Python astropy.units 模块,s() 实例源码


项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def density(self, density:**3):
        """Sets the simulation's density profile to the specified array.
        Other arrays which depend on the density values, such as the kinetic
        pressure, are then redefined automatically.


        density : ndarray
            Array of density values. Shape and size must be equal to those of
            the simulation grid.
            Must have units of density.


        assert density.shape == self.domain_shape, """
            Specified density array shape {} does not match simulation grid {}.
            """.format(density.shape, self.domain_shape)
        self._density = density

    # Momentum
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def momentum(self, momentum:**2 * u.s)):
        """Sets the simulation's momentum profile to the specified array.
        Other arrays which depend on the velocity values, such as the kinetic
        are then redefined automatically.


        momentum : ndarray
            Array of momentum vectors. Shape must be (3, x, [y, z]), where x,
            y and z are the dimensions of the simulation grid.
            Note that a full 3D vector is necessary even if the simulation has
            fewer than 3 dimensions.

        assert momentum.shape == (3, *self.domain_shape), """
            Specified density array shape {} does not match simulation grid {}.
            """.format(momentum.shape, (3, *self.domain_shape))
        self._momentum = momentum

    # Internal energy
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def energy(self, energy: u.J/u.m**3):
        """Sets the simulation's total energy density profile to the specified array.
        Other arrays which depend on the energy values, such as the kinetic
        pressure, are then redefined automatically.


        energy : ndarray
            Array of energy values. Shape must be (x, y, z), where x, y, and z
            are the grid sizes of the simulation in the x, y, and z dimensions.
            Must have units of energy.


        assert energy.shape == self.domain_shape, """
            Specified density array shape {} does not match simulation grid {}.
            """.format(energy.shape, self.domain_shape)
        self._energy = energy

    # Magnetic field
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def magnetic_field(self, magnetic_field: u.Tesla):
        Sets the simulation's magnetic field profile to the specified array.
        Other arrays which depend on the magnetic field, such as the magnetic
        pressure, are then redefined automatically.


        magnetic_field : ndarray
            Array of magnetic field values. Shape must be (3, x, [y, z]),
            where x, y, and z are the grid sizes of the simulation in the x, y,
            and z dimensions.
            Note that a full 3D vector is necessary even if the simulation has
            fewer than 3 dimensions.


        assert magnetic_field.shape == (3, *self.domain_shape), """
            Specified density array shape {} does not match simulation grid {}.
            """.format(magnetic_field.shape, (3, *self.domain_shape))
        self._magnetic_field = magnetic_field
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, plasma):
        self.dt = 1e-4 * u.s
        self.current_iteration = 0
        self.current_time = 0 * u.s
        self.plasma = plasma
        # Domain size
        # self.grid_size = grid_size

        # Physical parameters
        # self.gamma = gamma

        grids = (,,
        ranges = [grid for grid in grids if len(grid) > 1]
        stepsize = [range[1] - range[0] for range in ranges] * grids[0].unit
        self.solver = Solver(stepsize)

        # Collect equations into a nice easy-to-use list
        self.equations = [self._ddt_density, self._ddt_momentum,
                          self._ddt_energy, self._ddt_magfield]
项目:fiasco    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def direct_ionization_rate(self):
        Calculate direct ionization rate in cm3/s

        Needs an equation reference or explanation
        xgl, wgl = np.polynomial.laguerre.laggauss(12)
        kBT = const.k_B.cgs*self.temperature
        energy = np.outer(xgl, kBT)*kBT.unit + self.ip
        cross_section = self.direct_ionization_cross_section(energy)
        if cross_section is None:
            return None
        term1 = np.sqrt(8./np.pi/const.m_e.cgs)*np.sqrt(kBT)*np.exp(-self.ip/kBT)
        term2 = ((wgl*xgl)[:,np.newaxis]*cross_section).sum(axis=0)
        term3 = (wgl[:,np.newaxis]*cross_section).sum(axis=0)*self.ip/kBT

        return term1*(term2 + term3)
项目:fiasco    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ionization_rate(self):
        Total ionization rate.

        Includes contributions from both direct ionization and excitation-autoionization

        See Also
        di_rate = self.direct_ionization_rate()
        di_rate = np.zeros(self.temperature.shape)***3/u.s if di_rate is None else di_rate
        ea_rate = self.excitation_autoionization_rate()
        ea_rate = np.zeros(self.temperature.shape)***3/u.s if ea_rate is None else ea_rate
        return di_rate + ea_rate
项目:fiasco    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def recombination_rate(self):
        Total recombination rate.

        Includes contributions from dielectronic recombination and radiative recombination.

