Python cv2 模块,undistort() 实例源码


项目:SDcarsLaneDetection    作者:Nazanin1369    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def corners_unwarp(img, nx, ny, mtx, dist):
    # Use the OpenCV undistort() function to remove distortion
    undist = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, mtx)
    # Convert undistorted image to grayscale
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(undist, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # Search for corners in the grayscaled image
    ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, (nx, ny), None)

    if ret == True:
        # If we found corners, draw them! (just for fun)
        cv2.drawChessboardCorners(undist, (nx, ny), corners, ret)
        # Choose offset from image corners to plot detected corners
        # This should be chosen to present the result at the proper aspect ratio
        # My choice of 100 pixels is not exact, but close enough for our purpose here
        offset = 100 # offset for dst points
        # Grab the image shape
        img_size = (gray.shape[1], gray.shape[0])

        # For source points I'm grabbing the outer four detected corners
        src = np.float32([corners[0], corners[nx-1], corners[-1], corners[-nx]])
        # For destination points, I'm arbitrarily choosing some points to be
        # a nice fit for displaying our warped result
        # again, not exact, but close enough for our purposes
        dst = np.float32([[offset, offset], [img_size[0]-offset, offset],
                                     [img_size[0]-offset, img_size[1]-offset],
                                     [offset, img_size[1]-offset]])
        # Given src and dst points, calculate the perspective transform matrix
        M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst)
        # Warp the image using OpenCV warpPerspective()
        warped = cv2.warpPerspective(undist, M, img_size)

    # Return the resulting image and matrix
    return warped, M
项目:SelfDrivingCar    作者:aguijarro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def corners_unwarp(img, nx, ny, undistorted):
    M = None
    warped = np.copy(img)
    # Use the OpenCV undistort() function to remove distortion
    undist = undistorted
    # Convert undistorted image to grayscale
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(undist, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
    # Search for corners in the grayscaled image
    ret, corners = cv2.findChessboardCorners(gray, (nx, ny), None)

    if ret == True:
        # If we found corners, draw them! (just for fun)
        cv2.drawChessboardCorners(undist, (nx, ny), corners, ret)
        # Choose offset from image corners to plot detected corners
        # This should be chosen to present the result at the proper aspect ratio
        # My choice of 100 pixels is not exact, but close enough for our purpose here
        offset = 100 # offset for dst points
        # Grab the image shape
        img_size = (gray.shape[1], gray.shape[0])

        # For source points I'm grabbing the outer four detected corners
        src = np.float32([corners[0], corners[nx-1], corners[-1], corners[-nx]])
        # For destination points, I'm arbitrarily choosing some points to be
        # a nice fit for displaying our warped result
        # again, not exact, but close enough for our purposes
        dst = np.float32([[offset, offset], [img_size[0]-offset, offset],
                                     [img_size[0]-offset, img_size[1]-offset],
                                     [offset, img_size[1]-offset]])
        # Given src and dst points, calculate the perspective transform matrix
        M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(src, dst)
        # Warp the image using OpenCV warpPerspective()
        warped = cv2.warpPerspective(undist, M, img_size)

    # Return the resulting image and matrix
    return warped, M
项目:pybot    作者:spillai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def ray(self, pts, undistort=True, rotate=False, normalize=False): 
        Returns the ray corresponding to the points. 
        Optionally undistort (defaults to true), and 
        rotate ray to the camera's viewpoint 
        upts = self.undistort_points(pts) if undistort else pts
        ret = unproject_points(
            np.hstack([ (colvec(upts[:,0]) / self.fx, (colvec(upts[:,1]) / self.fy ])

        if rotate: 
            ret = self.extrinsics.rotate_vec(ret)

        if normalize: 
            ret = ret / np.linalg.norm(ret, axis=1)[:, np.newaxis]

        return ret
项目:esys-pbi    作者:fsxfreak    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update(self,frame,events):
        if self.collect_new:
            img = frame.img
            status, grid_points = cv2.findCirclesGrid(img, (4,11), flags=cv2.CALIB_CB_ASYMMETRIC_GRID)
            if status:
                self.collect_new = False
                self.count -=1
                self.button.status_text = "{:d} to go".format(self.count)

