def read_chat_history(): choice = select_a_friend() if choice is not None: print (Fore.BLUE + "Messages sent are shown in blue color \n" + Fore.GREEN + " Received Messages and Read Messages are shown in green color:"+Fore.RESET) chats = friends[choice].chats for chat in chats: if chat.sent_by_me: print (Fore.RED + str(chat['time']) + " " + Fore.BLUE + friends[choice]['name'] + " " + Fore.RESET + chat['message']) else: print (Fore.RED + str(chat['time']) + " " + Fore.GREEN + friends[choice]['name'] + " " + Fore.RESET + chat['message']) else: print "Wrong choice"
def option(question, options, default=1): print(question) options = list(options) for idx, element in enumerate(options): print("{}) {}".format(idx+1,element)) while True: i = input("{Style.BRIGHT}{Fore.BLUE}:: {Fore.RESET}Please pick[{}]: {Style.RESET_ALL}".format(default, Style=Style, Fore=Fore)) try: if i == "": i = default else: i = int(i) if 0 < i <= len(options): return options[i-1] except: pass return None
def banner(): print(Style.DIM) print(' ___________________________') print(' / /\\') print(' / sadboyzvone\'s _/ /\\') print(' / Intel 8080 / \/') print(' / Assembler /\\') print('/___________________________/ /') print('\___________________________\/') print(' \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\' + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT) print(Fore.WHITE + '\nPowered by ' + Fore.BLUE + 'Pyt' + Fore.YELLOW + 'hon' + Fore.WHITE + '\nCopyright (C) 2017, Zvonimir Rudinski') # Print usage information
def reader(wordlist, chunks_size, verbose): """ Load up chunks_sizes of the wordlist into the queue """ queue = Queue() chunk = list(islice(wordlist, chunks_size)) while chunk: # Get chunks_size records from the wordlist if verbose: print(Fore.BLUE + "[QUEUE]" + DEBUG + "inserting into queue:") print("{}".format(chunk) + Style.RESET_ALL) queue.put(chunk) chunk = list(islice(wordlist, chunks_size)) return queue
def test_forecast_formatted_as_expected(self, print_say_mock): with patch.object(requests, 'get', return_value=MyResponse) as get_mock: forecast.main(self.CI_instance, 'Some location') last_call = call( "\tMin temperature: {} {}\n".format( '17.0', self.units['str_units']), self.CI_instance, Fore.BLUE ) third_call = call( "\tWeather: {}".format('Clear'), self.CI_instance, Fore.BLUE ) self.assertEqual(last_call, print_say_mock.mock_calls[-1]) self.assertEqual(third_call, print_say_mock.mock_calls[2])
def play(data): if len(data) == 0: print(Fore.BLUE + "Song name doesn't exist. (play '"'song name'"') " + Fore.RESET) else: wanted = data find = os.popen("ls | grep -i " + '"' + wanted + '"') music = str(find.readline()) if not music: os.system("instantmusic -s " + wanted + " 2> /dev/null") find = os.popen("ls -tc --hide='__*' --hide='*.py'") music = str(find.readline()).replace("\n", "") os.system("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP= DESKTOP_SESSION= xdg-open " + music.replace(" ", "\ ").replace(" (", " \("). replace(")", "\)") + " 2> /dev/null") else: os.system("XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP= DESKTOP_SESSION= xdg-open " + music.replace(" ", "\ ").replace(" (", " \("). replace(")", "\)") + " 2> /dev/null")
def live_score(desc): mid = match_id(desc) data = c.livescore(mid) score = {} score['matchinfo'] = "{}, {}".format(data['matchinfo']['mnum'], data['matchinfo']['mchdesc']) score['status'] = "{}, {}".format(data['matchinfo']['mchstate'].title(), data['matchinfo']['status']) score['bowling'] = data['bowling'] score['batting'] = data['batting'] text = '' text += Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + score['matchinfo'] + '\n' + score['status'] + '\n\n' text += Fore.BLUE + score['batting']['team'] + '\n' + Fore.BLACK for scr in reversed(score['batting']['score']): text += "{} :- {}/{} in {} overs\n".format(scr['desc'], scr['runs'], scr['wickets'], scr['overs']) for b in reversed(score['batting']['batsman']): text += "{} : {}({}) \n".format(b['name'].strip('*'), b['runs'], b['balls']) text += Fore.BLUE + "\n" + score['bowling']['team'] + '\n' + Fore.BLACK for scr in reversed(score['bowling']['score']): text += "{} :- {}/{} in {} overs\n".format(scr['desc'], scr['runs'], scr['wickets'], scr['overs']) for b in reversed(score['bowling']['bowler']): text += "{} : {}/{} \n".format(b['name'].strip('*'), b['wickets'], b['runs']) text += Fore.RESET return text
