Python 模块,Sequence() 实例源码


项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def torrents(self, torrents=None, keys='ALL', autoconnect=True):
        """Fetch and return torrents

        torrents: Iterator of torrent IDs, TorrentFilter object (or its string
                  representation) or None for all torrents
        keys: tuple of Torrent keys to fetch or 'ALL' for all torrents
        autoconnect: Wether to attempt to connect automatically if not
                     connected; if False and not connected, return None

        Return Response with the following properties:
            torrents: tuple of Torrent objects with requested torrents
            success: False if no torrents were found, True otherwise
            msgs: list of strings/`ClientError`s caused by the request
        if not autoconnect and not self.rpc.connected:
            return None
        elif torrents is None:
            return await self._get_torrents_by_ids(keys)
        elif isinstance(torrents, (str, TorrentFilter)):
            return await self._get_torrents_by_filter(keys, tfilter=torrents)
        elif isinstance(torrents, abc.Sequence) and \
             all(isinstance(id, int) for id in torrents):
            return await self._get_torrents_by_ids(keys, ids=torrents)
            raise ValueError("Invalid 'torrents' argument: {!r}".format(torrents))
项目:mastic    作者:ADicksonLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, member, flags=None):

        if flags is not None:
            assert (issubclass(type(flags), colabc.Set) or \
                issubclass(type(flags), colabc.Sequence)) and \
                not isinstance(flags, str), \
                "flags must be a container and not a string"
            assert all([isinstance(flag, str) for flag in list(flags)]), \
                "all flags must be strings, given{}".format(flags)

        self.member = member

        # list of selections
        self._registry = []
        # list of flags for specific kinds of selections
        self._flags = set()
        if flags:
项目:mastic    作者:ADicksonLab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, selection_list=None, flags=None):
        if not selection_list:
   = []

        super().__init__(selection_list, flags=flags)

        if selection_list:
            assert issubclass(type(selection_list), col.Sequence), \
                "selection_dict must be a subclass of collections.Sequence, not {}".format(
   = selection_list

        # if values in the selection_list are SelectionMembers update
        # their registries
        for idx, member in enumerate(
            if issubclass(type(member), SelectionMember):
                member.register_selection(idx, self, flags=flags)
项目:exchanges    作者:black-omen    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, action, asset_pair, volume, price=None, validate=False):
        if action not in [Order.BUY, Order.SELL]:
            raise ValueError("Action must be Order.BUY or Order.SELL")

        if not isinstance(asset_pair, Sequence) or len(asset_pair) != 2:
            raise TypeError("asset_pair must be a sequence of lenght 2")

        if any([not isinstance(a, Asset) for a in asset_pair]):
            raise TypeError("asset_pair must be a sequence of assets, "
                            "not {}, {}".format(*map(type, asset_pair)))
        if volume < 0:
            raise ValueError("volume should be strictly positive") = None
        self._action = action
        self._asset_pair = asset_pair
        self._volume = volume
        self._price = price
        self.status = None
        self.time_placed = None
        self.closed_price = None
        self.closed_time = None
        self._validate = validate
项目:deb-python-json-pointer    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_part(self, doc, part):
        """ Returns the next step in the correct type """

        if isinstance(doc, Mapping):
            return part

        elif isinstance(doc, Sequence):

            if part == '-':
                return part

            if not RE_ARRAY_INDEX.match(str(part)):
                raise JsonPointerException("'%s' is not a valid list index" % (part, ))

            return int(part)

        elif hasattr(doc, '__getitem__'):
            # Allow indexing via ducktyping if the target has defined __getitem__
            return part