        if self.count<=0 and not self.calculated:
            self.button.status_text = ''

        if self.window_should_close:

        if self.show_undistortion:

            adjusted_k,roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(cameraMatrix= self.camera_intrinsics[0], distCoeffs=self.camera_intrinsics[1], imageSize=self.camera_intrinsics[2], alpha=0.5,newImgSize=self.camera_intrinsics[2],centerPrincipalPoint=1)
            self.undist_img = cv2.undistort(frame.img, self.camera_intrinsics[0], self.camera_intrinsics[1],newCameraMatrix=adjusted_k)
项目:lane-detection-raspberry-pi    作者:uvbakutan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def binary_extraction(self,image, ksize=3):
        # undistort first
        #image = self.undistort(image)

        color_bin = self.color_thresh(image,thresh=(90, 150))              # initial values 110, 255

        gray = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY)

        sobelx = cv2.Sobel(gray, cv2.CV_64F, 1, 0, ksize)
        sobely = cv2.Sobel(gray, cv2.CV_64F, 0, 1, ksize)

        gradx = self.abs_sobel_thresh(sobelx, thresh=(100, 190))             # initial values 40, 160
        grady = self.abs_sobel_thresh(sobely, thresh=(100, 190))             # initial values 40, 160
        mag_binary = self.mag_thresh(sobelx, sobely, mag_thresh=(100, 190))  # initial values 40, 160
        #dir_binary = self.dir_threshold(sobelx, sobely, thresh=(0.7, 1.3))

        combined = np.zeros_like(gradx)
        #combined[(((gradx == 1) & (grady == 1)) | ((mag_binary == 1) & (dir_binary == 1))) | (color_bin==1) ] = 1
        combined[(((gradx == 1) & (grady == 1)) | (mag_binary == 1)) | (color_bin==1) ] = 1
        #combined[(((gradx == 1) & (grady == 1)) | (mag_binary == 1)) ] = 1

        return combined

    # transform perspective
项目:pybot    作者:spillai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort_image(im, K, D): 
        newcamera, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(self.K, self.D, (W,H), 0) 
    H,W = im.shape[:2]
    Kprime, roi = cv2.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(K, D, (W,H), 1, (W,H))
    return cv2.undistort(im, K, D, None, K)

# def camera_from_P(P):
项目:pybot    作者:spillai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def reconstruct(self, xyZ, undistort=True): 
        Reproject to 3D with calib params
        Z = colvec(xyZ[:,2])
        return self.ray(xyZ[:,:2], undistort=undistort) * Z
项目:pybot    作者:spillai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort(self, im): 
        return undistort_image(im, self.K, self.D)
项目:pybot    作者:spillai    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort_debug(self, im=None): 
        if im is None: 
            im = np.zeros(shape=self.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
        im[::20, :] = 128
        im[:, ::20] = 128
        return self.undistort(im)
项目:LensCalibrator    作者:1024jp    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort_image(self, image):
        return cv2.undistort(image, self.camera_matrix, self.dist_coeffs,
项目:SelfDrivingCar    作者:aguijarro    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def cal_undistort(img, objpoints, imgpoints):
    # Use cv2.calibrateCamera() and cv2.undistort()
    img_size = (img.shape[1], img.shape[0])
    ret, mtx, dist, rvecs, tvecs = cv2.calibrateCamera(objpoints,
    undist = cv2.undistort(img, mtx, dist, None, mtx)
    return undist
项目:pycalibrate    作者:reconstruct-on-the-fly    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def remove_distortion(images):
    out = calibrate(images)
    matrix = out['camera_matrix']
    dist = out['distortion_coefficient']

    undistorted_images = []
    for (image, color_image) in images:
        size = image.shape[::-1]
        new_matrix, roi = cv.getOptimalNewCameraMatrix(matrix, dist, size,
                                                       1, size)

        img = cv.undistort(color_image, matrix, dist, None, new_matrix)

