Python configargparse 模块,ArgumentParser() 实例源码


项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: configargparse.Namespace,
                 values: Sequence[str], option_string: str=None) -> None:
        if len(values) > 2:
            raise ErrorMessage("%s takes 1 or 2 arguments, not more." % highlight("--init"))

        if values[0] not in _initializers:
            raise ErrorMessage("Unknown initializer \"%s\". Acceptable values are: %s" %
                               (highlight(values[0]), highlight(", ".join(_initializers.keys()))))

        initializer = _initializers[values[0]]

        if len(values) > 1:
            initializer.configfolder = values[1]  # override config folder if it's not the default

        if os.path.exists(initializer.configfolder):
            raise ErrorMessage("%s already exists. If you want to overwrite it, remove it first." %

项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:

        gr_aptly = parser.add_argument_group("Aptly Versioner options")
        gr_aptly.add_argument("--aptly-fallback-version", dest="aptly_fallback_version", default=None,
                              help="If the APT repository does not yet contain a package with the name specified by "
                                   "--aptly-query, the Aptly Versioner can return a fallback value. This is useful "
                                   "for fresh repositories.")
        gr_aptly.add_argument("--aptly-versioner-opts", dest="aptly_versioner_opts", default="",
                              help="Specify additional command-line parameters which will be appended to every "
                                   "invocation of aptly by the Aptly Versioner.")
        gr_aptly.add_argument("--aptly-query", dest="aptly_query", default=None,
                              help="Set the query to run on the aptly repo. For example: get the latest revision of a "
                                   "specific version through --aptly-query='Name ([yourpackage]), $Version (>=0.9.5), "
                                   "Version (<=0.9.6)'). More information on the query syntax can be found on "
                                   " To find the overall latest version of GoPythonGo in a repo, "
                                   "you would use --aptly-query='Name (gopythongo)'")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        gr_pip = parser.add_argument_group("PIP Assembler options")
        gr_pip.add_argument("--pip-opts", dest="pip_opts", action="append", default=[], env_var="PIP_OPTS",
                            help="Any string specified here will be directly appended to all pip command-lines when it "
                                 "is invoked, allowing you to specify arbitrary extra command-line parameters, like "
                                 "--extra-index. Make sure that you use an equals sign, i.e. --pip-opts='' to avoid "
                                 "'Unknown parameter' errors!")
        gr_pip.add_argument("--upgrade-pip", dest="upgrade_pip", action="store_true", default=False,
                            help="If specified, GoPythonGo will update pip and virtualenv inside the build environment "
                                 "to the newest available version before installing packages")

        gr_setuppy = parser.add_argument_group(" Assembler options")
        gr_setuppy.add_argument("--setuppy-install", dest="setuppy_install", action="append", default=[],
                                help="After all pip commands have run, this can run 'python install' on " +
                                     "additional packages available in any filesystem path. This option can be " +
                                     "used multiple times")

        gr_python = parser.add_argument_group("Python ecosystem options")
        gr_python.add_argument("--use-virtualenv", dest="virtualenv_binary", default="/usr/bin/virtualenv",
                               help="Set an alternative virtualenv binary to use inside the builder container")
        gr_python.add_argument("--python-binary", dest="python_binary", default="python3",
                               help="Force virtualenv to use a certain Python version (Default: 'python3'). This will "
                                    "be passed to virtualenv's -p parameter. You must change this if you want to build "
                                    "and ship Python 2.x virtual environments.")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        gr_django = parser.add_argument_group("Django Assembler options")
        gr_django.add_argument("--collect-static", dest="collect_static", action="store_true", default=False,
                               help="If set, run ' collectstatic' inside the bundle")
        gr_django.add_argument("--static-root", dest="static_root", default=None,
                               help="Where to collect static files from (Django's STATIC_ROOT)")
        gr_django.add_argument("--assert-static-root-empty", dest="fresh_static", action="store_true", default=False,
                               help="If set, this script will make sure that STATIC_ROOT is empty " +
                                    "before running collectstatic by DELETING it (be careful!)")
        gr_django.add_argument("--django-settings", dest="django_settings_module", default=None,
                               help="'--settings' argument to pass to when it is called by " +
                                    "this script. If --django-generate-secret-key is set, SECRET_KEY will be set "
                                    "in the environment.")
        gr_django.add_argument("--django-gen-secret-key", dest="django_secret_key_file", default=None,
                               help="If set, GoPythonGo will write SECRET_KEY='(random)' to the given filename. The "
                                    "resulting file can be read from envdir or systemd (EnvironmentFile). This is "
                                    "useful for shipping environment configuration for projects adhering to 12factor "
                                    "(and/or using the django12factor library).")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
    global _assemblers