            raise JsonPointerException("Document '%s' does not support indexing, "
                                       "must be dict/list or support __getitem__" % type(doc))
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def addTags(filename, new_tags):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as task:
        header = task.readline()
        # read the tags
        tags = task.readline().decode().strip().split(' ')
        if isinstance(new_tags, str):
            if new_tags in tags:
        elif isinstance(new_tags, Sequence):
            new_tags = [tag for tag in new_tags if tag not in tags]
            if new_tags:
            raise ValueError(f'Cannot add tags {new_tags} to task {filename}')
        body =
    with open(filename, 'wb') as task:
        task.write((' '.join(tags) + '\n').encode())
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def short_repr(obj, noneAsNA=False):
    '''Return a short representation of obj for clarity.'''
    if obj is None:
        return 'unspecified' if noneAsNA else 'None'
    elif isinstance(obj, str) and len(obj) > 80:
        return '{}...{}'.format(obj[:60].replace('\n', '\\n'), obj[-20:].replace('\n', '\\n'))
    elif isinstance(obj, (str, int, float, bool)) or (isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence) \
        and len(obj) <= 2) or len(str(obj)) < 80:
        return repr(obj)
    elif isinstance(obj, collections.Sequence): # should be a list or tuple
        return f'[{short_repr(obj[0])}, ...] ({len(obj)} items)'
    elif isinstance(obj, dict):
        if obj:
            first_key = list(obj.keys())[0]
            return f'{{{first_key!r}:{short_repr(obj[first_key])!r}, ...}} ({len(obj)} items)'
            return '{}'
        return f'{repr(obj)[:60]}...'

# SoS Workflow dictionary
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_path_map(self):
        res = {}
        # if user-specified path_map, it overrides CONFIG
        path_map = self.config.get('path_map', [])
        if not path_map:
            return res
        if isinstance(path_map, str):
            path_map = [path_map]
        if isinstance(path_map, Sequence):
            for v in path_map:
                if ' -> ' not in v:
                    raise ValueError(f'Path map should be separated as from -> to, {v} specified')
                elif v.count(' -> ') > 1:
                    raise ValueError(f'Path map should be separated as from -> to, {v} specified')
                res[v.split(' -> ')[0]] = v.split(' -> ')[1]
        elif isinstance(path_map, dict):
            for k,v in path_map.items():
                res[k] = v
            raise ValueError(f'Unacceptable path_mapue for configuration path_map: {path_map}')
        return res
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_part(self, doc, part):
        """Returns the next step in the correct type"""

        if isinstance(doc, Mapping):
            return part

        elif isinstance(doc, Sequence):

            if part == '-':
                return part

            if not self._RE_ARRAY_INDEX.match(str(part)):
                raise JsonPointerException("'%s' is not a valid sequence index" % part)

            return int(part)

        elif hasattr(doc, '__getitem__'):
            # Allow indexing via ducktyping
            # if the target has defined __getitem__
            return part

            raise JsonPointerException("Document '%s' does not support indexing, "
                                       "must be mapping/sequence or support __getitem__" % type(doc))
项目:yatta_reader    作者:sound88    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk(self, doc, part):
        """ Walks one step in doc and returns the referenced part """

        part = self.get_part(doc, part)

        assert hasattr(doc, '__getitem__'), "invalid document type %s" % (type(doc),)

        if isinstance(doc, Sequence):
            if part == '-':
                return EndOfList(doc)

                return doc[part]

            except IndexError:
                raise JsonPointerException("index '%s' is out of bounds" % (part, ))

        # Else the object is a mapping or supports __getitem__(so assume custom indexing)
            return doc[part]

        except KeyError:
            raise JsonPointerException("member '%s' not found in %s" % (part, doc))
项目:python-pool-performance    作者:JohnStarich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run_test(work_type: FunctionType, job_sets: Sequence, trials: int,
             pool_class: type, worker_count: int) -> Mapping:
    pool = pool_class(worker_count)
    if work_type == 'compute':
        test_func = pool.run_compute_test
    elif work_type == 'network':
        test_func = pool.run_network_test
        raise Exception("Invalid work type: {}".format(work_type))
    results = map(
        lambda jobs: test_func(jobs, trials, show_progress=True),
        tqdm(job_sets, desc=pool_class.__name__),
    summarized_results = list(map(summarize_test, results))
    return summarized_results
项目:sequent    作者:Acrisel    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, ev, step, progname, repeat=[1,], iter_triggers=(), end_triggers=(),):
        module_logger.debug("[ step %s ] Container initialization\n    iter_triggers: %s\n    end_triggers: %s\n    repeat: %s" % (progname, iter_triggers, end_triggers, repeat) )
        if isinstance(repeat, AbcSequence):
项目:mfnf-pdf-export    作者:Lodifice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, obj):
        """Transforms the JSON object `obj`."""
        if isinstance(obj, str):
            return obj
        elif isinstance(obj, Sequence):
            return self.act_on_list(obj)
        elif isinstance(obj, Mapping):
            return self.act_on_dict(obj)
            return obj
项目:pudzu    作者:Udzu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def non_string_sequence(v, types=None):
    """Return whether the object is a Sequence other than str, optionally 
    with the given element types."""
    return isinstance(v, Sequence) and not isinstance(v, str) and (types is None or all(any(isinstance(x, t) for t in make_iterable(types)) for x in v))
项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _file_is_filtered(self, tfile):
        if self._ffilter is None:
            return False  # No filter specified
        elif isinstance(self._ffilter, (abc.Sequence, abc.Set)):
            # ffilter is a collection of file IDs
            return not tfile['id'] in self._ffilter
            # ffilter is a TorrentFileFilter instance
            return not self._ffilter.match(tfile)
项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def focused_file_ids(self):
        """File IDs of the focused files in a tuple"""
        focused = self.focused_widget
        if focused is not None:
            # The focused widget in the list can be a file or a directory.  If
            # it's a directory, the 'file_id' property returns the IDs of all
            # the contained files recursively.
            fid = focused.file_id
            return tuple(fid) if isinstance(fid, (abc.Sequence, abc.Set)) else (fid,)
项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def register(self, sid, callback, keys=(), tfilter=None):
        """Add new request to request pool

