def download(url, name, path): print('Downloading: {0}'.format(name)) r = requests.get(url, stream=True) if r.status_code != requests.codes.ok: logging.log(level=logging.ERROR, msg='Unable to connect {0}'.format(url)) r.raise_for_status() total_size = int(r.headers.get('Content-Length')) dir_name = os.path.dirname(path) temp_name = path + '.temp' if not os.path.exists(dir_name): os.makedirs(dir_name) if os.path.exists(temp_name): os.remove(temp_name) with click.progressbar(r.iter_content(1024), length=total_size) as bar, open(temp_name, 'wb') as file: for chunk in bar: file.write(chunk) bar.update(len(chunk)) os.rename(temp_name, path)
def readFasta(fastaFile): """ Reads a FASTA file and parses contigs for GC content. Args: fastaFile: The path to the FASTA file. Returns: contigs A dictionary mapping contigIDs to sidr.common.Contig objects with GC content as a variable. """ contigs = [] if ".gz" in fastaFile: # should support .fa.gz files in a seamless (if slow) way openFunc = gzip.open else: openFunc = open with openFunc(fastaFile) as data: click.echo("Reading %s" % fastaFile) with click.progressbar(FastaIterator(data)) as fi: for record in fi: # TODO: conditional formatting contigs.append(common.Contig(record.id.split(' ')[0], variables={"GC": GC(record.seq)})) if len(contigs) != len(set([x.contigid for x in contigs])): # exit if duplicate contigs, https://stackoverflow.com/questions/5278122/checking-if-all-elements-in-a-list-are-unique raise ValueError("Input FASTA contains duplicate contigIDs, exiting") return dict((x.contigid, x) for x in contigs) # https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3070242/reduce-python-list-of-objects-to-dict-object-id-object
def readBAM(BAMFile, contigs): """ Parses an aligned BAM file for coverage. Args: BAMFile: The BAM file to parse. contigs: List of sidr.common.Contigs taken from input FASTA. Returns: contigs: Input contigs updated with coverage, measured as an average over the whole contig. """ alignment = pysam.AlignmentFile(BAMFile, "rb") click.echo("Reading BAM file") with click.progressbar(contigs) as ci: for contig in ci: covArray = [] # coverage over contig = sum(coverage per base)/number of bases for pile in alignment.pileup(region=str(contig)): covArray.append(pile.nsegments) try: contigs[contig].variables["Coverage"] = (sum(covArray) / len(covArray)) except ZeroDivisionError: # should only occur if 0 coverage recorded contigs[contig].variables["Coverage"] = 0 return contigs
def download_to(url, download_dir, insecure=False): name = url.split('/')[-1] file = os.path.join(download_dir, name) click.echo("Downloading {0}".format(url)) bar_len = 1000 with click.progressbar(length=bar_len, width=70) as bar: def hook(count, block_size, total_size): percent = int(count*block_size*bar_len/total_size) if percent > 0 and percent < bar_len: # Hack because we can't set the position bar.pos = percent bar.update(0) context = None if insecure: context = ssl._create_unverified_context() CGetURLOpener(context=context).retrieve(url, filename=file, reporthook=hook, data=None) bar.update(bar_len) if not os.path.exists(file): raise BuildError("Download failed for: {0}".format(url)) return file
def retrieve_full_sentence(lda_result_dic, fname): f = open(fname, 'w') csv_writer = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',') with click.progressbar(lda_result_dic.keys(), label='retrieving sentences') as bar: for i in bar: db = mdb.connect(**mysql_info) cur = db.cursor() for post_id, sentence_seq, categories in lda_result_dic[i]: query = """ select full_text from sentences where post_id = %s and sentence_seq = %s """ % (post_id, sentence_seq) cur.execute(query) text = cur.fetchall()[0][0].encode('utf-8') csv_line = [i, post_id, sentence_seq, ' '.join(categories), text] csv_writer.writerow(csv_line) db.close() f.close()
def _requests_piecewise(self, handle): request_url = self.biomart_base + self.encoded_request() print("Making request to biomart...") response = requests.get(self.biomart_base + str(self), stream=True) if not response.ok: print("Request failed: %d" % response.status_code) return print("Response okay. Downloading...") total_length = response.headers.get('content-length') total_downloaded = 0 if total_length is None: for block in response.iter_content(1024): handle.write(block) total_downloaded += 1024 # stdscr.addstr('%d MB Downloaded' % # (total_downloaded / 1e6)) # stdscr.refresh() else: with click.progressbar(length=int(total_length), label="Downloading reference") as bar: for block in response.iter_content(1024): handle.write(block) bar.update(1024)
