Python botocore 模块,compat() 实例源码


项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _in_pairs(iterable):
    # Creates iterator that iterates over the list in pairs:
    # for a, b in _in_pairs([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]):
    #     print(a, b)
    # will print:
    # 0, 1
    # 2, 3
    # 4, None
    shared_iter = iter(iterable)
    # Note that zip_longest is a compat import that uses
    # the itertools izip_longest.  This creates an iterator,
    # this call below does _not_ immediately create the list
    # of pairs.
    return zip_longest(shared_iter, shared_iter)
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _in_pairs(iterable):
    # Creates iterator that iterates over the list in pairs:
    # for a, b in _in_pairs([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]):
    #     print(a, b)
    # will print:
    # 0, 1
    # 2, 3
    # 4, None
    shared_iter = iter(iterable)
    # Note that zip_longest is a compat import that uses
    # the itertools izip_longest.  This creates an iterator,
    # this call below does _not_ immediately create the list
    # of pairs.
    return zip_longest(shared_iter, shared_iter)
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _validate_allowed_url(self, full_url):
        parsed = botocore.compat.urlparse(full_url)
        is_whitelisted_host = self._check_if_whitelisted_host(
        if not is_whitelisted_host:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unsupported host '%s'.  Can only "
                "retrieve metadata from these hosts: %s" %
                (parsed.hostname, ', '.join(self._ALLOWED_HOSTS)))
项目:aws-ec2rescue-linux    作者:awslabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _in_pairs(iterable):
    # Creates iterator that iterates over the list in pairs:
    # for a, b in _in_pairs([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]):
    #     print(a, b)
    # will print:
    # 0, 1
    # 2, 3
    # 4, None
    shared_iter = iter(iterable)
    # Note that zip_longest is a compat import that uses
    # the itertools izip_longest.  This creates an iterator,
    # this call below does _not_ immediately create the list
    # of pairs.
    return zip_longest(shared_iter, shared_iter)
项目:jepsen-training-vpc    作者:bloomberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _in_pairs(iterable):
    # Creates iterator that iterates over the list in pairs:
    # for a, b in _in_pairs([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]):
    #     print(a, b)
    # will print:
    # 0, 1
    # 2, 3
    # 4, None
    shared_iter = iter(iterable)
    # Note that zip_longest is a compat import that uses
    # the itertools izip_longest.  This creates an iterator,
    # this call below does _not_ immediately create the list
    # of pairs.
    return zip_longest(shared_iter, shared_iter)
项目:AWS-AutoTag    作者:cpollard0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _in_pairs(iterable):
    # Creates iterator that iterates over the list in pairs:
    # for a, b in _in_pairs([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]):
    #     print(a, b)
    # will print:
    # 0, 1
    # 2, 3
    # 4, None
    shared_iter = iter(iterable)
    # Note that zip_longest is a compat import that uses
    # the itertools izip_longest.  This creates an iterator,
    # this call below does _not_ immediately create the list
    # of pairs.
    return zip_longest(shared_iter, shared_iter)
项目:AWS-AutoTag    作者:cpollard0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _validate_allowed_url(self, full_url):
        parsed = botocore.compat.urlparse(full_url)
        is_whitelisted_host = self._check_if_whitelisted_host(
        if not is_whitelisted_host:
            raise ValueError(
                "Unsupported host '%s'.  Can only "
                "retrieve metadata from these hosts: %s" %
                (parsed.hostname, ', '.join(self._ALLOWED_HOSTS)))
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _in_pairs(iterable):
    # Creates iterator that iterates over the list in pairs:
    # for a, b in _in_pairs([0, 1, 2, 3, 4]):
    #     print(a, b)
    # will print:
    # 0, 1
    # 2, 3
    # 4, None
    shared_iter = iter(iterable)
    # Note that zip_longest is a compat import that uses
    # the itertools izip_longest.  This creates an iterator,
    # this call below does _not_ immediately create the list
    # of pairs.
    return zip_longest(shared_iter, shared_iter)
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_to_aware_datetime(value):
    """Converted the passed in value to a datetime object with tzinfo.

