Python ctypes 模块,c_uint8() 实例源码


项目:sc-controller    作者:kozec    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _build_button_map(self, config):
        Returns button  map readed from configuration, in format situable
        for HIDDecoder.buttons.button_map field.

        Generates default if config is not available.
        if config:
            # Last possible value is default "maps-to-nothing" mapping
            buttons = [BUTTON_COUNT - 1] * BUTTON_COUNT
            for keycode, value in config.get('buttons', {}).items():
                keycode = int(keycode) - FIRST_BUTTON
                if keycode < 0 or keycode >= BUTTON_COUNT:
                    # Out of range
                if value in TRIGGERS:
                    # Not used here
                    buttons[keycode] = self.button_to_bit(getattr(SCButtons, value))
            buttons = list(xrange(BUTTON_COUNT))

        return (ctypes.c_uint8 * BUTTON_COUNT)(*buttons)
项目:PokeDuino    作者:tzwenn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Pokearray(length):

    # okay, I learned. 
    # It's not possible to use a custom base class
    # in a ctypes.Structure field. Forget about it

    def fromBytes(cls, data):
        return cls(*data)

    def asBytes(self):
        return bytes(iter(self))

    t = ctypes.c_uint8 * length
    t.fromBytes = fromBytes
    t.bytes = asBytes
    return t
项目:PokeDuino    作者:tzwenn    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setUp(self):

        import enum, ctypes

        class Fruit(enum.Enum):
            Apple, Banana, Citron = range(3)

        class TestStruct(PokeStructure):

            _fields_ = [
                ("_fruit", ctypes.c_uint8),

            _adapters_ = [
                ("_fruit", Fruit)

        self.Fruit = Fruit
        self.TestStruct = TestStruct
项目:nifpga-python    作者:ni    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _return_ctype(self):
        """ Returns the associated ctype of a given datatype. """
        _datatype_ctype = {
            DataType.Bool: ctypes.c_uint8,
            DataType.I8: ctypes.c_int8,
            DataType.U8: ctypes.c_uint8,
            DataType.I16: ctypes.c_int16,
            DataType.U16: ctypes.c_uint16,
            DataType.I32: ctypes.c_int32,
            DataType.U32: ctypes.c_uint32,
            DataType.I64: ctypes.c_int64,
            DataType.U64: ctypes.c_uint64,
            DataType.Sgl: ctypes.c_float,
            DataType.Dbl: ctypes.c_double,
        return _datatype_ctype[self]
项目:pyu2f    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def testCallReadSuccess(self, thread, iokit, cf, GetDeviceIntProperty):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

    device = macos.MacOsHidDevice('fakepath')

    # Call callback for IN report
    report = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 64)()
    report[:] = range(64)[:]
    q = device.read_queue
    macos.HidReadCallback(q, None, None, None, 0, report, 64)

    # Device read should return the callback data
    read_result = device.Read()
    self.assertEquals(read_result, range(64), 'Read data should match data '
                      'passed into the callback')
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _decode_video_packet(self, packet):
        width = self.video_format.width
        height = self.video_format.height
        pitch = width * 3
        buffer = (ctypes.c_uint8 * (pitch * height))()
        result = av.avbin_decode_video(self._video_stream, 
                             , packet.size, 
        if result < 0:
            image_data = None
            image_data = image.ImageData(width, height, 'RGB', buffer, pitch)

        packet.image = image_data

        # Notify get_next_video_frame() that another one is ready.
项目:ivport-v2    作者:ivmech    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self, source):
        Update the overlay with a new source of data.

