def display_warning_to_user(self): """ display warning to user show user the commands + switches and ask if they would still like to proceed or not """ user_message = Fore.CYAN + "\nYou are about to run the following commands:" print(user_message) for command in self.commands: print(command) user_message = Fore.CYAN + "\nOn the following devices:" print(user_message) for device in sorted(self.devices.keys()): print(device) user_message = Fore.RED + "\nAre you sure you wish to proceed? (y/n) " + Fore.WHITE user_input = input(user_message) if user_input.lower() == 'y': return True else: return False
def main(city=0): if not city: city = getLocation()['city'] send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/forecast/daily?q={0}&cnt=1" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=metric".format(city) ) r = requests.get(send_url) j = json.loads(r.text) rain = j['list'][0]['weather'][0]['id'] if rain >= 300 and rain <= 500: # In case of drizzle or light rain print(Fore.CYAN + "It appears that you might need an umbrella today." + Fore.RESET) elif rain > 700: print(Fore.CYAN + "Good news! You can leave your umbrella at home for today!" + Fore.RESET) else: print(Fore.CYAN + "Uhh, bad luck! If you go outside, take your umbrella with you." + Fore.RESET)
def add_contestant(self, mac, row, col, response): try: if not 1 <= int(row) <= 255: raise if not 1 <= int(col) <= 255: raise except: response.status_code = 400 response.data = "Invalid row/col: row=%s col=%s" % (row, col) return ip = self.contestant_ip_format.replace('R', row).replace('C', col) print(Fore.CYAN + "Contestant PC connected: MAC=%s IP=%s" % (mac, ip)) result = self.ethers_manager.add_ether(mac, ip) if result: print(Fore.RED + result) response.data = result response.status_code = 400 else: response.data = ip
def __data_parser__(self, data): html = etree.HTML(data) search_results = [] for li in html.xpath('//li[@class="gl-item"]'): try: div = li.xpath('.//div[contains(@class, "p-img")]')[0] search_results.append({ 'url': div.xpath('./a/@href')[0], 'intro': div.xpath('./a/@title')[0], 'price': float(li.xpath('.//div[@class="p-price"]')[0] .xpath('./strong/i/text()')[0].strip()), 'sales': li.xpath('.//div[@class="p-commit"]')[0] .xpath('./strong/a/text()')[0].strip(), 'belong': colorful_text('??', Fore.CYAN) }) except (IndexError, ValueError) as e: error() return search_results
def __data_parser__(self, data): try: if data['mods']['itemlist']['data']['auctions']: search_results = data['mods']['itemlist']['data']['auctions'] return [{ 'intro': result["raw_title"], 'price': float(result["view_price"]), 'delivery': colorful_text(result["view_fee"], Fore.RED) if float(result["view_fee"]) > 0 else result["view_fee"], 'sales': int(result["view_sales"].split('?')[0]), 'belong': colorful_text("??", Fore.CYAN) if result.get('shopcard', {}).get('isTmall', False) else "??", 'url': result["detail_url"] } for result in search_results] error('Ops, get no goods..') return [] except KeyError: error('Ops, some key error happened..') return []
def print_goods(search_result): """use validate search result to print a table :param search_result: search result in taobao and jd :return: None """ search_result = sort_by_money(search_result) goods_table = PrettyTable(TABLE_TITLE) for index, goods in enumerate(search_result): goods["index"] = index goods_row = [goods.get(item, None) for item in ITEM_KEY] goods_table.add_row(goods_row) print(colorful_text('ready to hands chopping?', Fore.CYAN)) print(goods_table) open_detail_page(search_result)