    This function can be used to normalize all timestamp inputs.  This
    function accepts a number of different types of inputs, but
    will always return a datetime.datetime object with time zone

    The input param ``value`` can be one of several types:

        * A datetime object (both naive and aware)
        * An integer representing the epoch time (can also be a string
          of the integer, i.e '0', instead of 0).  The epoch time is
          considered to be UTC.
        * An iso8601 formatted timestamp.  This does not need to be
          a complete timestamp, it can contain just the date portion
          without the time component.

    The returned value will be a datetime object that will have tzinfo.
    If no timezone info was provided in the input value, then UTC is
    assumed, not local time.

    # This is a general purpose method that handles several cases of
    # converting the provided value to a string timestamp suitable to be
    # serialized to an http request. It can handle:
    # 1) A datetime.datetime object.
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        datetime_obj = value
        # 2) A string object that's formatted as a timestamp.
        #    We document this as being an iso8601 timestamp, although
        #    parse_timestamp is a bit more flexible.
        datetime_obj = parse_timestamp(value)
    if datetime_obj.tzinfo is None:
        # I think a case would be made that if no time zone is provided,
        # we should use the local time.  However, to restore backwards
        # compat, the previous behavior was to assume UTC, which is
        # what we're going to do here.
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.astimezone(tzutc())
    return datetime_obj
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_to_aware_datetime(value):
    """Converted the passed in value to a datetime object with tzinfo.

    This function can be used to normalize all timestamp inputs.  This
    function accepts a number of different types of inputs, but
    will always return a datetime.datetime object with time zone

    The input param ``value`` can be one of several types:

        * A datetime object (both naive and aware)
        * An integer representing the epoch time (can also be a string
          of the integer, i.e '0', instead of 0).  The epoch time is
          considered to be UTC.
        * An iso8601 formatted timestamp.  This does not need to be
          a complete timestamp, it can contain just the date portion
          without the time component.

    The returned value will be a datetime object that will have tzinfo.
    If no timezone info was provided in the input value, then UTC is
    assumed, not local time.

    # This is a general purpose method that handles several cases of
    # converting the provided value to a string timestamp suitable to be
    # serialized to an http request. It can handle:
    # 1) A datetime.datetime object.
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        datetime_obj = value
        # 2) A string object that's formatted as a timestamp.
        #    We document this as being an iso8601 timestamp, although
        #    parse_timestamp is a bit more flexible.
        datetime_obj = parse_timestamp(value)
    if datetime_obj.tzinfo is None:
        # I think a case would be made that if no time zone is provided,
        # we should use the local time.  However, to restore backwards
        # compat, the previous behavior was to assume UTC, which is
        # what we're going to do here.
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.astimezone(tzutc())
    return datetime_obj
项目:aws-ec2rescue-linux    作者:awslabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_to_aware_datetime(value):
    """Converted the passed in value to a datetime object with tzinfo.

    This function can be used to normalize all timestamp inputs.  This
    function accepts a number of different types of inputs, but
    will always return a datetime.datetime object with time zone

    The input param ``value`` can be one of several types:

        * A datetime object (both naive and aware)
        * An integer representing the epoch time (can also be a string
          of the integer, i.e '0', instead of 0).  The epoch time is
          considered to be UTC.
        * An iso8601 formatted timestamp.  This does not need to be
          a complete timestamp, it can contain just the date portion
          without the time component.

    The returned value will be a datetime object that will have tzinfo.
    If no timezone info was provided in the input value, then UTC is
    assumed, not local time.

    # This is a general purpose method that handles several cases of
    # converting the provided value to a string timestamp suitable to be
    # serialized to an http request. It can handle:
    # 1) A datetime.datetime object.
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        datetime_obj = value
        # 2) A string object that's formatted as a timestamp.
        #    We document this as being an iso8601 timestamp, although
        #    parse_timestamp is a bit more flexible.
        datetime_obj = parse_timestamp(value)
    if datetime_obj.tzinfo is None:
        # I think a case would be made that if no time zone is provided,
        # we should use the local time.  However, to restore backwards
        # compat, the previous behavior was to assume UTC, which is
        # what we're going to do here.
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.astimezone(tzutc())
    return datetime_obj
项目:jepsen-training-vpc    作者:bloomberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_to_aware_datetime(value):
    """Converted the passed in value to a datetime object with tzinfo.

