def read_chat_history(): choice = select_a_friend() if choice is not None: print (Fore.BLUE + "Messages sent are shown in blue color \n" + Fore.GREEN + " Received Messages and Read Messages are shown in green color:"+Fore.RESET) chats = friends[choice].chats for chat in chats: if chat.sent_by_me: print (Fore.RED + str(chat['time']) + " " + Fore.BLUE + friends[choice]['name'] + " " + Fore.RESET + chat['message']) else: print (Fore.RED + str(chat['time']) + " " + Fore.GREEN + friends[choice]['name'] + " " + Fore.RESET + chat['message']) else: print "Wrong choice"
def option(question, options, default=1): print(question) options = list(options) for idx, element in enumerate(options): print("{}) {}".format(idx+1,element)) while True: i = input("{Style.BRIGHT}{Fore.BLUE}:: {Fore.RESET}Please pick[{}]: {Style.RESET_ALL}".format(default, Style=Style, Fore=Fore)) try: if i == "": i = default else: i = int(i) if 0 < i <= len(options): return options[i-1] except: pass return None
def play(data): if len(data) == 0: print(Fore.BLUE + "Song name doesn't exist. (play '"'song name'"') " + Fore.RESET) else: wanted = data find = os.popen("ls | grep -i " + '"' + wanted + '"') music = str(find.readline()) if not music: os.system("instantmusic -s " + wanted + " 2> /dev/null") find = os.popen("ls -tc --hide='__*' --hide='*.py'") music = str(find.readline()).replace("\n", "") os.system("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP= DESKTOP_SESSION= xdg-open " + music.replace(" ", "\ ").replace(" (", " \("). replace(")", "\)") + " 2> /dev/null") else: os.system("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP= DESKTOP_SESSION= xdg-open " + music.replace(" ", "\ ").replace(" (", " \("). replace(")", "\)") + " 2> /dev/null")
def live_score(desc): mid = match_id(desc) data = c.livescore(mid) score = {} score['matchinfo'] = "{}, {}".format(data['matchinfo']['mnum'], data['matchinfo']['mchdesc']) score['status'] = "{}, {}".format(data['matchinfo']['mchstate'].title(), data['matchinfo']['status']) score['bowling'] = data['bowling'] score['batting'] = data['batting'] text = '' text += Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + score['matchinfo'] + '\n' + score['status'] + '\n\n' text += Fore.BLUE + score['batting']['team'] + '\n' + Fore.BLACK for scr in reversed(score['batting']['score']): text += "{} :- {}/{} in {} overs\n".format(scr['desc'], scr['runs'], scr['wickets'], scr['overs']) for b in reversed(score['batting']['batsman']): text += "{} : {}({}) \n".format(b['name'].strip('*'), b['runs'], b['balls']) text += Fore.BLUE + "\n" + score['bowling']['team'] + '\n' + Fore.BLACK for scr in reversed(score['bowling']['score']): text += "{} :- {}/{} in {} overs\n".format(scr['desc'], scr['runs'], scr['wickets'], scr['overs']) for b in reversed(score['bowling']['bowler']): text += "{} : {}/{} \n".format(b['name'].strip('*'), b['wickets'], b['runs']) text += Fore.RESET return text
def main(self, s): # Trims input s to be just the city/region name s = s.replace('time ', '').replace('in ', '') # Transforms a city name into coordinates using Google Maps API loc = getLocation(s) # Gets current date and time using TimeZoneDB API send_url = ( "http://api.timezonedb.com/v2/get-time-zone?" "key=BFA6XBCZ8AL5&format=json" "&by=position&lat={:.6f}&lng={:.6f}".format(*loc) ) r = requests.get(send_url) j = json.loads(r.text) time = j['formatted'] self.dst = j['dst'] # Prints current date and time as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS print(Fore.MAGENTA + "The current date and time in " + str(s).title() + " is: " + str(time) + Fore.RESET)
