Python astropy.units 模块,deg() 实例源码


项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def do_annual_parallax_test(filename):
    """testing functions called by a few unit tests"""
    with open(filename) as data_file:
        lines = data_file.readlines()
    ulens_params = lines[3].split()
    event_params = lines[4].split()
    data = np.loadtxt(filename, dtype=None)
    model = Model({
        'pi_E_E':float(ulens_params[6]) }, 
            event_params[1]+' '+event_params[2], unit=(u.deg, u.deg)))
    model.parameters.t_0_par = float(ulens_params[2])+2450000.

    time = data[:,0]
    dataset = MulensData([time, 20.+time*0., 0.1+time*0.,], add_2450000=True)
    model.parallax(satellite=False, earth_orbital=True, topocentric=False)
    return np.testing.assert_almost_equal(
        model.data_magnification[0] / data[:,1], 1.0, decimal=4)
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Convert among multiple coordinate formats")
    parser.add_argument("coord", nargs="+")
    args = parser.parse_args()

    ra, dec = parse_coord(args.coord)
    info = (
        "%-14s  %-14s\n" % ("R.A.", "Dec.") +
        "%s--%s\n" % ("-"*14, "-"*14) +
        "%-14.3f  %-+14.3f\n" % (ra.deg, dec.deg) +
        "%-14s  %-14s\n" % (
            ra.to_string(unit=au.hourangle, precision=4),
            dec.to_string(unit=au.deg, alwayssign=True, precision=3)) +
        "%-14s  %-14s\n" % (
            ra.to_string(unit=au.hourangle, sep=":", precision=4),
            dec.to_string(unit=au.deg, alwayssign=True,
                          sep=":", precision=3)) +
        "%-14s  %-14s\n" % (
            ra.to_string(unit=au.hourangle, sep=" ", precision=4),
            dec.to_string(unit=au.deg, alwayssign=True,
                          sep=" ", precision=3))
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_meta_from_position(igmsp):
    # One match
    meta = igmsp.meta_from_position((0.0019,17.7737), 1*u.arcsec)
    assert len(meta) == 1
    # Blank
    meta2 = igmsp.meta_from_position((10.038604,55.298477), 1*u.arcsec)
    assert meta2 is None
    # Multiple sources (insure rank order)
    meta3 = igmsp.meta_from_position((0.0055,-1.5), 1*u.deg)
    assert len(meta3) == 2
    assert np.isclose(meta3['R'][0],meta3['R'][1])
    # Multiple meta entries (GGG)
    meta4 = igmsp.meta_from_position('001115.23+144601.8', 1*u.arcsec)
    assert len(meta4) == 2
    assert meta4['R'][0] != meta4['R'][1]
    # Multiple but grab closest source
    meta5 = igmsp.meta_from_position((0.0055,-1.5), 1*u.deg, max_match=1)
    assert len(meta5) == 1
    # Groups
    meta = igmsp.meta_from_position((2.813500,14.767200), 20*u.deg, groups=['GGG','HD-LLS_DR1'])
    for group in meta['GROUP'].data:
        assert group in ['GGG', 'HD-LLS_DR1']
    # Physical separation
    meta6 = igmsp.meta_from_position('001115.23+144601.8', 300*u.kpc)
    assert len(meta6) == 2
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_query_position(igmsp):
    # One match
    _, _, idx = igmsp.qcat.query_position((0.0019,17.7737), 1*u.arcsec)
    assert idx >= 0
    # Blank
    _, _, idx = igmsp.qcat.query_position((10.038604,55.298477), 1*u.arcsec)
    assert len(idx) == 0
    # Multiple (insure rank order)
    icoord = SkyCoord(ra=0.0055, dec=-1.5, unit='deg')
    _, subcat, _ = igmsp.qcat.query_position(icoord, 1*u.deg)
    # Test
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=subcat['RA'], dec=subcat['DEC'], unit='deg')
    sep = icoord.separation(coord)
    isrt = np.argsort(sep)
    assert isrt[0] == 0
    assert isrt[-1] == len(subcat)-1
    # Multiple but grab only 1
    _, _, idxs = igmsp.qcat.query_position(icoord, 1*u.deg, max_match=1)
    assert len(idxs) == 1
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_cat_from_query_coord(igmsp):
    # Single
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=0.0019, dec=17.7737, unit='deg')
    _, ccat, _ = igmsp.qcat.query_coords(coord)
    assert ccat['IGM_ID'][0] == 0
    # Multiple
    coords = SkyCoord(ra=[0.0028,0.0019], dec=[14.9747,17.7737], unit='deg')
    _, ccat2, _ = igmsp.qcat.query_coords(coords)
    assert len(ccat2) == 2
    assert ccat2['IGM_ID'][0] == 1
    assert ccat2['IGM_ID'][1] == 0
    # One miss
    coords3 = SkyCoord(ra=[9.0028,0.0019], dec=[-14.9747,17.7737], unit='deg')
    _, ccat3, _ = igmsp.qcat.query_coords(coords3)
    assert ccat3['IGM_ID'][0] == -1
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spectra_from_coord(igmsp):
    # No match
    specN, metaN = igmsp.spectra_from_coord((0.0019, -17.7737))
    assert specN is None
    assert metaN is None
    # One match
    spec, meta = igmsp.spectra_from_coord((0.0019, 17.7737))
    assert spec.nspec == 1
    assert meta['PLATE'][0] == 6173
    # Multiple matches and spectra
    spec, meta = igmsp.spectra_from_coord('001115.23+144601.8')#, groups=['GGG']) # Not in debug file for BOSS or SDSS
    assert spec.nspec == 2
    # Many matches; takes closest
    spec, meta = igmsp.spectra_from_coord((0.0019, 17.7737), tol=10*u.deg)
    assert spec.nspec == 1
    assert meta['PLATE'][0] == 6173
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.dir = './test_results'
        self.lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
        os.makedirs(self.dir, exist_ok=True)
        self.times = (numpy.pi / (12.0)) * numpy.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 7)
        self.frequency = numpy.array([1e8])
        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array([1e6])
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+180.0 * u.deg, dec=-60.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.vis = create_visibility(self.lowcore, self.times, self.frequency,
                                     phasecentre=self.phasecentre, weight=1.0,
                                     polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))['vis'] *= 0.0