def Gen_Dict(): ch=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"Want to enter custom charset??(Enter y or n): "+Fore.RESET)) if ch == 'y': charset=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"Enter custom charset: "+Fore.RESET)) elif ch == 'n': charset=string.letters[0:26] min_length=int(input( Fore.CYAN +"Enter min passwd length: "+Fore.RESET)) max_length=int(input( Fore.CYAN +"Enter max passwd length: "+Fore.RESET)) f=open("tempwlist","w") count=0 for wordlen in range(min_length,max_length+1): for word in listwords(charset,wordlen): f.write(word+'\n') count+=1 print Fore.GREEN+"\nDictionary created with %s words....\n" %count + Fore.RESET f.close()
def app_header(self): header = '\n' header += ' ??????????? ???? ?????? ???? ??? ?????? ??????? ??????????????? \n' header += ' ????????????? ?????????????????? ??????????????????? ????????????????\n' header += ' ??? ????????????????????????? ?????????????? ?????????? ????????\n' header += ' ??? ???????????????????????????????????????? ????????? ????????\n' header += ' ??????????? ??? ?????? ?????? ????????? ??????????????????????? ???\n' header += ' ?????????? ?????? ?????? ???????? ??? ??????? ??????????? ???\n' header2 = ' Connection Manager\n' header3 = ' {}\n'.format('-' * 70) header3 += ' Version : {}\n'.format(__version__) header3 += ' Release date : {}\n'.format(__release_date__) header3 += ' Github : https://github.com/fachrioktavian/CManager\n' header3 += ' Dev by : {0} - ({1})\n'.format(__author__, __author_email__) header3 += ' Official : https://dracos-linux.org\n' header3 += ' {}\n'.format('-' * 70) print (Fore.RED + Style.DIM + header + header2) print (Fore.CYAN + Style.DIM + header3)
def user_liked_saved(username, scan_upvoted=True, scan_saved=True): """ Gets all the upvoted/saved comments and/or submissions for the given User. """ global _reddit, _user try: if _user.name.lower() == username.lower(): redditor = _user else: redditor = _reddit.redditor(username) if scan_saved: stringutil.print_color(Fore.CYAN, '\tLoading %s\'s Saved Posts...' % redditor.name) for saved in redditor.saved(limit=None): re = RedditElement(saved) yield re if scan_upvoted: stringutil.print_color(Fore.CYAN, '\tLoading %s\'s Upvoted Posts...' % redditor.name) for upvoted in redditor.upvoted(limit=None): re = RedditElement(upvoted) yield re except prawcore.exceptions.NotFound: stringutil.error('Cannot locate comments or submissions for nonexistent user: %s' % username) except prawcore.Forbidden: stringutil.error('Cannot load Upvoted/Saved Posts from the User "%s", because they are private!' % username)
def log(self, prefix, text, line=False): now = datetime.now() message = "" if prefix == '?': c = Fore.CYAN elif prefix == '+': c = Fore.GREEN elif prefix == '-': c = Fore.RED elif prefix == '!': c = Fore.YELLOW c = Style.BRIGHT + c e = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET if line: print c+"["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"]["+prefix+"] "+text+e else : print "["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"]["+c+prefix+e+"] "+text
def log(prefix, text, line=False): now = datetime.now() message = "" if prefix == '?': c = Fore.CYAN elif prefix == '+': c = Fore.GREEN elif prefix == '-': c = Fore.RED elif prefix == '!': c = Fore.YELLOW c = Style.BRIGHT + c e = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET if line: print c+"["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+prefix+"] "+text+e else : print "["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+c+prefix+e+"] "+text
def upload_firebase(self): data={} category = [] cat = session.query(Category).all() for x in cat: qry = session.query(Items).filter(Items.category_id==x.id) data[x.category]=[d.items for d in qry] name = click.prompt(click.style('Please enter your username:', fg='cyan', bold=True)) print Fore.GREEN + 'Syncing..... ' jsonData = firebase.put( '/todo-cli', name, data) if jsonData: print Fore.CYAN + 'Done!' exit() else: print 'Try again'