def main(city=0): if not city: city = getLocation()['city'] send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?q={0}&cnt=1" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=metric".format(city) ) r = requests.get(send_url) j = json.loads(r.text) rain = j['list'][0]['weather'][0]['id'] if rain >= 300 and rain <= 500: # In case of drizzle or light rain print(Fore.CYAN + "It appears that you might need an umbrella today." + Fore.RESET) elif rain > 700: print(Fore.CYAN + "Good news! You can leave your umbrella at home for today!" + Fore.RESET) else: print(Fore.CYAN + "Uhh, bad luck! If you go outside, take your umbrella with you." + Fore.RESET)
def watch(self, raw_args): def tail(_file): _file.seek(0, 2) # Go to the end of the file while True: line = _file.readline() if not line: time.sleep(0.1) continue yield line _file = open(_log_path, 'r') print (Fore.GREEN + '[bitmask] ' + Fore.RESET + 'Watching log file %s' % _log_path) for line in _file.readlines(): print line, for line in tail(_file): print line,
def get_test_report(self): """ Returns a formatted report which contains information about all tests """ def _short_err_msg(msg): if len(msg) > 100: msg = "{}...".format(msg[:100]) msg = msg.replace("\n", " ") return msg def _make_report_entry(test): color = self._color_from_status(test.status) err_msg = '({})'.format(_short_err_msg(test.error_message)) if \ test.error_message else '' elapsed = ' ({})'.format(test.elapsed_time) if \ test.elapsed_time else '' return '{} {} {}{}{} {}{}'.format( test.pipeline, test.name, color, test.status.upper(), elapsed, err_msg, Fore.RESET) results = sorted(self._results, key=attrgetter('pipeline')) entries = (_make_report_entry(t) for t in results) return center_text_message('TESTS SUMMARY') + '\n' + '\n'.join(entries)
def tick(game, template, is_json, no_color): if not game: raise click.BadParameter('Missing required parameter "game"') matches = download_history(game) if is_json: click.echo(json.dumps(list(matches), indent=2, sort_keys=True)) return template = template if template else DEFAULT_TEMPLATE_RECAP template = Template(template) for m in matches: if no_color or not COLOR_ENABLED: # if color is disabled just stdout print_match(m, template) continue if m['t1_score'] > m['t2_score']: m['t1'] = Fore.GREEN + m['t1'] + Fore.RESET m['t2'] = Fore.RED + m['t2'] + Fore.RESET else: m['t2'] = Fore.GREEN + m['t2'] + Fore.RESET m['t1'] = Fore.RED + m['t1'] + Fore.RESET print_match(m, template)
def createEntry(name, pdf_path, comment, bibtex): bib = ''.join(bibtex) #Todo Catch exceptions try: db = bibtexparser.loads(bib) if db.entries: parsedBib = db.entries[0] else: print(_F.RED, 'No citation for ', name, _F.RESET, sep='') parsedBib = None except Exception as e: print('EX :', e.__class__.__name__) print(e) parsedBib = None comment, tag_list, priority = parseComment(comment) return Entry(name, parsedBib, tag_list, priority, None, url=pdf_path, comment=comment)
def fetch_missing_ids(self): #Twitternames wihout known id's swoid = [s.name for s in self.sources if s.id_str == None] if len(swoid) == 0: return user_lookups = self.api.lookup_users(screen_names=swoid) # print('user_lookups response:\n{}'.format(user_lookups)) user_ids = dict([(u.screen_name, u.id_str) for u in user_lookups]) for k,v in user_ids.items(): sdb_id = [s.id for s in self.sources if s.name == k.lower()] loggit('\nSource Id: {}'.format(sdb_id)) sdb = Source.query.get(sdb_id) sdb.id_str = v loggit('\nUpdated: {} with twitter_id: {}{}{}'.format(k, Fore.GREEN, v, Fore.RESET).encode("utf8")) #Store to DB db.flush() #update twitter_user_ids array # Refresh id's and screen_names globally db.expire_all() self.sources = Source.query.all() global twitter_user_ids global twitter_screen_names twitter_user_ids = [s.id_str for s in self.sources if s.id_str != None] twitter_screen_names = [s.name.lower() for s in self.sources if s.id_str != None]