    pos_args = parser.add_argument_group("Python ecosystem arguments (positional)")
                          help="set the location where the virtual environment will be built, this " +
                               "is IMPORTANT as it is also the location where the virtualenv must " +
                               "ALWAYS reside (i.e. the install directory. Virtualenvs are NOT relocatable" +
                               "by default! All path parameters are relative to this path")
    pos_args.add_argument("packages", metavar="package<=>version", nargs="*",
                          help="a list of package/version specifiers. Remember to quote your " +
                               "strings as in \"Django>=1.9,<1.10\"")

    parser.add_argument("--help-assembler", action=AssemblerHelpAction, choices=_assemblers.keys(), default=None)

    for assembler in _assemblers.values():
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _find_default_mounts() -> Set[str]:
    global config_paths
    basepath = os.getcwd()
    miniparser = configargparse.ArgumentParser()
    miniparser.add_argument(*args_for_setting_config_path, dest="config", action="append",
    args, _ = miniparser.parse_known_args()

    # type: ignore, because mypy doesn't parse add_argument above correctly
    if not args.config:
        args.config = default_config_files

    paths = set()
    for cfg in args.config:
        if os.path.isfile(cfg):
    return paths
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        gr_fpm = parser.add_argument_group("FPM Packer options")
        gr_fpm.add_argument("--use-fpm", dest="fpm", default="/usr/local/bin/fpm",
                            help="The full path to the fpm executable to use")
        gr_fpm.add_argument("--run-fpm", dest="run_fpm", action="append", metavar="OPTS_FILE",
                            default=[], const=".gopythongo/fpm_opts", nargs="?",
                            help="Execute FPM (can be used multiple times). You must pass a filename to this "
                                 "parameter, which specifies a file containing the command-line parameters for "
                                 "invoking FPM (one per line). FPM will be invoked with the CWD set to the build "
                                 "folder inside the selected builder. Templating is supported. You can use 'template:' "
                                 "prefixes INSIDE THE OPTS_FILE ITSELF and also process OPTS_FILE as a template. "
                                 "Default opts file: .gopythongo/fpm_opts")

        gr_opts = parser.add_argument_group("FPM related options (can also be used in OPTS_FILE):")
        gr_opts.add_argument("--fpm-format", dest="fpm_format", choices=["deb"], default="deb",
                             help="Output package format. Only 'deb' is supported for now")
        gr_opts.add_argument("--fpm-opts", dest="fpm_extra_opts", default="", env_var="FPM_OPTS",
                             help="Any string specified here will be directly appended to the FPM command-line when it "
                                  "is invoked, allowing you to specify arbitrary extra command-line parameters. Make "
                                  "sure that you use an equals sign, i.e. --fpm-opts='' to avoid 'Unknown parameter' "
                                  "errors! (")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_shared_args(parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
    global _docker_shared_args_added

    if not _docker_shared_args_added:
        gr_docker_shared = parser.add_argument_group("Docker common parameters (Builder and Store)")
        gr_docker_shared.add_argument("--docker-api", dest="docker_api", default="unix://var/run/docker.sock",
                                      help="The Docker API endpoint as a http/unix URL. (Default: "
        gr_docker_shared.add_argument("--docker-tls-client-cert", dest="docker_tls_client_cert", default=None,
                                      help="Path to a SSL client certificate in PEM format to use when connecting to "
                                           "the Docker API.")
        gr_docker_shared.add_argument("--docker-tls-verify", dest="docker_tls_verify", default=False,
                                      help="Set this to a CA certificate PEM file to verify that the Docker server's "
                                           "TLS certificate was signed by this CA.")
        gr_docker_shared.add_argument("--docker-ssl-version", dest="docker_ssl_version", default=5,
                                      help="Set to 3 (TLSv1), 4 (TLSv1.1) or 5 (TLSv1.2) to force the connection to "
                                           "use a particular protocol version. (Default: 5).")
        gr_docker_shared.add_argument("--docker-tls-noverify-hostname", dest="docker_dont_verify_hostname",
                                      default=False, action="store_true",
                                      help="Set this if the Docker API client should skip verifying the Docker API's "