        # Create model
        self.model = create_test_image(cellsize=0.0015, phasecentre=self.vis.phasecentre,
                                       frequency=self.frequency)[ > 1.0] = 1.0
        self.vis = predict_2d(self.vis, self.model)
        assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(self.vis.vis)) > 0.0
        export_image_to_fits(self.model, '%s/test_solve_skycomponent_model.fits' % (self.dir))
        self.bigmodel = create_image_from_visibility(self.vis, cellsize=0.0015, npixel=512)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _checkcomponents(self, dirty, fluxthreshold=5.0, positionthreshold=1.0):
        comps = find_skycomponents(dirty, fwhm=1.0, threshold=fluxthreshold, npixels=5)
        assert len(comps) == len(self.components), "Different number of components found: original %d, recovered %d" % \
                                                   (len(self.components), len(comps))
        cellsize = abs(dirty.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0])
        # Check for agreement between image and DFT
        for comp in comps:
            sflux = sum_visibility(self.componentvis, comp.direction)[0]
            assert abs(comp.flux[0, 0] - sflux[0, 0]) < fluxthreshold, \
                "Fitted and DFT flux differ %s %s" % (comp.flux[0, 0], sflux[0, 0])
            # Check for agreement in direction
            ocomp = find_nearest_component(comp.direction, self.components)
            radiff = abs(comp.direction.ra.deg - ocomp.direction.ra.deg) / cellsize
            assert radiff < positionthreshold, "Component differs in dec %.3f pixels" % radiff
            decdiff = abs(comp.direction.dec.deg - ocomp.direction.dec.deg) / cellsize
            assert decdiff < positionthreshold, "Component differs in dec %.3f pixels" % decdiff
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def actualSetup(self, sky_pol_frame='stokesIQUV', data_pol_frame='linear', f=None):
        if f is None:
            f = [100.0, 50.0, -10.0, 40.0]
        f = numpy.array(f)
        self.flux = numpy.array([f, 0.8 * f, 0.6 * f])

        # The phase centre is absolute and the component is specified relative (for now).
        # This means that the component should end up at the position phasecentre+compredirection
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+180.0 * u.deg, dec=-35.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.compabsdirection = SkyCoord(ra=+181.0 * u.deg, dec=-35.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.comp = Skycomponent(direction=self.compabsdirection, frequency=self.frequency, flux=self.flux,
        self.vis = create_blockvisibility(self.lowcore, self.times, self.frequency, phasecentre=self.phasecentre,
                                          channel_bandwidth=self.channel_bandwidth, weight=1.0,
        self.vis = predict_skycomponent_blockvisibility(self.vis, self.comp)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.dir = './test_results'
        os.makedirs(self.dir, exist_ok=True)

        self.vnchan = 5
        self.lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
        self.times = (numpy.pi / 12.0) * numpy.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 7)
        self.frequency = numpy.linspace(8e7, 1.2e8, self.vnchan)
        self.startfrequency = numpy.array([8e7])
        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array(self.vnchan * [self.frequency[1] - self.frequency[0]])
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+180.0 * u.deg, dec=-60.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.vis = create_visibility(self.lowcore, times=self.times, frequency=self.frequency,
                                     phasecentre=self.phasecentre, weight=1.0,
        self.model = create_image_from_visibility(self.vis, npixel=512, cellsize=0.001,
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
        self.times = (numpy.pi / 43200.0) * numpy.arange(0.0, 300.0, 30.0)
        self.frequency = numpy.linspace(1.0e8, 1.1e8, 3)
        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array([1e7, 1e7, 1e7])
        # Define the component and give it some spectral behaviour
        f = numpy.array([100.0, 20.0, -10.0, 1.0])
        self.flux = numpy.array([f, 0.8 * f, 0.6 * f])

