Python astropy.units 模块,m() 实例源码


项目:thejoker    作者:adrn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_rejection_sample(self):

        rnd = np.random.RandomState(42)

        data =['binary']
        joker = TheJoker(self.joker_params['binary'], random_state=rnd)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):

        joker.rejection_sample(data, n_prior_samples=128)

        # check that jitter is always set to the fixed value
        jitter = 5.*u.m/u.s
        params = JokerParams(P_min=8*, P_max=1024*, jitter=jitter)
        joker = TheJoker(params)

        prior_samples = joker.sample_prior(128)
        assert quantity_allclose(prior_samples['jitter'], jitter)

        full_samples = joker.rejection_sample(data, n_prior_samples=128)
        assert quantity_allclose(full_samples['jitter'], jitter)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_LOFAR_configuration(antfile: str, meta: dict = None) -> Configuration:
    """ Define from the LOFAR configuration file

    :param antfile:
    :param meta:
    :return: Configuration
    antxyz = numpy.genfromtxt(antfile, skip_header=2, usecols=[1, 2, 3], delimiter=",")
    nants = antxyz.shape[0]
    assert antxyz.shape[1] == 3, "Antenna array has wrong shape %s" % antxyz.shape
    anames = numpy.genfromtxt(antfile, dtype='str', skip_header=2, usecols=[0], delimiter=",")
    mounts = numpy.repeat('XY', nants)
    location = EarthLocation(x=[3826923.9] * u.m, y=[460915.1] * u.m, z=[5064643.2] * u.m)
    fc = Configuration(location=location, names=anames, mount=mounts, xyz=antxyz, frame='global',
    return fc
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def density(self, density:**3):
        """Sets the simulation's density profile to the specified array.
        Other arrays which depend on the density values, such as the kinetic
        pressure, are then redefined automatically.


        density : ndarray
            Array of density values. Shape and size must be equal to those of
            the simulation grid.
            Must have units of density.


        assert density.shape == self.domain_shape, """
            Specified density array shape {} does not match simulation grid {}.
            """.format(density.shape, self.domain_shape)
        self._density = density

    # Momentum
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def momentum(self, momentum:**2 * u.s)):
        """Sets the simulation's momentum profile to the specified array.
        Other arrays which depend on the velocity values, such as the kinetic
        are then redefined automatically.


        momentum : ndarray
            Array of momentum vectors. Shape must be (3, x, [y, z]), where x,
            y and z are the dimensions of the simulation grid.
            Note that a full 3D vector is necessary even if the simulation has
            fewer than 3 dimensions.

        assert momentum.shape == (3, *self.domain_shape), """
            Specified density array shape {} does not match simulation grid {}.
            """.format(momentum.shape, (3, *self.domain_shape))
        self._momentum = momentum

    # Internal energy
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def energy(self, energy: u.J/u.m**3):
        """Sets the simulation's total energy density profile to the specified array.
        Other arrays which depend on the energy values, such as the kinetic
        pressure, are then redefined automatically.


        energy : ndarray
            Array of energy values. Shape must be (x, y, z), where x, y, and z
            are the grid sizes of the simulation in the x, y, and z dimensions.
            Must have units of energy.


        assert energy.shape == self.domain_shape, """
            Specified density array shape {} does not match simulation grid {}.
            """.format(energy.shape, self.domain_shape)
        self._energy = energy

    # Magnetic field
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def velocity(self, velocity: u.m / u.s):
        """Defines the velocity throughout the simulation, and automatically
        updates the momentum based on the current density values.


        velocity : ndarray
            Array of velocity vectors with shape (3, x, [y, z]) where x, y and
            z are the spatial grid sizes of the simulation.
            Note that a full 3D vector is required even if the simulation is
            run for fewer than 3 dimensions.
            Must have units of velocity.

        assert velocity.shape == (3, *self.domain_shape), """Specified velocity
            array shape does not match simulation grid."""
        self.momentum = velocity * self.density
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rho_as_angle(rho, eph):
    """Projected linear distance to angular distance.

    rho : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
      Projected distance in units of length.

    eph : dictionary-like or ``
      Ephemerides; requires geocentric distance as `delta`.