        The new *source* buffer must have the same size as the original buffer
        used to create the overlay. There is currently no method for changing
        the size of an existing overlay (remove and recreate the overlay if you
        require this).
        port = self.renderer[0].input[0]
        fmt = port[0].format
        bp = ct.c_uint8 * (fmt[0].es[0].video.width * fmt[0].es[0].video.height * 3)
            sp = bp.from_buffer(source)
        except TypeError:
            sp = bp.from_buffer_copy(source)
        buf = mmal.mmal_queue_get(self.pool[0].queue)
        if not buf:
            raise PiCameraRuntimeError(
                "Couldn't get a buffer from the overlay's pool")
        ct.memmove(buf[0].data, sp, buf[0].alloc_size)
        buf[0].length = buf[0].alloc_size
            mmal.mmal_port_send_buffer(port, buf),
            prefix="Unable to send a buffer to the overlay's port")
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _decode_video_packet(self, packet):
        width = self.video_format.width
        height = self.video_format.height
        pitch = width * 3
        buffer = (ctypes.c_uint8 * (pitch * height))()
        result = av.avbin_decode_video(self._video_stream, 
                             , packet.size, 
        if result < 0:
            image_data = None
            image_data = image.ImageData(width, height, 'RGB', buffer, pitch)

        packet.image = image_data

        # Notify get_next_video_frame() that another one is ready.
项目:TikiBot    作者:kikiorg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _read_block(self, block):
        """Reads a block from a Mifare Card after authentication

           Returns the data read or raises an exception
        if nfc.nfc_device_set_property_bool(self.__device, nfc.NP_EASY_FRAMING, True) < 0:
            raise Exception("Error setting Easy Framing property")
        abttx = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 2)()
        abttx[0] = self.MC_READ
        abttx[1] = block
        abtrx = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 250)()
        res = nfc.nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(self.__device, ctypes.pointer(abttx), len(abttx),
                                                 ctypes.pointer(abtrx), len(abtrx), 0)
        if res < 0:
            raise IOError("Error reading data")
        return "".join([chr(abtrx[i]) for i in range(res)])
项目:TikiBot    作者:kikiorg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __write_block(self, block, data):
        """Writes a block of data to a Mifare Card after authentication

           Raises an exception on error
        if nfc.nfc_device_set_property_bool(self.__device, nfc.NP_EASY_FRAMING, True) < 0:
            raise Exception("Error setting Easy Framing property")
        if len(data) > 16:
            raise ValueError("Data value to be written cannot be more than 16 characters.")
        abttx = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 18)()
        abttx[0] = self.MC_WRITE
        abttx[1] = block
        abtrx = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 250)()
        for i in range(16):
            abttx[i + 2] = ord((data + "\x00" * (16 - len(data)))[i])
        return nfc.nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(self.__device, ctypes.pointer(abttx), len(abttx),
                                                  ctypes.pointer(abtrx), len(abtrx), 0)
项目:RTT-Console    作者:dudulung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, addr, data):
        Writes data from the array into the device starting at the given address.
        @param int addr: Start address of the memory block to write.
        @param sequence data: Data to write. Any type that implements the sequence API (i.e. string, list, bytearray...) is valid as input.
        if not self._is_u32(addr):
            raise ValueError('The addr parameter must be an unsigned 32-bit value.')

        if not self._is_valid_buf(data):
            raise ValueError('The data parameter must be a sequence type with at least one item.')

        addr = ctypes.c_uint32(addr)
        data_len = ctypes.c_uint32(len(data))
        data = (ctypes.c_uint8 * data_len.value)(*data)
        self.jlink.JLINKARM_WriteMem(addr, data_len, ctypes.byref(data))
项目:RTT-Console    作者:dudulung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, addr, data_len):
        Reads data_len bytes from the device starting at the given address.
        @param int addr: Start address of the memory block to read.
        @param int data_len: Number of bytes to read.
        @return [int]: List of values read.
        if not self._is_u32(addr):
            raise ValueError('The addr parameter must be an unsigned 32-bit value.')

        if not self._is_u32(data_len):
            raise ValueError('The data_len parameter must be an unsigned 32-bit value.')

        addr = ctypes.c_uint32(addr)
        data_len = ctypes.c_uint32(data_len)
        data = (ctypes.c_uint8 * data_len.value)()
        self.jlink.JLINKARM_ReadMem(addr, data_len, ctypes.byref(data))
        return bytes(data)
项目:milisia-tox    作者:milisarge    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def callback_friend_request(self, callback, user_data):
        Set the callback for the `friend_request` event. Pass None to unset.