def k2mosaic_mosaic_one(cadenceno, tpf_filenames, campaign, channel, output_prefix='k2mosaic-c', progressbar=False, verbose=False): from .mosaic import KeplerChannelMosaic output_fn = "{}{:02d}-ch{:02d}-cad{}.fits".format(output_prefix, campaign, channel, cadenceno) if verbose: click.echo("\nStarted writing {}".format(output_fn)) mosaic = KeplerChannelMosaic(campaign=campaign, channel=channel, cadenceno=cadenceno) if progressbar: with click.progressbar(tpf_filenames, label='Reading TPFs', show_pos=True) as bar: [mosaic.add_tpf(tpf) for tpf in bar] else: [mosaic.add_tpf(tpf) for tpf in tpf_filenames] mosaic.add_wcs() mosaic.writeto(output_fn) if verbose: click.secho('Finished writing {}'.format(output_fn), fg='green')
def upload_task_pending(config): """Upload and create tasks for pending photos.""" if connected_to_internet(): img_files = [os.path.join(config.data, f) for f in os.listdir(config.data) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(config.data, f))] if len(img_files) > 0: with click.progressbar(img_files, label="Uploading and creating task for \ pending images", ) as bar: for f in bar: rsp = _upload_photo(config, f) _create_task(config, rsp['photo_id']) else: msg = "WARNING: No files to upload. Images folder is empty." click.secho(msg, fg='yellow')
def pull(project, run, kind, entity): project, run = api.parse_slug(run, project=project) urls = api.download_urls(project, run=run, entity=entity) if len(urls) == 0: raise ClickException("Run has no files") click.echo("Downloading: {project}/{run}".format( project=click.style(project, bold=True), run=run )) for name in urls: if api.file_current(name, urls[name]['md5']): click.echo("File %s is up to date" % name) else: length, response = api.download_file(urls[name]['url']) with click.progressbar(length=length, label='File %s' % name, fill_char=click.style('&', fg='green')) as bar: with open(name, "wb") as f: for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): f.write(data) bar.update(len(data))
def load_fixture(fixture_file): """ Populate the database from a JSON file. Reads the JSON file FIXTURE_FILE and uses it to populate the database. Fuxture files should consist of a dictionary mapping database names to arrays of objects to store in those databases. """ utils.check_for_local_server() local_url = config["local_server"]["url"] server = Server(local_url) fixture = json.load(fixture_file) for db_name, _items in fixture.items(): db = server[db_name] with click.progressbar( _items, label=db_name, length=len(_items) ) as items: for item in items: item_id = item["_id"] if item_id in db: old_item = db[item_id] item["_rev"] = old_item["_rev"] if item == old_item: continue db[item_id] = item
def parse_files(basedir, paths): init_imports, defined, used = {}, {}, set() with click.progressbar(paths) as bar: for path in bar: pyfile = PyFile(basedir, path) pyfile.parse() used.update(pyfile.used) for name, items in pyfile.defined.items(): defined.setdefault(name, []).extend(items) if path.endswith('__init__.py'): module = pyfile.dot_path.rstrip('.__init__') for item_name, item in pyfile.ast_imported.items(): key = '.'.join((module, item_name)) if key != item: init_imports[key] = item return init_imports, defined, used
def import_(jenkins_url, dest_dir): ''' Import jobs from JENKINS_URL into DEST_DIR. ''' if op.exists(dest_dir): utils.sechowrap('Destination dir "%s" already exists' % dest_dir, fg='red', bold=True) sys.exit(1) jobs_names, jenkins_url = jenkins_api.handle_auth(dest_dir, jenkins_api.list_jobs, jenkins_url) with click.progressbar(jobs_names, label='Importing jobs') as bar: pipes_bits, jobs_templates = write_jobs_templates(dest_dir, jenkins_url, bar) write_jobs_defs(dest_dir, jobs_templates, 'w') write_pipelines(dest_dir, pipes_bits, 'w') _write_default_contexts(dest_dir) _write_conf(dest_dir, jenkins_url) utils.print_jobs_list('Imported jobs:', jobs_names, fg='green')
def get_progressbar(show, **kw): """Returns a `click.progressbar` if `show` is True, otherwise a No-op class, so that we can run programs from code (do not print progress) and from terminal (print progress) by simply doing:
isterminal = True # or False for no-op class with get_progressbar(isterminal, length=..., ...) as bar: # do your stuff in iterators and call bar.update(num_increments) # will update the terminal with a progressbar, or # do nothing (no-op) if isterminal=True ``` """ if not show or kw.get('length', 1) == 0: yield Nop(**kw) else: # some custom setup if missing: if 'fill_char' not in kw: kw['fill_char'] = "?" if 'empty_char' not in kw: kw['empty_char'] = '?' if 'bar_template' not in kw: kw['bar_template'] = '%(label)s %(bar)s %(info)s' with click_progressbar(**kw) as bar: yield bar
def require_steps(steps): for step in steps: if step not in INIT_STEPS: raise Exception('Unknown "{}" initialization step'.format(step)) def require_steps_decorator(cmd): def cmd_wrapper(ctx, *args, **kwargs): api = ctx.obj.get('pgoapi') config = ctx.obj.get('config') if len(steps): with click.progressbar( length=len(steps) * 2, label='Initializing…' ) as progressbar: for step in steps: INIT_STEPS[step](ctx, api, config) progressbar.update(1) time.sleep(0.3) progressbar.update(1) click.echo() return cmd(ctx, *args, **kwargs) return cmd_wrapper return require_steps_decorator
def index_documents(ctx, hocr_files, autocomplete_min_count): def show_fn(hocr_path): if hocr_path is None: return '' else: return hocr_path.name global repository if repository is None: repository = DatabaseRepository(ctx.obj['DB_PATH']) hocr_files = tuple(pathlib.Path(p) for p in hocr_files) with click.progressbar(hocr_files, item_show_func=show_fn) as hocr_files: for hocr_path in hocr_files: try: repository.ingest_document(hocr_path, autocomplete_min_count) except Exception as e: logger.error("Could not ingest {}".format(hocr_path)) logger.exception(e)
def build(db, entity_db, min_word_count, min_entity_count): word_counter = Counter() entity_counter = Counter() tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer() with click.progressbar(db.keys()) as bar: for title in bar: obj = db[title] text = obj['text'] tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(text) word_counter.update(t.text.lower() for t in tokens) for (_, title, _) in obj['links']: title = entity_db.resolve_redirect(title) entity_counter[title] += 1 word_dict = Trie([w for (w, c) in word_counter.iteritems() if c >= min_word_count]) entity_dict = Trie([e for (e, c) in entity_counter.iteritems() if c >= min_entity_count]) return Vocab(word_dict, entity_dict)
def count_valid_words(self, vocab, max_text_len): tokenizer = RegexpTokenizer() keys = self.keys() words = frozenset(list(vocab.words())) word_count = 0 with click.progressbar(keys) as bar: for key in bar: c = 0 for token in tokenizer.tokenize(self[key]['text']): if token.text.lower() in words: c += 1 word_count += min(c, max_text_len) return word_count
def write(self, filename, calendar, assets, show_progress=False): """ Parameters ---------- filename : str The location at which we should write our output. calendar : pandas.DatetimeIndex Calendar to use to compute asset calendar offsets. assets : pandas.Int64Index The assets for which to write data. show_progress : bool Whether or not to show a progress bar while writing. Returns ------- table : bcolz.ctable The newly-written table. """ _iterator = self.gen_tables(assets) if show_progress: pbar = progressbar( _iterator, length=len(assets), item_show_func=lambda i: i if i is None else str(i[0]), label="Merging asset files:", ) with pbar as pbar_iterator: return self._write_internal(filename, calendar, pbar_iterator) return self._write_internal(filename, calendar, _iterator)
def query(**kwargs): """ Post query to Logentries. """ date_from = kwargs.get('date_from') date_to = kwargs.get('date_to') time_from = kwargs.get('time_from') time_to = kwargs.get('time_to') relative_time_range = kwargs.get('relative_time_range') saved_query_id = kwargs.get('saved_query_id') query_string = kwargs.get('query_string') log_keys = kwargs.get('log_keys') favorites = kwargs.get('favorites') logset = kwargs.get('logset') if not validate_query(date_from=date_from, time_from=time_from, query_string=query_string, relative_time_range=relative_time_range, saved_query_id=saved_query_id, log_keys=log_keys, favorites=favorites, logset=logset): return False time_range = prepare_time_range(time_from, time_to, relative_time_range, date_from, date_to) if favorites: log_keys = api_utils.get_named_logkey_group(favorites) if logset: log_keys = api.get_log_keys_from_logset(logset) try: if saved_query_id: response = run_saved_query(saved_query_id, time_range, log_keys) else: response = post_query(log_keys, query_string, time_range) with click.progressbar(length=100, label='Progress\t') as progress_bar: handle_response(response, progress_bar) return True except requests.exceptions.RequestException as error: click.echo(error) sys.exit(1)
