def emissivity(self, density: u.cm**(-3), include_energy=False, **kwargs): """ Calculate emissivity for all lines as a function of temperature and density """ populations = self.level_populations(density, include_protons=kwargs.get('include_protons', True)) if populations is None: return (None, None) wavelengths = np.fabs(self._wgfa['wavelength']) # Exclude 0 wavelengths which correspond to two-photon decays upper_levels = self._wgfa['upper_level'][wavelengths != 0*u.angstrom] a_values = self._wgfa['A'][wavelengths != 0*u.angstrom] wavelengths = wavelengths[wavelengths != 0*u.angstrom] if include_energy: energy = const.h.cgs*const.c.cgs/wavelengths.to(u.cm) else: energy = 1.*u.photon emissivity = populations[:, :, upper_levels - 1]*(a_values*energy) return wavelengths, emissivity
def make_box_filter(cls, center, width): """ Make a box filter with the given parameters. Both center and width should either be in angstroms, or be astropy quantities. """ if not isinstance(center, u.quantity.Quantity): center *= u.angstrom if not isinstance(width, u.quantity.Quantity): width *= u.angstrom return pysynphot.Box(center.to(u.angstrom).value, width.to(u.angstrom).value)
def test_creation(): wvln = np.linspace(1000., 4000., 1024) flux = np.random.uniform(0., 1., wvln.size) # try with list, array, Quantity input s = Spectrum(list(wvln), list(flux)) s = Spectrum(wvln, flux) s = Spectrum(wvln*u.angstrom, flux*u.erg/u.cm**2/u.angstrom) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Check that creation fails as expected if: # 1) shapes don't match with pytest.raises(ValueError): s = Spectrum(wvln[:-1], flux) with pytest.raises(ValueError): s = Spectrum(wvln, flux[:-1]) # 2) object can't be coerced to a Quantity with pytest.raises(TypeError): s = Spectrum(wvln, None) with pytest.raises(TypeError): s = Spectrum(None, flux) with pytest.raises(TypeError): s = Spectrum(None, None) # 3) wavelength goes negative wvln2 = wvln.copy() wvln2[:-10] *= -1. with pytest.raises(ValueError): s = Spectrum(wvln2, flux)
def test_integrate(): subslice = slice(100,200) wvln = np.linspace(1000., 4000., 1024) flux = np.zeros_like(wvln) flux[subslice] = 1./np.ptp(wvln[subslice]) # so the integral is 1 s = Spectrum(wvln*u.angstrom, flux*u.erg/u.cm**2/u.angstrom) # the integration grid is a sub-section of the full wavelength array wvln_grid = s.wavelength[subslice] i_flux = s.integrate(wvln_grid) assert np.allclose(i_flux.value, 1.) # "close" because this is float comparison
def spec_to_redmonster_format(spec, fitsname, n_id=None, mag=None): """ Function used to create a spectrum in the REDMONSTER software format :param spec: XSpectrum1D object :param mag: List containing 2 elements, the first is the keyword in the header that will contain the magnitud saved in the second element :param fitsname: Name of the fitsfile that will be created :return: """ from scipy import interpolate wave = spec.wavelength.value wave_log = np.log10(wave) n = len(wave) spec.wavelength = wave_log * u.angstrom new_wave_log = np.arange(wave_log[1], wave_log[n - 2], 0.0001) spec_rebined = spec.rebin(new_wv=new_wave_log * u.angstrom) flux = spec_rebined.flux.value f = interpolate.interp1d(wave_log, spec.sig.value) sig = f(new_wave_log) inv_sig = 1. / np.array(sig) ** 2 inv_sig = np.where(np.isinf(inv_sig), 0, inv_sig) inv_sig = np.where(np.isnan(inv_sig), 0, inv_sig) hdu1 = fits.PrimaryHDU([flux]) hdu2 = fits.ImageHDU([inv_sig]) hdu1.header['COEFF0'] = new_wave_log[0] hdu1.header['COEFF1'] = new_wave_log[1] - new_wave_log[0] if n_id != None: hdu1.header['ID'] = n_id if mag != None: hdu1.header[mag[0]] = mag[1] hdulist_new = fits.HDUList([hdu1, hdu2]) hdulist_new.writeto(fitsname, clobber=True)
def predicted_wavelength(self, pixel): """Find the predicted wavelength value for a given pixel It is possible to estimate the wavelength position of any pixel given the instrument configuration. Notes: The equations are not precise enough so the value returned here has to be used as an estimate only. Args: pixel (int): Pixel number. Returns: Wavelength value in angstrom. """ # TODO (simon): Update with bruno's new calculations alpha = self.alpha beta = self.beta # pixel_count = self.pixel_count binning = self.serial_binning grating_frequency = self.grating_frequency wavelength = 10 * (1e6 / grating_frequency) * \ (np.sin(alpha * np.pi / 180.) + np.sin((beta * np.pi / 180.) + np.arctan((pixel * binning - 2048) * 0.015 / 377.2))) return wavelength
