Python chainer.functions 模块,gaussian() 实例源码


项目:LSTMVAE    作者:ashwatthaman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcLoss(self, t, categ_vec_h, categ_vec_c, mu, ln_var,wei_arr=None):
        k = self.sample_size;
        loss = None
        t_pred = [t_e[1:] + [2] for t_e in t]
        t_pred = [xp.asarray(tp_e, dtype=xp.int32) for tp_e in t_pred]
        t = self.denoiseInput(t)
        t_vec = self.makeEmbedBatch(t)

        for l in range(k):
            z = F.gaussian(mu, ln_var)
            if loss is None:
                loss = self.decode(z, categ_vec_h, categ_vec_c, t_vec, t_pred,wei_arr) / (k * self.batch_size)
            elif loss is not None:
                loss += self.decode(z, categ_vec_h, categ_vec_c, t_vec, t_pred,wei_arr) / (k * self.batch_size)
        C = 0.005 * (self.epoch_now - self.kl_zero_epoch) / self.epoch  # 0.02
        if self.epoch_now > self.kl_zero_epoch: loss+= C * F.gaussian_kl_divergence(mu, ln_var) / self.batch_size
        return loss
项目:tensorboard-pytorch    作者:lanpa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_loss_func(self, C=1.0, k=1):
        """Get loss function of VAE.

        The loss value is equal to ELBO (Evidence Lower Bound)
        multiplied by -1.

            C (int): Usually this is 1.0. Can be changed to control the
                second term of ELBO bound, which works as regularization.
            k (int): Number of Monte Carlo samples used in encoded vector.
        def lf(x):
            mu, ln_var = self.encode(x)
            batchsize = len(
            # reconstruction loss
            rec_loss = 0
            for l in six.moves.range(k):
                z = F.gaussian(mu, ln_var)
                rec_loss += F.bernoulli_nll(x, self.decode(z, sigmoid=False)) \
                    / (k * batchsize)
            self.rec_loss = rec_loss
            self.loss = self.rec_loss + \
                C * gaussian_kl_divergence(mu, ln_var) / batchsize
            return self.loss
        return lf
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_z(self, x, a):
        # a = F.gaussian(self.qmu_a, self.qln_var_a) # This should be outside the encoding function. Pass the function a. 
        net_input = F.concat((x,a), axis=1)

        h = self.qlinz0(net_input)
        h = self.qlinz_batch_norm_0(h)
        h = F.crelu(h)

        for i in range(self.num_layers-1):
            layer_name = 'qlinz' + str(i+1)
            h = self[layer_name](h)
            layer_name = 'qlinz_batch_norm_' + str(i+1)
            h = self[layer_name](h)
            h = F.crelu(h)

        self.qmu_z = self.qlinz_mu(h)
        self.qln_var_z = self.qlinz_ln_var(h)

        return self.qmu_z, self.qln_var_z
项目:chainer-examples    作者:nocotan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_loss_func(self, C=1.0, k=1):
        def lf(x):
            mu, ln_var = self.encode(x)
            batchsize = len(
            rec_loss = 0
            for l in six.moves.range(k):
                z = F.gaussian(mu, ln_var)
                rec_loss += F.bernoulli_nill(x, self.decode(z, sigmoid=False))
                rec_loss /= (k * batchsize)

            self.rec_loss = rec_loss
            self.loss = self.rec_loss + C * gaussian_kl_divergence(mu, ln_var)
            self.loss /= batchsize

            return self.loss

        return lf
项目:vfm    作者:cemoody    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def term_bias(self, bs, train=True):
        """ Compute overall bias and broadcast to shape of batchsize

        shape = (bs, 1,)
        # Bias is drawn from a Gaussian with given mu and log variance
        bs_mu = F.broadcast_to(self.bias_mu.b, shape)
        bs_lv = F.broadcast_to(self.bias_lv.b, shape)
        bias = F.flatten(F.gaussian(bs_mu, bs_lv))