        sid: Subscriber ID (any hashable)
        callback: Callable that receives a tuple of Torrents on updates
        keys: Wanted Torrent keys
        tfilter: None for all torrents or TorrentFilter instance
        if isinstance(tfilter, abc.Sequence):
            tfilter = TorrentFilter('|'.join('id=%s' % tid for tid in tfilter))

        log.debug('Registering subscriber: %s', sid)
        event = blinker.signal(sid)
        self._keys[event] = tuple(keys)
        self._tfilters[event] = tfilter

        # It's possible that a currently ongoing request doesn't collect the
        # keys this new callback needs.  In that case, the request is finished
        # AFTER we added the callback, and the callback would be called with
        # lacking keys, resuling in a KeyError.
        # Therefore we ask the poller to dump the result of a currently
        # ongoing request to prevent this.
        if self.running:

项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, TORRENT_FILTER, PEER_FILTER, sort, columns):
        columns = self.cfg['columns.peers'].value if columns is None else columns
        sort = self.cfg['sort.peers'].value if sort is None else sort
            tfilter = self.select_torrents(TORRENT_FILTER,
            pfilter = self.get_peer_filter(PEER_FILTER)
            sort    = self.get_peer_sorter(sort)
            columns = self.get_peer_columns(columns)
        except ValueError as e:
            return False

        # Unless we're listing peers of exactly one torrent, specified by its
        # ID, automatically add the 'torrent' column.
        if 'torrent' not in columns and \
           (not isinstance(tfilter, abc.Sequence) or len(tfilter) != 1):

        log.debug('Listing %s peers of %s torrents', pfilter, tfilter)

        if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.make_plist):
            return await self.make_plist(tfilter, pfilter, sort, columns)
            return self.make_plist(tfilter, pfilter, sort, columns)
项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def run(self, TORRENT_FILTER, TRACKER_FILTER, sort, columns):
        columns = self.cfg['columns.trackers'].value if columns is None else columns
        sort = self.cfg['sort.trackers'].value if sort is None else sort
            torfilter = self.select_torrents(TORRENT_FILTER,
            trkfilter = self.get_tracker_filter(TRACKER_FILTER)
            sort      = self.get_tracker_sorter(sort)
            columns   = self.get_tracker_columns(columns)
        except ValueError as e:
            return False

        # Unless we're listing trackers of exactly one torrent, specified by its
        # ID, automatically add the 'torrent' column.
        if 'torrent' not in columns and \
           (not isinstance(torfilter, abc.Sequence) or len(torfilter) != 1):

        log.debug('Listing %s trackers of %s torrents', trkfilter, torfilter)

        if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(self.make_trklist):
            return await self.make_trklist(torfilter, trkfilter, sort, columns)
            return self.make_trklist(torfilter, trkfilter, sort, columns)
项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __repr__(self):
        if isinstance(self._args, abc.Sequence):
            argstr = ', '.join(repr(arg) for arg in self._args)
        elif isinstance(self._args, abc.Mapping):
            argstr = ', '.join('%s=%r' % (k,v)
                                for k,v in self._args.items())
        provides = '/'.join(interface for interface in self.provides)
        string = '<Command [{}] {}({})'.format(provides,, argstr)
        if self.finished:
            string += ' success={}'.format(self.success)
            string += ' running'
        return string + '>'
项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _validate_cmdchain_item(self, item):
        # Test if item is of a valid type
        if not (is_op(item) or (isinstance(item, abc.Sequence) and not isinstance(item, str) and
                                all(isinstance(arg, str) for arg in item))):
            raise RuntimeError('Invalid type for command chain item: {!r}'.format(item))

