Python astropy.units 模块,rad() 实例源码


项目:cav_gcnn    作者:myinxd    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calc_rate(redshift):
    """Calculate the rate, kpc/px."""
    # Init
    # Hubble constant at z = 0
    H0 = 71.0
    # Omega0, total matter density
    Om0 = 0.27
    # Cosmo
    cosmo = FlatLambdaCDM(H0=H0, Om0=Om0)
    # Angular diameter distance, [Mpc]
    dA = cosmo.angular_diameter_distance(redshift)
    # Resolution of Chandra
    rate_px = 0.492 * au.arcsec  # [arcmin/px]
    rate_px_rad =
    # rate
    rate = dA.value * rate_px_rad.value  # [Mpc/px]

    return rate
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_phase_rotation(self):
        self.vis = create_visibility(self.lowcore, self.times, self.frequency,
                                     phasecentre=self.phasecentre, weight=1.0,
        self.vismodel = predict_skycomponent_visibility(self.vis, self.comp)
        # Predict visibilities with new phase centre independently
        ha_diff = -(self.compabsdirection.ra - self.phasecentre.ra).to(u.rad).value
        vispred = create_visibility(self.lowcore, self.times + ha_diff, self.frequency,
                                    phasecentre=self.compabsdirection, weight=1.0,
        vismodel2 = predict_skycomponent_visibility(vispred, self.comp)

        # Should yield the same results as rotation
        rotatedvis = phaserotate_visibility(self.vismodel, newphasecentre=self.compabsdirection, tangent=False)
        assert_allclose(rotatedvis.vis, vismodel2.vis, rtol=1e-7)
        assert_allclose(rotatedvis.uvw, vismodel2.uvw, rtol=1e-7)
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def NES_healpixels(nside=set_default_nside(), width=15, dec_min=0., fill_gap=True):
    Define the North Ecliptic Spur region. Return a healpix map with NES pixels as 1.
    ra, dec = ra_dec_hp_map(nside=nside)
    result = np.zeros(ra.size)
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.rad, dec=dec*u.rad)
    eclip_lat =
    good = np.where((np.abs(eclip_lat) <= np.radians(width)) & (dec > dec_min))
    result[good] += 1

    if fill_gap:
        good = np.where((dec > np.radians(dec_min)) & (ra < np.radians(180)) &
                        (dec < np.radians(width)))
        result[good] = 1

    return result
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def galactic_plane_healpixels(nside=set_default_nside(), center_width=10., end_width=4.,
                              gal_long1=70., gal_long2=290.):
    Define the Galactic Plane region. Return a healpix map with GP pixels as 1.
    ra, dec = ra_dec_hp_map(nside=nside)
    result = np.zeros(ra.size)
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.rad, dec=dec*u.rad)
    g_long, g_lat = coord.galactic.l.radian, coord.galactic.b.radian
    good = np.where((g_long < np.radians(gal_long1)) & (np.abs(g_lat) < np.radians(center_width)))
    result[good] += 1
    good = np.where((g_long > np.radians(gal_long2)) & (np.abs(g_lat) < np.radians(center_width)))
    result[good] += 1
    # Add tapers
    slope = -(np.radians(center_width)-np.radians(end_width))/(np.radians(gal_long1))
    lat_limit = slope*g_long+np.radians(center_width)
    outside = np.where((g_long < np.radians(gal_long1)) & (np.abs(g_lat) > np.abs(lat_limit)))
    result[outside] = 0
    slope = (np.radians(center_width)-np.radians(end_width))/(np.radians(360. - gal_long2))
    b = np.radians(center_width)-np.radians(360.)*slope
    lat_limit = slope*g_long+b
    outside = np.where((g_long > np.radians(gal_long2)) & (np.abs(g_lat) > np.abs(lat_limit)))
    result[outside] = 0

    return result
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_NES(nside=64, width=15, dec_min=0., fill_gap=True):
    Define the North Ecliptic Spur region. Return a healpix map with NES pixels as true.
    ra, dec = ra_dec_hp_map(nside=nside)
    result = np.zeros(ra.size)
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.rad, dec=dec*u.rad)
    eclip_lat =
    good = np.where((np.abs(eclip_lat) <= np.radians(width)) & (dec > dec_min))
    result[good] += 1

    if fill_gap:
        good = np.where((dec > np.radians(dec_min)) & (ra < np.radians(180)) &
                        (dec < np.radians(width)))
        result[good] = 1