        # Add a very negative log variance so we're sampling
        # from a very narrow distribution about the mean.
        # Useful for validation dataset when we want to only guess
        # the mean.
        if not train:
            bs_lv += self.lv_floor

        # Compute prior on the bias, so compute the KL div
        # from the KL(N(mu_bias, var_bias) | N(0, 1))
        kld = F.gaussian_kl_divergence(self.bias_mu.b, self.bias_lv.b)
        return bias, kld
项目:vfm    作者:cemoody    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def term_feat(self, iloc, jloc, ival, jval, bs, nf, train=True):
        # Change all of the shapes to form interaction vectors
        shape = (bs, nf * 2, self.n_dim)
        feat_mu_vec = F.broadcast_to(self.feat_mu_vec.b, shape)
        feat_lv_vec = F.broadcast_to(self.feat_lv_vec.b, shape)
        if not train:
            feat_lv_vec += self.lv_floor

        # Construct the interaction mean and variance
        # iloc is (bs, nf), feat(iloc) is (bs, nf, ndim) and
        # dot(feat, feat) is (bs, nf)
        ivec = F.gaussian(feat_mu_vec + self.feat_delta_mu(iloc),
                          feat_lv_vec + self.feat_delta_lv(iloc))
        jvec = F.gaussian(feat_mu_vec + self.feat_delta_mu(jloc),
                          feat_lv_vec + self.feat_delta_lv(jloc))
        # feat is (bs, )
        feat = dot(F.sum(ivec * jvec, axis=2), ival * jval)

        # Compute the KLD for the group mean vector and variance vector
        kld1 = F.gaussian_kl_divergence(self.feat_mu_vec.b, self.feat_lv_vec.b)
        # Compute the KLD for vector deviations from the group mean and var
        kld2 = F.gaussian_kl_divergence(self.feat_delta_mu.W,
        return feat, kld1 + kld2
项目:vfm    作者:cemoody    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def term_bias(self, bs, train=True):
        """ Compute overall bias and broadcast to shape of batchsize

        shape = (bs, 1,)
        # Bias is drawn from a Gaussian with given mu and log variance
        bs_mu = F.broadcast_to(self.bias_mu.b, shape)
        bs_lv = F.broadcast_to(self.bias_lv.b, shape)
        bias = F.flatten(F.gaussian(bs_mu, bs_lv))

        # Add a very negative log variance so we're sampling
        # from a very narrow distribution about the mean.
        # Useful for validation dataset when we want to only guess
        # the mean.
        if not train:
            bs_lv += self.lv_floor

        # Compute prior on the bias, so compute the KL div
        # from the KL(N(mu_bias, var_bias) | N(0, 1))
        kld = F.gaussian_kl_divergence(self.bias_mu.b, self.bias_lv.b)
        return bias, kld
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train(self, x, L=1, test=False):
        batchsize =[0]
        z_mean, z_ln_var = self.encoder(x, test=test, apply_f=False)
        loss = 0
        for l in xrange(L):
            # Sample z
            z = F.gaussian(z_mean, z_ln_var)

            # Compute lower bound
            log_px_z = self.log_px_z(x, z, test=test)
            log_pz = self.log_pz(z, z_mean, z_ln_var)
            log_qz_x = self.log_qz_x(z, z_mean, z_ln_var)
            lower_bound = log_px_z + log_pz - log_qz_x

            loss += -lower_bound

        loss = F.sum(loss) / L / batchsize


        if self.gpu:
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def train(self, x, L=1, test=False):
        batchsize =[0]
        z_mean, z_ln_var = self.encoder(x, test=test, apply_f=False)
        loss = 0
        for l in xrange(L):
            # Sample z
            z = F.gaussian(z_mean, z_ln_var)
            # Decode
            x_expectation = self.decoder(z, test=test, apply_f=False)
            # E_q(z|x)[log(p(x|z))]
            loss += self.bernoulli_nll_keepbatch(x, x_expectation)
        if L > 1:
            loss /= L
        # KL divergence
        loss += self.gaussian_kl_divergence_keepbatch(z_mean, z_ln_var)
        loss = F.sum(loss) / batchsize


