def _end_of_trading(self, *arg, **kwargs): # ????????,??????(????????????) # ??????????? # self._make_slice(self) if self.backtest_type in ['day']: self.now = str(self.end_real_date) self.today = str(self.end_real_date) elif self.backtest_type in ['1min', '5min', '15min', '30min', '60min']: self.now = str(self.end_real_date) + ' 15:00:00' self.today = str(self.end_real_date) elif self.backtest_type in ['index_day']: self.now = str(self.end_real_date) self.today = str(self.end_real_date) elif self.backtest_type in ['index_1min', 'index_5min', 'index_15min', 'index_30min', 'index_60min']: self.now = str(self.end_real_date) + ' 15:00:00' self.today = str(self.end_real_date) self.today = self.end_real_date self.sell_all() self._deal_from_order_queue() self.__sync_order_LM('daily_settle') # ????
def DeleteOlderFiles(workfolder, days): """ Used to delete older backups in a folder, days is retention days Sample use to delete all files in C:temp with created date older than 3 days: DeleteOlderFiles(r'c:\temp', 3) """ # os, time already imported now = time.time() cutoff = now - (days * 86400) filelist = os.listdir(workfolder) for x in filelist: if os.path.isfile( workfolder + '\\' + x): t = os.stat( workfolder + '\\' + x ) c = t.st_ctime # delete file if older than a week if c < cutoff: print('deleting ' + x) os.remove(workfolder + '\\' + x )
def Default(self): try: self["label2"].setText(_("Default")) now = datetime.now() info1 = 'Date = ' + now.strftime("%d-%B-%Y") + "\n" info2 = 'Time = ' + now.strftime("%H:%M:%S") + "\n" info3 = self.Do_cmd("uptime", None, None) tmp = info3.split(",") info3 = 'Uptime = ' + tmp[0].lstrip() + "\n" info4 = self.Do_cmd("cat", "/etc/image-version", " | head -n 1") info4 = info4[9:] info4 = 'Boxtype = ' + info4 + "\n" info5 = 'Load = ' + self.Do_cmd("cat", "/proc/loadavg", None) info6 = self.Do_cut(info1 + info2 + info3 + info4 + info5) self["label1"].setText(info6) except: self["label1"].setText(_("an internal error has occured"))
def process_request(self, request, spider): parsed_url = urlparse.urlparse(request.url) if not self.test_mode or not parsed_url.path in ["/", ""]: return None if not Domain.is_onion_url(request.url): return None d = Domain.find_by_url(request.url) if d is None: return None now = datetime.now() if now > d.next_scheduled_check: return None else: raise IgnoreRequest('FilterNotScheduledMiddleware: %s is not scheduled to check' % d.host)
def getStockData(theTicker, startDate): stock = Share(theTicker) print("Getting Data for ... " + theTicker) now = datetime.now() DateNow = str(now.year) + "-" + str(now.month) + "-" + str(now.day) data = stock.get_historical(startDate, DateNow) stockData = [] for d in data: tmp = [] volume = int(d['Volume']) adjclose = float(d['Adj_Close']) high = float(d['High']) low = float(d['Low']) close = float(d['Close']) date = d['Date'] open = float(d['Open']) tmp.append(date) tmp.append(open) tmp.append(high) tmp.append(low) tmp.append(close) tmp.append(adjclose) tmp.append(volume) stockData.append(tmp) return stockData
def test_astimezone(self): # Pretty boring! The TZ test is more interesting here. astimezone() # simply can't be applied to a naive object. dt = self.theclass.now() f = FixedOffset(44, "") self.assertRaises(TypeError, dt.astimezone) # not enough args self.assertRaises(TypeError, dt.astimezone, f, f) # too many args self.assertRaises(TypeError, dt.astimezone, dt) # arg wrong type self.assertRaises(ValueError, dt.astimezone, f) # naive self.assertRaises(ValueError, dt.astimezone, tz=f) # naive class Bogus(tzinfo): def utcoffset(self, dt): return None def dst(self, dt): return timedelta(0) bog = Bogus() self.assertRaises(ValueError, dt.astimezone, bog) # naive class AlsoBogus(tzinfo): def utcoffset(self, dt): return timedelta(0) def dst(self, dt): return None alsobog = AlsoBogus() self.assertRaises(ValueError, dt.astimezone, alsobog) # also naive