def ban(ctx, *, member : discord.Member = None): if not ctx.message.author.server_permissions.ban_members: return if not member: embed = discord.Embed(description = ctx.message.author.mention + ", you did not specify a user to ban! :x:", color = 0xF00000) return await client.say(embed = embed) try: await client.ban(member) except Exception as e: if 'Privilege is too low' in str(e): embed = discord.Embed(description = "Privilege is too low. :x:", color = 0xF00000) return await client.say(embed = embed) print(Fore.RED + "Command Failed To Execute |\n Command Ran In:[" + ctx.message.server.id + "]\n User:[" + ctx.message.author.id + "]\n Channel:[" + ctx.message.channel.id + "]\n Reason: " + Fore.YELLOW + "Insufficient Permissions! Both user and bot need Ban Members permission!") embed = discord.Embed(description = "**%s** has been banned."%member.name, color = 0xF00000) return await client.say(embed = embed) print(Fore.CYAN + "Command Successfully Executed |\n Command Ran In:[" + ctx.message.server.id + "]\n User:[" + ctx.message.author.id + "]\n Channel:[" + ctx.message.channel.id + "]")
def kick(ctx, *, member : discord.Member = None): if not ctx.message.author.server_permissions.kick_members: return if not member: return await client.say(ctx.message.author.mention + "Specify a user to kick!") try: await client.kick(member) except Exception as e: if 'Privilege is too low' in str(e): embed = discord.Embed(description = "Privilege is too low. :x:", color = 0xF00000) return await client.say(embed = embed) print(Fore.RED + "Command Failed To Execute |\n Command Ran In:[" + ctx.message.server.id + "]\n User:[" + ctx.message.author.id + "]\n Channel:[" + ctx.message.channel.id + "]\n Reason: " + Fore.YELLOW + "Inusfficient Permissions! Both user and bot need Kick Members permission!") embed = discord.Embed(description = "**%s** has been kicked."%member.name, color = 0xF00000) return await client.say(embed = embed) print(Fore.CYAN + "Command Successfully Executed |\n Command Ran In:[" + ctx.message.server.id + "]\n User:[" + ctx.message.author.id + "]\n Channel:[" + ctx.message.channel.id + "]")
def menu(): # Using colour from colorama: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/colorama # Formatting e.g.: Fore.COLOUR, Back.COLOUR, Style.DIM with e.g. DIM, RED, CYAN, etc.: print(Fore.BLACK + Back.WHITE + "10cbazbt3 menu:" + Style.RESET_ALL) print(Fore.YELLOW + Style.DIM + "Main:") print(" b = Blurb m = Mentions") print(" r = Reply t = Timeline") print(" blog = BLOG o = Own blurbs") print(" pins = PINS") print("Admin:") print(" Login = Login menu = show Menu") print(" Logout = Logout. sites = my Sites") print(" exit = Exit") print(Style.RESET_ALL) # DEFINE 10C POST INTERACTIONS: # LOTS OF DUPLICATION HERE! # Define the 'blurb' (social post) subroutine:
def print_cyan(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def print_status(status, depth=0): if status.get('vpn') == 'disabled': print('vpn ' + Fore.RED + 'disabled' + Fore.RESET) return for name, v in [('status', status)] + status['childrenStatus'].items(): line = Fore.RESET + name.ljust(12) if v['status'] in ('on', 'starting'): line += Fore.GREEN elif v['status'] == 'failed': line += Fore.RED line += v['status'] if v.get('error'): line += Fore.RED + " (%s)" % v['error'] line += Fore.RESET print(line) for k, v in status.items(): if k in ('status', 'childrenStatus', 'error'): continue if k == 'up': k = '??? ' elif k == 'down': k = '??? ' print(Fore.RESET + k.ljust(12) + Fore.CYAN + str(v) + Fore.RESET)
def log_debug(msg, logger=LOG, color=Fore.CYAN): logger.debug('{}{}{}'.format(color, msg, Style.RESET_ALL))
