def Open(self, p_autocommit=True): try: self.v_con = psycopg2.connect( self.GetConnectionString(), cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor ) self.v_con.autocommit = p_autocommit self.v_cur = self.v_con.cursor() self.v_start = True # PostgreSQL types self.v_cur.execute('select oid, typname from pg_type') self.v_types = dict([(r['oid'], r['typname']) for r in self.v_cur.fetchall()]) if not p_autocommit: self.v_con.commit() self.v_con.notices = DataList() except Spartacus.Database.Exception as exc: raise exc except psycopg2.Error as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc)) except Exception as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc))
def oraclesql(): ipaddress='' username='sys' password='ase_sys_n' port='1521' tnsname='dctest' try: db = cx_Oracle.connect(username+'/'+password+'@'+ipaddress+':'+port+'/'+tnsname ,mode=cx_Oracle.SYSDBA) except Exception as e: content= (tnsname+' is Unreachable,The reason is '+ str(e)).strip() print (content) else: cursor = db.cursor() data=oraclesql(cursor) cursor.close() db.close() cursor.execute('select max(count(*)) from v$open_cursor group by sid') data=cursor.fetchone() return data
def get_conn(self): """ Returns a oracle connection object Optional parameters for using a custom DSN connection (instead of using a server alias from tnsnames.ora) The dsn (data source name) is the TNS entry (from the Oracle names server or tnsnames.ora file) or is a string like the one returned from makedsn(). :param dsn: the host address for the Oracle server :param service_name: the db_unique_name of the database that you are connecting to (CONNECT_DATA part of TNS) You can set these parameters in the extra fields of your connection as in ``{ "dsn":"some.host.address" , "service_name":"some.service.name" }`` """ conn = self.get_connection(self.oracle_conn_id) dsn = conn.extra_dejson.get('dsn', None) sid = conn.extra_dejson.get('sid', None) mod = conn.extra_dejson.get('module', None) service_name = conn.extra_dejson.get('service_name', None) if dsn and sid and not service_name: dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(dsn, conn.port, sid) conn = cx_Oracle.connect(conn.login, conn.password, dsn=dsn) elif dsn and service_name and not sid: dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(dsn, conn.port, service_name=service_name) conn = cx_Oracle.connect(conn.login, conn.password, dsn=dsn) else: conn = cx_Oracle.connect(conn.login, conn.password, conn.host) if mod is not None: conn.module = mod return conn
def connect(self): self.initConnection() self.__dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(self.hostname, self.port, self.db) self.__dsn = utf8encode(self.__dsn) self.user = utf8encode(self.user) self.password = utf8encode(self.password) try: self.connector = cx_Oracle.connect(dsn=self.__dsn, user=self.user, password=self.password, mode=cx_Oracle.SYSDBA) logger.info("successfully connected as SYSDBA") except (cx_Oracle.OperationalError, cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, cx_Oracle.InterfaceError): try: self.connector = cx_Oracle.connect(dsn=self.__dsn, user=self.user, password=self.password) except (cx_Oracle.OperationalError, cx_Oracle.DatabaseError, cx_Oracle.InterfaceError), msg: raise SqlmapConnectionException(msg) self.initCursor() self.printConnected()
def __init__(self, ip = IP, port = PORT, db = DB, user_name = USER_NAME, user_pass = USER_PASS): super(OracleDB, self).__init__() if STOP_ORCL: return if not hasattr(self,'conn'): try: self.conn = cx_Oracle.connect(user_name, user_pass, '%s:%d/%s'%(ip, port, db))#, threaded=True,events = True) self.cursor = self.conn.cursor() except Exception as e: raise else: log.debug('?????? %s'%db)
def get_connect(self): db = cx_Oracle.connect(self.username, self.password, self.host_string) # print db.version # versioning = db.version.split('.') # if versioning[0] == '10': # print "Running 10g" # elif versioning[0] == '9': # print "Running 9i" # print db.dsn # sql = 'SELECT * FROM' + self.table_name # # cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM %s',str) # cursor.execute(sql) # # pprint(cursor.fetchall()) # # # for row in cursor: ## notice that this is plain English! # # print row # # column_data_types = cursor.execute('SELECT * FROM ADP_D_HOST') # # print column_data_types # # pprint(cursor.description) return db.cursor()
