def occursIn(sub, super): """Does the first AST occur as a subtree of the second?""" superStatementTypes = [ ast.Module, ast.Interactive, ast.Suite, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.For, ast.While, ast.If, ast.With, ast.Try, ast.ExceptHandler ] if (not isinstance(super, ast.AST)): return False if type(sub) == type(super) and compareASTs(sub, super, checkEquality=True) == 0: return True # we know that a statement can never occur in an expression # (or in a non-statement-holding statement), so cut the search off now to save time. if isStatement(sub) and type(super) not in superStatementTypes: return False for child in ast.iter_child_nodes(super): if occursIn(sub, child): return True return False
def isStatement(a): """Determine whether the given node is a statement (vs an expression)""" return type(a) in [ ast.Module, ast.Interactive, ast.Expression, ast.Suite, ast.FunctionDef, ast.ClassDef, ast.Return, ast.Delete, ast.Assign, ast.AugAssign, ast.For, ast.While, ast.If, ast.With, ast.Raise, ast.Try, ast.Assert, ast.Import, ast.ImportFrom, ast.Global, ast.Expr, ast.Pass, ast.Break, ast.Continue ]
def test_module(self): m = ast.Interactive([ast.Expr(ast.Name("x", ast.Store()))]) self.mod(m, "must have Load context", "single") m = ast.Expression(ast.Name("x", ast.Store())) self.mod(m, "must have Load context", "eval")