        See Also
        rr_rate = self.radiative_recombination_rate()
        rr_rate = np.zeros(self.temperature.shape)***3/u.s if rr_rate is None else rr_rate
        dr_rate = self.dielectronic_recombination_rate()
        dr_rate = np.zeros(self.temperature.shape)***3/u.s if dr_rate is None else dr_rate
        return rr_rate + dr_rate
项目:gullikson-scripts    作者:kgullikson88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def GetFluxRatio(sptlist, Tsec, xgrid):
      Returns the flux ratio between the secondary star of temperature Tsec
      and the (possibly multiple) primary star(s) given in the
      'sptlist' list (given as spectral types)
      xgrid is a np.ndarray containing the x-coordinates to find the
        flux ratio at (in nm)

    prim_flux = np.zeros(xgrid.size)

    # Determine the flux from the primary star(s)
    for spt in sptlist:
        end = search("[0-9]", spt).end()
        T = MS.Interpolate(MS.Temperature, spt[:end])
        R = MS.Interpolate(MS.Radius, spt[:end])
        prim_flux += Planck(xgrid *, T) * R ** 2

    # Determine the secondary star flux
    s_spt = MS.GetSpectralType(MS.Temperature, Tsec)
    R = MS.Interpolate(MS.Radius, s_spt)
    sec_flux = Planck(xgrid *, Tsec) * R ** 2

    return sec_flux / prim_flux
项目:gullikson-scripts    作者:kgullikson88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def integral(x, y, I, k=10):
    Integrate y = f(x) for x = 0 to a such that the integral = I
    I can be an array.

    Returns the values a that are found.
    I = np.atleast_1d(I)

    f = UnivariateSpline(x, y, s=k)

    # Integrate as a function of x
    F = f.antiderivative()
    Y = F(x)

    a = []
    for intval in I:
        F2 = UnivariateSpline(x, Y/Y[-1] - intval, s=0)

    return np.hstack(a)
项目:gullikson-scripts    作者:kgullikson88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_max_separation(p_spt, s_temp, v, d=1.0 * u.parsec):
    Get the maximum separation for a binary candidate
    :param p_spt:   The spectral type of the primary star
    :param s_temp:  The temperature of the companion
    :param v:       The velocity, in km/s, of the companion
    :param d:       The distance, in parsec, to the system
    :return:        The maximum primary-->secondary separation, in arcseconds
    # Convert the companion temperature and primary spectral type to mass
    from kglib.spectral_type import Mamajek_Table

    MS = SpectralTypeRelations.MainSequence()
    MT = Mamajek_Table.MamajekTable()
    teff2mass = MT.get_interpolator('Teff', 'Msun')
    M1 = MS.Interpolate('mass', p_spt)
    M2 = teff2mass(s_temp)
    Mt = (M1 + M2) * u.M_sun

    # Compute the maximum separation
    G = constants.G
    a_max = (G * Mt / v ** 2)
    alpha_max = (a_max / d).to(u.arcsecond, equivalencies=u.dimensionless_angles())
    return alpha_max
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_profile(wave, flux, line, name):
    # define the velocity scale [AA / s]
    vel_aas = (wave - line*(1+zem[i])) / (line*(1+zem[i])) * c
    # convert to [km / s]
    vel_kms ='km/s')
    # define parameters for the x and y axes
    ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=xls)
    ax.set_ylim(0., 1.5)
    # make the plot
    ax.plot(vel_kms, flux)
    # include the name of the line
    plt.text(xmin+0.03*(xmax-xmin), 0.15, name)
    # mark the approximate centroid velocity
    plt.axvline(x=vcen[i], ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=1, color='k', linestyle='dotted')
    plt.axvline(x=vcen[i]+30., ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=0.5, color='k')
    plt.axvline(x=vcen[i]-30., ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=0.5, color='k')
    # label other lines for clarity
    for k in range(0, len(lines)):
        vel_off_aas = (lines[k] - line) / line * c
        vel_off_kms ='km/s') / ( / u.s)
        plt.axvline(x=vcen[i]+vel_off_kms, ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=1, color='k', linestyle='dotted')

# define the data directory
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_profile(wave, flux, line, name):
    # define the velocity scale [AA / s]
    vel_aas = (wave - line*(1+zem[i])) / (line*(1+zem[i])) * c
    # convert to [km / s]
    vel_kms ='km/s')
    # define parameters for the x and y axes
    ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=xls)
    ax.set_ylim(0., 3.)
    # make the plot
    ax.plot(vel_kms, np.log(1/flux))
    # include the name of the line
    plt.text(xmin+0.03*(xmax-xmin), 2.3, name)
    # mark the approximate centroid velocity
    plt.axvline(x=vcen[i], ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=1, color='k', linestyle='dotted')
    plt.axvline(x=vcen[i]+30., ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=0.5, color='k')
    plt.axvline(x=vcen[i]-30., ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=0.5, color='k')
    # label other lines for clarity
    for k in range(0, len(lines)):
        vel_off_aas = (lines[k] - line) / line * c
        vel_off_kms ='km/s') / ( / u.s)
        plt.axvline(x=vcen[i]+vel_off_kms, ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=1, color='k', linestyle='dotted')

