Python click 模块,Option() 实例源码


项目:freckles    作者:makkus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_freckles_option_set():
    """Helper method to create some common cli options."""

    freckle_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--freckle", "-f"], required=False, multiple=True, type=RepoType(),
                                  metavar=FRECKLE_ARG_METAVAR, help=FRECKLE_ARG_HELP)
    target_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--target", "-t"], required=False, multiple=False, type=str,
    include_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--include", "-i"],
                                  type=str, metavar=INCLUDE_ARG_METAVAR, default=[], multiple=True)
    exclude_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--exclude", "-e"],
                                  type=str, metavar=EXCLUDE_ARG_METAVAR, default=[], multiple=True)
    ask_become_pass_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--ask-become-pass", "-pw"],
                                          type=ASK_PW_CHOICES, default="true")

    params = [freckle_option, target_option, include_option, exclude_option,

    return params
项目:click-man    作者:click-contrib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_man_page(ctx, version=None):
    Generate documentation for the given command.

    :param click.Context ctx: the click context for the
                              cli application.

    :rtype: str
    :returns: the generate man page from the given click Context.
    # Create man page with the details from the given context
    man_page = ManPage(ctx.command_path)
    man_page.version = version
    man_page.short_help = ctx.command.short_help
    man_page.description =
    man_page.synopsis = ' '.join(ctx.command.collect_usage_pieces(ctx))
    man_page.options = [x.get_help_record(None) for x in ctx.command.params if isinstance(x, click.Option)]
    commands = getattr(ctx.command, 'commands', None)
    if commands:
        man_page.commands = [(k, v.short_help) for k, v in commands.items()]

    return str(man_page)
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_click_options(self):
        import click
        import q2cli
        import q2cli.core

        name = '--' + self.cli_name
        type = click.Path(exists=True, file_okay=True, dir_okay=False,
        type = q2cli.core.MultipleType(type)
        help = ('Metadata file or artifact viewable as metadata. This '
                'option may be supplied multiple times to merge metadata.')

        if self.default is None:
            requirement = '[optional]'
            requirement = '[required]'

        option = q2cli.Option([name], type=type, help=help, multiple=True)
        yield self._add_description(option, requirement)
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_click_options(self):
        import q2cli

        name = '--' + self.cli_name
        type = str
        help = ('Category from metadata file or artifact viewable as '

        if self.default is None:
            requirement = '[optional]'
            requirement = '[required]'

        option = q2cli.Option([name], type=type, help=help)

        yield from self.metadata_handler.get_click_options()
        yield self._add_description(option, requirement)
项目:catalyst    作者:enigmampc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def extract_option_object(option):
    """Convert a click.option call into a click.Option object.

    option : decorator
        A click.option decorator.

    option_object : click.Option
        The option object that this decorator will create.

    def opt():

    return opt.__click_params__[0]
项目:SuperOcto    作者:mcecchi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def hidden_option(*param_decls, **attrs):
    """Attaches a hidden option to the command.  All positional arguments are
    passed as parameter declarations to :class:`Option`; all keyword
    arguments are forwarded unchanged.  This is equivalent to creating an
    :class:`Option` instance manually and attaching it to the
    :attr:`Command.params` list.

    import inspect
    from click.decorators import _param_memo

    def decorator(f):
        if 'help' in attrs:
            attrs['help'] = inspect.cleandoc(attrs['help'])
        _param_memo(f, HiddenOption(param_decls, **attrs))
        return f
    return decorator

#~~ helper for settings context options
项目:pipenv    作者:pypa    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_choices(cli, prog_name, args, incomplete):
    ctx = resolve_ctx(cli, prog_name, args)
    if ctx is None:

    optctx = None
    if args:
        for param in ctx.command.get_params(ctx):
            if isinstance(param, Option) and not param.is_flag and args[-1] in param.opts + param.secondary_opts:
                optctx = param

    choices = []
    if optctx:
        choices += [c if isinstance(c, tuple) else (c, None) for c in optctx.type.complete(ctx, incomplete)]
    elif incomplete and not incomplete[:1].isalnum():
        for param in ctx.command.get_params(ctx):
            if not isinstance(param, Option):
            for opt in param.opts:
                if startswith(opt, incomplete):
            for opt in param.secondary_opts:
                if startswith(opt, incomplete):
                    # don't put the doc so fish won't group the primary and
                    # and secondary options
                    choices.append((opt, None))
    elif isinstance(ctx.command, MultiCommand):
        for name in ctx.command.list_commands(ctx):
            if startswith(name, incomplete):
                choices.append((name, ctx.command.get_command_short_help(ctx, name)))
        for param in ctx.command.get_params(ctx):
            if isinstance(param, Argument):
                choices += [c if isinstance(c, tuple) else (c, None) for c in param.type.complete(ctx, incomplete)]

