def ex_print (type, msg, ret): colorama.init() # Define color and style constants c_error = Fore.RED c_action = Fore.YELLOW c_ok = Fore.GREEN c_white = Fore.WHITE s_br = Style.BRIGHT s_reset = Style.RESET_ALL message = { "error": c_error + s_br, "action": c_action, "positive": c_ok + s_br, "info": c_white + s_br, "reset": s_reset } style = message.get(type, s_reset) if ret == 0: print(style + msg, end = "") else: print(style + msg)
def option(question, options, default=1): print(question) options = list(options) for idx, element in enumerate(options): print("{}) {}".format(idx+1,element)) while True: i = input("{Style.BRIGHT}{Fore.BLUE}:: {Fore.RESET}Please pick[{}]: {Style.RESET_ALL}".format(default, Style=Style, Fore=Fore)) try: if i == "": i = default else: i = int(i) if 0 < i <= len(options): return options[i-1] except: pass return None
def size(): cache_dir = cfg.cache.dir source_dir = cfg.source.dir cache_size = 0 for f in cache_dir.walkfiles(): cache_size += f.size source_size = 0 for f in source_dir.walkfiles(): source_size += f.size print("{Style.BRIGHT}Cache: {Style.RESET_ALL} {}".format( humanize.naturalsize(cache_size, binary=True), Style=Style )) print("{Style.BRIGHT}Source:{Style.RESET_ALL} {}".format( humanize.naturalsize(source_size, binary=True), Style=Style ))
def console_write(self, color, message): """ Writes message to console. :param color: the colorama color representation. :param message: str the message to write. """ msg_encoded = message.encode('ascii', 'ignore') if config.USE_24HOUR: ts = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') else: ts = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S:%p') if config.CONSOLE_COLORS: msg = COLOR['white'] + '[' + ts + '] ' + Style.RESET_ALL + color + msg_encoded else: msg = '[' + ts + '] ' + msg_encoded try: print(msg) except UnicodeEncodeError as ue: log.error(ue, exc_info=True) if config.DEBUG_MODE: traceback.print_exc() if config.CHAT_LOGGING: write_to_log('[' + ts + '] ' + message, self.roomname)
def banner(): print(Style.DIM) print(' ___________________________') print(' / /\\') print(' / sadboyzvone\'s _/ /\\') print(' / Intel 8080 / \/') print(' / Assembler /\\') print('/___________________________/ /') print('\___________________________\/') print(' \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\' + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT) print(Fore.WHITE + '\nPowered by ' + Fore.BLUE + 'Pyt' + Fore.YELLOW + 'hon' + Fore.WHITE + '\nCopyright (C) 2017, Zvonimir Rudinski') # Print usage information
def rebuild_entry(self, entry, styles): entry = list(entry) # This is the file path. entry[0] = os.path.basename(entry[0]) if self.strip else entry[0] # Always an int (entry line number) entry[1] = str(entry[1]) new_entry = [ styles['line'].format(entry[1]) + Style.RESET_ALL, styles['module'].format(entry[0]) + Style.RESET_ALL, styles['context'].format(entry[2]) + Style.RESET_ALL, styles['call'].format(entry[3]) + Style.RESET_ALL ] if self.conservative: new_entry[0], new_entry[1] = new_entry[1], new_entry[0] return new_entry
def test_tag_chars(): with raises(ValueError): am = AnsiMarkup(tag_sep='{') with raises(ValueError): am = AnsiMarkup(tag_sep='(-)') with raises(ValueError): am = AnsiMarkup(tag_sep='qq') am = AnsiMarkup(tag_sep='{}') r1 = p('0<b>1<d>2</d>3</b>4') r2 = am.parse('0{b}1{d}2{/d}3{/b}4') assert r1 == r2 == '0' + S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.DIM + '2' + S.RESET_ALL + S.BRIGHT + '3' + S.RESET_ALL + '4' assert s('<b>1</b>') == am.strip('{b}1{/b}') == '1'
def reader(wordlist, chunks_size, verbose): """ Load up chunks_sizes of the wordlist into the queue """ queue = Queue() chunk = list(islice(wordlist, chunks_size)) while chunk: # Get chunks_size records from the wordlist if verbose: print(Fore.BLUE + "[QUEUE]" + DEBUG + "inserting into queue:") print("{}".format(chunk) + Style.RESET_ALL) queue.put(chunk) chunk = list(islice(wordlist, chunks_size)) return queue
