Python ast 模块,UnaryOp() 实例源码


项目:viper    作者:ethereum    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, expr, context):
        self.expr = expr
        self.context = context
        self.expr_table = {
            LLLnode: self.get_expr,
            ast.Num: self.number,
            ast.Str: self.string,
            ast.NameConstant: self.constants,
            ast.Name: self.variables,
            ast.Attribute: self.attribute,
            ast.Subscript: self.subscript,
            ast.BinOp: self.arithmetic,
            ast.BoolOp: self.boolean_operations,
            ast.UnaryOp: self.unary_operations,
            ast.List: self.list_literals,
            ast.Dict: self.struct_literals,
            ast.Tuple: self.tuple_literals,
        expr_type = self.expr.__class__
        if expr_type in self.expr_table:
            self.lll_node = self.expr_table[expr_type]()
            raise Exception("Unsupported operator: %r" % ast.dump(self.expr))
项目:opyum    作者:Amper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _is_numeric_pow(self, node: ast.BinOp) -> bool:
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Pow):
            left, right = node.left, node.right
            if isinstance(left, (ast.Name, ast.Num)):
                if isinstance(right, ast.Num):
                    degree = right.n
                elif isinstance(right, ast.UnaryOp)\
                and  isinstance(right.op, (ast.USub, ast.UAdd))\
                and  isinstance(right.operand, ast.Num):
                    degree = right.operand.n
                    return False
                if isinstance(degree, float):
                    degree = int(degree) if degree.is_integer() else degree
                return isinstance(degree, int)
        return False
项目:sc-controller    作者:kozec    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_expr(expr):

    """ Eval and expression inside a #define using a suppart of python grammar """

    def _eval(node):
        if isinstance(node, ast.Num):
            return node.n
        elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
            return OPERATORS[type(node.op)](_eval(node.left), _eval(node.right))
        elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
            return OPERATORS[type(node.op)](_eval(node.operand))
        elif isinstance(node, ast.BoolOp):
            values = [_eval(x) for x in node.values]
            return OPERATORS[type(node.op)](**values)
            raise TypeError(node)

    return _eval(ast.parse(expr, mode='eval').body)
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def num_negate(op):
    top = type(op)
    neg = not op.num_negated if hasattr(op, "num_negated") else True
    if top == ast.Add:
        newOp = ast.Sub()
    elif top == ast.Sub:
        newOp = ast.Add()
    elif top in [ast.Mult, ast.Div, ast.Mod, ast.Pow, ast.LShift, 
                 ast.RShift, ast.BitOr, ast.BitXor, ast.BitAnd, ast.FloorDiv]:
        return None # can't negate this
    elif top in [ast.Num, ast.Name]:
        # this is a normal value, so put a - in front of it
        newOp = ast.UnaryOp(ast.USub(addedNeg=True), op)
        log("astTools\tnum_negate\tUnusual type: " + str(top), "bug")
    transferMetaData(op, newOp)
    newOp.num_negated = neg
    return newOp
项目:fatoptimizer    作者:vstinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_If(self, node):
        new_node = self._visit_if_while(node)
        if new_node is not None:
            return new_node

        if node.orelse and is_empty_body(node.orelse):
            self.log_node_removal("Remove dead code (empty else block of if)",
            new_node = copy_node(node)
            del new_node.orelse[:]
            node = new_node

        if is_empty_body(node.body) and not is_empty_body(node.orelse):
            self.log_node_removal("Remove dead code (empty if block)",
            new_node = copy_node(node)
            not_test = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.Not(), operand=node.test)
            copy_lineno(node.test, not_test)
            new_node = ast.If(test=not_test, body=new_node.orelse, orelse=[])
            copy_lineno(node, new_node)
            return new_node

        return node
项目:PYSL    作者:sparkon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_numeric_constexpr(node: ast.AST) -> int:
    if isinstance(node, ast.Num):
        return node.n
    if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd):
            return +eval_numeric_constexpr(node.operand)
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.USub):
            return -eval_numeric_constexpr(node.operand)
            return None
    if isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add):
            return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) + eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right)
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub):
            return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) - eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right)
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Mult):
            return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) * eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right)
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Div):
            return eval_numeric_constexpr(node.left) / eval_numeric_constexpr(node.right)
        return None
项目:bubblesub    作者:rr-    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_expr(expr):
    import ast
    import operator as op