    This function can be used to normalize all timestamp inputs.  This
    function accepts a number of different types of inputs, but
    will always return a datetime.datetime object with time zone

    The input param ``value`` can be one of several types:

        * A datetime object (both naive and aware)
        * An integer representing the epoch time (can also be a string
          of the integer, i.e '0', instead of 0).  The epoch time is
          considered to be UTC.
        * An iso8601 formatted timestamp.  This does not need to be
          a complete timestamp, it can contain just the date portion
          without the time component.

    The returned value will be a datetime object that will have tzinfo.
    If no timezone info was provided in the input value, then UTC is
    assumed, not local time.

    # This is a general purpose method that handles several cases of
    # converting the provided value to a string timestamp suitable to be
    # serialized to an http request. It can handle:
    # 1) A datetime.datetime object.
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        datetime_obj = value
        # 2) A string object that's formatted as a timestamp.
        #    We document this as being an iso8601 timestamp, although
        #    parse_timestamp is a bit more flexible.
        datetime_obj = parse_timestamp(value)
    if datetime_obj.tzinfo is None:
        # I think a case would be made that if no time zone is provided,
        # we should use the local time.  However, to restore backwards
        # compat, the previous behavior was to assume UTC, which is
        # what we're going to do here.
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.astimezone(tzutc())
    return datetime_obj
项目:AWS-AutoTag    作者:cpollard0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_to_aware_datetime(value):
    """Converted the passed in value to a datetime object with tzinfo.

    This function can be used to normalize all timestamp inputs.  This
    function accepts a number of different types of inputs, but
    will always return a datetime.datetime object with time zone

    The input param ``value`` can be one of several types:

        * A datetime object (both naive and aware)
        * An integer representing the epoch time (can also be a string
          of the integer, i.e '0', instead of 0).  The epoch time is
          considered to be UTC.
        * An iso8601 formatted timestamp.  This does not need to be
          a complete timestamp, it can contain just the date portion
          without the time component.

    The returned value will be a datetime object that will have tzinfo.
    If no timezone info was provided in the input value, then UTC is
    assumed, not local time.

    # This is a general purpose method that handles several cases of
    # converting the provided value to a string timestamp suitable to be
    # serialized to an http request. It can handle:
    # 1) A datetime.datetime object.
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        datetime_obj = value
        # 2) A string object that's formatted as a timestamp.
        #    We document this as being an iso8601 timestamp, although
        #    parse_timestamp is a bit more flexible.
        datetime_obj = parse_timestamp(value)
    if datetime_obj.tzinfo is None:
        # I think a case would be made that if no time zone is provided,
        # we should use the local time.  However, to restore backwards
        # compat, the previous behavior was to assume UTC, which is
        # what we're going to do here.
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.astimezone(tzutc())
    return datetime_obj
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_to_aware_datetime(value):
    """Converted the passed in value to a datetime object with tzinfo.

    This function can be used to normalize all timestamp inputs.  This
    function accepts a number of different types of inputs, but
    will always return a datetime.datetime object with time zone

    The input param ``value`` can be one of several types:

        * A datetime object (both naive and aware)
        * An integer representing the epoch time (can also be a string
          of the integer, i.e '0', instead of 0).  The epoch time is
          considered to be UTC.
        * An iso8601 formatted timestamp.  This does not need to be
          a complete timestamp, it can contain just the date portion
          without the time component.

    The returned value will be a datetime object that will have tzinfo.
    If no timezone info was provided in the input value, then UTC is
    assumed, not local time.

    # This is a general purpose method that handles several cases of
    # converting the provided value to a string timestamp suitable to be
    # serialized to an http request. It can handle:
    # 1) A datetime.datetime object.
    if isinstance(value, datetime.datetime):
        datetime_obj = value
        # 2) A string object that's formatted as a timestamp.
        #    We document this as being an iso8601 timestamp, although
        #    parse_timestamp is a bit more flexible.
        datetime_obj = parse_timestamp(value)
    if datetime_obj.tzinfo is None:
        # I think a case would be made that if no time zone is provided,
        # we should use the local time.  However, to restore backwards
        # compat, the previous behavior was to assume UTC, which is
        # what we're going to do here.
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.replace(tzinfo=tzutc())
        datetime_obj = datetime_obj.astimezone(tzutc())
    return datetime_obj