def teb_base(self): """The address of the thread's TEB :type: :class:`int` """ if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.owner.bitness == 64: restype = rctypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION) ressize = (ctypes.sizeof(restype)) # Manual aligned allocation :DDDD nb_qword = (ressize + 8) / ctypes.sizeof(ULONGLONG) buffer = (nb_qword * ULONGLONG)() struct_address = ctypes.addressof(buffer) if (struct_address & 0xf) not in [0, 8]: raise ValueError("ULONGLONG array not aligned on 8") windows.syswow64.NtQueryInformationThread_32_to_64(self.handle, ThreadBasicInformation, struct_address, ressize) return restype(struct_address, windows.current_process).TebBaseAddress res = THREAD_BASIC_INFORMATION() windows.winproxy.NtQueryInformationThread(self.handle, ThreadBasicInformation, byref(res), ctypes.sizeof(res)) return res.TebBaseAddress
def list(self): """ return a list of <PROCESSENTRY32> """ processes = [] hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_CLASS.SNAPPROCESS, 0) pe32 = PROCESSENTRY32() pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32) ret = Process32First(hProcessSnap, pointer(pe32)) while ret: ret = Process32Next(hProcessSnap, pointer(pe32)) if pe32.dwFlags == 0: processes.append(copy.copy(pe32)) else: break CloseHandle(hProcessSnap) return processes
def asString(self): return ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self),ctypes.sizeof(self))
def inet_pton(address_family, ip_string): if address_family == socket.AF_INET: return socket.inet_aton(ip_string) addr = sockaddr() addr.sa_family = address_family addr_size = ctypes.c_int(ctypes.sizeof(addr)) if WSAStringToAddressA( ip_string, address_family, None, ctypes.byref(addr), ctypes.byref(addr_size) ) != 0: raise socket.error(ctypes.FormatError()) if address_family == socket.AF_INET6: return ctypes.string_at(addr.ipv6_addr, 16) raise socket.error('unknown address family')
def append(self, obj): "append to the list; the object must be assignable to the ctype" size = self.size if size >= self.prealloc_size: # Need to make new space. There's no 'realloc' for # ctypes so this isn't as nice as it is in C. # I'm using Python's growth pattern, which is # 0, 4, 8, 16, 25, 35, 46, 58, 72, 88, ... if size < 9: newsize = (size>>3) + 3 + size else: newsize = (size>>3) + 6 + size newdata = (self.c_type * newsize)() ctypes.memmove(newdata, self.data, ctypes.sizeof(self.data)) self.data = newdata self.prealloc_size = newsize self.data[size] = obj self.size = size+1
def append_kwargs(self, **kwargs): "append to the list; assign each key/value to the new item" size = self.size if size >= self.prealloc_size: if size < 9: newsize = (size>>3) + 3 + size else: newsize = (size>>3) + 6 + size newdata = (self.c_type * newsize)() ctypes.memmove(newdata, self.data, ctypes.sizeof(self.data)) self.data = newdata self.prealloc_size = newsize obj = self.data[size] for k, v in kwargs.iteritems(): setattr(obj, k, v) self.size = size+1
def wait_until_idle(idle_time=60): """Wait until no more user activity is detected. This function won't return until `idle_time` seconds have elapsed since the last user activity was detected. """ idle_time_ms = int(idle_time*1000) liinfo = LASTINPUTINFO() liinfo.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(liinfo) while True: GetLastInputInfo(ctypes.byref(liinfo)) elapsed = GetTickCount() - liinfo.dwTime if elapsed>=idle_time_ms: break Sleep(idle_time_ms - elapsed or 1)
def wait_until_active(tol=5): """Wait until awakened by user activity. This function will block and wait until some user activity is detected. Because of the polling method used, it may return `tol` seconds (or less) after user activity actually began. """ liinfo = LASTINPUTINFO() liinfo.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(liinfo) lasttime = None delay = 1 # ms maxdelay = int(tol*1000) while True: GetLastInputInfo(ctypes.byref(liinfo)) if lasttime is None: lasttime = liinfo.dwTime if lasttime != liinfo.dwTime: break delay = min(2*delay, maxdelay) Sleep(delay)
def pcpfastExtractValues(result_p, vsetidx, vlistidx, dtype): """ quicker implementation of pmExtractValue than the default provided with the pcp python bindings this version saves converting the C indexes to python and back again """ inst = c_int() outAtom = pmapi.pmAtomValue() status = LIBPCPFAST.pcpfastExtractValues(result_p, byref(inst), byref(outAtom), vsetidx, vlistidx, dtype) if status < 0: raise pmapi.pmErr(status) if dtype == c_api.PM_TYPE_STRING: # Get pointer to C string c_str = c_char_p() memmove(byref(c_str), addressof(outAtom) + pmapi.pmAtomValue.cp.offset, sizeof(c_char_p)) # Convert to a python string and have result point to it outAtom.cp = outAtom.cp # Free the C string LIBC.free(c_str) return outAtom.dref(dtype), inst.value