def register_mark(self, event): """Marks a line Detects where the click was done or m-key was pressed and calls the corresponding method. It handles the middle button click and m-key being pressed. There are two regions of interest as for where a click was done. The raw and reference data respectively. For any of such regions it will call the method that recenter the line and once the desired value is returned it will be appended to the list that contains all the correspondent line positions, raw (pixels) and reference (angstrom) Args: event (object): Click or m-key pressed event """ if event.xdata is not None and event.ydata is not None: figure_x, figure_y = \ self.i_fig.transFigure.inverted().transform((event.x, event.y)) if self.reference_bb.contains(figure_x, figure_y): # self.reference_marks.append([event.xdata, event.ydata]) self.reference_marks_x.append( self.recenter_line_by_data('reference', event.xdata)) self.reference_marks_y.append(event.ydata) self.update_marks_plot('reference') elif self.raw_data_bb.contains(figure_x, figure_y): # self.raw_data_marks.append([event.xdata, event.ydata]) self.raw_data_marks_x.append( self.recenter_line_by_data('raw-data', event.xdata)) self.raw_data_marks_y.append(event.ydata) self.update_marks_plot('raw_data') else: self.log.debug('{:f} {:f} Are not contained'.format(figure_x, figure_y)) else: self.log.error('Clicked Region is out of boundaries')
def __init__(self, observing_time, observing_area=None, window=0.5*u.angstrom, apply_psf=True): super().__init__(observing_time, observing_area) self._setup_channels() self.apply_psf = apply_psf self.window = window
def make_fits_header(self, field, channel): """ Extend base method to include extra wavelength dimension. """ header = super().make_fits_header(field, channel) header['wavelnth'] = channel['wavelength'].value header['naxis3'] = len(channel['response']['x']) header['ctype3'] = 'wavelength' header['cunit3'] = 'angstrom' header['cdelt3'] = np.fabs(np.diff(channel['response']['x']).value[0]) return header
def __init__(self, filename_cube, filename_white=None, pixelsize=0.2 * u.arcsec, n_fig=1, flux_units=1E-20 * u.erg / u.s / u.cm ** 2 / u.angstrom, vmin=None, vmax=None, wave_cal='air'): """ Parameters ---------- filename_cube: string Name of the MUSE datacube .fits file filename_white: string Name of the MUSE white image .fits file pixel_size : float or Quantity, optional Pixel size of the datacube, if float it assumes arcsecs. Default is 0.2 arcsec n_fig : int, optional XXXXXXXX flux_units : Quantity XXXXXXXXXX """ # init self.color = False self.cmap = "" self.flux_units = flux_units self.n = n_fig plt.close(self.n) self.wave_cal = wave_cal self.filename = filename_cube self.filename_white = filename_white self.load_data() self.white_data = fits.open(self.filename_white)[1].data self.hdulist_white = fits.open(self.filename_white) self.white_data = np.where(self.white_data < 0, 0, self.white_data) if not vmin: self.vmin=np.nanpercentile(self.white_data,0.25) else: self.vmin = vmin if not vmax: self.vmax=np.nanpercentile(self.white_data,98.) else: self.vmax = vmax self.gc2 = aplpy.FITSFigure(self.filename_white, figure=plt.figure(self.n)) self.gc2.show_grayscale(vmin=self.vmin, vmax=self.vmax) # self.gc = aplpy.FITSFigure(self.filename, slices=[1], figure=plt.figure(20)) self.pixelsize = pixelsize gc.enable() # plt.close(20) print("MuseCube: Ready!")
def __init__(self, solution_type=None, model_name=None, model_order=0, model=None, ref_lamp=None, eval_comment='', header=None): """Init method for the WavelengthSolution class Args: solution_type (str): Type of wavelength solution. model_name (str): Mathematical model name. model_order (int): Order of the mathematical model in case it is a polynomial which in most cases it is. model (object): Instance of astropy.modeling.Model, represents the transformation from pixel to angstrom. ref_lamp (str): File name of reference lamp used to find the wavelength solution eval_comment (str): Text describing the qualitative evaluation of the wavelength solution. header (object): Instance of astropy.io.fits.header.Header """ self.log = logging.getLogger(__name__) self.dtype_dict = {None: -1, 'linear': 0, 'log_linear': 1, 'non_linear': 2} # if solution_type == 'non_linear' and model_name is not None: self.ftype_dict = {'chebyshev': 1, 'legendre': 2, 'cubic_spline': 3, 'linear_spline': 4, 'pixel_coords': 5, 'samples_coords': 6, None: None} self.solution_type = solution_type self.model_name = model_name self.model_order = model_order self.wsolution = model self.reference_lamp = ref_lamp self.evaluation_comment = eval_comment self.spectral_dict = self.set_spectral_features(header) self.solution_name = self.set_solution_name(header)