Python boto 模块,storage_uri() 实例源码


项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_provider_uri(self):
        for prov in ('gs', 's3'):
            uri_str = '%s://' % prov
            uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
            self.assertEqual(prov, uri.scheme)
            self.assertEqual(uri_str, uri.uri)
            self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'versionless_uri'))
            self.assertEqual('', uri.bucket_name)
            self.assertEqual('', uri.object_name)
            self.assertEqual(None, uri.version_id)
            self.assertEqual(None, uri.generation)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_provider(), True)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_container(), True)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_bucket(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_object(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_directory(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_file(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.is_stream(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.is_version_specific, False)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bucket_uri_no_trailing_slash(self):
        for prov in ('gs', 's3'):
            uri_str = '%s://bucket' % prov
            uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
            self.assertEqual(prov, uri.scheme)
            self.assertEqual('%s/' % uri_str, uri.uri)
            self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'versionless_uri'))
            self.assertEqual('bucket', uri.bucket_name)
            self.assertEqual('', uri.object_name)
            self.assertEqual(None, uri.version_id)
            self.assertEqual(None, uri.generation)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_provider(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_container(), True)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_bucket(), True)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_object(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_directory(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_file(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.is_stream(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.is_version_specific, False)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_bucket_uri_with_trailing_slash(self):
        for prov in ('gs', 's3'):
            uri_str = '%s://bucket/' % prov
            uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
            self.assertEqual(prov, uri.scheme)
            self.assertEqual(uri_str, uri.uri)
            self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'versionless_uri'))
            self.assertEqual('bucket', uri.bucket_name)
            self.assertEqual('', uri.object_name)
            self.assertEqual(None, uri.version_id)
            self.assertEqual(None, uri.generation)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_provider(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_container(), True)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_bucket(), True)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_object(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_directory(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_file(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.is_stream(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.is_version_specific, False)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_non_versioned_object_uri(self):
        for prov in ('gs', 's3'):
            uri_str = '%s://bucket/obj/a/b' % prov
            uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
            self.assertEqual(prov, uri.scheme)
            self.assertEqual(uri_str, uri.uri)
            self.assertEqual(uri_str, uri.versionless_uri)
            self.assertEqual('bucket', uri.bucket_name)
            self.assertEqual('obj/a/b', uri.object_name)
            self.assertEqual(None, uri.version_id)
            self.assertEqual(None, uri.generation)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_provider(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_container(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_bucket(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_object(), True)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_directory(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.names_file(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.is_stream(), False)
            self.assertEqual(uri.is_version_specific, False)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_versioned_gs_object_uri(self):
        uri_str = 'gs://bucket/obj/a/b#1359908801674000'
        uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
        self.assertEqual('gs', uri.scheme)
        self.assertEqual(uri_str, uri.uri)
        self.assertEqual('gs://bucket/obj/a/b', uri.versionless_uri)
        self.assertEqual('bucket', uri.bucket_name)
        self.assertEqual('obj/a/b', uri.object_name)
        self.assertEqual(None, uri.version_id)
        self.assertEqual(1359908801674000, uri.generation)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_provider(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_container(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_bucket(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_object(), True)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_directory(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_file(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.is_stream(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.is_version_specific, True)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_versioned_s3_object_uri(self):
        uri_str = 's3://bucket/obj/a/b#eMuM0J15HkJ9QHlktfNP5MfA.oYR2q6S'
        uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
        self.assertEqual('s3', uri.scheme)
        self.assertEqual(uri_str, uri.uri)
        self.assertEqual('s3://bucket/obj/a/b', uri.versionless_uri)
        self.assertEqual('bucket', uri.bucket_name)
        self.assertEqual('obj/a/b', uri.object_name)
        self.assertEqual('eMuM0J15HkJ9QHlktfNP5MfA.oYR2q6S', uri.version_id)
        self.assertEqual(None, uri.generation)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_provider(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_container(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_bucket(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_object(), True)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_directory(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_file(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.is_stream(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.is_version_specific, True)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_explicit_file_uri(self):
        tmp_dir = tempfile.tempdir or ''
        uri_str = 'file://%s' % urllib.request.pathname2url(tmp_dir)
        uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
        self.assertEqual('file', uri.scheme)
        self.assertEqual(uri_str, uri.uri)
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'versionless_uri'))
        self.assertEqual('', uri.bucket_name)
        self.assertEqual(tmp_dir, uri.object_name)
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'version_id'))
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'generation'))
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'is_version_specific'))
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_provider(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_bucket(), False)
        # Don't check uri.names_container(), uri.names_directory(),
        # uri.names_file(), or uri.names_object(), because for file URIs these
        # functions look at the file system and apparently unit tests run
        # chroot'd.
        self.assertEqual(uri.is_stream(), False)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_implicit_file_uri(self):
        tmp_dir = tempfile.tempdir or ''
        uri_str = '%s' % urllib.request.pathname2url(tmp_dir)
        uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
        self.assertEqual('file', uri.scheme)
        self.assertEqual('file://%s' % tmp_dir, uri.uri)
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'versionless_uri'))
        self.assertEqual('', uri.bucket_name)
        self.assertEqual(tmp_dir, uri.object_name)
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'version_id'))
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'generation'))
        self.assertFalse(hasattr(uri, 'is_version_specific'))
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_provider(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_bucket(), False)
        # Don't check uri.names_container(), uri.names_directory(),
        # uri.names_file(), or uri.names_object(), because for file URIs these
        # functions look at the file system and apparently unit tests run
        # chroot'd.
        self.assertEqual(uri.is_stream(), False)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_gs_object_uri_contains_sharp_not_matching_version_syntax(self):
        uri_str = 'gs://bucket/obj#13a990880167400'
        uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
        self.assertEqual('gs', uri.scheme)
        self.assertEqual(uri_str, uri.uri)
        self.assertEqual('bucket', uri.bucket_name)
        self.assertEqual('obj#13a990880167400', uri.object_name)
        self.assertEqual(None, uri.version_id)
        self.assertEqual(None, uri.generation)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_provider(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_container(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_bucket(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_object(), True)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_directory(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.names_file(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.is_stream(), False)
        self.assertEqual(uri.is_version_specific, False)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testHasVersion(self):
        uri = storage_uri("gs://bucket/obj")
        uri.version_id = "versionid"