    rho_l : `~astropy.units.Quantity`


    if rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.m):
        rho_a = np.arctan(rho / eph['delta'].to(u.m))
        assert rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad)
        rho_a = rho

    return rho_a
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rho_as_length(rho, eph):
    """Angular distance to projected linear distance.

    rho : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
      Projected distance in units of angle.

    eph : dictionary-like or ``
      Ephemerides; requires geocentric distance as `delta`.

    rho_l : `~astropy.units.Quantity`


    if rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad):
        rho_l = eph['delta'].to(u.m) * np.tan(rho)
        assert rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.m)
        rho_l = rho

    return rho_l
项目:thejoker    作者:adrn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup(self):
        mjd = np.linspace(55555., 56555., 256) = RVData(mjd, np.sin(mjd)*,

        n = 128
        samples = dict()
        samples['P'] = np.random.uniform(size=n) *
        samples['phi0'] = np.random.uniform(size=n) * u.radian
        samples['omega'] = np.random.uniform(size=n) * u.radian
        samples['ecc'] = np.random.uniform(size=n) *
        samples['jitter'] = np.random.uniform(size=n) * u.m/u.s
        self.samples = samples
        self.n = n
项目:thejoker    作者:adrn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_shit():
    joker_params = JokerParams(P_min=8*, P_max=32768*, jitter=0*u.m/u.s)
    joker = TheJoker(joker_params)

    t = np.random.uniform(0, 250, 16) + 56831.324

    rv = np.cos(t)
    rv_err = np.random.uniform(0.1, 0.2, t.size)

    data = RVData(t=t, rv=rv*, stddev=rv_err*

    samples = joker.sample_prior(size=16384)

    chunk = []
    for k in samples:

    chunk = np.ascontiguousarray(np.vstack(chunk).T)

    t0 = time.time()
    cy_ll = batch_marginal_ln_likelihood(chunk, data, joker_params)
    print("Cython:", time.time() - t0)

    t0 = time.time()
    n_chunk = len(chunk)
    py_ll = np.zeros(n_chunk)
    for i in range(n_chunk):
            py_ll[i] = marginal_ln_likelihood(chunk[i], data, joker_params)
        except Exception as e:
            py_ll[i] = np.nan
    print("Python:", time.time() - t0)

    assert np.allclose(np.array(cy_ll), py_ll)
项目:thejoker    作者:adrn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_plotting():
    # check that plotting at least succeeds with allowed arguments
    t = np.random.uniform(55555., 56012., size=128)
    rv = 100 * np.sin(0.5*t) *
    ivar = 1 / (np.random.normal(0,5,size=t.size)***2
    data = RVData(t=t, rv=rv, ivar=ivar)


    # style

    # custom axis
    fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,1)

    # formatting
    data.plot(rv_unit=u.m/u.s, time_format='jd')
    data.plot(rv_unit=u.m/u.s, time_format=lambda x: x.utc.mjd)

    # try with no errors
    data = RVData(t=t, rv=rv)

项目:CTAtools    作者:davidsanchez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetAltAzHESS(coords, date='2016-06-06 00:00:00'):
    Get AltAz of a source at a given date for the HESS site
    coords   : CoordinatesHandler object
    date     : date for which the results is valid. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS 
    #Site Location
    print "At HESS Location at ",date
    location = EarthLocation(lat = '-23d16m18s' , lon = '16d30m00s', height = 1800*u.m)
    time = Time(date, format='iso', scale='utc')
    return _GetAltAz(coords,location,time)
项目:CTAtools    作者:davidsanchez    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetAltAzLAPALMA(coords, date='2016-06-06 00:00:00'):
    Get AltAz of a source at a given date for the HELAPALMASS site
    coords   : CoordinatesHandler object
    date     : date for which the results is valid. Format is YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS 
    #Site Location
    print "At CTA North Location at ",date
    location = EarthLocation(lat = '28d45m43s' , lon = '-17d53m24s', height = 1800*u.m)
    time = Time(date, format='iso', scale='utc')
    return _GetAltAz(coords,location,time)
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_configuration_from_file(antfile: str, name: str = None, location: EarthLocation = None,
                                   mount: str = 'altaz',
                                   names: str = "%d", frame: str = 'local',
                                   meta: dict = None,
                                   rmax=None, **kwargs) -> Configuration:
    """ Define from a file

