Python ast 模块,Try() 实例源码


项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def occursIn(sub, super):
    """Does the first AST occur as a subtree of the second?"""
    superStatementTypes = [ ast.Module, ast.Interactive, ast.Suite,
                            ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.For, 
                            ast.While, ast.If, ast.With, ast.Try, 
                            ast.ExceptHandler ]
    if (not isinstance(super, ast.AST)):
        return False
    if type(sub) == type(super) and compareASTs(sub, super, checkEquality=True) == 0:
        return True
    # we know that a statement can never occur in an expression 
    # (or in a non-statement-holding statement), so cut the search off now to save time.
    if isStatement(sub) and type(super) not in superStatementTypes:
        return False 
    for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(super):
        if occursIn(sub, child):
            return True
    return False
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_try(self):
        p = ast.Pass()
        t = ast.Try([], [], [], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "empty body on Try")
        t = ast.Try([ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [], [], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "must have Load context")
        t = ast.Try([p], [], [], [])
        self.stmt(t, "Try has neither except handlers nor finalbody")
        t = ast.Try([p], [], [p], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "Try has orelse but no except handlers")
        t = ast.Try([p], [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [])], [], [])
        self.stmt(t, "empty body on ExceptHandler")
        e = [ast.ExceptHandler(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), "y", [p])]
        self.stmt(ast.Try([p], e, [], []), "must have Load context")
        e = [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [p])]
        t = ast.Try([p], e, [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "must have Load context")
        t = ast.Try([p], e, [p], [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))])
        self.stmt(t, "must have Load context")
项目:sublimeTextConfig    作者:luoye-fe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CONTINUE(self, node):
        # Walk the tree up until we see a loop (OK), a function or class
        # definition (not OK), for 'continue', a finally block (not OK), or
        # the top module scope (not OK)
        n = node
        while hasattr(n, 'parent'):
            n, n_child = n.parent, n
            if isinstance(n, LOOP_TYPES):
                # Doesn't apply unless it's in the loop itself
                if n_child not in n.orelse:
            if isinstance(n, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef)):
            # Handle Try/TryFinally difference in Python < and >= 3.3
            if hasattr(n, 'finalbody') and isinstance(node, ast.Continue):
                if n_child in n.finalbody:
          , node)
        if isinstance(node, ast.Continue):
  , node)
        else:  # ast.Break
  , node)
项目:end    作者:nya3jp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_compound_bodies(node):
    """Returns a list of bodies of a compound statement node.

        node: AST node.

        A list of bodies of the node. If the given node does not represent
        a compound statement, an empty list is returned.
    if isinstance(node, (ast.Module, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.With)):
        return [node.body]
    elif isinstance(node, (ast.If, ast.While, ast.For)):
        return [node.body, node.orelse]
    elif PY2 and isinstance(node, ast.TryFinally):
        return [node.body, node.finalbody]
    elif PY2 and isinstance(node, ast.TryExcept):
        return [node.body, node.orelse] + [h.body for h in node.handlers]
    elif PY3 and isinstance(node, ast.Try):
        return ([node.body, node.orelse, node.finalbody]
                + [h.body for h in node.handlers])
    return []
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_try(self):
        p = ast.Pass()
        t = ast.Try([], [], [], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "empty body on Try")
        t = ast.Try([ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [], [], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "must have Load context")
        t = ast.Try([p], [], [], [])
        self.stmt(t, "Try has neither except handlers nor finalbody")
        t = ast.Try([p], [], [p], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "Try has orelse but no except handlers")
        t = ast.Try([p], [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [])], [], [])
        self.stmt(t, "empty body on ExceptHandler")
        e = [ast.ExceptHandler(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), "y", [p])]
        self.stmt(ast.Try([p], e, [], []), "must have Load context")
        e = [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [p])]
        t = ast.Try([p], e, [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "must have Load context")
        t = ast.Try([p], e, [p], [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))])
        self.stmt(t, "must have Load context")
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CONTINUE(self, node):
        # Walk the tree up until we see a loop (OK), a function or class
        # definition (not OK), for 'continue', a finally block (not OK), or
        # the top module scope (not OK)
        n = node
        while hasattr(n, 'parent'):
            n, n_child = n.parent, n
            if isinstance(n, LOOP_TYPES):
                # Doesn't apply unless it's in the loop itself
                if n_child not in n.orelse:
            if isinstance(n, (ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef)):
            # Handle Try/TryFinally difference in Python < and >= 3.3
            if hasattr(n, 'finalbody') and isinstance(node, ast.Continue):
                if n_child in n.finalbody:
          , node)
        if isinstance(node, ast.Continue):
  , node)
        else:  # ast.Break
  , node)
项目:mutpy    作者:mutpy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_coverable_nodes(cls):
        return {
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_try(self):
        p = ast.Pass()
        t = ast.Try([], [], [], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "empty body on Try")
        t = ast.Try([ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [], [], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "must have Load context")
        t = ast.Try([p], [], [], [])
        self.stmt(t, "Try has neither except handlers nor finalbody")
        t = ast.Try([p], [], [p], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "Try has orelse but no except handlers")
        t = ast.Try([p], [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [])], [], [])
        self.stmt(t, "empty body on ExceptHandler")
        e = [ast.ExceptHandler(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()), "y", [p])]
        self.stmt(ast.Try([p], e, [], []), "must have Load context")
        e = [ast.ExceptHandler(None, "x", [p])]
        t = ast.Try([p], e, [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))], [p])
        self.stmt(t, "must have Load context")
        t = ast.Try([p], e, [p], [ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))])
        self.stmt(t, "must have Load context")
项目:peval    作者:fjarri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_node_cfg(node):
    handlers = {
        ast.If: _build_if_cfg,
        ast.For: _build_loop_cfg,
        ast.While: _build_loop_cfg,
        ast.With: _build_with_cfg,
        ast.Break: _build_break_cfg,
        ast.Continue: _build_continue_cfg,
        ast.Return: _build_return_cfg,
        ast.Try: _build_try_cfg,