    _docker_shared_args_added = True
项目:topics    作者:jrconlin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_args():
    # type: () -> configargparse.ArgumentParser
    """Read in the args

    parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(
    parser.add_argument('--config', help='Common configuration file path',
                        dest='config_file', is_config_file=True)
    parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', help="Debug info", default=False,
    parser.add_argument('--storage', help='Credential storage file',
                        default='creds.txt', type=str)
    parser.add_argument('--topic', help='Message topic', default=None,
    parser.add_argument('--ttl', help='Message time to live', default=300,
    parser.add_argument('--msg', help='message body to send', default=None,
                        type=str, required=True)
    return parser
项目:topics    作者:jrconlin    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_args():
    # type: () -> configargparse.ArgumentParser
    """Read in the args

    parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(
    parser.add_argument('--config', help='Common configuration file path',
                        dest='config_file', is_config_file=True)
    parser.add_argument('--debug', '-d', help="Debug info", default=False,
    parser.add_argument('--port', '-p', help="Port to monitor",
                        default=8200, type=int)
    parser.add_argument('--storage', help='Credential storage file',
                        default='creds.txt', type=str)

    return parser
项目:azure-python-devtools    作者:Azure    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, parent_parsers=None, config_file=None):
        parent_parsers = parent_parsers or []
        self.parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(parents=parent_parsers)
            '-c', '--config', is_config_file=True, default=config_file,
            help='Path to a configuration file in YAML format.'
            '-l', '--live-mode', action='store_true', dest='live_mode',
            help='Activate "live" recording mode for tests.'
        self.args = self.parser.parse_args([])
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: configargparse.Namespace,
                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: str=None) -> None:
        from gopythongo.initializers import get_initializers
        initializers = get_initializers()
        if values and values in initializers.keys():
            initializers[cast(str, values)].print_help()
            print("Quick start configuration generators\n"
                  "When you want to start working with GoPythonGo in a project, you need to\n"
                  "configure GoPythonGo for your workflow. This means that you need to select\n"
                  "a builder, one or more assemblers, a packer and a store fitting your processes\n"
                  "and deployment options.\n"
                  "To make it easier to get started, GoPythonGo can generate common configurations\n"
                  "for you as a starting point. The modules generating these quick start\n"
                  "configurations are called \"%s\". It's also easy to write a plugin to\n"
                  "support common defaults in your organization. GoPythonGo ships with some default\n"
                  "Initializers. Those are:\n"
                  "    %s - build a virtualenv using Debian's pbuilder isolation system\n"
                  "                   and package it in a .deb. Then store it in an APT repository\n"
                  "                   using aptly.\n"
                  "    %s       - build a virtualenv in a Docker-based build environment then\n"
                  "                   copy it into a Docker production container and push that to\n"
                  "                   a Docker container registry,\n"
                  "You generate a quick start configuration by using --init [configtype] [path],\n"
                  "where path is optional (default: .config/). You can get more information on the\n"
                  "individual Initializers by using\n"
                  "%s." %
                  (highlight("Initializers"), highlight("pbuilder_deb"), highlight("docker"),
                   highlight("--help-initializer=[%s]" % ", ".join(initializers.keys()))))