        This event is triggered when a friend request is received.

        :param callback: Python function. Should take pointer (c_void_p) to Tox object,
        The Public Key (c_uint8 array) of the user who sent the friend request,
        The message (c_char_p) they sent along with the request,
        The size (c_size_t) of the message byte array,
        pointer (c_void_p) to user_data
        :param user_data: pointer (c_void_p) to user data
        c_callback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, POINTER(c_uint8), c_char_p, c_size_t, c_void_p)
        self.friend_request_cb = c_callback(callback)
        Tox.libtoxcore.tox_callback_friend_request(self._tox_pointer, self.friend_request_cb, c_void_p(user_data))
项目:milisia-tox    作者:milisarge    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def callback_friend_lossless_packet(self, callback, user_data):
        Set the callback for the `friend_lossless_packet` event. Pass NULL to unset.

        :param callback: Python function.
        Should take pointer (c_void_p) to Tox object,
        friend_number (c_uint32) - The friend number of the friend who sent a lossless packet,
        A byte array (c_uint8 array) containing the received packet data,
        length (c_size_t) - The length of the packet data byte array,
        pointer (c_void_p) to user_data
        :param user_data: pointer (c_void_p) to user data
        c_callback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_uint32, POINTER(c_uint8), c_size_t, c_void_p)
        self.friend_lossless_packet_cb = c_callback(callback)
        self.libtoxcore.tox_callback_friend_lossless_packet(self._tox_pointer, self.friend_lossless_packet_cb,

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Low-level network information
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:pyrealsense    作者:toinsson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name='color', width=640, height=480, fps=30, color_format='rgb'):
        self.native = True = rs_stream.RS_STREAM_COLOR
        if color_format == 'rgb':
            self.format = rs_format.RS_FORMAT_RGB8
            n_channels = 3
        elif color_format == 'bgr':
            self.format = rs_format.RS_FORMAT_BGR8
            n_channels = 3
        elif color_format == 'yuv':
            self.format = rs_format.RS_FORMAT_YUYV
            n_channels = 2
            raise ValueError('Unknown color format. Expected rgb, bgr, or yuv ({} given)').format(color_format)
        self.shape = (height, width, n_channels)
        self.dtype = ctypes.c_uint8
        super(ColorStream, self).__init__(name, self.native,, width, height, self.format, fps)
项目:pyrealsense    作者:toinsson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name='cad', width=640, height=480, fps=30, color_format='rgb'):
        self.native = False = rs_stream.RS_STREAM_COLOR_ALIGNED_TO_DEPTH
        if color_format == 'rgb':
            self.format = rs_format.RS_FORMAT_RGB8
            n_channels = 3
        elif color_format == 'bgr':
            self.format = rs_format.RS_FORMAT_BGR8
            n_channels = 3
        elif color_format == 'yuv':
            self.format = rs_format.RS_FORMAT_YUYV
            n_channels = 2
            raise ValueError('Unknown color format. Expected rgb, bgr, or yuv ({} given)').format(color_format)
        self.shape = (height, width, n_channels)
        self.dtype = ctypes.c_uint8
        super(CADStream, self).__init__(name, self.native,, width, height, self.format, fps)
项目:PyLetMeCreate    作者:CreatorDev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_leds_state(pixels):
    """Set LED's

    Layout of the array:


    The first 24 bytes of the array stores the first line of the LED's, the
    following 24 bytes stores the second line, etc.
    Each value of the array should not be greater than 0x1F.

    Note: An exception is thrown if it fails.
    buffer = (ctypes.c_uint8 * len(pixels))(*pixels)
    ret = _LIB.rpisensehat_set_leds_state(buffer)
    if ret < 0:
        raise Exception("rpisensehat set leds state failed")
项目:PyLetMeCreate    作者:CreatorDev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def load_image(ptr, options, data):
    """Load a JPEG image in the FT800 chip memory.

    ptr: Starting address to decompress the image

    options: Can be FT800_OPT_RGB565 or FT800_OPT_MONO

    data: A list of bytes

    Note: An exception is thrown if it fails to load the image in the memory of
    the FT800 chip.
    length = len(data)
    _data = (ctypes.c_uint8 * length)(*data)
    ret = _LIB.eve_click_load_image(ptr, options, _data, length)
    if ret < 0:
        raise Exception("eve click load image failed")
项目:PyLetMeCreate    作者:CreatorDev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def inflate(ptr, data):
    """Decompress some data in FT800 memory.

