def test_write_to_file(self): f, path = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='csv') self.json_response = { 'total': 1, 'issues': [test_data.singleSprintStory()] } lines = None try: with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): with redirect_stdout(self.std_out): prog.main(['-w', 'blah', 'cycletime', '--no-progress', '-o', path, 'TEST']) with open(path, 'r') as o: lines = o.readlines() finally: os.unlink(path) self.assertEqual(2, len(lines))
def test_filter_by_date_argparse(self): '''The velocity commands date filter validates input argument.''' self.json_response = { 'total': 1, 'issues': [test_data.singleSprintStory()] } with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): with redirect_stdout(self.std_out): prog.main(['-w', 'blah', 'velocity', '--no-progress', '--filter-by-date', '11/01/2017', 'TEST']) with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as ctx: with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): with redirect_stdout(self.std_out): prog.main(['-w', 'blah', 'velocity', '--no-progress', '--filter-by-date', 'not a date', 'TEST']) exc = ctx.exception self.assertEqual(exc.code, 2) self.assertRegex_(self.std_err.getvalue(), r'velocity: error:')
def redirect_stderr(x): """ Redirects stderr to another file-like object. This is some compatibility code to support Python 3.4. """ if hasattr(contextlib, 'redirect_stderr'): result = contextlib.redirect_stderr else: @contextlib.contextmanager def result(x): """ Stand-in for Python 3.5's `redirect_stderr`. Notes: Non-reentrant, non-threadsafe """ old_stderr = sys.stderr sys.stderr = x yield sys.stder = old_stderr return result(x) ###############################################################################
def out(self, cmd, text=None): """Test if text is in output of command""" # for TRAVIS use maximal two cores if (self.njobs and '--njobs' not in cmd and cmd.split()[0] in ('correlate', 'stretch')): cmd = cmd + ' --njobs ' + self.njobs # disabling the logger is necessary, because the logging # configuration cannot be changed easily on subsequent calls # of yam in this test suite if self.verbose and cmd.split()[0] in ('correlate', 'stack', 'stretch'): if '-v' not in cmd: cmd = cmd + ' -vvv' logging.getLogger('yam').disabled = False elif self.verbose: logging.getLogger('yam').disabled = True if self.verbose: tqdm.tqdm.write('> yam ' + cmd) # catching all output, print only if tests are run with -v try: with io.StringIO() as f: with redirect_stdout(f), redirect_stderr(f): try: self.script(cmd.split()) except SystemExit: pass output = f.getvalue() if self.verbose: tqdm.tqdm.write(output) finally: self.pbar.update(1) if text is not None: self.assertIn(text, output) return output
def test_command_without_stdout_ok(self): # TODO make it work under windows if os.name == 'nt': return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_ok, False, False) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('.', res[:1]) try: from contextlib import redirect_stderr except Exception: return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_ok, False, False) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('', res)
def test_command_with_stdout_ok(self): # TODO make it work under windows if os.name == 'nt': return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_ok, True, False) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('coucou\n\n', res) try: from contextlib import redirect_stderr except Exception: return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_ok, True, False) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('', res)
def test_command_with_stderr_no_stdout_ok(self): # TODO make it work under windows if os.name == 'nt': return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_ok, False, True) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('.', res[:1]) try: from contextlib import redirect_stderr except Exception: return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_ok, False, True) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('', res)
def test_command_without_stderr_and_stdout_err(self): # TODO make it work under windows if os.name == 'nt': return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_nook, False, False) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('\n', res) try: from contextlib import redirect_stderr except Exception: return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_nook, False, False) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('', res)
def test_command_without_stderr_but_stdout_err(self): # TODO make it work under windows if os.name == 'nt': return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_nook, True, False) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('\n', res) try: from contextlib import redirect_stderr except Exception: return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_nook, True, False) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('', res)
def test_command_with_stderr_no_stdout_err_loop(self): # TODO make it work under windows if os.name == 'nt': return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stdout(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(['wget', '--debug', '--tries', '3', 'http://doesnotexist'], False, True) res = f.getvalue() expected = re.compile('.*\.\.\. and more.*', re.MULTILINE) self.assertRegex(res, expected) try: from contextlib import redirect_stderr except Exception: return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): launch_cmd_displays_output(self.cmd_nook, False, True) res = f.getvalue() self.assertEqual('', res)
def run_command_inline(argv, funct, *args, **kwargs): argv_save = sys.argv environ_save = EnvironmentSnapshot() captured_stdout = StringIO() captured_stderr = StringIO() sys.argv = argv exitcode = None with redirect_stdout(captured_stdout): with redirect_stderr(captured_stderr): try: exitcode = funct(*args, **kwargs) except SystemExit as e: exitcode = e.code finally: # restore environment, command-line arguments, and the native # modules system environ_save.load() sys.argv = argv_save fixtures.init_native_modules_system() return (exitcode, captured_stdout.getvalue(), captured_stderr.getvalue())
def test_stores_credentials(self): with redirect_stdout(self.std_out): with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): prog.main(['-w','blah','-u','usera', 'cycletime', 'IIQCB']) self.assertEqual('blah', keyring.get_keyring().entries['qjira-sp_usera'])
