Python ast 模块,ListComp() 实例源码


项目:python-devtools    作者:samuelcolvin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_offsets(func_ast):
        for arg in func_ast.args:
            start_line, start_col = arg.lineno - 2, arg.col_offset - 1

            # horrible hack for
            if isinstance(arg, (ast.ListComp, ast.GeneratorExp)):
                start_col -= 1
            yield start_line, start_col
        for kw in func_ast.keywords:
            yield kw.value.lineno - 2, kw.value.col_offset - len(kw.arg) - 2
项目:pyupgrade    作者:asottile    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Call(self, node):
        if (
                isinstance(node.func, ast.Name) and
       == 'dict' and
                len(node.args) == 1 and
                not _has_kwargs(node) and
                isinstance(node.args[0], (ast.ListComp, ast.GeneratorExp)) and
                isinstance(node.args[0].elt, (ast.Tuple, ast.List)) and
                len(node.args[0].elt.elts) == 2
            arg, = node.args
            key = Offset(node.func.lineno, node.func.col_offset)
            self.dicts[key] = arg
项目:chalice    作者:aws    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_ListComp(self, node):
        # type: (ast.ListComp) -> None
        # 'listcomp' is the string literal used by python
        # to creating the SymbolTable for the corresponding
        # list comp function.
        self._handle_comprehension(node, 'listcomp')
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_listcomp(self):
项目:tabkit    作者:yandex-tabkit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def visit_Call(self, node):
        if not in GRP_FUNCS:
            return node
            return ast.Call(
                                target=ast.Name(id="datarow", ctx=ast.Store(), lineno=0, col_offset=0),
                                iter=ast.Name(id="data", ctx=ast.Load(), lineno=0, col_offset=0),
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_listcomp(self):
项目:yui    作者:item4    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resolve_attr_id(node):
    if isinstance(node, (ast.Attribute, ast.Subscript)):
        value_id = None
        if isinstance(node.value, (ast.Name, ast.Attribute, ast.Subscript)):
            value_id = resolve_attr_id(node.value)
        elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Call):
            value_id = resolve_attr_id(node.value)
        elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Str):
            value_id = 'str'
        elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Bytes):
            value_id = 'bytes'
        elif isinstance(node.value, (ast.List, ast.ListComp)):
            value_id = 'list'
        elif isinstance(node.value, ast.Tuple):
            value_id = 'tuple'
        elif isinstance(node.value, (ast.Set, ast.SetComp)):
            value_id = 'set'
        elif isinstance(node.value, (ast.Dict, ast.DictComp)):
            value_id = 'dict'
            raise SyntaxError(
                'unsupport type: {}'.format(ast.dump(node.value))

        if isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
            return '{}.{}'.format(value_id, node.attr)
        elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
            slice = None
            if isinstance(node.slice.value, ast.Str):
                slice = node.slice.value.s
            elif isinstance(node.slice.value, ast.Num):
                slice = node.slice.value.n
            elif isinstance(node.slice.value, ast.Name):
                slice = resolve_attr_id(node.slice.value)
            return '{}[{}]'.format(value_id, slice)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
        return '{}()'.format(resolve_attr_id(node.func))
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_listcomp(self):
项目:cancer    作者:yancz1989    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_true_position(self, node):
    """Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.

    This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
    the next token after the list comprehension list opening.

      node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
    import re
    find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
    find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")

    if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
      # Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
      # after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
      # explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
      line = node.lineno
      col = node.col_offset
      # loop over lines
      while 1:
        # Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
        text = self._lines[line-1]
        reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
        # First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
        # col.
        m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
        if m:
          new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
          return line, new_col_offset
          if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
            line = line - 1
            prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
            # TODO(aselle):
            # this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
            # cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
            # ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
            # ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
            # node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
            # literals.
            comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
            if comment_start ==  -1:
              col = len(prev_line) -1
            elif[comment_start:]) is None:
              col = comment_start
              return None, None
            return None, None
    # Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
    # it is not possible to use that in an argument.
    return node.lineno, node.col_offset
项目:dlbench    作者:hclhkbu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_true_position(self, node):
    """Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.

