Python 模块,Coroutine() 实例源码


项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch(patch_inspect=True):
    Main entry point for patching the ```` and ``inspect``
    standard library modules.
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Generator = Generator
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Coroutine = Coroutine
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Awaitable = Awaitable

    if patch_inspect:
        import inspect
        PATCHED['inspect.isawaitable'] = inspect.isawaitable = isawaitable
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch(patch_inspect=True):
    Main entry point for patching the ```` and ``inspect``
    standard library modules.
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Generator = Generator
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Coroutine = Coroutine
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Awaitable = Awaitable

    if patch_inspect:
        import inspect
        PATCHED['inspect.isawaitable'] = inspect.isawaitable = isawaitable
项目:My-Web-Server-Framework-With-Python2.7    作者:syjsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch(patch_inspect=True):
    Main entry point for patching the ```` and ``inspect``
    standard library modules.
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Generator = Generator
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Coroutine = Coroutine
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Awaitable = Awaitable

    if patch_inspect:
        import inspect
        PATCHED['inspect.isawaitable'] = inspect.isawaitable = isawaitable
项目:teleport    作者:eomsoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch(patch_inspect=True):
    Main entry point for patching the ```` and ``inspect``
    standard library modules.
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Generator = Generator
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Coroutine = Coroutine
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Awaitable = Awaitable

    if patch_inspect:
        import inspect
        PATCHED['inspect.isawaitable'] = inspect.isawaitable = isawaitable
项目:TornadoWeb    作者:VxCoder    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def patch(patch_inspect=True):
    Main entry point for patching the ```` and ``inspect``
    standard library modules.
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Generator = Generator
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Coroutine = Coroutine
    PATCHED[''] = _collections_abc.Awaitable = Awaitable

    if patch_inspect:
        import inspect
        PATCHED['inspect.isawaitable'] = inspect.isawaitable = isawaitable
项目:saltyrtc-server-python    作者:saltyrtc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def register(self, event: Event, handler: Coroutine):[event].append(handler)
项目:saltyrtc-server-python    作者:saltyrtc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_callbacks(self, event: Event) -> List[Coroutine]:
项目:saltyrtc-server-python    作者:saltyrtc    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def register_event_callback(self, event: Event, callback: Coroutine):
        Register a new event callback.
        self._events.register(event, callback)
项目:asyncio_extras    作者:agronholm    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def async_generator(func: Callable[..., Coroutine]) -> Callable[..., AsyncIterator]:
    warn('This function has been deprecated in favor of async_generator.async_generator',
    return async_generator_(func)
项目:python-    作者:secondtonone1    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mk_coroutine():
    from abc import abstractmethod

    class Coroutine(Awaitable):
        __slots__ = ()

        def send(self, value):
            """Send a value into the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            raise StopIteration

        def throw(self, typ, val=None, tb=None):
            """Raise an exception in the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            if val is None:
                if tb is None:
                    raise typ
                val = typ()
            if tb is not None:
                val = val.with_traceback(tb)
            raise val

        def close(self):
            """Raise GeneratorExit inside coroutine.
            except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration):
                raise RuntimeError('coroutine ignored GeneratorExit')

        def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
            if cls is Coroutine:
                mro = C.__mro__
                for method in ('__await__', 'send', 'throw', 'close'):
                    for base in mro:
                        if method in base.__dict__:
                        return NotImplemented
                return True
            return NotImplemented

    return Coroutine

#  make all ABCs available in this module
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mk_coroutine():
    from abc import abstractmethod

    class Coroutine(Awaitable):
        __slots__ = ()

        def send(self, value):
            """Send a value into the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            raise StopIteration

        def throw(self, typ, val=None, tb=None):
            """Raise an exception in the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            if val is None:
                if tb is None:
                    raise typ
                val = typ()
            if tb is not None:
                val = val.with_traceback(tb)
            raise val

        def close(self):
            """Raise GeneratorExit inside coroutine.
            except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration):
                raise RuntimeError('coroutine ignored GeneratorExit')

        def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
            if cls is Coroutine:
                mro = C.__mro__
                for method in ('__await__', 'send', 'throw', 'close'):
                    for base in mro:
                        if method in base.__dict__:
                        return NotImplemented
                return True
            return NotImplemented

    return Coroutine

#  make all ABCs available in this module
项目:noc-orchestrator    作者:DirceuSilvaLabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mk_coroutine():
    from abc import abstractmethod

    class Coroutine(Awaitable):
        __slots__ = ()

        def send(self, value):
            """Send a value into the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            raise StopIteration

        def throw(self, typ, val=None, tb=None):
            """Raise an exception in the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            if val is None:
                if tb is None:
                    raise typ
                val = typ()
            if tb is not None:
                val = val.with_traceback(tb)
            raise val

        def close(self):
            """Raise GeneratorExit inside coroutine.
            except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration):
                raise RuntimeError('coroutine ignored GeneratorExit')

        def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
            if cls is Coroutine:
                mro = C.__mro__
                for method in ('__await__', 'send', 'throw', 'close'):
                    for base in mro:
                        if method in base.__dict__:
                        return NotImplemented
                return True
            return NotImplemented