    op = {
        ast.Add: op.add,
        ast.Sub: op.sub,
        ast.Mult: op.mul,
        ast.Div: op.truediv,
        ast.Pow: op.pow,
        ast.BitXor: op.xor,
        ast.USub: op.neg,

    def eval_(node):
        if isinstance(node, ast.Num):
            return fractions.Fraction(node.n)
        elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
            return op[type(node.op)](eval_(node.left), eval_(node.right))
        elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
            return op[type(node.op)](eval_(node.operand))
        raise TypeError(node)

    return eval_(ast.parse(str(expr), mode='eval').body)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_BoolOp(self, boolop):
        res_var = self.variable()
        expl_list = self.assign(ast.List([], ast.Load()))
        app = ast.Attribute(expl_list, "append", ast.Load())
        is_or = int(isinstance(boolop.op, ast.Or))
        body = save = self.statements
        fail_save = self.on_failure
        levels = len(boolop.values) - 1
        # Process each operand, short-circuting if needed.
        for i, v in enumerate(boolop.values):
            if i:
                fail_inner = []
                # cond is set in a prior loop iteration below
                self.on_failure.append(ast.If(cond, fail_inner, [])) # noqa
                self.on_failure = fail_inner
            res, expl = self.visit(v)
            body.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(res_var, ast.Store())], res))
            expl_format = self.pop_format_context(ast.Str(expl))
            call = ast_Call(app, [expl_format], [])
            if i < levels:
                cond = res
                if is_or:
                    cond = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), cond)
                inner = []
                self.statements.append(ast.If(cond, inner, []))
                self.statements = body = inner
        self.statements = save
        self.on_failure = fail_save
        expl_template = self.helper("format_boolop", expl_list, ast.Num(is_or))
        expl = self.pop_format_context(expl_template)
        return ast.Name(res_var, ast.Load()), self.explanation_param(expl)
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_UnaryOp(self, unary):
        pattern = unary_map[unary.op.__class__]
        operand_res, operand_expl = self.visit(unary.operand)
        res = self.assign(ast.UnaryOp(unary.op, operand_res))
        return res, pattern % (operand_expl,)
项目:opyum    作者:Amper    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_If(self, node):
        node = self.generic_visit(node)
        if (node.orelse 
        and len(node.orelse) == 1 
        and isinstance(node.orelse[0], ast.Pass)
            node.orelse = []
        if (len(node.body) == 1
        and isinstance(node.body[0], ast.Pass)
            if node.orelse:
                node_test = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.Not(), operand=node.test)
                if (len(node.orelse) == 1
                and isinstance(node.orelse[0], ast.If)
                    node_test   = ast.BoolOp\
                                        ( op     = ast.And()
                                        , values = [node_test, node.orelse[0].test]
                    node.test   = ast.copy_location(node_test, node.orelse[0].test)
                    node.body   = node.orelse[0].body
                    node.orelse = node.orelse[0].orelse
                    node.test   = ast.copy_location(node_test, node.test)
                    node.body   = node.orelse
                    node.orelse = []
                node = None
        return node
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isNegation(a, b):
    """Is a the negation of b?"""
    return compareASTs(deMorganize(ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), deepcopy(a))), b, checkEquality=True) == 0
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cleanupEquals(a):
    """Gets rid of silly blah == True statements that students make"""
    if not isinstance(a, ast.AST):
        return a
    if type(a) == ast.Call:
        a.func = cleanupEquals(a.func)
        for i in range(len(a.args)):
            # But test expressions don't carry through to function arguments
            a.args[i] = cleanupEquals(a.args[i])
        return a
    elif type(a) == ast.Compare and type(a.ops[0]) in [ast.Eq, ast.NotEq]:
        l = a.left = cleanupEquals(a.left)
        r = cleanupEquals(a.comparators[0])
        a.comparators = [r]
        if type(l) == ast.NameConstant and l.value in [True, False]:
            (l,r) = (r,l)
        # If we have (boolean expression) == True
        if type(r) == ast.NameConstant and r.value in [True, False] and (eventualType(l) == bool):
            # Matching types
            if (type(a.ops[0]) == ast.Eq and r.value == True) or \
                (type(a.ops[0]) == ast.NotEq and r.value == False):
                transferMetaData(a, l) # make sure to keep the original location
                return l
                tmp = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(addedNotOp=True), l)
                transferMetaData(a, tmp)
                return tmp
            return a
        return applyToChildren(a, cleanupEquals)
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isNegative(a):
    """Is the give number negative?"""
    if type(a) == ast.UnaryOp and type(a.op) == ast.USub:
        return True
    elif type(a) == ast.Num and type(a.n) != complex and a.n < 0:
        return True
        return False
项目:fz    作者:llllllllll    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _unop(self, *, _opnode=opnode, _sym=sym):
            return __class__(
                '%s%s' % (_sym, self._pname),
项目:zippy    作者:securesystemslab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_BinOp(self, node):
        if node.op.__class__ in self.operators:
            sympy_class = self.operators[node.op.__class__]
            right = self.visit(node.right)