def observe_inventory(owner, repo_name, pulls): for metric in ['additions', 'commits', 'deletions']: metric_sum = None if len(pulls) > 0: metric_sum = sum([getattr(p, metric) for p in pulls]) else: metric_sum = 0 logger.info( 'Observed for owner "%s", repo "%s", %d %s' % (owner, repo_name, metric_sum, metric)) CODE_INVENTORY.labels(owner, repo_name, metric).set(metric_sum) for pull in pulls: days_old = weekdays_between(pull.created_at, datetime.now()) logger.info( 'Observed for owner "%s", repo "%s", %.2f days old PR' % (owner, repo_name, days_old)) CODE_INVENTORY_AGE.labels(owner, repo_name).observe(days_old)
def trigger(self): if self.type == TRAFFIC_FLOW_ONE_SHOT: sleep(int(self.offset)) print "Started command at ", str(datetime.now()) sys.stdout.flush() #os.system(self.cmd + " &") try: cmd_list = self.cmd.split(' ') print cmd_list print self.cmd sys.stdout.flush() p = subprocess.Popen(cmd_list,shell=False) except: print "Error running command: ", sys.exec_info()[0] elif self.type == TRAFFIC_FLOW_EXPONENTIAL: pass elif self.type == TRAFFIC_FLOW_PERIODIC: pass
def performRFClass(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, fout, savemodel): """ Random Forest Binary Classification """ clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1) clf.fit(X_train, y_train) # if savemodel == True: # fname_out = '{}-{}.pickle'.format(fout, datetime.now()) # with open(fname_out, 'wb') as f: # cPickle.dump(clf, f, -1) accuracy = clf.score(X_test, y_test) return accuracy
def performSVMClass(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, fout, savemodel): """ SVM binary Classification """ # c = parameters[0] # g = parameters[1] clf = SVC() clf.fit(X_train, y_train) # if savemodel == True: # fname_out = '{}-{}.pickle'.format(fout, datetime.now()) # with open(fname_out, 'wb') as f: # cPickle.dump(clf, f, -1) accuracy = clf.score(X_test, y_test) return accuracy
def performAdaBoostClass(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, fout, savemodel): """ Ada Boosting binary Classification """ # n = parameters[0] # l = parameters[1] clf = AdaBoostClassifier() clf.fit(X_train, y_train) # if savemodel == True: # fname_out = '{}-{}.pickle'.format(fout, datetime.now()) # with open(fname_out, 'wb') as f: # cPickle.dump(clf, f, -1) accuracy = clf.score(X_test, y_test) print "AdaBoost: ", accuracy
def performRFClass(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, fout, savemodel): """ Random Forest Binary Classification """ clf = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1) clf.fit(X_train, y_train) # if savemodel == True: # fname_out = '{}-{}.pickle'.format(fout, datetime.now()) # with open(fname_out, 'wb') as f: # cPickle.dump(clf, f, -1) accuracy = clf.score(X_test, y_test) print "RF: ", accuracy
def performSVMClass(X_train, y_train, X_test, y_test, fout, savemodel): """ SVM binary Classification """ # c = parameters[0] # g = parameters[1] clf = SVC() clf.fit(X_train, y_train) # if savemodel == True: # fname_out = '{}-{}.pickle'.format(fout, datetime.now()) # with open(fname_out, 'wb') as f: # cPickle.dump(clf, f, -1) accuracy = clf.score(X_test, y_test) print "SVM: ", accuracy
def main(): now = datetime.now() aDay = timedelta(days=-1) now = now + aDay yesterdaystr = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') # getYesterdaySoccer('2017-10-28') # if sys.argv.__len__()==1: # sys.exit('\033[0;36;40m????:\n1???:\n1:?????? 2:??????? 3:????\n??: python TodaySoccer.pyc 1\033[0m') # # if __name__ == '__main__': # getTodaySoccer(sys.argv[1]) # getTodaySoccer(3)
def now(self): """ Creates a Ticktock object with the current time, equivalent to datetime.now() Returns ======= out : ticktock Ticktock object with the current time, equivalent to datetime.now() See Also ======== datetime.datetime.now() """ dt = datetime.datetime.now() return Ticktock(dt, 'utc') # -----------------------------------------------
def today(self): """ Creates a Ticktock object with the current date and time set to 00:00:00, equivalent to date.today() with time included Returns ======= out : ticktock Ticktock object with the current time, equivalent to date.today() with time included See Also ======== datetime.date.today() """ dt = datetime.datetime.now() dt = dt.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) return Ticktock(dt, 'utc') # ----------------------------------------------- # End of Ticktock class # -----------------------------------------------