    The data must have been compressed using the DEFLATE algorithm.

    ptr: Starting address to decompress data

    data: A list of bytes.

    Note: An exception is thrown if it fails to decompress data.
    length = len(data)
    _data = (ctypes.c_uint8 * length)(*data)
    ret = _LIB.eve_click_inflate(ptr, _data, length)
    if ret < 0:
        raise Exception("eve click inflate failed")
项目:pulseviz    作者:pckbls    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write(self, data):
        """Writes samples of the given SampleSpec to the PulseAudio server."""


        # TODO: Use self.create_data_array...
        if self._sample_format == SampleFormat.PA_SAMPLE_U8:
            size = len(data)
            c_data = (ctypes.c_uint8 * size)(*data)
        elif self._sample_format == SampleFormat.PA_SAMPLE_S16LE:
            raise Exception('Not implemented yet.')
        elif self._sample_format == SampleFormat.PA_SAMPLE_FLOAT32LE:
            raise Exception('Not implemented yet.')

        error = ctypes.c_int(0)
        result = _libpulse_simple.pa_simple_write(self._client, c_data, size, error)
        if result < 0:
            raise PulseAudioException('Could not write data.', error.value)
项目:pyculib    作者:numba    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def memalign(cty, align):
    """Allocate a ctype object on the specific byte alignment
    # Allocate bytes with offset
    mem = (c_uint8 * (sizeof(cty) + align))()
    addr = addressof(mem)

    # Move to alignment
    offset = addr % align
    if offset:
        offset = align - offset

    buf = cty.from_address(offset + addr)
    assert 0 == addressof(buf) % align

    return buf, mem
项目:filebot    作者:toxygen-project    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def callback_friend_request(self, callback, user_data):
        Set the callback for the `friend_request` event. Pass None to unset.

        This event is triggered when a friend request is received.

        :param callback: Python function. Should take pointer (c_void_p) to Tox object,
        The Public Key (c_uint8 array) of the user who sent the friend request,
        The message (c_char_p) they sent along with the request,
        The size (c_size_t) of the message byte array,
        pointer (c_void_p) to user_data
        :param user_data: pointer (c_void_p) to user data
        c_callback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, POINTER(c_uint8), c_char_p, c_size_t, c_void_p)
        self.friend_request_cb = c_callback(callback)
        Tox.libtoxcore.tox_callback_friend_request(self._tox_pointer, self.friend_request_cb, c_void_p(user_data))
项目:Projects    作者:it2school    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, initializer):
                from ctypes import cast, POINTER, c_uint8

                Array3D = PixelCopyTestWithArray.Array3D
                super(Array3D, self).__init__((3, 5, 3),
                                              strides=(20, 4, 1))
                self.content = cast(self.buf, POINTER(c_uint8))
                for i, v in enumerate(initializer):
                    self.content[i] = v
项目:gps_track_pod    作者:iwanders    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, blob):
        # = ctypes.c_uint8 * int(len(blob)) = ctypes.create_string_buffer(len(blob))
项目:gps_track_pod    作者:iwanders    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fixed_length(cls, clskey, length):
        class foo(cls):
            key = clskey
            _fields_ = [("data", ctypes.c_uint8*length)]
        return foo
项目:openni-python    作者:severin-lemaignan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_buffer_as_uint8(self):
        return self.get_buffer_as(ctypes.c_uint8)
项目:openni-python    作者:severin-lemaignan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_buffer_as_triplet(self):
        return self.get_buffer_as(ctypes.c_uint8 * 3)
项目:flask-docjson    作者:elemepi    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def validate_u8(val, p, key=None):
    if isinstance(val, int) and ctypes.c_uint8(val).value == val:
    raise_validation_error(ErrInvalidU8, val, p, key=key)
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def struct(cls, ea, **sid):
        """Return the structure_t at address ``ea`` as a dict of ctypes.
        If the structure ``sid`` is specified, then use that specific structure type.
        ea = interface.address.within(ea)