def oni_call(func): @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args): res = func(*args) if res != OniStatus.ONI_STATUS_OK: msg = oniGetExtendedError() if not msg: msg = '' buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer(1024) rc = _oniGetLogFileName(buf, ctypes.sizeof(buf)) if rc == OniStatus.ONI_STATUS_OK: logfile = buf.value else: logfile = None raise OpenNIError(res, msg.strip(), logfile) return res return wrapper
def new_aligned(cls): """Return a new :class:`ECONTEXT64` aligned on 16 bits temporary workaround or horrible hack ? choose your side """ size = ctypes.sizeof(cls) nb_qword = (size + 8) / ctypes.sizeof(ULONGLONG) buffer = (nb_qword * ULONGLONG)() struct_address = ctypes.addressof(buffer) if (struct_address & 0xf) not in [0, 8]: raise ValueError("ULONGLONG array not aligned on 8") if (struct_address & 0xf) == 8: struct_address += 8 self = cls.from_address(struct_address) # Keep the raw buffer alive self._buffer = buffer return self
def start_address(self): """The start address of the thread :type: :class:`int` """ if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.owner.bitness == 64: res = ULONGLONG() windows.syswow64.NtQueryInformationThread_32_to_64(self.handle, ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress, byref(res), ctypes.sizeof(res)) return res.value res_size = max(self.owner.bitness, windows.current_process.bitness) if res_size == 32: res = ULONG() else: res = ULONGLONG() winproxy.NtQueryInformationThread(self.handle, ThreadQuerySetWin32StartAddress, byref(res), ctypes.sizeof(res)) return res.value
def ppid(self): """Parent Process ID :type: :class:`int` """ if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64: xtype = windows.remotectypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION) # Fuck-it <3 data = (ctypes.c_char * ctypes.sizeof(xtype))() windows.syswow64.NtQueryInformationProcess_32_to_64(self.handle, ProcessInformation=data, ProcessInformationLength=ctypes.sizeof(xtype)) # Map a remote64bits(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION) at the address of 'data' x = xtype(ctypes.addressof(data), windows.current_process) else: information_type = 0 x = PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION() winproxy.NtQueryInformationProcess(self.handle, information_type, x) return x.InheritedFromUniqueProcessId
def query_memory(self, addr): """Query the memory informations about page at ``addr`` :rtype: :class:`~windows.generated_def.MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION` """ if windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64: res = MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64() try: v = windows.syswow64.NtQueryVirtualMemory_32_to_64(ProcessHandle=self.handle, BaseAddress=addr, MemoryInformationClass=MemoryBasicInformation, MemoryInformation=res) except NtStatusException as e: if e.code & 0xffffffff == 0XC000000D: raise winproxy.Kernel32Error("NtQueryVirtualMemory_32_to_64") raise return res info_type = {32 : MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION32, 64 : MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64} res = info_type[windows.current_process.bitness]() ptr = ctypes.cast(byref(res), POINTER(MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION)) winproxy.VirtualQueryEx(self.handle, addr, ptr, sizeof(res)) return res
def peb_syswow_addr(self): if not self.is_wow_64: raise ValueError("Not a syswow process") if windows.current_process.bitness == 64: information_type = 0 x = PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION() winproxy.NtQueryInformationProcess(self.handle, information_type, x) peb_addr = ctypes.cast(x.PebBaseAddress, PVOID).value return peb_addr else: #current is 32bits x = windows.remotectypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION) # Fuck-it <3 data = (ctypes.c_char * ctypes.sizeof(x))() windows.syswow64.NtQueryInformationProcess_32_to_64(self.handle, ProcessInformation=data, ProcessInformationLength=ctypes.sizeof(x)) peb_offset = x.PebBaseAddress.offset peb_addr = struct.unpack("<Q", data[x.PebBaseAddress.offset: x.PebBaseAddress.offset+8])[0] return peb_addr # Not a fixedpropety to prevent ref-cycle and uncollectable WinProcess # Try with a weakref ?