def command(self, command, value=None): func_str = 'GoProHero.command({}, {})'.format(command, value) if command in self.commandMaxtrix: args = self.commandMaxtrix[command] # accept both None and '' for commands without a value if value == '': value = None # for commands with values, translate the value if value is not None and value in args['translate']: value = args['translate'][value] # build the final url url = self._commandURL(args['cmd'], value) # attempt to contact the camera try: urlopen(url, timeout=self.timeout).read() logging.info('{} - http success!'.format(func_str)) return True except (HTTPError, URLError, socket.timeout) as e: logging.warning('{}{} - error opening {}: {}{}'.format( Fore.YELLOW, func_str, url, e, Fore.RESET)) # catchall return statement return False
def trains(self): for raw_train in self.available_trains: raw_train = raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO'] train_no = raw_train['station_train_code'] initial = train_no[0].lower() if not self.options or initial in self.options: train = [ train_no, '\n'.join([Fore.GREEN + raw_train['from_station_name'] + Fore.RESET, Fore.RED + raw_train['to_station_name'] + Fore.RESET]), '\n'.join([Fore.GREEN + raw_train['start_time'] + Fore.RESET, Fore.RED + raw_train['arrive_time'] + Fore.RESET]), self._get_duration(raw_train), raw_train['zy_num'], raw_train['ze_num'], raw_train['rw_num'], raw_train['yw_num'], raw_train['yz_num'], raw_train['wz_num'], ] yield train
def Brute_Thread(ip,username,passwd): ssh=paramiko.SSHClient() ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) global n,flag,flag1 n=n+1 try: ssh.connect(ip,username=username,password=passwd) except paramiko.AuthenticationException: print Fore.RED+"[-]Username: %s\tPassword: %s failed."%(username,passwd) + Fore.RESET else: print Fore.GREEN+"\n********************************************************" print "[#]Username: %s\tPassword: %s Found........!!!"%(username,passwd) print "********************************************************"+Fore.RESET flag=1 flag1=1 print Fore.RED+"\nFound correct password after %s attempts..." %n +Fore.RESET return ssh.close() return
def ready_Dict(ip,username,filename): global flag,n f=open(filename,"r") st=f.read() wordlist=st.split('\n') for i in wordlist: if flag==0: t=threading.Thread(Brute_Thread(ip,username,i)) t.start() elif flag==1: flag=0 break if flag==1: print Fore.RED+"\nFinished wordlist...%s words checked...password not found!!!" % n+Fore.RESET n=0 f.close()
def log(self, prefix, text, line=False): now = datetime.now() message = "" if prefix == '?': c = Fore.CYAN elif prefix == '+': c = Fore.GREEN elif prefix == '-': c = Fore.RED elif prefix == '!': c = Fore.YELLOW c = Style.BRIGHT + c e = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET if line: print c+"["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"]["+prefix+"] "+text+e else : print "["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"]["+c+prefix+e+"] "+text
def log(prefix, text, line=False): now = datetime.now() message = "" if prefix == '?': c = Fore.CYAN elif prefix == '+': c = Fore.GREEN elif prefix == '-': c = Fore.RED elif prefix == '!': c = Fore.YELLOW c = Style.BRIGHT + c e = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET if line: print c+"["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+prefix+"] "+text+e else : print "["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+c+prefix+e+"] "+text
def compare_minion(self, test_case, minion): actual_result = test_case.extract_actual_result() if minion in actual_result: if self._compare_type(test_case.expected_result, actual_result[minion]): if test_case.operator == '=': compare = self.comp(test_case.expected_result, actual_result[minion]) elif test_case.operator == '<': compare = test_case.expected_result < actual_result[minion] elif test_case.operator == '>': compare = test_case.expected_result > actual_result[minion] elif test_case.operator == 'not': compare = test_case.expected_result != actual_result[minion] else: self.test_report_logger.warning('%s%s: Result type mismatch ---------%s', Fore.RED, test_case.name, Fore.RESET) compare = False result = actual_result[minion] else: compare = False result = None return EvaluationResult(minion, result, compare)
