def ex_print (type, msg, ret): colorama.init() # Define color and style constants c_error = Fore.RED c_action = Fore.YELLOW c_ok = Fore.GREEN c_white = Fore.WHITE s_br = Style.BRIGHT s_reset = Style.RESET_ALL message = { "error": c_error + s_br, "action": c_action, "positive": c_ok + s_br, "info": c_white + s_br, "reset": s_reset } style = message.get(type, s_reset) if ret == 0: print(style + msg, end = "") else: print(style + msg)
def option(question, options, default=1): print(question) options = list(options) for idx, element in enumerate(options): print("{}) {}".format(idx+1,element)) while True: i = input("{Style.BRIGHT}{Fore.BLUE}:: {Fore.RESET}Please pick[{}]: {Style.RESET_ALL}".format(default, Style=Style, Fore=Fore)) try: if i == "": i = default else: i = int(i) if 0 < i <= len(options): return options[i-1] except: pass return None
def size(): cache_dir = cfg.cache.dir source_dir = cfg.source.dir cache_size = 0 for f in cache_dir.walkfiles(): cache_size += f.size source_size = 0 for f in source_dir.walkfiles(): source_size += f.size print("{Style.BRIGHT}Cache: {Style.RESET_ALL} {}".format( humanize.naturalsize(cache_size, binary=True), Style=Style )) print("{Style.BRIGHT}Source:{Style.RESET_ALL} {}".format( humanize.naturalsize(source_size, binary=True), Style=Style ))
def banner(): print(Style.DIM) print(' ___________________________') print(' / /\\') print(' / sadboyzvone\'s _/ /\\') print(' / Intel 8080 / \/') print(' / Assembler /\\') print('/___________________________/ /') print('\___________________________\/') print(' \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\ \\' + Style.RESET_ALL + Style.BRIGHT) print(Fore.WHITE + '\nPowered by ' + Fore.BLUE + 'Pyt' + Fore.YELLOW + 'hon' + Fore.WHITE + '\nCopyright (C) 2017, Zvonimir Rudinski') # Print usage information
def process_search(options): search_query = [] search_query.extend([hex_pattern(val.replace(' ', '')) for val in options.hex]) search_query.extend([ascii_pattern(val) for lst in options.a for val in lst]) search_query.extend([wide_pattern(val) for lst in options.w for val in lst]) result = BINOBJ.search( search_query, limit=options.limit, exact=options.exact, test=options.test) if 'error' in result: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + result['error']['message']) return if 'stats' in result: show_stats_new(result['stats'], options.limit) if len(result['results']) == 0: return # if len(result['results']) >= options.limit: # print("Showing top {0} results:".format(options.limit)) # else: # print("Results:") show_results(result['results'], pretty_print=options.pretty_print)
def test_unknown_tags(): assert p('<tag>1</tag>') == '<tag>1</tag>' assert p('<tag>') == '<tag>' assert p('</tag>') == '</tag>' assert p('<b>1</b><tag>2</tag>') == S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL + '<tag>2</tag>' assert p('<tag>1</tag><b>2</b>') == '<tag>1</tag>' + S.BRIGHT + '2' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<b>1</b><tag>2</tag><b>3</b>') == S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL + '<tag>2</tag>' + S.BRIGHT + '3' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<tag>1</tag><b>2</b><tag>3</tag>') == '<tag>1</tag>' + S.BRIGHT + '2' + S.RESET_ALL + '<tag>3</tag>' assert p('<b><tag>1</tag></b>') == S.BRIGHT + '<tag>1</tag>' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<tag><b>1</b></tag>') == '<tag>' + S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL + '</tag>' assert p('<b><tag>1</tag>') == S.BRIGHT + '<tag>1</tag>' assert p('<tag>1</tag><b>') == '<tag>1</tag>' + S.BRIGHT assert p('<b><tag>') == S.BRIGHT + '<tag>' assert p('<tag><b>') == "<tag>" + S.BRIGHT assert p('<b></tag>') == S.BRIGHT + '</tag>' assert p('</tag><b>') == "</tag>" + S.BRIGHT
def test_tag_chars(): with raises(ValueError): am = AnsiMarkup(tag_sep='{') with raises(ValueError): am = AnsiMarkup(tag_sep='(-)') with raises(ValueError): am = AnsiMarkup(tag_sep='qq') am = AnsiMarkup(tag_sep='{}') r1 = p('0<b>1<d>2</d>3</b>4') r2 = am.parse('0{b}1{d}2{/d}3{/b}4') assert r1 == r2 == '0' + S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.DIM + '2' + S.RESET_ALL + S.BRIGHT + '3' + S.RESET_ALL + '4' assert s('<b>1</b>') == am.strip('{b}1{/b}') == '1'