        uri = storage_uri("gs://bucket/obj")
        # Generation triggers versioning.
        uri.generation = 12345
        uri.generation = None

        # Zero-generation counts as a version.
        uri = storage_uri("gs://bucket/obj")
        uri.generation = 0
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testPropertiesUpdated(self):
        b = self._MakeBucket()
        bucket_uri = storage_uri("gs://%s" %
        key_uri = bucket_uri.clone_replace_name("obj")

        self.assertRegexpMatches(str(key_uri.generation), r"[0-9]+")
        k = b.get_key("obj")
        self.assertEqual(k.generation, key_uri.generation)
        self.assertEquals(k.get_contents_as_string(), "data1")

        self.assertRegexpMatches(str(key_uri.generation), r"[0-9]+")
        self.assertGreater(key_uri.generation, k.generation)
        k = b.get_key("obj")
        self.assertEqual(k.generation, key_uri.generation)
        self.assertEquals(k.get_contents_as_string(), "data2")

        self.assertRegexpMatches(str(key_uri.generation), r"[0-9]+")
        self.assertGreater(key_uri.generation, k.generation)
        k = b.get_key("obj")
        self.assertEqual(k.generation, key_uri.generation)
        self.assertEquals(k.get_contents_as_string(), "data3")
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_cors_xml_storage_uri(self):
        """Test setting and getting of CORS XML documents with storage_uri."""
        # create a new bucket
        bucket = self._MakeBucket()
        bucket_name =
        uri = storage_uri('gs://' + bucket_name)
        # get new bucket cors and make sure it's empty
        cors = re.sub(r'\s', '', uri.get_cors().to_xml())
        self.assertEqual(cors, CORS_EMPTY)
        # set cors document on new bucket
        cors_obj = Cors()
        h = handler.XmlHandler(cors_obj, None)
        xml.sax.parseString(CORS_DOC, h)
        cors = re.sub(r'\s', '', uri.get_cors().to_xml())
        self.assertEqual(cors, CORS_DOC)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_storage_uri_regionless(self):
        # First, create a bucket in a different region.
        conn = S3Connection(
        bucket_name = 'keytest-%d' % int(time.time())
        bucket = conn.create_bucket(bucket_name, location=Location.USWest2)
        self.addCleanup(self.nuke_bucket, bucket)

        # Now use ``storage_uri`` to try to make a new key.
        # This would throw a 301 exception.
        suri = boto.storage_uri('s3://%s/test' % bucket_name)
        the_key = suri.new_key()
        the_key.key = 'Test301'
            'This should store in a different region.'