def __init__(self, ethers_path, static_ethers, wipe): """ :param ethers_path: path to the ethers file :param static_ethers: path to static ethers file (only when wiping) :param wipe: wipe the ethers """ self.ethers_path = ethers_path self.wipe = wipe self.ethers = {} EthersManager.assert_writable(self.ethers_path) if wipe: print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "The ethers file will be wiped!") if static_ethers: print(Fore.BLUE + "The static ethers will be loaded") self.load_ethers(static_ethers) else: print(Fore.BLUE + "The ethers file will be created from scratch") else: self.load_ethers(self.ethers_path)
def add_worker(self, mac, num, response): try: if not 1 <= int(num) <= 255: raise except: response.status_code = 400 response.data = "Invalid num: num=%s" % (num) return ip = self.worker_ip_format.replace('N', num) print(Fore.BLUE + "Worker PC connected: MAC=%s IP=%s" % (mac, ip)) result = self.ethers_manager.add_ether(mac, ip) if result: print(Fore.RED + result) response.data = result response.status_code = 400 else: response.data = ip
def defrag(self): download_queue = self.handle.get_download_queue() downloading = [piece['piece_index'] for piece in download_queue] numerales = "" pieces = self.status.pieces for i, piece in enumerate(pieces): numeral = Fore.GREEN + "#" if piece else Fore.RED + "#" if i in downloading: numeral = Fore.YELLOW + "v" elif self._served_blocks is not None and self._served_blocks[i]: numeral = Fore.BLUE + ">" numeral += str(self.handle.piece_priority(i)) numerales += numeral if numerales != "": numerales = term.magenta("\nPieces download state:\n" + numerales) return "%s\n" % numerales
def TABLE_PRETTYPRINT(TOR_PROC): AF_INET6 = getattr(socket, 'AF_INET6', object()) PMAP = { (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM): 'tcp', (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM): 'tcp6', (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM): 'udp', (AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM): 'udp6', } print (Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT +"\t=> Process name : %s\n\t=> PID : %s"%(TOR_PROC.name(),TOR_PROC.pid)) print Style.RESET_ALL templete = "%-15s %-25s %-25s %s" print (templete % ("Proto", "Local address", "Remote address", "Status")) print (templete % ("=====", "=============", "==============", "======")) for attr in TOR_PROC.connections(kind='inet'): LADDR = "%s:%s"%(attr.laddr) RADDR = None if attr.raddr: RADDR = "%s:%s"%(attr.raddr) print (templete % (PMAP[(attr.family, attr.type)], LADDR, RADDR or '-', attr.status)) print
def getparam(ser, p_name, p_data): """Decode a specific parameter from the serial port.""" printc(Back.RED + p_name, prepend='\n') for typ in p_data: schr = ser.read() if typ == 'h': printc(c2hex(schr), Fore.GREEN) elif typ == 'H': if len(HIGHLIGHT): HIGHLIGHT.popleft() HIGHLIGHT.append(c2hex(schr)) printc(c2hex(schr), Fore.BLUE) elif typ == 'a': printc(c2ascii(schr) or c2hex(schr), Fore.WHITE, prepend='') else: printc(c2hex(schr), Fore.WHITE) printc(Style.RESET_ALL, prepend='')
def earthquake_print(data): for i in data['features']: if i['id'] not in UPDATES: UPDATES.append(i['id']) print('___________________________________________________________________________________________________') print(i['properties']['title'], end=' MAG: ') print(Fore.RED+str(i['properties']['mag'])) print('Location:', i['properties']['place']) alert = i['properties']['alert'] if alert == 'green': print(Fore.RED + 'Type: ' + i['properties']['type'], end=' ') elif alert == 'yellow': print(Fore.YELLOW + 'Type: ' + i['properties']['type'], end=' ') else: print(Fore.BLUE + 'Type: ' + i['properties']['type'], end=' ') ms = i['properties']['time'] print(datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(ms/1000.0)) print('INFO:', i['properties']['url'])