    This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
    the next token after the list comprehension list opening.

      node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
    import re
    find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
    find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")

    if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
      # Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
      # after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
      # explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
      line = node.lineno
      col = node.col_offset
      # loop over lines
      while 1:
        # Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
        text = self._lines[line-1]
        reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
        # First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
        # col.
        m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
        if m:
          new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
          return line, new_col_offset
          if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
            line = line - 1
            prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
            # TODO(aselle):
            # this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
            # cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
            # ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
            # ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
            # node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
            # literals.
            comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
            if comment_start ==  -1:
              col = len(prev_line) -1
            elif[comment_start:]) is None:
              col = comment_start
              return None, None
            return None, None
    # Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
    # it is not possible to use that in an argument.
    return node.lineno, node.col_offset
项目:ML-Project    作者:Shiam-Chowdhury    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_true_position(self, node):
    """Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.
    This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
    the next token after the list comprehension list opening.
      node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
    import re
    find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
    find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")

    if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
      # Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
      # after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
      # explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
      line = node.lineno
      col = node.col_offset
      # loop over lines
      while 1:
        # Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
        text = self._lines[line-1]
        reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
        # First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
        # col.
        m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
        if m:
          new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
          return line, new_col_offset
          if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
            line = line - 1
            prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
            # TODO(aselle):
            # this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
            # cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
            # ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
            # ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
            # node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
            # literals.
            comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
            if comment_start ==  -1:
              col = len(prev_line) -1
            elif[comment_start:]) is None:
              col = comment_start
              return None, None
            return None, None
    # Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
    # it is not possible to use that in an argument.
    return node.lineno, node.col_offset
项目:Stacked_LSTMS_Highway_Residual_On_TimeSeries_Datasets    作者:praveendareddy21    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_true_position(self, node):
    """Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.

    This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
    the next token after the list comprehension list opening.

      node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
    import re
    find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
    find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")

    if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
      # Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
      # after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
      # explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
      line = node.lineno
      col = node.col_offset
      # loop over lines
      while 1:
        # Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
        text = self._lines[line-1]
        reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
        # First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
        # col.
        m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
        if m:
          new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
          return line, new_col_offset
          if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
            line = line - 1
            prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
            # TODO(aselle):
            # this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
            # cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
            # ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
            # ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
            # node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
            # literals.
            comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
            if comment_start ==  -1:
              col = len(prev_line) -1
            elif[comment_start:]) is None:
              col = comment_start
              return None, None
            return None, None
    # Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
    # it is not possible to use that in an argument.
    return node.lineno, node.col_offset
项目:dnn-quant    作者:euclidjda    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_true_position(self, node):
    """Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.

    This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
    the next token after the list comprehension list opening.

      node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
    import re
    find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
    find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")

    if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
      # Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
      # after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
      # explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
      line = node.lineno
      col = node.col_offset
      # loop over lines
      while 1:
        # Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
        text = self._lines[line-1]
        reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
        # First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
        # col.
        m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
        if m:
          new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
          return line, new_col_offset
          if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
            line = line - 1
            prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
            # TODO(aselle):
            # this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
            # cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
            # ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
            # ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
            # node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
            # literals.
            comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
            if comment_start ==  -1:
              col = len(prev_line) -1
          elif[comment_start:]) is None:
              col = comment_start
              return None, None

    # Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
    # it is not possible to use that in an argument.
    return node.lineno, node.col_offset
项目:visual_mpc    作者:febert    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_true_position(self, node):
    """Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.

    This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
    the next token after the list comprehension list opening.

      node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
    import re
    find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
    find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")

    if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
      # Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
      # after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
      # explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
      line = node.lineno
      col = node.col_offset
      # loop over lines
      while 1:
        # Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
        text = self._lines[line-1]
        reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
        # First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
        # col.
        m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
        if m:
          new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
          return line, new_col_offset
          if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
            line = line - 1
            prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
            # TODO(aselle):
            # this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
            # cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
            # ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
            # ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
            # node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
            # literals.
            comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
            if comment_start ==  -1:
              col = len(prev_line) -1
            elif[comment_start:]) is None:
              col = comment_start
              return None, None
            return None, None
    # Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
    # it is not possible to use that in an argument.
    return node.lineno, node.col_offset
项目:bandit-ss    作者:zeroSteiner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def iter_expr_values(parent, node, child=None):
    Yield each value for *node* which can be tracked. Literals are returned as
    their evaluated value where as nodes which fail to evaluate to literals are
    returned as is.