        if self.gpu:
项目:chainerrl    作者:chainer    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample(self):
        return F.gaussian(self.mean, self.ln_var)
项目:LSTMVAE    作者:ashwatthaman    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def calcLoss(self,t,mu,ln_var):
        k = self.sample_size;kl_zero_epoch = self.kl_zero_epoch
        loss = None
        t_pred = [t_e[1:]+[2] for t_e in t]
        t_pred = [xp.asarray(tp_e,dtype=xp.int32) for tp_e in t_pred]
        t = self.denoiseInput(t)
        print("t:{}".format([self.vocab.itos(t_e) for t_e in t[0]]))        
        t_vec = self.makeEmbedBatch(t)
        for l in range(k):
            z = F.gaussian(mu, ln_var)
            if loss is None:loss = self.decode(z,t_vec,t_pred) / (k * self.batch_size)
            elif loss is not None:loss += self.decode(z,t_vec,t_pred) / (k * self.batch_size)
        C = 0.06 *(self.epoch_now-kl_zero_epoch)/self.epoch
        if self.epoch_now>kl_zero_epoch:loss += C * F.gaussian_kl_divergence(mu, ln_var) / self.batch_size
        return loss
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_z(self, x, a):
        # a = F.gaussian(self.qmu_a, self.qln_var_a) # This should be outside the encoding function. Pass the function a. 
        net_input = F.concat((x,a), axis=1)

        h = F.crelu(self.qlinz0(net_input))
        for i in range(self.num_layers-1):
            layer_name = 'qlinz' + str(i+1)
            h = F.crelu(self[layer_name](h))

        self.qmu_z = self.qlinz_mu(h)
        self.qln_var_z = self.qlinz_ln_var(h)

        return self.qmu_z, self.qln_var_z
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_z(self, x, a):
        # a = F.gaussian(self.qmu_a, self.qln_var_a) # This should be outside the encoding function. Pass the function a. 
        net_input = F.concat((x,a), axis=1)

        h = F.crelu(self.qlinz0(net_input))
        for i in range(self.num_layers-1):
            layer_name = 'qlinz' + str(i+1)
            h = F.crelu(self[layer_name](h))

        self.qmu_z = self.qlinz_mu(h)
        self.qln_var_z = self.qlinz_ln_var(h)

        return self.qmu_z, self.qln_var_z
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_z(self, x, a):
        # a = F.gaussian(self.qmu_a, self.qln_var_a) # This should be outside the encoding function. Pass the function a. 
        net_input = F.concat((x,a), axis=1)

        h = F.crelu(self.qlinz0(net_input))
        for i in range(self.num_layers-1):
            layer_name = 'qlinz' + str(i+1)
            h = F.crelu(self[layer_name](h))

        self.qmu_z = self.qlinz_mu(h)
        self.qln_var_z = self.qlinz_ln_var(h)

        return self.qmu_z, self.qln_var_z
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Compute q(z|x)
        encoding_time = time.time()
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        self.kl = gaussian_kl_divergence_standard(self.qmu, self.qln_var)
        self.logp = 0
        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # z ~ q(z|x)
            z = F.gaussian(self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Compute p(x|z)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Compute objective
            self.logp += gaussian_logp(x, self.pmu, self.pln_var)

        current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']
        # pdb.set_trace()
        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples
        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples
        self.obj_batch = self.logp - (current_temperature*self.kl)
        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size

        return self.obj
项目:chainer-speech-recognition    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        if chainer.config.train == False:
            return x
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(
        std = math.log(self.std ** 2)
        noise = functions.gaussian(chainer.Variable(xp.zeros_like(, chainer.Variable(xp.full_like(, std)))
        return x + noise

# Link
项目:chainer-deconv    作者:germanRos    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_loss_func(self, C=1.0, k=1, train=True):
        """Get loss function of VAE.