            if isinstance(node.op, ast.Sub):
                right = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=right)
            elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Div):
                right = ast.Call(
                    func=ast.Name(id='Pow', ctx=ast.Load()),
                    args=[right, ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.USub(), operand=ast.Num(1))],
                    keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()))],

            new_node = ast.Call(
                func=ast.Name(id=sympy_class, ctx=ast.Load()),
                args=[self.visit(node.left), right],
                keywords=[ast.keyword(arg='evaluate', value=ast.Name(id='False', ctx=ast.Load()))],

            if sympy_class in ('Add', 'Mul'):
                # Denest Add or Mul as appropriate
                new_node.args = self.flatten(new_node.args, sympy_class)

            return new_node
        return node
项目    作者:Luavis    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_type(self, node):
        if isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
            left_type = self.get_type(node.left)
            right_type = self.get_type(node.right)

            if isinstance(node.op, ast.Add):
                if left_type.is_number and right_type.is_number:
                    return Type.NUMBER
                    return Type.STRING
            elif left_type.is_number and right_type.is_number:
                return Type.NUMBER
                raise CompileError("Can not '%s' operator with string." % node.op.__class__.__name__)
        elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
            if isinstance(operand, ast.Num):
                return Type.NUMBER
                raise SyntaxNotSupportError("Not support unary operator except number.")

        elif isinstance(node, ast.Num):
            return Type.NUMBER

        elif isinstance(node, ast.Str):
            return Type.STRING
        elif isinstance(node, ast.List):
            return Type.LIST
        elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
            args_type = [self.get_type(arg) for arg in node.args]
            return self.get_function_return_type(, args_type)
        elif isinstance(node, ast.Name):
            return self.variables[].var_type
项目:goldmine    作者:Armored-Dragon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eval_(node):
    """Calculate a mathematical expression."""
    if isinstance(node, ast.Num): # <number>
        return node.n
    elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp): # <left> <operator> <right>
        return operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.left), eval_(node.right))
    elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp): # <operator> <operand> e.g., -1
        return operators[type(node.op)](eval_(node.operand))
        raise TypeError(node)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_BoolOp(self, boolop):
        res_var = self.variable()
        expl_list = self.assign(ast.List([], ast.Load()))
        app = ast.Attribute(expl_list, "append", ast.Load())
        is_or = int(isinstance(boolop.op, ast.Or))
        body = save = self.statements
        fail_save = self.on_failure
        levels = len(boolop.values) - 1
        # Process each operand, short-circuting if needed.
        for i, v in enumerate(boolop.values):
            if i:
                fail_inner = []
                # cond is set in a prior loop iteration below
                self.on_failure.append(ast.If(cond, fail_inner, [])) # noqa
                self.on_failure = fail_inner
            res, expl = self.visit(v)
            body.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(res_var, ast.Store())], res))
            expl_format = self.pop_format_context(ast.Str(expl))
            call = ast_Call(app, [expl_format], [])
            if i < levels:
                cond = res
                if is_or:
                    cond = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), cond)
                inner = []
                self.statements.append(ast.If(cond, inner, []))
                self.statements = body = inner
        self.statements = save
        self.on_failure = fail_save
        expl_template = self.helper("format_boolop", expl_list, ast.Num(is_or))
        expl = self.pop_format_context(expl_template)
        return ast.Name(res_var, ast.Load()), self.explanation_param(expl)
项目:sslstrip-hsts-openwrt    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_UnaryOp(self, unary):
        pattern = unary_map[unary.op.__class__]
        operand_res, operand_expl = self.visit(unary.operand)
        res = self.assign(ast.UnaryOp(unary.op, operand_res))
        return res, pattern % (operand_expl,)
项目:vulture    作者:jendrikseipp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _safe_eval(node, default):
    Safely evaluate the Boolean expression under the given AST node.

    Substitute `default` for all sub-expressions that cannot be
    evaluated (because variables or functions are undefined).