def get_conn(self): """ Returns a oracle connection object Optional parameters for using a custom DSN connection (instead of using a server alias from tnsnames.ora) The dsn (data source name) is the TNS entry (from the Oracle names server or tnsnames.ora file) or is a string like the one returned from makedsn(). :param dsn: the host address for the Oracle server :param service_name: the db_unique_name of the database that you are connecting to (CONNECT_DATA part of TNS) You can set these parameters in the extra fields of your connection as in ``{ "dsn":"some.host.address" , "service_name":"some.service.name" }`` """ conn = self.get_connection(self.oracle_conn_id) dsn = conn.extra_dejson.get('dsn', None) sid = conn.extra_dejson.get('sid', None) service_name = conn.extra_dejson.get('service_name', None) if dsn and sid and not service_name: dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(dsn, conn.port, sid) conn = cx_Oracle.connect(conn.login, conn.password, dsn=dsn) elif dsn and service_name and not sid: dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(dsn, conn.port, service_name=service_name) conn = cx_Oracle.connect(conn.login, conn.password, dsn=dsn) else: conn = cx_Oracle.connect(conn.login, conn.password, conn.host) return conn
def oracle_connect(self, mobile): # ?????? t = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.localtime(time.time())) # ??oracle???????? conn = cx_Oracle.connect('???/??') cursor = conn.cursor() # ?????SQL??????? sql = r"select * from (select sms_inf from gwadm.SMSTSMmO where mbl_no = " + "'" + mobile + "'" + " and tx_dt = " + t + " order by OPR_TM desc)where rownum <= 1" cursor.execute(sql) row = cursor.fetchone() cursor.close() conn.close() code = [] # ?????????? for i in row[0]: if i.isdigit(): code.append(i) return ''.join(code)
def connect(username='stock', password='123456', host='localhost', port=1521, sid='orcl'): # tns = cx_Oracle.makedsn(host, port, sid) # con = cx_Oracle.connect(username, password, tns) # ????? # cursor = conn.cursor() # ??cursor # return cursor cf = configparser.ConfigParser() cf.read("..\\config\\config.conf") oracleHost = str(cf.get("oracle", "ip")) oraclePort = int(cf.get("oracle", "port")) oracleUser = str(cf.get("oracle", "username")) oraclePassword = str(cf.get("oracle", "password")) oracleDatabaseName = str(cf.get("oracle", "databasename")) oracleConn = oracleUser + '/' + oraclePassword + '@' + oracleHost + '/' + oracleDatabaseName conn = cxo.connect(oracleConn) return conn # ????????
def add_ver_info(separate_files, connect_string, username): """add version information""" f = None if separate_files: ver_file = os.path.join(SCHEMA_DIR, 'version.txt') f = open_file_write(ver_file) title = 'info' print_start_info(title) output_line('date: %s' % (time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())), f) output_line('connect string: %s' % (connect_string), f) output_line('user: %s' % (username), f) script_ver = __version__[5:-2] output_line('created by: %s' % (script_ver), f) print_stop_info(title) show_qry('DB version', DB_VERSION_SQL, fout=f) show_qry('DB name', 'SELECT ora_database_name FROM dual', fout=f) sel_info_option = '--ver-info-sql' for s in sys.argv[1:]: if s.startswith(sel_info_option): sel = s[len(sel_info_option):].strip('=') try: show_qry(sel, sel, fout=f) except: ex_info = traceback.format_exc() serr = '\nSQL: %s\nException: %s\n' % (sel, ex_info) print_err(serr) break show_qry('DB features used', FEATURE_USAGE_SQL, fout=f) if f: f.close()
def fuzzData(data, index): global connection for x in funnydata: try: if type(x) is int: print "Data is number",x else: print "Data is " + str(x)[0:30] + " of length " + str(len(str(x))) varList = [] for var in range(index): varList.append(x) cur = connection.cursor() cur.execute(data, varList) except: error = str(sys.exc_info()[1]) if error.upper().find("ORA-00933") > -1 or error.upper().find("ORA-01756:") > -1 or error.upper().find("ORA-00923:") > -1: print "*** POSSIBLE SQL INJECTION FOUND ***" elif error.upper().find("ORA-03113") > -1: if len(str(x)) > 50: print "*** POSSIBLE BUFFER OVERFLOW ***" else: print "*** INSTANCE CRASHED ***" print "Reconnecting ... " connect() elif error.upper().find("ORA-00600") > -1: print "*** INTERNAL ERROR ***" elif error.upper().find("PLS-00306:") > -1: print "Currently unfuzzable :(" continue elif error.upper().find("ORA-03114") > -1: print "We are not connected :?" connect() print error