    NES_indx = (result==1)

    return NES_indx
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rho_as_angle(rho, eph):
    """Projected linear distance to angular distance.

    rho : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
      Projected distance in units of length.

    eph : dictionary-like or ``
      Ephemerides; requires geocentric distance as `delta`.

    rho_l : `~astropy.units.Quantity`


    if rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.m):
        rho_a = np.arctan(rho / eph['delta'].to(u.m))
        assert rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad)
        rho_a = rho

    return rho_a
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def rho_as_length(rho, eph):
    """Angular distance to projected linear distance.

    rho : `~astropy.units.Quantity`
      Projected distance in units of angle.

    eph : dictionary-like or ``
      Ephemerides; requires geocentric distance as `delta`.

    rho_l : `~astropy.units.Quantity`


    if rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.rad):
        rho_l = eph['delta'].to(u.m) * np.tan(rho)
        assert rho.unit.is_equivalent(u.m)
        rho_l = rho

    return rho_l
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_configuration_from_file(antfile: str, name: str = None, location: EarthLocation = None,
                                   mount: str = 'altaz',
                                   names: str = "%d", frame: str = 'local',
                                   meta: dict = None,
                                   rmax=None, **kwargs) -> Configuration:
    """ Define from a file

    :param names:
    :param antfile: Antenna file name
    :param name: Name of array e.g. 'LOWBD2'
    :param location:
    :param mount: mount type: 'altaz', 'xy'
    :param frame: 'local' | 'global'
    :param diameter: Effective diameter of station or antenna
    :param meta: Any meta info
    :return: Configuration
    antxyz = numpy.genfromtxt(antfile, delimiter=",")
    assert antxyz.shape[1] == 3, ("Antenna array has wrong shape %s" % antxyz.shape)
    if frame == 'local':
        latitude = location.geodetic[1].to(u.rad).value
        antxyz = xyz_at_latitude(antxyz, latitude)
    if rmax is not None:
        lantxyz = antxyz - numpy.average(antxyz, axis=0)
        r = numpy.sqrt(lantxyz[:, 0] ** 2 + lantxyz[:, 1] ** 2 + lantxyz[:, 2] ** 2)
        antxyz = antxyz[r < rmax]
        log.debug('create_configuration_from_file: Maximum radius %.1f m includes %d antennas/stations' %
                  (rmax, antxyz.shape[0]))

    nants = antxyz.shape[0]
    anames = [names % ant for ant in range(nants)]
    mounts = numpy.repeat(mount, nants)
    fc = Configuration(location=location, names=anames, mount=mounts, xyz=antxyz, frame=frame,
    return fc
项目:chandra-acis-analysis    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kpc_per_arcsec(self, z):
        Calculate the transversal length (unit: kpc) corresponding to
        1 arcsec at the *angular diameter distance* of z.
        dist_kpc = self.angular_diameter_distance(z, unit="kpc")
        return dist_kpc *
项目:chandra-acis-analysis    作者:liweitianux    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kpc_per_pix(self, z):
        Calculate the transversal length (unit: kpc) corresponding to
        1 ACIS pixel (i.e., 0.492 arcsec) at the *angular diameter distance*
        of z.
        pix = ACIS.pixel2arcsec * au.arcsec
        dist_kpc = self.angular_diameter_distance(z, unit="kpc")
        return dist_kpc *
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_contours(data, segments, sigma_level):

    This function ...
    :param data:
    :param segments:
    :param sigma_level:

    # Initialize a list for the contours
    contours = []

    # Get the segment properties
    # Since there is only one segment in the source.mask (the center segment), the props
    # list contains only one entry (one galaxy)
    properties_list = source_properties(data, segments)

    for properties in properties_list:

        # Obtain the position, orientation and extent
        position = Position(properties.xcentroid.value, properties.ycentroid.value)
        a = properties.semimajor_axis_sigma.value * sigma_level
        b = properties.semiminor_axis_sigma.value * sigma_level
        angle = properties.orientation.value # in radians
        angle = Angle(angle, u.rad)

        radius = Extent(a, b)

        meta = {"text": str(properties.label)}

        # Create the contour
        contours.append(Ellipse(position, radius, angle, meta=meta))

    # Return the contours
    return contours

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_contour(box, mask, sigma_level):