        # Check it a different way.
        alt_conn = boto.connect_s3(host='')
        alt_bucket = alt_conn.get_bucket(bucket_name)
        alt_key = alt_bucket.get_key('Test301')
项目:alicloud-duplicity    作者:aliyun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def resetConnection(self):
        import boto
        if getattr(self, 'conn', False):
        self.bucket = None
        self.conn = None
        self.storage_uri = None
        del self.conn
        del self.storage_uri
        self.storage_uri = boto.storage_uri(self.boto_uri_str)
        self.conn = get_connection(self.scheme, self.parsed_url, self.storage_uri)
        if not self.conn.lookup(self.bucket_name):
            self.bucket = self.conn.create_bucket(self.bucket_name,
            self.bucket = self.conn.get_bucket(self.bucket_name)
项目:mongodb_consistent_backup    作者:Percona-Lab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_uri(self):
        return boto.storage_uri(self.path, 'gs')
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_roundtrip_versioned_gs_object_uri_parsed(self):
        uri_str = 'gs://bucket/obj#1359908801674000'
        uri = boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
        roundtrip_uri = boto.storage_uri(uri.uri, validate=False,
        self.assertEqual(uri.uri, roundtrip_uri.uri)
        self.assertEqual(uri.is_version_specific, True)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_invalid_scheme(self):
        uri_str = 'mars://bucket/object'
            boto.storage_uri(uri_str, validate=False,
        except InvalidUriError as e:
            self.assertIn('Unrecognized scheme', e.message)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testCloneReplaceKey(self):
        b = self._MakeBucket()
        k = b.new_key("obj")

        orig_uri = storage_uri("gs://%s/" %

        uri = orig_uri.clone_replace_key(k)
        self.assertRegexpMatches(str(uri.generation), r"[0-9]+")
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testSetAclXml(self):
        """Ensures that calls to the set_xml_acl functions succeed."""
        b = self._MakeBucket()
        k = b.new_key("obj")
        bucket_uri = storage_uri("gs://%s/" %

        # Get a valid ACL for an object.
        bucket_uri.object_name = "obj"
        bucket_acl = bucket_uri.get_acl()
        bucket_uri.object_name = None

        # Add a permission to the ACL.
        all_users_read_permission = ("<Entry><Scope type='AllUsers'/>"
        acl_string = re.sub(r"</Entries>",
                           all_users_read_permission + "</Entries>",

        # Test-generated owner IDs are not currently valid for buckets
        acl_no_owner_string = re.sub(r"<Owner>.*</Owner>", "", acl_string)

        # Set ACL on an object.
        bucket_uri.set_xml_acl(acl_string, "obj")
        # Set ACL on a bucket.
        # Set the default ACL for a bucket.

        # Verify all the ACLs were successfully applied.
        new_obj_acl_string = k.get_acl().to_xml()
        new_bucket_acl_string = bucket_uri.get_acl().to_xml()
        new_bucket_def_acl_string = bucket_uri.get_def_acl().to_xml()
        self.assertRegexpMatches(new_obj_acl_string, r"AllUsers")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(new_bucket_acl_string, r"AllUsers")
        self.assertRegexpMatches(new_bucket_def_acl_string, r"AllUsers")
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_default_object_acls_storage_uri(self):
        """Test default object acls using storage_uri."""
        # create a new bucket
        bucket = self._MakeBucket()
        bucket_name =
        uri = storage_uri('gs://' + bucket_name)
        # get default acl and make sure it's project-private
        acl = uri.get_def_acl()
        self.assertIsNotNone(, acl.to_xml()))
        # set default acl to a canned acl and verify it gets set
        acl = uri.get_def_acl()
        # save public-read acl for later test
        public_read_acl = acl
        self.assertEqual(acl.to_xml(), ('<AccessControlList><Entries><Entry>'
          '<Scope type="AllUsers"></Scope><Permission>READ</Permission>'
        # back to private acl
        acl = uri.get_def_acl()
        # set default acl to an xml acl and verify it gets set
        acl = uri.get_def_acl()
        self.assertEqual(acl.to_xml(), ('<AccessControlList><Entries><Entry>'
          '<Scope type="AllUsers"></Scope><Permission>READ</Permission>'
        # back to private acl
        acl = uri.get_def_acl()
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_lifecycle_config_storage_uri(self):
        """Test setting and getting of lifecycle config with storage_uri."""
        # create a new bucket
        bucket = self._MakeBucket()
        bucket_name =
        uri = storage_uri('gs://' + bucket_name)
        # get lifecycle config and make sure it's empty
        xml = uri.get_lifecycle_config().to_xml()
        self.assertEqual(xml, LIFECYCLE_EMPTY)
        # set lifecycle config
        lifecycle_config = LifecycleConfig()
        lifecycle_config.add_rule('Delete', None, LIFECYCLE_CONDITIONS)
        xml = uri.get_lifecycle_config().to_xml()
        self.assertEqual(xml, LIFECYCLE_DOC)
项目:dbs-back    作者:Beit-Hatfutsot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bucket_list(bucket_name):
    uri = boto.storage_uri(bucket_name, 'gs')
    for obj in uri.get_bucket():
项目:dbs-back    作者:Beit-Hatfutsot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_bucket_list(bucket_name):
    uri = boto.storage_uri(bucket_name, 'gs')
    for obj in uri.get_bucket():
项目:dbs-back    作者:Beit-Hatfutsot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_thumbnail(file_name):
    ''' add a thumbnail for the specific file'''
    src_uri = boto.storage_uri('{}/{}'.format(conf.photos_bucket_name,
    dest_uri = boto.storage_uri('{}/{}'.format(conf.thumbnails_bucket_name,