def create_playlist_m3u(self, tracks): args = self.args ripper = self.ripper name = self.get_playlist_name() if name is not None and args.playlist_m3u: name = sanitize_playlist_name(to_ascii(name)) _base_dir = base_dir() playlist_path = to_ascii( os.path.join(_base_dir, name + '.m3u')) print(Fore.GREEN + "Creating playlist m3u file " + playlist_path + Fore.RESET) encoding = "ascii" if args.ascii else "utf-8" with codecs.open(enc_str(playlist_path), 'w', encoding) as playlist: for idx, track in enumerate(tracks): track.load() if track.is_local: continue _file = ripper.format_track_path(idx, track) if path_exists(_file): playlist.write(os.path.relpath(_file, _base_dir) + "\n")
def clean_up_partial(self): ripper = self.ripper if ripper.audio_file is not None and path_exists(ripper.audio_file): print(Fore.YELLOW + "Deleting partially ripped file" + Fore.RESET) rm_file(ripper.audio_file) # check for any extra pcm or wav files def delete_extra_file(ext): audio_file = change_file_extension(ripper.audio_file, ext) if path_exists(audio_file): rm_file(audio_file) if self.args.plus_wav: delete_extra_file("wav") if self.args.plus_pcm: delete_extra_file("pcm")
def queue_remove_from_playlist(self, idx): ripper = self.ripper if self.args.remove_from_playlist: if ripper.current_playlist: if ripper.current_playlist.owner.canonical_name == \ ripper.session.user.canonical_name: self.tracks_to_remove.append(idx) else: print(Fore.RED + "This track will not be removed from playlist " + ripper.current_playlist.name + " since " + ripper.session.user.canonical_name + " is not the playlist owner..." + Fore.RESET) else: print(Fore.RED + "No playlist specified to remove this track from. " + "Did you use '-r' without a playlist link?" + Fore.RESET)
def walker(node, source_lines, indent=''): """Recursively visit the ast in a preorder traversal.""" node_name = str(node)[0:str(node).index('(')] value = None if hasattr(node, 'value'): if '(' in str(node.value): value = str(node.value)[0:str(node.value).index('(')] else: value = node.value name = node.name if hasattr(node, 'name') else None print('{}{} {} (name: {}, value: {})'.format( indent, CHAR_TUBE, node_name, name, value)) lines = [line for line in node.as_string().split('\n')] for line in lines: print(indent + FILL + '>>>' + Fore.BLUE + line + Fore.RESET) for child in node.get_children(): walker(child, source_lines, indent + FILL + CHAR_PIPE)
def trains(self): for raw_train in self.available_trains: raw_train_list = raw_train.split('|') train_no = raw_train_list[3] initial = train_no[0].lower() duration = raw_train_list[10] if initial in self.options: train = [ train_no, '\n'.join([Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.available_place[raw_train_list[6]] + Fore.RESET, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + self.available_place[raw_train_list[7]] + Fore.RESET]), '\n'.join([Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + raw_train_list[8] + Fore.RESET, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + raw_train_list[9] + Fore.RESET]), duration, raw_train_list[-4] if raw_train_list[-4] else '--', raw_train_list[-5] if raw_train_list[-5] else '--', raw_train_list[-14] if raw_train_list[-14] else '--', raw_train_list[-12] if raw_train_list[-12] else '--', raw_train_list[-7] if raw_train_list[-7] else '--', raw_train_list[-6] if raw_train_list[-6] else '--', raw_train_list[-9] if raw_train_list[-9] else '--', ] yield train