def latest_post_date(self): """ Returns the latest item's pubdate or updateddate. If no items have either of these attributes this returns the current UTC date/time. """ latest_date = None date_keys = ('updateddate', 'pubdate') for item in self.items: for date_key in date_keys: item_date = item.get(date_key) if item_date: if latest_date is None or item_date > latest_date: latest_date = item_date # datetime.now(tz=utc) is slower, as documented in django.utils.timezone.now return latest_date or datetime.datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=utc)
def test_NaT_methods(self): # GH 9513 raise_methods = ['astimezone', 'combine', 'ctime', 'dst', 'fromordinal', 'fromtimestamp', 'isocalendar', 'strftime', 'strptime', 'time', 'timestamp', 'timetuple', 'timetz', 'toordinal', 'tzname', 'utcfromtimestamp', 'utcnow', 'utcoffset', 'utctimetuple'] nat_methods = ['date', 'now', 'replace', 'to_datetime', 'today'] nan_methods = ['weekday', 'isoweekday'] for method in raise_methods: if hasattr(NaT, method): self.assertRaises(ValueError, getattr(NaT, method)) for method in nan_methods: if hasattr(NaT, method): self.assertTrue(np.isnan(getattr(NaT, method)())) for method in nat_methods: if hasattr(NaT, method): self.assertIs(getattr(NaT, method)(), NaT) # GH 12300 self.assertEqual(NaT.isoformat(), 'NaT')
def test_class_ops_dateutil(self): tm._skip_if_no_dateutil() from dateutil.tz import tzutc def compare(x, y): self.assertEqual(int(np.round(Timestamp(x).value / 1e9)), int(np.round(Timestamp(y).value / 1e9))) compare(Timestamp.now(), datetime.now()) compare(Timestamp.now('UTC'), datetime.now(tzutc())) compare(Timestamp.utcnow(), datetime.utcnow()) compare(Timestamp.today(), datetime.today()) current_time = calendar.timegm(datetime.now().utctimetuple()) compare(Timestamp.utcfromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.utcfromtimestamp(current_time)) compare(Timestamp.fromtimestamp(current_time), datetime.fromtimestamp(current_time)) date_component = datetime.utcnow() time_component = (date_component + timedelta(minutes=10)).time() compare(Timestamp.combine(date_component, time_component), datetime.combine(date_component, time_component))
def test_timestamp_compare_scalars(self): # case where ndim == 0 lhs = np.datetime64(datetime(2013, 12, 6)) rhs = Timestamp('now') nat = Timestamp('nat') ops = {'gt': 'lt', 'lt': 'gt', 'ge': 'le', 'le': 'ge', 'eq': 'eq', 'ne': 'ne'} for left, right in ops.items(): left_f = getattr(operator, left) right_f = getattr(operator, right) expected = left_f(lhs, rhs) result = right_f(rhs, lhs) self.assertEqual(result, expected) expected = left_f(rhs, nat) result = right_f(nat, rhs) self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_isnull_datetime(): assert (not isnull(datetime.now())) assert notnull(datetime.now()) idx = date_range('1/1/1990', periods=20) assert (notnull(idx).all()) idx = np.asarray(idx) idx[0] = iNaT idx = DatetimeIndex(idx) mask = isnull(idx) assert (mask[0]) assert (not mask[1:].any()) # GH 9129 pidx = idx.to_period(freq='M') mask = isnull(pidx) assert (mask[0]) assert (not mask[1:].any()) mask = isnull(pidx[1:]) assert (not mask.any())
def checkDayAndSendMail(): todayDate = datetime.now() start = datetime(todayDate.year, todayDate.month, todayDate.day) end = start + timedelta(days=1) global dateIndex # if change date if dateIndex < end : dateIndex = end # send mail notifying server still working msg_content = {} msg_content['Subject'] = '[Amazon Price Alert] Server working !' msg_content['Content'] = 'Amazon Price Alert still working until %s !' % (todayDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')) msg_content['Price'] = "" msg_content['Time'] = todayDate.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') msg_content['ServerState'] = "Working" msg_content['code'] = 2 # 2 is server state send_Notification(msg_content)
def log(prefix, text, line=False): now = datetime.now() message = "" if prefix == '?': c = Fore.CYAN elif prefix == '+': c = Fore.GREEN elif prefix == '-': c = Fore.RED elif prefix == '!': c = Fore.YELLOW c = Style.BRIGHT + c e = Style.RESET_ALL + Fore.RESET if line: print c+"["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+prefix+"] "+text+e else : print "["+now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")+"]["+c+prefix+e+"] "+text