        The loss value is equal to ELBO (Evidence Lower Bound)
        multiplied by -1.

            C (int): Usually this is 1.0. Can be changed to control the
                second term of ELBO bound, which works as regularization.
            k (int): Number of Monte Carlo samples used in encoded vector.
            train (bool): If true loss_function is used for training.
        def lf(x):
            mu, ln_var = self.encode(x)
            batchsize = len(
            # reconstruction loss
            rec_loss = 0
            for l in six.moves.range(k):
                z = F.gaussian(mu, ln_var)
                rec_loss += F.bernoulli_nll(x, self.decode(z, sigmoid=False)) \
                    / (k * batchsize)
            self.rec_loss = rec_loss
            self.loss = self.rec_loss + \
                C * gaussian_kl_divergence(mu, ln_var) / batchsize
            return self.loss
        return lf
项目:ddnn    作者:kunglab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(
        ln_var = math.log(self.std ** 2)
        noise = F.gaussian(Variable(xp.zeros_like(, Variable(xp.full_like(, ln_var)))
        return x + noise
项目:adversarial-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        if chainer.config.train == False:
            return x
        data = if isinstance(x, chainer.Variable) else x
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(data)
        ln_var = math.log(self.std ** 2)
        noise = functions.gaussian(xp.full_like(data, self.mean), xp.full_like(data, ln_var))
        return x + noise

# Connections
项目:chainer-VAE    作者:crcrpar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, sigmoid=True):
        mu, ln_var = self.encode(x)
        batchsize = len(
        # reconstruction loss
        rec_loss = 0
        for l in six.moves.range(self.k):
            z = F.gaussian(mu, ln_var)
            rec_loss += F.bernoulli_nll(x, self.decode(z, sigmoid=False)) \
                / (self.k * batchsize)
        loss = rec_loss + \
            self.C * gaussian_kl_divergence(mu, ln_var) / batchsize{'loss': loss}, self)
        return loss
项目:chainer-VAE    作者:crcrpar    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def lf(self, x):
        mu, ln_var = self.encode(x)
        batchsize = len(
        # reconstruction loss
        rec_loss = 0
        for l in six.moves.range(self.k):
            z = F.gaussian(mu, ln_var)
            rec_loss += F.bernoulli_nll(x, self.decode(z, sigmoid=False)) \
                / (self.k * batchsize)
        self.rec_loss = rec_loss
        self.loss = self.rec_loss + \
            self.C * gaussian_kl_divergence(mu, ln_var) / batchsize
        return self.loss
项目:vfm    作者:cemoody    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def term_slop(self, loc, val, bs, nf, train=True):
        """ Compute the slope for each active feature.
        shape = (bs, nf)

        # Reshape all of our constants
        pr_mu = F.broadcast_to(self.slop_mu.b, shape)
        pr_lv = F.broadcast_to(self.slop_lv.b, shape)
        # This is either zero or a very negative number
        # indicating to sample N(mean, logvar) or just draw
        # the mean preicsely
        if not train:
            pr_lv += self.lv_floor

        # The feature slopes are grouped together so that they
        # all share a common mean. Then individual features slop_delta_lv
        # are shrunk towards zero, which effectively sets features to fall
        # back on the group mean.
        sl_mu = F.reshape(self.slop_delta_mu(loc), shape) + pr_mu
        sl_lv = F.reshape(self.slop_delta_lv(loc), shape) + pr_lv
        coef = F.gaussian(sl_mu, sl_lv)
        slop = F.sum(coef * val, axis=1)