        # The phase centre is absolute and the component is specified relative (for now).
        # This means that the component should end up at the position phasecentre+compredirection
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+180.0 * u.deg, dec=-35.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.compabsdirection = SkyCoord(ra=+181.0 * u.deg, dec=-35.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        pcof = self.phasecentre.skyoffset_frame()
        self.compreldirection = self.compabsdirection.transform_to(pcof)
        self.comp = Skycomponent(direction=self.compreldirection, frequency=self.frequency, flux=self.flux)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_phase_rotation_identity(self):
        self.vis = create_visibility(self.lowcore, self.times, self.frequency,
                                     phasecentre=self.phasecentre, weight=1.0,
        self.vismodel = predict_skycomponent_visibility(self.vis, self.comp)
        newphasecenters = [SkyCoord(182, -35, unit=u.deg), SkyCoord(182, -30, unit=u.deg),
                           SkyCoord(177, -30, unit=u.deg), SkyCoord(176, -35, unit=u.deg),
                           SkyCoord(216, -35, unit=u.deg), SkyCoord(180, -70, unit=u.deg)]
        for newphasecentre in newphasecenters:
            # Phase rotating back should not make a difference
            original_vis = self.vismodel.vis
            original_uvw = self.vismodel.uvw
            rotatedvis = phaserotate_visibility(phaserotate_visibility(self.vismodel, newphasecentre, tangent=False),
                                                self.phasecentre, tangent=False)
            assert_allclose(rotatedvis.uvw, original_uvw, rtol=1e-7)
            assert_allclose(rotatedvis.vis, original_vis, rtol=1e-7)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.dir = './test_results'
        self.lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
        os.makedirs(self.dir, exist_ok=True)
        self.times = (numpy.pi / (12.0)) * numpy.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 7)
        self.frequency = numpy.array([1e8])
        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array([1e6])
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+180.0 * u.deg, dec=-60.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.vis = create_visibility(self.lowcore, self.times, self.frequency,
                                     phasecentre=self.phasecentre, weight=1.0,
                                     polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))['vis'] *= 0.0

        # Create model
        self.model = create_test_image(cellsize=0.0015, phasecentre=self.vis.phasecentre,
                                       frequency=self.frequency)[ > 1.0] = 1.0
        self.vis = predict_2d(self.vis, self.model)
        assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(self.vis.vis)) > 0.0
        export_image_to_fits(self.model, '%s/test_solve_skycomponent_model.fits' % (self.dir))
        self.bigmodel = create_image_from_visibility(self.vis, cellsize=0.0015, npixel=512)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.dir = './test_results'
        self.lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
        os.makedirs(self.dir, exist_ok=True)
        self.times = (numpy.pi / (12.0)) * numpy.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 7)
        self.frequency = numpy.linspace(0.8e8, 1.2e8, self.nchan)
        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array(self.nchan*[self.frequency[1]-self.frequency[0]])
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+180.0 * u.deg, dec=-60.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.vis = create_visibility(self.lowcore, self.times, self.frequency,
                                     phasecentre=self.phasecentre, weight=1.0,
                                     polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))['vis'] *= 0.0

        # Create model
        self.model = create_test_image(cellsize=0.0015, phasecentre=self.vis.phasecentre,
                                       frequency=self.frequency)[ > 1.0] = 1.0
        self.vis = predict_2d(self.vis, self.model)
        assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(self.vis.vis)) > 0.0
        export_image_to_fits(self.model, '%s/test_solve_image_mm_model.fits' % (self.dir))
        self.bigmodel = create_image_from_visibility(self.vis, cellsize=0.0015, npixel=512,
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_points(self, n=1):
        Generate uniformly distributed random points within the
        sky image (coverage).

        n : int, optional
            The number of random points required.
            Default: 1

        lon, lat : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            The longitudes and latitudes (in world coordinate)
            Unit: [deg]
        raise NotImplementedError
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def world2pix(self, x, y):
        Convert the world coordinates (R.A., Dec.) into the pixel
        coordinates (indexes) within the sky data array.

        x, y : float, `~numpy.ndarray`
            The R.A., Dec. world coordinates
            Unit: [deg]

        ri, ci : int, `~numpy.ndarray`
            The row, column indexes within the sky data array.
        pixelsize = self.pixelsize * AUC.arcsec2deg  # [deg]
        x, y = np.asarray(x), np.asarray(y)  # [deg]
        ri0, ci0 = self.ysize//2, self.xsize//2
        ri = np.round((y - self.ycenter) / pixelsize + ri0).astype(int)
        ci = np.round((x - self.xcenter) / pixelsize + ci0).astype(int)
        return (ri, ci)
项目:fg21sim    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def random_points(self, n=1):
        Generate uniformly distributed random points within the sky patch.

