Python botocore 模块,auth() 实例源码


项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_operation_specific_signer(context, signing_name, **kwargs):
    """ Choose the operation-specific signer.

    Individual operations may have a different auth type than the service as a
    whole. This will most often manifest as operations that should not be
    authenticated at all, but can include other auth modes such as sigv4
    without body signing.
    auth_type = context.get('auth_type')

    # Auth type will be None if the operation doesn't have a configured auth
    # type.
    if not auth_type:

    # Auth type will be the string value 'none' if the operation should not
    # be signed at all.
    if auth_type == 'none':
        return botocore.UNSIGNED

    if auth_type.startswith('v4'):
        signature_version = 'v4'
        if signing_name == 's3':
            signature_version = 's3v4'

        # If the operation needs an unsigned body, we set additional context
        # allowing the signer to be aware of this.
        if auth_type == 'v4-unsigned-body':
            context['payload_signing_enabled'] = False

        return signature_version
项目:AWS-AutoTag    作者:cpollard0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_operation_specific_signer(context, signing_name, **kwargs):
    """ Choose the operation-specific signer.

    Individual operations may have a different auth type than the service as a
    whole. This will most often manifest as operations that should not be
    authenticated at all, but can include other auth modes such as sigv4
    without body signing.
    auth_type = context.get('auth_type')

    # Auth type will be None if the operation doesn't have a configured auth
    # type.
    if not auth_type:

    # Auth type will be the string value 'none' if the operation should not
    # be signed at all.
    if auth_type == 'none':
        return botocore.UNSIGNED

    if auth_type.startswith('v4'):
        signature_version = 'v4'
        if signing_name == 's3':
            signature_version = 's3v4'

        # If the operation needs an unsigned body, we set additional context
        # allowing the signer to be aware of this.
        if auth_type == 'v4-unsigned-body':
            context['payload_signing_enabled'] = False

        return signature_version
项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sign(self, operation_name, request, region_name=None,
             signing_type='standard', expires_in=None):
        """Sign a request before it goes out over the wire.

        :type operation_name: string
        :param operation_name: The name of the current operation, e.g.
        :type request: AWSRequest
        :param request: The request object to be sent over the wire.

        :type region_name: str
        :param region_name: The region to sign the request for.

        :type signing_type: str
        :param signing_type: The type of signing to perform. This can be one of
            three possible values:

            * 'standard'     - This should be used for most requests.
            * 'presign-url'  - This should be used when pre-signing a request.
            * 'presign-post' - This should be used when pre-signing an S3 post.

        :type expires_in: int
        :param expires_in: The number of seconds the presigned url is valid
            for. This parameter is only valid for signing type 'presign-url'.
        if region_name is None:
            region_name = self._region_name

        signature_version = self._choose_signer(operation_name, signing_type)

        # Allow mutating request before signing
            'before-sign.{0}.{1}'.format(self._service_name, operation_name),
            request=request, signing_name=self._signing_name,
            signature_version=signature_version, request_signer=self)

        if signature_version != botocore.UNSIGNED:
            kwargs = {
                'signing_name': self._signing_name,
                'region_name': region_name,
                'signature_version': signature_version
            if expires_in is not None:
                kwargs['expires'] = expires_in

                auth = self.get_auth_instance(**kwargs)
            except UnknownSignatureVersionError as e:
                if signing_type != 'standard':
                    raise UnsupportedSignatureVersionError(
                    raise e

项目:aws-cfn-plex    作者:lordmuffin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_auth_instance(self, signing_name, region_name,
                          signature_version=None, **kwargs):
        Get an auth instance which can be used to sign a request
        using the given signature version.

        :type signing_name: string
        :param signing_name: Service signing name. This is usually the
                             same as the service name, but can differ. E.g.
                             ``emr`` vs. ``elasticmapreduce``.

        :type region_name: string
        :param region_name: Name of the service region, e.g. ``us-east-1``

        :type signature_version: string
        :param signature_version: Signature name like ``v4``.