        new_key = dest_uri.new_key()
    except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound as e:
        return None

    # Create a file-like object for holding the photo contents.
    photo = StringIO.StringIO()

    thumbnail = StringIO.StringIO()
    im =
    im.thumbnail((260, 260)), 'JPEG')
    # save the thumbnail
    except boto.exception.GSResponseError as e:
        # Do we have the credentials file set up?
        boto_cred_file = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.boto'
        if not os.path.exists(boto_cred_file):
            logging.error('Credentials file {} was not found.'.format(boto_cred_file))
项目:dbs-back    作者:Beit-Hatfutsot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def upload_file(file_obj, bucket, file_oid, object_md, make_public=False):
    Upload the file object to a bucket using credentials and object metadata.
    Object name is a part of its metadata.
    if getpass.getuser() == 'bhs':
        boto_cred_file = '/home/bhs/.boto'
        boto_cred_file = os.path.expanduser('~') + '/.boto'

    fn = str(file_oid)
    dest_uri = boto.storage_uri(bucket + '/' + fn, 'gs')
        new_key = dest_uri.new_key()
    except boto.exception.NoAuthHandlerFound as e:
        print e.message
        return None

        if make_public:
    except boto.exception.GSResponseError as e:
        # Do we have the credentials file set up?
        if not os.path.exists(boto_cred_file):
            print('Credentials file {} was not found.'.format(boto_cred_file))

        return None

    return str(dest_uri)
项目:dbs-back    作者:Beit-Hatfutsot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def save(self, data, name):
        ''' google storage code
        uri = boto.storage_uri(self.dest_bucket_name+name+'.json', 'gs')
        data['id'] = name
        data['tree_num'] = self.meta['num']
        data['tree_size'] = self.meta['persons']
        data['tree_file_id'] = self.meta['file_id']
项目:alicloud-duplicity    作者:aliyun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, parsed_url):
        import boto
        from boto.s3.connection import Location
        duplicity.backend.Backend.__init__(self, parsed_url)

        assert boto.Version >= BOTO_MIN_VERSION

        # This folds the null prefix and all null parts, which means that:
        #  //MyBucket/ and //MyBucket are equivalent.
        #  //MyBucket//My///My/Prefix/ and //MyBucket/My/Prefix are equivalent.
        self.url_parts = [x for x in parsed_url.path.split('/') if x != '']

        if self.url_parts:
            self.bucket_name = self.url_parts.pop(0)
            # Duplicity hangs if boto gets a null bucket name.
            # HC: Caught a socket error, trying to recover
            raise BackendException('Boto requires a bucket name.')

        self.scheme = parsed_url.scheme

        if self.url_parts:
            self.key_prefix = '%s/' % '/'.join(self.url_parts)
            self.key_prefix = ''

        self.straight_url = duplicity.backend.strip_auth_from_url(parsed_url)
        self.parsed_url = parsed_url

