Python ctypes 模块,c_buffer() 实例源码


项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dpapi_encrypt_data(self, input_bytes, entropy = extra_entropy):
    Encrypts data and returns byte string

    :param input_bytes: The data to be encrypted
    :type input_bytes: String or Bytes
    :param entropy: Extra entropy to add to the encryption process (optional)
    :type entropy: String or Bytes
    if not isinstance(input_bytes, bytes) or not isinstance(entropy, bytes):
        self.fatal('The inputs to dpapi must be bytes')
    buffer_in      = c_buffer(input_bytes, len(input_bytes))
    buffer_entropy = c_buffer(entropy, len(entropy))
    blob_in        = DATA_BLOB(len(input_bytes), buffer_in)
    blob_entropy   = DATA_BLOB(len(entropy), buffer_entropy)
    blob_out       = DATA_BLOB()

    if CryptProtectData(byref(blob_in), 'python_data', byref(blob_entropy), 
        None, None, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, byref(blob_out)):
        return get_data(blob_out)
        self.fatal('Failed to decrypt data')
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dpapi_decrypt_data(self, encrypted_bytes, entropy = extra_entropy):
    Decrypts data and returns byte string

    :param encrypted_bytes: The encrypted data
    :type encrypted_bytes: Bytes
    :param entropy: Extra entropy to add to the encryption process (optional)
    :type entropy: String or Bytes
    if not isinstance(encrypted_bytes, bytes) or not isinstance(entropy, bytes):
        self.fatal('The inputs to dpapi must be bytes')
    buffer_in      = c_buffer(encrypted_bytes, len(encrypted_bytes))
    buffer_entropy = c_buffer(entropy, len(entropy))
    blob_in        = DATA_BLOB(len(encrypted_bytes), buffer_in)
    blob_entropy   = DATA_BLOB(len(entropy), buffer_entropy)
    blob_out       = DATA_BLOB()
    if CryptUnprotectData(byref(blob_in), None, byref(blob_entropy), None,
        None, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, byref(blob_out)):
        return get_data(blob_out)
        self.fatal('Failed to decrypt data')
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dpapi_encrypt_data(self, input_bytes, entropy = extra_entropy):
    Encrypts data and returns byte string

    :param input_bytes: The data to be encrypted
    :type input_bytes: String or Bytes
    :param entropy: Extra entropy to add to the encryption process (optional)
    :type entropy: String or Bytes
    if not isinstance(input_bytes, bytes) or not isinstance(entropy, bytes):
        self.fatal('The inputs to dpapi must be bytes')
    buffer_in      = c_buffer(input_bytes, len(input_bytes))
    buffer_entropy = c_buffer(entropy, len(entropy))
    blob_in        = DATA_BLOB(len(input_bytes), buffer_in)
    blob_entropy   = DATA_BLOB(len(entropy), buffer_entropy)
    blob_out       = DATA_BLOB()

    if CryptProtectData(byref(blob_in), 'python_data', byref(blob_entropy), 
        None, None, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, byref(blob_out)):
        return get_data(blob_out)
        self.fatal('Failed to decrypt data')
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dpapi_encrypt_data(self, input_bytes, entropy = extra_entropy):
    Encrypts data and returns byte string

    :param input_bytes: The data to be encrypted
    :type input_bytes: String or Bytes
    :param entropy: Extra entropy to add to the encryption process (optional)
    :type entropy: String or Bytes
    if not isinstance(input_bytes, bytes) or not isinstance(entropy, bytes):
        self.fatal('The inputs to dpapi must be bytes')
    buffer_in      = c_buffer(input_bytes, len(input_bytes))
    buffer_entropy = c_buffer(entropy, len(entropy))
    blob_in        = DATA_BLOB(len(input_bytes), buffer_in)
    blob_entropy   = DATA_BLOB(len(entropy), buffer_entropy)
    blob_out       = DATA_BLOB()

    if CryptProtectData(byref(blob_in), 'python_data', byref(blob_entropy), 
        None, None, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, byref(blob_out)):
        return get_data(blob_out)
        self.fatal('Failed to decrypt data')
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def dpapi_decrypt_data(self, encrypted_bytes, entropy = extra_entropy):
    Decrypts data and returns byte string