    return undistorted_images
项目:tefla    作者:openAGI    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort(self, img):
        """ Restore image from camera distrotation using calibration matrics

            img: input image

            restored image
        return cv2.undistort(img, self.mtx, self.dist, None, self.mtx)
项目:eva-didi    作者:eljefec    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort_image(self, im):
        return cv2.undistort(im, self.camera_matrix, self.distortion_coefficients)
项目:lane-detection-raspberry-pi    作者:uvbakutan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def set_cam_calib_param(self, mtx, dst):
        self.cam_mtx = mtx
        self.cam_dst = dst

    # undistort image
项目:lane-detection-raspberry-pi    作者:uvbakutan    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort(self, img):
        return cv2.undistort(img, self.cam_mtx, self.cam_dst, None,self.cam_mtx)

    # get binary image based on color thresholding
项目:diy_driverless_car_ROS    作者:wilselby    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort_image(self, image):

        return cv2.undistort(image, self.mtx, self.dist, None, self.mtx)
项目:openhmd_ros    作者:h3ct0r    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def transform(self, img, k1=0.22, k2=0.24):
        """Apply barrel distortion using OpenCV's Undistort operation

        This counteracts the pincushion distortion that the Oculus lens
        applies. The distortion coefficients k1 and k2 are the main
        action here.

        return cv2.undistort(
            np.array([k1, k2, 0, 0, 0])
项目:main    作者:templerobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getImage(self):
        image = self._getRawImage()
        image = cv2.undistort(image, self.matrix, self.distortion)
        return image
项目:main    作者:templerobotics    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def getImage(self):
        image = self._getRawImage()
        image = cv2.undistort(image, self.matrix, self.distortion)
        return image
项目:calcam    作者:euratom-software    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort_image(self,image,coords=None):

        if self.nfields > 1:
            raise Exception('This feature is not supported for split-FOV images!')

        imobj_out = None
        if isinstance(image,CalCam_Image):
            imobj_out = copy.deepcopy(image)
            image = imobj_out.transform.original_to_display_image(

        display_shape = self.transform.get_display_shape()
        if coords is None:
            coords = 'display'
            if image.shape[0] != display_shape[1] or image.shape[1] != display_shape[0]:
                if image.shape[0] == self.transform.y_pixels and image.shape[1] == self.transform.x_pixels:
                    coords = 'original'
                    raise ValueError('Supplied image is the wrong shape! Expected {:d}x{:d} or {:d}x{:d} pixels.'.format(display_shape[0],display_shape[1],self.transform.x_pixels,self.transform.y_pixels))

        if coords == 'original':
            im = self.transform.original_to_display_image(image)
            im = image

        im = cv2.undistort(im,self.fit_params[0].cam_matrix,self.fit_params[0].kc)

        if coords == 'original':
            im = self.transform.display_to_original_image(im)

        if imobj_out is not None:
   = imobj_out.transform.display_to_original_image(im)
            return imobj_out
            return im

# Class for storing the calibration results.
# Has methods for post-processing the results to give useful information
# and for loading and saving the results
项目:pc-drone    作者:perrytsao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort_crop2(orig_img):

    #undistort and crop
    #cv2.undistort(src, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs[, dst[, newCameraMatrix]]) -> dst
    dst = cv2.undistort(orig_img, mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx)
    x,y,w,h = roi
    crop_frame = dst[y:y+h, x:x+w]    
    return crop_frame

# create maps for undistortion
项目:pc-drone    作者:perrytsao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort_crop(orig_img):
    #undistort and crop
    dst = cv2.undistort(orig_img, mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx)
    x,y,w,h = roi
    crop_frame = dst[y:y+h, x:x+w]    
    return crop_frame
项目:pc-drone    作者:perrytsao    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def undistort_crop(orig_img):
    #undistort and crop
    dst = cv2.undistort(orig_img, mtx, dist, None, newcameramtx)
    x,y,w,h = roi
    crop_frame = dst[y:y+h, x:x+w]    
    return crop_frame