def instant_giveaway(prize_name): global won_giveaways, lost_giveaways giveaway_box = chromedriver.find_element_by_id(instant_box) giveaway_box.click() time.sleep(10) get_result = chromedriver.find_element_by_id('title') time.sleep(5) if "you didn't win" in get_result.text: lost_giveaways += 1 print(Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + '\n **** You did not win: %s' % prize_name) time.sleep(5) elif "you're a winner!" in get_result.text: won_giveaways += 1 print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + '\n **** Winner Winner! Chicken Dinner!: %s' % prize_name) time.sleep(1) playsound('.\sounds\\btyswt.mp3') time.sleep(5) else: print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + '\n ---- UNRECOGNIZED RESPONSE FOR: %s' % prize_name) # function to process the 'None' requirement giveaways.
def load_url(url, timeout): # Build URL query to email signup page urlquery = "http://" + url + "/m-users-a-email_list-job-add-email-" + targetEmail + "-source-2.htm" print_out(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.WHITE + "Sending request to: " + url) # Build the request req = urllib.request.Request( urlquery, data=None, headers={ 'User-Agent': random.choice(useragents), 'Host': url } ) # Send try: f = urllib.request.urlopen(req) print_out(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "Successfully sent!") f.close() except urllib.error.URLError as e: print_out(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + e.reason)
def __init__(self, ethers_path, static_ethers, wipe): """ :param ethers_path: path to the ethers file :param static_ethers: path to static ethers file (only when wiping) :param wipe: wipe the ethers """ self.ethers_path = ethers_path self.wipe = wipe self.ethers = {} EthersManager.assert_writable(self.ethers_path) if wipe: print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "The ethers file will be wiped!") if static_ethers: print(Fore.BLUE + "The static ethers will be loaded") self.load_ethers(static_ethers) else: print(Fore.BLUE + "The ethers file will be created from scratch") else: self.load_ethers(self.ethers_path)
def TOR_PROC_CHECK(): isTorRunnin = False TOR_INFO = {} TOR_PROC = None for proc in psutil.process_iter(): try: pinfo = proc.as_dict(attrs=['pid', 'name']) except psutil.NoSuchProcess: pass else: if pinfo['name'] == "tor": isTorRunnin = True TOR_INFO['pid'] = pinfo['pid'] TOR_INFO['name'] = pinfo['name'] break if isTorRunnin == True: print ("[" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "+" + Style.RESET_ALL + "]" + Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + " Tor is running." + Style.RESET_ALL) TOR_PROC = psutil.Process(int(TOR_INFO['pid'])) return TOR_PROC else: print ("[" + Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "-" + Style.RESET_ALL + "]" + Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + " Tor is not running." + Style.RESET_ALL) exit()
def TABLE_PRETTYPRINT(TOR_PROC): AF_INET6 = getattr(socket, 'AF_INET6', object()) PMAP = { (AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM): 'tcp', (AF_INET6, SOCK_STREAM): 'tcp6', (AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM): 'udp', (AF_INET6, SOCK_DGRAM): 'udp6', } print (Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT +"\t=> Process name : %s\n\t=> PID : %s"%(TOR_PROC.name(),TOR_PROC.pid)) print Style.RESET_ALL templete = "%-15s %-25s %-25s %s" print (templete % ("Proto", "Local address", "Remote address", "Status")) print (templete % ("=====", "=============", "==============", "======")) for attr in TOR_PROC.connections(kind='inet'): LADDR = "%s:%s"%(attr.laddr) RADDR = None if attr.raddr: RADDR = "%s:%s"%(attr.raddr) print (templete % (PMAP[(attr.family, attr.type)], LADDR, RADDR or '-', attr.status)) print