def walker(node, source_lines, indent=''): """Recursively visit the ast in a preorder traversal.""" node_name = str(node)[0:str(node).index('(')] value = None if hasattr(node, 'value'): if '(' in str(node.value): value = str(node.value)[0:str(node.value).index('(')] else: value = node.value name = node.name if hasattr(node, 'name') else None print('{}{} {} (name: {}, value: {})'.format( indent, CHAR_TUBE, node_name, name, value)) lines = [line for line in node.as_string().split('\n')] for line in lines: print(indent + FILL + '>>>' + Fore.BLUE + line + Fore.RESET) for child in node.get_children(): walker(child, source_lines, indent + FILL + CHAR_PIPE)
def get_comment_list(insta_username) : media_id=get_post_id(insta_username) request_url=BASE_URL+"media/%s/comments/?access_token=%s"%(media_id,APP_ACCESS_TOKEN) print "Get Requested URL:%s"%(request_url) comment_info=requests.get(request_url).json() if comment_info['meta']['code']==200 : if len(comment_info['data']) : for x in range(0,len(comment_info['data'])) : comment_id=comment_info['data'][x]['id'] comment_text=comment_info['data'][x]['text'] print Fore.BLUE+Style.BRIGHT+"Comments are %s"%(comment_text) else: print "there is no comment regarding this post" else : print "status code other than 200 found"
def on_member_join(member): server_id = member.server.id user_id = member.id banonjoin = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Hackbans WHERE user_id = '" + user_id + "' AND server_id = '" + server_id + "'" read_from_db(banonjoin) if datta[0][0] < 1: print(Fore.BLUE + "A non-hackbanned user joined, they were not bananaed! :D") elif datta[0][0] > 0: print("user is hackbananaed") print(Fore.RED + "A hackbanned user joined but was bananaed! :D") await client.ban(member) print(Fore.BLUE + str(datta)) ## HACKBAN ## ######################## Permissions ########################
def inlineinteractions(postid, posterusername, decodedposttext): # Accepts all keys. Initial setup: [enter] moves to next post, 'r' replies, 'rp' reposts, '*' stars, 'p' pins: inlinecommand = input(Fore.BLUE + Style.DIM + "[enter],r,rp,*,p " + Style.RESET_ALL) if inlinecommand == "r": postidreply = postid poster = posterusername replyinline(postidreply, poster) if inlinecommand == "rp": postidrepost = postid repostinline(postidrepost) if inlinecommand == "*": postidstar = postid starinline(postidstar) if inlinecommand == "p": postidpin = postid pininline(postidpin) # DEFINE 10C GET TIMELINE SUBROUTINES: # Define the 'timelinebase' subroutine:
def main(self): start = 0 website = self.get_options('website') if "http//" in website: website = website.replace('http//','http://') print "* Checking for " + Fore.BLUE + website + Style.RESET_ALL if website[-1:] == "/": website = website[:-1] try: requests.get(website) print Fore.GREEN + "* url is stable" + Style.RESET_ALL start = 1 except: print Fore.RED + "* url schema not correct" + Style.RESET_ALL if start == 1: for line in self.cms: print "* checking " + str(line) for path in self.cms[line]: complet_url = website + path req = requests.get(complet_url) if req.status_code in self.status_code: print Fore.GREEN + "* possible using " + str(line) + " with : " + str(complet_url) + Style.RESET_ALL self.export.append(complet_url + " ("+str(line)+")")
def main(self): domain_list = [] load_name = self.get_options("enterprise") print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "Search domain name for "+load_name + Style.RESET_ALL start_with = ["www.","http://","https://"] end_with = [".com",".fr",".org",".de",".eu"] for line in start_with: for end_line in end_with: domain = line + str(load_name) + end_line try: return_code = urllib.urlopen(domain).getcode() return_code = str(return_code) if return_code != "404": domain_list.append(domain) print Fore.GREEN + "- "+Style.RESET_ALL + domain except: Back.YELLOW + Fore.BLACK + "Can't get return code" + Style.RESET_ALL if len(domain_list) > 0: for domain in domain_list: self.export.append(domain) else: print Fore.RED + "No domain found" + Style.RESET_ALL