    This function ...
    :param box:
    :param mask:
    :param sigma_level:

    props = source_properties(box, mask)
    #tbl = properties_table(props)

    x_shift = box.x_min
    y_shift = box.y_min

    # Since there is only one segment in the self.source.mask (the center segment), the props
    # list contains only one entry (one galaxy)
    if len(props) == 0: return None
    properties = props[0]

    # Obtain the position, orientation and extent
    position = Position(properties.xcentroid.value + x_shift, properties.ycentroid.value + y_shift)
    a = properties.semimajor_axis_sigma.value * sigma_level
    b = properties.semiminor_axis_sigma.value * sigma_level
    angle = properties.orientation.value # in radians
    angle = Angle(angle, u.rad)

    radius = Extent(a, b)

    # Create and return the elliptical contour
    return Ellipse(position, radius, angle)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_contours(data, segments, sigma_level):

    This function ...
    :param data:
    :param segments:
    :param sigma_level:

    # Initialize a list for the contours
    contours = []

    # Get the segment properties
    # Since there is only one segment in the source.mask (the center segment), the props
    # list contains only one entry (one galaxy)
    properties_list = source_properties(data, segments)

    for properties in properties_list:

        # Obtain the position, orientation and extent
        position = Position(properties.xcentroid.value, properties.ycentroid.value)
        a = properties.semimajor_axis_sigma.value * sigma_level
        b = properties.semiminor_axis_sigma.value * sigma_level
        angle = properties.orientation.value # in radians
        angle = Angle(angle, u.rad)

        radius = Extent(a, b)

        meta = {"text": str(properties.label)}

        # Create the contour
        contours.append(Ellipse(position, radius, angle, meta=meta))

    # Return the contours
    return contours

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:CAAPR    作者:Stargrazer82301    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def find_contour(box, mask, sigma_level):

    This function ...
    :param box:
    :param mask:
    :param sigma_level:

    props = source_properties(box, mask)
    #tbl = properties_table(props)

    x_shift = box.x_min
    y_shift = box.y_min

    # Since there is only one segment in the self.source.mask (the center segment), the props
    # list contains only one entry (one galaxy)
    if len(props) == 0: return None
    properties = props[0]

    # Obtain the position, orientation and extent
    position = Position(properties.xcentroid.value + x_shift, properties.ycentroid.value + y_shift)
    a = properties.semimajor_axis_sigma.value * sigma_level
    b = properties.semiminor_axis_sigma.value * sigma_level
    angle = properties.orientation.value # in radians
    angle = Angle(angle, u.rad)

    radius = Extent(a, b)

    # Create and return the elliptical contour
    return Ellipse(position, radius, angle)

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
项目:pynephoscope    作者:neXyon    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calculate(self):
        ephem_location = ephem.Observer() = / u.rad
        ephem_location.lon = / u.rad
        ephem_location.elevation = self.location.height / u.meter = ephem.Date(self.time.datetime)

        if is None:
            self.alt = Latitude([], unit=u.deg)
   = Longitude([], unit=u.deg)
            self.names = Column([], dtype=np.str)
            self.vmag = Column([])
            ra = Longitude((['RAh'],['RAm'],['RAs']), u.h)
            dec = Latitude((np.core.defchararray.add(['DE-'],['DEd'].astype(str)).astype(int),['DEm'],['DEs']), u.deg)
            c = SkyCoord(ra, dec, frame='icrs')
            altaz = c.transform_to(AltAz(obstime=self.time, location=self.location))
            self.alt = altaz.alt

            self.names =['Name']
            self.vmag =['Vmag']

        for ephemeris in self.ephemerides:
            self.vmag = self.vmag.insert(0, ephemeris.mag)
            self.alt = self.alt.insert(0, (ephemeris.alt.znorm * u.rad).to(u.deg))
   =, ( * u.rad).to(u.deg))
            self.names = self.names.insert(0,

        return self.names, self.vmag, self.alt,
项目:flaapluc    作者:jlenain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def selectSrc(self):
        Filter a given source, running gtselect
        # Do we have to deal with a FITS file or an ASCII list of FITS file ?
        allskyext = os.path.splitext(self.allsky)[1]
        if allskyext in [".fit", ".fits"]:
            fermi.filter['infile'] = self.allsky
            fermi.filter['infile'] = '@%s' % self.allsky
        if self.daily:
            outfile = self.workDir + '/' + str(self.src) + '_daily.fits'
            outfile = self.workDir + '/' + str(self.src) + '.fits'
        fermi.filter['outfile'] = outfile