    for item, help in choices:
        yield (item, help)
项目:stream2segment    作者:rizac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_help_from_yaml(cls, ctx, param, value):
        When attaching this function as `callback` argument to an Option (`click.Option`),
        it will set
        an automatic help for all Options of the same command, which do not have an `help`
        specified and are found in the default config file for downloading
        (currently `download.yaml`).
        The Option having as callback this function must also have `is_eager=True`.
        Assuming opt1, opt2, opt3 are variables of the config yaml file, and opt4 not, this
        sets the default help for opt1 and opt2:
\@click.Option('--opt1', ..., callback=set_help_from_yaml, is_eager=True,...)
    \@click.Option('--opt3'..., help='my custom help do not set the config help')
    cfg_doc = cls.DEFAULTDOC
    for option in (opt for opt in ctx.command.params if opt.param_type_name == 'option'):
        if is None:
   = cfg_doc.get(, None)

    return value


项目:stream2segment    作者:rizac    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def download(configfile, dburl, eventws, start, end, dataws, min_sample_rate, traveltimes_model,
             timespan, update_metadata, retry_url_err, retry_mseed_err, retry_seg_not_found,
             retry_client_err, retry_server_err, retry_timespan_err, inventory, eventws_query_args):
    """Download waveform data segments with quality metadata and relative events, stations and
    channels metadata into a specified database.
    The -c option (required) sets the defaults for all other options below, which are optional.
    The argument 'eventws_query_args' is an optional list of space separated key and values to be
    passed to the event web service query (example: minmag 5.5 minlon 34.5). All FDSN query
    arguments are valid except 'start', 'end' (set them via -t0 and -t1) and 'format'
        cfg_dict = yaml_load(configfile, **{k: v for k, v in locals().items()
                                            if v not in ((), {}, None, configfile)})
        # start and end might be integers. If we attach the conversion function
        # `clickutils.valid_date` to the relative clikc Option 'type' argument, the
        # function does not affect integer values in the config. Thus we need to set it here:
        cfg_dict['start'] = clickutils.valid_date(cfg_dict['start'])
        cfg_dict['end'] = clickutils.valid_date(cfg_dict['end'])
        ret =, **cfg_dict)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:  # this except avoids printing traceback
        sys.exit(1)  # exit with 1 as normal python exceptions
项目:groundwork    作者:useblocks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_command_multi_registration(basicApp):
    def _test_command(arg):

    plugin = basicApp.plugins.get("CommandPlugin")
    with pytest.raises(CommandExistException):
        plugin.commands.register("test", "my test command", _test_command, params=[Option(("--arg", "-a"))])

    plugin.commands.register("test", "my test command", _test_command, params=[Option(("--arg", "-a"))])
    assert len(basicApp.commands.get()) == 1

    plugin.commands.register("test2", "my test2 command", _test_command, params=[Option(("--arg", "-a"))])
    assert len(basicApp.commands.get()) == 2

    assert len(basicApp.commands.get().keys()) == 0
项目:groundwork    作者:useblocks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_command_multi_plugin_registration(basicApp, EmptyCommandPlugin):
    def _test_command(arg):

    plugin = basicApp.plugins.get("CommandPlugin")
    plugin2 = EmptyCommandPlugin(app=basicApp, name="CommandPlugin2")
    plugin2.commands.register("test2", "my test2 command", _test_command, params=[Option(("--arg", "-a"))])
    assert len(basicApp.commands.get()) == 2
    assert len(plugin.commands.get()) == 1
    assert len(plugin2.commands.get()) == 1

    assert len(basicApp.commands.get()) == 1
    assert len(plugin.commands.get()) == 1
    assert len(plugin2.commands.get()) == 0
项目:valohai-cli    作者:valohai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_param_to_option(self, parameter):
        Convert a Parameter into a click Option.