def show_help(self): help = 'dashboard section:\n' help += ' show interfaces : Print all interfaces found by cmanager\n' help += ' wizard wifi : Go to wifi wizard section\n' help += ' exit : Exit cmanager\n\n' help += 'wifi-wizard section:\n' help += ' show profile : List profile that saved by cmanager\n' help += ' show options : List available options used to create a profile\n' help += ' set [options] [value] : Set value to available options before save the profile\n' help += ' save profile : Save profile after options data\'s been filled\n' help += ' del profile [profile] : Del profile by profile\'s name\n' help += ' use [wireless_intarface] : Use this command BEFORE scanning available network or connecting a profile\n' help += ' scan : Scanning available networks\n' help += ' connect [profile] : Connecting wireless interface to a wifi network using specified profile\'s name\n' help += ' back : Back to dashboard section' print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + help)
def log(self, prefix, text, line=False): now = datetime.now() message = "" if prefix == '?': c = Fore.CYAN elif prefix == '+': c = Fore.GREEN elif prefix == '-': c = Fore.RED elif prefix == '!': c = Fore.YELLOW c = Style.BRIGHT + c e = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET if line: print c+"["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"]["+prefix+"] "+text+e else : print "["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")+"]["+c+prefix+e+"] "+text
def log(prefix, text, line=False): now = datetime.now() message = "" if prefix == '?': c = Fore.CYAN elif prefix == '+': c = Fore.GREEN elif prefix == '-': c = Fore.RED elif prefix == '!': c = Fore.YELLOW c = Style.BRIGHT + c e = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET if line: print c+"["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+prefix+"] "+text+e else : print "["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+c+prefix+e+"] "+text
def get_comment_list(insta_username) : media_id=get_post_id(insta_username) request_url=BASE_URL+"media/%s/comments/?access_token=%s"%(media_id,APP_ACCESS_TOKEN) print "Get Requested URL:%s"%(request_url) comment_info=requests.get(request_url).json() if comment_info['meta']['code']==200 : if len(comment_info['data']) : for x in range(0,len(comment_info['data'])) : comment_id=comment_info['data'][x]['id'] comment_text=comment_info['data'][x]['text'] print Fore.BLUE+Style.BRIGHT+"Comments are %s"%(comment_text) else: print "there is no comment regarding this post" else : print "status code other than 200 found"
def compilation_result(result: CompilationResult) -> str: if result.dependencies: dependencies = ('\n Additional dependencies:\n' '{bright} {dependencies}{reset}').format( dependencies='\n '.join(dep for dep in result.dependencies), bright=Style.BRIGHT, reset=Style.RESET_ALL) else: dependencies = '' return ('{bright}Compilation succeed{reset}:\n' ' target: {bright}{target}{reset}\n' ' files: {bright}{files}{reset}\n' ' took: {bright}{time:.2f}{reset} seconds{dependencies}').format( bright=Style.BRIGHT, reset=Style.RESET_ALL, target='{}.{}'.format(*result.target), files=result.files, time=result.time, dependencies=dependencies)
def show_options(require): #print Back.WHITE + Fore.WHITE + "Module parameters" + Style.RESET_ALL for line in require: if require[line][0]["value"] == "": value = "No value" else: value = require[line][0]["value"] if require[line][0]["required"] == "yes": if require[line][0]["value"] != "": print Fore.GREEN+Style.BRIGHT+ "+ " +Style.RESET_ALL+line+ ": " +value else: print Fore.RED+Style.BRIGHT+ "- " +Style.RESET_ALL+line+ "(" +Fore.RED+ "is_required" +Style.RESET_ALL+ "):" +value else: if require[line][0]["value"] != "": print Fore.GREEN+Style.BRIGHT+ "+ " +Style.RESET_ALL+line + ": " +value else: print Fore.WHITE+Style.BRIGHT+ "* " +Style.RESET_ALL+line + "(" +Fore.GREEN+ "optional" +Style.RESET_ALL+ "):" +value #print Back.WHITE + Fore.WHITE + "End parameters" + Style.RESET_ALL