    :param names:
    :param antfile: Antenna file name
    :param name: Name of array e.g. 'LOWBD2'
    :param location:
    :param mount: mount type: 'altaz', 'xy'
    :param frame: 'local' | 'global'
    :param diameter: Effective diameter of station or antenna
    :param meta: Any meta info
    :return: Configuration
    antxyz = numpy.genfromtxt(antfile, delimiter=",")
    assert antxyz.shape[1] == 3, ("Antenna array has wrong shape %s" % antxyz.shape)
    if frame == 'local':
        latitude = location.geodetic[1].to(u.rad).value
        antxyz = xyz_at_latitude(antxyz, latitude)
    if rmax is not None:
        lantxyz = antxyz - numpy.average(antxyz, axis=0)
        r = numpy.sqrt(lantxyz[:, 0] ** 2 + lantxyz[:, 1] ** 2 + lantxyz[:, 2] ** 2)
        antxyz = antxyz[r < rmax]
        log.debug('create_configuration_from_file: Maximum radius %.1f m includes %d antennas/stations' %
                  (rmax, antxyz.shape[0]))

    nants = antxyz.shape[0]
    anames = [names % ant for ant in range(nants)]
    mounts = numpy.repeat(mount, nants)
    fc = Configuration(location=location, names=anames, mount=mounts, xyz=antxyz, frame=frame,
    return fc
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, domain_x, domain_y, domain_z, gamma=5/3):
        # Define domain sizes
        self.x = domain_x
        self.y = domain_y
        self.z = domain_z

        x, y, z =,,
        self.grid = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij') * u.m
        self.grid = np.squeeze(self.grid)
        self.domain_shape = []
        for length in (len(x), len(y), len(z)):
            if length > 1:
        self.domain_shape = tuple(self.domain_shape)
        self.gamma = gamma

        # Initiate core plasma variables
        self._density = np.zeros(self.domain_shape) * / u.m**3
        self._momentum = np.zeros((3, *self.domain_shape)) * \
            / (u.m**2 * u.s)
        self._energy = np.zeros(self.domain_shape) * u.J / u.m**3
        self._magnetic_field = np.zeros((3, *self.domain_shape)) * u.T

        # Collect core variables into a list for usefulness

        # Connect a simulation object for simulating
        self.simulation_physics = MHDSimulation(self)
项目:phoebe2    作者:phoebe-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _planck(self, lam, Teff):
        Computes monochromatic blackbody intensity in W/m^3 using the
        Planck function.

        @lam: wavelength in m
        @Teff: effective temperature in K

        Returns: monochromatic blackbody intensity

        return 2*self.h*self.c*self.c/lam**5 * 1./(np.exp(self.h*self.c/lam/self.k/Teff)-1)
项目:wavelet-denoising    作者:mackaiver    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def loadFile(input_file):
    df = pd.read_csv(input_file).dropna()

    x = df['stereo:estimated_direction:x']
    y = df['stereo:estimated_direction:y']
    z = df['stereo:estimated_direction:z']

    _, lat, lon = cartesian_to_spherical(
        x.values * u.m, y.values * u.m, z.values * u.m)

    alt = Angle(90 * u.deg - lat).degree
    az = Angle(lon).wrap_at(180 * u.deg).degree
    df['alt'] = alt
    df['az'] = az
    return df
项目:wavelet-denoising    作者:mackaiver    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def altAz(self, df):

        x = df['stereo:estimated_direction:x']
        y = df['stereo:estimated_direction:y']
        z = df['stereo:estimated_direction:z']