        lon : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            Longitudes (Galactic/equatorial);
            Unit: [deg]
        lat : float, or 1D `~numpy.ndarray`
            Latitudes (Galactic/equatorial);
            Unit: [deg]
        lon_min, lon_max = self.lon_limit
        lat_min, lat_max = self.lat_limit
        lon = np.random.uniform(low=lon_min, high=lon_max, size=n)
        lat = np.random.uniform(low=lat_min, high=lat_max, size=n)
        return (lon, lat)
项目:wavelet-denoising    作者:mackaiver    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def signal_gaussian(
            signal_location=np.array([61, 21])*u.deg,
            fov_center=np.array([60, 20])*u.deg,
            bins=[80, 80],

    # reshape so if signal_events = 1 the array can be indexed in the same way.
    signal = multivariate_normal.rvs(
                ).reshape(signal_events, 2)
    r = np.array([fov_center - fov/2, fov_center + fov/2]).T

    signal_hist, _, _ = np.histogram2d(signal[:, 0], signal[:, 1], bins=bins, range=r)
    return signal_hist
项目:pynephoscope    作者:neXyon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def prepare(self, path, star_finder):
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter('ignore', AstropyWarning)

        self.names, self.vmag, alt, az = self.calibration.catalog.filter(Configuration.min_alt * u.deg, Configuration.max_mag)

        altaz = np.array([alt.radian, az.radian]).transpose()

        self.pos = np.column_stack(self.calibration.project(altaz))

        self.finder = star_finder

        self.image = cv2.imread(path)


        self.altaz = np.array([,]).transpose()
项目:ugali    作者:DarkEnergySurvey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def galToCel(ll, bb):
    Converts Galactic (deg) to Celestial J2000 (deg) coordinates
    bb = numpy.radians(bb)
    sin_bb = numpy.sin(bb)
    cos_bb = numpy.cos(bb)

    ll = numpy.radians(ll)
    ra_gp = numpy.radians(192.85948)
    de_gp = numpy.radians(27.12825)
    lcp = numpy.radians(122.932)

    sin_lcp_ll = numpy.sin(lcp - ll)
    cos_lcp_ll = numpy.cos(lcp - ll)

    sin_d = (numpy.sin(de_gp) * sin_bb) \
            + (numpy.cos(de_gp) * cos_bb * cos_lcp_ll)
    ramragp = numpy.arctan2(cos_bb * sin_lcp_ll,
                            (numpy.cos(de_gp) * sin_bb) \
                            - (numpy.sin(de_gp) * cos_bb * cos_lcp_ll))
    dec = numpy.arcsin(sin_d)
    ra = (ramragp + ra_gp + (2. * numpy.pi)) % (2. * numpy.pi)
    return numpy.degrees(ra), numpy.degrees(dec)
项目:ugali    作者:DarkEnergySurvey    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dec2dms(dec):
    ADW: This should really be replaced by astropy
    DEGREE = 360.
    HOUR = 24.
    MINUTE = 60.
    SECOND = 3600.

    if isinstance(dec,basestring):
        dec = float(dec)

    sign = numpy.copysign(1.0,dec)

    fdeg = np.abs(dec)
    deg = int(fdeg)

    fminute = (fdeg - deg)*MINUTE
    minute = int(fminute)

    second = (fminute - minute)*MINUTE

    deg = int(deg * sign)
    return (deg, minute, second)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_xarray():
    import numpy as np
    import astropy.units as u
    from ..utils import xarray, yarray

    x = xarray((3, 3))
    xx = np.array([[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]])
    assert np.all(x == xx)

    x = xarray((3, 3), yx=(1, 0))
    assert np.all(x == xx)

    x = xarray((3, 3), yx=(0, 0.5))
    xx = xx - 0.5
    assert np.all(x == xx)

    x = xarray((3, 3), th=90 * u.deg)
    y = yarray((3, 3))
    assert np.allclose(x, y)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_yarray():
    import numpy as np
    import astropy.units as u
    from ..utils import yarray, xarray

    y = yarray((3, 3))
    yy = np.array([[0, 0, 0], [1, 1, 1], [2, 2, 2]])
    assert np.all(y == yy)

    y = yarray((3, 3), yx=(0, 1))
    assert np.all(y == yy)

    y = yarray((3, 3), yx=(0.5, 0))
    yy = yy - 0.5
    assert np.all(y == yy)

