def _update_ui(): global timeout_count, result_codes, connection_error_count print '\r', for k, v in result_codes.iteritems(): print "%s:" % k, if k == '200 OK': print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX), else: print(Fore.RED), print "%s " % v, print(Style.RESET_ALL), if timeout_count > 0: print('Timeouts: '+Fore.YELLOW + str(timeout_count) + Style.RESET_ALL) + ' ', if connection_error_count >0: print('Connection Errors: '+Fore.RED + str(connection_error_count) + Style.RESET_ALL), sys.stdout.flush()
def trains(self): for raw_train in self.available_trains: raw_train_list = raw_train.split('|') train_no = raw_train_list[3] initial = train_no[0].lower() duration = raw_train_list[10] if initial in self.options: train = [ train_no, '\n'.join([Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + self.available_place[raw_train_list[6]] + Fore.RESET, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + self.available_place[raw_train_list[7]] + Fore.RESET]), '\n'.join([Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + raw_train_list[8] + Fore.RESET, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + raw_train_list[9] + Fore.RESET]), duration, raw_train_list[-4] if raw_train_list[-4] else '--', raw_train_list[-5] if raw_train_list[-5] else '--', raw_train_list[-14] if raw_train_list[-14] else '--', raw_train_list[-12] if raw_train_list[-12] else '--', raw_train_list[-7] if raw_train_list[-7] else '--', raw_train_list[-6] if raw_train_list[-6] else '--', raw_train_list[-9] if raw_train_list[-9] else '--', ] yield train
def diffs(self, diffs, *args, **kwargs): def __coloring(elem, color): return tuple(['%s%s%s' % (color, item, Style.RESET_ALL) for item in list(elem)]) rows = [__coloring(item, Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX if item[0] == '+' else Fore.LIGHTRED_EX) for item in diffs] self.info(tabulate(rows, tablefmt="psql", headers=['', 'File1', 'File2', 'Key', 'Value']), *args, **kwargs)
def formatEntry(e:Entry): R = _S.RESET_ALL ID = R + _B.BLUE P = R + _F.LIGHTGREEN_EX TAG = R + _F.RED NAME = R + _B.RED Bd = R + _F.CYAN PATH = R + _F.YELLOW TITLE = R + _F.LIGHTMAGENTA_EX AUTHORS = R + _F.MAGENTA prefix = Bd + '| ' + R comment = ( s + '\n' + prefix for s in e.comment.split('\n') ) if e.comment != '' else () return ''.join( ( Bd, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------', R, '\n', prefix, ID, 'ID : ', '{:>5}'.format(e.ID or ''), R, ' '*47, P, '{:>20}'.format(e.priority), R, '\n', prefix, NAME, e.name, R, '\n', prefix, PATH, e.pathstr(), R, '\n', *( ( prefix, TITLE, e.bibtex.get('title', ''), R, '\n', prefix, AUTHORS, e.bibtex.get('author', ''), R, '\n', ) if e.bibtex else ( prefix, TITLE, '<No Bibtex>', R, '\n') ), prefix, (R + ' ').join(''.join((TAG, '#', t)) for t in e.tags), '\n', prefix, R, *comment , '\n', Bd, '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------', R, '\n', ))
def info_format(print_type, text): # info, prompt, alert, sleep lb = '{0}[{1}'.format(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, Style.RESET_ALL) rb = '{0}]{1}'.format(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, Style.RESET_ALL) new_text = Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX + text + Style.RESET_ALL if print_type == 'info': return '{0}{1}*{2}{3} {4}'.format(lb, Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, Style.RESET_ALL, rb, new_text) elif print_type == 'prompt': return '{0}{1}${2}{3} {4}'.format(lb, Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, Style.RESET_ALL, rb, new_text) elif print_type == 'alert': return '{0}{1}!{2}{3} {4}'.format(lb, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, Style.RESET_ALL, rb, new_text) elif print_type == 'sleep': return '{0}-{1} {2}'.format(lb, rb, new_text)
def get_alerts(customer_name, status, quiet=False): """ gets alerts """ # There are 3 other v1 posts passed per customer with varying payloads.The dictionary below is required to return # the necessary data; modifying it can break the request (needs more testing). I know it is not pep8 (too long) data_dict = {"name":"time","min_doc_count":0,"size":5,"type":"date_range","field":"last_behavior","date_ranges":[{"from":"now-1h","to":"now","label":"Last hour"},{"from":"now-24h","to":"now","label":"Last day"},{"from":"now-7d","to":"now","label":"Last week"},{"from":"now-30d","to":"now","label":"Last 30 days"},{"from":"now-90d","to":"now","label":"Last 90 days"}]},{"name":"status","min_doc_count":0,"size":5,"type":"terms","field":"status"},{"name":"severity","min_doc_count":0,"size":5,"type":"range","field":"max_severity","ranges":[{"from":80,"to":101,"label":"Critical","id":4},{"from":60,"to":80,"label":"High","id":3},{"from":40,"to":60,"label":"Medium","id":2},{"from":20,"to":40,"label":"Low","id":1},{"from":0,"to":20,"label":"Informational","id":0}]},{"name":"scenario","min_doc_count":0,"size":0,"type":"terms","field":"behaviors.scenario"},{"name":"assigned_to_uid","min_doc_count":1,"size":5,"type":"terms","field":"assigned_to_uid","missing":"Unassigned"},{"name":"host","min_doc_count":1,"size":5,"type":"terms","field":"device.hostname.raw","missing":"Unknown"},{"name":"triggering_file","min_doc_count":1,"size":5,"type":"terms","field":"behaviors.filename.raw"} s10 = falcon.post('https://falcon.crowdstrike.com/api2/detects/aggregates/detects/GET/v1', headers=header, data=json.dumps(data_dict)) try: if len(s10.json()['resources']) > 0: # print(json.dumps(s10.json(), indent=4)) # full json data set! cust_data = s10.json() for bucket in cust_data['resources']: if bucket['name'] == 'status': for value in bucket['buckets']: if value['label'] in status: if 'count' in value and value['count'] > 0: alert_str = info_format('alert', '{0}{1}{2} alert(s) detected!\n'.format( Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, value['count'], Fore.LIGHTWHITE_EX)) alert_str += '----> {0}{1}{2}'.format(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, customer_name, Style.RESET_ALL) # print(json.dumps(bucket['buckets'], indent=4)) # for testing! return alert_str except KeyError: if not quiet: return info_format('alert', 'There was an issue retrieving alerts for {0}. Skipping...'.format(customer_name)) else: return None