        if any(n in sid for n in ('sid','struc','structure','id')):
            res = sid['sid'] if 'sid' in sid else sid['struc'] if 'struc' in sid else sid['structure'] if 'structure' in sid else sid['id'] if 'id' in sid else None
            sid = if isinstance(res, structure.structure_t) else res
            sid =

        st = structure.instance(sid, offset=ea)
        typelookup = {
            (int,-1) : ctypes.c_int8, (int,1) : ctypes.c_uint8,
            (int,-2) : ctypes.c_int16, (int,2) : ctypes.c_uint16,
            (int,-4) : ctypes.c_int32, (int,4) : ctypes.c_uint32,
            (int,-8) : ctypes.c_int64, (int,8) : ctypes.c_uint64,
            (float,4) : ctypes.c_float, (float,8) : ctypes.c_double,

        res = {}
        for m in st.members:
            t, val = m.type, read(m.offset, m.size) or ''
                ct = typelookup[t]
            except KeyError:
                ty, sz = t if isinstance(t, __builtin__.tuple) else (m.type, 0)
                if isinstance(t, __builtin__.list):
                    t = typelookup[tuple(ty)]
                    ct = t*sz
                elif ty in (chr,str):
                    ct = ctypes.c_char*sz
                    ct = None
                res[] = val if any(_ is None for _ in (ct,val)) else ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_buffer(val)),ctypes.POINTER(ct)).contents
        return res
项目:prototype    作者:chutsu    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def image_u8_get_array(img_ptr):
    return ptr_to_array2d(c_uint8,
项目:pyu2f    作者:google    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def Write(self, packet):
    """See base class."""
    report_id = 0
    out_report_buffer = (ctypes.c_uint8 * self.internal_max_out_report_len)()
    out_report_buffer[:] = packet[:]

    result = iokit.IOHIDDeviceSetReport(self.device_handle,

    # Non-zero status indicates failure
    if result != K_IO_RETURN_SUCCESS:
      raise errors.OsHidError('Failed to write report to device')
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, packet):
        self.timestamp = timestamp_from_avbin(packet.timestamp) = (ctypes.c_uint8 * packet.size)()
        self.size = packet.size
        ctypes.memmove(,, self.size)

        # Decoded image.  0 == not decoded yet; None == Error or discarded
        self.image = 0 = self._next_id
        self.__class__._next_id += 1
项目:OpenFL    作者:Formlabs    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _encode(cls, payload):
        """ Protects a stream of data with escape characters
            The payload should be a bytestring
        out = b''
        for byte in payload:
            if byte >= cls.ESCAPE:
                out += bytearray([cls.ESCAPE])
                byte = ctypes.c_uint8(byte - cls.ESCAPE).value
            out += bytearray([byte])
        return out
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, packet):
        self.timestamp = timestamp_from_avbin(packet.timestamp) = (ctypes.c_uint8 * packet.size)()
        self.size = packet.size
        ctypes.memmove(,, self.size)

        # Decoded image.  0 == not decoded yet; None == Error or discarded
        self.image = 0 = self._next_id
        self.__class__._next_id += 1
项目:TikiBot    作者:kikiorg    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _authenticate(self, block, uid, key = "\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff\xff", use_b_key = False):
        """Authenticates to a particular block using a specified key"""
        if nfc.nfc_device_set_property_bool(self.__device, nfc.NP_EASY_FRAMING, True) < 0:
            raise Exception("Error setting Easy Framing property")
        abttx = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 12)()
        abttx[0] = self.MC_AUTH_A if not use_b_key else self.MC_AUTH_B
        abttx[1] = block
        for i in range(6):
            abttx[i + 2] = ord(key[i])
        for i in range(4):
            abttx[i + 8] = ord(uid[i])
        abtrx = (ctypes.c_uint8 * 250)()
        return nfc.nfc_initiator_transceive_bytes(self.__device, ctypes.pointer(abttx), len(abttx),
                                                  ctypes.pointer(abtrx), len(abtrx), 0)
项目:mujoco-py    作者:openai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _worker_init(mjb_bytes, worker_id, device_ids,
                     shared_rgbs, shared_depths, modder):
        Initializes the global state for the workers.
        s = RenderPoolStorage()