def get_INT(self): if not self.OriginalFirstThunk: return None int_addr = self.OriginalFirstThunk + self.baseaddr int_entry = self.transformers.create_structure_at(THUNK_DATA, int_addr) res = [] while int_entry.Ordinal: if int_entry.Ordinal & self.IMAGE_ORDINAL_FLAG: res += [(int_entry.Ordinal & 0x7fffffff, None)] else: import_by_name = self.transformers.create_structure_at(IMPORT_BY_NAME, self.baseaddr + int_entry.AddressOfData) name_address = self.baseaddr + int_entry.AddressOfData + type(import_by_name).Name.offset if self.target is None: name = get_string(self.target, name_address) else: name = get_string(self.target, name_address).decode() res.append((import_by_name.Hint, name)) int_addr += ctypes.sizeof(type(int_entry)) int_entry = self.transformers.create_structure_at(THUNK_DATA, int_addr) return res
def get_raw_certificate_chains(self): # Rename to all_chains ? chain_context = EPCCERT_CHAIN_CONTEXT() enhkey_usage = gdef.CERT_ENHKEY_USAGE() enhkey_usage.cUsageIdentifier = 0 enhkey_usage.rgpszUsageIdentifier = None cert_usage = gdef.CERT_USAGE_MATCH() cert_usage.dwType = gdef.USAGE_MATCH_TYPE_AND cert_usage.Usage = enhkey_usage chain_para = gdef.CERT_CHAIN_PARA() chain_para.cbSize = ctypes.sizeof(chain_para) chain_para.RequestedUsage = cert_usage winproxy.CertGetCertificateChain(None, self, None, self[0].hCertStore, ctypes.byref(chain_para), 0, None, ctypes.byref(chain_context)) #return CertficateChain(chain_context) return chain_context
def enable_privilege(lpszPrivilege, bEnablePrivilege): """ Enable or disable a privilege:: enable_privilege(SE_DEBUG_NAME, True) """ tp = TOKEN_PRIVILEGES() luid = LUID() hToken = HANDLE() winproxy.OpenProcessToken(winproxy.GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ALL_ACCESS, byref(hToken)) winproxy.LookupPrivilegeValueA(None, lpszPrivilege, byref(luid)) tp.PrivilegeCount = 1 tp.Privileges[0].Luid = luid if bEnablePrivilege: tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED else: tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = 0 winproxy.AdjustTokenPrivileges(hToken, False, byref(tp), sizeof(TOKEN_PRIVILEGES)) winproxy.CloseHandle(hToken) if winproxy.GetLastError() == windef.ERROR_NOT_ALL_ASSIGNED: raise ValueError("Failed to get privilege {0}".format(lpszPrivilege)) return True
def _ram(self): kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32 c_ulong = ctypes.c_ulong class MEMORYSTATUS(ctypes.Structure): _fields_ = [ ('dwLength', c_ulong), ('dwMemoryLoad', c_ulong), ('dwTotalPhys', c_ulong), ('dwAvailPhys', c_ulong), ('dwTotalPageFile', c_ulong), ('dwAvailPageFile', c_ulong), ('dwTotalVirtual', c_ulong), ('dwAvailVirtual', c_ulong) ] memoryStatus = MEMORYSTATUS() memoryStatus.dwLength = ctypes.sizeof(MEMORYSTATUS) kernel32.GlobalMemoryStatus(ctypes.byref(memoryStatus)) return (memoryStatus.dwTotalPhys, memoryStatus.dwAvailPhys)
def write_bytes(self, address, data): address = int(address) if not self.isProcessOpen: raise ProcessException("Can't write_bytes(%s, %s), process %s is not open" % (address, data, self.pid)) buffer = create_string_buffer(data) sizeWriten = c_ulong(0) bufferSize = sizeof(buffer) - 1 _address = address _length = bufferSize + 1 try: old_protect = self.VirtualProtectEx(_address, _length, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE) except: pass res = windll.kernel32.WriteProcessMemory(self.h_process, address, buffer, bufferSize, byref(sizeWriten)) try: self.VirtualProtectEx(_address, _length, old_protect) except: pass return res