        # If outfile already exists, we don't do anything
        if os.path.isfile(outfile):
            return True

        fermi.filter['ra'] = self.ra
        fermi.filter['dec'] = self.dec
        fermi.filter['rad'] = self.roi
        fermi.filter['emin'] = self.emin
        fermi.filter['emax'] = self.emax
        fermi.filter['tmin'] = self.tstart
        fermi.filter['tmax'] = self.tstop
        fermi.filter['zmax'] = self.zmax
        fermi.filter['evclass'] = 128'Running gtselect')
项目:flaapluc    作者:jlenain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def exposure(self, gamma=None):
        Compute exposure on source src, to add a flux column for the photometric light curve.

        Warning: the input file is modified in place, with an additional exposure column added to the file !

        if self.daily:
            infile = self.workDir + '/' + str(self.src) + '_daily_lc.fits'
            srcmdl = self.workDir + '/' + str(self.src) + '_daily.xml'
            infile = self.workDir + '/' + str(self.src) + '_lc.fits'
            srcmdl = self.workDir + '/' + str(self.src) + '.xml'

        # If infile already contains an EXPOSURE column, we don't do anything
        hdu =
        if hdu[1].header.get('TTYPE5') == 'EXPOSURE':
            return True

        scfile = self.spacecraft
        irfs = 'P8R2_SOURCE_V6'
        rad = str(self.roi)

        options = 'infile=' + infile + ' scfile=' + scfile + ' irfs=' + irfs + ' rad=' + rad
        if self.fglName is not None:
            target = self.fglName.replace('3FGLJ', '3FGL J')
            logging.debug('exposure: target=%s', target)
            options += ' srcmdl=' + srcmdl + ' target="' + target + '"'
            options += ' srcmdl="none" specin=' + str(gamma)
        cmd = 'time -p ' + self.fermiDir + '/bin/gtexposure ' + options'Running gtexposure')
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stupidFast_altAz2RaDec(alt, az, lat, lon, mjd):
    Convert alt, az to RA, Dec without taking into account abberation, precesion, diffraction, ect.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Must be same length as `alt`. Radians.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians.
    lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
    lmst = lmst/12.*np.pi  # convert to rad
    sindec = np.sin(lat)*np.sin(alt) + np.cos(lat)*np.cos(alt)*np.cos(az)
    sindec = inrange(sindec)
    dec = np.arcsin(sindec)
    ha = np.arctan2(-np.sin(az)*np.cos(alt), -np.cos(az)*np.sin(lat)*np.cos(alt)+np.sin(alt)*np.cos(lat))
    ra = (lmst-ha)
    raneg = np.where(ra < 0)
    ra[raneg] = ra[raneg] + 2.*np.pi
    raover = np.where(ra > 2.*np.pi)
    ra[raover] -= 2.*np.pi
    return ra, dec
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_GP(nside=64, center_width=10., end_width=4.,
                              gal_long1=70., gal_long2=290.):
    Define the Galactic Plane region. Return a healpix map with GP pixels as true.
    ra, dec = ra_dec_hp_map(nside=nside)
    result = np.zeros(ra.size)
    coord = SkyCoord(ra=ra*u.rad, dec=dec*u.rad)
    g_long, g_lat = coord.galactic.l.radian, coord.galactic.b.radian
    good = np.where((g_long < np.radians(gal_long1)) & (np.abs(g_lat) < np.radians(center_width)))
    result[good] += 1
    good = np.where((g_long > np.radians(gal_long2)) & (np.abs(g_lat) < np.radians(center_width)))
    result[good] += 1
    # Add tapers
    slope = -(np.radians(center_width)-np.radians(end_width))/(np.radians(gal_long1))
    lat_limit = slope*g_long+np.radians(center_width)
    outside = np.where((g_long < np.radians(gal_long1)) & (np.abs(g_lat) > np.abs(lat_limit)))
    result[outside] = 0
    slope = (np.radians(center_width)-np.radians(end_width))/(np.radians(360. - gal_long2))
    b = np.radians(center_width)-np.radians(360.)*slope
    lat_limit = slope*g_long+b
    outside = np.where((g_long > np.radians(gal_long2)) & (np.abs(g_lat) > np.abs(lat_limit)))
    result[outside] = 0

    GP_inx =(result==1)

    return GP_inx
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def xarray(shape, yx=[0, 0], th=None):
    """2D array of x values.

    shape : tuple of int
      The shape of the resulting array, (y, x).
    yx : tuple of float
      Offset the array to align with this y, x center.
    th : Quanitity, optional
      Place the x-axis along this position angle, measured
      counterclockwise from the original x-axis.

    x : ndarray
      An array of x values.