        with worker_id.get_lock():
            proc_worker_id = worker_id.value
            worker_id.value += 1
        s.device_id = device_ids[proc_worker_id % len(device_ids)]

        s.shared_rgbs_array = np.frombuffer(
            shared_rgbs.get_obj(), dtype=ctypes.c_uint8)
        s.shared_depths_array = np.frombuffer(
            shared_depths.get_obj(), dtype=ctypes.c_float)

        # avoid a circular import
        from mujoco_py import load_model_from_mjb, MjRenderContext, MjSim
        s.sim = MjSim(load_model_from_mjb(mjb_bytes))
        # attach a render context to the sim (needs to happen before
        # modder is called, since it might need to upload textures
        # to the GPU).
        MjRenderContext(s.sim, device_id=s.device_id)

        if modder is not None:
            s.modder = modder(s.sim, random_state=proc_worker_id)
            s.modder = None

        global _render_pool_storage
        _render_pool_storage = s
项目:crypto    作者:erose1337    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nonlinear_function(byte, constant):     
    byte ^= constant
    state = (byte + 1) % 256
    byte ^= eight_bit_integer(state << 5).value
    byte ^= eight_bit_integer(state >> 3).value             
    return byte
项目:crypto    作者:erose1337    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def nonlinear_function2(state_and_constant):
    state, constant = state_and_constant
    state ^= constant        
    state += 1    
    state ^= word(state >> 8).value        
    state ^= word(state << 8).value
    state = word(~state).value
  #  state ^= word(state << 5).value
  #  state ^= word(state >> 3).value

    return (eight_bit_integer(state).value, state)
项目:RTT-Console    作者:dudulung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read_8(self, addr, buf, len, status):
        addr = ctypes.c_uint32(addr)
        data = ctypes.c_uint8()
        status = ctypes.c_byte()
        self.jlink.JLINKARM_ReadMemU8(addr, 1, ctypes.byref(data), ctypes.byref(status))
        return data.value
项目:RTT-Console    作者:dudulung    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def write_8(self, addr, data):
        addr = ctypes.c_uint32(addr)
        data = ctypes.c_uint8(data)
        self.jlink.JLINKARM_WriteU8(addr, data)
项目:milisia-tox    作者:milisarge    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def callback_file_recv_chunk(self, callback, user_data):
        Set the callback for the `file_recv_chunk` event. Pass NULL to unset.

        This event is first triggered when a file transfer request is received, and subsequently when a chunk of file
        data for an accepted request was received.

        :param callback: Python function.
        When length is 0, the transfer is finished and the client should release the resources it acquired for the
        transfer. After a call with length = 0, the file number can be reused for new file transfers.

        If position is equal to file_size (received in the file_receive callback) when the transfer finishes, the file
        was received completely. Otherwise, if file_size was UINT64_MAX, streaming ended successfully when length is 0.

        Should take pointer (c_void_p) to Tox object,
        The friend number (c_uint32) of the friend who is sending the file.
        The friend-specific file number (c_uint32) the data received is associated with.
        The file position (c_uint64) of the first byte in data.
        A byte array (c_char_p) containing the received chunk.
        The length (c_size_t) of the received chunk.
        pointer (c_void_p) to user_data
        :param user_data: pointer (c_void_p) to user data
        c_callback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_uint32, c_uint32, c_uint64, POINTER(c_uint8), c_size_t, c_void_p)
        self.file_recv_chunk_cb = c_callback(callback)
        self.libtoxcore.tox_callback_file_recv_chunk(self._tox_pointer, self.file_recv_chunk_cb, user_data)

    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    # Low-level custom packet sending and receiving
    # -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:milisia-tox    作者:milisarge    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def callback_friend_lossy_packet(self, callback, user_data):
        Set the callback for the `friend_lossy_packet` event. Pass NULL to unset.