def signal_handler(signum, *kwargs): """ A handler for various interrupts """ global exit_flag exit_flag = True if signum == signal.SIGINT: print(ERROR + "user quit" + Style.RESET_ALL) else: print(ERROR + "signal caught: {}".format(signum) + Style.RESET_ALL) print("[*] shutting down at {}".format(time.ctime())) # let time for the threads to terminate time.sleep(2) sys.exit(0)
def _update_ui(): global timeout_count, result_codes, connection_error_count print '\r', for k, v in result_codes.iteritems(): print "%s:" % k, if k == '200 OK': print(Fore.LIGHTGREEN_EX), else: print(Fore.RED), print "%s " % v, print(Style.RESET_ALL), if timeout_count > 0: print('Timeouts: '+Fore.YELLOW + str(timeout_count) + Style.RESET_ALL) + ' ', if connection_error_count >0: print('Connection Errors: '+Fore.RED + str(connection_error_count) + Style.RESET_ALL), sys.stdout.flush()
def local_exec(cmd, env=None, shell=False, check_retcode=True): LOG.debug("{}Executing locally: '{}'{}".format( Style.DIM, cmd if isinstance(cmd, basestring) else " ".join(cmd), Style.RESET_ALL)) if env is not None: # Sanitize env because it doees not digest non string values env = dict((key, str(value)) for key, value in env.items()) # Unite the system and custom environments env = dict(os.environ, **env) proc = subprocess.Popen(cmd, env=env, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=shell) out, err = proc.communicate() ret_code = proc.returncode _proceed_exec_result( out.decode('ascii', 'ignore'), err.decode('ascii', 'ignore'), ret_code, check_retcode) return ret_code, out, err
def ssh_exec_live(ssh, cmd, timeout=None, check_retcode=True): LOG.debug(u"{}Calling SSH live: '{}'{}".format(Style.DIM, cmd, Style.RESET_ALL)) try: interact = SSHClientInteraction(ssh, timeout=timeout, display=True, logger=logging.getLogger()) interact.expect('.*') interact.send(cmd + "; exit $?") # needed to not depend on prompt type interact.tail() ret_code = interact.channel.recv_exit_status() except Exception: LOG.debug("Something went wrong in 'ssh_exec_live':\n{}".format( format_exception(sys.exc_info()) )) raise _proceed_exec_result("", "", ret_code, check_retcode) return ret_code, "", ""
def console_write(self, color, message): """ Writes message to console. :param color: the colorama color representation. :param message: str the message to write. """ if config.USE_24HOUR: ts = time.strftime('%H:%M:%S') else: ts = time.strftime('%I:%M:%S:%p') if config.CONSOLE_COLORS: msg = COLOR['white'] + '[' + ts + '] ' + Style.RESET_ALL + color + message else: msg = '[' + ts + '] ' + message try: print(msg) except UnicodeEncodeError as ue: log.error(ue, exc_info=True) if config.DEBUG_MODE: traceback.print_exc() if config.CHAT_LOGGING: write_to_log('[' + ts + '] ' + message, self.room_name)
def authorize_concept(self, concept): if '2' not in concept.sf: raise ValueError('No vocabulary code (2) given!') if concept.sf['2'] in self.vocabularies: vocab = self.vocabularies[concept.sf['2']] else: log.info(Fore.RED + '?' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' Could not authorize: %s', concept) return response = vocab.authorize_term(concept.term, concept.tag) if response.get('id') is not None: identifier = response.get('id') if concept.sf.get('0'): if concept.sf.get('0') == ANY_VALUE: pass # ignore ANY_VALUE elif identifier != concept.sf['0']: identifier = pick_one('The $$0 value does not match the authority record id. ' + 'Please select which to use', [concept.sf['0'], identifier]) concept.sf['0'] = identifier log.info(Fore.GREEN + '?' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' Authorized: %s', concept) else: log.info(Fore.RED + '?' + Style.RESET_ALL + ' Could not authorize: %s', concept)
