Python ast 模块,Node() 实例源码


项目:fatoptimizer    作者:vstinner    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def build_positional_args(self, candidate, callsite):
        """Attempt to convert the positional and keyword args supplied at
        the given callsite to the positional args expected by the candidate

        Return a list of ast.Node instances, or raise ValueError if it
        can't be done.
        if len(callsite.args) > len(candidate.args.args):
            raise ValueError('too many positional arguments')
        slots = {}
        for idx, arg in enumerate(callsite.args):
            slots[idx] = arg
        for actual_kwarg in get_keywords(callsite):
            idx = locate_kwarg(candidate, actual_kwarg.arg)
            if idx in slots:
                raise ValueError('positional slot %i already filled' % idx)
            slots[idx] = actual_kwarg.value
        actual_pos_args = []
        for idx in range(len(candidate.args.args)):
            if idx not in slots:
                raise ValueError('argument %i not filled' % idx)
        return actual_pos_args
项目:dotfiles    作者:zchee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_op_name_dict(self):
        Make a dict whose keys are operators ('+', '+=', etc),
        and whose values are lists of values of ast.Node.__class__.__name__.
        d = {
            '.':   ['Attr',],
            '(*)': ['Call', 'Tuple',],
            '[*]': ['List', 'Subscript',],
            '{*}': ['???',],
            ### 'and': 'BoolOp',
            ### 'or':  'BoolOp',
        for op in (
            '+', '-', '*', '/', '%', '**', '<<',
            '>>', '|', '^', '&', '//',
            d[op] = ['BinOp',]
        for op in (
            '==', '!=', '<', '<=', '>', '>=',
            'is', 'is not', 'in', 'not in',
            d[op] = ['Compare',]
        return d
项目:leetcode    作者:thomasyimgit    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform_ast(self, node):
        """Apply the AST transformations from self.ast_transformers

        node : ast.Node
          The root node to be transformed. Typically called with the ast.Module
          produced by parsing user input.

        An ast.Node corresponding to the node it was called with. Note that it
        may also modify the passed object, so don't rely on references to the
        original AST.
        for transformer in self.ast_transformers:
                node = transformer.visit(node)
            except InputRejected:
                # User-supplied AST transformers can reject an input by raising
                # an InputRejected.  Short-circuit in this case so that we
                # don't unregister the transform.
            except Exception:
                warn("AST transformer %r threw an error. It will be unregistered." % transformer)

        if self.ast_transformers:
        return node
项目:MDT    作者:cbclab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_node_line_end(self, node):
        """Get the last line of the given node.

        This function can recurse if the given node is a complex node (like a FunctionDef node).

            node (ast.Node): a node of the AST

            int: the last line of the statements in the given node
        if isinstance(node, ast.Assign):
            return node.value.lineno
        elif isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
            return self._get_node_line_end(node.body[-1])
项目:dotfiles    作者:zchee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_patterns_dict(self):
        '''Assign all patterns to the appropriate ast.Node.'''
        trace = False or self.trace_patterns
        for pattern in self.general_patterns:
            ops = self.find_pattern_ops(pattern)
            if ops:
                for op in ops:
                    # Add the pattern to op's list.
                    op_names = self.op_name_dict.get(op)
                    for op_name in op_names:
                        aList = self.patterns_dict.get(op_name, [])
                        self.patterns_dict[op_name] = aList
                # Enter the name in self.names_dict.
                name = pattern.find_s
                # Special case for 'number'
                if name == 'number':
                    aList = self.patterns_dict.get('Num', [])
                    self.patterns_dict['Num'] = aList
                elif name in self.names_dict:
                    g.trace('duplicate pattern', pattern)
                    self.names_dict [name] = pattern.repl_s
        if 0:
            for z in sorted(self.names_dict):
                print('  %s: %s' % (z, self.names_dict.get(z)))
        if 0:
            for z in sorted(self.patterns_dict):
                aList = self.patterns_dict.get(z)
                for pattern in sorted(aList):
                    print('  '+repr(pattern))
        # Note: retain self.general_patterns for use in argument lists.
项目:qudi    作者:Ulm-IQO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform_ast(self, node):
        """Apply the AST transformations from self.ast_transformers

        node : ast.Node
          The root node to be transformed. Typically called with the ast.Module
          produced by parsing user input.

        An ast.Node corresponding to the node it was called with. Note that it
        may also modify the passed object, so don't rely on references to the
        original AST.
        for transformer in self.ast_transformers:
                node = transformer.visit(node)
            except InputRejected:
                # User-supplied AST transformers can reject an input by raising
                # an InputRejected.  Short-circuit in this case so that we
                # don't unregister the transform.
            except Exception:
                warn("AST transformer %r threw an error. It will be unregistered." % transformer)

        if self.ast_transformers:
        return node
项目:Repobot    作者:Desgard    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform_ast(self, node):
        """Apply the AST transformations from self.ast_transformers

        node : ast.Node
          The root node to be transformed. Typically called with the ast.Module
          produced by parsing user input.

        An ast.Node corresponding to the node it was called with. Note that it
        may also modify the passed object, so don't rely on references to the
        original AST.
        for transformer in self.ast_transformers:
                node = transformer.visit(node)
            except InputRejected:
                # User-supplied AST transformers can reject an input by raising
                # an InputRejected.  Short-circuit in this case so that we
                # don't unregister the transform.
            except Exception:
                warn("AST transformer %r threw an error. It will be unregistered." % transformer)

        if self.ast_transformers:
        return node
项目:pythonwhat    作者:datacamp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generic_visit(self, node):
        This function is called when all other nodes are encountered when traversing the tree.
        When inheriting form this standard parser, this function will make the parser ignore
        all nodes that are not relevant.

            node (ast.Node): The node which is visited.
        pass  # This ignore is necessary to keep the parser at base level, also look comment above in
              # the visit_Module function body.
项目:blender    作者:gastrodia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform_ast(self, node):
        """Apply the AST transformations from self.ast_transformers

        node : ast.Node
          The root node to be transformed. Typically called with the ast.Module
          produced by parsing user input.

        An ast.Node corresponding to the node it was called with. Note that it
        may also modify the passed object, so don't rely on references to the
        original AST.
        for transformer in self.ast_transformers:
                node = transformer.visit(node)
            except InputRejected:
                # User-supplied AST transformers can reject an input by raising
                # an InputRejected.  Short-circuit in this case so that we
                # don't unregister the transform.
            except Exception:
                warn("AST transformer %r threw an error. It will be unregistered." % transformer)

        if self.ast_transformers:
        return node
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform_ast(self, node):
        """Apply the AST transformations from self.ast_transformers

        node : ast.Node
          The root node to be transformed. Typically called with the ast.Module
          produced by parsing user input.

        An ast.Node corresponding to the node it was called with. Note that it
        may also modify the passed object, so don't rely on references to the
        original AST.
        for transformer in self.ast_transformers:
                node = transformer.visit(node)
            except InputRejected:
                # User-supplied AST transformers can reject an input by raising
                # an InputRejected.  Short-circuit in this case so that we
                # don't unregister the transform.
            except Exception:
                warn("AST transformer %r threw an error. It will be unregistered." % transformer)

        if self.ast_transformers:
        return node