    :param encrypted_bytes: The encrypted data
    :type encrypted_bytes: Bytes
    :param entropy: Extra entropy to add to the encryption process (optional)
    :type entropy: String or Bytes
    if not isinstance(encrypted_bytes, bytes) or not isinstance(entropy, bytes):
        self.fatal('The inputs to dpapi must be bytes')
    buffer_in      = c_buffer(encrypted_bytes, len(encrypted_bytes))
    buffer_entropy = c_buffer(entropy, len(entropy))
    blob_in        = DATA_BLOB(len(encrypted_bytes), buffer_in)
    blob_entropy   = DATA_BLOB(len(entropy), buffer_entropy)
    blob_out       = DATA_BLOB()
    if CryptUnprotectData(byref(blob_in), None, byref(blob_entropy), None,
        None, CRYPTPROTECT_UI_FORBIDDEN, byref(blob_out)):
        return get_data(blob_out)
        self.fatal('Failed to decrypt data')
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, msg_or_size=0x1000, attributes=None):
        # Init the PORT_MESSAGE
        if isinstance(msg_or_size, (long, int)):
            self.port_message_buffer_size = msg_or_size
            self.port_message_raw_buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(msg_or_size)
            self.port_message = AlpcMessagePort.from_buffer(self.port_message_raw_buffer)
        elif isinstance(msg_or_size, AlpcMessagePort):
            self.port_message = msg_or_size
            self.port_message_raw_buffer = self.port_message.raw_buffer
            self.port_message_buffer_size = len(self.port_message_raw_buffer)
            raise NotImplementedError("Uneexpected type for <msg_or_size>: {0}".format(msg_or_size))

        # Init the MessageAttributes
        if attributes is None:
            # self.attributes = MessageAttribute.with_all_attributes()
            self.attributes = MessageAttribute.with_all_attributes() ## Testing
            self.attributes = attributes

    # PORT_MESSAGE wrappers
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def enumerate_handles():
    size_needed = ULONG()
    size = 0x1000
    buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)

        winproxy.NtQuerySystemInformation(16, buffer, size, ReturnLength=ctypes.byref(size_needed))
    except WindowsError as e:

    size = size_needed.value + 0x1000
    buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
    winproxy.NtQuerySystemInformation(16, buffer, size, ReturnLength=ctypes.byref(size_needed))
    x = SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION.from_buffer(buffer)
        _fields_ = [
            ("HandleCount", ULONG),
            ("Handles", Handle * x.HandleCount),
    return list(_GENERATED_SYSTEM_HANDLE_INFORMATION.from_buffer_copy(buffer[:size_needed.value]).Handles)
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_mapped_filename(self, addr):
        """The filename mapped at address ``addr`` or ``None``

        :rtype: :class:`str` or ``None``
        buffer_size = 0x1000
        buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(buffer_size)

        if  windows.current_process.bitness == 32 and self.bitness == 64:
             target_size = ctypes.c_buffer(buffer_size)
                windows.syswow64.NtQueryVirtualMemory_32_to_64(self.handle, addr, MemorySectionName, buffer, buffer_size, target_size)
             except NtStatusException as e:
                return None
             remote_winstring = rctypes.transform_type_to_remote64bits(WinUnicodeString)
             mapped_filename = remote_winstring(ctypes.addressof(buffer), windows.current_process)
             return mapped_filename.str

                size = winproxy.GetMappedFileNameA(self.handle, addr, buffer, buffer_size)
        except winproxy.Kernel32Error as e:
            return None
        return buffer[:size]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def query_link(linkpath):
    utf16_len = len(linkpath) * 2
    obj_attr = OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES()
    obj_attr.Length = ctypes.sizeof(obj_attr)
    obj_attr.RootDirectory = 0
    obj_attr.ObjectName = pointer(LSA_UNICODE_STRING(utf16_len, utf16_len, linkpath))
    obj_attr.Attributes = OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE
    obj_attr.SecurityDescriptor = 0
    obj_attr.SecurityQualityOfService = 0