# define the data directory
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_circular_integration_1step(self):
        """Compare total number and integrated column density for circle.


        from ..core import CircularAperture

        Nobs = 6.41756750e26
        parent = 1.4e4 *
        daughter = 1.7e5 *
        Q = 5.8e23 / u.s
        v = 1 * / u.s
        aper = CircularAperture(3300 *

        coma = Haser(Q, v, parent, daughter)
        N1 = coma.total_number(aper)
        N2 = coma._integrate_column_density(aper)
        assert np.isclose(N1, N2)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, Q, species):
        Q : `Astropy.units` quantity or iterable, mandatory
            production rate usually in units of `u.molecule / u.s`
        species : dictionary or list of dictionaries, mandatory
            defines gas velocity, lifetimes, disassociative lifetimes

        Vectorial instance


        not yet implemented


项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pds_ferret(targetid, bib=None):
    """Use the Small Bodies Data Ferret (
    at the Planetary Data System's Small Bodies Node to query for
    information on a specific small body in the PDS.

    targetid : str, mandatory
        target identifier
    bib : SBPy Bibliography instance, optional, default None
        Bibliography instance that will be populated

    data : dict
      A hierarchical data object

    >>> from import pds_ferret
    >>> data = pds_ferret('ceres')  # doctest: +SKIP

    not yet implemented

项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_results(self, loop):
        Load EBTEL output for a given loop object.

        loop : `synthesizAR.Loop` object
        # load text
        N_s = len(loop.field_aligned_coordinate)
        _tmp = np.loadtxt(loop.hydro_configuration['output_filename'])

        # reshape into a 1D loop structure with units
        time = _tmp[:, 0]*u.s
        electron_temperature = np.outer(_tmp[:, 1], np.ones(N_s))*u.K
        ion_temperature = np.outer(_tmp[:, 2], np.ones(N_s))*u.K
        density = np.outer(_tmp[:, 3], np.ones(N_s))*(**(-3))
        velocity = np.outer(_tmp[:, -2], np.ones(N_s))*
        # flip sign of velocity at apex
        i_mirror = np.where(np.diff(loop.coordinates.value[:, 2]) > 0)[0][-1] + 2
        velocity[:, i_mirror:] = -velocity[:, i_mirror:]

        return time, electron_temperature, ion_temperature, density, velocity
项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def non_equilibrium_ionization(self, time: u.s, temperature: u.K, density:**(-3), rate_matrix=None,
        Compute the ionization fraction in non-equilibrium for a given temperature and density
        if rate_matrix is None:
            rate_matrix = self._rate_matrix()
        if initial_condition is None:
            initial_condition = self.equilibrium_ionization(rate_matrix=rate_matrix)

        interpolate_indices = [np.abs(self.temperature - t).argmin() for t in temperature]
        y = np.zeros(time.shape + (self.atomic_number+1,))
        y[0, :] = initial_condition[interpolate_indices[0], :]

        identity = u.Quantity(np.eye(self.atomic_number + 1))
        for i in range(1, time.shape[0]):
            dt = time[i] - time[i-1]
            term1 = identity - density[i]*dt/2.*rate_matrix[interpolate_indices[i], :, :]
            term2 = identity + density[i-1]*dt/2.*rate_matrix[interpolate_indices[i-1], :, :]
            y[i, :] = np.linalg.inv(term1) @ term2 @ y[i-1, :]
            y[i, :] = np.fabs(y[i, :])
            y[i, :] /= y[i, :].sum()

        return u.Quantity(y)
项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def proton_collision_rate(self):
        Calculates the collision rate for de-exciting and exciting collisions for protons
        # Create scaled temperature--these are not stored in the file
        bt_t = np.vectorize(np.linspace, excluded=[0, 1], otypes='O')(0, 1, [ups.shape[0] 
                                                                      for ups in self._psplups['bt_rate']])
        # Get excitation rates directly from scaled data
        energy_ratio = np.outer(const.k_B.cgs*self.temperature, 1.0/self._psplups['delta_energy'].to(u.erg))
        ex_rate = np.array(list(map(self.burgess_tully_descale, bt_t, self._psplups['bt_rate'], energy_ratio.T,
                                    self._psplups['bt_c'], self._psplups['bt_type'])))
        ex_rate = u.Quantity(np.where(ex_rate > 0., ex_rate, 0.),**3/u.s).T
        # Calculation de-excitation rates from excitation rate
        omega_upper = 2.*self._elvlc['J'][self._psplups['upper_level'] - 1] + 1.
        omega_lower = 2.*self._elvlc['J'][self._psplups['lower_level'] - 1] + 1.
        dex_rate = (omega_lower/omega_upper)*ex_rate*np.exp(1./energy_ratio)