项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
    gp_init = parser.add_argument_group("Quick start / Configuration generators")
    gp_init.add_argument("--init", action=InitializerAction, nargs="+", metavar=("BUILDTYPE", "PATH"),
                         help="Initialize a default configuration. BUILDTYPE must be one of (%s) and PATH"
                              "is the path of the configuration folder you want to initialize." %
                              (", ".join(_initializers.keys())))
    parser.add_argument("--help-initializer", action=InitializerHelpAction, choices=_initializers.keys(), default=None)
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        gr_pymod = parser.add_argument_group("Pymodule Versioner options")
        gr_pymod.add_argument("--pymodule-read", dest="pymodule_read", default=None,
                              help="A fully qualified dotted path to a str attribute in a Python module accessible on"
                                   "the current PYTHONPATH to be read to get the version string.")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        gp_search = parser.add_argument_group("Search File Versioner options")
        gp_search.add_argument("--search-version-in", dest="search_version_in", default=None,
                               help="The file to read to find the version string.")
        gp_search.add_argument("--search-version-regex", dest="search_version_regex",
                               help="Define the regular expression that we search for. The first match wins.")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        gr_regex = parser.add_argument_group("Regex Version Parser options")
        gr_regex.add_argument("--version-regex", dest="version_regex", default=None,
                              help="Select the regular expression used to parse the version string read by the version "
                                   "reader. It must contain named groups for 'major', 'minor' and 'patch' and can "
                                   "optionally contain named groups for 'prerelease' and 'metadata' mapping to the "
                                   "fields as described by Example: "
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        gr_bv = parser.add_argument_group("Bumpversion Versioner options")
        gr_bv.add_argument("--use-bumpversion", dest="bumpversion_executable", default=None,
                           help="Set the path to the bumpversion shellscript. Required if you want to use the "
                                "bumpversion Versioner. By default GoPythonGo will use the version it shipped with.")
        gr_bv.add_argument("--bumpversion-config", dest="bumpversion_config", default=None,
                           help="Set the path to a bumpversion config file to use.")
        gr_bv.add_argument("--bumpversion-part", dest="bumpversion_part", default=None,
                           help="Select the part of the version string that you want to bump.")
        gr_bv.add_argument("--bumpversion-file", dest="bumpversion_files", action="append", default=[],
                           help="List the files that bumpversion should modify.")
        gr_bv.add_argument("--bumpversion-opts", dest="bumpversion_opts", default="",
                           help="Additional arbitrary command-line options to pass to bumpversion.")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
    global _versioners, _version_parsers

    collected_actions = set()
    for vp in _version_parsers.values():
        for action in vp.supported_actions:

    parser.add_argument("--help-versioner", choices=_versioners.keys(), default=None,
    parser.add_argument("--help-versionparser", choices=_version_parsers.keys(), default=None,

    gp_version = parser.add_argument_group("Version determination")
    gp_version.add_argument("--versioner", dest="input_versioner", default=None,
                            help="Specify from where to read the base version string. See --help-versioner for "
                                 "details. Most versioners take specific additional command-line parameters")
    gp_version.add_argument("--version-parser", dest="version_parser", choices=_version_parsers.keys(), default="semver",
                            help="Parse the version string read by --versioner with this parser. See "
                                 "--help-versionparser for details")
    gp_version.add_argument("--version-action", dest="version_action",
                            choices=collected_actions, default="none",
                            help="Choose what the selected Store should instruct its preferred Version Parser to do to "
                                 "the version for the output package. Most included Version Parsers can only increment "
                                 "numeric version parts. If you need more control, you should take a look at the "
                                 "bumpversion Versioner")

    for v in _versioners.values():

    for vp in _version_parsers.values():
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: configargparse.Namespace,
                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: str=None) -> None:
        from gopythongo.assemblers import get_assemblers
        assemblers = get_assemblers()
        if values in assemblers.keys():
            assemblers[cast(str, values)].print_help()

项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:

        gp_docker = parser.add_argument_group("Docker Builder options")
        gp_docker.add_argument("--docker-buildfile", dest="docker_buildfile", default=None,
                               help="Specify a Dockerfile to build the the build environment. The build commands will "
                                    "then be executed inside the resulting container. The file is always processed as "
                                    "a Jinja template and must contain certain variable placeholders. Read "
                                    "--help-builder=docker for more information.")
        gp_docker.add_argument("--docker-leave-containers", dest="docker_leave_containers", action="store_true",
                               default=False, env_var="DOCKER_LEAVE_CONTAINERS",
                               help="After creating a build environment and a runtime container, if this option is "
                                    "used, GoPythonGo will not use 'docker rm' to clean up the resulting containers.")
        gp_docker.add_argument("--docker-leave-images", dest="docker_leave_images", action="store_true",
                               default=False, env_var="DOCKER_LEAVE_IMAGES",
                               help="After creating a build environment and a runtime container, if this option is "
                                    "used, GoPythonGo will not use '--force-rm' to clean up the intermediate build "
        gp_docker.add_argument("--docker-debug-savecontext", dest="docker_debug_save_context", default=None,
                               help="Set this to a filename to save the .tar.gz that GoPythonGo assembles as a "
                                    "Docker context to build the build environment container using 'docker build'.")
        gp_docker.add_argument("--docker-buildarg", dest="docker_buildargs", default=[], action="append",
                               help="Allows you to set Docker build args in the form of 'KEY=VALUE' which will be "
                                    "passed to the Docker daemon and into your Dockerfile as ARGs.")
        gp_docker.add_argument("--dockerfile-var", dest="dockerfile_vars", default=[], action="append",
                               help="Allows you to set Dockerfile Jinja template context variables in the form of "
                                    "'key=value' which will be passed into your Dockerfile template before it is "
                                    "rendered to be sent to the Docker daemon.")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: configargparse.Namespace,
                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: str=None) -> None:
        from import get_builders
        builders = get_builders()
        if values in builders.keys():
            builders[cast(str, values)].print_help()