def echo_llamalist_stats(dev_names, badges=False, proof=True): stats = {} for dev_name in dev_names: counts = get_llama_stats(dev_name) if not badges else get_badges_stats(dev_name) dev_name = counts.get('Name') if not dev_name: continue stats[dev_name] = counts print('@{} {:,} badges sent, {:,} badges received'.format(dev_name, counts['Given'], counts['Received'])) print(Fore.GREEN + '---' + Style.RESET_ALL) num = 1 #+k[1]['Received'] for dev_name, counts in sorted(stats.items(), key=lambda k: k[1]['Given'], reverse=True): if proof: print('{}. @{} {:,} badges sent, {:,} badges received <a href="https://{}.deviantart.com/badges/{}">[proof]</a><br>' .format(num, dev_name, counts['Given'], counts['Received'], dev_name, '' if badges else 'llama/')) else: print('{}. @{} {:,} badges sent, {:,} badges received<br>' .format(num, dev_name, counts['Given'], counts['Received'])) num += 1
def TOR_PROC_CHECK(): isTorRunnin = False TOR_INFO = {} TOR_PROC = None for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'name']) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: if pinfo['name'] == "tor": isTorRunnin = True TOR_INFO['pid'] = pinfo['pid'] TOR_INFO['name'] = pinfo['name'] break if isTorRunnin == True: print ("[" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "+" + Style.RESET_ALL + "]" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + " Tor is running." + Style.RESET_ALL) TOR_PROC = psutil.Process(int(TOR_INFO['pid'])) return TOR_PROC else: print ("[" + Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "-" + Style.RESET_ALL + "]" + Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + " Tor is not running." + Style.RESET_ALL) exit()
def TABLE_PRETTYPRINT(TOR_PROC): AF_INET6 = getattr(socket, 'AF_INET6', object()) PMAP = { (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM): 'tcp', (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM): 'tcp6', (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM): 'udp', (AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM): 'udp6', } print (Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT +"\t=> Process name : %s\n\t=> PID : %s"%(TOR_PROC.name(),TOR_PROC.pid)) print Style.RESET_ALL templete = "%-15s %-25s %-25s %s" print (templete % ("Proto", "Local address", "Remote address", "Status")) print (templete % ("=====", "=============", "==============", "======")) for attr in TOR_PROC.connections(kind='inet'): LADDR = "%s:%s"%(attr.laddr) RADDR = None if attr.raddr: RADDR = "%s:%s"%(attr.raddr) print (templete % (PMAP[(attr.family, attr.type)], LADDR, RADDR or '-', attr.status)) print
def printBoard(self): """ Print board to terminal for debugging """ def getItem(item): if item == Board.BLACK : return Fore.WHITE + "|" + Fore.BLACK + "O" elif item == Board.WHITE : return Fore.WHITE + "|" + Fore.WHITE + "O" else: return Fore.WHITE + "| " def getRow(row): return "".join(map(getItem,row)) print("\t" + Back.GREEN + " BOARD ") print("\t" + Back.GREEN + Fore.WHITE + " |0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7") for i in range(8): print("\t" + Back.GREEN + Fore.WHITE + "{}{}".format(i, getRow(self.board[i]))) sys.stdout.write(Style.RESET_ALL)
def printBoard(self, t='live'): """ Print board to terminal for debugging @param string type 'virtual' or 'live' """ board = self.board if t == 'live' else self.virtualBoard print(Back.GREEN + "\t BOARD ") # Print column titles head = Back.GREEN + Fore.WHITE + "\t " for i in range(self.board.shape[0]): head += '|' + str(i) print(head) # Print rows for i in range(self.board.shape[0]): print(Back.GREEN + Fore.WHITE + "\t" + str(i) + getRow(board[i])) print(Style.RESET_ALL) return
def process_url(self, url, info): """ Accepts a URL and the array of file info generated for it by this class, and then attempts to download it using any possible handler. Returns whatever the handlers do, which should be a path to the file itself or the contianing directory for an album. +Also returns False or None if no appropriate handler was found, or if the handler told us not to download anything. """ ret_val = False # Default to 'False', meaning no file was located by a handler. for h in self.handlers: print("\tChecking handler: %s" % h.tag) ret = h.handle(url, info) if ret is None: # None is returned when the handler specifically wants this URL to be "finished", but not added to the files list. stringutil.print_color(Fore.GREEN, "\t+Handler '%s' completed correctly, but returned no files!" % h.tag ) ret_val = None break if ret: # The handler will return a file/directory name if it worked properly. ret_val = stringutil.normalize_file(ret) stringutil.out("%s\t+Handler '%s' completed correctly! %s%s" % (Fore.GREEN, h.tag, stringutil.fit(ret_val, 75), Style.RESET_ALL) ) break # # if ret_val is False: stringutil.error("\t!No handlers were able to accept this URL." ) return ret_val #