    y = yarray((3, 3), th=-90 * u.deg)
    x = xarray((3, 3))
    assert np.allclose(y, x)
项目:Panacea    作者:grzeimann    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def match_to_database(source_list, image_list, cat, Ast, imscale, thresh=8.):
    RA, Decdetection catalogs and vizier (astroquery) match?  vo conesearch?    
    matches = []
    for sources, image in zip(source_list, image_list):
        ifuslot = sources[1]
        Ast.get_ifuslot_projection(ifuslot, imscale, image.shape[1]/2.,
        for source in sources[0]:
            ra, dec = Ast.tp_ifuslot.wcs.wcs_pix2world(source['xcentroid'], 
            c = SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=(,
            idx, d2d, d3d = match_coordinates_sky(c, cat, nthneighbor=1) 
            if d2d.arcsec[0] < thresh:
                dra =  cat.ra[idx].deg - float(ra)
                ddec = cat.dec[idx].deg - float(dec)
                                float(ra), float(dec), 
                                cat.dec[idx].deg, dra, ddec,
    return matches
项目:lotss-catalogue    作者:mhardcastle    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_wise(ra,dec,band):
    while not successful:
            results=Ibe.query_region(coord.SkyCoord(ra, dec, unit=(u.deg, u.deg), frame='icrs'),mission=mission,dataset=dataset,table=table)
        except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:
            print 'Connection failed, retrying'

    url = ''+mission+'/'+dataset+'/'+table+'/'
    params = { 'coadd_id': results[results['band']==band]['coadd_id'][0],
           'band': band }
    params['coaddgrp'] = params['coadd_id'][:2]
    params['coadd_ra'] = params['coadd_id'][:4]
    path = str.format('{coaddgrp:s}/{coadd_ra:s}/{coadd_id:s}/{coadd_id:s}-w{band:1d}-int-3.fits',**params)
    return outname
项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def peek(self, figsize=(10, 10), color='b', alpha=0.75,
             print_to_file=None, **kwargs):
        Show extracted fieldlines overlaid on HMI image.
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=figsize)
        ax = fig.gca(projection=self.hmi_map)
        for stream, _ in self.streamlines:
            ax.plot(self._convert_angle_to_length(stream[:, 0]*,
                    self._convert_angle_to_length(stream[:, 1]*,
                    alpha=alpha, color=color, transform=ax.get_transform('world'))

        if print_to_file is not None:
            plt.savefig(print_to_file, **kwargs)
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coords(self):
        """Coordinates of event"""
        coords = SkyCoord(
            self.event_params[1]+' '+self.event_params[2], 
            unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
        return coords
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_model_coords():
    coords = SkyCoord('18:00:00 -30:00:00', unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
    model_1 = Model({'t_0':2450000, 'u_0':0.1, 't_E':100}, coords='18:00:00 -30:00:00')
    assert isinstance(model_1.coords, SkyCoord)
    assert model_1.coords.ra == coords.ra
    assert model_1.coords.dec == coords.dec
    assert  model_1.coords.dec.deg == -30.00

    model_3 = Model({'t_0':2450000, 'u_0':0.1, 't_E':100})
    model_3.coords = '17:00:00 -27:32:14'
    assert model_3.coords.to_string('hmsdms') == '17h00m00s -27d32m14s'
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_data_coords():
    coords = SkyCoord('18:00:00 -30:00:00', unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg))
    data_1 = MulensData(
        coords='18:00:00 -30:00:00')
    assert isinstance(data_1.coords, SkyCoord)
    assert data_1.coords.ra == coords.ra
    assert data_1.coords.dec == coords.dec
    assert data_1.coords.dec.deg == -30.00

    data_3 = MulensData(file_name=SAMPLE_FILE_01)
    data_3.coords = '17:00:00 -27:32:14'
    assert data_3.coords.to_string('hmsdms') == '17h00m00s -27d32m14s'
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_BLPS_01():
    """simple binary lens with point source"""
    params = ModelParameters({
            't_0':6141.593, 'u_0':0.5425, 't_E':62.63*, 
            'alpha':49.58*u.deg, 's':1.3500, 'q':0.00578})
    model = Model(parameters=params)
    t = np.array([6112.5])
    data = MulensData(data_list=[t, t*0.+16., t*0.+0.01])
    magnification = model.data_magnification[0][0]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(magnification, 4.691830781584699) # This value comes from early version of this code.
    # np.testing.assert_almost_equal(m, 4.710563917) # This value comes from Andy's getbinp().
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_BLPS_02_AC():
    """simple binary lens with extended source and different methods to evaluate magnification
    - version with adaptivecontouring
    params = ModelParameters({
            't_0':2456141.593, 'u_0':0.5425, 't_E':62.63*, 'alpha':49.58*u.deg, 
            's':1.3500, 'q':0.00578, 'rho':0.01})
    model = Model(parameters=params)

    t = (np.array([6112.5, 6113., 6114., 6115., 6116., 6117., 6118., 6119]) + 
    ac_name = 'AdaptiveContouring'
    methods = [2456113.5, 'Quadrupole', 2456114.5, 'Hexadecapole', 2456116.5, 
        ac_name, 2456117.5]
    accuracy_1 = {'accuracy': 0.04}
    accuracy_2 = {'accuracy': 0.01, 'ld_accuracy': 0.0001}
    model.set_magnification_methods_parameters({ac_name: accuracy_1})

    data = MulensData(data_list=[t, t*0.+16., t*0.+0.01])
    result = model.data_magnification[0]

    expected = np.array([4.69183078, 2.87659723, 1.83733975, 1.63865704, 
        1.61038135, 1.63603122, 1.69045492, 1.77012807])
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result, expected, decimal=3) 