        :type parameter: valohai_yaml.objs.Parameter
        :rtype: click.Option
        assert isinstance(parameter, Parameter)
        option = click.Option(
                '--%s' %'_', '-'),
            required=(parameter.default is None and not parameter.optional),
            type=self.parameter_type_map.get(parameter.type, click.STRING),
        ) = '~%s' %  # Tildify so we can pick these out of kwargs easily
        return option
项目:valohai-cli    作者:valohai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def convert_input_to_option(self, input):
        Convert an Input into a click Option.

        :type input: valohai_yaml.objs.input.Input
        :rtype: click.Option
        assert isinstance(input, Input)
        option = click.Option(
                '--%s' %'_', '-'),
            required=(input.default is None and not input.optional),
            help='Input "%s"' % humanize_identifier(,
        ) = '^%s' %  # Caretize so we can pick these out of kwargs easily
        return option
项目:click-completion    作者:click-contrib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_choices(cli, prog_name, args, incomplete):
    ctx = resolve_ctx(cli, prog_name, args)
    if ctx is None:

    optctx = None
    if args:
        for param in ctx.command.get_params(ctx):
            if isinstance(param, Option) and not param.is_flag and args[-1] in param.opts + param.secondary_opts:
                optctx = param

    choices = []
    if optctx:
        choices += [c if isinstance(c, tuple) else (c, None) for c in optctx.type.complete(ctx, incomplete)]
    elif incomplete and not incomplete[:1].isalnum():
        for param in ctx.command.get_params(ctx):
            if not isinstance(param, Option):
            for opt in param.opts:
                if startswith(opt, incomplete):
            for opt in param.secondary_opts:
                if startswith(opt, incomplete):
                    # don't put the doc so fish won't group the primary and
                    # and secondary options
                    choices.append((opt, None))
    elif isinstance(ctx.command, MultiCommand):
        for name in ctx.command.list_commands(ctx):
            if startswith(name, incomplete):
                choices.append((name, ctx.command.get_command_short_help(ctx, name)))
        for param in ctx.command.get_params(ctx):
            if isinstance(param, Argument):
                choices += [c if isinstance(c, tuple) else (c, None) for c in param.type.complete(ctx, incomplete)]

    for item, help in choices:
        yield (item, help)
项目:freckles    作者:makkus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, config, **kwargs):
        """Base class to provide a command-based (similar to e.g. git) cli for freckles.

        This class parses the folders in the paths provided by the config
        element for so-called 'freckle adapters'. A freckle adapter is a
        collection of files that describe commandline-arguments and tasks lists
        to execute on a folder (more information: XXX)

          config (FrecklesConfig): the config wrapper object
          kwargs (dict): additional arguments that are forwarded to the partent click.MultiCommand constructor


        click.MultiCommand.__init__(self, "freckles", result_callback=assemble_freckle_run, invoke_without_command=True,

        use_repo_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--use-repo", "-r"], required=False, multiple=True, help="extra context repos to use", is_eager=True, callback=download_extra_repos)
        output_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--output", "-o"], required=False, default="default",
                                     metavar="FORMAT", type=click.Choice(SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS), is_eager=True,
                                     help="format of the output")
        no_run_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--no-run"],
                                     help='don\'t execute frecklecute, only prepare environment and print task list',
                                     type=bool, is_flag=True, default=False, required=False)
        version_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--version"], help='prints the version of freckles', type=bool,
                                      is_flag=True, is_eager=True, expose_value=False, callback=print_version)

        self.params = get_freckles_option_set()
        self.params.extend([ use_repo_option, output_option,  no_run_option, version_option])
        self.config = config

        self.profile_repo = ProfileRepo(self.config)

        # self.command_names.append(BREAK_COMMAND_NAME)
项目:freckles    作者:makkus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, current_command, config, **kwargs):
        """Base class to provide a command-based (similar to e.g. git) cli for frecklecute.

        This class parses the folders in the paths provided by the config
        element for so-called 'frecklecutables', (yaml) text files that contain a list of tasks and optionally command-line argument descriptions. More information: XXX

          current_command (tuple): a tuple in the format (command_name, command_path), which is used for commands that are paths, instead of filenames in one of the known frecklecutable paths. Can be (None, None) if not a path.
          config (FrecklesConfig): the config wrapper object
          kwargs (dict): additional arguments that are forwarded to the partent click.MultiCommand constructor

        click.MultiCommand.__init__(self, "freckles", **kwargs)