        return dex_rate, ex_rate
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, domain_x, domain_y, domain_z, gamma=5/3):
        # Define domain sizes
        self.x = domain_x
        self.y = domain_y
        self.z = domain_z

        x, y, z =,,
        self.grid = np.meshgrid(x, y, z, indexing='ij') * u.m
        self.grid = np.squeeze(self.grid)
        self.domain_shape = []
        for length in (len(x), len(y), len(z)):
            if length > 1:
        self.domain_shape = tuple(self.domain_shape)
        self.gamma = gamma

        # Initiate core plasma variables
        self._density = np.zeros(self.domain_shape) * / u.m**3
        self._momentum = np.zeros((3, *self.domain_shape)) * \
            / (u.m**2 * u.s)
        self._energy = np.zeros(self.domain_shape) * u.J / u.m**3
        self._magnetic_field = np.zeros((3, *self.domain_shape)) * u.T

        # Collect core variables into a list for usefulness

        # Connect a simulation object for simulating
        self.simulation_physics = MHDSimulation(self)
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def pressure(self):
        """Sets the simulation's kinetic pressure profile to the specified array.

        The kinetic pressure is defined as:

        .. math::

            p = (\\gamma - 1) (e_0 - \\frac{\\rho\\textbf{v}^2}{2})

        v = self.velocity

        return (self.gamma - 1) \
            * ( - ((self.density * dot(v, v)) / 2))
项目:Codes    作者:SP2RC-Coding-Club    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def simulate(self, max_its=np.inf, max_time=np.inf*u.s):
        """Simulates the plasma as set up, either for the given number of
        iterations or until the simulation reaches the given time.

        max_its : int
            Tells the simulation to run for a set number of iterations.

        max_time : astropy.units.Quantity
            Maximum total (in-simulation) time to allow the simulation to run.
            Must have units of time.

        >>> # Run a simulation for exactly one thousand iterations.
        >>> myplasma.simulate(max_time=1000)

        >>> # Run a simulation for up to half an hour of simulation time.
        >>> myplasma.simulate(max_time=30*u.minute)
        if np.isinf(max_its) and np.isinf(max_time.value):
            raise ValueError("Either max_time or max_its must be set.")

        physics = self.simulation_physics
        dt = physics.dt

        if np.isinf(max_time):
            pb = ProgressBar(max_its)
            pb = ProgressBar(int(max_time / dt))

        with pb as bar:
            while (physics.current_iteration < max_its
                   and physics.current_time < max_time):
项目:fiasco    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def burgess_tully_descale(x, y, energy_ratio, c, scaling_type):
        Convert scaled Burgess-Tully parameters to physical quantities. For more details see

        .. [1] Burgess, A. and Tully, J. A., 1992, A&A, `254, 436 <>`_ 
        nots = splrep(x, y, s=0)
        if scaling_type == 1:
            x_new = 1.0 - np.log(c)/np.log(energy_ratio + c)
            upsilon = splev(x_new, nots, der=0)*np.log(energy_ratio + np.e)
        elif scaling_type == 2:
            x_new = energy_ratio/(energy_ratio + c)
            upsilon = splev(x_new, nots, der=0)
        elif scaling_type == 3:
            x_new = energy_ratio/(energy_ratio + c)
            upsilon = splev(x_new, nots, der=0)/(energy_ratio + 1.0)
        elif scaling_type == 4:
            x_new = 1.0 - np.log(c)/np.log(energy_ratio + c)
            upsilon = splev(x_new, nots, der=0)*np.log(energy_ratio + c)
        elif scaling_type == 5:
            # dielectronic
            x_new = energy_ratio/(energy_ratio + c)
            upsilon = splev(x_new, nots, der=0)/energy_ratio
        elif scaling_type == 6:
            # protons
            x_new = energy_ratio/(energy_ratio + c)
            upsilon = 10**splev(x_new, nots, der=0)
            raise ValueError('Unrecognized BT92 scaling option.')