    if type(node) in handlers:
        handler = handlers[type(node)]
        handler = _build_statement_cfg

    return handler(node)
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def staticVars(l, vars):
    """Determines whether the given lines change the given variables"""
    # First, if one of the variables can be modified, there might be a problem
    mutableVars = []
    for var in vars:
        if (not (hasattr(var, "type") and (var.type in [int, float, str, bool]))):

    for i in range(len(l)):
        if type(l[i]) == ast.Assign:
            for var in vars:
                if in allVariableNamesUsed(l[i].targets[0]):
                    return False
        elif type(l[i]) == ast.AugAssign:
            for var in vars:
                if in allVariableNamesUsed(l[i].target):
                    return False
        elif type(l[i]) in [ast.If, ast.While]:
            if not (staticVars(l[i].body, vars) and staticVars(l[i].orelse, vars)):
                return False
        elif type(l[i]) == ast.For:
            for var in vars:
                if in allVariableNamesUsed(l[i].target):
                    return False
            if not (staticVars(l[i].body, vars) and staticVars(l[i].orelse, vars)):
                return False
        elif type(l[i]) in [ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.Try, ast.With]:
            log("transformations\tstaticVars\tMissing type: " + str(type(l[i])), "bug")

        # If a mutable variable is used, we can't trust it
        for var in mutableVars:
            if in allVariableNamesUsed(l[i]):
                return False
    return True
项目:ITAP-django    作者:krivers    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def isStatement(a):
    """Determine whether the given node is a statement (vs an expression)"""
    return type(a) in [ ast.Module, ast.Interactive, ast.Expression, ast.Suite,
                        ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.Return, ast.Delete,
                        ast.Assign, ast.AugAssign, ast.For, ast.While, 
                        ast.If, ast.With, ast.Raise, ast.Try, 
                        ast.Assert, ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom, ast.Global, 
                        ast.Expr, ast.Pass, ast.Break, ast.Continue ]
项目:fatoptimizer    作者:vstinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _try_empty_body(self, node):
        if not can_remove(node.body):
        if not can_remove(node.handlers):
        # body block is empty, handlers can be removed

        self.log_node_removal("Remove dead code (empty try block)",
        self.log_node_removal("Remove dead code (empty try block)",

        if not node.orelse:
            # body and else blocks are empty
            # try: pass (except: ...) finally: final_code
            # => final_code
            if not can_move_final(node.finalbody):
            return self._replace_node(node, node.finalbody)

        if is_empty_body(node.finalbody):
            # body and finally blocks are empty, else block is non empty
            # try: pass (except: ...) else: else_code (final: pass)
            # => else_code
            self.log_node_removal("Remove dead code (empty finally block)",
            return self._replace_node(node, node.orelse)