        # duplicity and boto.storage_uri() have different URI formats.
        # boto uses scheme://bucket[/name] and specifies hostname on connect()
        self.boto_uri_str = '://'.join((parsed_url.scheme[:2],
        if globals.s3_european_buckets:
            self.my_location = Location.EU
            self.my_location = ''
        self._listed_keys = {}
项目:alicloud-duplicity    作者:aliyun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _close(self):
        del self._listed_keys
        self._listed_keys = {}
        self.bucket = None
        self.conn = None
        self.storage_uri = None
        del self.conn
        del self.storage_uri
项目:git-big    作者:vertexai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, config):
        self.__uri = boto.storage_uri(config.url)
        self.__key = config.key
        self.__secret = config.secret
        self.__bucket = None
项目:mirandum    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def handle_uploaded_file(f, user):
    gcs_bucket = settings.GCS_BUCKET
    user_key = md5.md5(str(user.username)).hexdigest()
    # Sometimes things have paths in them? Windows used to do this.
    name ="/")[-1]
    file_key = "%s/%s" % (user_key, name)
    uri = boto.storage_uri("%s/%s" % (gcs_bucket, file_key), "gs")
    return "http://%s/%s" % (gcs_bucket, file_key)
项目:cuny-bdif    作者:aristotle-tek    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, **kwargs):
        Opens a connection to appropriate provider, depending on provider
        portion of URI. Requires Credentials defined in boto config file (see
        @type storage_uri: StorageUri
        @param storage_uri: StorageUri specifying a bucket or a bucket+object
        @rtype: L{AWSAuthConnection<>}
        @return: A connection to storage service provider of the given URI.
        connection_args = dict(self.connection_args or ())

        if (hasattr(self, 'suppress_consec_slashes') and
                'suppress_consec_slashes' not in connection_args):
            connection_args['suppress_consec_slashes'] = (
        if not self.connection:
            if self.scheme in self.provider_pool:
                self.connection = self.provider_pool[self.scheme]
            elif self.scheme == 's3':
                from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
                self.connection = S3Connection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'gs':
                from import GSConnection
                # Use OrdinaryCallingFormat instead of boto-default
                # SubdomainCallingFormat because the latter changes the hostname
                # that's checked during cert validation for HTTPS connections,
                # which will fail cert validation (when cert validation is
                # enabled).
                # The same is not true for S3's HTTPS certificates. In fact,
                # we don't want to do this for S3 because S3 requires the
                # subdomain to match the location of the bucket. If the proper
                # subdomain is not used, the server will return a 301 redirect
                # with no Location header.
                # Note: the following import can't be moved up to the
                # start of this file else it causes a config import failure when
                # run from the resumable upload/download tests.
                from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
                connection_args['calling_format'] = OrdinaryCallingFormat()
                self.connection = GSConnection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'file':
                from boto.file.connection import FileConnection
                self.connection = FileConnection(self)
                raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' %
        self.connection.debug = self.debug
        return self.connection
项目:learneveryword    作者:karan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, **kwargs):
        Opens a connection to appropriate provider, depending on provider
        portion of URI. Requires Credentials defined in boto config file (see
        @type storage_uri: StorageUri
        @param storage_uri: StorageUri specifying a bucket or a bucket+object
        @rtype: L{AWSAuthConnection<>}
        @return: A connection to storage service provider of the given URI.
        connection_args = dict(self.connection_args or ())