    # Below we test passing the limb coef to VBBL function.
    data.bandpass = 'I'
    model.set_limb_coeff_u('I', 10.) # This is an absurd value but I needed something quick.
    model.set_magnification_methods_parameters({ac_name: accuracy_2})
    result = model.data_magnification[0]
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(result[5], 1.6366862, decimal=3)
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_methods_parameters():
    """make sure additional parameters are properly passed to very inner functions"""
    params = ModelParameters({
            't_0':2456141.593, 'u_0':0.5425, 't_E':62.63*, 'alpha':49.58*u.deg, 
            's':1.3500, 'q':0.00578, 'rho':0.01})
    model = Model(parameters=params)

    t = np.array([2456117.])
    methods = [2456113.5, 'Quadrupole', 2456114.5, 'Hexadecapole', 2456116.5, 
        'VBBL', 2456117.5]

    data = MulensData(data_list=[t, t*0.+16., t*0.+0.01])
    result_1 = model.data_magnification[0]

    vbbl_options = {'accuracy': 0.1}
    methods_parameters = {'VBBL': vbbl_options}
    result_2 = model.data_magnification[0]

    vbbl_options = {'accuracy': 1.e-5}
    methods_parameters = {'VBBL': vbbl_options}
    result_3 = model.data_magnification[0]

    assert result_1[0] != result_2[0]
    assert result_1[0] != result_3[0]
    assert result_2[0] != result_3[0]
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self,  *args, **kwargs):
        if not isinstance(args[0], SkyCoord) and 'unit' not in kwargs:
            kwargs['unit'] = (u.hourangle, u.deg)
        SkyCoord.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def galactic_l(self):
        Galactic longitude. Note that for connivance, the values l >
        180 degrees are represented as 360-l.
        l = self.galactic.l
        if l > 180. * u.deg:
            l = l - 360. * u.deg
        return l
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dalpha_dt(self):
        """ change in alpha vs. time in deg/yr"""
        return self.parameters['dalpha_dt'].to(u.deg / u.yr).value
项目:MulensModel    作者:rpoleski    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xyz(self):

        return X,Y,Z positions based on RA, DEC and distance
        if self._xyz is None:
            ra_dec = [
                text.decode('UTF-8') for text in self.data_lists['ra_dec']]
            self._xyz = SkyCoord(
                ra_dec, distance=self.data_lists['distance'],
                unit=(u.hourangle, u.deg,
        return self._xyz
项目:atoolbox    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_coord(c):
    if len(c) == 6:
        # h m s d m s
        ra = Angle((float(c[0]), float(c[1]), float(c[2])), unit=au.hourangle)
        dec = Angle((float(c[3]), float(c[4]), float(c[5])), unit=au.deg)
    elif len(c) == 2:
        ra = Angle(float(c[0]), unit=au.deg)
        dec = Angle(float(c[1]), unit=au.deg)
        raise ValueError("invalid coordinate: {0}".format(c))
    return (ra, dec)
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def input_params(votbl=None):