        :rtype: :py:class:`~botocore.auth.BaseSigner`
        :return: Auth instance to sign a request.
        if signature_version is None:
            signature_version = self._signature_version

        cls = botocore.auth.AUTH_TYPE_MAPS.get(signature_version)
        if cls is None:
            raise UnknownSignatureVersionError(
        # If there's no credentials provided (i.e credentials is None),
        # then we'll pass a value of "None" over to the auth classes,
        # which already handle the cases where no credentials have
        # been provided.
        frozen_credentials = None
        if self._credentials is not None:
            frozen_credentials = self._credentials.get_frozen_credentials()
        kwargs['credentials'] = frozen_credentials
        if cls.REQUIRES_REGION:
            if self._region_name is None:
                raise botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError()
            kwargs['region_name'] = region_name
            kwargs['service_name'] = signing_name
        auth = cls(**kwargs)
        return auth

    # Alias get_auth for backwards compatibility.
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_auth_instance(self, signing_name, region_name,
                          signature_version=None, **kwargs):
        Get an auth instance which can be used to sign a request
        using the given signature version.

        :type signing_name: string
        :param signing_name: Service signing name. This is usually the
                             same as the service name, but can differ. E.g.
                             ``emr`` vs. ``elasticmapreduce``.

        :type region_name: string
        :param region_name: Name of the service region, e.g. ``us-east-1``

        :type signature_version: string
        :param signature_version: Signature name like ``v4``.

        :rtype: :py:class:`~botocore.auth.BaseSigner`
        :return: Auth instance to sign a request.
        if signature_version is None:
            signature_version = self._signature_version

        cls = botocore.auth.AUTH_TYPE_MAPS.get(signature_version)
        if cls is None:
            raise UnknownSignatureVersionError(
        # If there's no credentials provided (i.e credentials is None),
        # then we'll pass a value of "None" over to the auth classes,
        # which already handle the cases where no credentials have
        # been provided.
        frozen_credentials = None
        if self._credentials is not None:
            frozen_credentials = self._credentials.get_frozen_credentials()
        kwargs['credentials'] = frozen_credentials
        if cls.REQUIRES_REGION:
            if self._region_name is None:
                raise botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError()
            kwargs['region_name'] = region_name
            kwargs['service_name'] = signing_name
        auth = cls(**kwargs)
        return auth

    # Alias get_auth for backwards compatibility.
项目:AshsSDK    作者:thehappydinoa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_db_auth_token(self, DBHostname, Port, DBUsername, Region=None):
    """Generates an auth token used to connect to a db with IAM credentials.

    :type DBHostname: str
    :param DBHostname: The hostname of the database to connect to.

    :type Port: int
    :param Port: The port number the database is listening on.

    :type DBUsername: str
    :param DBUsername: The username to log in as.

    :type Region: str
    :param Region: The region the database is in. If None, the client
        region will be used.

    :return: A presigned url which can be used as an auth token.
    region = Region
    if region is None:
        region = self.meta.region_name

    params = {
        'Action': 'connect',
        'DBUser': DBUsername,

    request_dict = {
        'url_path': '/',
        'query_string': '',
        'headers': {},
        'body': params,
        'method': 'GET'

    # RDS requires that the scheme not be set when sent over. This can cause
    # issues when signing because the Python url parsing libraries follow
    # RFC 1808 closely, which states that a netloc must be introduced by `//`.
    # Otherwise the url is presumed to be relative, and thus the whole
    # netloc would be treated as a path component. To work around this we
    # introduce https here and remove it once we're done processing it.
    scheme = 'https://'
    endpoint_url = '%s%s:%s' % (scheme, DBHostname, Port)
    prepare_request_dict(request_dict, endpoint_url)
    presigned_url = self._request_signer.generate_presigned_url(
        operation_name='connect', request_dict=request_dict,
        region_name=region, expires_in=900, signing_name='rds-db'
    return presigned_url[len(scheme):]
项目:aws-ec2rescue-linux    作者:awslabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sign(self, operation_name, request, region_name=None,
             signing_type='standard', expires_in=None):
        """Sign a request before it goes out over the wire.