项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        gr_pbuilder = parser.add_argument_group("Pbuilder Builder options")
        gr_pbuilder.add_argument("--use-pbuilder", dest="pbuilder_executable", default="/usr/sbin/pbuilder",
                                 help="Specify an alternative pbuilder executable")
        gr_pbuilder.add_argument("--basetgz", dest="basetgz", default="/var/cache/pbuilder/base.tgz", env_var="BASETGZ",
                                 help="Cache and reuse the pbuilder base environment. gopythongo will call pbuilder "
                                      "create on this file if it doesn't exist")
        gr_pbuilder.add_argument("--distribution", dest="pbuilder_distribution", default=None, env_var="DISTRIBUTION",
                                 help="Use this distribution for creating the pbuilder environment using debootstrap.")
        gr_pbuilder.add_argument("--pbuilder-force-recreate", dest="pbuilder_force_recreate", action="store_true",
                                 help="Delete the base environment if it exists already")
        gr_pbuilder.add_argument("--pbuilder-reprovision", dest="pbuilder_reprovision", action="store_true",
                                 help="Run all --run-after-create commands regardless of whether the pbuilder base "
                                      "environment already exists.")
        gr_pbuilder.add_argument("--pbuilder-opts", dest="pbuilder_opts", default="", env_var="PBUILDER_OPTS",
                                 help="Options which will be put into every pbuilder command-line executed by "
        gr_pbuilder.add_argument("--pbuilder-create-opts", dest="pbuilder_create_opts", default="",
                                 help="Options which will be appended to the pbuilder --create command-line")
        gr_pbuilder.add_argument("--pbuilder-execute-opts", dest="pbuilder_execute_opts", default="",
                                 help="Options which will be appended to the pbuilder --execute command-line")
        gr_pbuilder.add_argument("--no-install-defaults", dest="install_defaults", action="store_false",
                                 help="By default GoPythonGo will always install python, python-virtualenv, "
                                      "python-pip, python[3]-dev, virtualenv and possibly eatmydata. If you set this "
                                      "flag you will have to install python using --install-pkg, or GoPythonGo will "
                                      "not be able to run inside the container, but this gives you more control about "
                                      "what Python version runs.")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: configargparse.Namespace,
                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: str=None) -> None:
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        Add command-line arguments to configure this plugin inside GoPythonGo. Do NOT add *required* arguments
        to the command-line parser.

        :param parser: An ArgumentParser instance that you can call ``add_argument_group`` etc. on
        :type parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: configargparse.Namespace,
                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: str=None) -> None:
        from gopythongo.packers import get_packers
        packers = get_packers()
        if values in packers.keys():
            packers[cast(str, values)].print_help()

项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
        gp_tgz = parser.add_argument_group("Tar/Gzip Packer options")
        gp_tgz.add_argument("--targz-basename", dest="targz_basename", default=None,
                            help="Each .tar.gz created by each instance of --targz in the parameters will be named "
                                 "[basename]_[ext]-[version].tar.gz where [ext] is specified in --targz and [version] "
                                 "is retrieved from the selected Versioner")
        gp_tgz.add_argument("--targz", dest="targz", action="append", default=[],
                            help="Takes an argument in the form 'ext:path' where 'ext' is appended to the "
                                 "targz-basename and then the contents of path are stored and compressed in a .tar.gz "
                                 "archive. 'ext' is optional, but be careful to not overwrite your archives when you "
                                 "use multiple --targz arguments.")
        gp_tgz.add_argument("--targz-relative", dest="targz_relative", action="store_true", default=False,
                            help="Store relative paths in the .tar.gz archives.")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
    for m in _packers.values():

    gr_packers = parser.add_argument_group("Packer shared options")
    gr_packers.add_argument("--copy-out", dest="copy_out", default=None,
                            help="The destination path inside the build environment, where the resulting packages will "
                                 "be copied. This will usually be the path of a bindmount, created with --mount in the "
                                 "build folder of your build server, for example.")

