinstance(v, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(v.op, ast.USub): return JSSubscript( JSCall(JSAttribute(x.value, 'slice'), [v]), JSNum(0)) return JSSubscript(x.value, v)
def USub(t, x): "Handles tokens like '-1'" return JSOpUSub()
def ana_Unary_Name_constructor(self, ctx, e): id = e.operand.id if id != "Inf": raise _errors.TyError("Invalid ieee literal.", e) if not isinstance(e.op, (ast.UAdd, ast.USub)): raise _errors.TyError("Invalid unary operator on ieee literal.", e)
def syn_idx_Unary_Name_constructor(cls, ctx, e, inc_idx): id = e.operand.id if id != "Inf": raise _errors.TyError("Invalid ieee literal.", e) if not isinstance(e.op, (ast.UAdd, ast.USub)): raise _errors.TyError("Invalid unary operator on ieee literal.", e) return ()
def ana_pat_Unary_Name_constructor(self, ctx, pat): id = pat.operand.id if id != "Inf": raise _errors.TyError("Invalid ieee literal pattern.", pat) if not isinstance(pat.op, (ast.UAdd, ast.USub)): raise _errors.TyError( "Invalid unary operator on ieee literal pattern.", pat) return _util.odict()
def translate_pat_Unary_Name_constructor(self, ctx, pat, scrutinee_trans): if isinstance(pat.op, ast.USub): s = "-Inf" else: s = "Inf" condition = ast.Compare( left=scrutinee_trans, ops=[ast.Eq()], comparators=[ astx.builtin_call("float", [ast.Str(s=s)])] ) return (condition, _util.odict())
def _update(self): """update tkk """ # we don't need to update the base TKK value when it is still valid now = math.floor(int(time.time() * 1000) / 3600000.0) if self.tkk and int(self.tkk.split('.')[0]) == now: return r = self.session.get(self.host) # this will be the same as python code after stripping out a reserved word 'var' code = unicode(self.RE_TKK.search(r.text).group(1)).replace('var ', '') # unescape special ascii characters such like a \x3d(=) if PY3: # pragma: no cover code = code.encode().decode('unicode-escape') else: # pragma: no cover code = code.decode('string_escape') if code: tree = ast.parse(code) visit_return = False operator = '+' n, keys = 0, dict(a=0, b=0) for node in ast.walk(tree): if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): name = node.targets[0].id if name in keys: if isinstance(node.value, ast.Num): keys[name] = node.value.n # the value can sometimes be negative elif isinstance(node.value, ast.UnaryOp) and \ isinstance(node.value.op, ast.USub): # pragma: nocover keys[name] = -node.value.operand.n elif isinstance(node, ast.Return): # parameters should be set after this point visit_return = True elif visit_return and isinstance(node, ast.Num): n = node.n elif visit_return and n > 0: # the default operator is '+' but implement some more for # all possible scenarios if isinstance(node, ast.Add): # pragma: nocover pass elif isinstance(node, ast.Sub): # pragma: nocover operator = '-' elif isinstance(node, ast.Mult): # pragma: nocover operator = '*' elif isinstance(node, ast.Pow): # pragma: nocover operator = '**' elif isinstance(node, ast.BitXor): # pragma: nocover operator = '^' # a safety way to avoid Exceptions clause = compile('{1}{0}{2}'.format( operator, keys['a'], keys['b']), '', 'eval') value = eval(clause, dict(__builtin__={})) result = '{}.{}'.format(n, value) self.tkk = result
def _update(self): """update tkk """ # we don't need to update the base TKK value when it is still valid now = math.floor(int(time.time() * 1000) / 3600000.0) if self.tkk and int(self.tkk.split('.')[0]) == now: return r = self.session.get(self.host) # this will be the same as python code after stripping out a reserved word 'var' code = str(self.RE_TKK.search(r.text).group(1)).replace('var ', '') # unescape special ascii characters such like a \x3d(=) code = code.encode().decode('unicode-escape') if code: tree = ast.parse(code) visit_return = False operator = '+' n, keys = 0, dict(a=0, b=0) for node in ast.walk(tree): if isinstance(node, ast.Assign): name = node.targets[0].id if name in keys: if isinstance(node.value, ast.Num): keys[name] = node.value.n # the value can sometimes be negative elif isinstance(node.value, ast.UnaryOp) and \ isinstance(node.value.op, ast.USub): # pragma: nocover keys[name] = -node.value.operand.n elif isinstance(node, ast.Return): # parameters should be set after this point visit_return = True elif visit_return and isinstance(node, ast.Num): n = node.n elif visit_return and n > 0: # the default operator is '+' but implement some more for # all possible scenarios if isinstance(node, ast.Add): # pragma: nocover pass elif isinstance(node, ast.Sub): # pragma: nocover operator = '-' elif isinstance(node, ast.Mult): # pragma: nocover operator = '*' elif isinstance(node, ast.Pow): # pragma: nocover operator = '**' elif isinstance(node, ast.BitXor): # pragma: nocover operator = '^' # a safety way to avoid Exceptions clause = compile('{1}{0}{2}'.format( operator, keys['a'], keys['b']), '', 'eval') value = eval(clause, dict(__builtin__={})) result = '{}.{}'.format(n, value) self.tkk = result
def visit_BinOp(self, node): if node.op.__class__ in self.operators: sympy_class = self.operators[node.op.__class__] right = self.visit(node.right) left = self.visit(node.left) if isinstance(node.left, ast.UnaryOp) and (isinstance(node.right, ast.UnaryOp) == 0) and sympy_class in ('Mul',): left, right = right, left if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub): right = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=right) if isinstance(node.op, ast.Div): if isinstance(node.left, ast.UnaryOp): if isinstance(node.right,ast.UnaryOp): left, right = right, left left = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='Pow', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[left, ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=ast.Num(1))], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()))], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) else: right = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id='Pow', ctx=ast.Load()), args=[right, ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=ast.Num(1))], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()))], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) new_node = ast.Call( func=ast.Name(id=sympy_class, ctx=ast.Load()), args=[left, right], keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()))], starargs=None, kwargs=None ) if sympy_class in ('Add', 'Mul'): # Denest Add or Mul as appropriate new_node.args = self.flatten(new_node.args, sympy_class) return new_node return node
def _aslimit(value, lc): if isinstance(value, string_types): module = ast.parse(value) if isinstance(module, ast.Module) and len(module.body) == 1 and isinstance(module.body[0], ast.Expr): def restrictedeval(expr): if isinstance(expr, ast.Num): return expr.n elif isinstance(expr, ast.Name) and expr.id == "inf": return femtocode.typesystem.inf elif isinstance(expr, ast.Name) and expr.id == "pi": return math.pi elif isinstance(expr, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(expr.op, ast.USub): return -restrictedeval(expr.operand) elif isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp) and isinstance(expr.op, ast.Add): return restrictedeval(expr.left) + restrictedeval(expr.right) elif isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp) and isinstance(expr.op, ast.Sub): return restrictedeval(expr.left) - restrictedeval(expr.right) elif isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp) and isinstance(expr.op, ast.Mult): return restrictedeval(expr.left) * restrictedeval(expr.right) elif isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp) and isinstance(expr.op, ast.Div): return restrictedeval(expr.left) / restrictedeval(expr.right) elif isinstance(expr, ast.BinOp) and isinstance(expr.op, ast.Pow): return restrictedeval(expr.left) ** restrictedeval(expr.right) elif isinstance(expr, ast.Call) and isinstance(expr.func, ast.Name) and expr.func.id == "almost" and len(expr.args) == 1 and len(expr.keywords) == 0 and expr.kwargs is None and expr.starargs is None: return femtocode.typesystem.almost(restrictedeval(expr.args[0])) else: raise DatasetDeclaration.Error(lc, "couldn't parse as a min/max/least/most limit: {0}".format(value)) return restrictedeval(module.body[0].value) elif isinstance(value, (int, long, float)): return value elif isinstance(value, femtocode.typesystem.almost) and isinstance(value.real, (int, long, float)): return value else: raise DatasetDeclaration.Error(lc, "unrecognized type for min/max/least/most limit: {0}".format(value))