def main(self): server = "www.google.fr" limit = 100 if self.get_options('limit') != '': limit = int(self.get_options('limit')) url = "http://"+server+"/search?num="+str(limit)+"&start=10&hl=en&meta=&q=site%3Afr.viadeo.com/fr/profile/%20"+self.get_options('enterprise') r=requests.get(url) results = r.content regex = re.compile("\>fr\.viadeo\.com\/fr\/profile\/(.*?)\<\/cite") output = regex.findall(results) if len(output) > 0: print Fore.GREEN + "Viadeo result : "+ Style.RESET_ALL for line in output: if line.strip() != "": print Fore.BLUE + "* " + Style.RESET_ALL + line.strip() self.export.append(line.strip()) else: print Fore.RED + "* "+Style.RESET_ALL + "No result found"
def main(self): domain = self.get_options('domain') if "://" in domain: domain = domain.split("://")[1] if domain[:-1] == "/": domain = domain[-1] try: response = subprocess.check_output(["sslyze", "--regular", domain]) if response != "": explode = response.split('\n') for line in explode: self.export.append(line) print Fore.BLUE + "* " + Style.RESET_ALL + line else: print Fore.RED + "* " + Style.RESET_ALL + "Can't get SSL/TLS with sslyze" except OSError as e: if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT: print e else: # Something else went wrong while trying to run `sslyze` raise
def main(self): try: response = subprocess.check_output(["wafw00f", self.get_options("domain")]) if "is behind a" in response: regex = re.compile("is behind a(.*)") result = regex.findall(response) print Fore.GREEN + "* " + Style.RESET_ALL + "Firewall found" print Fore.BLUE + "* " + Style.RESET_ALL + result[0].strip() self.export.append(result[0].strip()) else: print Fore.RED + "* " + Style.RESET_ALL + "Can't get firewall with wafw00f" except OSError as e: if e.errno == os.errno.ENOENT: print e else: # Something else went wrong while trying to run `wget` raise
def main(self): detail = None website = self.require["website"][0]["value"] if "://" in self.get_options('website'): website = self.get_options('website').split('://')[1] try: whois_information = pythonwhois.get_whois(website) detail = whois_information['contacts']['registrant'] except: print Fore.RED + "Please use correct name without http(s)://" + Style.RESET_ALL export = [] total = "" if detail != None: for element in detail: print Fore.BLUE + "* " + Style.RESET_ALL + element + " : " + str(detail[element]) total = element + " : "+ str(detail[element]) self.export.append(total) else: print Fore.RED + "Can't get whois information for : " +self.get_options('website') + Style.RESET_ALL
def browser_hacks(): print Fore.YELLOW + " ! For use module please use :use moduleName" + Style.RESET_ALL if os.path.exists("core/BHDB/"): list_module = glob.glob("core/BHDB/*.py") for module in list_module: if ".py" in module: module_name = module.split(".py")[0] module_name = module_name.replace('core/BHDB/','') if "__init__" not in module: description = "No module description found" if "#description:" in open(module).read(): description = open(module).read().split("#description:")[1] description = description.split("#")[0] print Fore.BLUE + " * "+ Style.RESET_ALL + module_name + " " + description else: print Back.RED + Fore.BLACK + "Browserhacking directory not found" + Style.RESET_ALL