    We could use eval() to evaluate more sub-expressions. However, this
    function is not safe for arbitrary Python code. Even after
    overwriting the "__builtins__" dictionary, the original dictionary
    can be restored

    if isinstance(node, ast.BoolOp):
        results = [_safe_eval(value, default) for value in node.values]
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.And):
            return all(results)
            return any(results)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(node.op, ast.Not):
        return not _safe_eval(node.operand, not default)
            return ast.literal_eval(node)
        except ValueError:
            return default
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_unaryop(self):
        u = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))
        self.expr(u, "must have Load context")
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_BoolOp(self, boolop):
        res_var = self.variable()
        expl_list = self.assign(ast.List([], ast.Load()))
        app = ast.Attribute(expl_list, "append", ast.Load())
        is_or = int(isinstance(boolop.op, ast.Or))
        body = save = self.statements
        fail_save = self.on_failure
        levels = len(boolop.values) - 1
        # Process each operand, short-circuting if needed.
        for i, v in enumerate(boolop.values):
            if i:
                fail_inner = []
                # cond is set in a prior loop iteration below
                self.on_failure.append(ast.If(cond, fail_inner, [])) # noqa
                self.on_failure = fail_inner
            res, expl = self.visit(v)
            body.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(res_var, ast.Store())], res))
            expl_format = self.pop_format_context(ast.Str(expl))
            call = ast_Call(app, [expl_format], [])
            if i < levels:
                cond = res
                if is_or:
                    cond = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), cond)
                inner = []
                self.statements.append(ast.If(cond, inner, []))
                self.statements = body = inner
        self.statements = save
        self.on_failure = fail_save
        expl_template = self.helper("format_boolop", expl_list, ast.Num(is_or))
        expl = self.pop_format_context(expl_template)
        return ast.Name(res_var, ast.Load()), self.explanation_param(expl)
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_UnaryOp(self, unary):
        pattern = unary_map[unary.op.__class__]
        operand_res, operand_expl = self.visit(unary.operand)
        res = self.assign(ast.UnaryOp(unary.op, operand_res))
        return res, pattern % (operand_expl,)
项目:godot-python    作者:touilleMan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_BoolOp(self, boolop):
        res_var = self.variable()
        expl_list = self.assign(ast.List([], ast.Load()))
        app = ast.Attribute(expl_list, "append", ast.Load())
        is_or = int(isinstance(boolop.op, ast.Or))
        body = save = self.statements
        fail_save = self.on_failure
        levels = len(boolop.values) - 1
        # Process each operand, short-circuting if needed.
        for i, v in enumerate(boolop.values):
            if i:
                fail_inner = []
                # cond is set in a prior loop iteration below
                self.on_failure.append(ast.If(cond, fail_inner, [])) # noqa
                self.on_failure = fail_inner
            res, expl = self.visit(v)
            body.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(res_var, ast.Store())], res))
            expl_format = self.pop_format_context(ast.Str(expl))
            call = ast_Call(app, [expl_format], [])
            if i < levels:
                cond = res
                if is_or:
                    cond = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), cond)
                inner = []
                self.statements.append(ast.If(cond, inner, []))
                self.statements = body = inner
        self.statements = save
        self.on_failure = fail_save
        expl_template = self.helper("format_boolop", expl_list, ast.Num(is_or))
        expl = self.pop_format_context(expl_template)
        return ast.Name(res_var, ast.Load()), self.explanation_param(expl)
项目:fatoptimizer    作者:vstinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_constant(node, *, types=None):
    if isinstance(node, ast.Constant):
        return node.value
    if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(node.op, ast.USub):
        # FIXME: rely on constant folding for that!
        value = get_constant(node.operand, types=types)
        if value is UNSET:
            return UNSET
        return (-value)
    return UNSET
项目:vizgen    作者:uva-graphics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rewrite_expr_z3(r, is_py_ast=True):

