def get_actual_rect(hwnd): """Gets correct dimensions of a DWM controlled window "Retrieves the extended frame bounds rectangle in screen space". Windows 10 reports (technically) incorrect window dimensions, so this is used to obtain the correct window dimensions. Args: hwnd: The handle to the window from which the attribute data is retrieved. Returns: A windows RECT structure of the correct window dimensions. """ rect = RECT() DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS = 9 dwmapi.DwmGetWindowAttribute(HWND(hwnd), DWORD(DWMWA_EXTENDED_FRAME_BOUNDS), ctypes.byref(rect), ctypes.sizeof(rect)) # actual_x1 = rect.left # actual_y1 = rect.top # actual_x2 = rect.right # actual_y2 = rect.bottom # return [actual_x1, actual_y1, actual_x2, actual_y2] return rect
def _set_argtypes(self): ''' Functions arguments. ''' self.MONITORENUMPROC = WINFUNCTYPE(INT, DWORD, DWORD, POINTER(RECT), DOUBLE) windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics.argtypes = [INT] windll.user32.EnumDisplayMonitors.argtypes = [HDC, c_void_p, self.MONITORENUMPROC, LPARAM] windll.user32.GetWindowDC.argtypes = [HWND] windll.gdi32.CreateCompatibleDC.argtypes = [HDC] windll.gdi32.CreateCompatibleBitmap.argtypes = [HDC, INT, INT] windll.gdi32.SelectObject.argtypes = [HDC, HGDIOBJ] windll.gdi32.BitBlt.argtypes = [HDC, INT, INT, INT, INT, HDC, INT, INT, DWORD] windll.gdi32.DeleteObject.argtypes = [HGDIOBJ] windll.gdi32.GetDIBits.argtypes = [HDC, HBITMAP, UINT, UINT, c_void_p, POINTER(BITMAPINFO), UINT]
def window__border_rectangle(hwnd): """ The outer border size and position of the window :param hwnd: :return: a dict with the keys 'x', 'y', 'width', 'height', 'left', 'right', 'top', 'bottom' """ rect = wintypes.RECT() res = windll.user32.GetWindowRect(hwnd, byref(rect)) if res == 0: raise WinError() return _rect_to_dict(rect)
def window__client_rectangle(hwnd): """ The client-usable space within the border rectangle. Top and Left are always 0. :param hwnd: :return: the rectangle structure. """ client_rect = wintypes.RECT() res = windll.user32.GetClientRect(hwnd, byref(client_rect)) if res == 0: raise WinError() return _rect_to_dict(client_rect)
def paint__draw_rect(hdc, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, color): rect = wintypes.RECT() rect.left = pos_x rect.top = pos_y rect.right = pos_x + width rect.bottom = pos_y + height fill_rgb = wintypes.RGB((color >> 16) & 0xff, (color >> 8) & 0xff, color & 0xff) fill_brush = None try: fill_brush = windll.gdi32.CreateSolidBrush(fill_rgb) windll.user32.FillRect(hdc, byref(rect), fill_brush) finally: if fill_brush is not None: _delete_gdi_object(fill_brush)
def paint__draw_text(hdc, hfont, text, pos_x, pos_y, width, height, fg_color, bg_color): old_hfont = None try: old_hfont = windll.gdi32.SelectObject(hdc, hfont) if fg_color: fg = wintypes.RGB((fg_color >> 16) & 0xff, (fg_color >> 8) & 0xff, fg_color & 0xff) windll.gdi32.SetTextColor(hdc, fg) if bg_color: bg = wintypes.RGB((bg_color >> 16) & 0xff, (bg_color >> 8) & 0xff, bg_color & 0xff) windll.gdi32.SetBkColor(hdc, bg) windll.gdi32.SetBkMode(hdc, OPAQUE) else: bg = wintypes.RGB(0, 0, 0) windll.gdi32.SetBkColor(hdc, bg) windll.gdi32.SetBkMode(hdc, TRANSPARENT) rect = wintypes.RECT() rect.left = pos_x rect.top = pos_y rect.right = pos_x + width rect.bottom = pos_y + height ret = windll.user32.DrawTextW( hdc, create_unicode_buffer(text), len(text), byref(rect), DT_LEFT | DT_TOP | DT_NOPREFIX) if ret == 0: raise WinError() finally: # To prevent a memory leak if old_hfont is not None: windll.gdi32.SelectObject(hdc, old_hfont)
def monitor__find_monitors(): ret = [] def callback(h_monitor, hdc_monitor, lprc_monitor, lParam): # hMonitor: display monitor handle # hdcMonitor: device context handle; color attributes + clipping region # lprcMonitor: RECT structure w/ device-context coordinates. ret.append({ 'monitor_handle': h_monitor, 'device_context_handle': hdc_monitor, 'left': lprc_monitor.contents.left, 'right': lprc_monitor.contents.right, 'top': lprc_monitor.contents.top, 'bottom': lprc_monitor.contents.bottom, 'width': lprc_monitor.contents.right - lprc_monitor.contents.left, 'height': lprc_monitor.contents.bottom - lprc_monitor.contents.top, 'primary': len(ret) == 0, 'index': len(ret), }) return True enum_monitor_proc = WINFUNCTYPE(c_bool, POINTER(c_int), POINTER(c_int), POINTER(wintypes.RECT), POINTER(c_int)) if EnumDisplayMonitors(None, None, enum_monitor_proc(callback), None) == 0: raise Exception("Could not find monitors") # for i in ret: # info = POINTER(wintypes.MONITORINFOEX()) # if GetMonitorInfo(i['monitor_handle'], info) != 0: # i['primary'] = info.contents.dwFlags == MONITORINFOF_PRIMARY # i['name'] = str(info.contents.szDevice) return ret