        :type operation_name: string
        :param operation_name: The name of the current operation, e.g.
        :type request: AWSRequest
        :param request: The request object to be sent over the wire.

        :type region_name: str
        :param region_name: The region to sign the request for.

        :type signing_type: str
        :param signing_type: The type of signing to perform. This can be one of
            three possible values:

            * 'standard'     - This should be used for most requests.
            * 'presign-url'  - This should be used when pre-signing a request.
            * 'presign-post' - This should be used when pre-signing an S3 post.

        :type expires_in: int
        :param expires_in: The number of seconds the presigned url is valid
            for. This parameter is only valid for signing type 'presign-url'.
        if region_name is None:
            region_name = self._region_name

        signature_version = self._choose_signer(operation_name, signing_type)

        # Allow mutating request before signing
            'before-sign.{0}.{1}'.format(self._service_name, operation_name),
            request=request, signing_name=self._signing_name,
            signature_version=signature_version, request_signer=self)

        if signature_version != botocore.UNSIGNED:
            kwargs = {
                'signing_name': self._signing_name,
                'region_name': region_name,
                'signature_version': signature_version
            if expires_in is not None:
                kwargs['expires'] = expires_in

                auth = self.get_auth_instance(**kwargs)
            except UnknownSignatureVersionError as e:
                if signing_type != 'standard':
                    raise UnsupportedSignatureVersionError(
                    raise e

项目:aws-ec2rescue-linux    作者:awslabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_auth_instance(self, signing_name, region_name,
                          signature_version=None, **kwargs):
        Get an auth instance which can be used to sign a request
        using the given signature version.

        :type signing_name: string
        :param signing_name: Service signing name. This is usually the
                             same as the service name, but can differ. E.g.
                             ``emr`` vs. ``elasticmapreduce``.

        :type region_name: string
        :param region_name: Name of the service region, e.g. ``us-east-1``

        :type signature_version: string
        :param signature_version: Signature name like ``v4``.

        :rtype: :py:class:`~botocore.auth.BaseSigner`
        :return: Auth instance to sign a request.
        if signature_version is None:
            signature_version = self._signature_version

        cls = botocore.auth.AUTH_TYPE_MAPS.get(signature_version)
        if cls is None:
            raise UnknownSignatureVersionError(
        # If there's no credentials provided (i.e credentials is None),
        # then we'll pass a value of "None" over to the auth classes,
        # which already handle the cases where no credentials have
        # been provided.
        frozen_credentials = None
        if self._credentials is not None:
            frozen_credentials = self._credentials.get_frozen_credentials()
        kwargs['credentials'] = frozen_credentials
        if cls.REQUIRES_REGION:
            if self._region_name is None:
                raise botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError()
            kwargs['region_name'] = region_name
            kwargs['service_name'] = signing_name
        auth = cls(**kwargs)
        return auth

    # Alias get_auth for backwards compatibility.
项目:jepsen-training-vpc    作者:bloomberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sign(self, operation_name, request, region_name=None,
             signing_type='standard', expires_in=None):
        """Sign a request before it goes out over the wire.

        :type operation_name: string
        :param operation_name: The name of the current operation, e.g.
        :type request: AWSRequest
        :param request: The request object to be sent over the wire.

        :type region_name: str
        :param region_name: The region to sign the request for.

        :type signing_type: str
        :param signing_type: The type of signing to perform. This can be one of
            three possible values:

            * 'standard'     - This should be used for most requests.
            * 'presign-url'  - This should be used when pre-signing a request.
            * 'presign-post' - This should be used when pre-signing an S3 post.

