def setup_server(): def break_header(): # Add a header after finalize that is invalid cherrypy.serving.response.header_list.append((2, 3)) cherrypy.tools.break_header = cherrypy.Tool( 'on_end_resource', break_header) class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "hello" @cherrypy.config(**{'tools.break_header.on': True}) def start_response_error(self): return "salud!" @cherrypy.expose def stat(self, path): with cherrypy.HTTPError.handle(OSError, 404): st = os.stat(path) root = Root() cherrypy.tree.mount(root)
def setup_upload_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def upload(self): if not cherrypy.request.method == 'POST': raise AssertionError("'POST' != request.method %r" % cherrypy.request.method) return "thanks for '%s'" % tonative(cherrypy.request.body.read()) cherrypy.tree.mount(Root()) cherrypy.config.update({ 'server.max_request_body_size': 1001, 'server.socket_timeout': 10, 'server.accepted_queue_size': 5, 'server.accepted_queue_timeout': 0.1, })
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def resource(self): return "Oh wah ta goo Siam." @cherrypy.expose def fail(self, code): code = int(code) if 300 <= code <= 399: raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect([], code) else: raise cherrypy.HTTPError(code) @cherrypy.expose # In Python 3, tools.encode is on by default @cherrypy.config(**{'tools.encode.on': True}) def unicoded(self): return ntou('I am a \u1ee4nicode string.', 'escape') conf = {'/': {'tools.etags.on': True, 'tools.etags.autotags': True, }} cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), config=conf)
def testExpose(self): # Test the cherrypy.expose function/decorator self.getPage("/exposing/base") self.assertBody("expose works!") self.getPage("/exposing/1") self.assertBody("expose works!") self.getPage("/exposing/2") self.assertBody("expose works!") self.getPage("/exposingnew/base") self.assertBody("expose works!") self.getPage("/exposingnew/1") self.assertBody("expose works!") self.getPage("/exposingnew/2") self.assertBody("expose works!")
def test_syntax(self): if sys.version_info < (3,): return self.skip("skipped (Python 3 only)") code = textwrap.dedent(""" class Root: @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.params() def resource(self, limit: int): return type(limit).__name__ conf = {'/': {'tools.params.on': True}} cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), config=conf) """) exec(code) self.getPage('/resource?limit=0') self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody('int')
def setup_server(): class ClassOfRoot(object): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "Welcome to the %s website!" % self.name default = cherrypy.Application(None) domains = {} for year in range(1997, 2008): app = cherrypy.Application(ClassOfRoot('Class of %s' % year)) domains['www.classof%s.example' % year] = app cherrypy.tree.graft(cherrypy._cpwsgi.VirtualHost(default, domains))
def setup_server(): class Root(object): @cherrypy.expose def count(self, clsname): cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' return six.text_type(globals()[clsname].created) @cherrypy.expose def getall(self, clsname): cherrypy.response.headers['Content-Type'] = 'text/plain' return globals()[clsname]() @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{'response.stream': True}) def stream(self, clsname): return self.getall(clsname) cherrypy.tree.mount(Root())
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def multipart(self, parts): return repr(parts) @cherrypy.expose def multipart_form_data(self, **kwargs): return repr(list(sorted(kwargs.items()))) @cherrypy.expose def flashupload(self, Filedata, Upload, Filename): return ("Upload: %s, Filename: %s, Filedata: %r" % (Upload, Filename, Filedata.file.read())) cherrypy.config.update({'server.max_request_body_size': 0}) cherrypy.tree.mount(Root()) # Client-side code #
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "hello" origins = 'http://example.com', 'https://example.com' config = { '/': { 'cors.expose.on': True, 'cors.expose.origins': origins, 'cors.preflight.origins': origins, }, } cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), config=config) cherrypy_cors.install()
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "hello" pattern = re.compile(r'(http|https)://svr[1-9]\.example\.com') config = { '/': { 'cors.expose.on': True, 'cors.expose.origins': [pattern], 'cors.preflight.origins': [pattern], }, } cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), config=config) cherrypy_cors.install()
def __init__(self, req): for method in self.expose: self.__dict__[method] = getattr(req, method)