def log(self, prefix, text, line=False): now = datetime.now() message = "" if prefix == '?': c = Fore.CYAN elif prefix == '+': c = Fore.GREEN elif prefix == '-': c = Fore.RED elif prefix == '!': c = Fore.YELLOW c = Style.BRIGHT + c e = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET if line: print c+"["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"]["+prefix+"] "+text+e else : print "["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"]["+c+prefix+e+"] "+text
def log(prefix, text, line=False): now = datetime.now() message = "" if prefix == '?': c = Fore.CYAN elif prefix == '+': c = Fore.GREEN elif prefix == '-': c = Fore.RED elif prefix == '!': c = Fore.YELLOW c = Style.BRIGHT + c e = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET if line: print c+"["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+prefix+"] "+text+e else : print "["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+c+prefix+e+"] "+text
def colorprint(text_color, bail_result=False): ''' Colorprint text into the console. Call it as a curried function. greenPrinter = colorprinter('GREEN') greenPrinter('this will be green') OR: colorprint('GREEN')('this will be green') ''' def printer(text): ''' This actually does the printing part. Allows for reusable color printers. ''' color = Fore.GREEN if text_color == 'GREEN' else Fore.RED if not bail_result: print(color + text) print(Style.RESET_ALL) else: return color + text return printer
def status_loop(self): x = self.targets status = "" for i in range(0, len(x), 3): a1 = "%d. %s (%s)" % (i+1, x[i]['team'], x[i]['ip']) if i + 1 < len(x): a2 = "%d. %s (%s)" % (i+2, x[i+1]['team'], x[i+1]['ip']) else: a2 = "" if i + 2 < len(x): a3 = "%d. %s (%s)" % (i+3, x[i+2]['team'], x[i+2]['ip']) else: a3 = "" a1f = Fore.GREEN if x[i]['compromised'] else Fore.RED if i + 1 < len(x): a2f = Fore.GREEN if x[i+1]['compromised'] else Fore.RED if i + 2 < len(x): a3f = Fore.GREEN if x[i+2]['compromised'] else Fore.RED a1 = a1f + a1.ljust(45, " ") + Style.RESET_ALL a2 = a2f + a2.ljust(45, " ") + Style.RESET_ALL a3 = a3f + a3.ljust(20, " ") + Style.RESET_ALL status += ("%s%s%s\n" % (a1, a2, a3)) open("status", 'w').write(status) self.loop.call_later(self.detect_interval, self.status_work)
def require(package, requirement=None): requirement = requirement or package try: return __import__(package) except ImportError: from colorama import Fore, Style print( Fore.YELLOW, 'This example requires the {!r} package. Install it using:'. format(requirement), Style.RESET_ALL, sep='' ) print() print( Fore.YELLOW, ' $ pip install {!s}'.format(requirement), Style.RESET_ALL, sep='' ) print() raise
def getparam(ser, p_name, p_data): """Decode a specific parameter from the serial port.""" printc(Back.RED + p_name, prepend='\n') for typ in p_data: schr = ser.read() if typ == 'h': printc(c2hex(schr), Fore.GREEN) elif typ == 'H': if len(HIGHLIGHT): HIGHLIGHT.popleft() HIGHLIGHT.append(c2hex(schr)) printc(c2hex(schr), Fore.BLUE) elif typ == 'a': printc(c2ascii(schr) or c2hex(schr), Fore.WHITE, prepend='') else: printc(c2hex(schr), Fore.WHITE) printc(Style.RESET_ALL, prepend='')
def test_colour_with_string_with_single_stack_status(self): strings = [ "string string {0} string".format(status) for status in sorted(self.statuses.keys()) ] responses = [ self.stack_status_colourer.colour(string) for string in strings ] assert responses == [ "string string {0}{1}{2} string".format( self.statuses[status], status, Style.RESET_ALL ) for status in sorted(self.statuses.keys()) ]