def jenkins_accept_connections(sock_server, handler, bind_ip='', port=JENKINS_TCP_SERVER_PORT): """ Creates a simple TCP/UDP server in a different thread, recieves one packet and stops. :param sock_server: SocketServer.BaseServer class :param handler: SocketServer.BaseRequestHandler subclass :param bind_ip: Interface to bind a given server to. Defaults to '', i.e. listen to all interfaces :param port: port to listen to """ sock_server.allow_reuse_address = True server = sock_server((bind_ip, port), handler) server.connection_list = [] thread_name = threading.current_thread().name + '_accepted_connections' server_thread = threading.Thread(name=thread_name, target=server.serve_forever) try: server_thread.start() if isinstance(sock_server, SocketServer.TCPServer): utils.wait_net_port(bind_ip, port, 3, 1) LOG.debug('{}Starting SocketServer in a new thread{}'.format( Fore.CYAN, Style.RESET_ALL)) yield server.connection_list finally: LOG.debug('{}Shutting down SocketServer{}'.format( Fore.CYAN, Style.RESET_ALL)) server.shutdown() server.server_close()
def _check_visible_ip(pod, specs, connection_list): if pod.public_ip: LOG.debug( '{}Check if pod IP is visible as public IP for pod with ' 'public IP\nExpected: {} Actual: {}{}'.format( Fore.CYAN, pod.public_ip, connection_list[-1], Style.RESET_ALL)) utils.assert_eq(connection_list[-1], pod.public_ip) else: LOG.debug( '{}Check if pod IP is visible as node IP for pod without ' 'public IP\nExpected: {} Actual: {}{}'.format( Fore.CYAN, specs[pod.name]['hostIP'], connection_list[-1], Style.RESET_ALL)) utils.assert_eq(connection_list[-1], specs[pod.name]['hostIP'])
def test_SNAT_rules(cluster): container_ids, container_ips, pods, specs = setup_pods(cluster) # --------- Test that SNAT rules are applied correctly -------- jenkins_ip = _get_jenkins_ip(cluster) LOG.debug('{}Test that SNAT rules work properly{}'.format( Fore.CYAN, Style.RESET_ALL)) LOG_MSG = "Check SNAT rules for pod '{}' public IP: '{}' host node: '{}'" BIND_IP = '' POD_TCP_CMD = 'nc -z -v {} {}'.format(jenkins_ip, JENKINS_TCP_SERVER_PORT) POD_UDP_CMD = 'nc -u -z -v {} {}'.format(jenkins_ip, JENKINS_UDP_SERVER_PORT) for name, pod in pods.items(): msg = LOG_MSG.format(name, pod.public_ip, specs[name]['host']) # Check if pod can ping jenkins ping(pod, container_ids[name], jenkins_ip) LOG.debug('{}TCP check {}{}'.format(Style.DIM, msg, Style.RESET_ALL)) # Check if SNAT rules work properly for TCP connections with jenkins_accept_connections( SocketServer.TCPServer, MyRequestHandler, BIND_IP, JENKINS_TCP_SERVER_PORT) as connection_list: pod.docker_exec(container_ids[name], POD_TCP_CMD) _check_visible_ip(pod, specs, connection_list) LOG.debug('{}UDP check {}{}'.format(Style.DIM, msg, Style.RESET_ALL)) # Check if SNAT rules work properly for UDP connections with jenkins_accept_connections( SocketServer.UDPServer, MyRequestHandler, BIND_IP, JENKINS_UDP_SERVER_PORT) as connection_list: pod.docker_exec(container_ids[name], POD_UDP_CMD) _check_visible_ip(pod, specs, connection_list)
def info(self, message): print(Fore.MAGENTA + threading.current_thread().name + ': ' + Fore.CYAN + message + Fore.RESET)
def log_info(message): print(Fore.CYAN + message + Fore.RESET)
def good_bye(word, default='has'): print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + '*-* Your database {1} been {0}. *-*'.format(word, default)) print(Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + '*_* Have a nice day! *_*') sys.exit()