        return upsilon
项目:fiasco    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_create_ion_with_wrong_units_raises_unit_conversion_error():
    with pytest.raises(u.UnitsError):
        fiasco.Ion('fe_5', temperature.value*u.s)
项目:fiasco    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocessor(self, table, line, index):
        line = line.strip().split()
        if index == 0:
            filetype = int(line[0])
            if filetype == 1:
                self.dtypes = [int,float,float,float,float]
                self.units = [None,(**3)/u.s,None,u.K,u.K]
                self.headings = ['fit_type', 'A_fit', 'B_fit', 'T0_fit', 'T1_fit']
                self.descriptions = ['fit type','A fit parameter','B fit parameter',
                                     'T0 fit parameter','T1 fit parameter']
            elif filetype == 2:
                self.dtypes = [int,float,float,float,float,float,float]
                self.units = [None,(**3)/u.s,None,u.K,u.K,None,u.K]
                self.headings = ['fit_type', 'A_fit', 'B_fit', 'T0_fit', 'T1_fit', 'C_fit', 'T2_fit']
                self.descriptions = ['fit type','A fit parameter','B fit parameter',
                                     'T0 fit parameter','T1 fit parameter','C fit parameter',
                                     'T2 fit parameter']
            elif filetype == 3:
                self.dtypes = [int,float,float]
                self.units = [None,(**3)/u.s,None]
                self.headings = ['fit_type', 'A_fit', 'eta_fit']
                self.descriptions = ['fit type','A rad fit parameter','eta fit parameter']
                raise ValueError('Unrecognized .rrparams filetype {}'.format(filetype))
            if table[0][0] == 1 or table[0][0] == 2:
                table[0] += line[3:]
                table[0] += line[2:]
项目:fiasco    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def preprocessor(self, table, line, index):
        line = line.strip().split()
        if index == 0:
            self._drparams_filetype = int(line[0])
            if self._drparams_filetype == 1:
                # Badnell type
                self.dtypes = [int,float,float]
                self.units = [None,u.K,(**3)/u.s*(u.K**(3/2))]
                self.headings = ['fit_type', 'E_fit', 'c_fit']
                self.descriptions = ['fit type', 'E fit parameter','c fit parameter']
            elif self._drparams_filetype == 2:
                # Shull type
                self.dtypes = [int,float,float,float,float]
                self.units = [None,(**3)/u.s*(u.K**(3/2)),u.dimensionless_unscaled,u.K,u.K]
                self.headings = ['fit_type', 'A_fit', 'B_fit', 'T0_fit', 'T1_fit']
                self.descriptions = ['fit type','A fit coefficient','B fit coefficient',
                                     'T0 fit coefficient','T1 fit coefficient']
                raise ValueError('Unrecognized drparams filetype {}'.format(self._drparams_filetype))
            if self._drparams_filetype == 1:
                tmp = np.array(line[2:],dtype=float)
                if index%2 == 0:
                    tmp_col = table[-1]
                    for i in range(tmp.shape[0]):
                    del table[0]
项目:gullikson-scripts    作者:kgullikson88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def split_by_component(df):
    df['prim_comp'] = s: s[0])
    df['sec_comp'] = s: s[-1])
    comps = pd.concat((df[['prim_comp', 'Sp1']], df[['sec_comp', 'Sp2']]))
    prim = comps.loc[comps.prim_comp.notnull()].rename(columns={'Sp1': 'SpT', 'prim_comp': 'comp'})
    sec = comps.loc[comps.sec_comp.notnull()].rename(columns={'Sp2': 'SpT', 'sec_comp': 'comp'})
    return pd.concat((prim, sec))[['comp', 'SpT']].drop_duplicates(subset='comp')
项目:gullikson-scripts    作者:kgullikson88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def safe_convert(s, default=0):
    Converts something to a float. If an error occurs, returns the default value.
        v = float(s)
    except ValueError:
        v = default
    return v
项目:gullikson-scripts    作者:kgullikson88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_to_hex(val, delimiter=':', force_sign=False):
    Converts a numerical value into a hexidecimal string

    - val:           float
                     The decimal number to convert to hex.

    - delimiter:     string
                     The delimiter between hours, minutes, and seconds
                     in the output hex string.

    - force_sign:    boolean
                     Include the sign of the string on the output,
                     even if positive? Usually, you will set this to
                     False for RA values and True for DEC

    A hexadecimal representation of the input value.
    s = np.sign(val)
    s_factor = 1 if s > 0 else -1
    val = np.abs(val)
    degree = int(val)
    minute = int((val  - degree)*60)
    second = (val - degree - minute/60.0)*3600.
    if degree == 0 and s_factor < 0:
        return '-00{2:s}{0:02d}{2:s}{1:.2f}'.format(minute, second, delimiter)
    elif force_sign or s_factor < 0:
        deg_str = '{:+03d}'.format(degree * s_factor)
        deg_str = '{:02d}'.format(degree * s_factor)
    return '{0:s}{3:s}{1:02d}{3:s}{2:.2f}'.format(deg_str, minute, second, delimiter)
项目:gullikson-scripts    作者:kgullikson88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fwhm(x, y, k=10, ret_roots=False):
    Determine full-with-half-maximum of a peaked set of points, x and y.