        output_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--output", "-o"], required=False, default="default",
                                     metavar="FORMAT", type=click.Choice(SUPPORTED_OUTPUT_FORMATS),
                                     help="format of the output", is_eager=True)
        ask_become_pass_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--ask-become-pass", "-pw"],
                                              help='whether to force ask for a password, force ask not to, or let try freckles decide (which might not always work)',
                                              type=click.Choice(["auto", "true", "false"]), default="auto")
        version_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--version"], help='prints the version of freckles', type=bool,
                                      is_flag=True, is_eager=True, expose_value=False, callback=print_version)
        no_run_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--no-run"],
                                     help='don\'t execute frecklecute, only prepare environment and print task list',
                                     type=bool, is_flag=True, default=False, required=False)
        use_repo_option = click.Option(param_decls=["--use-repo", "-r"], required=False, multiple=True, help="extra context repos to use", is_eager=True, callback=download_extra_repos, expose_value=True)

        self.params = [use_repo_option, output_option, ask_become_pass_option, no_run_option, version_option]

        self.config = config
        # .trusted_repos = DEFAULT_FRECKLES_CONFIG.trusted_repos
        # local_paths = get_local_repos(trusted_repos, "frecklecutables")

        self.command_repo = CommandRepo(config=self.config, additional_commands=[current_command])
        self.current_command = current_command[0]
项目:openapi-cli-client    作者:hjacobs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def generate_cli(spec):
    origin_url = None
    if isinstance(spec, str):
        if spec.startswith('https://') or spec.startswith('http://'):
            origin_url = spec
            r = requests.get(spec)
            spec = yaml.safe_load(r.text)
            with open(spec, 'rb') as fd:
                spec = yaml.safe_load(

    spec = sanitize_spec(spec)

    cli = clickclick.AliasedGroup(context_settings=CONTEXT_SETTINGS)

    spec = Spec.from_dict(spec, origin_url=origin_url)
    for res_name, res in spec.resources.items():
        grp = clickclick.AliasedGroup(normalize_command_name(res_name), short_help='Manage {}'.format(res_name))
        for op_name, op in res.operations.items():
            name = get_command_name(op)

            cmd = click.Command(name, callback=partial(invoke, op=op), short_help=op.op_spec.get('summary'))
            for param_name, param in op.params.items():
                if param.required:
                    arg = click.Argument([])
                    arg = click.Option(['--' +])


    return cli
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _locate_value(self, arguments, fallback, multiple=False):
        """Default lookup procedure to find a click.Option provided by user"""
        # TODO revisit this interaction between _locate_value, single vs.
        # multiple options, and fallbacks. Perhaps handlers should always
        # use tuples to store values, even for single options, in order to
        # normalize single-vs-multiple option handling. Probably not worth
        # revisiting until there are more unit + integration tests of q2cli
        # since there's the potential to break things.

        # Is it in args?
        v = arguments[self.click_name]
        missing_value = () if multiple else None
        if v != missing_value:
            return v

        # Does our fallback know about it?
        if fallback is not None:
                fallback_value = fallback(, self.cli_name)
            except ValueNotFoundException:
                # TODO fallbacks don't know whether they're handling a single
                # vs. multiple option, so the current expectation is that
                # fallbacks will always return a single value. Revisit this
                # expectation in the future; perhaps fallbacks should be aware
                # of single-vs-multiple options, or perhaps they could always
                # return a tuple.
                if multiple:
                    fallback_value = (fallback_value,)
                return fallback_value

        # Do we have a default?
        if self.default is not NoDefault:
            return self.default

        # Give up
        raise ValueNotFoundException()
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_click_options(self):
        import q2cli

        # `is_flag` will set the default to `False`, but `self._locate_value`
        # needs to distinguish between the presence or absence of the flag
        # provided by the user.
        yield q2cli.Option(
            ['--' + self.cli_name], is_flag=True, default=None,
            help='Display verbose output to stdout and/or stderr during '
                 'execution of this action.  [default: %s]' % self.default)
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_click_options(self):
        import q2cli