        # Calculate divergence between group mean and N(0, 1)
        kld1 = F.gaussian_kl_divergence(self.slop_mu.b, self.slop_lv.b)
        # Calculate divergence of individual delta means and delta vars
        args = (self.slop_delta_mu.W, self.slop_delta_lv.W)
        kld2 = F.gaussian_kl_divergence(*args)

        return slop, kld1 + kld2
项目:vfm    作者:cemoody    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def term_slop(self, loc, val, bs, nf, train=True):
        """ Compute the slope for each active feature.
        shape = (bs, nf)

        # Reshape all of our constants
        pr_mu = F.broadcast_to(self.slop_mu.b, shape)
        pr_lv = F.broadcast_to(self.slop_lv.b, shape)
        # This is either zero or a very negative number
        # indicating to sample N(mean, logvar) or just draw
        # the mean preicsely
        if not train:
            pr_lv += self.lv_floor

        # The feature slopes are grouped together so that they
        # all share a common mean. Then individual features slop_delta_lv
        # are shrunk towards zero, which effectively sets features to fall
        # back on the group mean.
        sl_mu = F.reshape(self.slop_delta_mu(loc), shape) + pr_mu
        sl_lv = F.reshape(self.slop_delta_lv(loc), shape) + pr_lv
        coef = F.gaussian(sl_mu, sl_lv)
        slop = F.sum(coef * val, axis=1)

        # Calculate divergence between group mean and N(0, 1)
        kld1 = F.gaussian_kl_divergence(self.slop_mu.b, self.slop_lv.b)
        # Calculate divergence of individual delta means and delta vars
        args = (self.slop_delta_mu.W, self.slop_delta_lv.W)
        kld2 = F.gaussian_kl_divergence(*args)

        return slop, kld1 + kld2
项目:catgan    作者:smayru    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, test=False):








        return h6
项目:unrolled-gan    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, test=False):
        if test == True:
            return x
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(
        ln_var = math.log(self.std ** 2)
        noise = F.gaussian(Variable(xp.zeros_like(, Variable(xp.full_like(, ln_var)))
        return x + noise
项目:LSGAN    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, test=False):
        if test == True:
            return x
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(
        ln_var = math.log(self.std ** 2)
        noise = F.gaussian(Variable(xp.zeros_like(, Variable(xp.full_like(, ln_var)))
        return x + noise
项目:adgm    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, test=False):
        if test == True:
            return x
        xp = cuda.get_array_module(
        ln_var = math.log(self.std ** 2)
        noise = F.gaussian(Variable(xp.zeros_like(, Variable(xp.full_like(, ln_var)))
        return x + noise
项目:adgm    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_x_a(self, x, test=False):
        x = self.to_variable(x)
        mean, ln_var = self.q_a_x(x, test=test)
        return F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
项目:adgm    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_axy_z(self, a, x, y, test=False):
        a = self.to_variable(a)
        x = self.to_variable(x)
        y = self.to_variable(y)
        mean, ln_var = self.q_z_axy(a, x, y, test=test)
        return F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
项目:adgm    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_x_z(self, x, test=False, argmax_y=True):
        x = self.to_variable(x)
        mean, ln_var = self.q_a_x(x, test=test)
        a = F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
        y = self.sample_x_y(x, argmax=argmax_y, test=test)
        mean, ln_var = self.q_z_axy(a, x, y, test=test)
        return F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
项目:adgm    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def encode_x_y_distribution(self, x, test=False, softmax=True):
        x = self.to_variable(x)
        mean, ln_var = self.q_a_x(x, test=test)
        a = F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
        y = self.q_y_ax(a, x, test=test)
        if softmax:
            return F.softmax(y)
        return y
项目:adgm    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample_x_y_gumbel(self, x, temperature=10, test=False):
        x = self.to_variable(x)
        mean, ln_var = self.q_a_x(x, test=test)
        a = F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
        return self.sample_ax_y_gumbel(a, x, temperature=temperature, test=test)
项目:adgm    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sample_x_label(self, x, argmax=True, test=False):
        x = self.to_variable(x)
        mean, ln_var = self.q_a_x(x, test=test)
        a = F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
        return self.sample_ax_label(a, x, argmax=argmax, test=test)
项目:adgm    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode_xyz_a(self, x, y, z, test=False):
        x = self.to_variable(x)
        y = self.to_variable(y)
        z = self.to_variable(z)
        mean, ln_var = self.p_a_xyz(x, y, z, test=test)
        return F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
项目:adgm    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decode_yz_a(self, y, z, test=False):
        y = self.to_variable(y)
        z = self.to_variable(z)
        mean, ln_var = self.p_a_yz(y, z, test=test)
        return F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.image_width = 28
        self.image_height = 28
        self.ndim_x = 28 * 28
        self.ndim_y = 10
        self.ndim_z = 50