def trains(self): for raw_train in self.available_trains: train_no = raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['station_train_code'] initial = train_no[0].lower() if not self.options or initial in self.options: train = [ train_no, '\n'.join([Fore.GREEN + raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['from_station_name'] + Fore.RESET, Fore.RED + raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['to_station_name'] + Fore.RESET]), '\n'.join([Fore.GREEN + raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['start_time'] + Fore.RESET, Fore.RED + raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['arrive_time'] + Fore.RESET]), self._get_duration(raw_train), raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['zy_num'], raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['ze_num'], raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['rw_num'], raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['yw_num'], raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['yz_num'], raw_train['queryLeftNewDTO']['wz_num'], ] yield train
def yes_no(question, default="yes"): """Ask a yes/no question via input() and return their answer. "question" is a string that is presented to the user. "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>. It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning an answer is required of the user). The "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no". """ valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} if default is None: prompt = " [y/n] " elif default == "yes": prompt = " [Y/n] " elif default == "no": prompt = " [y/N] " else: raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default) while True: sys.stdout.write(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + ":: " + Fore.RESET + question + prompt + Style.NORMAL) choice = input().lower() if default is not None and choice == '': return valid[default] elif choice in valid: return valid[choice] else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' " "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")
def printIt( p, sha, type, repo, branch, login, message, filler): #clean up comments that have \n in them message = message.replace("\n"," ") #print Fore.RED+sha[:SHACOLW].ljust(SHACOLW," ")+Fore.RESET,type[:EVENTCOLW].ljust(EVENTCOLW,filler),repo[:DFLTCOLW].ljust(DFLTCOLW,filler),branch[:BRANCHCOLW].ljust(BRANCHCOLW,filler),Fore.BLUE+login.ljust(DFLTCOLW," ")+Fore.RESET,message.ljust(MSGCOLW," ") line = Fore.RED+sha[:SHACOLW].ljust(SHACOLW," ")+Fore.RESET line += " " + type[:EVENTCOLW].ljust(EVENTCOLW,filler) line += " " + repo[:DFLTCOLW].ljust(DFLTCOLW,filler) line += " " + branch[:BRANCHCOLW].ljust(BRANCHCOLW,filler) line += " " + Fore.BLUE+login.ljust(DFLTCOLW," ")+Fore.RESET line += " " + message.ljust(MSGCOLW," ") line += "\n" try: p.stdin.write(line) except: # Stop loop on "Invalid pipe" or "Invalid argument". # No sense in continuing with broken pipe. exit(1) return #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #process arguments
def print_to_stdout(level, str_out): """ The default debug function """ if level == NOTICE: col = Fore.GREEN elif level == WARNING: col = Fore.RED else: col = Fore.YELLOW if not is_py3: str_out = str_out.encode(encoding, 'replace') print(col + str_out + Fore.RESET) # debug_function = print_to_stdout
def print_to_stdout(color, str_out): """ The default debug function that prints to standard out. :param str color: A string that is an attribute of ``colorama.Fore``. """ col = getattr(Fore, color) _lazy_colorama_init() if not is_py3: str_out = str_out.encode(encoding, 'replace') print(col + str_out + Fore.RESET) # debug_function = print_to_stdout
def copyright(): copyright = """ =[ {0}smali-code-injector v1.1-dev{1} ] + -- --=[ Alexandre Teyar @Ares ] + -- --=[ Pentester at Ambersail Ltd. ] + -- --=[ GitHub: https://github.com/AresS31 ] """.format(Fore.YELLOW, Fore.RESET) print("{}".format(copyright))
