def purge(args, test=False): urlpath = '/VolumeDriver.Snapshots.Purge' param = {'Name': args.name[0], 'Pattern': args.pattern[0], 'Dryrun': args.dryrun} if test: param['Test'] = True resp = TestApp(app).post(urlpath, json.dumps(param)) else: resp = Session().post( 'http+unix://{}{}' .format(urllib.parse.quote_plus(SOCKET), urlpath), json.dumps(param)) res = get_from(resp, '') if res: print(res) return res
def setup_app() -> (SessionMiddleware, int, bool): bottle.debug(True) p = get_config(section='api', key='port', default=5080) bottle.install(error_translation) session_opts = { 'session.cookie_expires': True, 'session.encrypt_key': get_config('api', 'encrypt_key', 'softfire'), 'session.httponly': True, 'session.timeout': 3600 * 24, # 1 day 'session.type': 'cookie', 'session.validate_key': True, } a = SessionMiddleware(bottle.app(), session_opts) qb = get_config('api', 'quiet', 'true').lower() == 'true' logger.debug("Bootlepy quiet mode: %s" % qb) return a, p, qb
def examples(): http_host = bottle.request.environ.get('HTTP_HOST', 'localhost:3350') configs = restful_rfcat.example_configs.get(http_host) if is_cli(): bottle.response.content_type = 'text/plain' lines = [] for software, software_configs in configs.items(): for variant, config in software_configs.items(): lines.append("# %s - %s" % (software, variant)) lines.append('') lines.append(config) lines.append('') return '\n'.join(lines) else: page = markup.page() page.init(script=['app.js'], css=['style.css']) for software, software_configs in configs.items(): page.h2(software) for variant, config in software_configs.items(): page.h3('%s - %s' % (software, variant)) page.pre(config) return str(page)
def snapshot(args, test=False): urlpath = '/VolumeDriver.Snapshot' param = json.dumps({'Name': args.name[0]}) if test: resp = TestApp(app).post(urlpath, param) else: resp = Session().post( 'http+unix://{}{}' .format(urllib.parse.quote_plus(SOCKET), urlpath), param) res = get_from(resp, 'Snapshot') if res: print(res) return res
def send(args, test=False): urlpath = '/VolumeDriver.Snapshot.Send' param = {'Name': args.snapshot[0], 'Host': args.host[0]} if test: param['Test'] = True resp = TestApp(app).post(urlpath, json.dumps(param)) else: resp = Session().post( 'http+unix://{}{}' .format(urllib.parse.quote_plus(SOCKET), urlpath), json.dumps(param)) res = get_from(resp, '') if res: print(res) return res
def sync(args, test=False): urlpath = '/VolumeDriver.Volume.Sync' param = {'Volumes': args.volumes, 'Hosts': args.hosts} if test: param['Test'] = True resp = TestApp(app).post(urlpath, json.dumps(param)) else: resp = Session().post( 'http+unix://{}{}' .format(urllib.parse.quote_plus(SOCKET), urlpath), json.dumps(param)) res = get_from(resp, '') if res: print(res) return res
def run(args): if not os.path.exists(SNAPSHOTS_PATH): log.info('Creating %s', SNAPSHOTS_PATH) os.makedirs(SNAPSHOTS_PATH, exist_ok=True) # run a thread for the scheduled snapshots print('Starting scheduler job every {}s'.format(TIMER)) Timer(1, scheduler).start() # listen to requests serve(app, unix_socket=SOCKET, unix_socket_perms='660')
def __init__(self, host, port): # associate the session to our app local_app = SessionMiddleware(bottle.app()) bottle.run( app=local_app, server='cherrypy', host=host, port=port, reloader=True )
def main(): if len(sys.argv) > 1: config_file = sys.argv[1] else: config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG app = make_app(config_file) with codecs.open(config_file, 'r', 'utf8') as f: config = konfig.Config(f) run(app=app, host=config['henet'].get('host', DEFAULT_HOST), port=config['henet'].get('port', DEFAULT_PORT), server='waitress')
def start_listening(): logger.info("Running bottle app: quiet=%s, port=%s, host=''" % (quiet_bottle, port)) bottle.run(app=app, quiet=quiet_bottle, port=port, host='')
def run_simple(host="", port="8000"): run(app=web, host=host, port=port, quiet=True)
def run_lightweight(host="", port="8000"): run(app=web, host=host, port=port, quiet=True, server="bjoern")
def run_threaded(host="", port="8000", theads=3, cert="", key=""): from wsgiserver import CherryPyWSGIServer if cert and key: CherryPyWSGIServer.ssl_certificate = cert CherryPyWSGIServer.ssl_private_key = key CherryPyWSGIServer.numthreads = theads from utils import CherryPyWSGI run(app=web, host=host, port=port, server=CherryPyWSGI, quiet=True)
def run_fcgi(host="", port="8000"): from bottle import FlupFCGIServer run(app=web, host=host, port=port, server=FlupFCGIServer, quiet=True)
def test_request_attrs(self): """ WSGI: POST routes""" @bottle.route('/') def test(): self.assertEqual(bottle.request.app, bottle.default_app()) self.assertEqual(bottle.request.route, bottle.default_app().routes[0]) return 'foo' self.assertBody('foo', '/')
def test_routebuild(self): """ WSGI: Test route builder """ def foo(): pass bottle.route('/a/:b/c', name='named')(foo) bottle.request.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '' self.assertEqual('/a/xxx/c', bottle.url('named', b='xxx')) self.assertEqual('/a/xxx/c', bottle.app().get_url('named', b='xxx')) bottle.request.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/app' self.assertEqual('/app/a/xxx/c', bottle.url('named', b='xxx')) bottle.request.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/app/' self.assertEqual('/app/a/xxx/c', bottle.url('named', b='xxx')) bottle.request.environ['SCRIPT_NAME'] = 'app/' self.assertEqual('/app/a/xxx/c', bottle.url('named', b='xxx'))