        # True : y = f(BN(Wx + b))
        # False: y = f(W*BN(x) + b)
        self.batchnorm_before_activation = True

        # gaussianmarg | gaussian
        self.type_pz = "gaussianmarg"
        self.type_qz = "gaussianmarg"

        self.encoder_xy_z_hidden_units = [500]
        self.encoder_xy_z_activation_function = "softplus"
        self.encoder_xy_z_apply_dropout = False
        self.encoder_xy_z_apply_batchnorm = True
        self.encoder_xy_z_apply_batchnorm_to_input = True

        self.encoder_x_y_hidden_units = [500]
        self.encoder_x_y_activation_function = "softplus"
        self.encoder_x_y_apply_dropout = False
        self.encoder_x_y_apply_batchnorm = True
        self.encoder_x_y_apply_batchnorm_to_input = True

        self.decoder_hidden_units = [500]
        self.decoder_activation_function = "softplus"
        self.decoder_apply_dropout = False
        self.decoder_apply_batchnorm = True
        self.decoder_apply_batchnorm_to_input = True

        self.gpu_enabled = True
        self.learning_rate = 0.0003
        self.gradient_momentum = 0.9
        self.gradient_clipping = 5.0
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_pz(self, z, mean, ln_var, test=False):
        if self.type_pz == "gaussianmarg":
            # \int q(z)logp(z)dz = -(J/2)*log2pi - (1/2)*sum_{j=1}^{J} (mu^2 + var)
            # See Appendix B [Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes](
            log_pz = -0.5 * (math.log(2.0 * math.pi) + mean * mean + F.exp(ln_var))
        elif self.type_pz == "gaussian":
            log_pz = -0.5 * math.log(2.0 * math.pi) - 0.5 * z ** 2
        return F.sum(log_pz, axis=1)

    # this will not be used
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_qz_xy(self, z, mean, ln_var, test=False):
        if self.type_qz == "gaussianmarg":
            # \int q(z)logq(z)dz = -(J/2)*log2pi - (1/2)*sum_{j=1}^{J} (1 + logvar)
            # See Appendix B [Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes](
            log_qz_xy = -0.5 * F.sum((math.log(2.0 * math.pi) + 1 + ln_var), axis=1)
        elif self.type_qz == "gaussian":
            log_qz_xy = -self.gaussian_nll_keepbatch(z, mean, ln_var)
        return log_qz_xy
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, y, test=False, apply_f=True):
        mean, ln_var = self.forward_one_step(x, y, test=test, apply_f=apply_f)
        if apply_f:
            return F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
        return mean, ln_var

# Network structure is same as the GaussianEncoder
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, z, y, test=False, apply_f=False):
        mean, ln_var = self.forward_one_step(z, y, test=test, apply_f=False)
        if apply_f:
            return F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
        return mean, ln_var
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_pz(self, z, mean, ln_var):
        if self.type_pz == "gaussianmarg":
            # \int q(z)logp(z)dz = -(J/2)*log2pi - (1/2)*sum_{j=1}^{J} (mu^2 + var)
            # See Appendix B [Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes](
            # See line 106
            log_pz = -0.5 * (math.log(2.0 * math.pi) + mean * mean + F.exp(ln_var))
        elif self.type_pz == "gaussian":
            log_pz = -0.5 * math.log(2.0 * math.pi) - 0.5 * z ** 2
        return F.sum(log_pz, axis=1)