def print_blue(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def yes_no(question, default="yes"): """Ask a yes/no question via input() and return their answer. "question" is a string that is presented to the user. "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>. It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning an answer is required of the user). The "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no". """ valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} if default is None: prompt = " [y/n] " elif default == "yes": prompt = " [Y/n] " elif default == "no": prompt = " [y/N] " else: raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default) while True: sys.stdout.write(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + ":: " + Fore.RESET + question + prompt + Style.NORMAL) choice = input().lower() if default is not None and choice == '': return valid[default] elif choice in valid: return valid[choice] else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' " "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")
def printIt( p, sha, type, repo, branch, login, message, filler): #clean up comments that have \n in them message = message.replace("\n"," ") #print Fore.RED+sha[:SHACOLW].ljust(SHACOLW," ")+Fore.RESET,type[:EVENTCOLW].ljust(EVENTCOLW,filler),repo[:DFLTCOLW].ljust(DFLTCOLW,filler),branch[:BRANCHCOLW].ljust(BRANCHCOLW,filler),Fore.BLUE+login.ljust(DFLTCOLW," ")+Fore.RESET,message.ljust(MSGCOLW," ") line = Fore.RED+sha[:SHACOLW].ljust(SHACOLW," ")+Fore.RESET line += " " + type[:EVENTCOLW].ljust(EVENTCOLW,filler) line += " " + repo[:DFLTCOLW].ljust(DFLTCOLW,filler) line += " " + branch[:BRANCHCOLW].ljust(BRANCHCOLW,filler) line += " " + Fore.BLUE+login.ljust(DFLTCOLW," ")+Fore.RESET line += " " + message.ljust(MSGCOLW," ") line += "\n" try: p.stdin.write(line) except: # Stop loop on "Invalid pipe" or "Invalid argument". # No sense in continuing with broken pipe. exit(1) return #---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #process arguments
def printHelp(): print('\nThis ' + Fore.BLUE + 'Intel' + Fore.WHITE + ' 8080 assembler was made for ' + Fore.BLUE + 'Project ' + Fore.YELLOW + 'Week' + Fore.WHITE + ' at my school.') print('It is written in ' + Fore.BLUE + 'Pyt' + Fore.YELLOW + 'hon' + Fore.WHITE) print('Modules: ' + Fore.RED + 'Co' + Fore.BLUE + 'lo' + Fore.YELLOW + 'ra' + Fore.GREEN + 'ma' + Fore.WHITE) print('\nPass a file path as an arguement.') # Main function
def test_usertags(): user_tags = { 'info': F.GREEN + S.BRIGHT, 'info1': p('<g><b>'), 'call': lambda: F.BLUE + B.RED } am = AnsiMarkup(tags=user_tags) assert am.parse('<info>1</info>') == F.GREEN + S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert am.parse('<info>1</info>') == am.parse('<info1>1</info1>') assert am.parse('<call>1</call>') == F.BLUE + B.RED + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert am.strip('<info1>1</info1>') == '1'
def do_clock(self, s): """Gives information about time.""" print_say(ctime(), self, Fore.BLUE)
def do_how_are_you(self, s): """Jarvis will inform you about his status.""" print_say("I am fine, How about you?", self, Fore.BLUE)
def do_os(self, s): """Displays information about your operating system.""" print_say('[!] Operating System Information', self, Fore.BLUE) print_say('[*] ' + sys(), self, Fore.GREEN) print_say('[*] ' + release(), self, Fore.GREEN) print_say('[*] ' + dist()[0], self, Fore.GREEN) for _ in architecture(): print_say('[*] ' + _, self, Fore.GREEN)
def help_umbrella(self): """Print info about umbrella command.""" print_say( "If you're leaving your place, Jarvis will inform you if you might need an umbrella or not.", self, Fore.BLUE)
def calc(s, self): s = str.lower(s) s = s.replace("power", "**") s = s.replace("plus", "+") s = s.replace("minus", "-") s = s.replace("divided by", "/") s = s.replace("by", "/") s = s.replace("^", "**") try: x = eval(s) print_say(str(x), self, Fore.BLUE) except Exception: print_say("Error : Not in correct format", self)