    # Rewrites py_ast expression to a str expression that could be used in z3
    # Return (z3_expr_str, z3_varnames)
    z3_expr_str = (py_ast.dump_ast(r) if is_py_ast else r).strip()
    z3_expr_str = z3_expr_str.replace('.', '_').replace('[', '_').replace(']', '_')

    rp = py_ast.get_ast(z3_expr_str).body[0].value
    for node in py_ast.find_all(rp, ast.UnaryOp):
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.Not):
            if rp == node:
                rp = py_ast.get_ast('z3.Not(' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.operand) + ')').body[0].value
                py_ast.replace_node(rp, node, py_ast.get_ast('z3.Not(' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.operand) + ')').body[0].value)
    for node in py_ast.find_all(rp, ast.BoolOp):
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.And):
            if rp == node:
                rp = py_ast.get_ast('z3.And(' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.values[0]) + ',' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.values[1]) + ')')
                py_ast.replace_node(rp, node, py_ast.get_ast('z3.And(' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.values[0]) + ',' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.values[1]) + ')'))
        elif isinstance(node.op, ast.Or):
            if rp == node:
                rp = py_ast.get_ast('z3.Or(' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.values[0]) + ',' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.values[1]) + ')')
                py_ast.replace_node(rp, node, py_ast.get_ast('z3.Or(' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.values[0]) + ',' + py_ast.dump_ast(node.values[1]) + ')'))
    z3_expr_str = py_ast.dump_ast(rp)

    z3_vars = set()
    for node in py_ast.find_all(rp, ast.Name):
    return (z3_expr_str, z3_vars)
项目:vizgen    作者:uva-graphics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_int_constant_py_ast(s):
    py_ast version on is_int_constant in
    s = s.strip()
    rootnode = get_ast(s).body
    if len(rootnode) == 1 and isinstance(rootnode[0], ast.Expr):
        node = rootnode[0].value
        if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
            if isinstance(node.op, (ast.USub, ast.UAdd)):
                return isinstance(node.operand, ast.Num)
            return isinstance(node, ast.Num)
    return False
项目:PYSL    作者:sparkon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def TO_INT(node: ast) -> (bool, int):
    if isinstance(node, ast.Num):
        return (True, node.n)
    if isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(node.operand, ast.Num):
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.UAdd):
            return (True, +node.operand.n)
        if isinstance(node.op, ast.USub):
            return (True, -node.operand.n)
        error(loc(node), "Expected +/- Num")
        return (False, 0)
    error(loc(node), "Expected signed integer")
    return (False, 0)
项目:TerpreT    作者:51alg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rhs_function(node):
    if not isinstance(node, ast.Assign): return None
    rhs = node.value
    if isinstance(rhs, ast.Call):
        return rhs
    elif isinstance(rhs, ast.BinOp):
        return rhs
    elif isinstance(rhs, ast.UnaryOp):
        return rhs
    elif isinstance(rhs, ast.Subscript):
        return rhs
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_unaryop(self):
        u = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))
        self.expr(u, "must have Load context")
项目:hazzy    作者:KurtJacobson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, operators=None, functions=None, names=None):
            Create the evaluator instance.  Set up valid operators (+,-, etc)
            functions (add, random, get_val, whatever) and names. """

        if not operators:
            operators = DEFAULT_OPERATORS
        if not functions:
            functions = DEFAULT_FUNCTIONS
        if not names:
            names = DEFAULT_NAMES

        self.operators = operators
        self.functions = functions
        self.names = names

        self.nodes = {
            ast.Num: self._eval_num,
            ast.Str: self._eval_str,
            ast.Name: self._eval_name,
            ast.UnaryOp: self._eval_unaryop,
            ast.BinOp: self._eval_binop,
            ast.BoolOp: self._eval_boolop,
            ast.Compare: self._eval_compare,
            ast.IfExp: self._eval_ifexp,
            ast.Call: self._eval_call,
            ast.keyword: self._eval_keyword,
            ast.Subscript: self._eval_subscript,
            ast.Attribute: self._eval_attribute,
            ast.Index: self._eval_index,
            ast.Slice: self._eval_slice,

        # py3k stuff:
        if hasattr(ast, 'NameConstant'):
            self.nodes[ast.NameConstant] = self._eval_nameconstant
        elif isinstance(self.names, dict) and "None" not in self.names:
            self.names["None"] = None
项目:mutpy    作者:mutpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def negate_test(self, node):
        not_node = ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.Not(), operand=node.test)
        node.test = not_node
        return node
项目:mutpy    作者:mutpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_generate_if_node_child(self):
        node = ast.Sub(children=[])
        mutations = [

        changes_to_apply = self.apply_strategy_to_mutations_with_order_2(controller.FirstToLastHOMStrategy, mutations)