def to_rect(coords): """Converts a set of coordinates to a windows RECT Converts the form [x1, y1, x2, y2] to a windows RECT structure. Args: coords: List of coordinates in the form [x1, y1, x2, y2]. Returns: A windows RECT structure. """ rect = ctypes.wintypes.RECT(*coords) return rect
def enum_display_monitors(self, screen=-1): ''' Get positions of one or more monitors. Returns a dict with minimal requirements. ''' if screen == -1: SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN, SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN = 76, 77 SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN, SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN = 78, 79 left = windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_XVIRTUALSCREEN) right = windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVIRTUALSCREEN) top = windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_YVIRTUALSCREEN) bottom = windll.user32.GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYVIRTUALSCREEN) yield ({ b'left': int(left), b'top': int(top), b'width': int(right - left), b'height': int(bottom - top) }) else: def _callback(monitor, dc, rect, data): ''' Callback for MONITORENUMPROC() function, it will return a RECT with appropriate values. ''' rct = rect.contents monitors.append({ b'left': int(rct.left), b'top': int(rct.top), b'width': int(rct.right - rct.left), b'height': int(rct.bottom - rct.top) }) return 1 monitors = [] callback = self.MONITORENUMPROC(_callback) windll.user32.EnumDisplayMonitors(0, 0, callback, 0) for mon in monitors: yield mon
def create_window__create_borderless_window(func_map): # Use an inner window, so that we can use the func_map for accessing other functions # that are OS specific. # Call out to the answer: # http://stackoverflow.com/questions/39731497/create-window-without-titlebar-with-resizable-border-and-without-bogus-6px-whit/39735058 # However, the WM_CREATE just doesn't work right - it causes windows to # be automatically closed, even when 0 is explicitly returned. def window__create_borderless_window(class_name, title, message_handler, callback_map, show_on_taskbar=True, always_on_top=False): margins = MARGINS() margins.cxLeftWidth = 0 margins.cxRightWidth = 0 margins.cyTopHeight = 0 margins.cyBottomHeight = 0 style_flags = { 'popup', 'visible', # 'layered', This causes the windows to not show up. 'transparent' } if always_on_top: style_flags.add('topmost') if not show_on_taskbar: style_flags.add('tool-window') def hit_test(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam): # We don't have a border, so don't worry about # border cursor checks. # pt = wintypes.POINT() # x in low word, y in the high word # pt.x = wintypes.DWORD(lparam & 0xffff) # pt.y = wintypes.DWORD((lparam >> 16) & 0xffff) # windll.user32.ScreenToClient(hwnd, byref(pt)) # rc = wintypes.RECT() # windll.user32.GetClientRect(hwnd, byref(rc)) return HTCLIENT callback_map[WM_NCACTIVATE] = lambda hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam: 0 callback_map[WM_NCCALCSIZE] = lambda hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam: lparam == 0 and 0 or False callback_map[WM_NCHITTEST] = hit_test hwnd = func_map['window__create_display_window'](class_name, title, message_handler, style_flags) # windll.dwmapi.DwmExtendFrameIntoClientArea(hwnd, byref(margins)) return hwnd return window__create_borderless_window
def up(): global id4, proc, hwnd mouse = POINT() user32.GetCursorPos(ctypes.byref(mouse)) hot.removeHotkey(id=id4) if proc is not None: proc.terminate() print("-" * 40) print_handles("GetForegroundWindow", user32.GetForegroundWindow()) active_window = print_handles("WindowFromPoint", hwnd) print_handles("GetParent", user32.GetParent(active_window)) ancestor = print_handles( "GetAncestor", user32.GetAncestor(active_window, 3)) if ancestor: # GetAncestor is the most correct for our use-case, so prefer it. active_window = ancestor rect = RECT() user32.GetWindowRect(active_window, ctypes.byref(rect)) grid = find_matching_grid(mouse.x, mouse.y) if grid: grid = to_rect(grid) if is_aero_enabled(): arect = get_actual_rect(active_window) grid.left -= abs(arect.left - rect.left) grid.top -= abs(arect.top - rect.top) grid.right += abs(arect.right - rect.right) grid.bottom += abs(arect.bottom - rect.bottom) width = grid.right - grid.left height = grid.bottom - grid.top print("width: %d height: %d" % (width, height)) HWND_NOTOPMOST = -2 user32.SetWindowPos(active_window, HWND_NOTOPMOST, grid.left, grid.top, width, height, 0) user32.SetForegroundWindow(active_window) proc = None hwnd = None