def fill(self): self.init_db(self.engine) df = pd.read_sql("select * from fundamental", self.engine).sort_values(['report_date', 'quarter']) df['trade_date'] = df['report_date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['report_date']) with click.progressbar(df.groupby('code'), label='writing data', item_show_func=lambda x: x[0] if x else None) as bar: bar.is_hidden = False for stock, group in bar: group = group.drop_duplicates(subset='trade_date', keep="last").set_index('trade_date') sessions = pd.date_range(group.index[0], group.index[-1]) d = group.reindex(sessions, copy=False).fillna(method='pad') d.to_sql('full', self.engine, if_exists='append', index_label='trade_date')
def download(label, url, dest): ''' download url using requests and a progressbar ''' r = requests.get(url, stream=True) length = int(r.headers['content-length']) chunk_size = 512 iter_size = 0 with io.open(dest, 'wb') as fd: with click.progressbar(length=length, label=label) as bar: for chunk in r.iter_content(chunk_size): fd.write(chunk) iter_size += chunk_size bar.update(chunk_size)
def readBLAST(classification, taxdump, classificationLevel, contigs): """ Reads a BLAST result file and combines it with other known information about the contigs. Args: classification: A string containing the filename of the BLAST results. The BLAST results must be in the format -outfmt '6 qseqid staxids', additional information can be added but the first two fields must be qseqid and staxids. taxdump: The NCBI taxdump as processed by parseTaxdump() classificationLevel: The level of classification to save into the corpus. Defaults to phylum. contigs: List of sidr.common.Contigs taken from input FASTA Returns: contigs: Input list of contigs updated with classification form BLAST classMap: A dictionary mapping class names to their class id used by scikit-learn. classList: A list of class names. """ classList = [] classMap = {} with open(classification) as data: click.echo("Reading %s" % classification) with click.progressbar(data) as dt: for line in dt: record = line.split("\t") contig = record[0] taxid = record[1].strip() taxonomy = common.taxidToLineage(taxid, taxdump, classificationLevel) taxonomy = taxonomy.lower() try: if not contigs[contig].classification: # assume that the first hit in blast output is best contigs[contig].classification = taxonomy if taxonomy not in classList: classList.append(taxonomy) except IndexError: # if a contig is in BLAST but not FASTA (should be impossible but) continue for idx, className in enumerate(classList): classMap[className] = idx return contigs, classMap, classList
def start(self): itercontent = self._request.iter_content(chunk_size=self.CHUNK_SIZE) f = open(self._destination, 'wb') chunks = int(ceil(self.get_size() / float(self.CHUNK_SIZE))) with click.progressbar(length=chunks, label='Downloading') as pb: for _ in pb: f.write(next(itercontent)) f.close() self._request.close() self._preserve_filemtime(self.get_lmtime())
def start(self): with click.progressbar(self._unpacker.get_items(), label="Unpacking") as pb: for item in pb: self._unpacker.extract_item(item, self._dest_dir) return True
def _init(self): trading_length = len(self._env.config.base.trading_calendar) self.progress_bar = click.progressbar(length=trading_length, show_eta=False)
def _init(self, event): self._trading_length = len(self._env.config.base.trading_calendar) self.progress_bar = click.progressbar(length=self._trading_length, show_eta=False)
def download_classifications( workflow_id, output_file, generate, generate_timeout ): """ Downloads a workflow-specific classifications export for the given workflow. OUTPUT_FILE will be overwritten if it already exists. Set OUTPUT_FILE to - to output to stdout. """ workflow = Workflow.find(workflow_id) if generate: click.echo("Generating new export...", err=True) export = workflow.get_export( 'classifications', generate=generate, wait_timeout=generate_timeout ) with click.progressbar( export.iter_content(chunk_size=1024), label='Downloading', length=(int(export.headers.get('content-length')) / 1024 + 1), file=click.get_text_stream('stderr'), ) as chunks: for chunk in chunks: output_file.write(chunk)