        :type expires_in: int
        :param expires_in: The number of seconds the presigned url is valid
            for. This parameter is only valid for signing type 'presign-url'.
        if region_name is None:
            region_name = self._region_name

        signature_version = self._choose_signer(operation_name, signing_type)

        # Allow mutating request before signing
            'before-sign.{0}.{1}'.format(self._service_name, operation_name),
            request=request, signing_name=self._signing_name,
            signature_version=signature_version, request_signer=self)

        if signature_version != botocore.UNSIGNED:
            kwargs = {
                'signing_name': self._signing_name,
                'region_name': region_name,
                'signature_version': signature_version
            if expires_in is not None:
                kwargs['expires'] = expires_in

                auth = self.get_auth_instance(**kwargs)
            except UnknownSignatureVersionError as e:
                if signing_type != 'standard':
                    raise UnsupportedSignatureVersionError(
                    raise e

项目:jepsen-training-vpc    作者:bloomberg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_auth_instance(self, signing_name, region_name,
                          signature_version=None, **kwargs):
        Get an auth instance which can be used to sign a request
        using the given signature version.

        :type signing_name: string
        :param signing_name: Service signing name. This is usually the
                             same as the service name, but can differ. E.g.
                             ``emr`` vs. ``elasticmapreduce``.

        :type region_name: string
        :param region_name: Name of the service region, e.g. ``us-east-1``

        :type signature_version: string
        :param signature_version: Signature name like ``v4``.

        :rtype: :py:class:`~botocore.auth.BaseSigner`
        :return: Auth instance to sign a request.
        if signature_version is None:
            signature_version = self._signature_version

        cls = botocore.auth.AUTH_TYPE_MAPS.get(signature_version)
        if cls is None:
            raise UnknownSignatureVersionError(
        # If there's no credentials provided (i.e credentials is None),
        # then we'll pass a value of "None" over to the auth classes,
        # which already handle the cases where no credentials have
        # been provided.
        frozen_credentials = None
        if self._credentials is not None:
            frozen_credentials = self._credentials.get_frozen_credentials()
        kwargs['credentials'] = frozen_credentials
        if cls.REQUIRES_REGION:
            if self._region_name is None:
                raise botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError()
            kwargs['region_name'] = region_name
            kwargs['service_name'] = signing_name
        auth = cls(**kwargs)
        return auth

    # Alias get_auth for backwards compatibility.
项目:AWS-AutoTag    作者:cpollard0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sign(self, operation_name, request, region_name=None,
             signing_type='standard', expires_in=None):
        """Sign a request before it goes out over the wire.

        :type operation_name: string
        :param operation_name: The name of the current operation, e.g.
        :type request: AWSRequest
        :param request: The request object to be sent over the wire.

        :type region_name: str
        :param region_name: The region to sign the request for.

        :type signing_type: str
        :param signing_type: The type of signing to perform. This can be one of
            three possible values:

            * 'standard'     - This should be used for most requests.
            * 'presign-url'  - This should be used when pre-signing a request.
            * 'presign-post' - This should be used when pre-signing an S3 post.

        :type expires_in: int
        :param expires_in: The number of seconds the presigned url is valid
            for. This parameter is only valid for signing type 'presign-url'.
        if region_name is None:
            region_name = self._region_name

        signature_version = self._choose_signer(
            operation_name, signing_type, request.context)

        # Allow mutating request before signing
            'before-sign.{0}.{1}'.format(self._service_name, operation_name),
            request=request, signing_name=self._signing_name,
            signature_version=signature_version, request_signer=self)

        if signature_version != botocore.UNSIGNED:
            kwargs = {
                'signing_name': self._signing_name,
                'region_name': region_name,
                'signature_version': signature_version
            if expires_in is not None:
                kwargs['expires'] = expires_in

                auth = self.get_auth_instance(**kwargs)
            except UnknownSignatureVersionError as e:
                if signing_type != 'standard':
                    raise UnsupportedSignatureVersionError(
                    raise e

项目:AWS-AutoTag    作者:cpollard0    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_auth_instance(self, signing_name, region_name,
                          signature_version=None, **kwargs):
        Get an auth instance which can be used to sign a request
        using the given signature version.

        :type signing_name: string
        :param signing_name: Service signing name. This is usually the
                             same as the service name, but can differ. E.g.
                             ``emr`` vs. ``elasticmapreduce``.

        :type region_name: string
        :param region_name: Name of the service region, e.g. ``us-east-1``

        :type signature_version: string
        :param signature_version: Signature name like ``v4``.

