def main(): colorama.init() # gratuitous use of lambda. pos = lambda y, x: '\x1b[%d;%dH' % (y, x) # draw a white border. print(Back.WHITE, end='') print('%s%s' % (pos(MINY, MINX), ' '*MAXX), end='') for y in range(MINY, 1+MAXY): print('%s %s ' % (pos(y, MINX), pos(y, MAXX)), end='') print('%s%s' % (pos(MAXY, MINX), ' '*MAXX), end='') # draw some blinky lights for a while. for i in range(PASSES): print('%s%s%s%s%s' % (pos(randint(1+MINY,MAXY-1), randint(1+MINX,MAXX-1)), choice(FORES), choice(BACKS), choice(STYLES), choice(CHARS)), end='') # put cursor to top, left, and set color to white-on-black with normal brightness. print('%s%s%s%s' % (pos(MINY, MINX), Fore.WHITE, Back.BLACK, Style.NORMAL), end='')
def radio_play(s): global prev, song, voice, player if (len(s) > 4): song = yt[s] player = voice.create_ffmpeg_player(ytDir + song['file'], before_options='-hide_banner -loglevel panic', options='-b:a 64k -bufsize 64k') player.start() dprint(Fore.MAGENTA + 'Playing:' + Style.NORMAL + ' [YT] ' + song['artist'] + ' - ' + song['title']) else: song = songListByID[s] player = voice.create_ffmpeg_player(musicDir + song['file'], before_options='-hide_banner -loglevel panic', options='-b:a 64k -bufsize 64k') player.start() if (song['artist']): dprint(Fore.MAGENTA + 'Playing:' + Style.NORMAL + ' [' + song['id'] + '] ' + song['artist'] + ' - ' + song['title']) else: dprint(Fore.MAGENTA + 'Playing:' + Style.NORMAL + ' [' + song['id'] + '] ' + song['title']) await client.change_status(game=discord.Game(name=song['title'], url='', type=0), idle=False) prev.append(song['id']) if (len(prev) > 5): prev.remove(prev[0]) return player
def yes_no(question, default="yes"): """Ask a yes/no question via input() and return their answer. "question" is a string that is presented to the user. "default" is the presumed answer if the user just hits <Enter>. It must be "yes" (the default), "no" or None (meaning an answer is required of the user). The "answer" return value is True for "yes" or False for "no". """ valid = {"yes": True, "y": True, "ye": True, "no": False, "n": False} if default is None: prompt = " [y/n] " elif default == "yes": prompt = " [Y/n] " elif default == "no": prompt = " [y/N] " else: raise ValueError("invalid default answer: '%s'" % default) while True: sys.stdout.write(Style.BRIGHT + Fore.BLUE + ":: " + Fore.RESET + question + prompt + Style.NORMAL) choice = input().lower() if default is not None and choice == '': return valid[default] elif choice in valid: return valid[choice] else: sys.stdout.write("Please respond with 'yes' or 'no' " "(or 'y' or 'n').\n")
def show_row(row): row = color_row(row) print(" ".join(["%s%s%s:%s" % (Style.NORMAL, x.capitalize(), Style.BRIGHT, y) for (x, y) in row.items()]))
def print_out(data): datetimestr = str(datetime.datetime.strftime(datetime.datetime.now(), '%H:%M:%S')) print(Style.NORMAL + "[" + datetimestr + "] " + data + Style.RESET_ALL)
def parseLine(line): severity = getSeverity(line) # Add color based on severity if 'severity' not in locals(): severity = 3 if severity == 0: color = Style.DIM + Fore.WHITE elif severity == 1: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.BLUE elif severity == 2: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.CYAN elif severity == 3: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.WHITE elif severity == 4: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.RED elif severity == 5: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.BLACK + Back.RED else: color = Style.NORMAL + Fore.BLACK + Back.YELLOW # Replace html tab entity with actual tabs line = clearTags(line) line = line.replace('	', "\t") return color + line + Style.RESET_ALL
def yt_queue(s, m): global prev, song, voice, player, yt ydl_opts = { 'format': 'bestaudio/best', 'noplaylist': True, 'nocheckcertificate': True, 'quiet': True, 'outtmpl': ytDir + '%(id)s', 'default_search': 'auto' } with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: meta = ydl.extract_info(s, download=False) yt[meta['id']] = { 'id': meta['id'], 'title': meta['title'], 'artist': meta['uploader'], 'album': 'YouTube', 'composer': None, # meta['view_count'] / meta['like_count'] / meta['dislike_count'] 'length': meta['duration'], 'file': meta['id'] } if (meta['id'] in prev): mainMessage = '[' + m.author.display_name + ']?The song [YT] _' + meta['title'] + '_ has already been played recently' elif (meta['id'] in queue): mainMessage = '[' + m.author.display_name + ']?The song [YT] _' + meta['title'] + '_ is already in the queue' elif (meta['duration'] > 900): mainMessage = '[' + m.author.display_name + ']?The song [YT] _' + meta['title'] + '_ is too long (max 15 minutes)' else: with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl: ydl.download([s]) queue.append(meta['id']) dprint(Fore.MAGENTA + m.author.display_name + ' queued:' + Style.NORMAL + ' [YT] ' + meta['uploader'] + ' - ' + meta['title']) mainMessage = '[' + m.author.display_name + ']?Queued [YT] _' + meta['title'] + '_' await client.send_message(m.channel, mainMessage) if (m.server): await client.delete_message(m)