    res = HANDLE()
    x = winproxy.NtOpenSymbolicLinkObject(res, DIRECTORY_QUERY | READ_CONTROL , obj_attr)
    v = LSA_UNICODE_STRING(0x1000, 0x1000, ctypes.cast(ctypes.c_buffer(0x1000), ctypes.c_wchar_p))
    s = ULONG()
    winproxy.NtQuerySymbolicLinkObject(res, v, s)
    return v.Buffer
项目:crescendo    作者:AriaFallah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def listDevices(flags=0):
    """Return a list of serial numbers(default), descriptions or
    locations (Windows only) of the connected FTDI devices depending on value
    of flags"""
    n = _ft.DWORD()
    call_ft(_ft.FT_ListDevices, c.byref(n), None, _ft.DWORD(LIST_NUMBER_ONLY))
    devcount = n.value
    if devcount:
        # since ctypes has no pointer arithmetic.
        bd = [c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE) for i in range(devcount)] +\
        # array of pointers to those strings, initially all NULL
        ba = (c.c_char_p *(devcount + 1))()
        for i in range(devcount):
            ba[i] = c.cast(bd[i], c.c_char_p)
        call_ft(_ft.FT_ListDevices, ba, c.byref(n), _ft.DWORD(LIST_ALL|flags))
        return [res for res in ba[:devcount]]
        return None
项目:crescendo    作者:AriaFallah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def eeRead(self):
        """Get the program information from the EEPROM"""
##        if self.devInfo['type'] == 4:
##            version = 1
##        elif self.devInfo['type'] == 5:
##            version = 2
##        else:
##            version = 0
        progdata = _ft.ft_program_data(
                      Signature1=0, Signature2=0xffffffff,
                      Manufacturer = c.cast(c.c_buffer(256), c.c_char_p),
                      ManufacturerId = c.cast(c.c_buffer(256), c.c_char_p),
                      Description = c.cast(c.c_buffer(256), c.c_char_p),
                      SerialNumber = c.cast(c.c_buffer(256), c.c_char_p))

        call_ft(_ft.FT_EE_Read, self.handle, c.byref(progdata))
        return progdata
项目:inotify_simple    作者:chrisjbillington    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_events(data):
    """Parse data read from an inotify file descriptor into list of
    :attr:`~inotify_simple.Event` namedtuples (wd, mask, cookie, name). This
    function can be used if you have decided to call ```` on the
    inotify file descriptor yourself, instead of calling

        data (bytes): A bytestring as read from an inotify file descriptor
        list: list of :attr:`~inotify_simple.Event` namedtuples"""
    events = []
    offset = 0
    buffer_size = len(data)
    while offset < buffer_size:
        wd, mask, cookie, namesize = struct.unpack_from(_EVENT_STRUCT_FORMAT, data, offset)
        offset += _EVENT_STRUCT_SIZE
        name = _fsdecode(ctypes.c_buffer(data[offset:offset + namesize], namesize).value)
        offset += namesize
        events.append(Event(wd, mask, cookie, name))
    return events
项目:i3configger    作者:obestwalter    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def parse_events(data):
    """Parse data read from an inotify file descriptor into list of
    :attr:`~inotify_simple.Event` namedtuples (wd, mask, cookie, name). This
    function can be used if you have decided to call ```` on the
    inotify file descriptor yourself, instead of calling