    parser.add_argument("--help-packer", action=PackerHelpAction, choices=_packers.keys(), default=None)
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: configargparse.Namespace,
                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: str=None) -> None:
        from gopythongo.stores import get_stores
        stores = get_stores()
        if values in stores.keys():
            stores[cast(str, values)].print_help()

项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
    parser.add_argument("--help-store", action=StoreHelpAction, choices=_stores.keys(), default=None)

    for s in _stores.values():
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_shared_args(parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:
    global _aptly_shared_args_added

    if not _aptly_shared_args_added:
        gr_aptly_shared = parser.add_argument_group("Aptly shared options (Store and Versioners)")
        gr_aptly_shared.add_argument("--use-aptly", dest="aptly_executable", default="/usr/bin/aptly",
                                     help="The full path to the aptly executable to use")
        gr_aptly_shared.add_argument("--aptly-config", dest="aptly_config", default=None, env_var="APTLY_CONFIG",
                                     help="Path to the aptly config file to use")
        gr_aptly_shared.add_argument("--repo", dest="aptly_repo", default=None, env_var="REPO",
                                     help="Name of the aptly repository to place the package in.")

    _aptly_shared_args_added = True
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: configargparse.Namespace,
                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: str=None) -> None:
        from gopythongo.versioners import get_version_parsers
        version_parsers = get_version_parsers()
        if values in version_parsers.keys():
            version_parsers[cast(str, values)].print_help()
            print("Version Parsers\n"
                  "Version Parsers take a version string read by a Versioner in one format and\n"
                  "convert it into a transformable object. Most versioning systems are\n"
                  "incompatible with each other (e.g. SemVer 2.0.0 and PEP-440). But for some a\n"
                  "lossless transformation can be defined. Version Parsers can tell GoPythonGo\n"
                  "when they are able to convert losslessly between from another versioning\n"
                  "system. Most built-in Version Parsers can, for example, transform SemVer\n"
                  "conformant version strings into their format without loss of information.\n"
                  "Built-in Version Parsers\n"
                  "GoPythonGo has a number of built-in version parsers which you can use to\n"
                  "process version strings read by a Versioner:\n"
                  "    %s - parses Debian version strings as described in the Debian Policy\n"
                  "             Manual\n"
                  "    %s - parses SemVer version strings adhering fo the format defined by\n"
                  "   \n"
                  "    %s  - allows you to define a regular expression with named groups based\n"
                  "             on SemVer to easily read arbitrary version strings. Internally\n"
                  "             those are treated like SemVer versions after matching the\n"
                  "             regular expression.\n"
                  "Use %s\n"
                  "to learn more about the available Version Parsers.\n"
                  "You can find information on writing and plugging your own Version Parsers into\n"
                  "GoPythonGo on\n" %
                  (highlight("debian"), highlight("semver"), highlight("regex"),
                   highlight("--help-versionparser=[%s]" % ", ".join(version_parsers.keys()))))