def scorecard(desc): mid = match_id(desc) data = c.scorecard(mid) card = {} card['matchinfo'] = "{}, {}".format(data['matchinfo']['mnum'], data['matchinfo']['mchdesc']) card['status'] = "{}, {}".format(data['matchinfo']['mchstate'].title(), data['matchinfo']['status']) card['scorecard'] = data['scorecard'] text = '' text += Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + card['matchinfo'] + '\n' + card['status'] + '\n\n' text += Fore.BLACK + '*' * 35 + '\n\n' for scr in reversed(card['scorecard']): text += Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + "{} {}\n{}/{} in {} overs\n\n".format(scr['batteam'], scr['inngdesc'], scr['runs'], scr['wickets'], scr['overs']) text += Fore.BLUE + "Batting\n" text += Fore.RED + "{:<17} {:<3} {:<3} {:<3} {}\n\n".format('Name', 'R', 'B', '4', '6') for b in scr['batcard']: text += Fore.BLACK + "{:<17} {:<3} {:<3} {:<3} {}\n{}\n\n".format(b['name'], b['runs'], b['balls'], b['fours'], b['six'], b['dismissal']) text += Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + "-" * 35 + "\n\n" text += Fore.BLUE + "Bowling\n" text += Fore.RED + "{:<17} {:<5} {:<3} {:<3} {}\n\n".format('Name', 'O', 'M', 'R', 'W') for b in scr['bowlcard']: text += Fore.BLACK + "{:<17} {:<5} {:<3} {:<3} {}\n\n".format(b['name'], b['overs'], b['maidens'], b['runs'], b['wickets']) text += Fore.BLUE + '*' * 35 + '\n\n' return text
def main(self): brain = Brain() print_say("Ask me anything\n type 'leave' to stop", self, Fore.BLUE) stay = True while stay: if six.PY2: text = str.upper(raw_input(Fore.RED + ">> " + Fore.RESET)) else: text = str.upper(input(Fore.RED + ">> " + Fore.RESET)) if text == "LEAVE": print_say("thanks for talking to me", self) stay = False else: print_say(brain.respond(text), self)
def weather(city=None): if not city: city = get_location()['city'] # Checks country country = get_location()['country_name'] # If country is US, shows weather in Fahrenheit if country == 'United States': send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={0}" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=imperial".format( city) ) unit = ' ºF in ' # If country is not US, shows weather in Celsius else: send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={0}" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=metric".format( city) ) unit = ' ºC in ' r = requests.get(send_url) j = json.loads(r.text) # check if the city entered is not found if 'message' in j and j['message'] == 'city not found': print(Fore.BLUE + "City Not Found" + Fore.RESET) return False else: temperature = j['main']['temp'] description = j['weather'][0]['main'] print(Fore.BLUE + "It's " + str(temperature) + unit + str(city) + " (" + str(description) + ")" + Fore.RESET) return True
def main(self, s): # Trim input command to get only the location loc = s.replace('weather', '').replace('in ', '').strip() # Checks country country = mapps.get_location()['country_name'] # If country is US, shows weather in Fahrenheit if country == 'United States': send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={0}" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=imperial".format( loc) ) unit = ' ºF in ' # If country is not US, shows weather in Celsius else: send_url = ( "http://api.openweathermap.org/data/2.5/weather?q={0}" "&APPID=ab6ec687d641ced80cc0c935f9dd8ac9&units=metric".format(loc) ) unit = ' ºC in ' r = requests.get(send_url) j = json.loads(r.text) if 'message' in list(j.keys()) and ('city not found' in j['message'] or 'Nothing to geocode' in j['message']): return pinpoint.main(Memory(), self, s) temperature = j['main']['temp'] description = j['weather'][0]['main'] location = j['name'] print(Fore.BLUE + "It's " + str(temperature) + unit + str(location.title()) + " (" + str(description) + ")" + Fore.RESET)
def print_say(text, self, color=""): """ This method give the jarvis the ability to print a text and talk when sound is enable. :param text: the text to print (or talk) color: Fore.COLOR (ex Fore.BLUE), color for text :return: Nothing to return. """ if self.enable_voice: self.speech.text_to_speech(text) print(color + text + Fore.RESET) # Functions for printing user output # TODO decide which ones use print_say instead of print
def info(string): print(Fore.BLUE + string + Fore.RESET)
