def run(self): """ Start the threaded retrieval of items. Populates the ``items`` list with :class:`Item <boto.sdb.item.Item>` objects. """ for item_name in self.item_names: item = self.conn.get_attributes(self.domain_name, item_name) self.items.append(item) #boto.set_stream_logger('sdb')
def set_verbose(self): import logging import boto self.verbose = True logging.getLogger('boto').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logging.getLogger('botocore').setLevel(logging.DEBUG) boto.set_stream_logger('boto', level=logging.DEBUG)
def process_args(self, **args): """ Responsible for walking through Params defined for the request and: * Matching them with keyword parameters passed to the request constructor or via the command line. * Checking to see if all required parameters have been specified and raising an exception, if not. * Encoding each value into the set of request parameters that will be sent in the request to the AWS service. """ self.args.update(args) self.connection_args = copy.copy(self.args) if 'debug' in self.args and self.args['debug'] >= 2: boto.set_stream_logger(self.name()) required = [p.name for p in self.Params+self.Args if not p.optional] for param in self.Params+self.Args: if param.long_name: python_name = param.long_name.replace('-', '_') else: python_name = boto.utils.pythonize_name(param.name, '_') value = None if python_name in self.args: value = self.args[python_name] if value is None: value = param.default if value is not None: if param.name in required: required.remove(param.name) if param.request_param: if param.encoder: param.encoder(param, self.request_params, value) else: Encoder.encode(param, self.request_params, value) if python_name in self.args: del self.connection_args[python_name] if required: l = [] for p in self.Params+self.Args: if p.name in required: if p.short_name and p.long_name: l.append('(%s, %s)' % (p.optparse_short_name, p.optparse_long_name)) elif p.short_name: l.append('(%s)' % p.optparse_short_name) else: l.append('(%s)' % p.optparse_long_name) raise RequiredParamError(','.join(l)) boto.log.debug('request_params: %s' % self.request_params) self.process_markers(self.Response)