项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __call__(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser, namespace: configargparse.Namespace,
                 values: Union[str, Sequence[Any], None], option_string: str=None) -> None:
        print("Vault Integration\n"
              "When signing packages, GoPythonGo/Aptly must know the passphrase to use for GPG,\n"
              "especially when GoPythonGo is invoked on a build server without user\n"
              "interaction. A good way to manage secret information such as GPG passphrases for\n"
              "automated jobs or SSL keys is Hashicorp's Vault (\n"
              "Using aptly_vault_wrapper as a replacement for the aptly executable allows you\n"
              "to query Vault for the GPG passphrase to use when signing packages.\n"
              "Once you have a configured, initialized and unsealed Vault installation in your\n"
              "network, you must set up a policy for aptly_vault_wrapper to use and define a\n"
              "way for aptly_vault_wrapper to authenticate. Currently aptly_vault_wrapper\n"
              "allows you to pass in a Vault auth token or use the app-id authentication\n"
              "Here is an example for how I use Vault to store the GnuPG package signature\n"
              "passphrase for GoPythonGo packages:\n"
              "Let's set up a read policy, assuming that you have already authenticated to\n"
              "    vault policy-write r_pkg_sign -\n"
              "path \"secret/gpg/package_sign_passphrase\" {\n"
              "    capabilities = [\"read\"]\n"
              "Then store the passphrase there:\n"
              "    vault write secret/gpg/package_sign_passphrase value=-\n"
              "[send passphrase from stdin so as to not save it in your shell history!]\n"
              "And finally set up app-id for aptly_vault_wrapper. Make sure you set cidr_block\n"
              "to an appropriate value for your network:\n"
              "    # Make sure you are authenticated with Vault, then run something like the\n"
              "    # following commands:\n"
              "    vault auth-enable app-id\n"
              "    APPID=$(python3 -c \"import uuid; print(str(uuid.uuid4()), end='')\")\n"
              "    vault write auth/app-id/map/app-id/$APPID value=r_pkg_sign \\\n"
              "        display_name=vaultwrapper\n"
              "    USERID=$(python3 -c \"import uuid; print(str(uuid.uuid4()), end='')\")\n"
              "    vault write auth/app-id/map/user-id/$USERID value=$APPID \\\n"
              "        cidr_block=\n"
              "    echo 'App-id (put this in your .gopythongo settings):'\n"
              "    echo $APPID\n"
              "    echo 'User-id (put this in the VAULT_USERID environment variable on your'\n"
              "    echo 'build server, or in your build job config):'\n"
              "    echo $USERID\n"
              "Security notice: THe documentation only states this implicitly, but you should\n"
              "only use 'hard to guess' UUIDs here. On most systems Python uses os.urandom, so\n"
              "this should be fine, but it doesn't hurt to check.\n")
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_parser() -> configargparse.ArgumentParser:
    parser = configargparse.ArgumentParser(
        description="Use this program as a replacement for the any binary that needs to read a passphrase from STDIN, "
                    "be it GnuPG or SSL. This was initially built for GoPythonGo/Aptly. It allows you to load a key "
                    "passphrase from Hashicorp Vault (, thereby increasing security on your "
                    "servers. To configure GoPythonGo specifically to use vault_wrapper, simply set "
                    "'--aptly-use-vault-wrapper' on your GoPythonGo command-line. All parameters not recognized by "
                    "vault_wrapper are passed directly to the wrapped program, so all other command-line options "
                    "work as expected. If you use '--mode=aptly' vault_wrapper will always append "
                    "'-passphrase-file /dev/stdin' to the final aptly command-line and send the passphrase twice "
                    "(for both signing operations).",
        config_arg_help_message="Use this path instead of the default (.gopythongo/vaultwrapper)",

    parser.add_argument("--wrap-program", dest="wrap_program", default=None, env_var="VAULTWRAPPER_PROGRAM",
                        help="Path to the executable to wrap and provide a passphrase to.")
    parser.add_argument("--address", dest="vault_address", default="https://vault.local:8200",
                        env_var="VAULT_URL", help="Vault URL")
    parser.add_argument("--wrap-mode", dest="wrap_mode", choices=["aptly", "stdin"], default="stdin",
                        help="Select a mode of operation. 'aptly' will append '-passphrase-file /dev/stdin' to the "
                             "wrapped program's parameters and output the passphrase twice, because aptly requires "
                             "that for package signing.")
    parser.add_argument("--read-path", dest="read_path", default=None, required=True,
                        help="The path to read from Vault. By default, vaultwrapper will look for a key 'passphrase' "
                             "under this path (see --field).")
    parser.add_argument("--field", dest="read_field", default="passphrase", env_var="VAULTWRAPPER_FIELD",
                        help="The key to read from the specified path. (Default: 'passphrase')")
    parser.add_argument("--help-policies", action=HelpAction,
                        help="Show additional information about how to set up Vault for using vaultwrapper.")
    parser.add_argument("--debug-config", action=DebugConfigAction)
    parser.add_argument("--gpg-homedir", dest="gpg_homedir", default=None,
                        help="Set $GNUPGHOME before executing the wrapped program, which helps to run aptly with "

    gp_https = parser.add_argument_group("HTTPS options")
    gp_https.add_argument("--pin-cacert", dest="pin_cacert", default="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt",
                          help="Set the CA certificate for Vault (i.e. the server certificate MUST be signed by a CA "
                               "in this file). The file should contain a list of CA certificates. The default is the "
                               "location of the Debian Linux CA bundle (Default: '/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt')")
    gp_https.add_argument("--tls-skip-verify", dest="verify", default=True, action="store_false",
                          help="Skip SSL verification (only use this during debugging or development!)")