        if (hasattr(self, 'suppress_consec_slashes') and
                'suppress_consec_slashes' not in connection_args):
            connection_args['suppress_consec_slashes'] = (
        if not self.connection:
            if self.scheme in self.provider_pool:
                self.connection = self.provider_pool[self.scheme]
            elif self.scheme == 's3':
                from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
                self.connection = S3Connection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'gs':
                from import GSConnection
                # Use OrdinaryCallingFormat instead of boto-default
                # SubdomainCallingFormat because the latter changes the hostname
                # that's checked during cert validation for HTTPS connections,
                # which will fail cert validation (when cert validation is
                # enabled).
                # The same is not true for S3's HTTPS certificates. In fact,
                # we don't want to do this for S3 because S3 requires the
                # subdomain to match the location of the bucket. If the proper
                # subdomain is not used, the server will return a 301 redirect
                # with no Location header.
                # Note: the following import can't be moved up to the
                # start of this file else it causes a config import failure when
                # run from the resumable upload/download tests.
                from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
                connection_args['calling_format'] = OrdinaryCallingFormat()
                self.connection = GSConnection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'file':
                from boto.file.connection import FileConnection
                self.connection = FileConnection(self)
                raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' %
        self.connection.debug = self.debug
        return self.connection
项目:Chromium_DepotTools    作者:p07r0457    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, **kwargs):
        Opens a connection to appropriate provider, depending on provider
        portion of URI. Requires Credentials defined in boto config file (see
        @type storage_uri: StorageUri
        @param storage_uri: StorageUri specifying a bucket or a bucket+object
        @rtype: L{AWSAuthConnection<>}
        @return: A connection to storage service provider of the given URI.
        connection_args = dict(self.connection_args or ())
        # Use OrdinaryCallingFormat instead of boto-default
        # SubdomainCallingFormat because the latter changes the hostname
        # that's checked during cert validation for HTTPS connections,
        # which will fail cert validation (when cert validation is enabled).
        # Note: the following import can't be moved up to the start of
        # this file else it causes a config import failure when run from
        # the resumable upload/download tests.
        from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
        connection_args['calling_format'] = OrdinaryCallingFormat()
        if (hasattr(self, 'suppress_consec_slashes') and
            'suppress_consec_slashes' not in connection_args):
            connection_args['suppress_consec_slashes'] = (
        if not self.connection:
            if self.scheme in self.provider_pool:
                self.connection = self.provider_pool[self.scheme]
            elif self.scheme == 's3':
                from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
                self.connection = S3Connection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'gs':
                from import GSConnection
                self.connection = GSConnection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'file':
                from boto.file.connection import FileConnection
                self.connection = FileConnection(self)
                raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' %
        self.connection.debug = self.debug
        return self.connection
项目:alicloud-duplicity    作者:aliyun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def multipart_upload_worker(scheme, parsed_url, storage_uri, bucket_name, multipart_id,
                            filename, offset, bytes, num_retries, queue):
    Worker method for uploading a file chunk to S3 using multipart upload.
    Note that the file chunk is read into memory, so it's important to keep
    this number reasonably small.

    def _upload_callback(uploaded, total):
        worker_name = multiprocessing.current_process().name
        log.Debug("%s: Uploaded %s/%s bytes" % (worker_name, uploaded, total))
        if queue is not None:
            queue.put([uploaded, total])  # Push data to the consumer thread

    def _upload(num_retries):
        worker_name = multiprocessing.current_process().name
        log.Debug("%s: Uploading chunk %d" % (worker_name, offset + 1))
            conn = get_connection(scheme, parsed_url, storage_uri)
            bucket = conn.lookup(bucket_name)

            for mp in bucket.list_multipart_uploads():
                if == multipart_id:
                    with FileChunkIO(filename, 'r', offset=offset * bytes, bytes=bytes) as fd:
                        start = time.time()
                        mp.upload_part_from_file(fd, offset + 1, cb=_upload_callback,
                                                 num_cb=max(2, 8 * bytes / (1024 * 1024))
                                                 )  # Max num of callbacks = 8 times x megabyte
                        end = time.time()
                        log.Debug(("{name}: Uploaded chunk {chunk}"
                                  "at roughly {speed} bytes/second").format(name=worker_name,
                                                                            chunk=offset + 1,
                                                                            speed=(bytes / max(1, abs(end - start)))))
            conn = None
            bucket = None
            del conn
        except Exception as e:
            if num_retries:
                log.Debug("%s: Upload of chunk %d failed. Retrying %d more times..." % (
                    worker_name, offset + 1, num_retries - 1))
                return _upload(num_retries - 1)
            log.Debug("%s: Upload of chunk %d failed. Aborting..." % (
                worker_name, offset + 1))
            raise e
        log.Debug("%s: Upload of chunk %d complete" % (worker_name, offset + 1))