def get_new_connection(self, conn_params): conn_string = convert_unicode(self._connect_string()) return Database.connect(conn_string, **conn_params)
def findTotal(patronID): # function to get the total amount of fines owed for a patron, not just the weekly fines # Does lookup based on patron id sum = 0.0; # make connection to the database dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn("localhost","1521","VGER") con = cx_Oracle.connect(user="READ-ONLY-DBA-USER",password="READ-ONLY-DBA-PASS",dsn=dsn) cur = con.cursor() # run the query query = """ SELECT sum(fine_fee_balance) FROM fine_fee WHERE patron_id='{pID}' """ cur.execute(query.format(pID=patronID)); try: sum = cur.fetchone()[0] except: sum = 0.0 return sum
def findSSAN(patronID): # function to get a users SSAN (bannerID) based on patronID # returns String NONE if value is None (alumni users, etc) # added to allow for banner id to go in summary, as per TKT-193 ssan = "NONE"; # make connection to the database dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(db_host,db_port,db_SID) con = cx_Oracle.connect(user=db_user,password=db_password,dsn=dsn) cur = con.cursor() # run the query query = """ SELECT pt.ssan FROM patron pt WHERE pt.patron_id IN ({pID}) """ cur.execute(query.format(pID=patronID)); try: ssan = cur.fetchone()[0] except: ssan = "NONE" if ssan == None: ssan = "NONE" else: ssan = "@" + ssan[1:] return ssan;
def findItemType(barCode): # function to get the type of an item, based on itemId. # checks for temporary item ID being set, if so, returns that type instead # Note: dicts field itemId isn't really itemId, it's item barcode # dict's barcode field is PATRON barcode itemType = "NONE"; # make connection to the database dsn = cx_Oracle.makedsn(db_host,db_port,db_SID) con = cx_Oracle.connect(user=db_user,password=db_password,dsn=dsn) cur = con.cursor() # run the query query = """ SELECT itt.item_type_name FROM item it, item_type itt, item_barcode ib WHERE ib.item_barcode IN ('{itemNumber}') AND ib.item_id = it.item_id AND itt.item_type_id = CASE WHEN (it.temp_item_type_id = '0') THEN it.item_type_id ELSE it.temp_item_type_id END """ cur.execute(query.format(itemNumber=barCode)); try: itemType = cur.fetchone()[0] except: itemType = "NONE" if itemType == None: itemType = "NONE" return itemType; ##########Utility Functions
def Open(self, p_autocommit=True): try: self.v_con = sqlite3.connect(self.v_service, self.v_timeout) #self.v_con.row_factory = sqlite3.Row self.v_cur = self.v_con.cursor() if self.v_foreignkeys: self.v_cur.execute('PRAGMA foreign_keys = ON') self.v_start = True except sqlite3.Error as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc)) except Exception as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc))
def Open(self, p_autocommit=True): try: self.v_con = pymysql.connect( host=self.v_host, port=int(self.v_port), db=self.v_service, user=self.v_user, password=self.v_password, cursorclass=pymysql.cursors.DictCursor) self.v_cur = self.v_con.cursor() self.v_start = True except pymysql.Error as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc)) except Exception as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc))
def Open(self, p_autocommit=True): try: self.v_con = cx_Oracle.connect('{0}/{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}'.format( self.v_user, self.v_password, self.v_host, self.v_port, self.v_service )) self.v_cur = self.v_con.cursor() self.v_start = True except cx_Oracle.Error as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc)) except Exception as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc))
def Open(self, p_autocommit=True): try: self.v_con = pymssql.connect( host=self.v_host, port=int(self.v_port), database=self.v_service, user=self.v_user, password=self.v_password ) self.v_cur = self.v_con.cursor() self.v_start = True except pymssql.Error as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc)) except Exception as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc))