        # `is_flag` will set the default to `False`, but `self._locate_value`
        # needs to distinguish between the presence or absence of the flag
        # provided by the user.
        yield q2cli.Option(
            ['--' + self.cli_name], is_flag=True, default=None,
            help='Silence output if execution is successful '
                 '(silence is golden).  [default: %s]' % self.default)
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_click_options(self):
        import click
        import q2cli

        yield q2cli.Option(
            ['--' + self.cli_name],
            type=click.Path(exists=False, dir_okay=True, file_okay=False,
            help='Output unspecified results to a directory')
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_click_options(self):
        import click
        import q2cli

        yield q2cli.Option(
            ['--' + self.cli_name],
            type=click.Path(exists=True, dir_okay=False, file_okay=True,
            help='Use config file for command options')
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _error_with_duplicate_in_set(self, elements):
        import click
        import collections

        counter = collections.Counter(elements)
        dups = {name for name, count in counter.items() if count > 1}

        ctx = click.get_current_context()
        click.echo(ctx.get_usage() + '\n', err=True)
        click.secho("Error: Option --%s was given these values: %r more than "
                    "one time, values passed should be unique."
                    % (self.cli_name, dups), err=True, fg='red', bold=True)
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_click_options(self):
        import q2cli
        import q2cli.core

        type = q2cli.core.ResultPath(repr=self.repr, exists=True,
                                     file_okay=True, dir_okay=False,
        if self.default is None:
            requirement = '[optional]'
            requirement = '[required]'

        option = q2cli.Option(['--' + self.cli_name], type=type, help="")
        yield self._add_description(option, requirement)
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_click_options(self):
        import q2cli

        type = q2cli.core.ResultPath(self.repr, exists=False, file_okay=True,
                                     dir_okay=False, writable=True)
        option = q2cli.Option(['--' + self.cli_name], type=type, help="")
        yield self._add_description(
            option, '[required if not passing --output-dir]')
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_click_parameters(self):
        # Handlers may provide more than one click.Option
        for handler in self.generated_handlers.values():
            yield from handler.get_click_options()

        # Meta-Handlers' Options:
        yield from self.output_dir_handler.get_click_options()
        yield from self.cmd_config_handler.get_click_options()

        yield from self.verbose_handler.get_click_options()
        yield from self.quiet_handler.get_click_options()
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_cls_override(self):
        with self.assertRaisesRegex(ValueError, 'override `cls=q2cli.Option`'):
            q2cli.option('--bar', cls=click.Option)
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def option(*param_decls, **attrs):
    """``@click.option`` decorator with customized behavior for q2cli.

    See docstring on ``q2cli.Option`` (above) for details.

    if 'cls' in attrs:
        raise ValueError("Cannot override `cls=q2cli.Option` in `attrs`.")
    attrs['cls'] = Option

    def decorator(f):
        return click.option(*param_decls, **attrs)(f)

    return decorator
项目:globus-cli    作者:globus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def type_cast_value(self, ctx, value):

        # get the result of a normal type_cast
        converted_val = super(OneUseOption, self).type_cast_value(ctx, value)

        # if the option takes arguments (multiple was set to true)
        # assert no more than one argument was gotten, and if an argument
        # was gotten, take it out of the tuple and return it
        if self.multiple:
            if len(converted_val) > 1:
                raise click.BadParameter(
                    "Option used multiple times.", ctx=ctx)
            if len(converted_val):
                return converted_val[0]
                return None

        # if the option was a flag (converted to a count) assert that the flag
        # count is no more than one, and type cast back to a bool
        elif self.count:
            if converted_val > 1:
                raise click.BadParameter(
                    "Option used multiple times.", ctx=ctx)
            return bool(converted_val)

            raise ValueError(("Internal error, OneUseOption expected either "
                              "multiple or count, but got neither."))
项目:globus-cli    作者:globus    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def one_use_option(*args, **kwargs):
    Wrapper of the click.option decorator that replaces any instances of
    the Option class with the custom OneUseOption class
    # cannot force a multiple or count option to be single use
    if "multiple" in kwargs or "count" in kwargs:
        raise ValueError("Internal error, one_use_option cannot be  used "
                         "with multiple or count.")

    # cannot force a non Option Paramater (argument) to be a OneUseOption
    if kwargs.get("cls"):
        raise TypeError("Internal error, one_use_option cannot overwrite "
                        "cls {}.".format(kwargs.get("cls")))

    # use our OneUseOption class instead of a normal Option
    kwargs["cls"] = OneUseOption

    # if dealing with a flag, switch to a counting option,
    # and then assert if the count is not greater than 1 and cast to a bool
    if kwargs.get("is_flag"):
        kwargs["is_flag"] = False  # mutually exclusive with count
        kwargs["count"] = True

    # if not a flag, this option takes an argument(s), switch to a multiple
    # option, assert the len is 1, and treat the first element as the value
        kwargs["multiple"] = True