        self.assert_num_changesets(changes_to_apply, 2)
        self.assert_num_changeset_entries(changes_to_apply, 0, 1)
        self.assert_mutation_in_changeset_at_position_equals(changes_to_apply, 0, 0, mutations[0])
        self.assert_num_changeset_entries(changes_to_apply, 1, 1)
        self.assert_mutation_in_changeset_at_position_equals(changes_to_apply, 1, 0, mutations[1])
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_unaryop(self):
        u = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))
        self.expr(u, "must have Load context")
项目:GSM-scanner    作者:yosriayed    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_BoolOp(self, boolop):
        res_var = self.variable()
        expl_list = self.assign(ast.List([], ast.Load()))
        app = ast.Attribute(expl_list, "append", ast.Load())
        is_or = int(isinstance(boolop.op, ast.Or))
        body = save = self.statements
        fail_save = self.on_failure
        levels = len(boolop.values) - 1
        # Process each operand, short-circuting if needed.
        for i, v in enumerate(boolop.values):
            if i:
                fail_inner = []
                # cond is set in a prior loop iteration below
                self.on_failure.append(ast.If(cond, fail_inner, [])) # noqa
                self.on_failure = fail_inner
            res, expl = self.visit(v)
            body.append(ast.Assign([ast.Name(res_var, ast.Store())], res))
            expl_format = self.pop_format_context(ast.Str(expl))
            call = ast_Call(app, [expl_format], [])
            if i < levels:
                cond = res
                if is_or:
                    cond = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), cond)
                inner = []
                self.statements.append(ast.If(cond, inner, []))
                self.statements = body = inner
        self.statements = save
        self.on_failure = fail_save
        expl_template = self.helper("format_boolop", expl_list, ast.Num(is_or))
        expl = self.pop_format_context(expl_template)
        return ast.Name(res_var, ast.Load()), self.explanation_param(expl)
项目:GSM-scanner    作者:yosriayed    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_UnaryOp(self, unary):
        pattern = unary_map[unary.op.__class__]
        operand_res, operand_expl = self.visit(unary.operand)
        res = self.assign(ast.UnaryOp(unary.op, operand_res))
        return res, pattern % (operand_expl,)
项目:femtocode    作者:diana-hep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pythonast(self, args, tonative=False):
        return ast.UnaryOp(ast.UAdd(), args[0])
项目:femtocode    作者:diana-hep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pythonast(self, args, tonative=False):
        return ast.UnaryOp(ast.USub(), args[0])
项目:femtocode    作者:diana-hep    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pythonast(self, args, tonative=False):
        return ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), args[0])
项目:metapensiero.pj    作者:azazel75    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Subscript_default(t, x):
    assert isinstance(x.slice, ast.Index)
    v = x.slice.value
    if isinstance(v, ast.UnaryOp) and isinstance(v.op, ast.USub):
        return JSSubscript(
            JSCall(JSAttribute(x.value, 'slice'), [v]),
    return JSSubscript(x.value, v)
项目:metapensiero.pj    作者:azazel75    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def UnaryOp(t, x):
    return JSUnaryOp(x.op, x.operand)
项目:selinon    作者:selinon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ast(self):
        """Python AST of this predicate (construct transitively for all indirect children as well).

        :return: AST of describing all children predicates
        return ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), ast.Expr(value=self._child.ast()))
项目:selinon    作者:selinon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ast(self):
        """Python AST of this predicate (construct transitively for all indirect children as well).

        :return: AST of describing all children predicates
        return ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), ast.Expr(value=self._child.ast()))
项目:peval    作者:fjarri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_UnaryOp(state, node, ctx):
        state, result = peval_call(
            state, ctx, UNARY_OPS[type(node.op)], args=[node.operand])
        if not is_known_value(result):
            state = state.update(temp_bindings=state.temp_bindings.del_(
            result = ast.UnaryOp(op=node.op, operand=result.args[0])
        return state, result
项目:tidy    作者:cyrus-    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def translate_pat_Name_constructor(self, ctx, pat, scrutinee):
        id =
        if id == "True":
            return (scrutinee, typy.odict())
        elif id == "False":
            return (ast.UnaryOp(op=ast.Not(), operand=scrutinee), typy.odict())
项目:flake8-bugbear    作者:PyCQA    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_UAdd(self, node):
        trailing_nodes = list(map(type, self.node_window[-4:]))
        if trailing_nodes == [ast.UnaryOp, ast.UAdd, ast.UnaryOp, ast.UAdd]:
            originator = self.node_window[-4]
                B002(originator.lineno, originator.col_offset)
项目:googletranslate.popclipext    作者:wizyoung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _update(self):
        """update tkk
        # we don't need to update the base TKK value when it is still valid
        now = math.floor(int(time.time() * 1000) / 3600000.0)
        if self.tkk and int(self.tkk.split('.')[0]) == now:

        r = self.session.get(
        # this will be the same as python code after stripping out a reserved word 'var'
        code = unicode('var ', '')
        # unescape special ascii characters such like a \x3d(=)
        if PY3:  # pragma: no cover
            code = code.encode().decode('unicode-escape')
        else:  # pragma: no cover
            code = code.decode('string_escape')

        if code:
            tree = ast.parse(code)
            visit_return = False
            operator = '+'
            n, keys = 0, dict(a=0, b=0)
            for node in ast.walk(tree):
                if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
                    name = node.targets[0].id
                    if name in keys:
                        if isinstance(node.value, ast.Num):
                            keys[name] = node.value.n
                        # the value can sometimes be negative
                        elif isinstance(node.value, ast.UnaryOp) and \
                                isinstance(node.value.op, ast.USub):  # pragma: nocover
                            keys[name] = -node.value.operand.n
                elif isinstance(node, ast.Return):
                    # parameters should be set after this point
                    visit_return = True
                elif visit_return and isinstance(node, ast.Num):
                    n = node.n
                elif visit_return and n > 0:
                    # the default operator is '+' but implement some more for
                    # all possible scenarios
                    if isinstance(node, ast.Add):  # pragma: nocover
                    elif isinstance(node, ast.Sub):  # pragma: nocover
                        operator = '-'
                    elif isinstance(node, ast.Mult):  # pragma: nocover
                        operator = '*'
                    elif isinstance(node, ast.Pow):  # pragma: nocover
                        operator = '**'
                    elif isinstance(node, ast.BitXor):  # pragma: nocover
                        operator = '^'
            # a safety way to avoid Exceptions
            clause = compile('{1}{0}{2}'.format(
                operator, keys['a'], keys['b']), '', 'eval')
            value = eval(clause, dict(__builtin__={}))
            result = '{}.{}'.format(n, value)

            self.tkk = result
项目:hostapd-mana    作者:adde88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Assert(self, assert_):
        """Return the AST statements to replace the ast.Assert instance.

        This re-writes the test of an assertion to provide
        intermediate values and replace it with an if statement which
        raises an assertion error with a detailed explanation in case
        the expression is false.

        if isinstance(assert_.test, ast.Tuple) and self.config is not None:
            fslocation = (self.module_path, assert_.lineno)
            self.config.warn('R1', 'assertion is always true, perhaps '
                              'remove parentheses?', fslocation=fslocation)
        self.statements = []
        self.variables = []
        self.variable_counter = itertools.count()
        self.stack = []
        self.on_failure = []
        # Rewrite assert into a bunch of statements.
        top_condition, explanation = self.visit(assert_.test)
        # Create failure message.
        body = self.on_failure
        negation = ast.UnaryOp(ast.Not(), top_condition)
        self.statements.append(ast.If(negation, body, []))
        if assert_.msg:
            assertmsg = self.helper('format_assertmsg', assert_.msg)
            explanation = "\n>assert " + explanation
            assertmsg = ast.Str("")
            explanation = "assert " + explanation
        template = ast.BinOp(assertmsg, ast.Add(), ast.Str(explanation))
        msg = self.pop_format_context(template)
        fmt = self.helper("format_explanation", msg)
        err_name = ast.Name("AssertionError", ast.Load())
        exc = ast_Call(err_name, [fmt], [])
        if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
            raise_ = ast.Raise(exc, None)
            raise_ = ast.Raise(exc, None, None)
        # Clear temporary variables by setting them to None.
        if self.variables:
            variables = [ast.Name(name, ast.Store())
                         for name in self.variables]
            clear = ast.Assign(variables, _NameConstant(None))
        # Fix line numbers.
        for stmt in self.statements:
            set_location(stmt, assert_.lineno, assert_.col_offset)
        return self.statements
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def specialFunctions(cv, old, new):
    if type(old) == type(new) == list:
        log("individualize\tspecialFunctions\tWhy are we comparing lists?: " + str(cv) + ";" + printFunction(old) + ";" + printFunction(new), "bug")
        return cv
    rev = neg = False
    if (hasattr(old, "reversed") and old.reversed and (not hasattr(old, "multCompFixed"))):
        rev = True