def Open(self, p_autocommit=True): try: c = ibm_db.connect(self.GetConnectionString(), '', '') self.v_con = ibm_db_dbi.Connection(c) self.v_cur = self.v_con.cursor() self.v_start = True except ibm_db.Error as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc)) except ibm_db_dbi.Error as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc)) except Exception as exc: raise Spartacus.Database.Exception(str(exc))
def __init__(self, _resource=None, _connect = True): """ :param _resource: A resource object to read settings from :param _connect: Also connect to the database (default:True) """ self.on_connect = None if _resource is not None: self.resource = _resource self.read_resource_settings(_resource) if _connect: self.connect_to_db()
def get_connect(self): db = cx_Oracle.connect(self.username, self.password, self.host_string) return db.cursor()
def __init__(self,username,password,database): """ Login to database and open cursor """ connect_string = username+'/'+password+'@'+database try: self.con = cx_Oracle.connect(connect_string) except cx_Oracle.DatabaseError as e: print("Error logging in: "+str(e.args[0])) print("Username: "+username) print("Password: "+password) print("Database: "+database) sys.exit(-1) self.cur = self.con.cursor() self.column_names=[]
def get_new_connection(self, conn_params): return Database.connect(self._connect_string(), **conn_params)
def getdbname(cursor): '''db = cx_Oracle.connect(username+'/'+password+'@'+ ipaddress+':'+'/'+tnsname) cursor = db.cursor()''' cursor.execute('select name from v$database') row=cursor.fetchone() dbname=row[0] return dbname
def metricCollector(self): c=None conn=None try: import cx_Oracle except Exception as e: self.data['status'] = 0 self.data['msg'] = str(e) return self.data try: dsnStr = cx_Oracle.makedsn(self.host, self.port, self.sid) conn = cx_Oracle.connect(user=self.username, password=self.password, dsn=dsnStr, mode=cx_Oracle.SYSDBA) c = conn.cursor() c.execute('select dff.percentused,dff.tablespace_name, dtf.status from sys.dba_tablespaces dtf , (select tablespace_name,percentused from (select round((d.sizeMb-round(sum(f.bytes))/1048576)/d.maxMb*100) percentused, f.tablespace_name from dba_free_space f, (select tablespace_name, sum(MAXBYTES)/1048576 maxMb, sum(bytes)/1048576 sizeMb from dba_data_files group by tablespace_name) d where f.tablespace_name (+)=d.tablespace_name group by f.tablespace_name, d.sizeMb, d.maxMb order by percentused desc)) dff where dff.tablespace_name (+)=dtf.tablespace_name order by dff.percentused') for row in c: usage, name ,status= row if name in TABLESPACE_NAME: self.data[name+'_usage'] = usage self.data[name+'_status'] = status except Exception as e: self.data['status'] = 0 self.data['msg'] = str(e) finally: if c!= None : c.close() if conn != None : conn.close() return self.data
def get_order_ids_from_db(self): import cx_Oracle con = cx_Oracle.connect(Config().get_oracle_connect()) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select order_id from m_order t where t.userid='{0}'".format(self.userid)) order_ids = [] for i in cur.fetchall(): order_ids.append(i[0]) return order_ids
def get_not_pay_order_from_db(self): import cx_Oracle con = cx_Oracle.connect(Config().get_oracle_connect()) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select order_id from m_order t where t.userid='{0}' and t.status='0'".format(self.userid)) return cur.fetchone()[0]
def get_not_prepare_order_from_db(self): import cx_Oracle con = cx_Oracle.connect(Config().get_oracle_connect()) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select order_id from m_order t where t.userid='{0}' and t.status='2'".format(self.userid)) return cur.fetchone()[0]
def get_not_send_order_from_db(self): import cx_Oracle con = cx_Oracle.connect(Config().get_oracle_connect()) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select order_id from m_order t where t.userid='{0}' and t.status='3'".format(self.userid)) return cur.fetchone()[0]
def get_not_receive_order_from_db(self): import cx_Oracle con = cx_Oracle.connect(Config().get_oracle_connect()) cur = con.cursor() cur.execute("select order_id from m_order t where t.userid='{0}' and t.status='4'".format(self.userid)) return cur.fetchone()[0]