def download(project_id, output_file, generate, generate_timeout, data_type): """ Downloads project-level data exports. OUTPUT_FILE will be overwritten if it already exists. Set OUTPUT_FILE to - to output to stdout. """ project = Project.find(project_id) if generate: click.echo("Generating new export...", err=True) export = project.get_export( data_type, generate=generate, wait_timeout=generate_timeout ) with click.progressbar( export.iter_content(chunk_size=1024), label='Downloading', length=(int(export.headers.get('content-length')) / 1024 + 1), file=click.get_text_stream('stderr'), ) as chunks: for chunk in chunks: output_file.write(chunk)
def download_checkpoint(network, network_filename, checkpoint_path, checkpoint_filename): tarball_filename = BASE_NETWORK_FILENAMES[network] url = TENSORFLOW_OFFICIAL_ENDPOINT + tarball_filename response = requests.get(url, stream=True) total_size = int(response.headers.get('Content-Length')) tarball_path = os.path.join(checkpoint_path, tarball_filename) tmp_tarball = tf.gfile.Open(tarball_path, 'wb') tf.logging.info('Downloading {} checkpoint.'.format(network_filename)) with click.progressbar(length=total_size) as bar: for data in response.iter_content(chunk_size=4096): tmp_tarball.write(data) bar.update(len(data)) tmp_tarball.flush() tf.logging.info('Saving checkpoint to {}'.format(checkpoint_path)) # Open saved tarball as readable binary tmp_tarball = tf.gfile.Open(tarball_path, 'rb') # Open tarfile object tar_obj = tarfile.open(fileobj=tmp_tarball) # Create buffer with extracted network checkpoint checkpoint_fp = tar_obj.extractfile(network_filename) # Define where to save. checkpoint_file = tf.gfile.Open(checkpoint_filename, 'wb') # Write extracted checkpoint to file checkpoint_file.write(checkpoint_fp.read()) checkpoint_file.flush() checkpoint_file.close() tmp_tarball.close() # Remove temp tarball tf.gfile.Remove(tarball_path)
def save(self): """ """ tf.logging.info('Saving split "{}" in output_dir = {}'.format( self._split, self._output_dir)) if not tf.gfile.Exists(self._output_dir): tf.gfile.MakeDirs(self._output_dir) # Save classes in simple json format for later use. classes_file = os.path.join(self._output_dir, CLASSES_FILENAME) json.dump(self._reader.classes, tf.gfile.GFile(classes_file, 'w')) record_file = os.path.join( self._output_dir, '{}.tfrecords'.format(self._split)) writer = tf.python_io.TFRecordWriter(record_file) tf.logging.debug('Found {} images.'.format(self._reader.total)) with click.progressbar(self._reader.iterate(), length=self._reader.total) as record_list: for record in record_list: tf_record = self._record_to_tf(record) if tf_record is not None: writer.write(tf_record.SerializeToString()) writer.close() if self._reader.yielded_records == 0: tf.logging.error('Data is missing. Removing record file.') tf.gfile.Remove(record_file) return elif self._reader.errors > 0: tf.logging.warning( 'Failed on {} records.'.format( self._reader.errors, self._reader.yielded_records ) ) tf.logging.info('Saved {} records to "{}"'.format( self._reader.yielded_records, record_file))
def task_find_missing_block_nums(database_url, last_chain_block, task_num=4): task_message = fmt_task_message( 'Finding blocks missing from db', emoji_code_point=u'\U0001F52D', task_num=task_num) click.echo(task_message) with isolated_engine(database_url) as engine: session = Session(bind=engine) missing_block_nums_gen = Block.get_missing_block_num_iterator( session, last_chain_block, chunksize=1000000) with click.progressbar( missing_block_nums_gen, label='Finding missing block_nums', **progress_bar_kwargs) as pbar: all_missing_block_nums = [] for missing_gen in pbar: all_missing_block_nums.extend(missing_gen()) success_msg = fmt_success_message('found %s missing blocks', len(all_missing_block_nums)) click.echo(success_msg) engine.dispose() return all_missing_block_nums