        data (bytes): A bytestring as read from an inotify file descriptor
        list: list of :attr:`~inotify_simple.Event` namedtuples"""
    events = []
    offset = 0
    buffer_size = len(data)
    while offset < buffer_size:
        wd, mask, cookie, namesize = struct.unpack_from(_EVENT_STRUCT_FORMAT, data, offset)
        offset += _EVENT_STRUCT_SIZE
        name = _fsdecode(ctypes.c_buffer(data[offset:offset + namesize], namesize).value)
        offset += namesize
        events.append(Event(wd, mask, cookie, name))
    return events
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_data(blob_out):
    cbData = int(blob_out.cbData)
    pbData = blob_out.pbData
    buffer = c_buffer(cbData)
    memcpy(buffer, pbData, cbData)
    return buffer.raw
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_data(blob_out):
    cbData = int(blob_out.cbData)
    pbData = blob_out.pbData
    buffer = c_buffer(cbData)
    memcpy(buffer, pbData, cbData)
    return buffer.raw
项目:SoCFoundationFlow    作者:mattaw    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_data(blob_out):
    cbData = int(blob_out.cbData)
    pbData = blob_out.pbData
    buffer = c_buffer(cbData)
    memcpy(buffer, pbData, cbData)
    return buffer.raw
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def from_buffer_size(cls, buffer_size):
        buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(buffer_size)
        return cls.from_buffer(buffer)
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def with_attributes(cls, attributes):
        """Create a new :class:`MessageAttribute` with ``attributes`` allocated

            :returns: :class:`MessageAttribute`
        size = cls._get_required_buffer_size(attributes)
        buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
        self = cls.from_buffer(buffer)
        self.raw_buffer = buffer
        res = gdef.DWORD()
        winproxy.AlpcInitializeMessageAttribute(attributes, self, len(self.raw_buffer), res)
        return self
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def computer_name(self):
        """The name of the computer

        :type: :class:`str`
        size = DWORD(0x1000)
        buf = ctypes.c_buffer(size.value)
        winproxy.GetComputerNameA(buf, ctypes.byref(size))
        return buf[:size.value]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def windir(self):
        buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(0x100)
        reslen = winproxy.GetWindowsDirectoryA(buffer)
        return buffer[:reslen]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_object_name(self):
        lh = self.local_handle
        size_needed = DWORD()
        yyy = ctypes.c_buffer(0x1000)
        winproxy.NtQueryObject(lh, ObjectNameInformation, ctypes.byref(yyy), ctypes.sizeof(yyy), ctypes.byref(size_needed))
        return WinUnicodeString.from_buffer_copy(yyy[:size_needed.value]).str
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _get_object_type(self):
        lh = self.local_handle
        size_needed = DWORD()
            winproxy.NtQueryObject(lh, ObjectTypeInformation, ctypes.byref(xxx), ctypes.sizeof(xxx), ctypes.byref(size_needed))
        except WindowsError as e:
            if e.code != STATUS_INFO_LENGTH_MISMATCH:
                # print("ERROR WITH {0:x}".format(lh))
            size = size_needed.value
            buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
            winproxy.NtQueryObject(lh, ObjectTypeInformation, buffer, size, ctypes.byref(size_needed))
            xxx = EPUBLIC_OBJECT_TYPE_INFORMATION.from_buffer_copy(buffer)
        return xxx.TypeName.str
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def name(self):
        """Name of the process

        :type: :class:`str`
        buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(0x1024)
        rsize = winproxy.GetProcessImageFileNameA(self.handle, buffer)
        # GetProcessImageFileNameA returns the fullpath
        return buffer[:rsize].decode().split("\\")[-1]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def token_user(self):
        buffer_size = self.get_required_information_size(TokenUser)
        buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(buffer_size)
        self.get_informations(TokenUser, buffer)
        return ctypes.cast(buffer, POINTER(TOKEN_USER))[0]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _user_and_computer_name(self):
        tok_usr = self.token_user
        sid = tok_usr.User.Sid
        usernamesize = DWORD(0x1000)
        computernamesize = DWORD(0x1000)
        username = ctypes.c_buffer(usernamesize.value)
        computername = ctypes.c_buffer(computernamesize.value)
        peUse = SID_NAME_USE()
        winproxy.LookupAccountSidA(None, sid, username, usernamesize, computername, computernamesize, peUse)
        return username[:usernamesize.value], computername[:computernamesize.value]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def name(self):
        size = 0x1024
        buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)

        res = windows.winproxy.GetWindowTextA(self.handle, buffer, size)
        return buffer[:res]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def at_point(cls, point):
        handle = winproxy.WindowFromPoint(point)
        return cls(handle)