def colour(self, string): """ Colours all Stack Statueses in ``string``. The colours applied are defined in ``sceptre.stack_status_colourer.StackStatusColourer.STACK_STATUS_CODES`` :param string: A string to colour. :type string: str :returns: The string with all stack status values coloured. :rtype: str """ stack_statuses = re.findall(self.STACK_STATUS_PATTERN, string) for status in stack_statuses: string = re.sub( r"\b{0}\b".format(status), "{0}{1}{2}".format( self.STACK_STATUS_CODES[status], status, Style.RESET_ALL ), string ) return string
def _get_color_printer(stream=sys.stdout, colors=True): """ Return a print function tied to a particular stream, along with coloring info. """ try: from colorama import init, Fore, Back, Style init(autoreset=True) except ImportError: Fore = Back = Style = _NoColor() if not colors: Fore = Back = Style = _NoColor() def color_print(s, fore='', color='', end=''): """ """ print(color + s, file=stream, end='') print(Style.RESET_ALL, file=stream, end='') print(end=end) return color_print, Fore, Back, Style
def print_status(self, test_case, test_case_index, total_test_case_count, character, color=None, details=None, force_progress=False, progress_space=' '): """Implementation: Prints a line of test / test case progress.""" if test_case_index is None: line = progress_space * self.progress_len elif self.printer.needs_newline or force_progress: line = self.progress(test_case_index, total_test_case_count) self.progress_len = len(line) else: line = self.space_for_progress(test_case_index, total_test_case_count) self.progress_len = len(line) if color: line += color line += ' ' + character + ' ' + test_case if color: line += Style.RESET_ALL if details: line += details self.printer.print_noeol(line)
def finish(self, total_test_count, total_test_case_count, time): time_details = self.format_time(time) if not self.failed_test_output: passed_details = ' - ' + self.format_passed(total_test_count, total_test_case_count) self.print_status('Finished', None, None, self.characters.success, Fore.GREEN, details=passed_details + time_details, progress_space='-') else: failed_details = ' - ' + self.format_failed( len(self.failed_test_output), total_test_count, total_test_case_count) self.print_status('Finished', None, None, self.characters.fail, Fore.RED, details=failed_details + time_details, progress_space='-') self.printer.newline() if self.failed_test_output: self.printer.print() self.printer.print(Fore.RED + 'FAILED TESTS:' + Style.RESET_ALL) for test_and_case, output in self.failed_test_output.items(): self.printer.print( Fore.RED + self.characters.fail + ' ' + test_and_case + Style.RESET_ALL) for line in output: self.printer.print(' ' + line)
def print_exit_status(process, printer): exit_signal = None exit_code = None core_dumped = False try: wait_result = os.waitpid(process.pid, 0)[1] if os.WIFSIGNALED(wait_result): exit_signal = os.WTERMSIG(wait_result) exit_code = 128 + exit_signal elif os.WIFEXITED(wait_result): exit_code = os.WEXITSTATUS(wait_result) core_dumped = os.WCOREDUMP(wait_result) except ChildProcessError: # Must be Windows; waiting for a terminated process doesn't work (?) exit_code = process.returncode if exit_signal is not None: signal_name = signal_names.get(exit_signal, 'unknown signal') printer.print( Fore.RED + 'Terminated by %s (%i)' % (signal_name, exit_signal) + Style.RESET_ALL) exit_code = 128 + exit_signal if core_dumped: printer.print(Fore.RED + 'Core dumped' + Style.RESET_ALL) return exit_code
def print_yellow(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def print_blue(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def print_cyan(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def print_green(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def print_red(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def info(message): print(Style.RESET_ALL + message)
def reset(): print(Style.RESET_ALL)