    # decorate with the click.option decorator, but with our custom kwargs
    def decorator(f):
        return click.option(*args, **kwargs)(f)
    return decorator
项目:partysig    作者:str4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def confdir_defaults(ctx, param, value):
    for p in ctx.command.params:
        if isinstance(p, click.Option) and'dir') and p != param:
            p.default = os.path.join(value, SUBDIRS[])
    return value
项目:partysig    作者:str4d    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def threshold_range(ctx, param, value):
    for p in ctx.command.params:
        if isinstance(p, click.Option) and == 'threshold':
            p.type.max = value
    return value
项目:sphinx-click    作者:click-contrib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _format_option(opt):
    """Format the output for a `click.Option`."""
    opt = _get_help_record(opt)

    yield '.. option:: {}'.format(opt[0])
    if opt[1]:
        yield ''
        for line in statemachine.string2lines(
                opt[1], tab_width=4, convert_whitespace=True):
            yield _indent(line)
项目:sphinx-click    作者:click-contrib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _format_options(ctx):
    """Format all `click.Option` for a `click.Command`."""
    # the hidden attribute is part of click 7.x only hence use of getattr
    params = [x for x in ctx.command.params if isinstance(x, click.Option)
              and not getattr(x, 'hidden', False)]

    for param in params:
        for line in _format_option(param):
            yield line
        yield ''
项目:sphinx-click    作者:click-contrib    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _format_envvar(param):
    """Format the envvars of a `click.Option` or `click.Argument`."""
    yield '.. envvar:: {}'.format(param.envvar)
    yield ''
    if isinstance(param, click.Argument):
        param_ref = param.human_readable_name
        # if a user has defined an opt with multiple "aliases", always use the
        # first. For example, if '--foo' or '-f' are possible, use '--foo'.
        param_ref = param.opts[0]

    yield _indent('Provide a default for :option:`{}`'.format(param_ref))
项目:AerisCloud    作者:AerisCloud    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, command_dir, *args, **kwargs):
        cs = dict(help_option_names=['-h', '--help'])
        params = [
                param_decls=['-v', '--verbose'],
                help='Make commands verbose, use '
                     'multiple time for higher verbosity'
                help='When using the verbose flag, redirects '
                     'output to this file'
        super(AerisCLI, self).__init__(context_settings=cs, params=params,
                                       *args, **kwargs)
        self.command_dir = command_dir

        no_setup = 'AC_NO_ASSISTANT' in os.environ \
                   and os.environ['AC_NO_ASSISTANT'] == '1'
        if not no_setup and sys.stdout.isatty() and not config.complete():
It seems it is the first time you are launching AerisCloud, or new
configuration options were added since the last update. We can guide
you through a series of questions to setup your configuration.
''', err=True)
            if not click.confirm('Run configuration assistant', default=True):
            from .config import assistant

项目:koi    作者:openpermissions    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _options():
    """Collect all command line options"""
    opts = sys.argv[1:]
    return [click.Option((v.split('=')[0],)) for v in opts
            if v[0] == '-' and v != '--help']
项目:jsoncut    作者:json-transformations    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def click_options(ctx):
    Build and return a dictionary with the variable name from click
    and the associated option used from the command line, for each
    available option defined by the click.option decorator
    ie. {'rootkey':'root'}

    :param ctx: click context object
    :return: dictionary
    return {opt.human_readable_name: opt.opts[1]
            for opt in ctx.command.get_params(ctx)
            if isinstance(opt, click.Option) and len(opt.opts) > 1}
项目:crowddynamics    作者:jaantollander    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def trait_to_option(name, trait):
    if is_trait(trait):
        if isinstance(trait, Int):
            return click.Option(param_decls=('--' + name,),
                                type=click.IntRange(trait.min, trait.max))
        elif isinstance(trait, Float):
            return click.Option(param_decls=('--' + name,),
        elif isinstance(trait, Complex):
            return click.Option(param_decls=('--' + name,),
        elif isinstance(trait, Bool):
            return click.Option(param_decls=('--' + name,),
        elif isinstance(trait, Unicode):
            return click.Option(param_decls=('--' + name,),
        elif isinstance(trait, Enum):
            # FIXME: trait.values should be strings
            return click.Option(param_decls=('--' + name,),
                                type=click.Choice(list(map(str, trait.values))))
        elif isinstance(trait, Tuple):
            return click.Option(param_decls=('--' + name,),
                                    trait_to_type(t) for t in trait._traits))
            raise InvalidValue('Trait conversion is not supported for: '
        raise InvalidType('Trait should be instance of {}'.format(TraitType))
项目:groundwork    作者:useblocks    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def activate(self):
        self.commands.register("test", "my test command", self._test_command, params=[Option(("--arg", "-a"))])
项目:q2cli    作者:qiime2    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _generate_command_reply(cmd):
    """Recursively generate completion reply for this command and subcommands.