def load_plugins(self): logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if not os.path.isdir(plugin_dir): return possible_plugins = os.listdir(plugin_dir) for filename in possible_plugins: if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(plugin_dir, filename)): continue split = filename.split('.') if not (len(split) > 1 and split[-1] == "py"): continue name = "".join(split[:-1]) module_info = imp.find_module(name, [plugin_dir]) try: module = imp.load_module(name, *module_info) dir_list = dir(module) if ("get_label" in dir_list) and ("run_command" in dir_list): self.plugins.append(module) else: logger.error(Fore.RED + "'%s' is not a valid plugin!" + Fore.RESET, filename) except Exception as e: logger.error(Fore.RED + "%s error while loading plugin '%s': \n %s" + Fore.RESET, type(e).__name__, filename, e) finally: module_info[0].close() # Return a list of loaded plugins
def print_major_alarms(mj): """ Args: mj (int): Counts of major alarms Returns: str: Colorized information by using colorama """ if mj > 0: return Back.RED + Fore.WHITE + str(mj) + Fore.RESET + Back.RESET else: return Fore.GREEN + str(mj) + Fore.RESET
def print_minor_alarms(mn): """ Args: mn (int): Counts of minor alarms Returns: str: Colorized information by using colorama """ if mn > 0: return Fore.RED + str(mn) + Fore.RESET else: return Fore.GREEN + str(mn) + Fore.RESET
def print_warnings(wn): """ Args: wn (int): Counts of warnings Returns: str: Colorized information by using colorama """ if wn > 0: return Fore.YELLOW + str(wn) + Fore.RESET else: return Fore.GREEN + str(wn) + Fore.RESET
def run(self): try: arp_header = struct.unpack('!2s2s1s1s2s6s4s6s4s', self.arpdata[14:42]) if hexlify(arp_header[4]) == "0002" and hexlify(arp_header[5]) != self.GW_MAC.replace(":","") and socket.inet_ntoa(arp_header[6]) == self.GW_IP: try: if hexlify(arp_header[5]) not in Attacker: Attacker.append(hexlify(arp_header[5])) print "="*50 print foreground.RED + "ARP Poison Detected" + foreground.RESET print "="*50 print "******************_ARP_HEADER_******************" print "Hardware Type: ", hexlify(arp_header[0]) print "Protocol Type: ", hexlify(arp_header[1]) print "Hardware Size: ", hexlify(arp_header[2]) print "Protocol Size: ", hexlify(arp_header[3]) print "Opcode: ", opcodes[hexlify(arp_header[4])] print "Attacker's MAC : ", foreground.RED + hexlify(arp_header[5]) + foreground.RESET print "Source IP : ", socket.inet_ntoa(arp_header[6]) print "Destination MAC : ", hexlify(arp_header[7]) print "Destination IP : ", socket.inet_ntoa(arp_header[8]) else: pass except: pass except: pass
def success(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self._log(SUCCESS, BEERS_EMOJI + ' ' + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + msg + Fore.RESET, args, **kwargs)
def addition(self, msg, *args, **kwargs): self._log(ADDITION, BEERS_EMOJI + ' ' + Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + msg + Fore.RESET, args, **kwargs)
def do_match(self, s): """Matches patterns in a string by using regex.""" if six.PY2: file_name = raw_input(Fore.RED + "Enter file name?:\n" + Fore.RESET) pattern = raw_input(Fore.GREEN + "Enter string:\n" + Fore.RESET) else: file_name = input(Fore.RED + "Enter file name?:\n" + Fore.RESET) pattern = input(Fore.GREEN + "Enter string:\n" + Fore.RESET) file_name = file_name.strip() if file_name == "": print("Invalid Filename") else: system("grep '" + pattern + "' " + file_name)
def do_movies(self, s): """Jarvis will find a good movie for you.""" if six.PY2: movie_name = raw_input( Fore.RED + "What do you want to watch?\n" + Fore.RESET) else: movie_name = input( Fore.RED + "What do you want to watch?\n" + Fore.RESET) system("ims " + movie_name)
def postcmd(self, stop, line): """Hook that executes after every command.""" if self.first_reaction: self.prompt = ( Fore.RED + "{} What can i do for you?\n".format(PROMPT_CHAR) + Fore.RESET ) self.first_reaction = False if self.enable_voice: self.speech.text_to_speech("What can i do for you?\n")
def test_calc(self): # Test a basic calculation calc("2 powER 7 PLUS (6.7 Minus 3) diVided BY 0.45 bY 3", self.jarvis) sys.stdout.seek(0) output = sys.stdout.read().strip() result = Fore.BLUE + str(2 ** 7 + (6.7 - 3) / 0.45 / 3) + Fore.RESET self.assertEqual(output, result) # And now for something a little more _complex_ sys.stdout = StringIO() calc("(1 pluS 9.1j)^3.14129 mINUS 2.712", self.jarvis) sys.stdout.seek(0) output = sys.stdout.read().strip() result = Fore.BLUE + str((1 + 9.1j)**3.14129 - 2.712) + Fore.RESET self.assertEqual(output, result)