def test_not_authorized_clears_credentials(self): self.assertEqual('xyzzy', keyring.get_keyring().entries['qjira-sp_userb']) self.raise401 = True with self.assertRaises(HTTPError) as ctx: with redirect_stdout(self.std_out): with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): prog.main(['-w','xyzzy','-u','userb', 'cycletime', 'IIQCB']) exc = ctx.exception self.assertEqual(exc.response.status_code, 401) with self.assertRaises(KeyError): keyring.get_keyring().entries['qjira-sp_userb']
def test_progress_shown(self): re_1of1 = re.compile('Retrieved 1 issue') self.json_response = { 'total': 1, 'issues': [test_data.singleSprintStory()] } with redirect_stdout(self.std_out): with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): prog.main([ '-w', 'blah','cycletime', 'TEST']) self.assertRegex_(self.std_err.getvalue(), re_1of1)
def test_progress_hidden(self): re_1of1 = re.compile('Retrieved 1 issue') self.json_response = { 'total': 1, 'issues': [test_data.singleSprintStory()] } with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): with redirect_stdout(self.std_out): prog.main(['-w', 'blah', 'cycletime', '--no-progress', 'TEST']) self.assertNotRegex_(self.std_err.getvalue(), re_1of1)
def test_command_jql_require_jql(self): with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as ctx: with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): prog.main([ '-w', 'blah', 'jql', '--no-progress']) exc = ctx.exception self.assertEqual(exc.code, 2) self.assertRegex_(self.std_err.getvalue(), r'jql: error:')
def test_error(self): with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): Log.error('hello') output = self.std_err.getvalue() self.assertEqual('[ERROR] hello\n', output)
def test_info(self): Log.debugLevel = 1 with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): Log.info('hello') self.assertEqual('[INFO] hello\n', self.std_err.getvalue())
def test_debug(self): Log.debugLevel = 2 with redirect_stderr(self.std_err): Log.debug('hello') self.assertEqual('[DEBUG] hello\n', self.std_err.getvalue())
def basic_test(self, test_name): with self.recorder.use_cassette('Test{}.system'.format(test_name)): browser = load_yaml_config( self.db, self.subreddit, Path('./test/configs/{}Config.yaml'.format(test_name))) temp_stderr = StringIO() with redirect_stderr(temp_stderr): browser.run() assert temp_stderr.getvalue() == "" assert all( interaction.used for interaction in self.recorder.current_cassette.interactions) rows = self.db.execute('SELECT * FROM actions').fetchall() assert len(rows) == 1 return browser
def test_log_exception(self): # Traceback and exception should be written to stderr. exc_type = NotImplementedError exc_message = 'hello' try: raise exc_type(exc_message) except Exception as caught: exc = caught stderr = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stderr(stderr): self.server.log_exception(exc) logged = stderr.getvalue() self.assertIn(exc_type.__name__, logged) self.assertIn(exc_message, logged) self.assertIn('Traceback', logged)
def test_log(self): message = "something happened" stderr = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stderr(stderr): self.server.log(message) self.assertEqual(stderr.getvalue(), message + "\n")
def test_bench_equality(): """[Model Selection] Test benchmark correspondence with eval.""" with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f, redirect_stderr(f): evl = Evaluator(mape_scorer, cv=5) evl.fit(X, y, estimators={'pr': [OLS()], 'no': [OLS()]}, param_dicts={}, preprocessing={'pr': [Scale()], 'no': []}) out = benchmark(X, y, mape_scorer, 5, {'pr': [OLS()], 'no': [OLS()]}, {'pr': [Scale()], 'no': []}, None) np.testing.assert_approx_equal(out['test_score-m']['no.ols'], evl.results['test_score-m']['no.ols'])
def run(cls, kls, proba, preprocessing, **kwargs): """Function for executing specified test.""" model_selection = kwargs.pop('model_selection', None) if kls == 'subsemble': p = kwargs['partitions'] else: p = 1 ests = ESTS[(proba, preprocessing)] prep = PREPROCESSING if preprocessing else None data = Data(kls, proba, preprocessing, **kwargs) X, y = data.get_data((LEN, WIDTH), MOD) (F, wf), _ = data.ground_truth(X, y, p) with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f, redirect_stderr(f): ens = cls() ens.add(kls, ests, prep, proba=proba, dtype=np.float64, **kwargs) if model_selection: ens.model_selection = True ens.fit(X, y) pred, _ = ens.transform(X, y) np.testing.assert_array_equal(F, pred)
def test_load(): """[Utils] Check that load handles exceptions gracefully""" config.set_ivals(0.1, 0.1) with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f, redirect_stderr(f): np.testing.assert_raises( ParallelProcessingError, utils.load, os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'nonexist'))
def test_check_cache(): """[Base] Test check cache.""" tmp = config.get_prefix() + "test" os.mkdir(tmp) with open(os.devnull, 'w') as f, redirect_stderr(f): subprocess.Popen("echo this is a test >> " + tmp + "/test.txt", shell=True) config.clear_cache(config.get_tmpdir())
def test_invalid_config(self): """Test an existing configuration file but invalid""" c = Config(base_dir + '/static/config_invalid.ini') self.assertFalse(c.read()) self.assertGreater(len(c.errors), 0) self.assertTrue('project_name' in c.errors) self.assertEqual('Missing', c.errors['project_name']) self.assertTrue('php.version' in c.errors) self.assertEqual('the value "8.0" is unacceptable.', c.errors['php.version']) # Don't go further with python < 3.5 try: from contextlib import redirect_stderr except Exception: return f = io.StringIO() with redirect_stderr(f): c.display_errors() res = f.getvalue() regex = re.compile('Failed validating .*config_invalid.ini', re.MULTILINE) self.assertRegex(res, regex) regex = re.compile('the value ".*8.0.*" is unacceptable', re.MULTILINE) self.assertRegex(res, regex)
def push(self, command): """Push some code.""" s = StringIO() with redirect_stdout(s), redirect_stderr(s): if super(Shell, self).push(command): self.player.notify('...') s.seek(0) self.player.notify(s.read())
def rst2dtree(rst): err = io.StringIO() with contextlib.redirect_stderr(err): try: dtree = docutils.core.publish_doctree(rst) except docutils.utils.SystemMessage as e: dtree = None print("parsing failed", e) return err.getvalue(), dtree