def formatEntry(e:Entry): R = _S.RESET_ALL ID = R + _B.BLUE P = R + _F.LIGHTGREEN_EX TAG = R + _F.RED NAME = R + _B.RED Bd = R + _F.CYAN PATH = R + _F.YELLOW TITLE = R + _F.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX AUTHORS = R + _F.MAGENTA prefix = Bd + '| ' + R comment = ( s + '\n' + prefix for s in e.comment.split('\n') ) if e.comment != '' else () return ''.join( ( Bd, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------', R, '\n', prefix, ID, 'ID : ', '{:>5}'.format(e.ID or ''), R, ' '*47, P, '{:>20}'.format(e.priority), R, '\n', prefix, NAME, e.name, R, '\n', prefix, PATH, e.pathstr(), R, '\n', *( ( prefix, TITLE, e.bibtex.get('title', ''), R, '\n', prefix, AUTHORS, e.bibtex.get('author', ''), R, '\n', ) if e.bibtex else ( prefix, TITLE, '<No Bibtex>', R, '\n') ), prefix, (R + ' ').join(''.join((TAG, '#', t)) for t in e.tags), '\n', prefix, R, *comment , '\n', Bd, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------', R, '\n', ))
def _run(self, marc_record): if self.show_titles: print('{}\t{}'.format(marc_record.id, marc_record.title()).encode('utf-8')) else: print(marc_record.id.encode('utf-8')) if self.show_subjects: for field in marc_record.fields: if field.tag.startswith('6'): if field.sf('2') == self.source.sf['2']: print(' {}{}{}'.format(Fore.YELLOW, field, Style.RESET_ALL).encode('utf-8')) else: print(' {}{}{}'.format(Fore.CYAN, field, Style.RESET_ALL).encode('utf-8')) return 0 # No, we didn't modify anything
def color_cyan(text): return Fore.CYAN+text+Fore.WHITE
def loopeth(): global clock global old_price global etheur_sell_price # Current local time getter clock = datetime.now().strftime('[%Y-%m-%d %H:%M]') # Print LOOP ETH price etheur_sell_price = get_etheur_sell_price() etheur_buy_price = get_etheur_buy_price() """ print colors Fore.GREEN Fore.RED Fore.CYAN """ if old_price < etheur_sell_price: logthis(clock+color_green(" ETH sell price raised: " + str(etheur_sell_price)+" EUR, ") + color_cyan('Balance: ') + str(get_etheur_balance(etheur_sell_price))+color_cyan(' EUR') + color_cyan(', BUY: ') + str(get_etheur_buy_price())+color_cyan(' EUR')) elif old_price > etheur_sell_price: logthis(clock+color_red(" ETH sell price dropped: " + str(etheur_sell_price)+" EUR, ") + color_cyan('Balance: ') + str(get_etheur_balance(etheur_sell_price)) + color_cyan(' EUR') + color_cyan(', BUY: ') + str(get_etheur_buy_price())+color_cyan(' EUR')) #else: # Optional tick for the current price #print clock+color_cyan(" ETH sell price: ")+str(etheur_sell_price), color_cyan("EUR, ")+str(etheur_sell_price * CURR_EUR) \ + color_cyan(" "+CURRENCY) eth_monitor() old_price = etheur_sell_price threading.Timer(60, loopeth).start()
def render(self, separator): return separator + '{}{}{} {}{}: {}{}'.format( Fore.CYAN, Reference.TOKEN, Style.RESET_ALL, Fore.GREEN, Reference.TEXT, self.url, Style.RESET_ALL, )
def NODE_INFO(IP_ADDR): resp = urllib2.urlopen("https://onionoo.torproject.org/details?search=%s"%(IP_ADDR)) json_data = resp.read() data = json.loads(json_data, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) rp = bp = None colors_lst = [Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT, Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT, Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT, Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT, Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT] for key, value in data.items(): if key == "version" or key == "bridges": continue if key == "relays_published": rp = value if key == "bridges_published": bp = value if key == "relays": for each in value: for e_key, e_val in each.items(): #if lists if e_key == "or_addresses": print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + e_key.upper() + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + " : " + ','.join(e_val)) continue if e_key.lower() == "exit_policy_summary" or e_key.lower() == "exit_policy" or e_key.lower() == "exit_policy_v6_summary": continue if str(e_val).startswith("[") and str(e_val).endswith(']'): print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + e_key.upper() + Style.RESET_ALL) for ef in e_val: print Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "\t=> "+ ef + Style.RESET_ALL continue try: print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + e_key.upper().replace('_',' ') + Style.RESET_ALL + " : " + \ Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + str(e_val)) except: pass print if (rp!