        :param callback: Python function.
        Should take pointer (c_void_p) to Tox object,
        friend_number (c_uint32) - The friend number of the friend who sent a lossy packet,
        A byte array (c_uint8 array) containing the received packet data,
        length (c_size_t) - The length of the packet data byte array,
        pointer (c_void_p) to user_data
        :param user_data: pointer (c_void_p) to user data
        c_callback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_uint32, POINTER(c_uint8), c_size_t, c_void_p)
        self.friend_lossy_packet_cb = c_callback(callback)
        self.libtoxcore.tox_callback_friend_lossy_packet(self._tox_pointer, self.friend_lossy_packet_cb, user_data)
项目:milisia-tox    作者:milisarge    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def audio_send_frame(self, friend_number, pcm, sample_count, channels, sampling_rate):
        Send an audio frame to a friend.

        The expected format of the PCM data is: [s1c1][s1c2][...][s2c1][s2c2][...]...
        Meaning: sample 1 for channel 1, sample 1 for channel 2, ...
        For mono audio, this has no meaning, every sample is subsequent. For stereo, this means the expected format is
        LRLRLR... with samples for left and right alternating.

        :param friend_number: The friend number of the friend to which to send an audio frame.
        :param pcm: An array of audio samples. The size of this array must be sample_count * channels.
        :param sample_count: Number of samples in this frame. Valid numbers here are
        ((sample rate) * (audio length) / 1000), where audio length can be 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40 or 60 milliseconds.
        :param channels: Number of audio channels. Sulpported values are 1 and 2.
        :param sampling_rate: Audio sampling rate used in this frame. Valid sampling rates are 8000, 12000, 16000,
        24000, or 48000.
        toxav_err_send_frame = c_int()
        result = ToxAV.libtoxav.toxav_audio_send_frame(self._toxav_pointer, c_uint32(friend_number),
                                                       cast(pcm, c_void_p),
                                                       c_size_t(sample_count), c_uint8(channels),
                                                       c_uint32(sampling_rate), byref(toxav_err_send_frame))
        toxav_err_send_frame = toxav_err_send_frame.value
        if toxav_err_send_frame == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME['OK']:
            return bool(result)
        elif toxav_err_send_frame == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME['NULL']:
            raise ArgumentError('The samples data pointer was NULL.')
        elif toxav_err_send_frame == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME['FRIEND_NOT_FOUND']:
            raise ArgumentError('The friend_number passed did not designate a valid friend.')
        elif toxav_err_send_frame == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME['FRIEND_NOT_IN_CALL']:
            raise RuntimeError('This client is currently not in a call with the friend.')
        elif toxav_err_send_frame == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME['SYNC']:
            raise RuntimeError('Synchronization error occurred.')
        elif toxav_err_send_frame == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME['INVALID']:
            raise ArgumentError('One of the frame parameters was invalid. E.g. the resolution may be too small or too '
                                'large, or the audio sampling rate may be unsupported.')
        elif toxav_err_send_frame == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME['PAYLOAD_TYPE_DISABLED']:
            raise RuntimeError('Either friend turned off audio or video receiving or we turned off sending for the said'
        elif toxav_err_send_frame == TOXAV_ERR_SEND_FRAME['RTP_FAILED']:
            RuntimeError('Failed to push frame through rtp interface.')
项目:milisia-tox    作者:milisarge    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def callback_video_receive_frame(self, callback, user_data):
        Set the callback for the `video_receive_frame` event. Pass None to unset.

        :param callback: Python function.
        The function type for the video_receive_frame callback.