def maybe_show_progress(it, show_progress, empty_char=DEFAULT_EMPTY_CHAR, fill_char=DEFAULT_FILL_CHAR, bar_template=DEFAULT_BAR_TEMPLATE, **kwargs): """Optionally show a progress bar for the given iterator. Parameters ---------- it : iterable The underlying iterator. show_progress : bool Should progress be shown. **kwargs Forwarded to the click progress bar. Returns ------- itercontext : context manager A context manager whose enter is the actual iterator to use. Examples -------- .. code-block:: python with maybe_show_progress([1, 2, 3], True) as ns: for n in ns: ... """ if show_progress: kwargs['bar_template'] = bar_template kwargs['empty_char'] = empty_char kwargs['fill_char'] = fill_char return click.progressbar(it, **kwargs) # context manager that just return `it` when we enter it return CallbackManager(lambda it=it: it)
def download_file(self, link, destination=None, is_directory=False): try: response = requests.get(link, stream=True) if 'content-disposition' in response.headers: filename = response.headers['content-disposition'].split("=", 1)[1] if destination and is_directory: destination_file = destination + '/' + filename elif destination: destination_file = destination else: destination_file = filename option = 'y' if os.path.isfile(destination_file): try: option = raw_input(self.configuration_service.get('OVERWRITE').format(destination_file)) except NameError: option = input(self.configuration_service.get('OVERWRITE').format(destination_file)) if str(option) == 'y': total_length = int(response.headers.get('content-length')) with click.progressbar(length=total_length) as bar: with open(destination_file, 'wb') as handle: for block in response.iter_content(self.block_size): handle.write(block) bar.update(len(block)) print(ENDL) self.configuration_service.log('COMPLETE', (destination_file,)) else: self.configuration_service.log('NOT_FOUND') except requests.exceptions.MissingSchema: self.configuration_service.log('BAD_URL') except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError: self.configuration_service.log('SERVER_KO') raise except: print(self.configuration_service.get('ALIEN'), sys.exc_info()[0]) raise
def create_callback(self, encoder): bar = click.progressbar(length=encoder.len) def callback(monitor): bar.update(monitor.bytes_read - self.prev_read) self.prev_read = monitor.bytes_read return callback
def _process_hist_cache(self, cache: t.Iterable[dict], title: str): pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4) pool_res = [pool.apply_async(self._process_hist_cache_entry, args=(entry,)) for entry in cache] if Settings().has_log_level("info"): with click.progressbar(pool_res, label=title) as pool_res: for res in pool_res: res.get() else: for res in pool_res: res.get()
def _process_boxplot_cache(self, cache: t.Iterable[dict], title: str): pool = multiprocessing.Pool(4) pool_res = [pool.apply_async(self._process_boxplot_cache_entry, args=(entry,)) for entry in cache] if Settings().has_log_level("info"): with click.progressbar(pool_res, label=title) as pool_res: for res in pool_res: res.get() else: for res in pool_res: res.get()
def initialize(self): data = self.client.get_collections() if 'collections' in data: with click.progressbar(data['collections'], label="Initializing collections...") as collections: for collection in collections: if 'name' in collection and 'uid' in collection: logger.debug("Retrieving collection: %s", collection['name']) collection_data = self.client.get_collection(collection['uid']) self.collections.append(collection_data) time.sleep(self.delay) else: logger.debug("Json response does not contain array of collections") return data
def evaluate_all_rs(config_path): """ Request evaluation for all reference solutions """ config = Config.load(Path.cwd() / (config_path or "import-config.yml")) api = ApiClient(config.api_url, config.api_token) with click.progressbar(api.get_exercises()) as bar: for exercise in bar: try: api.evaluate_reference_solutions(exercise["id"]) except Exception as e: logging.error("Error in exercise {}: {}".format(exercise["id"], str(e)))
def save_file(obj, path, update=False): if not os.path.isfile(path) or update: _, ext = os.path.splitext(path) with open(path, 'w') as f: if ext == '.csv': csv_file = csv.writer(f, delimiter=',') with click.progressbar(obj, label='Writing CSV file.') as bar: for line in bar: striped = list(Utils.strip_all(line)) csv_file.writerow(striped) elif ext == '.pkl': pickle.dump(obj, f)