        # body block is empty, else and final blocks are non empty
        # try: pass (except: ...) else: code1 finally: code2
        # => try: code1 finally: code2
        if not can_move_final(node.finalbody):

        new_node = ast.Try(body=node.orelse, finalbody=node.finalbody,
                           handlers=[], orelse=[])
        copy_lineno(node, new_node)
        return new_node
项目:sublimeTextConfig    作者:luoye-fe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getNodeType(node_class):
        return node_class.__name__.upper()

# Python >= 3.3 uses ast.Try instead of (ast.TryExcept + ast.TryFinally)
项目:sublimeTextConfig    作者:luoye-fe    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAlternatives(n):
        if isinstance(n, ast.If):
            return [n.body]
        if isinstance(n, ast.Try):
            return [n.body + n.orelse] + [[hdl] for hdl in n.handlers]
项目:Typpete    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _infer_try(node, context, solver):
    """Infer the types for a try/except/else block"""
    result_type = solver.new_z3_const("try")

    body_type = _infer_body(node.body, context, node.lineno, solver)
    else_type = _infer_body(node.orelse, context, node.lineno, solver)
    final_type = _infer_body(node.finalbody, context, node.lineno, solver)

    solver.add(axioms.try_except(body_type, else_type, final_type, result_type, solver.z3_types),
               fail_message="Try/Except block in line {}".format(node.lineno))
    solver.optimize.add_soft(result_type == body_type)
    solver.optimize.add_soft(result_type == else_type)
    solver.optimize.add_soft(result_type == final_type)

    # TODO: Infer exception handlers as classes

    for handler in node.handlers:
        handler_context = context
            handler_context = Context(node.body, solver, parent_context=context)
                                     solver.annotation_resolver.resolve(handler.type, solver))
        handler_body_type = _infer_body(handler.body, handler_context, handler.lineno, solver)
        solver.add(solver.z3_types.subtype(handler_body_type, result_type),
                   fail_message="Exception handler in line {}".format(handler.lineno))

    return result_type
项目:Typpete    作者:caterinaurban    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def infer(node, context, solver):
    if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
        return _infer_assign(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.AugAssign):
        return _infer_augmented_assign(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Return):
        if not node.value:
            return solver.z3_types.none
        return expr.infer(node.value, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Delete):
        return _infer_delete(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, (ast.If, ast.While)):
        return _infer_control_flow(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.For):
        return _infer_for(node, context, solver)
    elif sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5 and isinstance(node, ast.AsyncFor):
        # AsyncFor is introduced in Python 3.5
        return _infer_for(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.With):
        return _infer_with(node, context, solver)
    elif sys.version_info[0] >= 3 and sys.version_info[1] >= 5 and isinstance(node, ast.AsyncWith):
        # AsyncWith is introduced in Python 3.5
        return _infer_with(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Try):
        return _infer_try(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
        return _infer_func_def(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.ClassDef):
        return _infer_class_def(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Expr):
        expr.infer(node.value, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.Import):
        return _infer_import(node, context, solver)
    elif isinstance(node, ast.ImportFrom):
        return _infer_import_from(node, context, solver)
    return solver.z3_types.none
项目:bigcode-tools    作者:tuvistavie    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_try(node):
        return hasattr(ast, "Try") and isinstance(node, ast.Try) or \
               hasattr(ast, "TryExcept") and isinstance(node, ast.TryExcept) or \
               hasattr(ast, "TryFinally") and isinstance(node, ast.TryFinally)
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getNodeType(node_class):
        return node_class.__name__.upper()

# Python >= 3.3 uses ast.Try instead of (ast.TryExcept + ast.TryFinally)
项目:blackmamba    作者:zrzka    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAlternatives(n):
        if isinstance(n, ast.If):
            return [n.body]
        if isinstance(n, ast.Try):
            return [n.body + n.orelse] + [[hdl] for hdl in n.handlers]
项目:wuye.vim    作者:zhaoyingnan911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getNodeType(node_class):
        return node_class.__name__.upper()

# Python >= 3.3 uses ast.Try instead of (ast.TryExcept + ast.TryFinally)
项目:wuye.vim    作者:zhaoyingnan911    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getAlternatives(n):
        if isinstance(n, ast.If):
            return [n.body]
        if isinstance(n, ast.Try):
            return [n.body + n.orelse] + [[hdl] for hdl in n.handlers]
项目:peval    作者:fjarri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_nontrivial_nodes(self):
        # returns ids of nodes that can possibly raise an exception
        nodes = []
        for node_id, node_obj in self.nodes.items():
            node = node_obj.ast_node
            if type(node) not in (ast.Break, ast.Continue, ast.Pass, ast.Try):
        return nodes