    :param node parent: The parent node used to mark the start of the search path.
    :param node node: The target ast.Name node to find literal values for.
    :param node child: An optional child node to mark the end of the search path.
    child = child or node
    success, value = eval_ast.literal_expr(node)
    if success:
        yield value
    if not isinstance(node, ast.Name):

    test_nodes = collections.deque()
    def_nodes = get_definition_nodes(parent,, child)
    for def_node_idx, def_node in enumerate(def_nodes):
        each = False
        next_node = (def_nodes[def_node_idx + 1] if len(def_nodes) > def_node_idx + 1 else child)
        src_node = None
        if isinstance(def_node, ast.Assign):
            test_node = get_expr_value_src_dst(def_node.value, def_node.targets[0], node)
            if test_node:
        elif isinstance(def_node, ast.For):
            src_node = get_expr_value_src_dst(def_node.iter,, node)
            each = node_is_child_of_parent(def_node.body, next_node)
        elif isinstance(def_node, ast.ListComp):
            for generator in def_node.generators:
                src_node = get_expr_value_src_dst(generator.iter,, node)
                if src_node:

        if isinstance(src_node, (ast.List, ast.Tuple, ast.Set)):
            test_nodes.extend(src_node.elts if each else src_node.elts[-1:])

        for test_node in test_nodes:
            success, value = eval_ast.literal_expr(test_node)
            if success:
                yield value
            for value in iter_expr_values(parent, test_node):
                success = True
                yield value
            if success:
            for def_node in get_definition_nodes(parent, test_node):
                for value in iter_expr_values(parent, def_node):
                    success = True
                    yield value
            yield test_node
项目:bandit-ss    作者:zeroSteiner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def node_defines_name(node, name):
    Check if the specified statement node defines symbol *name*.

    :param node: The node to check.
    :param name: The symbol name to check.
    :return: Whether or not the node defines the symbole specified.
    :rtype: bool
    if isinstance(name, ast.Name):
        name =

    if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
        if node_targets_name(node, name):
            return True
        if isinstance(node.value, (ast.DictComp, ast.ListComp, ast.SetComp)):
            return node_defines_name(node.value, name)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef):
        return == name
    # these ones all assume the iterable will be executed at least once
    elif isinstance(node, (ast.DictComp, ast.GeneratorExp, ast.ListComp, ast.SetComp)):
        for generator in node.generators:
            target =
            if isinstance(target, ast.Name):
                if == name:
                    return True
            for child_node in iter_child_expr_nodes(target):
                if isinstance(child_node, ast.Name) and == name:
                    return True
        return False
    elif isinstance(node, ast.ExceptHandler):
        if isinstance(, ast.Name):
            return == name
        elif isinstance(, str):
            return == name
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Expr):
        if isinstance(node.value, (ast.DictComp, ast.GeneratorExp, ast.ListComp, ast.SetComp)):
            return node_defines_name(node.value, name)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.For):
        return isinstance(, ast.Name) and == name
    elif isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
        return == name
    elif isinstance(node, (ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom)):
        return next((alias for alias in node.names if (alias.asname or == name), None) is not None
    return False
项目:Tensorflow-SegNet    作者:tkuanlun350    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_true_position(self, node):
    """Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.
    This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
    the next token after the list comprehension list opening.
      node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
    import re
    find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
    find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")

    if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
      # Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
      # after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
      # explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
      line = node.lineno
      col = node.col_offset
      # loop over lines
      while 1:
        # Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
        text = self._lines[line-1]
        reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
        # First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
        # col.
        m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
        if m:
          new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
          return line, new_col_offset
          if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
            line = line - 1
            prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
            # TODO(aselle):
            # this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
            # cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
            # ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
            # ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
            # node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
            # literals.
            comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
            if comment_start ==  -1:
              col = len(prev_line) -1
            elif[comment_start:]) is None:
              col = comment_start
              return None, None
            return None, None
    # Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
    # it is not possible to use that in an argument.
    return node.lineno, node.col_offset
项目:ram_modified    作者:jtkim-kaist    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_true_position(self, node):
    """Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.

    This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
    the next token after the list comprehension list opening.

      node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
    import re
    find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
    find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")