def test_autoroute(self): app = bottle.Bottle() def a(): pass def b(x): pass def c(x, y): pass def d(x, y=5): pass def e(x=5, y=6): pass self.assertEqual(['/a'],list(bottle.yieldroutes(a))) self.assertEqual(['/b/<x>'],list(bottle.yieldroutes(b))) self.assertEqual(['/c/<x>/<y>'],list(bottle.yieldroutes(c))) self.assertEqual(['/d/<x>','/d/<x>/<y>'],list(bottle.yieldroutes(d))) self.assertEqual(['/e','/e/<x>','/e/<x>/<y>'],list(bottle.yieldroutes(e)))
def test_module_shortcuts(self): for name in '''route get post put delete error mount hook install uninstall'''.split(): short = getattr(bottle, name) original = getattr(bottle.app(), name) self.assertWraps(short, original)
def test_module_shortcuts_with_different_name(self): self.assertWraps(bottle.url, bottle.app().get_url)
def start(): #http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13760109/ec2-bottle-py-connection app.run(host='', port=18080) logging.info('completed %.3f' % time.clock())
def start2(number_of_process=4): from tornado.wsgi import WSGIContainer from tornado.httpserver import HTTPServer from tornado.ioloop import IOLoop http_server = HTTPServer(WSGIContainer(app)) http_server.listen(18080) IOLoop.instance().start() logging.info('completed %.3f' % time.clock())
def method_not_allowed(res): if request.method == 'OPTIONS': new_res = bottle.HTTPResponse() new_res.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Origin', '*') new_res.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Methods', 'GET, POST, DELETE, PUT') new_res.set_header('Access-Control-Allow-Headers', 'X-Session-Token, X-Impersonate-Username, Content-Type') return new_res res.headers['Allow'] += ', OPTIONS' return request.app.default_error_handler(res)
def log_message(self, format, *args): code = args[1] # Logging HTTP 200 responses is super verbose if code == '200': return # But any non 200 reponse is suspicious and should be logger logger.info( "%s %s\n" % ( self.client_address[0], format % args ) ) # TODO: do not spawn the API ourselves ; instead, create an application.wsgi file defining # the WSGI app and let Apache or some other webserver serve it # TODO: or at least, use a better webserver than the standard WSGIServer
def __init__(self, config_path, config, notifier, websocket_notifier, authentificator, health): app = bottle.app() app.config.load_config(config_path) engine = database.engine() plugin = sabottle.Plugin( engine, None, keyword='db', use_kwargs=True, create=False, ) app.install(plugin) self._check_for_index_html(app) conn = beanstalkc.Connection( host=config.get("general", "beanstalk_host"), port=11300 ) conn.use('deployer-deployments') app.config["deployer.engine"] = engine app.config["deployer.beanstalk"] = conn app.config["deployer.notifier"] = notifier app.config["deployer.websocket_notifier"] = websocket_notifier app.config["deployer.bcrypt_log_rounds"] = 12 app.config["deployer.authentificator"] = authentificator app.config["health"] = health self.httpd = make_server("", config.getint('general', 'api_port'), app, server_class=ThreadingWSGIServer, handler_class=LoggingWSGIRequestHandler)
def _check_for_index_html(self, app): index_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(app.config['general.web_path'], "html", "index.html")) if not os.path.exists(index_path): raise ValueError("Could not find the index.html file at {}, check your configuration." .format(index_path))
def appjs(): return bottle.static_file('app.js', root=script_path)
def run_webserver(): app = bottle.app() app.catchall = False app = Sentry(app, raven.Client(SENTRY_DSN)) bottle.run(app, server='paste', host='', port=3350)
def index(): if is_cli(): bottle.response.content_type = 'text/plain' lines = [] for klass in sorted(device_list.keys()): klass_devices = device_list[klass] for name in sorted(klass_devices.keys()): device = klass_devices[name] path = device._state_path() state = device.get_state() if state is None: state = "Unknown" lines.append("%s - %s" % (path, state)) for name,subdev in device.subdevices.items(): path = subdev._state_path() state = subdev.get_state() if state is None: state = "Unknown" lines.append("%s - %s" % (path, state)) lines.append('') return '\n'.join(lines) else: page = markup.page() page.init(script=['app.js'], css=['style.css']) for klass in sorted(device_list.keys()): klass_devices = device_list[klass] page.h2(klass) for name in sorted(klass_devices.keys()): device = klass_devices[name] path = device._state_path() state = device.get_state() if state is None: state = "Unknown" page.li.open() page.span("%s - " % (path,)) page.span(state, id='%s-state'%(path,), class_='state') page.li.close() for name,subdev in device.subdevices.items(): path = subdev._state_path() state = subdev.get_state() if state is None: state = "Unknown" page.li.open() page.span("%s - " % (path,)) page.span(state, id='%s-state'%(path,), class_='state') page.li.close() page.br() page.a('Example configurations', href='examples') return str(page)