        # Test if item is an operator after another operator
            prev_item = self._prev_validation_item
        except AttributeError:
            prev_item = None
        self._prev_validation_item = item
        if is_op(prev_item) and is_op(item):
            raise CmdError('Consecutive operators: "{} {}"'.format(prev_item, item))
项目:Chiaki-Nanami    作者:Ikusaba-san    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __add__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Sequence):
            return NotImplemented
        return type(self)(map(operator.add, self, other))
项目:Chiaki-Nanami    作者:Ikusaba-san    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __radd__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Sequence):
            return NotImplemented
        return type(self)(map(operator.add, other, self))
项目:Chiaki-Nanami    作者:Ikusaba-san    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __sub__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Sequence):
            return NotImplemented
        return type(self)(map(operator.sub, self, other))
项目:Chiaki-Nanami    作者:Ikusaba-san    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __rsub__(self, other):
        if not isinstance(other, Sequence):
            return NotImplemented
        return type(self)(map(operator.sub, other, self))
项目:Chiaki-Nanami    作者:Ikusaba-san    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def redirect_exception(*exceptions, cls=ChiakiException):
    """Context manager to re-raise exceptions with a proxy exception class.

    The exceptions can either be an exception type or a (exc_type, string) pair.
    exceptions = dict(exc if isinstance(exc, Sequence) else (exc, None)
                      for exc in exceptions)
    except tuple(exceptions) as e:
        raise cls(exceptions[type(e)] or str(e)) from e

# asynccontextmanager when
项目:web_ctp    作者:molebot    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_Sequence(self):
        for sample in [tuple, list, bytes, str]:
            self.assertIsInstance(sample(), Sequence)
            self.assertTrue(issubclass(sample, Sequence))
        self.assertIsInstance(range(10), Sequence)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(range, Sequence))
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(str, Sequence))
        self.validate_abstract_methods(Sequence, '__contains__', '__iter__', '__len__',
项目:deoplete-latex    作者:poppyschmo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fake_deepdiff(one, two, indent=4, path=None, strict_strings=None):
    """Compare two term dictionaries. ``strict_strings=False`` treats
    strings that contain the same combination of words as equal.
    for k, v in one.items():
        _one = v
        _two = two.get(k)
        if _one == _two:
        if all(isinstance(d, abc.MutableMapping) for d in (_one, _two)):
            _path = path if path is not None else []
            _path += ['{:<{width}}{}'.format('', k, width=indent)]
            fake_deepdiff(_one, _two, indent + 4, _path, strict_strings)
        if (all(isinstance(l, abc.MutableSequence) for l in (_one, _two)) and
                set(tuple(x) for x in _one if isinstance(x, abc.Sequence)) ==
                set(tuple(x) for x in _two if isinstance(x, abc.Sequence))):
        if all(isinstance(l, str) for l in (_one, _two)):
            if (strict_strings is False and
                    set(c.strip(';:,.?=_-\n') for c in _one.split()) ==
                    set(c.strip(';:,.?=_-\n') for c in _two.split())):
                _one = _one.strip().replace('\n', '')
                _two = _two.strip().replace('\n', '')
        print('\n'.join(path) if path else '')
        print('{:<{width}}{}'.format('', k, width=indent))
        print('{:<{width}}one: {}'.format('', _one, width=indent + 4))
        print('{:<{width}}two: {}'.format('', _two, width=indent + 4))
项目:deoplete-latex    作者:poppyschmo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def is_seq(s):
    """Return True if sequence is list or tuple or some facsimile.
    Reject dictionary views, memoryview, bytearray, array.array etc.
    if isinstance(s, abc.Sequence) and not isinstance(s, (str, bytes)):
        return True
    return False
项目:deoplete-latex    作者:poppyschmo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def enlist(*args, ret_type=tuple):
    """Take a combinations of strings and sequences, consolidate.
    inset = set()
    for s in args:
        if isinstance(s, str):
        # can be tuple, list, set, etc...
        if not isinstance(s, str) and isinstance(s, abc.Sequence):
            inset |= set(s)
    return tuple(sorted(inset)) if ret_type is tuple else sorted(inset)
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_Sequence(self):
        for sample in [tuple, list, bytes, str]:
            self.assertIsInstance(sample(), Sequence)
            self.assertTrue(issubclass(sample, Sequence))
        self.assertIsInstance(range(10), Sequence)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(range, Sequence))
        self.assertIsInstance(memoryview(b""), Sequence)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(memoryview, Sequence))
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(str, Sequence))
        self.validate_abstract_methods(Sequence, '__contains__', '__iter__', '__len__',
项目:ouroboros    作者:pybee    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CheckSqliteRowAsSequence(self):
        """ Checks if the row object can act like a sequence """
        self.con.row_factory = sqlite.Row
        row = self.con.execute("select 1 as a, 2 as b").fetchone()