def parse_alert_short(raw_alert, quiet, customer_name=None, color=True): """""" if color is True: yellow = Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX green = Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX red = Fore.LIGHTRED_EX reset = Style.RESET_ALL else: yellow = '' green = '' red = '' reset = '' try: alert = enum_alert(raw_alert) alert_str = '' alert_cust_name = alert.get('customer_name') alert_host = alert.get('hostname') alert_severity = alert.get('max_severity_displayname') alert_reason = alert.get('scenario') alert_time = alert.get('timestamp') alert_status = alert.get('status') #alert_str += '{8} {4}{9}{6} - {0}{1}{6} alert on {2}{3}{6} for {4}{5}{6} ({7})!'.format( # Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX, alert_severity, Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX, alert_host, Fore.LIGHTRED_EX, alert_reason, # Style.RESET_ALL, alert_time, alert_status.upper().replace('_', '-'), alert_cust_name) alert_str += '{8} {4}{9}{6} - {0}{1}{6} alert on {2}{3}{6} for {4}{5}{6} ({7})!'.format( yellow, alert_severity, green, alert_host, red, alert_reason, reset, alert_time, alert_status.upper().replace('_', '-'), alert_cust_name) return alert_str except Exception: # KeyError: if not quiet: return info_format('alert', 'There was an issue retrieving alerts for {0}. Skipping...'.format(customer_name))
def pretty_print_testcase(testcase, error=''): """ Pretty print a testcase """ if error: msg_template = Style.BRIGHT + '{id}' + Style.RESET_ALL + '\t' + \ Fore.MAGENTA + '{status}' + Fore.RESET + '\t' + \ '{name}\t=> ' + str(error) elif testcase['status'] == 'PASS': msg_template = Style.BRIGHT + '{id}' + Style.RESET_ALL + '\t' + \ Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + '{status}' + Fore.RESET + '\t' + \ '{name}\t' else: msg_template = Style.BRIGHT + '{id}' + Style.RESET_ALL + '\t' + \ Fore.LIGHTRED_EX + '{status}' + Fore.RESET + '\t' + \ '{name}\t' print(msg_template.format(**testcase), end=Style.RESET_ALL)
def _report_created(self): # set up the report data rows = [] ips = [] data_center = self._get_data_center().get('ABBR') plan = self._get_plan().get('RAM') for linode in self._created_linodes: rows.append(( linode['hostname'], linode['public'], linode['private'], linode['gateway'], data_center, plan )) ips.append(linode['public']) firewall_command = './apply-firewall.py --private-key /path/to/key/deis --hosts ' + string.join(ips, ' ') # set up the report constants divider = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.MAGENTA + ('=' * 109) + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL column_format = " {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<20} {:<12} {:>8}" formatted_header = column_format.format(*('HOSTNAME', 'PUBLIC IP', 'PRIVATE IP', 'GATEWAY', 'DC', 'PLAN')) # display the report print('') print(divider) print(divider) print('') print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX + ' Successfully provisioned ' + str(self.num_nodes) + ' nodes!' + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) print('') print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.CYAN + formatted_header + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) for row in rows: print(Fore.CYAN + column_format.format(*row) + Fore.RESET) print('') print('') print(Fore.LIGHTYELLOW_EX + ' Finish up your installation by securing your cluster with the following command:' + Fore.RESET) print('') print(' ' + firewall_command) print('') print(divider) print(divider) print('')
def print_errors(matches, api_url, version, print_color=True): def colored(text, color): if print_color: init_colors() return color + text + Fore.RESET else: return text tick = colored(u"\u2713", Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX) + " " cross = colored(u"\u2717", Fore.LIGHTRED_EX) + " " for error in matches: context_object = error["context"] context = context_object["text"] length = context_object["length"] offset = context_object["offset"] endpostion = offset + length print(error["message"]) print( indention[:2] + cross + colored(context[:offset], Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX) + colored(context[offset:endpostion], Fore.LIGHTRED_EX) + colored(context[endpostion:], Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX) ) print( indention + offset * " " + colored(length * "^", Fore.LIGHTRED_EX) ) if error["replacements"]: # only print first 5 replacements for replacement in error["replacements"][:5]: print( indention[:2] + tick + colored(context[:offset], Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX) + colored(replacement["value"], Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX) + colored(context[endpostion:], Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX) ) print() print(colored("Text checked by {url} ({version})".format(url=api_url, version=version), Fore.LIGHTBLACK_EX))