    return Coroutine

#  make all ABCs available in this module
项目:ivaochdoc    作者:ivaoch    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:news-for-good    作者:thecodinghub    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:Tencent_Cartoon_Download    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:fieldsight-kobocat    作者:awemulya    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:My-Web-Server-Framework-With-Python2.7    作者:syjsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mk_coroutine():
    from abc import abstractmethod

    class Coroutine(Awaitable):
        __slots__ = ()

        def send(self, value):
            """Send a value into the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            raise StopIteration

        def throw(self, typ, val=None, tb=None):
            """Raise an exception in the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            if val is None:
                if tb is None:
                    raise typ
                val = typ()
            if tb is not None:
                val = val.with_traceback(tb)
            raise val

        def close(self):
            """Raise GeneratorExit inside coroutine.
            except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration):
                raise RuntimeError('coroutine ignored GeneratorExit')

        def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
            if cls is Coroutine:
                mro = C.__mro__
                for method in ('__await__', 'send', 'throw', 'close'):
                    for base in mro:
                        if method in base.__dict__:
                        return NotImplemented
                return True
            return NotImplemented

    return Coroutine

#  make all ABCs available in this module
项目:CloudPrint    作者:William-An    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:gardenbot    作者:GoestaO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:projeto    作者:BarmyPenguin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:flask-zhenai-mongo-echarts    作者:Fretice    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:teleport    作者:eomsoft    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mk_coroutine():
    from abc import abstractmethod

    class Coroutine(Awaitable):
        __slots__ = ()

        def send(self, value):
            """Send a value into the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            raise StopIteration

        def throw(self, typ, val=None, tb=None):
            """Raise an exception in the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            if val is None:
                if tb is None:
                    raise typ
                val = typ()
            if tb is not None:
                val = val.with_traceback(tb)
            raise val

        def close(self):
            """Raise GeneratorExit inside coroutine.
            except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration):
                raise RuntimeError('coroutine ignored GeneratorExit')

        def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
            if cls is Coroutine:
                mro = C.__mro__
                for method in ('__await__', 'send', 'throw', 'close'):
                    for base in mro:
                        if method in base.__dict__:
                        return NotImplemented
                return True
            return NotImplemented

    return Coroutine

#  make all ABCs available in this module
项目:aweasome_learning    作者:Knight-ZXW    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:TornadoWeb    作者:VxCoder    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mk_coroutine():
    from abc import abstractmethod

    class Coroutine(Awaitable):
        __slots__ = ()

        def send(self, value):
            """Send a value into the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            raise StopIteration

        def throw(self, typ, val=None, tb=None):
            """Raise an exception in the coroutine.
            Return next yielded value or raise StopIteration.
            if val is None:
                if tb is None:
                    raise typ
                val = typ()
            if tb is not None:
                val = val.with_traceback(tb)
            raise val

        def close(self):
            """Raise GeneratorExit inside coroutine.
            except (GeneratorExit, StopIteration):
                raise RuntimeError('coroutine ignored GeneratorExit')

        def __subclasshook__(cls, C):
            if cls is Coroutine:
                mro = C.__mro__
                for method in ('__await__', 'send', 'throw', 'close'):
                    for base in mro:
                        if method in base.__dict__:
                        return NotImplemented
                return True
            return NotImplemented

    return Coroutine

#  make all ABCs available in this module
项目:blog_flask    作者:momantai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped
项目:MyFriend-Rob    作者:lcheniv    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def coroutine(func):
    """Convert regular generator function to a coroutine."""

    if not callable(func):
        raise TypeError('types.coroutine() expects a callable')

    if (func.__class__ is FunctionType and
        getattr(func, '__code__', None).__class__ is CodeType):

        co_flags = func.__code__.co_flags

        # Check if 'func' is a coroutine function.
        if co_flags & 0x180:
            return func

        # Check if 'func' is a generator function.
        # (0x20 == CO_GENERATOR)
        if co_flags & 0x20:
            # TODO: Implement this in C.
            co = func.__code__
            func.__code__ = CodeType(
                co.co_argcount, co.co_kwonlyargcount, co.co_nlocals,
                co.co_flags | 0x100,  # 0x100 == CO_ITERABLE_COROUTINE
                co.co_consts, co.co_names, co.co_varnames, co.co_filename,
                co.co_name, co.co_firstlineno, co.co_lnotab, co.co_freevars,
            return func

    # The following code is primarily to support functions that
    # return generator-like objects (for instance generators
    # compiled with Cython).

    def wrapped(*args, **kwargs):
        coro = func(*args, **kwargs)
        if (coro.__class__ is CoroutineType or
            coro.__class__ is GeneratorType and coro.gi_code.co_flags & 0x100):
            # 'coro' is a native coroutine object or an iterable coroutine
            return coro
        if (isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Generator) and
            not isinstance(coro, _collections_abc.Coroutine)):
            # 'coro' is either a pure Python generator iterator, or it
            # implements (and does not implement
            return _GeneratorWrapper(coro)
        # 'coro' is either an instance of or
        # some other object -- pass it through.
        return coro

    return wrapped