    # I don't understand the interest:
    # Either return "" or C:\Python27\python.exe
    #def module(self):
    #   size = 0x1024
    #   buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
    #   res = windows.winproxy.GetWindowModuleFileNameA(self.handle, buffer, size)
    #   return buffer[:res]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_logical_drive_names():
    size = 0x100
    buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
    rsize = winproxy.GetLogicalDriveStringsA(0x1000, buffer)
    return buffer[:rsize].rstrip("\x00").split("\x00")
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def query_dos_device(name):
    size = 0x1000
    buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
    rsize = winproxy.QueryDosDeviceA(name, buffer, size)
    return buffer[:rsize].rstrip("\x00").split("\x00")
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def entries(self):
        """Todo: better name ?"""
        path = self.fullname
        utf16_len = len(path) * 2
        obj_attr = OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES()
        obj_attr.Length = ctypes.sizeof(obj_attr)
        obj_attr.RootDirectory = None
        obj_attr.ObjectName = pointer(LSA_UNICODE_STRING(utf16_len, utf16_len, path))
        obj_attr.Attributes = OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE
        obj_attr.SecurityDescriptor = 0
        obj_attr.SecurityQualityOfService = 0

        res = HANDLE()
        x = winproxy.NtOpenDirectoryObject(res, DIRECTORY_QUERY | READ_CONTROL , obj_attr)
        size = 0x1000
        buf = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
        rres = ULONG()
        ctx = ULONG()
        while True:
                winproxy.NtQueryDirectoryObject(res, buf, size, False, False, ctx, rres)
            except windows.generated_def.ntstatus.NtStatusException as e:
                if e.code == STATUS_NO_MORE_ENTRIES:
                    return {}
                if e.code == STATUS_MORE_ENTRIES:
                    size *= 2
                    buf = ctypes.c_buffer(size)

        t = OBJECT_DIRECTORY_INFORMATION.from_buffer(buf)
        res = {}
        for v in t:
            if v.Name.Buffer is None:
            x = KernelObject(path, v.Name.Buffer, v.TypeName.Buffer)
            res[] = x
        return res
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_name(self, nametype=gdef.CERT_NAME_SIMPLE_DISPLAY_TYPE, flags=0):
        """Retrieve the subject or issuer name of the certificate. See ``CertGetNameStringA``

        :returns: :class:`str`
        size = winproxy.CertGetNameStringA(self, nametype, flags, None, None, 0)
        namebuff = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
        size = winproxy.CertGetNameStringA(self, nametype, flags, None, namebuff, size)
        return namebuff[:-1]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_param(self, param_type, index=0):
        data_size = gdef.DWORD()
        winproxy.CryptMsgGetParam(self, param_type, index, None, data_size)
        buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(data_size.value)
        winproxy.CryptMsgGetParam(self, param_type, index, buffer, data_size)

        if param_type in self.MSG_PARAM_KNOW_TYPES:
            buffer = self.MSG_PARAM_KNOW_TYPES[param_type].from_buffer(buffer)
        if isinstance(buffer, gdef.DWORD): # DWORD -> return the Python int
            return buffer.value
        return buffer

    # Certificate accessors
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_long_path(path):
    """Return the long path form for ``path``

        :returns: :class:`str`
    size = 0x1000
    buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
    rsize = winproxy.GetLongPathNameA(path, buffer, size)
    return buffer[:rsize]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_short_path(path):
    """Return the short path form for ``path``

        :returns: :class:`str`
    size = 0x1000
    buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size)
    rsize = winproxy.GetShortPathNameA(path, buffer, size)
    return buffer[:rsize]
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decompress_buffer(comptype, buffer, uncompress_size=None):
    if uncompress_size is None:
        uncompress_size = len(buffer) * 10
    result_size = DWORD()
    uncompressed = ctypes.c_buffer(uncompress_size)
    windows.winproxy.RtlDecompressBuffer(comptype, uncompressed, uncompress_size, buffer, len(buffer), result_size)
    return uncompressed[:result_size.value]