def export_search(self, get_all, word): if self.finded == 0: print "------------------------------------" self.finded = 1 nb_result = len(get_all) if get_all not in self.result: count = 0 for line in get_all: if ")" in line: line = line.replace(')','') if line.strip() != "": count += 1 if word in line.strip(): string = Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + word + Style.RESET_ALL line = line.replace(word,string) print "data "+str(count)+": "+line.strip() print "------------------------------------" self.result.append(get_all)
def main(self): domain_list = [] load_name = self.get_options("enterprise") print Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + "Search domain name for "+load_name + Style.RESET_ALL start_with = ["www.","http://","https://"] end_with = [".com",".fr",".org",".de",".eu"] for line in start_with: for end_line in end_with: domain = line + str(load_name) + end_line try: return_code = urllib.urlopen(domain).getcode() return_code = str(return_code) if return_code != "404": domain_list.append(domain) print Fore.GREEN + "- "+Style.RESET_ALL + domain except: Back.YELLOW + Fore.BLACK + "Can't get return code" + Style.RESET_ALL if len(domain_list) > 0: for domain in domain_list: self.export.append(domain) else: print Fore.RED + "No domain found" + Style.RESET_ALL
def loading(): red_bold = Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED reset = Style.RESET_ALL loading = "loading the fingerprinting framework" action = 0 while action < 1: for i,char in enumerate(loading): if i == 0: print "%s%s%s%s" %(red_bold,char.upper(),reset,loading[1:]) elif i == 1: old_loading = loading[0].lower() print "%s%s%s%s%s" %(old_loading,red_bold,char.upper(),reset,loading[2:]) elif i == i: old_loading = loading[-0:i].lower() print "%s%s%s%s%s" %(old_loading,red_bold,char.upper(),reset,loading[i+1:]) time.sleep(0.1) os.system('clear') action += 1 return True
def print_yellow(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.YELLOW + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def print_blue(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.BLUE + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def print_cyan(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.CYAN + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def print_green(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def print_red(string): if windows_client(): reinit() print (Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + string + Style.RESET_ALL) if windows_client(): deinit()
def yes_no(question, default="yes"): """Ask a yes/no question via input() and return their answer. "question" is a string that is presented to the user. "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>. It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning an answer is required of the user). The "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no". """ valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} if default is None: prompt = " [y/n] " elif default == "yes": prompt = " [Y/n] " elif default == "no": prompt = " [y/N] " else: raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default) while True: sys.stdout.write(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + ":: " + Fore.RESET + question + prompt + Style.NORMAL) choice = input().lower() if default is not None and choice == '': return valid[default] elif choice in valid: return valid[choice] else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' " "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")
def set_(name, value): section, option = name.split(".") try: cfg[section][option] = value except KeyError: print( "Unknown config option {Style.BRIGHT}{}{Style.RESET_ALL}" .format( name, Style=Style ) )
def get(name): section, option = name.split(".") try: print(cfg[section][option]) except KeyError: print( "Unknown config option {Style.BRIGHT}{}{Style.RESET_ALL}" .format( name, Style=Style ) )
def show_row(row): row = color_row(row) print(" ".join(["%s%s%s:%s" % (Style.NORMAL, x.capitalize(), Style.BRIGHT, y) for (x, y) in row.items()]))