    return _upload(num_retries)
项目:node-gn    作者:Shouqun    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, **kwargs):
        Opens a connection to appropriate provider, depending on provider
        portion of URI. Requires Credentials defined in boto config file (see
        @type storage_uri: StorageUri
        @param storage_uri: StorageUri specifying a bucket or a bucket+object
        @rtype: L{AWSAuthConnection<>}
        @return: A connection to storage service provider of the given URI.
        connection_args = dict(self.connection_args or ())
        # Use OrdinaryCallingFormat instead of boto-default
        # SubdomainCallingFormat because the latter changes the hostname
        # that's checked during cert validation for HTTPS connections,
        # which will fail cert validation (when cert validation is enabled).
        # Note: the following import can't be moved up to the start of
        # this file else it causes a config import failure when run from
        # the resumable upload/download tests.
        from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
        connection_args['calling_format'] = OrdinaryCallingFormat()
        if (hasattr(self, 'suppress_consec_slashes') and
            'suppress_consec_slashes' not in connection_args):
            connection_args['suppress_consec_slashes'] = (
        if not self.connection:
            if self.scheme in self.provider_pool:
                self.connection = self.provider_pool[self.scheme]
            elif self.scheme == 's3':
                from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
                self.connection = S3Connection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'gs':
                from import GSConnection
                self.connection = GSConnection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'file':
                from boto.file.connection import FileConnection
                self.connection = FileConnection(self)
                raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' %
        self.connection.debug = self.debug
        return self.connection
项目:alfred-ec2    作者:SoMuchToGrok    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, **kwargs):
        Opens a connection to appropriate provider, depending on provider
        portion of URI. Requires Credentials defined in boto config file (see
        @type storage_uri: StorageUri
        @param storage_uri: StorageUri specifying a bucket or a bucket+object
        @rtype: L{AWSAuthConnection<>}
        @return: A connection to storage service provider of the given URI.
        connection_args = dict(self.connection_args or ())

        if (hasattr(self, 'suppress_consec_slashes') and
                'suppress_consec_slashes' not in connection_args):
            connection_args['suppress_consec_slashes'] = (
        if not self.connection:
            if self.scheme in self.provider_pool:
                self.connection = self.provider_pool[self.scheme]
            elif self.scheme == 's3':
                from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
                self.connection = S3Connection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'gs':
                from import GSConnection
                # Use OrdinaryCallingFormat instead of boto-default
                # SubdomainCallingFormat because the latter changes the hostname
                # that's checked during cert validation for HTTPS connections,
                # which will fail cert validation (when cert validation is
                # enabled).
                # The same is not true for S3's HTTPS certificates. In fact,
                # we don't want to do this for S3 because S3 requires the
                # subdomain to match the location of the bucket. If the proper
                # subdomain is not used, the server will return a 301 redirect
                # with no Location header.
                # Note: the following import can't be moved up to the
                # start of this file else it causes a config import failure when
                # run from the resumable upload/download tests.
                from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
                connection_args['calling_format'] = OrdinaryCallingFormat()
                self.connection = GSConnection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'file':
                from boto.file.connection import FileConnection
                self.connection = FileConnection(self)
                raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' %
        self.connection.debug = self.debug
        return self.connection
项目:depot_tools    作者:webrtc-uwp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def connect(self, access_key_id=None, secret_access_key=None, **kwargs):
        Opens a connection to appropriate provider, depending on provider
        portion of URI. Requires Credentials defined in boto config file (see
        @type storage_uri: StorageUri
        @param storage_uri: StorageUri specifying a bucket or a bucket+object
        @rtype: L{AWSAuthConnection<>}
        @return: A connection to storage service provider of the given URI.
        connection_args = dict(self.connection_args or ())
        # Use OrdinaryCallingFormat instead of boto-default
        # SubdomainCallingFormat because the latter changes the hostname
        # that's checked during cert validation for HTTPS connections,
        # which will fail cert validation (when cert validation is enabled).
        # Note: the following import can't be moved up to the start of
        # this file else it causes a config import failure when run from
        # the resumable upload/download tests.
        from boto.s3.connection import OrdinaryCallingFormat
        connection_args['calling_format'] = OrdinaryCallingFormat()
        if (hasattr(self, 'suppress_consec_slashes') and
            'suppress_consec_slashes' not in connection_args):
            connection_args['suppress_consec_slashes'] = (
        if not self.connection:
            if self.scheme in self.provider_pool:
                self.connection = self.provider_pool[self.scheme]
            elif self.scheme == 's3':
                from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection
                self.connection = S3Connection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'gs':
                from import GSConnection
                self.connection = GSConnection(access_key_id,
                self.provider_pool[self.scheme] = self.connection
            elif self.scheme == 'file':
                from boto.file.connection import FileConnection
                self.connection = FileConnection(self)
                raise InvalidUriError('Unrecognized scheme "%s"' %
        self.connection.debug = self.debug
        return self.connection