        as_tuple = tuple(row)
        self.assertEqual(list(reversed(row)), list(reversed(as_tuple)))
        self.assertIsInstance(row, Sequence)
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_Sequence(self):
        for sample in [tuple, list, bytes, str]:
            self.assertIsInstance(sample(), Sequence)
            self.assertTrue(issubclass(sample, Sequence))
        self.assertIsInstance(range(10), Sequence)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(range, Sequence))
        self.assertIsInstance(memoryview(b""), Sequence)
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(memoryview, Sequence))
        self.assertTrue(issubclass(str, Sequence))
        self.validate_abstract_methods(Sequence, '__contains__', '__iter__', '__len__',
项目:kbe_server    作者:xiaohaoppy    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def CheckSqliteRowAsSequence(self):
        """ Checks if the row object can act like a sequence """
        self.con.row_factory = sqlite.Row
        row = self.con.execute("select 1 as a, 2 as b").fetchone()

        as_tuple = tuple(row)
        self.assertEqual(list(reversed(row)), list(reversed(as_tuple)))
        self.assertIsInstance(row, Sequence)
项目:deb-python-json-pointer    作者:openstack    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def walk(self, doc, part):
        """ Walks one step in doc and returns the referenced part """

        part = self.get_part(doc, part)

        assert (type(doc) in (dict, list) or hasattr(doc, '__getitem__')), "invalid document type %s" % (type(doc),)

        if isinstance(doc, Mapping):
                return doc[part]

            except KeyError:
                raise JsonPointerException("member '%s' not found in %s" % (part, doc))

        elif isinstance(doc, Sequence):

            if part == '-':
                return EndOfList(doc)

                return doc[part]

            except IndexError:
                raise JsonPointerException("index '%s' is out of bounds" % (part, ))

            # Object supports __getitem__, assume custom indexing
            return doc[part]
项目:skorch    作者:dnouri    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def to_tensor(X, use_cuda):
    """Turn to torch Variable.

    Handles the cases:
      * Variable
      * PackedSequence
      * numpy array
      * torch Tensor
      * list or tuple of one of the former
      * dict of one of the former

    to_tensor_ = partial(to_tensor, use_cuda=use_cuda)

    if isinstance(X, (Variable, nn.utils.rnn.PackedSequence)):
        return X

    if isinstance(X, dict):
        return {key: to_tensor_(val) for key, val in X.items()}

    if isinstance(X, (list, tuple)):
        return [to_tensor_(x) for x in X]

    if isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
        X = torch.from_numpy(X)

    if isinstance(X, Sequence):
        X = torch.from_numpy(np.array(X))
    elif np.isscalar(X):
        X = torch.from_numpy(np.array([X]))

    if not is_torch_data_type(X):
        raise TypeError("Cannot convert this data type to a torch tensor.")