    Assumes that there is only one peak present in the dataset.  The function
    uses a spline interpolation with smoothing parameter k ('s' in scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline).

    If ret_roots=True, return the x-locations at half maximum instead of just
    the distance between them.

    class NoPeaksFound(Exception):

    half_max = np.max(y) / 2.0
    s = UnivariateSpline(x, y - half_max, s=k)
    roots = s.roots()

    if len(roots) > 2:
        # Multiple peaks. Use the two that straddle the maximum value
        maxvel = x[np.argmax(y)]
        left_idx = np.argmin(maxvel - roots)
        right_idx = np.argmin(roots - maxvel)
        roots = np.array((roots[left_idx], roots[right_idx]))
    elif len(roots) < 2:
        raise NoPeaksFound("No proper peaks were found in the data set; likely "
                           "the dataset is flat (e.g. all zeros).")
    if ret_roots:
        return roots[0], roots[1]

    return abs(roots[1] - roots[0])
项目:gullikson-scripts    作者:kgullikson88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, *args, **kwargs):
        Get the spline value and uncertainty at point(s) x. args and kwargs are passed to spline.__call__
        x = np.atleast_1d(x)
        s = np.vstack([curve(x, *args, **kwargs) for curve in self._splines])
        return (np.mean(s, axis=0), np.std(s, axis=0))
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def plot_profile(wave, flux, line, name, fosc):
    # define the velocity scale [AA / s]
    vel_aas = (wave - line*(1+zem[i])) / (line*(1+zem[i])) * c
    # convert to [km / s]
    vel_kms ='km/s')
    # define parameters for the x and y axes
    ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
    ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=xls)
    ymax = 3.e12
    ax.set_ylim(0., ymax)
    # make the plot (using equations 5 and 8 from Savage & Sembach 1991)
    ax.plot(vel_kms, np.log(1/flux) / 2.654e-15 / (fosc * line))
    # include the name of the line
    plt.text(xmin+0.03*(xmax-xmin), ymax*0.6, name)
    # mark the approximate centroid velocity
    plt.axvline(x=vcen[i], ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=1, color='k', linestyle='dotted')
    plt.axvline(x=vcen[i]+30., ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=0.5, color='k')
    plt.axvline(x=vcen[i]-30., ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=0.5, color='k')
    # label other lines for clarity
    for k in range(0, len(lines)):
        vel_off_aas = (lines[k] - line) / line * c
        vel_off_kms ='km/s') / ( / u.s)
        plt.axvline(x=vcen[i]+vel_off_kms, ymin=0., ymax = 1.5, linewidth=1, color='k', linestyle='dotted')

# define the data directory
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate(wave, flux, line, fosc):
    # define the velocity scale [AA / s]
    vel_aas = (wave - line*(1+zem[i])) / (line*(1+zem[i])) * c
    # convert to [km / s]
    vel_kms ='km/s')
    # label other lines for clarity

    tau = np.log(1/flux) 

    for k in range(0, len(lines)):
        vel_off_aas = (lines[k] - line) / line * c
        vel_off_kms ='km/s') / ( / u.s)
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def scat_plot():
    f = plt.figure()
    # filename = 'MLP5_dap_multi_' + str(plate) + '_quicklook.pdf'
    mpl5_dir = os.environ['MANGADIR_MPL5']
    drp = + 'drpall-v2_0_1.fits')
    drpdata = drp[1].data
    absmag = drpdata.field('nsa_elpetro_absmag')

    plt.scatter(absmag[:,5], absmag[:,1]-absmag[:,5], marker='.',color=['blue'], s=0.5)
    plt.xlabel('i-band absolute magnitude', fontsize=16)
    plt.ylabel('NUV - i', fontsize=16)
    plt.tick_params(axis='both', labelsize=14)

    ifu_list = drpdata.field('plateifu')
    for i in good_galaxies:
        ithname = str(i[0]) + str(i[1])
        for e in range(0, len(ifu_list)):
            ethname = ifu_list[e]
            ethname = ethname.replace("-","")
            if ithname == ethname:
                plt.scatter(absmag[e, 5], absmag[e, 1] - absmag[e, 5], marker='*',color=['red'])
    f.savefig("scatter.pdf", bbox_inches='tight')
    # pp = PdfPages('scatter.pdf')
    # pp.savefig(plot_1)
    os.system("open %s &" % 'scatter.pdf')
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def luminosity(wavelength,flux,lDistcm):
    return const.c*u.s/u.m/(wavelength*10**-9)*flux*10**-23*(4*math.pi*lDistcm**2)/solarLum