def load_ethers(self, path): EthersManager.assert_readable(path) lines = open(path, 'r').readlines() print(Fore.BLUE + "The ethers file is") print(''.join(lines)) for line in lines: pieces = line.strip().split(' ') if len(pieces) != 2: continue mac, ip = pieces self.ethers[mac] = ip
def _proceed_exec_result(out, err, ret_code, check_retcode): err, out = force_unicode(err), force_unicode(out) msg_parts = [ (Fore.RED if ret_code else Fore.GREEN, 'RetCode: ', str(ret_code)), (Fore.BLUE, '=== StdOut ===\n', out), (Fore.RED if err else Fore.GREEN, '=== StdErr ===\n', err)] msg = '\n'.join(u'{}{}{}'.format(c, n, v) for c, n, v in msg_parts if v) LOG.debug(msg + Style.RESET_ALL) if check_retcode and ret_code != 0: raise NonZeroRetCodeException( stdout=out, stderr=err, ret_code=ret_code)
def query(sea): url = "https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?q=" + sea + "&apiKey="+ api_key try: with urlopen(url) as httpob: decob = httpob.read().decode("utf-8") jsonob = json.loads(decob) news = jsonob["articles"] # if api key is Invalid an HTTPError will be thrown. except HTTPError as e: print("Invalid API") create_api_file(file_name) return console() # draws a border to seperate posts. draw_border() for n in news: print(Fore.RESET) temp = n["source"] print(Back.YELLOW + src2(temp["name"]) + Back.RESET) try: if n["author"] == "": print((Style.BRIGHT +"By: " + src2(temp["name"])) + Style.RESET_ALL) else: print((Style.BRIGHT +"By: " + n["author"]) + Style.RESET_ALL) except: print((Style.BRIGHT +"By: " + src2(temp["name"])) + Style.RESET_ALL) try: print(Back.RED + (Style.BRIGHT + n["title"] + Style.RESET_ALL)) print(Fore.BLUE + n["description"] + Fore.RESET) except: print(Fore.RED + "SOME ERROR OCCURED!!!\n" + Fore.RESET) print(Back.BLUE +(Style.BRIGHT + "url: "+ n["url"]) + Style.RESET_ALL + Back.RESET) #Similar to author, sometimes the Publishing time is not provided. #For those cases, there will be no publishing time put. So except case has been made. try: print(Fore.GREEN + "Published At: "+ n["publishedAt"] + Fore.RESET ) except: draw_border() continue draw_border()
def category(cat): url = "https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?category="+ cat +"&language=en&apiKey=" + api_key try: with urlopen(url) as httpob: decob = httpob.read().decode("utf-8") jsonob = json.loads(decob) news = jsonob["articles"] # if api key is Invalid an HTTPError will be thrown. except HTTPError as e: print("Invalid API") create_api_file(file_name) return console() # draws a border to seperate posts. draw_border() for n in news: print(Fore.RESET) temp = n["source"] print(Back.YELLOW + src2(temp["name"]) + Back.RESET) try: if n["author"] == "": print((Style.BRIGHT +"By: " + src2(temp["name"])) + Style.RESET_ALL) else: print((Style.BRIGHT +"By: " + n["author"]) + Style.RESET_ALL) except: print((Style.BRIGHT +"By: " + src2(temp["name"])) + Style.RESET_ALL) try: print(Back.RED + (Style.BRIGHT + n["title"] + Style.RESET_ALL)) print(Fore.BLUE + n["description"] + Fore.RESET) except: print(Fore.RED + "SOME ERROR OCCURED!!!\n" + Fore.RESET) print(Back.BLUE +(Style.BRIGHT + "url: "+ n["url"]) + Style.RESET_ALL + Back.RESET) #Similar to author, sometimes the Publishing time is not provided. #For those cases, there will be no publishing time put. So except case has been made. try: print(Fore.GREEN + "Published At: "+ n["publishedAt"] + Fore.RESET ) except: draw_border() continue draw_border()
def good_bye(word, default='has'): print(Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + '*-* Your database {1} been {0}. *-*'.format(word, default)) print(Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + '*_* Have a nice day! *_*') sys.exit()
def main(): global log_file log(Fore.YELLOW, "Loaded {} usernames.".format(len(users))) log(Fore.YELLOW, "Loaded {} passwords.\n".format(len(passwords))) log(Fore.BLUE, "Waiting for data from queue...", log_this=False) log_file = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) >= 2 else "log.txt" mq_worker()