    if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
      # Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
      # after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
      # explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
      line = node.lineno
      col = node.col_offset
      # loop over lines
      while 1:
        # Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
        text = self._lines[line-1]
        reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
        # First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
        # col.
        m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
        if m:
          new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
          return line, new_col_offset
          if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
            line = line - 1
            prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
            # TODO(aselle):
            # this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
            # cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
            # ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
            # ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
            # node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
            # literals.
            comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
            if comment_start ==  -1:
              col = len(prev_line) -1
            elif[comment_start:]) is None:
              col = comment_start
              return None, None
            return None, None
    # Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
    # it is not possible to use that in an argument.
    return node.lineno, node.col_offset
项目:Typpete    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def infer(node, context, solver, from_call=False):
    """Infer the type of a given AST node"""
    if isinstance(node, ast.Num):
        return infer_numeric(node, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Str):
        return solver.z3_types.string
    elif (sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 6 and
            (isinstance(node, ast.FormattedValue) or isinstance(node, ast.JoinedStr))):
        # Formatted strings were introduced in Python 3.6
        return solver.z3_types.string
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Bytes):
        return solver.z3_types.bytes
    elif isinstance(node, ast.List):
        return infer_list(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Dict):
        return infer_dict(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Tuple):
        return infer_tuple(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.NameConstant):
        return infer_name_constant(node, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Set):
        return infer_set(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.BinOp):
        return infer_binary_operation(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.BoolOp):
        return infer_boolean_operation(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.UnaryOp):
        return infer_unary_operation(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.IfExp):
        return infer_if_expression(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Subscript):
        return infer_subscript(node, context, solver)
    elif sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5 and isinstance(node, ast.Await):
        # Await and Async were introduced in Python 3.5
        return infer(node.value, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Yield):
        return infer(node.value, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Compare):
        return infer_compare(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Name):
        return infer_name(node, context)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
        return infer_sequence_comprehension(node, solver.z3_types.list, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.SetComp):
        return infer_sequence_comprehension(node, solver.z3_types.set, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.DictComp):
        return infer_dict_comprehension(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Call):
        return infer_func_call(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
        return infer_attribute(node, context, from_call, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Lambda):
        return _infer_lambda(node, context, solver)
    raise NotImplementedError("Inference for expression {} is not implemented yet.".format(type(node).__name__))
项目:Tensorflow-Turitors    作者:Xls1994    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_true_position(self, node):
    """Return correct line number and column offset for a given node.

    This is necessary mainly because ListComp's location reporting reports
    the next token after the list comprehension list opening.

      node: Node for which we wish to know the lineno and col_offset
    import re
    find_open = re.compile("^\s*(\\[).*$")
    find_string_chars = re.compile("['\"]")

    if isinstance(node, ast.ListComp):
      # Strangely, ast.ListComp returns the col_offset of the first token
      # after the '[' token which appears to be a bug. Workaround by
      # explicitly finding the real start of the list comprehension.
      line = node.lineno
      col = node.col_offset
      # loop over lines
      while 1:
        # Reverse the text to and regular expression search for whitespace
        text = self._lines[line-1]
        reversed_preceding_text = text[:col][::-1]
        # First find if a [ can be found with only whitespace between it and
        # col.
        m = find_open.match(reversed_preceding_text)
        if m:
          new_col_offset = col - m.start(1) - 1
          return line, new_col_offset
          if (reversed_preceding_text=="" or
            line = line - 1
            prev_line = self._lines[line - 1]
            # TODO(aselle):
            # this is poor comment detection, but it is good enough for
            # cases where the comment does not contain string literal starting/
            # ending characters. If ast gave us start and end locations of the
            # ast nodes rather than just start, we could use string literal
            # node ranges to filter out spurious #'s that appear in string
            # literals.
            comment_start = prev_line.find("#")
            if comment_start ==  -1:
              col = len(prev_line) -1
            elif[comment_start:]) is None:
              col = comment_start
              return None, None
            return None, None
    # Most other nodes return proper locations (with notably does not), but
    # it is not possible to use that in an argument.
    return node.lineno, node.col_offset
项目:peval    作者:fjarri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def peval_comprehension(state, node, ctx):

    accum_cls = {
        ast.ListComp: ListAccumulator,
        ast.GeneratorExp: GeneratorExpAccumulator,
        ast.SetComp: SetAccumulator,
        ast.DictComp: DictAccumulator,

    # variables from generators temporary mask bindings
    target_names = set()
    for generator in node.generators:
        if type( == ast.Name:
            target_names.update([ for elt in])

    # pre-evaluate the expression
    elt_bindings = dict(ctx.bindings)
    for name in target_names:
        if name in elt_bindings:
            del elt_bindings[name]
    elt_ctx = ctx.update(bindings=elt_bindings)

    if type(node) == ast.DictComp:
        elt = ast.Tuple(elts=[node.key, node.value])
        elt = node.elt
    state, new_elt = _peval_expression(state, elt, elt_ctx)

        state, container = _peval_comprehension(
            state, accum_cls[type(node)], new_elt, node.generators, ctx)
        evaluated = True
    except CannotEvaluateComprehension:
        evaluated = False

    if evaluated:
        return state, KnownValue(value=container)
        state, new_elt = map_reify(state, new_elt)
        state, new_generators = _peval_comprehension_generators(state, node.generators, ctx)
        if type(node) == ast.DictComp:
            key, value = new_elt.elts
            return state, replace_fields(node, key=key, value=value, generators=new_generators)
            return state, replace_fields(node, elt=new_elt, generators=new_generators)