def triggerUpdate(self): self.caluser.updateProfile(self.inp) self.Root.toolbar.title = "CalTrac - %s" % date.isoformat(date.today()) self.Root.nameLbl.text = 'About ' + self.caluser.getDict('name') self.Root.heightLbl.text = 'Height: ' + self.caluser.getDict('height') self.Root.weightLbl.text = 'Weight: ' + self.caluser.getDict('weight') self.Root.ageLbl.text = 'Age: ' + self.caluser.getDict('age') if self.caluser.getDict('preg') == '0': self.Root.genderLbl.text = 'Gender: ' + self.caluser.getDict('gender') self.Root.kcalTxt.text = 'Kcal target: ' + str(int(float(self.caluser.getDict('bmr')))) else: self.Root.genderLbl.text = 'Gender: %s (Pregnant)' % self.caluser.getDict('gender') self.Root.kcalTxt.text = 'Kcal target: ' + str(int(float(self.caluser.getDict('bmr')))+350) self.Root.ratingLbl.text = 'Rating: ' + self.caluser.getDict('rating') self.nav_drawer.ids['nameBtn'].text = self.caluser.getDict('name') self.Profile.ids['profileToolbar'].left_action_items = [['arrow-left', lambda x: self.changeScreens('Root')]]
def test_datetime(self): self.assertEqual(self.dump_and_load(self.ts), self.ts.isoformat())
def test_date(self): date = self.ts.date() self.assertEqual(self.dump_and_load(date), date.isoformat())
def test_time(self): time = self.ts.time() self.assertEqual(self.dump_and_load(time), time.isoformat())
def listDelete(self,delta): l = c.execute("SELECT rowid, * FROM foods WHERE date = ?", (date.isoformat(date.today() - timedelta(delta)),)).fetchall() self.deleteTable.clear_widgets() for it in l: self.deleteTable.add_widget(DelBtn(text='%s - x%s' % (it[1],str(it[4]).replace('.0','')), secondary_text='kcal: %s' % str(it[3]).replace('.0',''),id = str(it[0])))
def fmt_date(date): return "%s, week %d, %s" % ( date.isoformat(), date.isocalendar()[1], date.strftime("%A, %B"))
def test_should_coerce_date(self): date_ = date.today() result = api.resource.resolve_value(date_) self.assertEqual(result, date.isoformat(date_))
def __init__(self, args, optimizer, name, extra_msg=''): self.iteration = 0 self.sum_loss = 0 self.sum_acc = 0 self.sum_mean_diff = 0 self.sum_max_diff = 0 self.current_section = '' self.optimizer = optimizer # setup according to arguments self.name = name if name is not '' else 'signdist' self.out_file = "{}_{}".format(date.isoformat(date.today()), self.name) self.log_file = "{}.log".format(self.out_file) # write config to head of the log file self.write_config(args, extra_msg)
def write_config(self, args, extra_msg): with open(self.log_file, 'a+') as f: self._comment("=" * 40, f) self._comment("{} initiated at {}".format( self.name, datetime.isoformat(datetime.now()) ), f) self._comment("-" * 40, f) # arguments passed self._comment("Data: " + args.data, f) self._comment("Batchsize: {}".format(args.batchsize), f) self._comment("Test ratio: {}".format(args.test), f) self._comment("Hard triplet ratio: {}".format(args.skilled), f) dev = "CPU" if args.gpu < 0 else "GPU ".format(args.gpu) self._comment("Device: " + dev, f) if args.initmodel: self._comment("Init model: " + args.initmodel, f) if args.resume: self._comment("Resume state: " + args.resume, f) self._comment("-" * 40, f) # parameters set in script self._comment("Optimizer: " + self.optimizer.__class__.__name__, f) self._comment("Initial LR: {}".format(self.optimizer.lr), f) self._comment("LR interval: {}".format(args.lrinterval), f) self._comment("Weight decay: {}".format(args.weight_decay), f) self._comment("Epoch: {}".format(self.optimizer.epoch), f) if extra_msg: self._comment(extra_msg, f) self._comment("-" * 40, f) # complete call self._comment("{}".format(sys.argv), f) self._comment("=" * 40, f)