        :rtype: :py:class:`~botocore.auth.BaseSigner`
        :return: Auth instance to sign a request.
        if signature_version is None:
            signature_version = self._signature_version

        cls = botocore.auth.AUTH_TYPE_MAPS.get(signature_version)
        if cls is None:
            raise UnknownSignatureVersionError(
        # If there's no credentials provided (i.e credentials is None),
        # then we'll pass a value of "None" over to the auth classes,
        # which already handle the cases where no credentials have
        # been provided.
        frozen_credentials = None
        if self._credentials is not None:
            frozen_credentials = self._credentials.get_frozen_credentials()
        kwargs['credentials'] = frozen_credentials
        if cls.REQUIRES_REGION:
            if self._region_name is None:
                raise botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError()
            kwargs['region_name'] = region_name
            kwargs['service_name'] = signing_name
        auth = cls(**kwargs)
        return auth

    # Alias get_auth for backwards compatibility.
项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sign(self, operation_name, request, region_name=None,
             signing_type='standard', expires_in=None):
        """Sign a request before it goes out over the wire.

        :type operation_name: string
        :param operation_name: The name of the current operation, e.g.
        :type request: AWSRequest
        :param request: The request object to be sent over the wire.

        :type region_name: str
        :param region_name: The region to sign the request for.

        :type signing_type: str
        :param signing_type: The type of signing to perform. This can be one of
            three possible values:

            * 'standard'     - This should be used for most requests.
            * 'presign-url'  - This should be used when pre-signing a request.
            * 'presign-post' - This should be used when pre-signing an S3 post.

        :type expires_in: int
        :param expires_in: The number of seconds the presigned url is valid
            for. This parameter is only valid for signing type 'presign-url'.
        if region_name is None:
            region_name = self._region_name

        signature_version = self._choose_signer(operation_name, signing_type)

        # Allow mutating request before signing
            'before-sign.{0}.{1}'.format(self._service_name, operation_name),
            request=request, signing_name=self._signing_name,
            signature_version=signature_version, request_signer=self)

        if signature_version != botocore.UNSIGNED:
            kwargs = {
                'signing_name': self._signing_name,
                'region_name': region_name,
                'signature_version': signature_version
            if expires_in is not None:
                kwargs['expires'] = expires_in

                auth = self.get_auth_instance(**kwargs)
            except UnknownSignatureVersionError as e:
                if signing_type != 'standard':
                    raise UnsupportedSignatureVersionError(
                    raise e

项目:tf_aws_ecs_instance_draining_on_scale_in    作者:terraform-community-modules    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_auth_instance(self, signing_name, region_name,
                          signature_version=None, **kwargs):
        Get an auth instance which can be used to sign a request
        using the given signature version.

        :type signing_name: string
        :param signing_name: Service signing name. This is usually the
                             same as the service name, but can differ. E.g.
                             ``emr`` vs. ``elasticmapreduce``.

        :type region_name: string
        :param region_name: Name of the service region, e.g. ``us-east-1``

        :type signature_version: string
        :param signature_version: Signature name like ``v4``.

        :rtype: :py:class:`~botocore.auth.BaseSigner`
        :return: Auth instance to sign a request.
        if signature_version is None:
            signature_version = self._signature_version

        cls = botocore.auth.AUTH_TYPE_MAPS.get(signature_version)
        if cls is None:
            raise UnknownSignatureVersionError(
        # If there's no credentials provided (i.e credentials is None),
        # then we'll pass a value of "None" over to the auth classes,
        # which already handle the cases where no credentials have
        # been provided.
        frozen_credentials = None
        if self._credentials is not None:
            frozen_credentials = self._credentials.get_frozen_credentials()
        kwargs['credentials'] = frozen_credentials
        if cls.REQUIRES_REGION:
            if self._region_name is None:
                raise botocore.exceptions.NoRegionError()
            kwargs['region_name'] = region_name
            kwargs['service_name'] = signing_name
        auth = cls(**kwargs)
        return auth

    # Alias get_auth for backwards compatibility.