def k2mosaic_mosaic(tpf_filenames, mission, campaign, channel, cadencelist, output_prefix='', verbose=True, processes=None): """Mosaic a set of TPF files for a set of cadences.""" task = partial(k2mosaic_mosaic_one, tpf_filenames=tpf_filenames, campaign=campaign, channel=channel, output_prefix=output_prefix, verbose=verbose) if processes is None or processes > 1: # Use parallel processing from multiprocessing import Pool pool = Pool(processes=processes) with click.progressbar(pool.imap(task, cadencelist), label='Mosaicking', show_pos=True) as iterable: [job for job in iterable] else: # Single process with click.progressbar(cadencelist, label='Mosaicking', show_pos=True) as iterable: [task(job) for job in iterable]
def gather_pixels(self): """Figures out the files needed and adds the pixels.""" print("Querying MAST to obtain a list of target pixel files...") from .mast import get_tpf_urls urls = get_tpf_urls(self.campaign, channel=self.channel) print("Found {} target pixel files.".format(len(urls))) with click.progressbar(urls, label="Reading target pixel files", show_pos=True) as bar: for url in bar: if self.data_store is not None: path = url.replace("http://archive.stsci.edu/missions/k2/target_pixel_files", self.data_store) else: path = url self.add_tpf(path)
def export_ffi_headers(output_fn=FFI_HEADERS_FILE, ffi_store=None): """Writes the headers of all available K2 FFI's to a csv table. This will enable us to inject WCS keywords from real FFI's into the sparse FFI's created by k2mosaic.""" if ffi_store is None: ffi_store = os.path.join(os.getenv("K2DATA"), 'ffi') ffi_headers = [] ffi_filenames = glob.glob(os.path.join(ffi_store, '*cal.fits')) with click.progressbar(ffi_filenames, label="Reading FFI files", show_pos=True) as bar: for filename in bar: basename = os.path.basename(filename) # Extract the campaign number from the FFI filename campaign = int(re.match(".*c([0-9]+)_.*", basename).group(1)) fts = fits.open(filename) for ext in range(1, 85): try: keywords = OrderedDict() keywords['campaign'] = campaign keywords['filename'] = basename keywords['extension'] = ext for kw in WCS_KEYS: keywords[kw] = fts[ext].header[kw] ffi_headers.append(keywords) except KeyError: pass # Convert to a pandas dataframe and then export to csv df = pd.DataFrame(ffi_headers) df = df.sort_values(["campaign", "filename"]) columns = list(ffi_headers[0].keys()) # Keep column order as in FITS files df[columns].to_csv(output_fn, index=False)
def export_frames(self, extension=1, cut=None): for fn in click.progressbar(self.mosaic_filenames, label="Reading mosaics", show_pos=True): try: frame = KeplerMosaicMovieFrame(fn) fig = frame.to_fig(rowrange=self.rowrange, colrange=self.colrange, extension=extension, cut=cut) out_fn = "movie-frame-" + os.path.basename(fn) + ".png" fig.savefig(out_fn, cmap='Greys_r', facecolor='#333333') pl.close(fig) except InvalidFrameException: print("InvalidFrameException for {}".format(fn))
def make_me_a_rockstar(self): self.repo = git.Repo.init(self.repo_path) label = 'Making you a Rockstar Programmer' with click.progressbar(self._get_dates_list(), label=label) as bar: for commit_date in bar: self._edit_and_commit(str(uuid.uuid1()), commit_date) self._make_last_commit() print('\nYou are now a Rockstar Programmer!')
def load(lines, config): bulks = grouper(lines, config['bulk_size'] * 3) if config['progress']: bulks = [x for x in bulks] with click.progressbar(bulks) as pbar: for i, bulk in enumerate(pbar): try: single_bulk_to_es(bulk, config, config['with_retry']) except Exception as e: log('warn', 'Chunk {i} got exception ({e}) while processing'.format(e=e, i=i))
def run(): """ Crawls https://choosealicense.com/licenses and fetches all open source license urls. It then crawls each individual license page and stores it in the {LICENSE_DIR} folder, under {slug}.md. """ response = requests.get(LICENSES_URL) if response.status_code != 200: click.echo( "URL {0} returned status {1}". format(green(LICENSES_URL), red(response.status_code)) ) sys.exit(1) soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') url_tuples = [ (BASE_URL, license_overview.div.h3.a.get('href')) for license_overview in soup.find_all('div', {'class': 'license-overview'}) ] with click.progressbar( iterable=url_tuples, show_pos=True, label="Fetching licenses" ) as urls: for url_tuple in urls: click.echo() url = ''.join(url_tuple) response = requests.get(url) license_soup = BeautifulSoup(response.content, 'html.parser') try: lic = License( url, url_tuple[1].split('/')[2], license_soup.h1.string, license_soup.find(id='license-text').string ) with lic.open('w') as f: f.write(lic.content) click.echo("Finished crawling {0}.".format(green(url))) except AttributeError: click.echo("Could not fetch license from {0}".format(green(url)))