    if use_cuda:
        X = X.cuda()
    return X
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def append(self, task_def):
        if isinstance(task_def[2], Sequence):
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def has_output(self, output):
        if not isinstance(output, Sequence) or not self._unsubmitted_tasks:
            return False
        return any(x in self._all_output for x in output)
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def collect_input(script, input):
    # determine file extension
    if input is not None:
        if isinstance(input, (str, file_target)):
            ext = os.path.splitext(input)[-1]
        elif isinstance(input, Sequence) and len(input) > 0:
            ext = os.path.splitext(input[0])[-1]
            raise ValueError('Unknown input file for action pandoc')
        ext = '.md'

    input_file = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(mode='w+t', suffix=ext, delete=False).name
    with open(input_file, 'w') as tmp:
        if script is not None and script.strip():
            tmp.write(script.rstrip() + '\n\n')
        if isinstance(input, str):
                with open(input) as ifile:
                    tmp.write( + '\n\n')
            except  Exception as e:
                    raise ValueError(f'Failed to read input file {input}: {e}')
        elif isinstance(input, Sequence):
            for ifile in input:
                    with open(ifile) as itmp:
                        tmp.write( + '\n\n')
                except  Exception as e:
                        raise ValueError(f'Failed to read input file {ifile}: {e}')
    return input_file
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def match(self, target, step):
        # for sos_step, we need to match step name
        if isinstance(target, sos_step):
            return step.match(target.target_name())
        if not 'provides' in step.options:
            return False
        patterns = step.options['provides']
        if isinstance(patterns, (str, BaseTarget)):
            patterns = [patterns]
        elif not isinstance(patterns, Sequence):
            raise RuntimeError(f'Unknown target to match: {patterns}')
        for p in patterns:
            # other targets has to match exactly
            if isinstance(target, BaseTarget) or isinstance(p, BaseTarget):
                if target == p:
                    return {}
            # if this is a regular string
            res = extract_pattern(p, [target])
            if res and not any(None in x for x in res.values()):
                return {x:y[0] for x,y in res.items()}
            # string match
            elif file_target(p) == file_target(target):
                return True
        return False
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, *targets):
        super(remote, self).__init__()
        self.__unresolvable_object__ = True
        if len(targets) == 1:
            self._target = targets[0]
            # multi-item targets
            self._target = targets
        if isinstance(self._target, Sequence) and not isinstance(self._target, str):
            self.__flattenable__ = True
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_shared_dirs(self):
        value = self.config.get('shared', [])
        if isinstance(value, str):
            return [value]
        elif isinstance(value, Sequence):
            return value
            raise ValueError('Option shared can only be a string or a list of strings')
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _map_path(self, source):
        result = {}
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        if isinstance(source, (str, path)):
            dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(source))
            # we use samefile to avoid problems with case-insensitive file system #522
            # we also use the "cwd" name to avoid wrong case for cwd. For example,
            # if the cwd = '/Users/user/Project'
            # then, dest = '/USERS/USER/PROJECT/a.txt'
            # would be converted to '/Users/user/Project/a.txt' before path mapping
            if os.path.exists(dest[:len(cwd)]) and os.path.samefile(dest[:len(cwd)], cwd):
                dest = cwd + dest[len(cwd):]
            matched = [k for k in self.path_map.keys() if os.path.exists(dest[:len(k)]) and os.path.samefile(dest[:len(k)], k)]
            if matched:
                # pick the longest key that matches
                k = max(matched, key=len)
                dest = self.path_map[k] + dest[len(k):]
                    f'Path {source} is not under any specified paths of localhost and is mapped to {dest} on remote host.')
            result[source] = dest.replace('\\', '/')
        elif isinstance(source, (Sequence, set)):
            for src in source:
            env.logger.debug(f'Ignore unmappable source {source}')
            return {source: source}
        return result