# + real SID type ?
项目:PythonForWindows    作者:hakril    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_known_sid(sid_type):
    size = DWORD()
        windows.winproxy.CreateWellKnownSid(sid_type, None, None, size)
    except WindowsError:
    buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(size.value)
    windows.winproxy.CreateWellKnownSid(sid_type, None, buffer, size)
    return ctypes.cast(buffer, PSID)
项目:crescendo    作者:AriaFallah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getDeviceInfoDetail(devnum=0):
    """Get an entry from the internal device info list. """
    f = _ft.DWORD()
    t = _ft.DWORD()
    i = _ft.DWORD()
    l = _ft.DWORD()
    h = _ft.FT_HANDLE()
    n = c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)
    d = c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)
    call_ft(_ft.FT_GetDeviceInfoDetail, _ft.DWORD(devnum),
            c.byref(f), c.byref(t), c.byref(i), c.byref(l), n, d, c.byref(h))
    return {'index': devnum, 'flags': f.value, 'type': t.value,
            'id': i.value, 'location': l.value, 'serial': n.value,
            'description': d.value, 'handle': h}
项目:crescendo    作者:AriaFallah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def read(self, nchars, raw=True):
        """Read up to nchars bytes of data from the device. Can return fewer if
        timedout. Use getQueueStatus to find how many bytes are available"""
        b_read = _ft.DWORD()
        b = c.c_buffer(nchars)
        call_ft(_ft.FT_Read, self.handle, b, nchars, c.byref(b_read))
        return b.raw[:b_read.value] if raw else b.value[:b_read.value]
项目:crescendo    作者:AriaFallah    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getDeviceInfo(self):
        """Returns a dictionary describing the device. """
        deviceType = _ft.DWORD()
        deviceId = _ft.DWORD()
        desc = c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)
        serial = c.c_buffer(MAX_DESCRIPTION_SIZE)

        call_ft(_ft.FT_GetDeviceInfo, self.handle, c.byref(deviceType),
                c.byref(deviceId), serial, desc, None)
        return {'type': deviceType.value, 'id': deviceId.value,
                'description': desc.value, 'serial': serial.value}
项目:Comictagger    作者:dickloraine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, ArcName=None, ArcNameW=u'', OpenMode=RAR_OM_LIST):
        self.CmtBuf = ctypes.c_buffer(64*1024)
        ctypes.Structure.__init__(self, ArcName=ArcName, ArcNameW=ArcNameW, OpenMode=OpenMode, _CmtBuf=ctypes.addressof(self.CmtBuf), CmtBufSize=ctypes.sizeof(self.CmtBuf))
项目:Comictagger    作者:dickloraine    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self):
        self.CmtBuf = ctypes.c_buffer(64*1024)
        ctypes.Structure.__init__(self, _CmtBuf=ctypes.addressof(self.CmtBuf), CmtBufSize=ctypes.sizeof(self.CmtBuf))
项目:idascripts    作者:ctfhacker    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def struct(cls, ea, **sid):
        """Return the structure_t at address ``ea`` as a dict of ctypes.
        If the structure ``sid`` is specified, then use that specific structure type.
        ea = interface.address.within(ea)

        if any(n in sid for n in ('sid','struc','structure','id')):
            res = sid['sid'] if 'sid' in sid else sid['struc'] if 'struc' in sid else sid['structure'] if 'structure' in sid else sid['id'] if 'id' in sid else None
            sid = if isinstance(res, structure.structure_t) else res
            sid =

        st = structure.instance(sid, offset=ea)
        typelookup = {
            (int,-1) : ctypes.c_int8, (int,1) : ctypes.c_uint8,
            (int,-2) : ctypes.c_int16, (int,2) : ctypes.c_uint16,
            (int,-4) : ctypes.c_int32, (int,4) : ctypes.c_uint32,
            (int,-8) : ctypes.c_int64, (int,8) : ctypes.c_uint64,
            (float,4) : ctypes.c_float, (float,8) : ctypes.c_double,