=None and bp!= None): print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "RELAYS PUBLISHED" + Style.RESET_ALL + " : " + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + rp) print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "BRIDGES PUBLISHED" + Style.RESET_ALL + " : " + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + bp)
def parseLine(line): severity = getSeverity(line) # Add color based on severity if 'severity' not in locals(): severity = 3 if severity == 0: color = Style.DIM + Fore.WHITE elif severity == 1: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.BLUE elif severity == 2: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.CYAN elif severity == 3: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.WHITE elif severity == 4: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.RED elif severity == 5: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.BLACK + Back.RED else: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.BLACK + Back.YELLOW # Replace html tab entity with actual tabs line = clearTags(line) line = line.replace('	', "\t") return color + line + Style.RESET_ALL
def send(self, str, mode): if str: print(Back.CYAN + str + Style.RESET_ALL) if str and mode == 'hex': print(Fore.CYAN + conv().hex(str, ':') + Style.RESET_ALL) # show recv commands (debug mode)
def info(self, message): print(Fore.CYAN + "[INFO] " + self.timestamp() + " " + message.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') + Fore.RESET)
def member(self, message): print(Fore.CYAN + "[MEMBER] " + self.timestamp() + " " + message.encode('ascii', 'ignore').decode('ascii') + Fore.RESET)
def color_debug(message, logger_name = "root"): __log(LEVEL_DEBUG, '%s%s%s'%(Fore.CYAN, message, Fore.RESET), logger_name)
def Host_Discovery(): live_hosts=[] a=str(raw_input(Fore.CYAN +"\nEnter network octects (net id) of ip e.g 192.168.10.*: "+Fore.RESET)) if a=='' or a is None or a.isalpha(): print Fore.RED+"Enter correct input...!!!"+Fore.RESET return else: print Fore.GREEN + "\n\t\tLive Hosts are....."+Fore.RESET ans,unans=arping(a,verbose=False) print Fore.GREEN+"\n IP ADDRESS\t\t MAC ADDRESS\n"+Fore.RESET for i in ans: print Fore.GREEN+i[0].pdst +'\t\t'+ i[1].src + Fore.RESET if i[0].pdst not in live_hosts: live_hosts.append(i[0].pdst) print Fore.GREEN + "\n%s hosts up..." %len(live_hosts)+Fore.RESET
def OS_Detection(): targetip=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"\nEnter Target IP: " +Fore.RESET)) print '' if targetip == '' or targetip is None: print Fore.RED+"Enter correct input...!!!"+Fore.RESET if targetip==self_ip: print Fore.GREEN+EX+"%s belongs to Linux family..." % targetip + Fore.RESET return ans,unans=arping(targetip,timeout=2,verbose=False) ip=IP() ip.dst=targetip icmp=ICMP() icmp.type=8 icmp.code=0 z=sr1(ip/icmp,timeout=10,verbose=False) if z is None and len(ans)==1: print Fore.YELLOW+"Host is up...but seems to be filtered..." + Fore.RESET elif z is None and len(ans)==0: print Fore.RED+"Host is unreachable..."+Fore.RESET else: if z.ttl==128: print Fore.GREEN+"%s belongs to Windows family..." % targetip + Fore.RESET elif z.ttl==64: print Fore.GREEN+"%s belongs to Linux family..." % targetip + Fore.RESET elif z.ttl==56: print Fore.GREEN+"%s belongs to Mac family..."% targetip + Fore.RESET else: print Fore.GREEN+"Unknown OS..." + Fore.RESET