        _, lat, lon = cartesian_to_spherical(
            x * u.m, y * u.m, z * u.m)

        alt = Angle(90 * u.deg - lat).degree
        az = Angle(lon).wrap_at(180 * u.deg).degree
        return alt, az
项目:carsus    作者:tardis-sn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dbquantity():
    return DBQuantity(column("value"), u.m)
项目:carsus    作者:tardis-sn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dbquantity_add_same_units(dbquantity):
    expr = (dbquantity + 100*u.m).value  # value + :value_1
    value_1 = expr.right.value
    assert_almost_equal(value_1, 100)
项目:carsus    作者:tardis-sn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dbquantity_radd(dbquantity):
    expr = (100*u.m + dbquantity).value  # :value_1 + value
    value_1 = expr.left.value
    assert_almost_equal(value_1, 100)
项目:carsus    作者:tardis-sn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dbquantity_sub_same_untis(dbquantity):
    expr = (dbquantity - 100*u.m).value  # value - :value_1
    value_1 = expr.right.value
    assert_almost_equal(value_1, 100)
项目:carsus    作者:tardis-sn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dbquantity_rsub_same_units(dbquantity):
    expr = (100*u.m - dbquantity).value  # :value_1 - value
    value_1 = expr.left.value
    assert_almost_equal(value_1, 100)
项目:carsus    作者:tardis-sn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dbquantity_div_another_unit(dbquantity):
    q = dbquantity/(2*u.m)
    expr = q.value
    value_1 = expr.right.value
    assert_almost_equal(value_1, 2)
    assert q.unit == u.Unit("")
项目:carsus    作者:tardis-sn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_dbquantity_greater_same_units(dbquantity):
    expr = dbquantity > 100*u.m  # value > :value_1
    value_1 = expr.right.value
    assert_almost_equal(value_1, 100)
项目:formulas    作者:jzuhone    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_exponential():
    p = exponential(x="z",A="P_0",x_0="z_0",x_s="z_s")
    P_0 = 100.0*apu.kPa
    z_0 = 0.0*apu.m
    z_s = -100.0*apu.m
    z = apu.Quantity(np.linspace(0,1000.,100),"m")
    p.set_param_values(P_0=P_0, z_0=z_0, z_s=z_s)
    assert_allclose(p(z).value, (P_0*np.exp((z-z_0)/z_s)).value)
    assert str(p(z).unit) == str(P_0.unit)
项目:goodman    作者:soar-telescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_time(in_time):
    """Converts time to seconds since epoch

        in_time (str): time obtained from header's keyword DATE-OBS

        time in seconds since epoch

    return time.mktime(time.strptime(in_time, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"))
项目:goodman    作者:soar-telescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def print_default_args(args):
    """Print default values of arguments.

    This is mostly helpful for debug but people not familiar with the software
    might find it useful as well

        This function is deprecated.

        This is not dynamically updated so use with caution

        args (object): An argparse instance

    arg_name = {'auto_clean': '--auto-clean',
                'clean_cosmic': '-c, --cosmic',
                'debug_mode': '--debug',
                'flat_normalize': '--flat-normalize',
                'ignore_bias': '--ignore-bias',
                'log_to_file': '--log-to-file',
                'norm_order': '--flat-norm-order',
                'raw_path': '--raw-path',
                'red_path': '--red-path',
                'saturation_limit': '--saturation',
                'destiny': '-d --proc-path',
                'interactive_ws': '-i --interactive',
                'lamp_all_night': '-r --reference-lamp',
                'lamp_file': '-l --lamp-file',
                'output_prefix': '-o --output-prefix',
                'pattern': '-s --search-pattern',
                'procmode': '-m --proc-mode',
                'reference_dir': '-R --reference-files',
                'source': '-p --data-path',
                'save_plots': '--save-plots',
                'dcr_par_dir': '--dcr-par-dir'}
    for key in args.__dict__:
        log_ccd.debug('Default value for {:s} is {:s}'.format(
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_from_flam(self):
        fluxd = 6.730018324465526e-14 * u.W / u.m**2 /
        aper = 1 * u.arcsec
        eph = dict(rh=1.5 *, delta=1.0 *
        S = 1869 * u.W / u.m**2 /
        afrho = Afrho.from_fluxd(None, fluxd, aper, eph, S=S)
        assert np.isclose(, 1000)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_fluxd(self):
        afrho = Afrho(1000, 'cm')
        aper = 1 * u.arcsec
        eph = dict(rh=1.5 *, delta=1.0 *
        S = 1869 * u.W / u.m**2 /
        fluxd = afrho.fluxd(None, aper, eph, S=S)
        assert fluxd.unit.is_equivalent(S.unit)
        assert np.isclose(fluxd.value, 6.730018324465526e-14)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_from_flam(self):
        fluxd = 3.824064455850402e-15 * u.W / u.m**2 /
        wave = 10 *
        aper = 1 * u.arcsec
        eph = dict(rh=1.5 *, delta=1.0 *
        efrho = Efrho.from_fluxd(wave, fluxd, aper, eph)
        assert np.isclose(, 1000)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, Q, v):
        assert isinstance(Q, u.Quantity)
        assert Q.unit.is_equivalent((u.s**-1, u.mol / u.s))
        self.Q = Q

