def webui(obj): '''List dashboard links for matching pods (if only one matched, URL is opened in browser).''' kubectl = obj.kubey.kubectl info = click.unstyle(kubectl.call_capture('cluster-info')) dash_endpoint = re.search(r'kubernetes-dashboard.*?(http\S+)', info).group(1) urls = [] for pod in obj.kubey.each_pod(obj.maximum): pod_path = '/#/pod/{0}/{1}?namespace={0}'.format(pod.namespace, pod.name) urls.append(dash_endpoint + pod_path) if len(urls) == 1: url = urls[0] click.echo(url) click.launch(url) else: for url in urls: click.echo(url)
def init(name, runtime): """Create a new Django app.""" runtime = click.unstyle(runtime) stdout.write( style.format_command( 'Initializing', '%s %s %s' % (name, style.gray('@'), style.green(runtime)) ) ) config = Config(os.getcwd()) config.set('runtime', runtime) config.save() generate.main(['init', name], standalone_mode=False) run.main(['python', 'manage.py', 'migrate'])
def style_tweet(tweet, porcelain=False): conf = click.get_current_context().obj["conf"] limit = conf.character_limit if porcelain: return "{nick}\t{url}\t{tweet}".format( nick=tweet.source.nick, url=tweet.source.url, tweet=str(tweet)) else: if sys.stdout.isatty() and not tweet.text.isprintable(): return None styled_text = format_mentions(tweet.text) len_styling = len(styled_text) - len(click.unstyle(styled_text)) final_text = textwrap.shorten(styled_text, limit + len_styling) if limit else styled_text timestamp = tweet.absolute_datetime if conf.use_abs_time else tweet.relative_datetime return "? {nick} ({time}):\n{tweet}".format( nick=click.style(tweet.source.nick, bold=True), tweet=final_text, time=click.style(timestamp, dim=True))
def parse_tweet(raw_tweet, source, now=None): """ Parses a single raw tweet line from a twtxt file and returns a :class:`Tweet` object. :param str raw_tweet: a single raw tweet line :param Source source: the source of the given tweet :param Datetime now: the current datetime :returns: the parsed tweet :rtype: Tweet """ if now is None: now = datetime.now(timezone.utc) raw_created_at, text = raw_tweet.split("\t", 1) created_at = parse_iso8601(raw_created_at) if created_at > now: raise ValueError("Tweet is from the future") return Tweet(click.unstyle(text.strip()), created_at, source)
def intro(): intro = [ click.style(".", dim=True), "Hi, I'm {}.".format(click.style("AJ", fg='red')), "I'm a {} with a strong interest in ".format(click.style("Python developer", fg='yellow')), "APIs, CLIs and subverting the dominant paradigm.", "This is my resume.", "", "Note: this is primarily intended for command-line addicts.", "A more conventional version can be found on LinkedIn." ] intro = [click.unstyle(item).center(80) for item in intro] intro = "\n".join(intro) intro = intro.replace("APIs", click.style("APIs", fg='green')) intro = intro.replace("CLIs", click.style("CLIs", fg='blue')) intro = intro.replace("subverting the dominant paradigm", click.style("subverting the dominant paradigm", fg='magenta')) colSpan = 5 rowSpan = 3.5 ret = Markdown(data=intro, colSpan=colSpan, rowSpan=rowSpan, label="") return ret
def get_context(name, description, author, email, version, django_version): name = click.unstyle(name) description = click.unstyle(description) email = click.unstyle(email) author = click.unstyle(author) version = click.unstyle(version) django_version = click.unstyle(django_version) return { 'app': inflection.underscore(name), 'description': description, 'author': author, 'email': email, 'version': version, 'django_version': django_version }
def _inbox(config, client): """Show a list of notifications on a click pager. Args: config (Config): config object used for getting .two1 information client (two1.server.rest_client.TwentyOneRestClient) an object for sending authenticated requests to the TwentyOne backend. Returns: list: list of notifications in users inbox """ prints = [] notifications, has_unreads = get_notifications(config, client) if not notifications: logger.info("Inbox empty") return notifications if len(notifications) > 0: prints.append(uxstring.UxString.notification_intro) prints.extend(notifications) output = "\n".join(prints) logger.info(output, pager=True) if has_unreads: client.mark_notifications_read(config.username) return tuple(map(click.unstyle, notifications))
def log(ctx, debug): """View a log of events of earning/spending BTC.""" prints = [] logs = get_bc_logs(ctx.obj['client'], debug) prints.extend(logs) output = "\n".join(prints) logger.info(output, pager=True) return tuple(map(click.unstyle, logs))
def ljust_style(string, col, styles, lengths, fill=' '): if not string: string = '' length = lengths[col] unstyled = click.unstyle(string) if len(unstyled) == len(string): # not already styled if styles: if col >= len(styles): string = apply_style(styles[:-1], string) # apply last style for remaining fields else: string = apply_style(styles[col], string) if len(unstyled) < length: return string + fill * (length - len(unstyled)) return string
def build_table(name, heading, rows, styles=None, sort=None, max_width=MAX_COL_WIDTH, level=0): if rows: if max_width == 0: max_width = 99999 lengths = dict() max_cols = max(len(heading), len(rows[0])) for col in range(max_cols): lengths[col] = 0 for row in [heading] + rows: if row: if isinstance(row[col], SEQUENCE_TYPES): for el in row[col]: lengths[col] = max(len(click.unstyle(str(el))[:max_width]), lengths[col]) else: lengths[col] = max(len(click.unstyle(str(row[col]))[:max_width]), lengths[col]) if heading: table = [H_SEPARATOR.join([ljust_style(str(element)[:max_width], col, styles, lengths) for col, element in enumerate(heading)]), H_SEPARATOR.join([''.ljust(min(lengths[col], max_width), '=') for col, element in enumerate(heading)])] else: table = [] if sort and not isinstance(sort, SEQUENCE_TYPES): sort = [sort] subrows = [] sorted_rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda x: [x[i].lower() if hasattr(x[i], 'lower') else x[i] for i in sort]) if sort is not None else rows for row in sorted_rows: max_depth = max([len(element) if isinstance(element, SEQUENCE_TYPES) else 1 for element in row]) for depth in range(max_depth): subrow = [] for col in range(max_cols): if isinstance(row[col], SEQUENCE_TYPES): subrow.append(ljust_style(str(row[col][depth])[:max_width], col, styles, lengths) if row[col] and len(row[col]) > depth else ljust_style('', col, styles, lengths)) elif depth == 0: subrow.append(ljust_style(str(row[col])[:max_width], col, styles, lengths)) else: subrow.append(ljust_style('', col, styles, lengths)) table.append(H_SEPARATOR.join(subrow)) else: table = [''] if name: echo_title(name, level=level) echo_detail_multiline('', table, level=level + (1 if name else 0))