def start(self): self._running = True cherrypy.config.update({ 'server.socket_port': self.port, 'server.socket_host': '', 'engine.autoreload.on': False, 'log.screen': False }) self.plugin = DeployerWebSocketPlugin(cherrypy.engine, self) self.plugin.subscribe() cherrypy.tools.websocket = WebSocketTool() class Root(object): @cherrypy.expose def index(self): pass app = cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), '/', config={'/': { 'tools.websocket.on': True, 'tools.websocket.handler_cls': DeployerWebSocket }}) # CherryPy forces a log level for some reason # let's undo that app.log.error_log.setLevel(NOTSET) app.log.access_log.setLevel(NOTSET) cherrypy.engine.start() while self._running: time.sleep(2)
def run_custom_chpy(port, request, response): class CustomRoot(object): @cherrypy.expose(request.url) @cherrypy.tools.allow(methods=[request.method]) def index(): return response run_cherrypy(port, root=CustomRoot)
def test_expose_decorator(self): # Test @expose self.getPage("/expose_dec/no_call") self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody("Mr E. R. Bradshaw") # Test @expose() self.getPage("/expose_dec/call_empty") self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody("Mrs. B.J. Smegma") # Test @expose("alias") self.getPage("/expose_dec/call_alias") self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody("Mr Nesbitt") # Does the original name work? self.getPage("/expose_dec/nesbitt") self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody("Mr Nesbitt") # Test @expose(["alias1", "alias2"]) self.getPage("/expose_dec/alias1") self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody("Mr Ken Andrews") self.getPage("/expose_dec/alias2") self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody("Mr Ken Andrews") # Does the original name work? self.getPage("/expose_dec/andrews") self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody("Mr Ken Andrews") # Test @expose(alias="alias") self.getPage("/expose_dec/alias3") self.assertStatus(200) self.assertBody("Mr. and Mrs. Watson")
def testTreeMounting(self): class Root(object): @cherrypy.expose def hello(self): return "Hello world!" # When mounting an application instance, # we can't specify a different script name in the call to mount. a = Application(Root(), '/somewhere') self.assertRaises(ValueError, cherrypy.tree.mount, a, '/somewhereelse') # When mounting an application instance... a = Application(Root(), '/somewhere') # ...we MUST allow in identical script name in the call to mount... cherrypy.tree.mount(a, '/somewhere') self.getPage('/somewhere/hello') self.assertStatus(200) # ...and MUST allow a missing script_name. del cherrypy.tree.apps['/somewhere'] cherrypy.tree.mount(a) self.getPage('/somewhere/hello') self.assertStatus(200) # In addition, we MUST be able to create an Application using # script_name == None for access to the wsgi_environ. a = Application(Root(), script_name=None) # However, this does not apply to tree.mount self.assertRaises(TypeError, cherrypy.tree.mount, a, None)
def testKeywords(self): if sys.version_info < (3,): return self.skip("skipped (Python 3 only)") exec("""class Root(object): @cherrypy.expose def hello(self, *, name='world'): return 'Hello %s!' % name cherrypy.tree.mount(Application(Root(), '/keywords'))""") self.getPage('/keywords/hello') self.assertStatus(200) self.getPage('/keywords/hello/extra') self.assertStatus(404)
def setup_server(): class Root(object): @cherrypy.expose def plain(self): return 'hello' @cherrypy.expose @json_out def json_string(self): return 'hello' @cherrypy.expose @json_out def json_list(self): return ['a', 'b', 42] @cherrypy.expose @json_out def json_dict(self): return {'answer': 42} @cherrypy.expose @json_in def json_post(self): if cherrypy.request.json == [13, 'c']: return 'ok' else: return 'nok' @cherrypy.expose @json_out @cherrypy.config(**{'tools.caching.on': True}) def json_cached(self): return 'hello there' root = Root() cherrypy.tree.mount(root)
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.params() def resource(self, limit=None, sort=None): return type(limit).__name__ # for testing on Py 2 resource.__annotations__ = {'limit': int} conf = {'/': {'tools.params.on': True}} cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), config=conf)
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return cherrypy.request.wsgi_environ['SERVER_PORT'] @cherrypy.expose def upload(self, file): return "Size: %s" % len(file.file.read()) @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{'request.body.maxbytes': 100}) def tinyupload(self): return cherrypy.request.body.read() cherrypy.tree.mount(Root()) cherrypy.config.update({ 'server.socket_host': '', 'server.socket_port': 9876, 'server.max_request_body_size': 200, 'server.max_request_header_size': 500, 'server.socket_timeout': 0.5, # Test explicit server.instance 'server.2.instance': 'cherrypy._cpwsgi_server.CPWSGIServer', 'server.2.socket_port': 9877, # Test non-numeric <servername> # Also test default server.instance = builtin server 'server.yetanother.socket_port': 9878, })