    # Interface functions
项目:SoS    作者:vatlab    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _map_var(self, source):
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        if isinstance(source, str):
            dest = os.path.abspath(os.path.expanduser(source))
            # we use samefile to avoid problems with case-insensitive file system #522
            # we also use the "cwd" name to avoid wrong case for cwd. For example,
            # if the cwd = '/Users/user/Project'
            # then, dest = '/USERS/USER/PROJECT/a.txt'
            # would be converted to '/Users/user/Project/a.txt' before path mapping
            if os.path.exists(dest[:len(cwd)]) and os.path.samefile(dest[:len(cwd)], cwd):
                dest = cwd + dest[len(cwd):]
            matched = [k for k in self.path_map.keys() if os.path.exists(dest[:len(k)]) and os.path.samefile(dest[:len(k)], k)]
            if matched:
                # pick the longest key that matches
                k = max(matched, key=len)
                dest = self.path_map[k] + dest[len(k):]
                    f'Path {source} is not under any specified paths of localhost and is mapped to {dest} on remote host.')
            return dest.replace('\\', '/')
        elif isinstance(source, (Sequence, set)):
            ret = [self._map_var(x) for x in source]
            return [x for x in ret if x is not None]
            env.logger.debug(f'Ignore unmappable source {source}')
            return source
项目:python-pool-performance    作者:JohnStarich    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def map(self, work_func: FunctionType, inputs: Sequence) -> Sequence:
        raise NotImplementedError("{} does not implement map"
项目:yarl    作者:aio-libs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_str_query(self, *args, **kwargs):
        if kwargs:
            if len(args) > 0:
                raise ValueError("Either kwargs or single query parameter "
                                 "must be present")
            query = kwargs
        elif len(args) == 1:
            query = args[0]
            raise ValueError("Either kwargs or single query parameter "
                             "must be present")

        if query is None:
            query = ''
        elif isinstance(query, Mapping):
            quoter = partial(_quote, qs=True)
            lst = []
            for k, v in query.items():
                if isinstance(v, str):
                elif type(v) == int:  # no subclasses like bool
                    v = str(v)
                    raise TypeError("Invalid variable type: mapping value "
                                    "should be str or int, got {!r}".format(v))
                    quoter(k, safe='/?:@') + '=' + quoter(v, safe='/?:@'))
            query = '&'.join(lst)
        elif isinstance(query, str):
            query = _quote(query, safe='/?:@',
        elif isinstance(query, (bytes, bytearray, memoryview)):
            raise TypeError("Invalid query type: bytes, bytearray and "
                            "memoryview are forbidden")
        elif isinstance(query, Sequence):
            quoter = partial(_quote, qs=True, safe='/?:@')
            query = '&'.join(quoter(k) + '=' + quoter(v)
                             for k, v in query)
            raise TypeError("Invalid query type: only str, mapping or "
                            "sequence of (str, str) pairs is allowed")

        return query
项目:stellarmagnate    作者:abadger    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def sequence_of_type(_type, mutable, instance, attribute, value):
    Validate that a value is a Sequence containing a specific type.

    :arg _type: The type of the values inside of the sequence
    :arg mutable: selects whether a sequence can be mutable or not
        :mutable: only mutable sequences are allowed
        :immutable: only immutable sequences are allowed
        :both: both mutable and immutable sequences are allowed
    :arg instance: The instance of the attr.s class that is being created
    :arg attribute: The attribute of the attr.s class that is being set
    :arg value: The value the attribute is being set to

    This function will be used with the :meth:`attr.ib` validate parameter and
    :func:`functools.partial`.  Example::

        class CommodityData:
            type = attr.ib(validator=partial(enum_validator, CommodityType))
    if mutable == 'both':
        msg = 'a Sequence'
    elif mutable == 'mutable':
        msg = 'a MutableSequence'
    elif mutable == 'immutable':
        msg = 'an Immutable Sequence'
        raise ValueError('sequence_of_type was given an improper argument for mutable')

    if not isinstance(value, Sequence):
        raise ValueError('{} is not {}'.format(value, msg))

    if isinstance(value, MutableSequence):
        if mutable == 'immutable':
            raise ValueError('{} is not {}'.format(value, msg))
        if mutable == 'mutable':
            raise ValueError('{} is not {}'.format(value, msg))

    for entry in value:
        if not isinstance(entry, _type):
            raise ValueError('The Sequence element {} is not a {}'.format(value, _type))
项目:taf    作者:taf3    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __register_methods(self):
        """Register all Pypacker TG methods.

        def xmlrpc_wrap(func, *args, **kwargs):
            """Register all Pypacker TG methods.

                return func(*args, **kwargs)
                exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback = sys.exc_info()
                traceback_message = traceback.format_exception(exc_type, exc_value, exc_traceback)
                raise xmlrpc.Fault(500, traceback_message)

        def wrap_method(method):
            """Register all Pypacker TG methods.

            return lambda args, kwargs: xmlrpc_wrap(getattr(self.pypacker, method),
                                                    *pickle.loads(, **pickle.loads(

        def wrap_attibute(attr):
            """Register all Pypacker TG attributes.

            return lambda: getattr(self.pypacker, attr)