# Given two coefficients and the color will return the mass-to-light ratio
# as defined by Bell and DeJong 2000
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def luminosity(wavelength,flux,lDcm):
    return const.c*u.s/u.m/(wavelength*10**-9)*flux*10**-23*(4*math.pi*lDcm**2)/solarLum
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name, z, x,y):
        self.z = z
        self.y = y
        self.x = x = name
        #lDcm gives the luminosity distance in centimeters
        #self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(0.603)*
        #self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)* / u.Mpc
        #pixtoKpc is the conversion betweem pixels to rad to kpc based on z value
        #self.pixtoKpc = conv.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(self.z)*0.05/u.arcsec*u.kpc
        self.lDcm = cosmo.luminosity_distance(self.z)* / u.Mpc
        self.radToKpc = conv.arcsec_per_kpc_proper(self.z)*0.05/u.arcsec*u.kpc
# Let's set up some stuff so that I can grab stuff from inside an excel sheet.
项目:bates_galaxies_lab    作者:aleksds    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def luminosity(wavelength,flux,lDistcm):
    return const.c*u.s/u.m/(wavelength*10**-9)*flux*10**-23*(4*math.pi*lDistcm**2)/solarLum

# Given two coefficients and the color will return the mass-to-light ratio
# as defined by Bell and DeJong 2000
项目:PyMUSE    作者:ismaelpessa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def color_gui(self, cmap):
        Function to change the cmap of the canvas
        :param cmap: string. matplotlib's color map. cmap = 'none' to gray scale again
        if cmap == 'none':
            self.color = False
            self.cmap = ""
            self.color = True
            self.cmap = cmap
项目:PyMUSE    作者:ismaelpessa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_data(self):
        hdulist =
        print("MuseCube: Loading the cube fluxes and variances...")

        # import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
        self.cube = hdulist[1].data
        self.stat = hdulist[2].data

        # for ivar weighting ; consider creating it in init ; takes long
        # self.flux_over_ivar = self.cube / self.stat

        self.header_1 = hdulist[1].header  # Necesito el header para crear una buena copia del white.
        self.header_0 = hdulist[0].header

        if self.filename_white is None:
            print("MuseCube: No white image given, creating one.")

            w_data = self.create_white(save=False)

            w_header_0 = copy.deepcopy(self.header_0)
            w_header_1 = copy.deepcopy(self.header_1)

            # These loops remove the third dimension from the header's keywords. This is neccesary in order to
            # create the white image and preserve the cube astrometry
            for i in w_header_0.keys():
                if '3' in i:
                    del w_header_0[i]
            for i in w_header_1.keys():
                if '3' in i:
                    del w_header_1[i]

            # prepare the header
            hdu = fits.HDUList()
            hdu_0 = fits.PrimaryHDU(header=w_header_0)
            hdu_1 = fits.ImageHDU(data=w_data, header=w_header_1)
            hdu.writeto('new_white.fits', clobber=True)
            self.filename_white = 'new_white.fits'
            print("MuseCube: `new_white.fits` image saved to disk.")
项目:PyMUSE    作者:ismaelpessa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def color_gui(self, cmap):
        Function to change the cmap of the canvas
        :param cmap: string. matplotlib's color map. cmap = 'none' to gray scale again
        if cmap == 'none':
            self.color = False
            self.cmap = ""
            self.color = True
            self.cmap = cmap
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_column_density_small_aperture(self):
        """Test column density for aperture << lengthscale.

        Should be within 1% of ideal value.

        Q = 1e28 / u.s
        v = 1 * / u.s
        rho = 10 *
        parent = 1e4 *
        N_avg = 2 * Haser(Q, v, parent).column_density(rho)
        ideal = Q / v / 2 / rho
        assert np.isclose(N_avg.decompose().value, ideal.decompose().value,
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_number_large_aperture(self):
        """Test column density for aperture >> lengthscale."""
        Q = 1 / u.s
        v = 1 * / u.s
        rho = 1000 *
        parent = 10 *
        N = Haser(Q, v, parent).total_number(rho)
        ideal = Q * parent / v
        assert np.isclose(N, ideal.decompose().value)

