def open_svg_as_image(fn, width, height): for i in range(10): try: tmpfd, tmppath = tempfile.mkstemp(".png") tmpfile = os.fdopen(tmpfd,'w') file = StringIO.StringIO() svgsurface = cairo.SVGSurface (file, width, height) svgctx = cairo.Context(svgsurface) svg = rsvg.Handle(file=fn) svgwidth = svg.get_property('width') svgheight = svg.get_property('height') svgctx.scale(width/float(svgwidth),height/float(svgheight)) svg.render_cairo(svgctx) svgsurface.write_to_png(tmpfile) svgsurface.finish() tmpfile.close() tmpfile = open(tmppath, 'r') imgsurface = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(tmpfile) imgwidth = imgsurface.get_width() imgheight = imgsurface.get_height() data = imgsurface.get_data() im = Image.frombuffer("RGBA",(imgwidth, imgheight), data ,"raw","RGBA",0,1) os.remove(tmppath) break except MemoryError: print 'Memory Error. Try again ...' continue else: raise Exception('Problem loading image {0}'.format(fn)) return im
def export_svg(fn, paths, size, line_with=0.1, scale_factor=None): from cairo import SVGSurface, Context from .ddd import spatial_sort_2d as sort if not scale_factor: scale_factor = size s = SVGSurface(fn, size, size) c = Context(s) c.set_line_width(0.1) paths = sort(paths) for path in paths: path *= scale_factor c.new_path() c.move_to(*path[0,:]) for p in path[1:]: c.line_to(*p) c.stroke() c.save()
def export_svg(fn, paths, w, h, line_width=0.1): from cairo import SVGSurface, Context s = SVGSurface(fn, w, h) c = Context(s) c.set_line_width(line_width) for path in paths: c.new_path() c.move_to(*path[0,:]) for p in path[1:]: c.line_to(*p) c.stroke() c.save()
def __init__(self, width=None, height=None, name=None, bounds=None, bg=(1, 1, 1), format=None): """Create a new Cairo drawing. If `bounds` is provided, it's a Bounds describing the extend of the drawing. Otherwise, provide `width` and `height` to specify a size explicitly. `bg` is the background color to paint initially. """ if bounds is None: assert width is not None assert height is not None bounds = Bounds(0, 0, width, height) self.bounds = bounds self.width = int(self.bounds.width) self.height = int(self.bounds.height) self.name, self.format = name_and_format(name, format) if self.format == 'png': self.surface = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.ARGB32, self.width, self.height) elif self.format == 'svg': self.surface = cairo.SVGSurface(self.name, self.width, self.height) self.ctx = cairo.Context(self.surface) self.ctx.set_antialias(cairo.Antialias.BEST) self.ctx.set_line_cap(cairo.LineCap.ROUND) self.ctx.set_line_join(cairo.LineJoin.MITER) self.translate(-self.bounds.llx, -self.bounds.lly) # Start with a solid-color canvas. if bg: with self.style(rgb=bg): self.rectangle(self.bounds.llx, self.bounds.lly, self.width, self.height) self.fill()
def _take_screenshot(self, dummy_button): #print "Cheese!" file_name = self._get_export_file_name() if file_name is None: return # figure out the correct bounding box for what is visible on screen x1 = self._scrolled_window.get_hadjustment().value y1 = self._scrolled_window.get_vadjustment().value x2 = x1 + self._scrolled_window.get_hadjustment().page_size y2 = y1 + self._scrolled_window.get_vadjustment().page_size bounds = goocanvas.Bounds() bounds.x1, bounds.y1 = self.canvas.convert_from_pixels(x1, y1) bounds.x2, bounds.y2 = self.canvas.convert_from_pixels(x2, y2) dest_width = bounds.x2 - bounds.x1 dest_height = bounds.y2 - bounds.y1 #print bounds.x1, bounds.y1, " -> ", bounds.x2, bounds.y2 dummy, extension = os.path.splitext(file_name) extension = extension.lower() if extension == '.eps': surface = cairo.PSSurface(file_name, dest_width, dest_height) elif extension == '.pdf': surface = cairo.PDFSurface(file_name, dest_width, dest_height) elif extension == '.svg': surface = cairo.SVGSurface(file_name, dest_width, dest_height) else: dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(parent = self.canvas.get_toplevel(), flags = gtk.DIALOG_DESTROY_WITH_PARENT, type = gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_OK, message_format = "Unknown extension '%s' (valid extensions are '.eps', '.svg', and '.pdf')" % (extension,)) dialog.run() dialog.destroy() return # draw the canvas to a printing context cr = cairo.Context(surface) cr.translate(-bounds.x1, -bounds.y1) self.canvas.render(cr, bounds, self.zoom.value) cr.show_page() surface.finish()
def extract_polygon_data(romset_dir, cinematic): global polygon_data, pdata_offset global cinematic_entries global cinematic_counter global video2_entries global game_level if cinematic: polygon_data = open("{}/cinematic.rom".format(romset_dir)).read() entries = cinematic_entries level_path = "%s/level_%s" % (OUTPUT_DIR, game_level) dirpath = "%s/cinematic/" % (level_path) makedir(level_path) else: polygon_data = open("{}/video2.rom".format(romset_dir)).read() entries = video2_entries dirpath = "%s/common_video/" % (OUTPUT_DIR) game_level = 0 makedir(dirpath) for addr in entries.keys(): entry = entries[addr] s = SVGSurface("%s/%s.svg" % (dirpath, entry['label']), 320, 200) c = Context(s) zoom = entry["zoom"] x = entry["x"] y = entry["y"] if not isinstance(zoom, int): zoom = 0x40 #HACK! if not isinstance(x, int): x = 160 #HACK! if not isinstance(y, int): y = 100 #HACK! #print ("\ndecoding polygons at {}: {}".format(hex(addr), entry)) pdata_offset = addr readAndDrawPolygon(c, COLOR_BLACK, zoom, x, y) s.finish() # reset structures: cinematic_entries = {} cinematic_counter = 0
def render(self, canvas, transparent=False): x0,y0,x1,y1 = canvas.bbox('all') self.markers = canvas.markers W = int((x1 - x0 + 2*self.padding) * self.scale) H = int((y1 - y0 + 2*self.padding) * self.scale) ext = os.path.splitext(self.fname)[1].lower() if ext == '.svg': surf = cairo.SVGSurface(self.fname, W, H) elif ext == '.pdf': surf = cairo.PDFSurface(self.fname, W, H) elif ext in ('.ps', '.eps'): surf = cairo.PSSurface(self.fname, W, H) if ext == '.eps': surf.set_eps(True) else: # Bitmap surf = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32, W, H) self.ctx = cairo.Context(surf) ctx = self.ctx if not transparent: # Fill background ctx.rectangle(0,0, W,H) ctx.set_source_rgba(1.0,1.0,1.0) ctx.fill() ctx.scale(self.scale, self.scale) ctx.translate(-x0 + self.padding, -y0 + self.padding) if self.draw_bbox: last = len(canvas.shapes) for s in canvas.shapes[:last]: bbox = s.bbox r = canvas.create_rectangle(*bbox, line_color=(255,0,0, 127), fill=(0,255,0,90)) for s in canvas.shapes: self.draw_shape(s) if ext in ('.svg', '.pdf', '.ps', '.eps'): surf.show_page() else: surf.write_to_png(self.fname)