Python datetime.datetime 模块,fromordinal() 实例源码


项目:incubator-airflow-old    作者:apache    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_days_ago(self):
        today =
        today_midnight = pendulum.instance(datetime.fromordinal(

        self.assertTrue(dates.days_ago(0) == today_midnight)

            dates.days_ago(100) == today_midnight + timedelta(days=-100))

            dates.days_ago(0, hour=3) == today_midnight + timedelta(hours=3))
            dates.days_ago(0, minute=3)
            == today_midnight + timedelta(minutes=3))
            dates.days_ago(0, second=3)
            == today_midnight + timedelta(seconds=3))
            dates.days_ago(0, microsecond=3)
            == today_midnight + timedelta(microseconds=3))
项目:PyDataLondon29-EmbarrassinglyParallelDAWithAWSLambda    作者:SignalMedia    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def _from_ordinal(x, tz=None):
    ix = int(x)
    dt = datetime.fromordinal(ix)
    remainder = float(x) - ix
    hour, remainder = divmod(24 * remainder, 1)
    minute, remainder = divmod(60 * remainder, 1)
    second, remainder = divmod(60 * remainder, 1)
    microsecond = int(1e6 * remainder)
    if microsecond < 10:
        microsecond = 0  # compensate for rounding errors
    dt = datetime(dt.year, dt.month,, int(hour), int(minute),
                  int(second), microsecond)
    if tz is not None:
        dt = dt.astimezone(tz)

    if microsecond > 999990:  # compensate for rounding errors
        dt += timedelta(microseconds=1e6 - microsecond)

    return dt

# Fixed frequency dynamic tick locators and formatters

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
# --- Locators ---
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------
项目:lazysusan    作者:verypossible    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def last_user_difference(session, dob):
    last_date = session.get(DOB_KEY)
    if not last_date:
        return ''

    last_date = datetime.fromordinal(last_date)
    old_or_younger = "same"

    if dob > last_date:
        old_or_younger = "younger"
        diff = relativedelta(dob, last_date)
    elif dob < last_date:
        old_or_younger = "older"
        diff = relativedelta(last_date, dob)

    if old_or_younger != "same":
        return "You are %s years, %s months, %s days %s than the last user." % (
                diff.years, diff.months, diff.days, old_or_younger)

    return "You have the same birthday as the last user."
项目:Thymus-timeseries    作者:sidorof    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def get_datetime(self, date):
        This function returns a date as a datetime object.
        This takes into account the type of date stored in dseries.

        date_series_type = self.get_date_series_type()
        if date_series_type == TS_ORDINAL:
            return datetime.fromordinal(date)
        elif date_series_type == TS_TIMESTAMP:
            return datetime.fromtimestamp(date)
            raise ValueError("Unknown, dateseries type. %s" % (
项目:pendulum    作者:sdispater    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def test_fromordinal(self):
        self.assertEqual(datetime.fromordinal(730120), pendulum.fromordinal(730120))
项目:pygeotools    作者:dshean    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def mat2dt(o):
    """Convert Matlab ordinal to Python datetime

    Need to account for AD 0 and AD 1 discrepancy between the two:

    python_datetime = datetime.fromordinal(int(o)) + timedelta(days=o%1) - timedelta(days = 366)
    return o2dt(o) - timedelta(days=366)

#Python datetime to matlab ordinal
项目:pygeotools    作者:dshean    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def o2dt(o):
    """Convert Python ordinal to datetime
    #omod = np.modf(o)
    #return datetime.fromordinal(int(omod[1])) + timedelta(days=omod[0])
    #Note: num2date returns dt or list of dt
    #This funciton should always return a list
    #return np.array(matplotlib.dates.num2date(o))
    return matplotlib.dates.num2date(o)

#Return integer DOY (julian)
项目:reahl    作者:reahl    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.last_activity = datetime.fromordinal(1)
        super(UserSession, self).__init__(**kwargs)
项目:lenuage    作者:laboiteproject    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def update_data(self):
        # TODO: handle whole day events, display multiple events
        now =
        tonight = now.replace(hour=23, minute=59)

        self.dtstart = None
        self.summary = None

        calendar = Calendar()
        r = requests.get(self.ics_url)

        calendar = calendar.from_ical(r.text)

        for event in calendar.walk():
            if event.get('dtstart') and event.get('dtend'):
                dtstart = event.get('dtstart').dt
                dtend = event.get('dtend').dt
                if not isinstance(dtstart, datetime) or not isinstance(dtend, datetime):
                    dtstart = datetime.fromordinal(dtstart.toordinal())
                    dtend = datetime.fromordinal(dtend.toordinal())
                    dtstart = timezone.localtime(dtstart, timezone.utc)
                    dtend = timezone.localtime(dtend, timezone.utc)
                except ValueError:
                    dtstart = dtstart.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                    dtend = dtend.replace(tzinfo=timezone.utc)
                if now <= dtend <= tonight:
                    dtstart = timezone.localtime(dtstart, pytz.timezone('Europe/Paris'))
                    self.dtstart = formats.time_format(dtstart, 'TIME_FORMAT')
                    self.summary = str(unidecode.unidecode(event.get('summary')))
项目:Thymus-timeseries    作者:sidorof    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def datetime_series(self):
        This function returns the dateseries converted to a series of
        datetime objects.
        if self.get_date_series_type() == TS_ORDINAL:
            return [datetime.fromordinal(int(i)) for i in self.dseries]
        elif self.get_date_series_type() == TS_TIMESTAMP:
            return [datetime.fromtimestamp(int(i)) for i in self.dseries]
            raise ValueError("timeseries must have a defined frequency")
项目:Thymus-timeseries    作者:sidorof    | 项目源码 | 文件源码
def fmt_date(numericdate, dt_type, dt_fmt=None):
        This static method accepts a date and converts it to
        the format used in the timeseries.
        if dt_type == TS_ORDINAL:
            if dt_fmt is None:
                dt_fmt = FMT_DATE
            return datetime.fromordinal(int(numericdate)).strftime(dt_fmt)
        elif dt_type == TS_TIMESTAMP:
            if dt_fmt is None:
                dt_fmt = FMT_IDATE
            return datetime.fromtimestamp(numericdate).strftime(dt_fmt)
            raise ValueError("Unknown dt_type: %s" % dt_type)