def read_file(name, default=None): if os.path.exists(name): try: with open(name, "r+") as f: return json.load(f) except ValueError: print( Fore.RED + "Storage file not in right format. Backup stored as {0}.bak".format(name) + Fore.RESET) os.rename(name, name + ".bak") return default
def print_after(path): print(Fore.LIGHTBLUE_EX + "\nFolders after cleaning\n" + Fore.RESET) for files in os.listdir(path): print(files, sep=',\t') print(Fore.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX + "\nCLEANED\n" + Fore.RESET)
def commentary(desc): mid = match_id(desc) data = c.commentary(mid) comm = {} comm['matchinfo'] = "{}, {}".format(data['matchinfo']['mnum'], data['matchinfo']['mchdesc']) comm['status'] = "{}, {}".format(data['matchinfo']['mchstate'].title(), data['matchinfo']['status']) comm['commentary'] = data['commentary'] text = '' text += Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + comm['matchinfo'] + '\n' + comm['status'] + '\n\n' + Fore.RESET for com in comm['commentary']: text += "{}\n\n".format(com) return text
def locate_me(): hcity = get_location()['city'] print(Fore.BLUE + "You are at " + hcity + Fore.RESET)
def weather(city=None): if not city: city = get_location()['city'] # Checks country country = get_location()['country_name'] # If country is US, shows weather in Fahrenheit if country == 'United States': send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={0}" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=imperial".format( city) ) unit = ' ºF in ' # If country is not US, shows weather in Celsius else: send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={0}" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=metric".format( city) ) unit = ' ºC in ' r = requests.get(send_url) j = json.loads(r.text) # check if the city entered is not found if 'message' in j and j['message'] == 'city not found': print(Fore.BLUE + "City Not Found" + Fore.RESET) return False else: temperature = j['main']['temp'] description = j['weather'][0]['main'] print(Fore.BLUE + "It's " + str(temperature) + unit + str(city) + " (" + str(description) + ")" + Fore.RESET) return True
def search_near(things, city=0): if city: print(Fore.GREEN + "Hold on!, I'll show " + things + " near " + city + Fore.RESET) url = "https://www.google.com/maps/search/{0}+{1}".format(things, city) else: print(Fore.GREEN + "Hold on!, I'll show " + things + " near you" + Fore.RESET) url = "https://www.google.com/maps/search/{0}/@{1},{2}".format( things, get_location()['latitude'], get_location()['longitude']) webbrowser.open(url)
def main(self, s): # Trim input command to get only the location loc = s.replace('weather', '').replace('in ', '').strip() # Checks country country = mapps.get_location()['country_name'] # If country is US, shows weather in Fahrenheit if country == 'United States': send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={0}" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=imperial".format( loc) ) unit = ' ºF in ' # If country is not US, shows weather in Celsius else: send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={0}" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=metric".format(loc) ) unit = ' ºC in ' r = requests.get(send_url) j = json.loads(r.text) if 'message' in list(j.keys()) and ('city not found' in j['message'] or 'Nothing to geocode' in j['message']): return pinpoint.main(Memory(), self, s) temperature = j['main']['temp'] description = j['weather'][0]['main'] location = j['name'] print(Fore.BLUE + "It's " + str(temperature) + unit + str(location.title()) + " (" + str(description) + ")" + Fore.RESET)
def critical(string): print(Fore.RED + string + Fore.RESET)