    if (hasattr(old, "negated") and old.negated):
        neg = True

    if rev and neg:
        (old, new) = (negate(undoReverse(old)), negate(undoReverse(new)))
    elif rev:
        (old, new) = (undoReverse(old), undoReverse(new))
    elif neg:
        (old, new) = (negate(old), negate(new))
        if type(old) == ast.UnaryOp and type(old.op) == ast.Not and \
            type(new) == ast.UnaryOp and type(new.op) == ast.Not:
            # Just get rid of them
            old = old.operand
            new = new.operand

    if hasattr(old, "num_negated") and old.num_negated:
        origNew = deepcopy(new)
        (old, new) = (num_negate(old), num_negate(new))
        if new == None: # couldn't reverse the new operator
            # To get here, we must have a binary operator. Go up a level and negate the right side
            cvCopy = cv.deepcopy()
            parentSpot = deepcopy(cvCopy.traverseTree(cvCopy.start))
            if type(parentSpot) == ast.BinOp:
                cvCopy.path = cvCopy.path[1:]
                cvCopy.oldSubtree = parentSpot
                cvCopy.newSubtree = deepcopy(parentSpot)
                cvCopy.newSubtree.op = origNew
                cvCopy.newSubtree.right = num_negate(cvCopy.newSubtree.right)
                cvCopy = orderedBinOpSpecialFunction(cvCopy) # just in case
                return cvCopy
                log("individualize\tspecialFunctions\tWhere are we? " + str(type(parentSpot)), "bug")

    #if (hasattr(old, "inverted") and old.inverted):
    #   (old, new) = (invert(old), invert(new))
    cv.oldSubtree = old
    cv.newSubtree = new
    return cv
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def areDisjoint(a, b):
    """Are the sets of values that satisfy these two boolean constraints disjoint?"""
    # The easiest way to be disjoint is to have comparisons that cover different areas
    if type(a) == type(b) == ast.Compare:
        aop = a.ops[0]
        bop = b.ops[0]
        aLeft = a.left
        aRight = a.comparators[0]
        bLeft = b.left
        bRight = b.comparators[0]
        alblComp = compareASTs(aLeft, bLeft, checkEquality=True)
        albrComp = compareASTs(aLeft, bRight, checkEquality=True)
        arblComp = compareASTs(aRight, bLeft, checkEquality=True)
        arbrComp = compareASTs(aRight, bRight, checkEquality=True)
        altype = type(aLeft) in [ast.Num, ast.Str]
        artype = type(aRight) in [ast.Num, ast.Str]
        bltype = type(bLeft) in [ast.Num, ast.Str]
        brtype = type(bRight) in [ast.Num, ast.Str]

        if (type(aop) == ast.Eq and type(bop) == ast.NotEq) or \
            (type(bop) == ast.Eq and type(aop) == ast.NotEq):
            # x == y, x != y
            if (alblComp == 0 and arbrComp == 0) or (albrComp == 0 and arblComp == 0):
                return True
        elif type(aop) == type(bop) == ast.Eq:
            if (alblComp == 0 and arbrComp == 0) or (albrComp == 0 and arblComp == 0):
                return False
            # x = num1, x = num2
            elif alblComp == 0 and artype and brtype:
                return True
            elif albrComp == 0 and artype and bltype:
                return True
            elif arblComp == 0 and altype and brtype:
                return True
            elif arbrComp == 0 and altype and bltype:
                return True
        elif (type(aop) == ast.Lt and type(bop) == ast.GtE) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.Gt and type(bop) == ast.LtE) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.LtE and type(bop) == ast.Gt) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.GtE and type(bop) == ast.Lt) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.Is and type(bop) == ast.IsNot) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.IsNot and type(bop) == ast.Is) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.In and type(bop) == ast.NotIn) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.NotIn and type(bop) == ast.In):
            if alblComp == 0 and arbrComp == 0:
                return True
        elif (type(aop) == ast.Lt and type(bop) == ast.LtE) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.Gt and type(bop) == ast.GtE) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.LtE and type(bop) == ast.Lt) or \
            (type(aop) == ast.GtE and type(bop) == ast.Gt):
            if albrComp == 0 and arblComp == 0:
                return True
    elif type(a) == type(b) == ast.BoolOp:
        return False # for now- TODO: when is this not true?
    elif type(a) == ast.UnaryOp and type(a.op) == ast.Not:
        if compareASTs(a.operand, b, checkEquality=True) == 0:
            return True
    elif type(b) == ast.UnaryOp and type(b.op) == ast.Not:
        if compareASTs(b.operand, a, checkEquality=True) == 0:
            return True
    return False