        # Get full list of pypacker attrs
        pypacker_attrs = (fn for fn in dir(self.pypacker) if not fn.startswith("_"))
        # Register attributes and methods
        for attr in pypacker_attrs:
            attr_instance = getattr(self.pypacker, attr)
            if isinstance(attr_instance, (str, int, Sequence, Mapping)):
                setattr(self, "xmlrpc_{0}".format(attr), wrap_attibute(attr))
                self.class_logger.debug("Registered Pypacker TG attribute %s", attr)
            elif callable(attr_instance):
                setattr(self, "xmlrpc_{0}".format(attr), wrap_method(attr))
                self.class_logger.debug("Registered Pypacker TG method %s", attr)

        # Need to wrap stop_sniff separately
        # because we have to perform additional procedures with sniffed data before sending.
        self.xmlrpc_stop_sniff = self.stop_sniff  # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
项目:stig    作者:rndusr    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, filters=''):
        if not isinstance(self.filterclass, type) or not issubclass(self.filterclass, Filter):
            raise RuntimeError('Attribute "filterclass" must be set to a Filter class, not {!r}'

        if isinstance(filters, str):  # Because str is also instance of abc.Sequence
        elif isinstance(filters, abc.Sequence) and all(isinstance(f, str) for f in filters):
            filters = '|'.join(filters)
        elif not isinstance(filters, str):
            raise TypeError('filters must be string or sequence of strings, not {}: {!r}'
                            .format(type(filters).__name__, filters))

        # self._filterchains is a tuple of tuples.  Each inner tuple combines
        # filters with AND.  The outer tuple combines the inner, AND-combined
        # tuples with OR.
        parts = tuple(part for part in self._op_regex.split(filters) if part is not '')
        if len(parts) < 1:
            self._filterchains = ()
            if parts[0] in '&|':
                raise ValueError('Filter can\'t start with operator: {!r}'.format(parts[0]))
            elif parts[-1] in '&|':
                raise ValueError('Filter can\'t end with operator: {!r}'.format(parts[-1]))

            filters = []
            ops = []
            expect = 'filter'
            nofilter = self.filterclass()
            for i,part in enumerate(parts):
                if expect is 'filter':
                    if part not in '&|':
                        f = self.filterclass(part)
                        if f == nofilter:
                            # part is something like 'all' or '*' - this
                            # disables all other filters
                            filters = []
                            ops = []
                            expect = 'operator'
                elif expect is 'operator':
                    if part in '&|':
                        expect = 'filter'
                raise ValueError('Consecutive operators: {!r}'.format(''.join(parts[i-2:i+2])))

            if filters:
                fchain = [[]]
                for filter,op in zip_longest(filters, ops):
                    if op is '|':
                self._filterchains = tuple(tuple(x) for x in fchain)
                self._filterchains = ()
项目:emitjson    作者:atsuoishimoto    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def repository():
    def _repogitory(obj):
        return obj

    def _register(cls, func=None):
        if func is None:
            return lambda f: _register(cls, f)

        if isinstance(func, type):
            if issubclass(func, ObjConverter):
                func = func(cls)

        if isinstance(func, ObjConverter):
            func.repogitory = _repogitory
            func =

        return _repogitory.org_register(cls, func)

    _repogitory.org_register = _repogitory.register
    _repogitory.register = _register

    def fromSQLAlchemyModel(model, attrs=None, ignores=None):
        names = [ for col in model.__table__.columns], model, names, attrs, ignores)

    _repogitory.fromSQLAlchemyModel = fromSQLAlchemyModel

    def fromDjangoModel(model, attrs, ignores):, model, _django_get_all_field_names(model),
                    attrs, ignores)

    _repogitory.fromDjangoModel = fromDjangoModel

    def raw(obj):
        return obj
    _repogitory.register(str, raw)

    def conv_seq(obj):
        return tuple(_repogitory(o) for o in obj)

    _repogitory.register(abc.Sequence, conv_seq)
    _repogitory.register(abc.Set, conv_seq)

    def conv_mapping(obj):
        return {_repogitory(k):_repogitory(v) for k, v in obj.items()}

    def conv_date(obj):
        return obj.isoformat()
    _repogitory.register(, conv_date)
    _repogitory.register(datetime.datetime, conv_date)

    return _repogitory