    cmd : click.Command
        Command to generate completion replies for (including its subcommands).

    import textwrap
    import click

    ctx = None

    options = ['--help']
    for param in cmd.params:
        if isinstance(param, click.Option):

    subcmd_names = []
    if isinstance(cmd, click.MultiCommand):

    subcmd_cases = []
    for subcmd_name in subcmd_names:
        subcmd_reply = _generate_command_reply(
            cmd.get_command(ctx, subcmd_name))
        subcmd_reply = textwrap.indent(subcmd_reply, '  ')

        case = SUBCOMMAND_CASE_TEMPLATE.format(
            subcmd_name=subcmd_name, subcmd_reply=subcmd_reply)

    subcmd_cases = textwrap.indent('\n'.join(subcmd_cases), ' ' * 6)

    cmd_reply = COMMAND_REPLY_TEMPLATE.format(
        options=' '.join(options), subcmd_names=' '.join(subcmd_names),

    return cmd_reply

# NOTE: using double braces to avoid `str.format` interpolation when bash needs
# curly braces in the generated code.
# NOTE: the handling of a negative COMP_CWORD is necessary in certain versions
# of bash (e.g. at least the bash shipped with OS X 10.9.5). When adding
# whitespace to the end of a command, and then moving the cursor backwards in
# the command and hitting <tab>, COMP_CWORD can be negative (I've only seen -2
# as its value). This is a bash bug and is not documented behavior. Other CLIs
# with tab completion suffer from the same issue, and each one deals with this
# bug differently (some not at all, e.g. `git`). The workaround used below
# seems to provide the least destructive completion behavior for our CLI.
# Bug report reference:
项目:AerisCloud    作者:AerisCloud    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cmd_complete(out, name, cmd, level=1):
    ctx = click.Context(cmd)

    cmpl = {
        'name': name,
        'cmd': cmd,
        'level': level,
        'flags': [opts for param in cmd.params for opts in param.opts
                  if isinstance(param, click.Option)],
        'complete_cmd': complete_cmd

    params = [opts for param in cmd.params for opts in param.opts
              if isinstance(param, click.Parameter) and
              not isinstance(param, click.Option)]

    if isinstance(cmd, click.MultiCommand):
        cmds = cmd.list_commands(ctx)

        for cmd_name in cmds:
                name + '_' + cmd_name,
                cmd.get_command(ctx, cmd_name),
                level + 1

        cmpl['cmds'] = cmds

        out.write(render_cli('autocomplete-multi', **cmpl))
        # TODO: we might want to move that list of params somewhere else
        completable = [
        if len(params) == 1 and params[0] in completable:
            cmpl['param'] = params[0]
        elif len(params) > 1:
            cmpl['params'] = [el for el in params if el in completable]

        out.write(render_cli('autocomplete-single', **cmpl))

    if level == 1:
        out.write('complete -F _{0}_completion {0}\n'.format(name))
项目:kozinaki    作者:compunova    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def create_command(self, provider_name):
        config = node_manager.valid_node_types['providers'].get(provider_name)

        if not config:

        provider_options = [
            click.Option(param_decls=['--name'], help='Compute node name', required=True)

        for param, param_data in node_manager.get_node_params(provider_name).items():
            argument_params = dict()
            argument_params['help'] = ''

            description = param_data.get('description', {}).get(DEFAULT_LANG)
            default = param_data.get('default')
            arg_type = param_data.get('type')

            if description:
                argument_params['help'] += '{} '.format(description)
            if arg_type:
                argument_params['help'] += '(type: {}) '.format(arg_type)
            if default:
                    'default': default,
                    'required': False
                argument_params['help'] += '(default: {}) '.format(default)
                argument_params['required'] = True

                required=False if default else True

        cmd = click.Command(
  ['description'], fg='cyan'),
  ['description'], fg='cyan'),

        return cmd