def Brute_Force(): global flag1 ip=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"Enter ip: " + Fore.RESET )) useroption=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"Known User??(Enter y or n): "+Fore.RESET)) passwdoption=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"Known Dictionary??(Enter y or n): "+Fore.RESET)) if useroption =='y' and passwdoption =='y': username=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"Enter known username: "+Fore.RESET)) filename=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"Enter password file: "+Fore.RESET)) ready_Dict(ip,username,filename) elif useroption == 'n' and passwdoption == 'y': usernames=["root","admin","administrator","god","webmaster","webadmin", "godfather","ditiss","tiger","matriux","hackit","ghost"] filename=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"Enter password file: " )) for username in usernames: if flag1 == 0: bt=threading.Thread(ready_Dict(ip,username,filename)) bt.start() else: flag1=0 return elif useroption == 'y' and passwdoption == 'n': username=str(raw_input( Fore.CYAN +"Enter known username: "+Fore.RESET)) Gen_Dict() ready_Dict(ip,username,"tempwlist") elif useroption =='n' and passwdoption =='n': usernames=["root","admin","administrator","god","webmaster","webadmin", "godfather","ditiss","tiger","matriux","hackit","ghost"] Gen_Dict() for username in usernames: if flag1 == 0: bt1=threading.Thread(ready_Dict(ip,username,"tempwlist")) bt1.start() else: flag1=0 return
def main(): print Fore.GREEN + " #### ## ########## " print " ## ## ## ##### ####### ## ## ##### ##### ##### ##### " print " ## ## ## # # ## # # # # # # # # # " print " ## ## ## #### # ## ## ###### ##### ##### ### ##### " print " ## ## ## # # ## # # # # # # # " print " ## #### ##### # ######### # # # # ##### # ## " + Fore.RESET while(True): try: print Fore.CYAN + "\n1.Hosts Discovery" +Fore.RESET print Fore.CYAN + "2.Ports Scanning" +Fore.RESET print Fore.CYAN+"3.OS Detection" + Fore.RESET print Fore.CYAN+"4.Brute Force SSH" +Fore.RESET print Fore.YELLOW+"Press ctrl+c to exit..." +Fore.RESET opt=int(input(Fore.CYAN+"\nEnter choice: "+Fore.RESET)) if opt==1: Host_Discovery() elif opt==2: tcp_scan() elif opt==3: OS_Detection() elif opt==4: Brute_Force() else: print Fore.RED+"\nEnter correct choice...!!" +Fore.RESET except KeyboardInterrupt: print Fore.RED+"\nABORTED PROGRAM....!!" +Fore.RESET sys.exit(0) except: print Fore.RED+"\nEnter correct choice...!!" +Fore.RESET
def print_blue(*args): """""" raw = str(args) init(autoreset=True) print((Fore.CYAN + raw)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------
def print_cyan(*args): """""" raw = str(args) init(autoreset=True) print((Fore.CYAN + raw)) #----------------------------------------------------------------------
def __init__(self): self.colors = {'red':Fore.RED,'green':Fore.GREEN,'cyan':Fore.CYAN,'yellow':Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX,'magenta':Fore.MAGENTA,'bold':Style.BRIGHT,'reset':Style.RESET_ALL} self.translator = Translator() self.select_languages = "tr" self.database = "dictionary.db" self.connection = sqlite3.connect(self.database) self.cursor = self.connection.cursor() self.columns = {'isim':'i_anlam','fiil':'f_anlam','zarf':'z_anlam','edat':'e_anlam','baglac':'b_anlam','sifat':'s_anlam','zamir':'zz_anlam'} self.names2 = {'isim':'isim','zarf':'zarf','ba?laç':'baglac','s?fat':'sifat','zamir':'zamir','fiil':'fiil','edat':'edat'} self.c_word = "" self.c_word_last = "" self.c_word_new = ""
def __init__(self): from colorama import init, Fore, Style init(autoreset=True) self.colors = {'red': Fore.RED, 'yellow': Fore.YELLOW, 'green': Fore.GREEN, 'white': Fore.WHITE, 'cyan': Fore.CYAN, 'reset': Style.RESET_ALL }
def print_cyan(*objs): print_color(Fore.CYAN,*objs)