Python attr 模块,fields() 实例源码


项目:environ_config    作者:hynek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _to_config(config_cls, default_get, environ, prefix):
    vals = {}
    for a in attr.fields(config_cls):
            ce = a.metadata[CNF_KEY]
        except KeyError:
        if ce.sub_cls is None:
            get = ce.callback or default_get
            val = get(environ, a.metadata, prefix,
            val = _to_config(
                ce.sub_cls, default_get, environ,
                prefix + (( if prefix else,)

        vals[] = val
    return config_cls(**vals)
项目:Codado    作者:corydodt    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _parseRawDoc(self, operation):
        Set doc fields of this operation by using the Documentation object

        - If the Documentation object has a .yamlData property, we update values
          of the operation properties from them. Unrecognized properties will
          be added with the 'x-' prefix.
        - Documentation.full is the description
        - Documentation.first is the summary
        operation.summary = self.doco.first
        operation.description = self.doco.full
        if self.doco.yamlData:
            fieldNames = [ for f in attr.fields(operation.__class__)]
            for k in self.doco.yamlData:
                if k in fieldNames:
                    setattr(operation, k, self.doco.yamlData[k])
                    operation._extended['x-' + k] = self.doco.yamlData[k]
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_structure_simple_from_dict_default(converter, cl_and_vals, data):
    """Test structuring non-nested attrs classes with default value."""
    cl, vals = cl_and_vals
    obj = cl(*vals)
    attrs_with_defaults = [a for a in fields(cl)
                           if a.default is not NOTHING]
    to_remove = data.draw(lists(elements=sampled_from(attrs_with_defaults),

    for a in to_remove:
        if isinstance(a.default, Factory):
            setattr(obj,, a.default.factory())
            setattr(obj,, a.default)

    dumped = asdict(obj)

    for a in to_remove:
        del dumped[]

    assert obj == converter.structure(dumped, cl)
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_structure_union(converter, cl_and_vals_a, cl_and_vals_b):
    """Structuring of automatically-disambiguable unions works."""
    # type: (Converter, Any, Any) -> None
    cl_a, vals_a = cl_and_vals_a
    cl_b, vals_b = cl_and_vals_b
    a_field_names = { for a in fields(cl_a)}
    b_field_names = { for a in fields(cl_b)}

    common_names = a_field_names & b_field_names
    if len(a_field_names) > len(common_names):
        obj = cl_a(*vals_a)
        dumped = asdict(obj)
        res = converter.structure(dumped, Union[cl_a, cl_b])
        assert isinstance(res, cl_a)
        assert obj == res
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_fallback(cl_and_vals):
    """The fallback case works."""
    cl, vals = cl_and_vals

    assume(attr.fields(cl))  # At least one field.

    class A(object):

    fn = create_uniq_field_dis_func(A, cl)

    assert fn({}) is A
    assert fn(attr.asdict(cl(*vals))) is cl

    attr_names = { for a in attr.fields(cl)}

    if 'xyz' not in attr_names:
        fn({'xyz': 1}) is A  # Uses the fallback.
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_disambiguation(cl_and_vals_a, cl_and_vals_b):
    """Disambiguation should work when there are unique fields."""
    cl_a, vals_a = cl_and_vals_a
    cl_b, vals_b = cl_and_vals_b

    req_a = { for a in attr.fields(cl_a)}
    req_b = { for a in attr.fields(cl_b)}


    assume((req_a - req_b) or (req_b - req_a))

    fn = create_uniq_field_dis_func(cl_a, cl_b)

    assert fn(attr.asdict(cl_a(*vals_a))) is cl_a
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_optional_field_roundtrip(converter, cl_and_vals):
    Classes with optional fields can be unstructured and structured.
    cl, vals = cl_and_vals

    class C(object):
        a = attr.ib(type=Optional[cl])

    inst = C(a=cl(*vals))
    assert inst == converter.structure(converter.unstructure(inst), C)

    inst = C(a=None)
    unstructured = converter.unstructure(inst)

    assert inst == converter.structure(unstructured, C)
项目:jsonschema-extractor    作者:toumorokoshi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract(cls, extractor, typ):
        take an attrs based class, and convert it
        to jsonschema.
        schema = {
            "title": typ.__name__,
            "type": "object",
            "properties": {},
            "required": []
        for attribute in attr.fields(typ):
            details = cls._extract_attribute(extractor, attribute)
            if details.is_required:
            schema["properties"][] = details.schema
        return schema
项目:niceman    作者:ReproNim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_spec_from_release_file(content):
    """Provide specification object describing the component of the distribution
    # RegExp to pull a single line "tag: value" pair from a deb822 file
    re_deb822_single_line_tag = re.compile("""
        ^(?P<tag>[a-zA-Z][^:]*):[\ ]+  # Tag - begins at start of line
        (?P<val>\S.*)$           # Value - after colon to the end of the line
    """, flags=re.VERBOSE + re.MULTILINE)

    # Split before PGP signature if present
    content = content.split("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE-----")[0]

    # Parse the content for tags and values into a dictionary
    release = {"tag"):"val")
        for match in re_deb822_single_line_tag.finditer(content)