    if votbl is None:
        votbl = empty_vo(rtype='meta')
    all_params = []
    # POS
    pos = Param(votbl, name="INPUT:POS", value="", datatype="char", arraysize="*")
    pos.description = ('The center of the region of interest. The coordinate values are '+
                       'specified in list format (comma separated) in decimal degrees with '+
                       'no embedded white space followed by an optional coord. system.  '+
                       'Allowed systems are (ICRS) and the default is ICRS.')
    # SIZE
    size = Param(votbl, name="INPUT:SIZE", value="0.1", datatype="double", unit="deg")
    size.description = ('The radius of the circular region of interest in decimal degrees.'+
                        'Default sized radius is 0.001 degrees')
    # BAND
    band = Param(votbl, name="INPUT:BAND", value="ALL", datatype="char", arraysize="*")
    band.description = 'Not currently implemented'
    # TIME
    ptime = Param(votbl, name="INPUT:TIME", value="", datatype="char", arraysize="*")
    ptime.description = 'Not currently implemented'
    # FORMAT
    format = Param(votbl, name="INPUT:FORMAT", value="ALL", datatype="char", arraysize="*")
    format.description = ('Desired format of retrieved data. \n'+
                          'Allowed values are HDF5, METADATA')
    # Return
    return all_params
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_query_coords(igmsp):
    # Single
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=0.0019, dec=17.7737, unit='deg')
    _, _, idx = igmsp.qcat.query_coords(coord)
    assert idx[0] >= 0
    # Multiple
    coords = SkyCoord(ra=[0.0019]*2, dec=[17.7737]*2, unit='deg')
    _, _, idxs = igmsp.qcat.query_coords(coords)
    assert len(idxs) == 2
    # Dataset
    _, _, idxs2 = igmsp.qcat.query_coords(coords, groups=['BOSS_DR12'])
    assert np.sum(idxs2 >= 0) == 2
    _, _, idxs3 = igmsp.qcat.query_coords(coords, groups=['HD-LLS_DR1'])
    assert np.sum(idxs3 >= 0) == 0
项目:specdb    作者:specdb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_spectra_in_group(igmsp):
    # Missed a source -- raises IOError
    coords = SkyCoord(ra=[0.0028, 0.0019], dec=[14.9747, -17.77374], unit='deg')
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        spec, meta = igmsp.spectra_in_group(coords, 'BOSS_DR12')
    # Another with both missing
    coords = SkyCoord(ra=[2.8135,16.5802], dec=[-14.7672, -0.8065], unit='deg')
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        spec, meta = igmsp.spectra_in_group(coords, 'GGG')
    # Each source has only spectrum in the group
    coords = SkyCoord(ra=[0.0028, 0.0019], dec=[14.9747, 17.77374], unit='deg')
    spec, meta = igmsp.spectra_in_group(coords, 'BOSS_DR12')
    # Test
    assert spec.nspec == 2
    assert meta['PLATE'][0] == 6177
    # Each source has multiple spectra in the group
    coords = SkyCoord(ra=[2.8135,16.5802], dec=[14.7672, 0.8065], unit='deg')
    spec, meta = igmsp.spectra_in_group(coords, 'GGG')
    assert meta['DISPERSER'][0] == 'B600'
    qdict = dict(DISPERSER='R400')
    spec, meta = igmsp.spectra_in_group(coords, 'GGG', query_dict=qdict)
    assert meta['DISPERSER'][0] == 'R400'
    # Another with bad grating
    qdict = dict(DISPERSER='X400')
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        spec, meta = igmsp.spectra_in_group(coords, 'GGG', query_dict=qdict)
    # Multiple spectra per group
    coords = SkyCoord(ra=[2.8135, 16.5802], dec=[14.7672, 0.8065], unit='deg')
    spec, meta = igmsp.coords_to_spectra(coords, 'GGG', all_spec=True)
    assert spec.nspec == 4
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.dir = './test_results'
        os.makedirs(self.dir, exist_ok=True)

        self.frequency = numpy.linspace(1e8, 1.5e8, 3)
        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array([2.5e7, 2.5e7, 2.5e7])
        self.flux = numpy.array([[100.0], [100.0], [100.0]])
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+15.0 * u.deg, dec=-35.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.config = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
        self.times = numpy.linspace(-300.0, 300.0, 3) * numpy.pi / 43200.0
        nants =[0]
        assert nants > 1
        assert len(self.config.names) == nants
        assert len(self.config.mount) == nants
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def createVis(self, config, dec=-35.0, rmax=None):
        self.config = create_named_configuration(config, rmax=rmax)
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+15 * u.deg, dec=dec * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.vis = create_visibility(self.config, self.times, self.frequency,
                                     phasecentre=self.phasecentre, weight=1.0,
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_insert_skycomponent_nearest(self):
        dphasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+181.0 * u.deg, dec=-58.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        sc = create_skycomponent(direction=dphasecentre, flux=numpy.array([[1.0]]), frequency=self.frequency,
                                 polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI')) *= 0.0
        insert_skycomponent(self.model, sc, insert_method='Nearest')
        # These test a regression but are not known a priori to be correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual([0, 0, 151, 122], 1.0, 7)
        self.assertAlmostEqual([0, 0, 152, 122], 0.0, 7)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_insert_skycomponent_sinc(self):
        dphasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+181.0 * u.deg, dec=-58.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        sc = create_skycomponent(direction=dphasecentre, flux=numpy.array([[1.0]]), frequency=self.frequency,
                                 polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI')) *= 0.0
        insert_skycomponent(self.model, sc, insert_method='Sinc')
        # These test a regression but are not known a priori to be correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual([0, 0, 151, 122], 0.87684398703184396, 7)
        self.assertAlmostEqual([0, 0, 152, 122], 0.2469311811046056, 7)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_insert_skycomponent_lanczos(self):
        dphasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+181.0 * u.deg, dec=-58.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        sc = create_skycomponent(direction=dphasecentre, flux=numpy.array([[1.0]]), frequency=self.frequency,
                                 polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI')) *= 0.0
        insert_skycomponent(self.model, sc, insert_method='Lanczos')
        # These test a regression but are not known a priori to be correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual([0,0,151, 122],  0.87781267543090036, 7)
        self.assertAlmostEqual([0,0,152, 122], 0.23817562762032077, 7)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_insert_skycomponent_lanczos_bandwidth(self):
        dphasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+181.0 * u.deg, dec=-58.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        sc = create_skycomponent(direction=dphasecentre, flux=numpy.array([[1.0]]), frequency=self.frequency,
                                 polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI')) *= 0.0
        insert_skycomponent(self.model, sc, insert_method='Lanczos', bandwidth=0.5)
        # These test a regression but are not known a priori to be correct
        self.assertAlmostEqual([0,0,151, 122], 0.24031092091707615, 7)
        self.assertAlmostEqual([0,0,152, 122], 0.18648989466050975, 7)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.dir = './test_results'
        os.makedirs(self.dir, exist_ok=True)
        self.lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
        self.times = numpy.linspace(-3, +3, 13) * (numpy.pi / 12.0)