def list_modules(self): """ return a list of <MODULEENTRY32> """ module_list = [] if self.process32 is not None: hModuleSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_CLASS.SNAPMODULE, self.process32.th32ProcessID) if hModuleSnap is not None: module_entry = MODULEENTRY32() module_entry.dwSize = sizeof(module_entry) success = Module32First(hModuleSnap, byref(module_entry)) while success: if module_entry.th32ProcessID == self.process32.th32ProcessID: module_list.append(copy.copy(module_entry)) success = Module32Next(hModuleSnap, byref(module_entry)) CloseHandle(hModuleSnap) return module_list
def test_bitfield(self): # struct bitfield { int a:10, b:20, c:3; }; assert ffi.sizeof("struct bitfield") == 8 s = ffi.new("struct bitfield *") s.a = 511 py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.a = 512") py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s[0].a = 512") assert s.a == 511 s.a = -512 py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.a = -513") py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s[0].a = -513") assert s.a == -512 s.c = 3 assert s.c == 3 py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.c = 4") py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s[0].c = 4") s.c = -4 assert s.c == -4
def test_ffi_buffer_with_file(self): import tempfile, os, array fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp() f = os.fdopen(fd, 'r+b') a = ffi.new("int[]", list(range(1005))) try: ffi.buffer(a, 512) except NotImplementedError as e: py.test.skip(str(e)) f.write(ffi.buffer(a, 1000 * ffi.sizeof("int"))) f.seek(0) assert f.read() == array.array('i', range(1000)).tostring() f.seek(0) b = ffi.new("int[]", 1005) f.readinto(ffi.buffer(b, 1000 * ffi.sizeof("int"))) assert list(a)[:1000] + [0] * (len(a)-1000) == list(b) f.close() os.unlink(filename)
def test_nested_anonymous_struct(self): # struct nested_anon { # struct { int a, b; }; # union { int c, d; }; # }; assert ffi.sizeof("struct nested_anon") == 3 * SIZE_OF_INT p = ffi.new("struct nested_anon *", [1, 2, 3]) assert p.a == 1 assert p.b == 2 assert p.c == 3 assert p.d == 3 p.d = 17 assert p.c == 17 p.b = 19 assert p.a == 1 assert p.b == 19 assert p.c == 17 assert p.d == 17 p = ffi.new("struct nested_anon *", {'b': 12, 'd': 14}) assert p.a == 0 assert p.b == 12 assert p.c == 14 assert p.d == 14
def test_struct_packed(self): # struct nonpacked { char a; int b; }; # struct is_packed { char a; int b; } __attribute__((packed)); assert ffi.sizeof("struct nonpacked") == 8 assert ffi.sizeof("struct is_packed") == 5 assert ffi.alignof("struct nonpacked") == 4 assert ffi.alignof("struct is_packed") == 1 s = ffi.new("struct is_packed[2]") s[0].b = 42623381 s[0].a = b'X' s[1].b = -4892220 s[1].a = b'Y' assert s[0].b == 42623381 assert s[0].a == b'X' assert s[1].b == -4892220 assert s[1].a == b'Y'
def test_bitfield(self): ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend()) ffi.cdef("struct foo { int a:10, b:20, c:3; };") assert ffi.sizeof("struct foo") == 8 s = ffi.new("struct foo *") s.a = 511 py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.a = 512") py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s[0].a = 512") assert s.a == 511 s.a = -512 py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.a = -513") py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s[0].a = -513") assert s.a == -512 s.c = 3 assert s.c == 3 py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s.c = 4") py.test.raises(OverflowError, "s[0].c = 4") s.c = -4 assert s.c == -4
def test_ffi_buffer_with_file(self): ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend()) import tempfile, os, array fd, filename = tempfile.mkstemp() f = os.fdopen(fd, 'r+b') a = ffi.new("int[]", list(range(1005))) try: ffi.buffer(a, 512) except NotImplementedError as e: py.test.skip(str(e)) f.write(ffi.buffer(a, 1000 * ffi.sizeof("int"))) f.seek(0) assert f.read() == array.array('i', range(1000)).tostring() f.seek(0) b = ffi.new("int[]", 1005) f.readinto(ffi.buffer(b, 1000 * ffi.sizeof("int"))) assert list(a)[:1000] + [0] * (len(a)-1000) == list(b) f.close() os.unlink(filename)
