def verify_domain_dkim(self, domain): """ Returns a set of DNS records, or tokens, that must be published in the domain name's DNS to complete the DKIM verification process. These tokens are DNS ``CNAME`` records that point to DKIM public keys hosted by Amazon SES. To complete the DKIM verification process, these tokens must be published in the domain's DNS. The tokens must remain published in order for Easy DKIM signing to function correctly. After the tokens are added to the domain's DNS, Amazon SES will be able to DKIM-sign email originating from that domain. To enable or disable Easy DKIM signing for a domain, use the ``SetIdentityDkimEnabled`` action. For more information about Easy DKIM, go to the `Amazon SES Developer Guide <http://docs.amazonwebservices.com/ses/latest/DeveloperGuide>`_. :type domain: string :param domain: The domain name. """ return self._make_request('VerifyDomainDkim', { 'Domain': domain, })
def _required_auth_capability(self): return ['ses']