        assert isinstance(v, u.Quantity)
        assert v.unit.is_equivalent(u.m / u.s)
        self.v = v
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, Q, v, parent, daughter=None):
        super(Haser, self).__init__(Q, v)

        bib.register('activity.gas.Haser', {'model': '1957BSRSL..43..740H'})

        assert isinstance(parent, u.Quantity)
        assert parent.unit.is_equivalent(u.m)
        self.parent = parent

        if daughter is None:
            self.daughter = None
            assert isinstance(daughter, u.Quantity)
            assert daughter.unit.is_equivalent(u.m)
            self.daughter = daughter
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _convert_unit(self, rho, eph):
        """Make units match those of self."""
        if not self.dim.unit.is_equivalent(rho.unit):
            if rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.m):
                x = rho_as_angle(rho, eph)
                x = rho_as_length(rho, eph)
            x = rho

        return x
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_named_configuration(name: str = 'LOWBD2', **kwargs) -> Configuration:
    """ Standard configurations e.g. LOWBD2, MIDBD2

    :param name: name of Configuration LOWBD2, LOWBD1, LOFAR, VLAA
    :param rmax: Maximum distance of station from the average (m)

    For LOWBD2, setting rmax gives the following number of stations
    100.0       13
    300.0       94
    1000.0      251
    3000.0      314
    10000.0     398
    30000.0     476
    100000.0    512

    if name == 'LOWBD2':
        location = EarthLocation(lon="116.4999", lat="-26.7000", height=300.0)
        fc = create_configuration_from_file(antfile=arl_path("data/configurations/LOWBD2.csv"),
                                            location=location, mount='xy', names='LOWBD2_%d',
                                            diameter=35.0, **kwargs)
    elif name == 'LOWBD1':
        location = EarthLocation(lon="116.4999", lat="-26.7000", height=300.0)
        fc = create_configuration_from_file(antfile=arl_path("data/configurations/LOWBD1.csv"),
                                            location=location, mount='xy', names='LOWBD1_%d',
                                            diameter=35.0, **kwargs)
    elif name == 'LOWBD2-CORE':
        location = EarthLocation(lon="116.4999", lat="-26.7000", height=300.0)
        fc = create_configuration_from_file(antfile=arl_path("data/configurations/LOWBD2-CORE.csv"),
                                            location=location, mount='xy', names='LOWBD2_%d',
                                            diameter=35.0, **kwargs)
    elif name == 'LOFAR':
        assert get_parameter(kwargs, "meta", False) is False
        fc = create_LOFAR_configuration(antfile=arl_path("data/configurations/LOFAR.csv"))
    elif name == 'VLAA':
        location = EarthLocation(lon="-107.6184", lat="34.0784", height=2124.0)
        fc = create_configuration_from_file(antfile=arl_path("data/configurations/VLA_A_hor_xyz.csv"),
                                            diameter=25.0, **kwargs)
    elif name == 'VLAA_north':
        location = EarthLocation(lon="-107.6184", lat="90.000", height=2124.0)
        fc = create_configuration_from_file(antfile=arl_path("data/configurations/VLA_A_hor_xyz.csv"),
                                            diameter=25.0, **kwargs)
        raise ValueError("No such Configuration %s" % name)
    return fc
项目:phoebe2    作者:phoebe-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_ck2004_response(self, path, verbose=False):
        Computes Castelli & Kurucz (2004) intensities across the entire
        range of model atmospheres.