    # def test_total_number_rho_NJ78(self):
    #     """Reproduce Newburn and Johnson 1978.

    #     Species, N observed, Q/v (km**-1)
    #     CN, 6.4e26, 5.8e23
    #     C3, 8.3e28, 9.0e23
    #     C2, 7.8e27, 5.9e24

    #     Cannot reproduce C3 quoted in paper.

    #     """

    #     #Nobs = [6.41756750e26, 8.63191842e+28, 7.81278300e27]
    #     #Nobs = [6.4e26, 4.2e27, 7.8e27]
    #     Nobs = [6.4e26, 8.3e28, 7.8e27]
    #     parent = [1.4e4, 0, 1.0e4] *
    #     daughter = [1.7e5, 4.6e4, 7.6e4] *
    #     Q = [5.8e23, 9.0e23, 5.9e24] / u.s
    #     rho = 3300 *

    #     N = np.zeros(3)
    #     for i in range(3):
    #         coma = Haser(Q[i], 1 * / u.s, parent[i], daughter[i])
    #         N[i] = coma.total_number(rho)

    #     assert np.allclose(N, Nobs)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_circular_integration_0step(self):
        """Compare total number and integrated column density for circle."""

        from ..core import CircularAperture

        Nobs = 6.41756750e26
        parent = 1.4e4 *
        Q = 5.8e23 / u.s
        v = 1 * / u.s
        aper = CircularAperture(3300 *

        coma = Haser(Q, v, parent)
        N1 = coma.total_number(aper)
        N2 = coma._integrate_column_density(aper)
        assert np.isclose(N1, N2)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_total_number_rectangular_ap(self):

        compare with:

        import astropy.units as u
        from sbpy.imageanalysis.utils import rarray
        from sbpy.activity import Haser

        r = rarray((5000, 3300), subsample=10) *
        parent = 1.4e4 *
        daughter = 1.7e5 *
        Q = 5.8e23 / u.s
        v = 1 * / u.s
        coma = Haser(Q, v, parent, daughter)
        sigma = coma.column_density(r)
        print((sigma * 1 ***2).decompose())
        --> <Quantity 3.449607967230623e+26>

        This differs from the test value below by XXX


        from ..core import RectangularAperture

        parent = 1.4e4 *
        daughter = 1.7e5 *
        Q = 5.8e23 / u.s
        v = 1 * / u.s
        aper = RectangularAperture([5000, 3300] *

        coma = Haser(Q, v, parent, daughter)
        N = coma.total_number(aper)

        assert np.isclose(N, 3.449607967230623e+26)
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, Q, v):
        assert isinstance(Q, u.Quantity)
        assert Q.unit.is_equivalent((u.s**-1, u.mol / u.s))
        self.Q = Q

        assert isinstance(v, u.Quantity)
        assert v.unit.is_equivalent(u.m / u.s)
        self.v = v
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __getattr__(self, field):
        if field in self.table.columns:
            return self.table[field]
           raise AttributeError ("field '{:s}' does not exist".format(field))
项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate_counts_simple(channel, loop, *args):
        Calculate the AIA intensity using only the temperature response functions.
        response_function = (splev(np.ravel(loop.electron_temperature), channel['temperature_response_spline'])
                             * u.count***5/u.s/u.pixel)
        counts = np.reshape(np.ravel(loop.density**2)*response_function, loop.density.shape)
        return counts
项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, observing_time: u.s, observing_area=None):
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(name=type(self).__name__)
        self.observing_time = np.arange(observing_time[0].to(u.s).value,
        self.observing_area = observing_area
项目:synthesizAR    作者:wtbarnes    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def make_aia_animation(aia, start_time: u.s, stop_time: u.s, root_dir, figsize=None, norm=None, fontsize=14, **kwargs):
    Build animation from a series of synthesized AIA observations
    with h5py.File(aia.counts_file, 'r') as hf:
        reference_time = u.Quantity(hf['time'], hf['time'].attrs['units'])
    start_index = np.where(reference_time == start_time)[0][0]
    stop_index = np.where(reference_time == stop_time)[0][0]
    fig_format = os.path.join(root_dir, f'{}', '{}', 'map_t{:06d}.fits')
    fig, ims = plot_aia_channels(aia, start_time, root_dir, figsize=figsize, norm=norm, fontsize=fontsize, 

    def update_fig(i):
        for channel in aia.channels:
            tmp = Map(fig_format.format(channel['name'], i))
        fig.suptitle(r'$t={:.0f}$ {}'.format(reference_time[i].value, reference_time.unit.to_string()), 
        return [ims[k] for k in ims]

    animator_settings = {'interval': 50, 'blit': True}
    animator_settings.update(kwargs.get('animator_settings', {}))
    animation = matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update_fig, frames=range(start_index, stop_index),

    return animation