    gp_auth = parser.add_argument_group("Vault authentication options")
    gp_auth.add_argument("--token", dest="vault_token", env_var="VAULT_TOKEN", default=None,
                         help="A Vault access token with a valid lease. This is one way of authenticating the wrapper "
                              "to Vault. This is mutually exclusive with --app-id/--user-id.")
    gp_auth.add_argument("--app-id", dest="vault_appid", env_var="VAULT_APPID", default=None,
                         help="Set the app-id for Vault app-id authentication.")
    gp_auth.add_argument("--user-id", dest="vault_userid", env_var="VAULT_USERID", default=None,
                         help="Set the user-id for Vault app-id authentication.")
    gp_auth.add_argument("--client-cert", dest="client_cert", default=None, env_var="VAULT_CLIENTCERT",
                         help="Use a HTTPS client certificate to connect.")
    gp_auth.add_argument("--client-key", dest="client_key", default=None, env_var="VAULT_CLIENTKEY",
                         help="Set the HTTPS client certificate private key.")

    return parser
项目:gopythongo    作者:gopythongo    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def add_args(self, parser: configargparse.ArgumentParser) -> None:

        gp_ast = parser.add_argument_group("Aptly Store options")
        gp_ast.add_argument("--aptly-distribution", dest="aptly_distribution", default="", env_var="APTLY_DISTRIBUTION",
                            help="Set the target distribution for aptly builds.")
        gp_ast.add_argument("--aptly-repo-opts", dest="aptly_repo_opts", default="", env_var="APTLY_REPO_OPTS",
                            help="Specify additional command-line parameters which will be appended to every "
                                 "'aptly repo' command executed by the Aptly Store.")
        gp_ast.add_argument("--aptly-publish-opts", dest="aptly_publish_opts", default="", env_var="APTLY_PUBLISH_OPTS",
                            help="Specify additional command-line parameters which will be appended to every "
                                 "'aptly publish' command executed by the Aptly Store.")
        gp_ast.add_argument("--aptly-publish-endpoint", dest="aptly_publish_endpoint", metavar="ENDPOINT", default=None,
                            help="Publish the Aply repo to the specified endpoint after generated packages have been "
                                 "added to the repo. Please note that you will have to add additional configuration to "
                                 "the aptly config file, for example when you want to publish to S3. It's also likely "
                                 "that you want to set --aptly-publish-opts and pass aptly -passphrase-file, -keyring "
                                 "and other necessary arguments for signing the repo. Please note: You will probably "
                                 "want to set these arguments using environment variables on your build server if "
                                 "you're using a CI environment.")
        gp_ast.add_argument("--aptly-dont-remove", dest="aptly_dont_remove", action="store_true", default=False,
                            help="By default, if a created package already exists in the repo specified by --repo, "
                                 "the aptly store will overwrite it. Setting --aptly-dont-remove will instead lead "
                                 "to an error if the package already exists.")
        gp_ast.add_argument("--aptly-overwrite-newer", dest="aptly_overwrite_newer", action="store_true", default=False,
                            help="If set, the aptly Store will store newly generated packages in the repo which are "
                                 "older than the packages already there. By default, it will raise an error message "
        gp_ast.add_argument("--aptly-passphrase", dest="aptly_passphrase", env_var="APTLY_PASSPHRASE", default=None,
                            help="Set this to pass the GPG signing passphrase to the aptly Store. This is primarily "
                                 "useful when you use the environment variable. This way your build server can read "
                                 "the passphrase from secure storage it pass it to GoPythonGo with a modicum of "
                                 "protection. Using the command-line parameter however will expose the passphrase to "
                                 "every user on the system. You're better of passing --passphrase-file to aptly via "
                                 "--aptly-publish-opts in that case. The most secure option would be to use "
        gp_ast.add_argument("--use-aptly-vault-wrapper", dest="use_aptly_wrapper", env_var="APTLY_USE_WRAPPER",
                            default=False, action="store_true",
                            help="When you set this, GoPythonGo will not directly invoke aptly to publish or update "
                                 "aptly-managed repos. Instead it will call GoPythonGo's vault_wrapper program in"
                                 "'aptly' mode, which can be configured by environment variables or its own "
                                 "configuration file or both (Default: .gopythongo/vaultwrapper). This program will "
                                 "load the GnuPG signing passphrase for aptly-managed repos from Hashicorp Vault. You "
                                 "can find out more by running 'vaultwrapper --help'.")