        Should take
        toxAV           pointer (c_void_p) to ToxAV object,
        friend_number   The friend number (c_uint32) of the friend who sent a video frame.
        width           Width (c_uint16) of the frame in pixels.
        height          Height (c_uint16) of the frame in pixels.
        v               Plane data (POINTER(c_uint8)).
                            The size of plane data is derived from width and height where
                            Y = MAX(width, abs(ystride)) * height,
                            U = MAX(width/2, abs(ustride)) * (height/2) and
                            V = MAX(width/2, abs(vstride)) * (height/2).
        vstride         Strides data (c_int32). Strides represent padding for each plane that may or may not be present. You must
                        handle strides in your image processing code. Strides are negative if the image is bottom-up
                        hence why you MUST abs() it when calculating plane buffer size.
        user_data       pointer (c_void_p) to user_data
        :param user_data: pointer (c_void_p) to user data
        c_callback = CFUNCTYPE(None, c_void_p, c_uint32, c_uint16, c_uint16, POINTER(c_uint8), POINTER(c_uint8),
                               POINTER(c_uint8), c_int32, c_int32, c_int32, c_void_p)
        self.video_receive_frame_cb = c_callback(callback)
        ToxAV.libtoxav.toxav_callback_video_receive_frame(self._toxav_pointer, self.video_receive_frame_cb, user_data)
项目:kotori    作者:daq-tools    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def setup(self):

        # counter "ValueError: number of bits invalid for bit field"

        # register header- and library paths
        # TODO: this probably acts on a global basis; think about it
        if self.include_path:
        if self.library_path:

        # define extra types suitable for embedded use
        types = {
            'uint8_t': c_uint8,
            'uint16_t': c_uint16,
            'uint32_t': c_uint32,
            'int8_t': c_int8,
            'int16_t': c_int16,
            'int32_t': c_int32,

        # TODO: this probably acts on a global basis; think about it
        if not (CParser._init or CLibrary._init):
项目:pyrealsense    作者:toinsson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, name='infrared', width=640, height=480, fps=30):
        self.native = True = rs_stream.RS_STREAM_INFRARED
        self.format = rs_format.RS_FORMAT_Y8
        self.shape = (height, width)
        self.dtype = ctypes.c_uint8
        super(InfraredStream, self).__init__(name, self.native,, width, height, self.format, fps)
项目:PyLetMeCreate    作者:CreatorDev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transfer(tx_data):
    """Transfers data using the current SPI bus. Returns a list of bytes.

    tx_data: A list of bytes to send.

    Note: An exception is thrown if an error occurs during the transfer.
    length = len(tx_data)
    tx_buffer = (ctypes.c_uint8 * length)(*tx_data)
    rx_buffer = (ctypes.c_uint8 * length)()
    ret = _LIB.spi_transfer(tx_buffer, rx_buffer, length)
    if ret < 0:
        raise Exception("spi transfer failed")
    return [rx_buffer[i] for i in range(length)]
项目:PyLetMeCreate    作者:CreatorDev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mode(index):
    """Returns the mode of a LED.

    The LED must be initialised before calling this function.

    index: must be an integer in range 0..7

    Note: An exception is thrown if it fails to retrieve the mode of a LED.
    mode = ctypes.c_uint8(0)
    ret = _LIB.led_get_mode(index, ctypes.byref(mode))
    if ret < 0:
        raise Exception("led get mode failed")
    return mode.value
项目:PyLetMeCreate    作者:CreatorDev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_pin(mikrobus_index, pin_type):
    """Returns GPIO index of a pin on provided mikrobus

    Note: An exception is thrown if the gpio cannot be found.
    pin = ctypes.c_uint8(0)
    ret = _LIB.gpio_get_pin(mikrobus_index, pin_type, ctypes.byref(pin))
    if ret < 0:
        raise Exception("gpio get pin failed")
    return pin.value
项目:PyLetMeCreate    作者:CreatorDev    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_type(gpio_pin):
    """Returns the type of the GPIO

    Some GPIO's on the Mikrobus has some type (AN, PWM, INT, RST or CS). Other
    GPIO's don't have a type.

    Note: An exception is thrown if the type of the gpio cannot be found.
    pin_type = ctypes.c_uint8(0)
    ret = _LIB.gpio_get_type(gpio_pin, ctypes.byref(pin_type))
    if ret < 0:
        raise Exception("gpio get type failed")
    return pin_type.value