    >>> from sbpy.imageanalysis.utils import xarray
    >>> x = xarray((10, 10))
    >>> x[0, 3]


    import numpy as np
    import astropy.units as u

    y, x = np.indices(shape)[-2:]
    y = y - yx[0]
    x = x - yx[1]

    if th is not None:
        x = x * np.cos( + y * np.sin(

    return x
项目:sbpy    作者:mommermi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def yarray(shape, yx=[0, 0], th=None):
    """2D array of y values.

    shape : tuple of int
      The shape of the resulting array, (y, x).
    yx : tuple of float
      Offset the array to align with this y, x center.
    th : Quantity, optional
      Place the y-axis along this position angle, measured
      counterclockwise from the original y-axis.

    y : ndarray
      An array of y values.

    >>> from sbpy.imageanalysis.utils import yarray
    >>> y = yarray((10, 10))
    >>> y[3, 0]


    import numpy as np
    import astropy.units as u

    y, x = np.indices(shape)[-2:]
    y = y - yx[0]
    x = x - yx[1]

    if th is not None:
        y = -x * np.sin( + y * np.cos(

    return y
项目:algorithm-reference-library    作者:SKA-ScienceDataProcessor    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def phaserotate_visibility(vis: Visibility, newphasecentre: SkyCoord, tangent=True, inverse=False) -> Visibility:
    Phase rotate from the current phase centre to a new phase centre

    If tangent is False the uvw are recomputed and the visibility phasecentre is updated.
    Otherwise only the visibility phases are adjusted

    :param vis: Visibility to be rotated
    :param newphasecentre:
    :param tangent: Stay on the same tangent plane? (True)
    :param inverse: Actually do the opposite
    :return: Visibility
    assert isinstance(vis, Visibility), "vis is not a Visibility: %r" % vis

    l, m, n = skycoord_to_lmn(newphasecentre, vis.phasecentre)

    # No significant change?
    if numpy.abs(n) > 1e-15:

        # Make a new copy
        newvis = copy_visibility(vis)

        phasor = simulate_point(newvis.uvw, l, m)
        nvis, npol = vis.vis.shape
        # TODO: Speed up (broadcast rules not obvious to me)
        if inverse:
            for i in range(nvis):
                for pol in range(npol):
          ['vis'][i, pol] *= phasor[i]
            for i in range(nvis):
                for pol in range(npol):
          ['vis'][i, pol] *= numpy.conj(phasor[i])

        # To rotate UVW, rotate into the global XYZ coordinate system and back. We have the option of
        # staying on the tangent plane or not. If we stay on the tangent then the raster will
        # join smoothly at the edges. If we change the tangent then we will have to reproject to get
        # the results on the same image, in which case overlaps or gaps are difficult to deal with.
        if not tangent:
            if inverse:
                xyz = uvw_to_xyz(['uvw'], ha=-newvis.phasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newvis.phasecentre.dec.rad)
      ['uvw'][...] = \
                    xyz_to_uvw(xyz, ha=-newphasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newphasecentre.dec.rad)[...]
                # This is the original (non-inverse) code
                xyz = uvw_to_xyz(['uvw'], ha=-newvis.phasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newvis.phasecentre.dec.rad)
      ['uvw'][...] = xyz_to_uvw(xyz, ha=-newphasecentre.ra.rad, dec=newphasecentre.dec.rad)[
            newvis.phasecentre = newphasecentre
        return newvis
        return vis
项目:flaapluc    作者:jlenain    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mergeGTIfiles(self):
        Merge multiple GTI files when mergelongterm is True.
        Use gtselect.
        Assume the current workDir is longTerm/merged.