        self.frequency = numpy.array([1e8])
        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array([1e7])

        # Define the component and give it some polarisation and spectral behaviour
        f = numpy.array([100.0])
        self.flux = numpy.array([f])

        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+15.0 * u.deg, dec=-35.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.compabsdirection = SkyCoord(ra=17.0 * u.deg, dec=-36.5 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')

        self.comp = create_skycomponent(flux=self.flux, frequency=self.frequency,
        self.image = create_test_image(frequency=self.frequency, phasecentre=self.phasecentre,
                                       polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))[ < 0.0] = 0.0

        self.image_graph = delayed(create_test_image)(frequency=self.frequency,
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.dir = './test_results'
        os.makedirs(self.dir, exist_ok=True)
        self.niter = 1000
        self.lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
        self.nchan = 5
        self.times = (numpy.pi / 12.0) * numpy.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 7)
        self.frequency = numpy.linspace(0.9e8, 1.1e8, self.nchan)
        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array(self.nchan * [self.frequency[1] - self.frequency[0]])
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+0.0 * u.deg, dec=-45.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.vis = create_visibility(self.lowcore, self.times, self.frequency, self.channel_bandwidth,
                                     phasecentre=self.phasecentre, weight=1.0,
                                     polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))['vis'] *= 0.0

        # Create model
        self.test_model = create_low_test_image_from_gleam(npixel=512, cellsize=0.001,
        beam = create_low_test_beam(self.test_model)
        export_image_to_fits(beam, "%s/test_deconvolve_msmfsclean_beam.fits" % self.dir) *=
        export_image_to_fits(self.test_model, "%s/test_deconvolve_msmfsclean_model.fits" % self.dir)
        self.vis = predict_2d(self.vis, self.test_model)
        assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(self.vis.vis)) > 0.0
        self.model = create_image_from_visibility(self.vis, npixel=512, cellsize=0.001,
        self.dirty, sumwt = invert_2d(self.vis, self.model)
        self.psf, sumwt = invert_2d(self.vis, self.model, dopsf=True)
        export_image_to_fits(self.dirty, "%s/test_deconvolve_msmfsclean_dirty.fits" % self.dir)
        export_image_to_fits(self.psf, "%s/test_deconvolve_msmfsclean_psf.fits" % self.dir)
        window = numpy.ones(shape=self.model.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
        window[..., 129:384, 129:384] = True
        self.innerquarter = create_image_from_array(window, self.model.wcs)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):

        self.lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')

        self.times = numpy.linspace(-300.0, 300.0, 11) * numpy.pi / 43200.0

        self.frequency = numpy.linspace(1e8, 1.5e9, 7)

        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array(7 * [self.frequency[1] - self.frequency[0]])

        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+15.0 * u.deg, dec=-35.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):
        self.dir = './test_results'
        os.makedirs(self.dir, exist_ok=True)
        self.lowcore = create_named_configuration('LOWBD2-CORE')
        self.times = (numpy.pi / (12.0)) * numpy.linspace(-3.0, 3.0, 7)
        self.frequency = numpy.array([1e8])
        self.channel_bandwidth = numpy.array([1e6])
        self.phasecentre = SkyCoord(ra=+180.0 * u.deg, dec=-60.0 * u.deg, frame='icrs', equinox='J2000')
        self.vis = create_visibility(self.lowcore, self.times, self.frequency,
                                     phasecentre=self.phasecentre, weight=1.0,
                                     polarisation_frame=PolarisationFrame('stokesI'))['vis'] *= 0.0

        # Create model
        self.test_model = create_test_image(cellsize=0.001, phasecentre=self.vis.phasecentre,
        self.vis = predict_2d(self.vis, self.test_model)
        assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(self.vis.vis)) > 0.0
        self.model = create_image_from_visibility(self.vis, npixel=512, cellsize=0.001,
        self.dirty, sumwt = invert_2d(self.vis, self.model)
        self.psf, sumwt = invert_2d(self.vis, self.model, dopsf=True)
        window = numpy.zeros(shape=self.model.shape, dtype=numpy.bool)
        window[..., 129:384, 129:384] = True
        self.innerquarter = create_image_from_array(window, self.model.wcs)