        res = {}
        for m in st.members:
            t, val = m.type, read(m.offset, m.size) or ''
                ct = typelookup[t]
            except KeyError:
                ty, sz = t if isinstance(t, __builtin__.tuple) else (m.type, 0)
                if isinstance(t, __builtin__.list):
                    t = typelookup[tuple(ty)]
                    ct = t*sz
                elif ty in (chr,str):
                    ct = ctypes.c_char*sz
                    ct = None
                res[] = val if any(_ is None for _ in (ct,val)) else ctypes.cast(ctypes.pointer(ctypes.c_buffer(val)),ctypes.POINTER(ct)).contents
        return res
项目:opc-rest-api    作者:matzpersson    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _task_list():
    psapi = ctypes.windll.psapi
    kernel = ctypes.windll.kernel32

    hModule = ctypes.c_ulong()
    count = ctypes.c_ulong()
    modname = ctypes.c_buffer(30)
    PROCESS_VM_READ = 0x0010

    pid_list = win32process.EnumProcesses()
    info_list = []

    for pid in pid_list:

        hProcess = kernel.OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ, False, pid)
        if hProcess:
            psapi.EnumProcessModules(hProcess, ctypes.byref(hModule), ctypes.sizeof(hModule), ctypes.byref(count))
            psapi.GetModuleBaseNameA(hProcess, hModule.value, modname, ctypes.sizeof(modname))
            pname = ctypes.string_at(modname)

            procmeminfo = win32process.GetProcessMemoryInfo(hProcess)
            procmemusage = (procmeminfo["WorkingSetSize"]/1024)
            info_list.append((pid, pname, procmemusage))


    return info_list
项目:FightstickDisplay    作者:calexil    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cfstring_to_string(value_string):
    value_length = carbon.CFStringGetLength(value_string)
    buffer_length = carbon.CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(
        value_length, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
    buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(buffer_length + 1)
    result = carbon.CFStringGetCString(value_string, 
    if not result:
    return buffer.value
项目:cryptogram    作者:xinmingzhang    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cfstring_to_string(value_string):
    value_length = carbon.CFStringGetLength(value_string)
    buffer_length = carbon.CFStringGetMaximumSizeForEncoding(
        value_length, kCFStringEncodingUTF8)
    buffer = ctypes.c_buffer(buffer_length + 1)
    result = carbon.CFStringGetCString(value_string, 
    if not result:
    return buffer.value
项目:qudi    作者:Ulm-IQO    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getHardwareInformation(self):
        ''' Get information from the hardware'''
        model = c_buffer(255)
        softwareVersion = c_buffer(255)
        hardwareNotes = c_buffer(255)
        self.aptdll.GetHWInfo(self.SerialNum, model, 255, softwareVersion, 255, hardwareNotes, 255)
        hwinfo = [model.value, softwareVersion.value, hardwareNotes.value]
        return hwinfo
项目:MacHeap    作者:blankwall    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_memory_read():
            data = 'A'*0x40
            buf = ctypes.c_buffer(data)
            ea = ctypes.addressof(buf)
            z = provider.memory()
            if z.consume(len(data)) == data:
                raise Success
            raise Failure
项目:MacHeap    作者:blankwall    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_memory_write():
            data = 'A'*0x40
            buf = ctypes.c_buffer(data)
            ea = ctypes.addressof(buf)
            z = provider.memory()
            if buf.value == 'B'*len(data):
                raise Success
            raise Failure
项目:MacHeap    作者:blankwall    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_memory_readwrite():
            data = 'A'*0x40
            buf = ctypes.c_buffer(data)
            ea = ctypes.addressof(buf)
            z = provider.memory()
            if z.consume(len(data)) == 'B'*len(data):
                raise Success
项目:mlib    作者:mak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def decrypt(cls, data, key):
        clen = cls.align_size(len(data))
        ckey = c_buffer(key)
        cin = c_buffer(data)
        cout = c_buffer(clen)
        cls.LIB.decrypt(cin, clen, ckey, cout)
        return cout.raw