    # this will not be used for bernoulli decoder
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def log_qz_x(self, z, mean, ln_var):
        if self.type_qz == "gaussianmarg":
            # \int q(z)logq(z)dz = -(J/2)*log2pi - (1/2)*sum_{j=1}^{J} (1 + logvar)
            # See Appendix B [Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes](
            # See line 118
            log_qz_x = -0.5 * F.sum((math.log(2.0 * math.pi) + 1 + ln_var), axis=1)
        elif self.type_qz == "gaussian":
            log_qz_x = -self.gaussian_nll_keepbatch(z, mean, ln_var)
        return log_qz_x
项目:variational-autoencoder    作者:musyoku    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x, test=False, apply_f=True):
        mean, ln_var = self.forward_one_step(x, test=test, apply_f=apply_f)
        if apply_f:
            return F.gaussian(mean, ln_var)
        return mean, ln_var

# Network structure is same as the Encoder
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Obtain parameters for q(z|x)
        encoding_time = time.time()
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        xp = cuda.cupy
        self.importance_weights = 0
        self.w_holder = []
        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0

        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # Sample z ~ q(z|x)
            z = F.gaussian(self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Compute log q(z|x)
            encoder_log = gaussian_logp(z, self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Obtain parameters for p(x|z)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Compute log p(x|z)
            decoder_log = bernoulli_logp(x, self.p_ber_prob_logit)

            # Compute log p(z). 
            prior_log = gaussian_logp0(z)

            # Store the latest log weight'
            current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
            self.w_holder.append(decoder_log + current_temperature*(prior_log - encoder_log))

            # Store the KL and Logp equivalents. They are not used for computation but for recording and reporting. 
            self.kl += (encoder_log-prior_log)
            self.logp += (decoder_log)

        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']

        # Compute w' for this sample (batch)
        logps = F.stack(self.w_holder)
        self.obj_batch = F.logsumexp(logps, axis=0) - np.log(self.num_zsamples)
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples
        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size        
        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        return self.obj
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Obtain parameters for q(z|x)
        encoding_time = time.time()
        qmu, qln_var, qh_vec_0 = self.encode(x)
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0
        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # z_0 ~ q(z|x)
            z_0 = F.gaussian(qmu, qln_var)

            # Perform Householder flow transformation, Equation (8)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            z_T = self.house_transform(z_0)

            # Obtain parameters for p(x|z_T)
            pmu, pln_var = self.decode(z_T)
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Compute objective
            self.logp += gaussian_logp(x, self.pmu, self.pln_var)
            self.kl += gaussian_kl_divergence(z_0, qmu, qln_var, z_T)

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples

        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples

        current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
        self.obj_batch = self.logp - (current_temperature*self.kl)
        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']

        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size

        return self.obj
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Compute q(z|x)
        # pdb.set_trace()
        encoding_time = time.time()
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0
        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # z ~ q(z|x)
            z = F.gaussian(self.qmu, self.qln_var)
            # pdb.set_trace()
            # Compute log q(z|x)
            encoder_log = gaussian_logp(z, self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Compute p(x|z)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Computer p(z)
            prior_log = gaussian_logp0(z)

            # Compute objective
            self.kl += (encoder_log-prior_log)
            self.logp += bernoulli_logp(x, self.p_ber_prob_logit)
            # pdb.set_trace()

        current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples
        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples
        # pdb.set_trace()
        self.obj_batch = self.logp - (current_temperature*self.kl)
        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size

        # pdb.set_trace()

        return self.obj
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Obtain parameters for q(z|x)
        encoding_time = time.time()
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        xp = cuda.cupy
        self.importance_weights = 0
        self.w_holder = []
        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0