def set_(name, value): section, option = name.split(".") try: cfg[section][option] = value except KeyError: print( "Unknown config option {Style.BRIGHT}{}{Style.RESET_ALL}" .format( name, Style=Style ) )
def get(name): section, option = name.split(".") try: print(cfg[section][option]) except KeyError: print( "Unknown config option {Style.BRIGHT}{}{Style.RESET_ALL}" .format( name, Style=Style ) )
def details(package_q): q = Query(package_q) package = local_repo.find_package(q) if package is None: print("No package named {Style.BRIGHT}{}{Style.RESET_ALL}".format( q, Style=Style )) exit(1) print_local_package(local_repo, package)
def present(self): for package in self.list_: tag_str = " ".join( ("{}[{}]".format(k.color, k) for k in self.tags[package]) ) print("{}/{} {}".format( Fore.MAGENTA + package.name + Style.RESET_ALL, package.version, tag_str ))
def _compile_table(self, name): # for readability metrics = self.metrics[name] fn = metrics['fn']; fp = metrics['fp']; tp = metrics['tp']; tn = metrics['tn'] pt = PrettyTable([Fore.GREEN + name + Style.RESET_ALL,'Predicted NO','Predicted YES','Total']) pt.add_row(['Actual NO',tn,fp,tn+fp]) pt.add_row(['Actual YES',fn,tp,fn+tp]) pt.add_row(['Total',tn+fn,fp+tp,'']) pt.hrules = ALL rows = ['' for i in range(6)] rows[0] = pt.get_string(padding_width=5) rows[1] = "Accuracy: {:^1}{:<.2f}".format("", metrics['accuracy']) rows[2] = "Precision: {:^}{:<.2f}".format("", metrics['precision']) rows[3] = "Recall: {:^3}{:<.2f}".format("", metrics['recall']) rows[4] = "F1-score: {:^1}{:<.2f}".format("", metrics['f1_score']) rows[5] = "" self.rows.extend(rows)
def color_row(row): color = Fore.WHITE label = "." if u'label' in row: color = LABEL_COLOR.get(row[u'label'], Fore.WHITE) label = row[u'label'] row[u'label'] = "%s%s%s" % (color, label, Style.RESET_ALL) row['family'] = "%s%s%s" % (color, row.get('family', "."), Style.RESET_ALL) row['size'] = smart_size(row.get(u'size', ".")) return row
def process_classify(options): if os.path.exists(options.files[0]): filelist = options.files if os.path.isdir(options.files[0]): filelist = get_filelist(filelist[0]) result = BINOBJ.classify_files( filelist, upload_missing=options.u, status_callback=my_callback) else: result = BINOBJ.classify_hashes(options.files) if 'error' in result or result['status'] != 'done': print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Request failed") else: print("Classification Results:") reqid = result.get('results', None) if reqid is None: # the request failed before any files could be analyzed print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Fail reason: {0} (error code={1})".format( result['error']['message'], result['error']['code'])) return classify_data = [] for key, value in result['results'].iteritems(): status = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.GREEN + "OK" + Style.RESET_ALL if 'error' in value: status = Fore.RED + value['error']['message'] + Style.RESET_ALL row = {'SHA1': key, 'label': value.get('label', '.'), 'family': value.get('family', '.'), 'Status': status} classify_data.append(row) if options.pretty_print: show_results(classify_data, pretty_print=options.pretty_print) else: print("-" * 100) for row in classify_data: show_row(row) return
def parse(self, text): '''Return a string with markup tags converted to ansi-escape sequences.''' tags, results = [], [] text = self.re_tag.sub(lambda m: self.sub_tag(m, tags, results), text) if self.always_reset: if not text.endswith(Style.RESET_ALL): text += Style.RESET_ALL return text
def test_flat(): assert p('<b>1</b>') == p('<bold>1</bold>') == S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<d>1</d>') == p('<dim>1</dim>') == S.DIM + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<b>1</b><d>2</d>') == S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL + S.DIM + '2' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<b>1</b>2<d>3</d>') == S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL + '2' + S.DIM + '3' + S.RESET_ALL