        @path: path to the directory containing ck2004 SEDs
        @verbose: switch to determine whether computing progress should
        be printed on screen

        Returns: n/a

        models = glob.glob(path+'/*M1.000*')
        Nmodels = len(models)

        # Store the length of the filename extensions for parsing:
        offset = len(models[0])-models[0].rfind('.')

        Teff, logg, abun = np.empty(Nmodels), np.empty(Nmodels), np.empty(Nmodels)
        InormE, InormP = np.empty(Nmodels), np.empty(Nmodels)

        if verbose:
            print('Computing Castelli & Kurucz (2004) passband intensities for %s:%s. This will take a while.' % (self.pbset, self.pbname))

        for i, model in enumerate(models):
            #~ spc = np.loadtxt(model).T -- waaay slower
            spc = np.fromfile(model, sep=' ').reshape(-1,2).T

            Teff[i] = float(model[-17-offset:-12-offset])
            logg[i] = float(model[-11-offset:-9-offset])/10
            sign = 1. if model[-9-offset]=='P' else -1.
            abun[i] = sign*float(model[-8-offset:-6-offset])/10

            spc[0] /= 1e10 # AA -> m
            spc[1] *= 1e7  # erg/s/cm^2/A -> W/m^3
            wl = spc[0][(spc[0] >= self.ptf_table['wl'][0]) & (spc[0] <= self.ptf_table['wl'][-1])]
            fl = spc[1][(spc[0] >= self.ptf_table['wl'][0]) & (spc[0] <= self.ptf_table['wl'][-1])]
            fl *= self.ptf(wl)
            flP = fl*wl
            InormE[i] = np.log10(fl.sum()/self.ptf_area*(wl[1]-wl[0]))             # energy-weighted intensity
            InormP[i] = np.log10(flP.sum()/self.ptf_photon_area*(wl[1]-wl[0]))     # photon-weighted intensity
            if verbose:
                if 100*i % (len(models)) == 0:
                    print('%d%% done.' % (100*i/(len(models)-1)))

        # Store axes (Teff, logg, abun) and the full grid of Inorm, with
        # nans where the grid isn't complete.
        self._ck2004_axes = (np.unique(Teff), np.unique(logg), np.unique(abun))

        self._ck2004_energy_grid = np.nan*np.ones((len(self._ck2004_axes[0]), len(self._ck2004_axes[1]), len(self._ck2004_axes[2]), 1))
        self._ck2004_photon_grid = np.nan*np.ones((len(self._ck2004_axes[0]), len(self._ck2004_axes[1]), len(self._ck2004_axes[2]), 1))
        for i, I0 in enumerate(InormE):
            self._ck2004_energy_grid[Teff[i] == self._ck2004_axes[0], logg[i] == self._ck2004_axes[1], abun[i] == self._ck2004_axes[2], 0] = I0
        for i, I0 in enumerate(InormP):
            self._ck2004_photon_grid[Teff[i] == self._ck2004_axes[0], logg[i] == self._ck2004_axes[1], abun[i] == self._ck2004_axes[2], 0] = I0

        # Tried radial basis functions but they were just terrible.
        #~ self._log10_Inorm_ck2004 = interpolate.Rbf(self._ck2004_Teff, self._ck2004_logg, self._ck2004_met, self._ck2004_Inorm, function='linear')
项目:phoebe2    作者:phoebe-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def compute_ck2004_ldcoeffs(self, plot_diagnostics=False):
        if 'ck2004_all' not in self.content:
            print('Castelli & Kurucz (2004) intensities are not computed yet. Please compute those first.')
            return None

        self._ck2004_ld_energy_grid = np.nan*np.ones((len(self._ck2004_intensity_axes[0]), len(self._ck2004_intensity_axes[1]), len(self._ck2004_intensity_axes[2]), 11))
        self._ck2004_ld_photon_grid = np.nan*np.ones((len(self._ck2004_intensity_axes[0]), len(self._ck2004_intensity_axes[1]), len(self._ck2004_intensity_axes[2]), 11))
        mus = self._ck2004_intensity_axes[3]

        for Tindex in range(len(self._ck2004_intensity_axes[0])):
            for lindex in range(len(self._ck2004_intensity_axes[1])):
                for mindex in range(len(self._ck2004_intensity_axes[2])):
                    IsE = 10**self._ck2004_Imu_energy_grid[Tindex,lindex,mindex,:].flatten()

                    fEmask = np.isfinite(IsE)
                    if len(IsE[fEmask]) <= 1:
                    IsE /= IsE[fEmask][-1]