def generate_jsma_examples(sess, model, x, y, X, Y, attack_params, verbose, attack_log_fpath): """ Targeted attack, with target classes in Y. """ Y_target = Y nb_classes = Y.shape[1] jsma = SaliencyMapMethod(model, back='tf', sess=sess) jsma_params = {'theta': 1., 'gamma': 0.1, 'nb_classes': nb_classes, 'clip_min': 0., 'clip_max': 1., 'targets': y, 'y_val': None} jsma_params = override_params(jsma_params, attack_params) adv_x_list = [] with click.progressbar(range(0, len(X)), file=sys.stderr, show_pos=True, width=40, bar_template=' [%(bar)s] JSMA Attacking %(info)s', fill_char='>', empty_char='-') as bar: # Loop over the samples we want to perturb into adversarial examples for sample_ind in bar: sample = X[sample_ind:(sample_ind+1)] jsma_params['y_val'] = Y_target[[sample_ind],] adv_x = jsma.generate_np(sample, **jsma_params) adv_x_list.append(adv_x) return np.vstack(adv_x_list)
def generate_carlini_li_examples(sess, model, x, y, X, Y, attack_params, verbose, attack_log_fpath): model_wrapper = wrap_to_carlini_model(model, X, Y) if 'batch_size' in attack_params: batch_size = attack_params['batch_size'] del attack_params['batch_size'] else: batch_size= 10 accepted_params = ['targeted', 'learning_rate', 'max_iterations', 'abort_early', 'initial_const', 'largest_const', 'reduce_const', 'decrease_factor', 'const_factor', 'confidence'] for k in attack_params: if k not in accepted_params: raise NotImplementedError("Unsuporrted params in Carlini Li: %s" % k) attack = CarliniLi(sess, model_wrapper, **attack_params) X_adv_list = [] with click.progressbar(range(0, len(X)), file=sys.stderr, show_pos=True, width=40, bar_template=' [%(bar)s] Carlini Li Attacking %(info)s', fill_char='>', empty_char='-') as bar: for i in bar: if i % batch_size == 0: X_sub = X[i:min(i+batch_size, len(X)),:] Y_sub = Y[i:min(i+batch_size, len(X)),:] if not verbose: disablePrint(attack_log_fpath) X_adv_sub = attack.attack(X_sub - 0.5, Y_sub) + 0.5 if not verbose: enablePrint() X_adv_list.append(X_adv_sub) X_adv = np.vstack(X_adv_list) return X_adv
def generate_carlini_l0_examples(sess, model, x, y, X, Y, attack_params, verbose, attack_log_fpath): model_wrapper = wrap_to_carlini_model(model, X, Y) if 'batch_size' in attack_params: batch_size = attack_params['batch_size'] del attack_params['batch_size'] else: batch_size= 10 accepted_params = ['targeted', 'learning_rate', 'max_iterations', 'abort_early', 'initial_const', 'largest_const', 'reduce_const', 'decrease_factor', 'const_factor', 'independent_channels', 'confidence'] for k in attack_params: if k not in accepted_params: raise NotImplementedError("Unsuporrted params in Carlini L0: %s" % k) attack = CarliniL0(sess, model_wrapper, **attack_params) X_adv_list = [] with click.progressbar(range(0, len(X)), file=sys.stderr, show_pos=True, width=40, bar_template=' [%(bar)s] Carlini L0 Attacking %(info)s', fill_char='>', empty_char='-') as bar: for i in bar: if i % batch_size == 0: X_sub = X[i:min(i+batch_size, len(X)),:] Y_sub = Y[i:min(i+batch_size, len(X)),:] if not verbose: disablePrint(attack_log_fpath) X_adv_sub = attack.attack(X_sub - 0.5, Y_sub) + 0.5 if not verbose: enablePrint() X_adv_list.append(X_adv_sub) X_adv = np.vstack(X_adv_list) return X_adv
def generate_deepfool_examples(sess, model, x, y, X, Y, attack_params, verbose, attack_log_fpath): """ Untargeted attack. Y is not needed. """ # TODO: insert a uint8 filter to f. f, grad_fs = prepare_attack(sess, model, x, y, X, Y) params = {'num_classes': 10, 'overshoot': 0.02, 'max_iter': 50} params = override_params(params, attack_params) adv_x_list = [] aux_info = {} aux_info['r_tot'] = [] aux_info['loop_i'] = [] aux_info['k_i'] = [] with click.progressbar(range(0, len(X)), file=sys.stderr, show_pos=True, width=40, bar_template=' [%(bar)s] DeepFool Attacking %(info)s', fill_char='>', empty_char='-') as bar: # Loop over the samples we want to perturb into adversarial examples for i in bar: image = X[i:i+1,:,:,:] if not verbose: disablePrint(attack_log_fpath) r_tot, loop_i, k_i, pert_image = deepfool(image, f, grad_fs, **params) if not verbose: enablePrint() adv_x_list.append(pert_image) aux_info['r_tot'].append(r_tot) aux_info['loop_i'].append(loop_i) aux_info['k_i'].append(k_i) return np.vstack(adv_x_list), aux_info