Python botocore.exceptions 模块,NoRegionError() 实例源码


项目:strongjobs    作者:percipient    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def clientWrapper(service, region=None):
    if region:
        cl = boto3.client(service, region_name=region)
            cl = boto3.client(service)
        except NoRegionError:
            print("You need to specify a region in some way. See "
                  "getting-started.html for ways that you can set it "
                  "globally, or pass 'region' as an argument to this task.")
            raise SystemExit(1)
    return cl

# Default namespace
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _endpoint_for_partition(self, partition, service_name, region_name):
        # Get the service from the partition, or an empty template.
        service_data = partition['services'].get(
            service_name, DEFAULT_SERVICE_DATA)
        # Use the partition endpoint if no region is supplied.
        if region_name is None:
            if 'partitionEndpoint' in service_data:
                region_name = service_data['partitionEndpoint']
                raise NoRegionError()
        # Attempt to resolve the exact region for this partition.
        if region_name in service_data['endpoints']:
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
        # Check to see if the endpoint provided is valid for the partition.
        if self._region_match(partition, region_name):
            # Use the partition endpoint if set and not regionalized.
            partition_endpoint = service_data.get('partitionEndpoint')
            is_regionalized = service_data.get('isRegionalized', True)
            if partition_endpoint and not is_regionalized:
                LOG.debug('Using partition endpoint for %s, %s: %s',
                          service_name, region_name, partition_endpoint)
                return self._resolve(
                    partition, service_name, service_data, partition_endpoint)
            LOG.debug('Creating a regex based endpoint for %s, %s',
                      service_name, region_name)
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _endpoint_for_partition(self, partition, service_name, region_name):
        # Get the service from the partition, or an empty template.
        service_data = partition['services'].get(
            service_name, DEFAULT_SERVICE_DATA)
        # Use the partition endpoint if no region is supplied.
        if region_name is None:
            if 'partitionEndpoint' in service_data:
                region_name = service_data['partitionEndpoint']
                raise NoRegionError()
        # Attempt to resolve the exact region for this partition.
        if region_name in service_data['endpoints']:
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
        # Check to see if the endpoint provided is valid for the partition.
        if self._region_match(partition, region_name):
            # Use the partition endpoint if set and not regionalized.
            partition_endpoint = service_data.get('partitionEndpoint')
            is_regionalized = service_data.get('isRegionalized', True)
            if partition_endpoint and not is_regionalized:
                LOG.debug('Using partition endpoint for %s, %s: %s',
                          service_name, region_name, partition_endpoint)
                return self._resolve(
                    partition, service_name, service_data, partition_endpoint)
            LOG.debug('Creating a regex based endpoint for %s, %s',
                      service_name, region_name)
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
项目:aws-ec2rescue-linux    作者:awslabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _endpoint_for_partition(self, partition, service_name, region_name):
        # Get the service from the partition, or an empty template.
        service_data = partition['services'].get(
            service_name, DEFAULT_SERVICE_DATA)
        # Use the partition endpoint if no region is supplied.
        if region_name is None:
            if 'partitionEndpoint' in service_data:
                region_name = service_data['partitionEndpoint']
                raise NoRegionError()
        # Attempt to resolve the exact region for this partition.
        if region_name in service_data['endpoints']:
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
        # Check to see if the endpoint provided is valid for the partition.
        if self._region_match(partition, region_name):
            # Use the partition endpoint if set and not regionalized.
            partition_endpoint = service_data.get('partitionEndpoint')
            is_regionalized = service_data.get('isRegionalized', True)
            if partition_endpoint and not is_regionalized:
                LOG.debug('Using partition endpoint for %s, %s: %s',
                          service_name, region_name, partition_endpoint)
                return self._resolve(
                    partition, service_name, service_data, partition_endpoint)
            LOG.debug('Creating a regex based endpoint for %s, %s',
                      service_name, region_name)
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
项目:aq    作者:lebinh    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_get_resource_model_attributes(self):
            resource = boto3.resource('ec2')
        except NoRegionError:
            # skip for environment that doesn't have boto config like CI
            collection = resource.instances.all()
            attributes = get_resource_model_attributes(resource, collection)
            assert attributes
            assert 'instance_id' in attributes
            assert 'image_id' in attributes
项目:aegea    作者:kislyuk    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(args=None):
    parsed_args = parser.parse_args(args=args)
    has_attrs = (getattr(parsed_args, "sort_by", None) and
                 getattr(parsed_args, "columns", None))
    if has_attrs and parsed_args.sort_by not in parsed_args.columns:
        result = parsed_args.entry_point(parsed_args)
    except Exception as e:
        if isinstance(e, NoRegionError):
            msg = "The AWS CLI is not configured."
            msg += " Please configure it using instructions at"
            msg += ""
        elif logger.level < logging.ERROR:
            err_msg = traceback.format_exc()
                err_log_filename = os.path.join(config.user_config_dir, "error.log")
                with open(err_log_filename, "ab") as fh:
                    print(, file=fh)
                    print(err_msg, file=fh)
                exit("{}: {}. See {} for error details.".format(e.__class__.__name__, e, err_log_filename))
            except Exception:
                print(err_msg, file=sys.stderr)
    if isinstance(result, SystemExit):
        raise result
    elif result is not None:
        if isinstance(result, dict) and "ResponseMetadata" in result:
            del result["ResponseMetadata"]
        print(json.dumps(result, indent=2, default=lambda x: str(x)))
项目:treehugger    作者:timeoutdigital    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def kms_client(self):
        if not hasattr(self, '_kms_client'):
                self._kms_client = boto3.client('kms')
            except NoRegionError:
                region_name = get_current_region()
                self._kms_client = boto3.client('kms', region_name=region_name)
        return self._kms_client
项目:jepsen-training-vpc    作者:bloomberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _endpoint_for_partition(self, partition, service_name, region_name):
        # Get the service from the partition, or an empty template.
        service_data = partition['services'].get(
            service_name, DEFAULT_SERVICE_DATA)
        # Use the partition endpoint if no region is supplied.
        if region_name is None:
            if 'partitionEndpoint' in service_data:
                region_name = service_data['partitionEndpoint']
                raise NoRegionError()
        # Attempt to resolve the exact region for this partition.
        if region_name in service_data['endpoints']:
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
        # Check to see if the endpoint provided is valid for the partition.
        if self._region_match(partition, region_name):
            # Use the partition endpoint if set and not regionalized.
            partition_endpoint = service_data.get('partitionEndpoint')
            is_regionalized = service_data.get('isRegionalized', True)
            if partition_endpoint and not is_regionalized:
                LOG.debug('Using partition endpoint for %s, %s: %s',
                          service_name, region_name, partition_endpoint)
                return self._resolve(
                    partition, service_name, service_data, partition_endpoint)
            LOG.debug('Creating a regex based endpoint for %s, %s',
                      service_name, region_name)
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
项目:AWS-AutoTag    作者:cpollard0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _endpoint_for_partition(self, partition, service_name, region_name):
        # Get the service from the partition, or an empty template.
        service_data = partition['services'].get(
            service_name, DEFAULT_SERVICE_DATA)
        # Use the partition endpoint if no region is supplied.
        if region_name is None:
            if 'partitionEndpoint' in service_data:
                region_name = service_data['partitionEndpoint']
                raise NoRegionError()
        # Attempt to resolve the exact region for this partition.
        if region_name in service_data['endpoints']:
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
        # Check to see if the endpoint provided is valid for the partition.
        if self._region_match(partition, region_name):
            # Use the partition endpoint if set and not regionalized.
            partition_endpoint = service_data.get('partitionEndpoint')
            is_regionalized = service_data.get('isRegionalized', True)
            if partition_endpoint and not is_regionalized:
                LOG.debug('Using partition endpoint for %s, %s: %s',
                          service_name, region_name, partition_endpoint)
                return self._resolve(
                    partition, service_name, service_data, partition_endpoint)
            LOG.debug('Creating a regex based endpoint for %s, %s',
                      service_name, region_name)
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _endpoint_for_partition(self, partition, service_name, region_name):
        # Get the service from the partition, or an empty template.
        service_data = partition['services'].get(
            service_name, DEFAULT_SERVICE_DATA)
        # Use the partition endpoint if no region is supplied.
        if region_name is None:
            if 'partitionEndpoint' in service_data:
                region_name = service_data['partitionEndpoint']
                raise NoRegionError()
        # Attempt to resolve the exact region for this partition.
        if region_name in service_data['endpoints']:
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
        # Check to see if the endpoint provided is valid for the partition.
        if self._region_match(partition, region_name):
            # Use the partition endpoint if set and not regionalized.
            partition_endpoint = service_data.get('partitionEndpoint')
            is_regionalized = service_data.get('isRegionalized', True)
            if partition_endpoint and not is_regionalized:
                LOG.debug('Using partition endpoint for %s, %s: %s',
                          service_name, region_name, partition_endpoint)
                return self._resolve(
                    partition, service_name, service_data, partition_endpoint)
            LOG.debug('Creating a regex based endpoint for %s, %s',
                      service_name, region_name)
            return self._resolve(
                partition, service_name, service_data, region_name)
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def main(self, args=None):