                    IsP = 10**self._ck2004_Imu_photon_grid[Tindex,lindex,mindex,:].flatten()
                    fPmask = np.isfinite(IsP)
                    IsP /= IsP[fPmask][-1]

                    cElin,  pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_lin,    mus[fEmask], IsE[fEmask], p0=[0.5])
                    cElog,  pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_log,    mus[fEmask], IsE[fEmask], p0=[0.5, 0.5])
                    cEsqrt, pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_sqrt,   mus[fEmask], IsE[fEmask], p0=[0.5, 0.5])
                    cEquad, pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_quad,   mus[fEmask], IsE[fEmask], p0=[0.5, 0.5])
                    cEnlin, pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_nonlin, mus[fEmask], IsE[fEmask], p0=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
                    self._ck2004_ld_energy_grid[Tindex, lindex, mindex] = np.hstack((cElin, cElog, cEsqrt, cEquad, cEnlin))

                    cPlin,  pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_lin,    mus[fPmask], IsP[fPmask], p0=[0.5])
                    cPlog,  pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_log,    mus[fPmask], IsP[fPmask], p0=[0.5, 0.5])
                    cPsqrt, pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_sqrt,   mus[fPmask], IsP[fPmask], p0=[0.5, 0.5])
                    cPquad, pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_quad,   mus[fPmask], IsP[fPmask], p0=[0.5, 0.5])
                    cPnlin, pcov = cfit(self._ldlaw_nonlin, mus[fPmask], IsP[fPmask], p0=[0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5])
                    self._ck2004_ld_photon_grid[Tindex, lindex, mindex] = np.hstack((cPlin, cPlog, cPsqrt, cPquad, cPnlin))

                    if plot_diagnostics:
                        if Tindex == 10 and lindex == 9 and mindex == 5:
                            print self._ck2004_intensity_axes[0][Tindex], self._ck2004_intensity_axes[1][lindex], self._ck2004_intensity_axes[2][mindex]
                            print mus, IsE
                            print cElin, cElog, cEsqrt
                            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
                            plt.plot(mus[fEmask], IsE[fEmask], 'bo')
                            plt.plot(mus[fEmask], self._ldlaw_lin(mus[fEmask], *cElin), 'r-')
                            plt.plot(mus[fEmask], self._ldlaw_log(mus[fEmask], *cElog), 'g-')
                            plt.plot(mus[fEmask], self._ldlaw_sqrt(mus[fEmask], *cEsqrt), 'y-')
                            plt.plot(mus[fEmask], self._ldlaw_quad(mus[fEmask], *cEquad), 'm-')
                            plt.plot(mus[fEmask], self._ldlaw_nonlin(mus[fEmask], *cEnlin), 'k-')

项目:goodman    作者:soar-telescope    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_background_image(ccd, profile_model, nsigma, separation):
    """Creates a background-only image

    Using a profile model and assuming the spectrum is misaligned only a little
    bit (i.e. a couple of pixels from end to end) with respect to the lines of
    the detector. The number of sigmas determines the width of the zone to be
    masked and the separation is an offset that is added.

        ccd (object): A ccdproc.CCDData instance.
        profile_model (object): An astropy.modeling.Model instance. Describes
            the spatial profile of the target.
        nsigma (float): Number of sigmas. Used to calculate the width of the
            target zone to be masked.
        separation (float): Additional offset that adds to the width of the
            target zone.

        A ccdproc.CCDData instance with the spectrum masked.

    background_ccd = ccd.copy()
    spatial_length, dispersion_length =
    target_profiles = []
    if 'CompoundModel' in
        for m in range(len(profile_model.submodel_names)):
            submodel_name = profile_model.submodel_names[m]


    for target in target_profiles:
        target_mean = target.mean.value
        target_stddev = target.stddev.value

        data_low_lim =
            [0, target_mean - (nsigma / 2. + separation) * target_stddev]))

        data_high_lim =[spatial_length, int(
            target_mean + (nsigma / 2. + separation) * target_stddev)]))[data_low_lim:data_high_lim, :] = 0

    if False:
        plt.title('Background Image')
        plt.imshow(, clim=(0, 50))

    return background_ccd