def cprint(s, log_level): colors = { 'debug': (Fore.WHITE, Style.NORMAL), 'info': (Fore.CYAN, Style.NORMAL), 'warning': (Fore.YELLOW, Style.BRIGHT), 'error': (Fore.RED, Style.BRIGHT), 'default': (Fore.WHITE, Style.NORMAL) } color = (colors[log_level] if log_level in colors else colors['default']) print(color[0], end='') print(color[1], end='') print(s) print(Style.RESET_ALL)
def create_initialization_info(directory_name): print(GET_STARTED_INFO.format( fore_black=Fore.BLACK, back_green=Back.GREEN, fore_white=Fore.WHITE, fore_reset=Fore.RESET, back_reset=Back.RESET, style_bright=Style.BRIGHT, style_normal=Style.NORMAL, fore_green=Fore.GREEN, dir_name=directory_name ))
def warning( str ): print( Style.BRIGHT + Fore.RED + "[WARNING!]" + Style.NORMAL + str );
def main(hits, workers, url, timeout): global _timeout, durations, result_codes, update_ui_now _timeout = timeout print "" print Fore.CYAN + 'PAIN IS GOOD v0.0001 ' + Style.RESET_ALL print "" print '%sHitting: %s%s' % (Style.DIM, Style.NORMAL, url) print '%sHits: %s%s%s' % (Style.DIM, Style.NORMAL, locale.format("%d", hits, grouping=True), Style.NORMAL) print '%sWorkers: %s%s%s' % (Style.DIM, Style.NORMAL, locale.format("%d", workers, grouping=True), Style.NORMAL) print '%sTimeout: %s%s seconds%s' % (Style.DIM, Style.NORMAL, timeout, Style.NORMAL) main_start = time.time() print Style.DIM + '\nStarting Workers...' + Style.RESET_ALL, sys.stdout.flush() for i in range(workers): t = Thread(target=do_work) t.daemon = True t.start() print ' Done.' print "\n" + Fore.CYAN + "Result Codes:" + Style.NORMAL ui = Thread(target=update_ui) ui.daemon = True ui.start() try: for i in range(hits): q.put(url.strip()) q.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(1) _update_ui() update_ui_now = False print "" total_seconds = time.time()-main_start print "Total time: %.2f seconds." % total_seconds if '200 OK' in result_codes: print "Successful Requests Per Second: %.2f" % (result_codes['200 OK'] / total_seconds) if durations: print "Average response: %.2f seconds." % (reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, durations) / len(durations)) print "Longest Response: %.2f seconds" % max(durations) print "Quickest Response: %.2f seconds" % min(durations) if elapsed: print "Longest Elapsed: %.2f seconds" % max(elapsed) print "Quickest Elapsed: %.2f seconds" % min(elapsed) print ""
def output(self, event): if event.name in self.ignored_events: return character_style = self.get_character_style(event) character = self.get_character(event) text_style = self.get_text_style(event) if event.name == 'RunningTask': text = f'Running task: {Style.NORMAL}{event.args["task"].name}' elif event.name == 'SkippingTask': text = f'Skipping task: {Style.NORMAL}{event.args["name"]}' elif event.name == 'RunningCommand': text = f'Executing: {Style.NORMAL}{event.args["command"]}' elif event.name == 'CommandOutput': text = event.args['output'] if event.args['pipe'] == 'stderr': text_style += Fore.RED elif event.name == 'CommandFailed': text = f'Command failed with exit code {event.args["code"]}' if event.args['description']: text += f'{Style.NORMAL}\n{self.indent(event.args["description"], 3)}' elif event.name == 'InvalidMofile': text = f'Invalid task file: {Style.NORMAL}{event.args["filename"]}' elif event.name == 'UndefinedVariable': text = f'Undefined variable: {Style.NORMAL}{event.args["variable"]}' elif event.name == 'TaskNotFound': text = f'No such task: {Style.NORMAL}{event.args["name"]}' if event.args['similarities']: similarities_str = ', '.join(event.args['similarities']) text += f' Did you mean? {similarities_str}' elif event.name == 'HelpOutput': print() for line in event.args['output'].splitlines(): print('', line) return elif event.name == 'Help': print('Available tasks:') print() for name, task in event.args['tasks'].items(): print(name, '-', task.description) return else: character = '?' character_style = Fore.YELLOW text = f'Unknown event: {Style.NORMAL}{event}' text_style = Fore.YELLOW character_style += Style.BRIGHT print( f' {character_style}{character}{Style.RESET_ALL}' + f' {text_style}{text}{Style.RESET_ALL}' )