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "Hello World" @cherrypy.expose def ctrlc(self): raise KeyboardInterrupt() @cherrypy.expose def graceful(self): engine.graceful() return "app was (gracefully) restarted succesfully" @cherrypy.expose def block_explicit(self): while True: if cherrypy.response.timed_out: cherrypy.response.timed_out = False return "broken!" time.sleep(0.01) @cherrypy.expose def block_implicit(self): time.sleep(0.5) return "response.timeout = %s" % cherrypy.response.timeout cherrypy.tree.mount(Root()) cherrypy.config.update({ 'environment': 'test_suite', 'engine.timeout_monitor.frequency': 0.1, }) db_connection.subscribe() # ------------ Enough helpers. Time for real live test cases. ------------ #
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "hello" config = { '/': { 'cors.expose.on': True, }, } cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(), config=config) cherrypy_cors.install()
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy_cors.tools.expose() def index(self): return "hello" cherrypy.tree.mount(Root()) cherrypy_cors.install()
def run(cls): cherrypy_cors.install() config = { '/': { 'cors.expose.on': True, }, } cherrypy.quickstart(cls(), config=config)
def expose(self, allow_credentials, expose_headers, origins): if self._is_valid_origin(origins): self._add_origin_and_credentials_headers(allow_credentials) self._add_expose_headers(expose_headers) return True return False
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "Hello, world" @cherrypy.expose def dom4(self): return "Under construction" @cherrypy.expose def method(self, value): return "You sent %s" % value class VHost: def __init__(self, sitename): self.sitename = sitename @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "Welcome to %s" % self.sitename @cherrypy.expose def vmethod(self, value): return "You sent %s" % value @cherrypy.expose def url(self): return cherrypy.url("nextpage") # Test static as a handler (section must NOT include vhost prefix) static = cherrypy.tools.staticdir.handler( section='/static', dir=curdir) root = Root() root.mydom2 = VHost("Domain 2") root.mydom3 = VHost("Domain 3") hostmap = {'www.mydom2.com': '/mydom2', 'www.mydom3.com': '/mydom3', 'www.mydom4.com': '/dom4', } cherrypy.tree.mount(root, config={ '/': { 'request.dispatch': cherrypy.dispatch.VirtualHost(**hostmap) }, # Test static in config (section must include vhost prefix) '/mydom2/static2': { 'tools.staticdir.on': True, 'tools.staticdir.root': curdir, 'tools.staticdir.dir': 'static', 'tools.staticdir.index': 'index.html', }, })
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self, *args, **kwargs): return "Hello world!" @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{'request.process_request_body': False}) def no_body(self, *args, **kwargs): return "Hello world!" @cherrypy.expose def post_multipart(self, file): """Return a summary ("a * 65536\nb * 65536") of the uploaded file. """ contents = file.file.read() summary = [] curchar = None count = 0 for c in contents: if c == curchar: count += 1 else: if count: if six.PY3: curchar = chr(curchar) summary.append("%s * %d" % (curchar, count)) count = 1 curchar = c if count: if six.PY3: curchar = chr(curchar) summary.append("%s * %d" % (curchar, count)) return ", ".join(summary) @cherrypy.expose def post_filename(self, myfile): '''Return the name of the file which was uploaded.''' return myfile.filename cherrypy.tree.mount(Root()) cherrypy.config.update({'server.max_request_body_size': 30000000})
def setup_server(): # Set up site cherrypy.config.update({ 'tools.proxy.on': True, 'tools.proxy.base': 'www.mydomain.test', }) # Set up application class Root: def __init__(self, sn): # Calculate a URL outside of any requests. self.thisnewpage = cherrypy.url( "/this/new/page", script_name=sn) @cherrypy.expose def pageurl(self): return self.thisnewpage @cherrypy.expose def index(self): raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('dummy') @cherrypy.expose def remoteip(self): return cherrypy.request.remote.ip @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{ 'tools.proxy.local': 'X-Host', 'tools.trailing_slash.extra': True, }) def xhost(self): raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect('blah') @cherrypy.expose def base(self): return cherrypy.request.base @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{'tools.proxy.scheme': 'X-Forwarded-Ssl'}) def ssl(self): return cherrypy.request.base @cherrypy.expose def newurl(self): return ("Browse to <a href='%s'>this page</a>." % cherrypy.url("/this/new/page")) for sn in script_names: cherrypy.tree.mount(Root(sn), sn)