def process_classify(options): if os.path.exists(options.files[0]): filelist = options.files if os.path.isdir(options.files[0]): filelist = get_filelist(filelist[0]) result = BINOBJ.classify_files( filelist, upload_missing=options.u, status_callback=my_callback) else: result = BINOBJ.classify_hashes(options.files) if 'error' in result or result['status'] != 'done': print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Request failed") else: print("Classification Results:") reqid = result.get('results', None) if reqid is None: # the request failed before any files could be analyzed print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Fail reason: {0} (error code={1})".format( result['error']['message'], result['error']['code'])) return classify_data = [] for key, value in result['results'].iteritems(): status = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.GREEN + "OK" + Style.RESET_ALL if 'error' in value: status = Fore.RED + value['error']['message'] + Style.RESET_ALL row = {'SHA1': key, 'label': value.get('label', '.'), 'family': value.get('family', '.'), 'Status': status} classify_data.append(row) if options.pretty_print: show_results(classify_data, pretty_print=options.pretty_print) else: print("-" * 100) for row in classify_data: show_row(row) return
def process_hunt(options): result = BINOBJ.yara_hunt(options.yarafile, options.test, my_callback) if 'error' in result or result['status'] != 'done': print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Request failed.") print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Fail reason: {0} (error code={1})".format( result['error']['message'], result['error']['code'])) return if 'stats' in result: show_stats(result['stats']) if len(result['results']) > 0: show_results(result['results'], pretty_print=options.pretty_print)
def process_metadata(options): result = BINOBJ.get_metadata(options.filehash) if 'error' in result: print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + result['error']['message']) return dump(result[options.filehash])
def test_basic(caplog): log, hdl = caplog log.info('<b>1</b>') assert hdl.last_msg == S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL
def test_flat(): assert p('<b>1</b>') == p('<bold>1</bold>') == S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<d>1</d>') == p('<dim>1</dim>') == S.DIM + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<b>1</b><d>2</d>') == S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL + S.DIM + '2' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<b>1</b>2<d>3</d>') == S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL + '2' + S.DIM + '3' + S.RESET_ALL
def test_flat_colors(): assert p('<r>1</r>') == p('<red>1</red>') == p('<fg red>1</fg red>') == F.RED + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<R>1</R>') == p('<RED>1</RED>') == p('<bg red>1</bg red>') == B.RED + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<r,y>1</r,y>') == p('<red,yellow>1</red,yellow>') == F.RED + B.YELLOW + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<b,r,y>1</b,r,y>') == p('<bold,red,yellow>1</bold,red,yellow>') == S.BRIGHT + F.RED + B.YELLOW + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<b,r,>1</b,r,>') == p('<bold,red,>1</bold,red,>') == S.BRIGHT + F.RED + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert p('<fg RED>1</fg RED>') == '<fg RED>1</fg RED>' assert p('<fg light-blue2>1</fg light-blue2>') == '<fg light-blue2>1</fg light-blue2>' assert p('<bg ,red>1</bg ,red>') == '<bg ,red>1</bg ,red>' assert p('<bg red,>1</bg red,>') == '<bg red,>1</bg red,>' assert p('<bg a,z>1</bg a,z>') == '<bg a,z>1</bg a,z>' assert p('<bg blue,yelllow>1</bg blue,yelllow>') == '<bg blue,yelllow>1</bg blue,yelllow>' assert p('<bg r, y>1</bg r, y>') == '<bg r, y>1</bg r, y>' assert p('<>1</>') == '<>1</>' assert p('</>1</>') == '</>1</>' assert p('<,>1</,>') == '<,>1</,>' assert p('<,,>1</,,>') == '<,,>1</,,>' assert p('<z,z>1</z,z>') == '<z,z>1</z,z>' assert p('<z,z,z>1</z,z,z>') == '<z,z,z>1</z,z,z>' assert p('<red,RED>1</red,RED>') == '<red,RED>1</red,RED>' assert p('<bold,red>1</bold,red>') == '<bold,red>1</bold,red>' assert p('<b,red,RED>1</b,red,RED>') == '<b,red,RED>1</b,red,RED>' assert p('<b,red,bold>1</b,red,bold>') == '<b,red,bold>1</b,red,bold>' assert p('<b,,>1</b,,>') == '<b,,>1</b,,>' assert p('<b,a,>1</b,a,>') == '<b,a,>1</b,a,>' assert p('<b,,z>1</b,,z>') == '<b,,z>1</b,,z>'