    # TODO: redo with conversions of components and architectures in into lists
    # and date in machine-readable presentation
    return DebianReleaseSpec(**{ release.get(, None)
        for a in attr.fields(DebianReleaseSpec)
项目:trio    作者:python-trio    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def describe(self):
        info = []
        for f in attr.fields(self.__class__):
            value = getattr(self,
            if value is not None:
                info.append("{}={}".format(, value))
        return "Set/unset: {}".format(", ".join(info))
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_edge_errors():
    """Edge input cases cause errors."""
    class A(object):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # Can't generate for only one class.

    class B(object):

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # No fields on either class.
        create_uniq_field_dis_func(A, B)

    class C(object):
        a = attr.ib()

    class D(object):
        a = attr.ib()

    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        # No unique fields on either class.
        create_uniq_field_dis_func(C, D)
项目:cattrs    作者:Tinche    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_uniq_field_dis_func(*cls):
    # type: (*Sequence[Type]) -> Callable
    """Given attr classes, generate a disambiguation function.

    The function is based on unique fields."""
    if len(cls) < 2:
        raise ValueError('At least two classes required.')
    cls_and_attrs = [(cl, set( for at in fields(cl))) for cl in cls]
    if len([attrs for _, attrs in cls_and_attrs if len(attrs) == 0]) > 1:
        raise ValueError('At least two classes have no attributes.')
    # TODO: Deal with a single class having no required attrs.
    # For each class, attempt to generate a single unique required field.
    uniq_attrs_dict = OrderedDict()
    cls_and_attrs.sort(key=lambda c_a: -len(c_a[1]))

    fallback = None  # If none match, try this.

    for i, (cl, cl_reqs) in enumerate(cls_and_attrs):
        other_classes = cls_and_attrs[i+1:]
        if other_classes:
            other_reqs = reduce(or_, (c_a[1] for c_a in other_classes))
            uniq = cl_reqs - other_reqs
            if not uniq:
                m = '{} has no usable unique attributes.'.format(cl)
                raise ValueError(m)
            uniq_attrs_dict[next(iter(uniq))] = cl
            fallback = cl

    def dis_func(data):
        # type: (Mapping) -> Union
        if not isinstance(data, Mapping):
            raise ValueError('Only input mappings are supported.')
        for k, v in uniq_attrs_dict.items():
            if k in data:
                return v
        return fallback

    return dis_func
项目:reobject    作者:onyb    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
        instance = super(Model, cls).__new__(cls)

        for field in attr.fields(cls):
            if field.metadata.get('related'):
                target = field.metadata['related']['target']

                    cls.__name__.lower() + '_set',

        return cls.objects.add(instance)
项目:kaggle-dstl    作者:lopuhin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_dir(cls, root: Path):
        params = json.loads(root.joinpath('hps.json').read_text())
        fields = { for field in attr.fields(HyperParams)}
        return cls(**{k: v for k, v in params.items() if k in fields})
项目:kaggle-dstl    作者:lopuhin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, hps_string: str):
        if hps_string:
            values = dict(pair.split('=') for pair in hps_string.split(','))
            for field in attr.fields(HyperParams):
                v = values.pop(, None)
                if v is not None:
                    default = field.default
                    assert not isinstance(default, bool)
                    if isinstance(default, (int, float, str)):
                        v = type(default)(v)
                    elif isinstance(default, list):
                        v = [type(default[0])(x) for x in v.split('-')]
                    setattr(self,, v)
            if values:
                raise ValueError('Unknown hyperparams: {}'.format(values))
项目:seaworthy    作者:praekeltfoundation    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def columns(cls):
        List the columns required to construct a suitable ``ps`` command.
        return [ for a in attr.fields(cls)]
项目:txkube    作者:LeastAuthority    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fields(self, obj):
        raise NotImplementedError()
项目:txkube    作者:LeastAuthority    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def match(self, actual):
        if self.comparator(actual, self.expected):
            return None
        return _MappingLikeMismatch(
            self.fields, self.get_field, actual, self.mismatch_string,
项目:txkube    作者:LeastAuthority    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fields(self, obj):
        return obj.keys()
项目:txkube    作者:LeastAuthority    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fields(self, obj):
        return list( for field in attr.fields(type(obj)))
项目:txkube    作者:LeastAuthority    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fields(self, obj):
        return obj._pclass_fields.keys()
项目:niceman    作者:ReproNim    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def backend_help(resource_type=None):
    Helper function for displaying backend help listing for interface commands.

    To use, add this to the interface argparse parameters:

            args=("-b", "--backend"),

    types = ResourceManager._discover_types() if not resource_type else [resource_type]

    help_message = "One or more backend parameters in the form KEY=VALUE. Options are: "
    help_args = []

    for module_name in types:
        class_name = ''.join([token.capitalize() for token in module_name.split('_')])
            module = import_module('niceman.resource.{}'.format(module_name))
        except ImportError as exc:
            raise ResourceError(
                "Failed to import resource {}: {}.  Known ones are: {}".format(
                    ', '.join(ResourceManager._discover_types()))
        cls = getattr(module, class_name)
        if not issubclass(cls, Resource):
                "Skipping %s.%s since not a Resource. Consider moving away",
                module, class_name
        args = attr.fields(cls)
        for arg in args:
            if 'doc' in arg.metadata:
                help_args.append('"{}" ({})'.format(, arg.metadata['doc']))

    return help_message + ", ".join(help_args)