        # Create list of GTI files
        if not self.daily:
            listname = self.workDir + '/' + self.src + '_gti.list'
            listname = self.workDir + '/' + self.src + '_daily_gti.list'
        filelist = open(listname, 'w')
        list = []
        if not self.daily:
            for file in glob.glob(self.workDir + '/../20????/' + self.src + '_gti.fits'):
            for file in glob.glob(self.workDir + '/../20????/' + self.src + '_daily_gti.fits'):
        # Sort the list of GTI files
        list = sorted(list)
        for item in list:
            filelist.write(item + '\n')

        fermi.filter['infile'] = '@' + listname
        if not self.daily:
            outfile = self.workDir + '/' + str(self.src) + '_gti.fits'
            outfile = self.workDir + '/' + str(self.src) + '_daily_gti.fits'
        fermi.filter['outfile'] = outfile

        # If outfile already exists, we re-create it
        if os.path.isfile(outfile):

        fermi.filter['ra'] = self.ra
        fermi.filter['dec'] = self.dec
        fermi.filter['rad'] = self.roi
        fermi.filter['emin'] = self.emin
        fermi.filter['emax'] = self.emax
        fermi.filter['tmin'] = self.tstart
        fermi.filter['tmax'] = self.tstop
        fermi.filter['zmax'] = self.zmax
        fermi.filter['evclass'] = 128'Running gtselect')
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def empty_observation():
    Return a numpy array that could be a handy observation record

    XXX:  Should this really be "empty visit"? Should we have "visits" made
    up of multple "observations" to support multi-exposure time visits?

    XXX-Could add a bool flag for "observed". Then easy to track all proposed
    observations. Could also add an mjd_min, mjd_max for when an observation should be observed.
    That way we could drop things into the queue for DD fields.

    XXX--might be nice to add a generic "sched_note" str field, to record any metadata that 
    would be useful to the scheduler once it's observed. and/or observationID.

    numpy array

    The numpy fields have the following structure
    RA : float
       The Right Acension of the observation (center of the field) (Radians)
    dec : float
       Declination of the observation (Radians)
    mjd : float
       Modified Julian Date at the start of the observation (time shutter opens)
    exptime : float
       Total exposure time of the visit (seconds)
    filter : str
        The filter used. Should be one of u, g, r, i, z, y.
    rotSkyPos : float
        The rotation angle of the camera relative to the sky E of N (Radians)
    nexp : int
        Number of exposures in the visit.
    airmass : float
        Airmass at the center of the field
    FWHMeff : float
        The effective seeing FWHM at the center of the field. (arcsec)
    skybrightness : float
        The surface brightness of the sky background at the center of the
        field. (mag/sq arcsec)
    night : int
        The night number of the observation (days)
    names = ['RA', 'dec', 'mjd', 'exptime', 'filter', 'rotSkyPos', 'nexp',
             'airmass', 'FWHMeff', 'FWHM_geometric', 'skybrightness', 'night', 'slewtime', 'fivesigmadepth',
             'alt', 'az', 'clouds', 'moonAlt', 'sunAlt', 'note']
    # units of rad, rad,   days,  seconds,   string, radians (E of N?)
    types = [float, float, float, float, '|U1', float, int, float, float, float, float, int, float, float,
             float, float, float, float, float, '|U40']
    result = np.zeros(1, dtype=list(zip(names, types)))
    return result
项目:sims_featureScheduler    作者:lsst    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def stupidFast_RaDec2AltAz(ra, dec, lat, lon, mjd, lmst=None):
    Convert Ra,Dec to Altitude and Azimuth.

    Coordinate transformation is killing performance. Just use simple equations to speed it up
    and ignore abberation, precesion, nutation, nutrition, etc.

    ra : array_like
        RA, in radians.
    dec : array_like
        Dec, in radians. Must be same length as `ra`.
    lat : float
        Latitude of the observatory in radians.
    lon : float
        Longitude of the observatory in radians.
    mjd : float
        Modified Julian Date.

    alt : numpy.array
        Altitude, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    az : numpy.array
        Azimuth, same length as `ra` and `dec`. Radians.
    if lmst is None:
        lmst, last = calcLmstLast(mjd, lon)
        lmst = lmst/12.*np.pi  # convert to rad
    ha = lmst-ra
    sindec = np.sin(dec)
    sinlat = np.sin(lat)
    coslat = np.cos(lat)
    sinalt = sindec*sinlat+np.cos(dec)*coslat*np.cos(ha)
    sinalt = inrange(sinalt)
    alt = np.arcsin(sinalt)
    cosaz = (sindec-np.sin(alt)*sinlat)/(np.cos(alt)*coslat)
    cosaz = inrange(cosaz)
    az = np.arccos(cosaz)
    signflip = np.where(np.sin(ha) > 0)
    az[signflip] = 2.*np.pi-az[signflip]
    return alt, az