def setup_server(): def check(username, password): # Dummy check_username_and_password function if username != 'test' or password != 'password': return 'Wrong login/password' def augment_params(): # A simple tool to add some things to request.params # This is to check to make sure that session_auth can handle # request params (ticket #780) cherrypy.request.params["test"] = "test" cherrypy.tools.augment_params = cherrypy.Tool( 'before_handler', augment_params, None, priority=30) class Test: _cp_config = { 'tools.sessions.on': True, 'tools.session_auth.on': True, 'tools.session_auth.check_username_and_password': check, 'tools.augment_params.on': True, } @cherrypy.expose def index(self, **kwargs): return "Hi %s, you are logged in" % cherrypy.request.login cherrypy.tree.mount(Test())
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "hello" @cherrypy.expose def uni_code(self): cherrypy.request.login = tartaros cherrypy.request.remote.name = erebos @cherrypy.expose def slashes(self): cherrypy.request.request_line = r'GET /slashed\path HTTP/1.1' @cherrypy.expose def whitespace(self): # User-Agent = "User-Agent" ":" 1*( product | comment ) # comment = "(" *( ctext | quoted-pair | comment ) ")" # ctext = <any TEXT excluding "(" and ")"> # TEXT = <any OCTET except CTLs, but including LWS> # LWS = [CRLF] 1*( SP | HT ) cherrypy.request.headers['User-Agent'] = 'Browzuh (1.0\r\n\t\t.3)' @cherrypy.expose def as_string(self): return "content" @cherrypy.expose def as_yield(self): yield "content" @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.config(**{'tools.log_tracebacks.on': True}) def error(self): raise ValueError() root = Root() cherrypy.config.update({ 'log.error_file': error_log, 'log.access_file': access_log, }) cherrypy.tree.mount(root)
def setup_server(): class Root: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "This is public." class BasicProtected: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "Hello %s, you've been authorized." % ( cherrypy.request.login) class BasicProtected2: @cherrypy.expose def index(self): return "Hello %s, you've been authorized." % ( cherrypy.request.login) userpassdict = {'xuser': 'xpassword'} userhashdict = {'xuser': md5(ntob('xpassword')).hexdigest()} def checkpasshash(realm, user, password): p = userhashdict.get(user) return p and p == md5(ntob(password)).hexdigest() or False basic_checkpassword_dict = auth_basic.checkpassword_dict(userpassdict) conf = { '/basic': { 'tools.auth_basic.on': True, 'tools.auth_basic.realm': 'wonderland', 'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': basic_checkpassword_dict }, '/basic2': { 'tools.auth_basic.on': True, 'tools.auth_basic.realm': 'wonderland', 'tools.auth_basic.checkpassword': checkpasshash }, } root = Root() root.basic = BasicProtected() root.basic2 = BasicProtected2() cherrypy.tree.mount(root, config=conf)
def preflight(allowed_methods, allowed_headers=None, allow_credentials=False, max_age=None, origins=None): """Adds CORS `preflight`_ support to a `HTTP OPTIONS` request. :param allowed_methods: List of supported `HTTP` methods (see `Access-Control-Allow-Methods`_). :type allowed_methods: list or NoneType :param allowed_headers: List of supported `HTTP` headers (see `Access-Control-Allow-Headers`_). :type allowed_headers: list or NoneType :param allow_credentials: Use credentials to make cookies work (see `Access-Control-Allow-Credentials`_). :type allow_credentials: bool :param max_age: Seconds to cache the preflight request (see `Access-Control-Max-Age`_). :type max_age: int :param origins: List of allowed origins clients must reference. :type origins: list or NoneType :returns: Whether the preflight is allowed. :rtype: bool - Used as a decorator with the `Method Dispatcher`_ .. code-block:: python @cherrypy_cors.tools.preflight( allowed_methods=["GET", "DELETE", "PUT"]) def OPTIONS(self): pass - Function call with the `Object Dispatcher`_ .. code-block:: python @cherrypy.expose @cherrypy.tools.allow( methods=["GET", "DELETE", "PUT", "OPTIONS"]) def thing(self): if cherrypy.request.method == "OPTIONS": cherrypy_cors.preflight( allowed_methods=["GET", "DELETE", "PUT"]) else: self._do_other_things() """ if _get_cors().preflight(allowed_methods, allowed_headers, allow_credentials, max_age, origins): _safe_caching_headers() return True return False