        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # Sample z ~ q(z|x)
            z = F.gaussian(self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Compute log q(z|x)
            encoder_log = gaussian_logp(z, self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Obtain parameters for p(x|z)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Compute log p(x|z)
            decoder_log = gaussian_logp(x, self.pmu, self.pln_var)

            # Compute log p(z). The odd notation being used is to supply a mean of 0 and covariance of 1
            prior_log = gaussian_logp(z, self.qmu*0, self.qln_var/self.qln_var)

            # Store the latest log weight'
            current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
            self.w_holder.append(decoder_log + current_temperature*(prior_log - encoder_log))

            # Store the KL and Logp equivalents. They are not used for computation but for recording and reporting. 
            self.kl += (encoder_log-prior_log)
            self.logp += (decoder_log)

        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']

        # Compute w' for this sample (batch)
        logps = F.stack(self.w_holder)
        self.obj_batch = F.logsumexp(logps, axis=0) - np.log(self.num_zsamples)
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples
        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size        
        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        return self.obj
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Compute q(z|x)
        # pdb.set_trace()
        encoding_time = time.time()
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0
        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # z ~ q(z|x)
            z = F.gaussian(self.qmu, self.qln_var)
            # pdb.set_trace()
            # Compute log q(z|x)
            encoder_log = gaussian_logp(z, self.qmu, self.qln_var)

            # Compute p(x|z)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Computer p(z)
            prior_log = gaussian_logp0(z)

            # Compute objective
            self.kl += (encoder_log-prior_log)
            self.logp += bernoulli_logp(x, self.p_ber_prob_logit)
            # pdb.set_trace()

        current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples
        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples
        # pdb.set_trace()
        self.obj_batch = self.logp - (current_temperature*self.kl)
        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size

        # pdb.set_trace()

        return self.obj
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Obtain parameters for q(z|x)
        encoding_time = time.time()
        qmu, qln_var, qh_vec_0 = self.encode(x)
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0
        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # z_0 ~ q(z|x)
            z_0 = F.gaussian(qmu, qln_var)

            # Perform Householder flow transformation, Equation (8)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            z_T = self.house_transform(z_0)

            # Obtain parameters for p(x|z_T)
            p_ber_prob_logit = self.decode(z_T)
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Compute objective
            self.logp += bernoulli_logp(x, self.p_ber_prob_logit)
            self.kl += gaussian_kl_divergence(z_0, qmu, qln_var, z_T)

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples

        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples

        current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
        self.obj_batch = self.logp - (current_temperature*self.kl)
        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']

        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size

        return self.obj
项目:dgm    作者:ashwindcruz    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, x):
        # Obtain parameters for q(z|x)
        encoding_time = time.time()
        qmu, qln_var, qh_vec_0 = self.encode(x)
        encoding_time = float(time.time() - encoding_time)

        decoding_time_average = 0.

        self.kl = 0
        self.logp = 0
        for j in xrange(self.num_zsamples):
            # z_0 ~ q(z|x)
            z_0 = F.gaussian(qmu, qln_var)

            # Perform Householder flow transformation, Equation (8)
            decoding_time = time.time()
            z_T = self.house_transform(z_0)

            # Obtain parameters for p(x|z_T)
            p_ber_prob_logit = self.decode(z_T)
            decoding_time = time.time() - decoding_time
            decoding_time_average += decoding_time

            # Compute objective
            self.logp += bernoulli_logp(x, self.p_ber_prob_logit)
            self.kl += gaussian_kl_divergence(z_0, qmu, qln_var, z_T)

        decoding_time_average /= self.num_zsamples

        self.logp /= self.num_zsamples
        self.kl /= self.num_zsamples

        current_temperature = min(self.temperature['value'],1.0)
        self.obj_batch = self.logp - (current_temperature*self.kl)
        self.temperature['value'] += self.temperature['increment']

        self.timing_info = np.array([encoding_time,decoding_time_average])

        batch_size = self.obj_batch.shape[0]

        self.obj = -F.sum(self.obj_batch)/batch_size

        return self.obj