        :param args: List of arguments, with the 'aws' removed.  For example,
            the command "aws s3 list-objects --bucket foo" will have an
            args list of ``['s3', 'list-objects', '--bucket', 'foo']``.

        if args is None:
            args = sys.argv[1:]
        command_table = self._get_command_table()
        parser = self._create_parser(command_table)
        self._add_aliases(command_table, parser)
        parsed_args, remaining = parser.parse_known_args(args)
            # Because _handle_top_level_args emits events, it's possible
            # that exceptions can be raised, which should have the same
            # general exception handling logic as calling into the
            # command table.  This is why it's in the try/except clause.
            return command_table[parsed_args.command](remaining, parsed_args)
        except UnknownArgumentError as e:
            sys.stderr.write("usage: %s\n" % USAGE)
            return 255
        except NoRegionError as e:
            msg = ('%s You can also configure your region by running '
                   '"aws configure".' % e)
            return 255
        except NoCredentialsError as e:
            msg = ('%s. You can configure credentials by running '
                   '"aws configure".' % e)
            return 255
        except KeyboardInterrupt:
            # Shell standard for signals that terminate
            # the process is to return 128 + signum, in this case
            # SIGINT=2, so we'll have an RC of 130.
            return 128 + signal.SIGINT
        except Exception as e:
            LOG.debug("Exception caught in main()", exc_info=True)
            LOG.debug("Exiting with rc 255")
            err = get_stderr_text_writer()
            return 255