def test_ffi_buffer_with_io(self): ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend()) import io, array f = io.BytesIO() a = ffi.new("int[]", list(range(1005))) try: ffi.buffer(a, 512) except NotImplementedError as e: py.test.skip(str(e)) f.write(ffi.buffer(a, 1000 * ffi.sizeof("int"))) f.seek(0) assert f.read() == array.array('i', range(1000)).tostring() f.seek(0) b = ffi.new("int[]", 1005) f.readinto(ffi.buffer(b, 1000 * ffi.sizeof("int"))) assert list(a)[:1000] + [0] * (len(a)-1000) == list(b) f.close()
def test_struct_packed(self): ffi = FFI(backend=self.Backend()) ffi.cdef("struct nonpacked { char a; int b; };") ffi.cdef("struct is_packed { char a; int b; };", packed=True) assert ffi.sizeof("struct nonpacked") == 8 assert ffi.sizeof("struct is_packed") == 5 assert ffi.alignof("struct nonpacked") == 4 assert ffi.alignof("struct is_packed") == 1 s = ffi.new("struct is_packed[2]") s[0].b = 42623381 s[0].a = b'X' s[1].b = -4892220 s[1].a = b'Y' assert s[0].b == 42623381 assert s[0].a == b'X' assert s[1].b == -4892220 assert s[1].a == b'Y'
def get_struct(input_stream, start_offset, class_name, param_list = None) : if param_list is None : param_list = [] structure = class_name(*param_list) # Unpack parameter list struct_len = ctypes.sizeof(structure) struct_data = input_stream[start_offset:start_offset + struct_len] fit_len = min(len(struct_data), struct_len) if (start_offset > file_end) or (fit_len < struct_len) : print(col_r + "Error: Offset 0x%X out of bounds, possibly incomplete image!" % start_offset + col_e) mce_exit(1) ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(structure), struct_data, fit_len) return structure
def extra_ivars(cls, base): c_type = c_typeobj(cls) c_base = c_typeobj(base) t_size = c_type.tp_basicsize b_size = c_base.tp_basicsize sizeof_pyobj = ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.py_object) if c_type.tp_itemsize or c_base.tp_itemsize: return t_size != b_size or c_type.tp_itemsize != c_base.tp_itemsize if is_heap_type(cls): if c_type.tp_weaklistoffset and c_base.tp_weaklistoffset == 0: if c_type.tp_weaklistoffset + sizeof_pyobj == t_size: t_size -= sizeof_pyobj if c_type.tp_dictoffset and c_base.tp_dictoffset == 0: if c_type.tp_dictoffset + sizeof_pyobj == t_size: t_size -= sizeof_pyobj return t_size != b_size
def asString(self): return ctypes.string_at(ctypes.addressof(self),ctypes.sizeof(self)) #################################################################################### # # SDDS Payload Containers # ####################################################################################
def set_data(self, samples ): if type(samples) == list: for i,x in enumerate(samples): if i < sdds_cb_payload.NUM_SAMPLES: self.data[i] = x else: fit = min(len(samples), ctypes.sizeof(self)) ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(self), samples, fit)
def set_data(self, samples ): if type(samples) == list: for i,x in enumerate(samples): if i < sdds_si_payload.NUM_SAMPLES: self.data[i] = x else: fit = min(len(samples), ctypes.sizeof(self)) ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(self), samples, fit)
def set_data(self, samples ): if type(samples) == list: for i,x in enumerate(samples): if i < sdds_sn_payload.NUM_SAMPLES: self.data[i] = x else: fit = min(len(samples), ctypes.sizeof(self)) ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(self), samples, fit)
def set_data(self, samples ): if type(samples) == list: for i,x in enumerate(samples): if i < sdds_sf_payload.NUM_SAMPLES: self.data[i] = x else: fit = min(len(samples), ctypes.sizeof(self)) ctypes.memmove(ctypes.addressof(self), samples, fit)