def test_nested(): assert p('0<b>1<d>2</d>3</b>4') == '0' + S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.DIM + '2' + S.RESET_ALL + S.BRIGHT + '3' + S.RESET_ALL + '4' assert p('<d>0<b>1<d>2</d>3</b>4</d>') == S.DIM + '0' + S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.DIM + '2' + S.RESET_ALL + S.DIM + S.BRIGHT + '3' + S.RESET_ALL + S.DIM +'4' + S.RESET_ALL
def test_usertags(): user_tags = { 'info': F.GREEN + S.BRIGHT, 'info1': p('<g><b>'), 'call': lambda: F.BLUE + B.RED } am = AnsiMarkup(tags=user_tags) assert am.parse('<info>1</info>') == F.GREEN + S.BRIGHT + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert am.parse('<info>1</info>') == am.parse('<info1>1</info1>') assert am.parse('<call>1</call>') == F.BLUE + B.RED + '1' + S.RESET_ALL assert am.strip('<info1>1</info1>') == '1'
def tor_test(): # Get Tor IP from wtfismyip try: with urllib.request.urlopen('https://wtfismyip.com/text') as response: html = response.read() print_out(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + "Your Tor IP is: " + html.decode('utf-8')) except HTTPError as e: # do something print_out(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Error code: " + str(e.code)) exit(1) except URLError as e: # do something print_out(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "Reason: " + str(e.reason)) exit(1)
def assert_writable(path): if not os.access(path, os.W_OK): print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "ERROR: %s is not writable" % path, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
def assert_readable(path): if not os.access(path, os.R_OK): print(Fore.RED + Style.BRIGHT + "ERROR: %s is not readable" % path, file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1)
def export_ethers(self): lines = ["%s %s" % (mac, ip) for mac,ip in self.ethers.items()] print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "Generated ethers file") self.print_boxed(lines) file = open(self.ethers_path, 'w') file.write('\n'.join(lines) + '\n') file.close() print(Fore.GREEN + "%s file written" % self.ethers_path) self.reload_services()
def reload_services(self): print(Fore.GREEN + Style.BRIGHT + "Reloading services") print(Fore.GREEN + "SIGHUPing dnsmasq") call(['killall', '-s', 'SIGHUP', 'dnsmasq'])
def bright(string): return wrap(string, Style.BRIGHT)
def wrap_header(string): return wrap("# {0}\n".format(string), Style.BRIGHT)
def ok(message, detail=""): level = Fore.GREEN + "[OK] " + Fore.RESET print(prefix + level + Style.BRIGHT + message + Style.RESET_ALL + " " + detail + Style.RESET_ALL)
def warn(message, detail=""): level = Fore.YELLOW + "[WARN] " + Fore.RESET print(prefix + level + Style.BRIGHT + message + Style.RESET_ALL + " " + detail + Style.RESET_ALL)
def error(message, detail=""): level = Fore.RED + "[ERR] " + Fore.RESET print(prefix + level + Style.BRIGHT + message + Style.RESET_ALL + " " + detail + Style.RESET_ALL)
def run(self): data = self.request('avail.datacenters') column_format = "{:<4} {:}" print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + column_format.format(*('ID', 'LOCATION')) + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) for data_center in data: row = ( data_center.get('DATACENTERID'), data_center.get('LOCATION') ) print(Fore.GREEN + column_format.format(*row) + Fore.RESET)
def run(self): data = self.request('avail.linodeplans') column_format = "{:<4} {:<16} {:<8} {:<12} {:}" print(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.GREEN + column_format.format( *('ID', 'LABEL', 'CORES', 'RAM', 'PRICE')) + Fore.RESET + Style.RESET_ALL) for plan in data: row = ( plan.get('PLANID'), plan.get('LABEL'), plan.get('CORES'), str(plan.get('RAM')) + 'MB', '$' + str(plan.get('PRICE')) ) print(Fore.GREEN + column_format.format(*row) + Fore.RESET)