def Rem(self, arg): for ID in map(int, arg.split()): try: t = _store[ID] except: print(_F.RED, 'ID %s Not found' % ID, _S.RESET_ALL, sep='') else: r = _root[t.path()[1:]] r.rem(t) _tags.rem(t) _store.release(ID) print(_F.BLUE, 'Entry removed : \n', str(t), sep='')
def color_diff(diff): for line in diff: if line.startswith('+'): yield Fore.GREEN + line + Fore.RESET elif line.startswith('-'): yield Fore.RED + line + Fore.RESET elif line.startswith('^'): yield Fore.BLUE + line + Fore.RESET else: yield line
def main(): print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + banner + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) try: os.environ['ANDCRE'] except KeyError: print(Fore.YELLOW + " ** Important: $ANDCRE environment variable not found ** " + Fore.RESET) if apply_workspace(): where = input(" [+] Where? ({}): ".format(os.getcwd())) else: print(Fore.RED + " [-] Bye bye!\n" + Fore.RESET) sys.exit() workspace = set_workspace(where) print(Fore.GREEN + " [+] Ok! Workspace in '{}' \n".format(workspace) + Fore.RESET) project_name = set_project_name() package_name = set_package_name() abs_project_name = absolute_path_from(os.environ['ANDCRE'], camel_case(project_name)) normalized_package_name = normalize_package_name(package_name) if check_if_exist_file(abs_project_name): print(Fore.YELLOW + " [+] Directory '{}' exists, do you want to delete it?".format(abs_project_name) + Fore.RESET) if delete_existing_project(): delete_dir(abs_project_name) print(Fore.GREEN + " [+] Deleted '{}' folder!\n".format(abs_project_name) + Fore.RESET) else: print(Fore.RED + " [-] Don't remove old project, aborting...\n" + Fore.RESET) sys.exit() create_dir(abs_project_name) print(Fore.GREEN + " [+] Created '{}' directory in '{}'".format(project_name, os.environ['ANDCRE']) + Fore.RESET) project = Project(camel_case(project_name), normalized_package_name, abs_project_name) project.create_app() initialize_git_repo(abs_project_name) print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + " [+] Completed!\n" + Style.RESET_ALL)
def NODE_INFO(IP_ADDR): resp = urllib2.urlopen("https://onionoo.torproject.org/details?search=%s"%(IP_ADDR)) json_data = resp.read() data = json.loads(json_data, object_pairs_hook=OrderedDict) rp = bp = None colors_lst = [Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT, Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT, Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT, Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT, Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT] for key, value in data.items(): if key == "version" or key == "bridges": continue if key == "relays_published": rp = value if key == "bridges_published": bp = value if key == "relays": for each in value: for e_key, e_val in each.items(): #if lists if e_key == "or_addresses": print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + e_key.upper() + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + " : " + ','.join(e_val)) continue if e_key.lower() == "exit_policy_summary" or e_key.lower() == "exit_policy" or e_key.lower() == "exit_policy_v6_summary": continue if str(e_val).startswith("[") and str(e_val).endswith(']'): print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + e_key.upper() + Style.RESET_ALL) for ef in e_val: print Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + "\t=> "+ ef + Style.RESET_ALL continue try: print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + e_key.upper().replace('_',' ') + Style.RESET_ALL + " : " + \ Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + str(e_val)) except: pass print if (rp!=None and bp!= None): print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "RELAYS PUBLISHED" + Style.RESET_ALL + " : " + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + rp) print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "BRIDGES PUBLISHED" + Style.RESET_ALL + " : " + Fore.WHITE + Style.BRIGHT + bp)