def fetch_price_data(stock): utf_decoder = codecs.getreader("utf-8") start_date = datetime.now() - timedelta(days=130) start_date = start_date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end_date = datetime.now().strftime("%Y-%m-%d") try: stocks_base_URL = 'https://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?q=select%20*%20from%20yahoo.finance.historicaldata%20where%20symbol%20%3D%20' URL_end = '%20and%20startDate%20%3D%20%22' + start_date + '%22%20and%20endDate%20%3D%20%22' + end_date + '%22&format=json&diagnostics=true&env=store%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltableswithkeys&callback=' query = stocks_base_URL + "%22" + stock + "%22" + "%2C" query = query[:-3] + URL_end api_response = urllib.request.urlopen(query) response_data = json.load(utf_decoder(api_response))['query']['results']['quote'] price_data[stock] = response_data except: print("ERROR fetching price data") pdb.set_trace()
def savealltable(self): self.http_get() s = req.content s = etree.HTML(s) x = s.xpath("//td") messages.append("????????...") from datetime import datetime snow = str(datetime.now()) if os.path.exists('table') is False: os.mkdir('table') with open('table/'+snow+'.text', 'w') as f: for child in x: messages.append(child.text) ui.showmssg.setText('\n'.join(messages)) print(child.text) f.writelines(child.text + "\n")
def send_updates(self): """ Send updated to the KNX bus. """ d = datetime.now() if self.timeaddr: self.tunnel.group_write(self.timeaddr, time_to_knx(d)) if self.dateaddr: self.tunnel.group_write(self.dateaddr, date_to_knx(d)) if self.datetimeaddr: self.tunnel.group_write(self.datetimeaddr, datetime_to_knx(d)) if self.daynightaddr: from pysolar.solar import get_altitude alt = get_altitude(self.lat, self.long, d) if alt > 0: self.tunnel.group_write(self.daynightaddr, 1) else: self.tunnel.group_write(self.daynightaddr, 0)
def restart(self, timeout=None): """Restarts this Splunk instance. The service is unavailable until it has successfully restarted. If a *timeout* value is specified, ``restart`` blocks until the service resumes or the timeout period has been exceeded. Otherwise, ``restart`` returns immediately. :param timeout: A timeout period, in seconds. :type timeout: ``integer`` """ msg = { "value": "Restart requested by " + self.username + "via the Splunk SDK for Python"} # This message will be deleted once the server actually restarts. self.messages.create(name="restart_required", **msg) result = self.post("/services/server/control/restart") if timeout is None: return result start = datetime.now() diff = timedelta(seconds=timeout) while datetime.now() - start < diff: try: self.login() if not self.restart_required: return result except Exception, e: sleep(1) raise Exception, "Operation time out."
def search(self, query, **kwargs): """Runs a search using a search query and any optional arguments you provide, and returns a `Job` object representing the search. :param query: A search query. :type query: ``string`` :param kwargs: Arguments for the search (optional): * "output_mode" (``string``): Specifies the output format of the results. * "earliest_time" (``string``): Specifies the earliest time in the time range to search. The time string can be a UTC time (with fractional seconds), a relative time specifier (to now), or a formatted time string. * "latest_time" (``string``): Specifies the latest time in the time range to search. The time string can be a UTC time (with fractional seconds), a relative time specifier (to now), or a formatted time string. * "rf" (``string``): Specifies one or more fields to add to the search. :type kwargs: ``dict`` :rtype: class:`Job` :returns: An object representing the created job. """ return self.jobs.create(query, **kwargs)
def touch(self): """Extends the expiration time of the search to the current time (now) plus the time-to-live (ttl) value. :return: The :class:`Job`. """ self.post("control", action="touch") return self
def __init__(self): self.backtest_type = 'day' self.account = QA_Account() self.market = QA_Market() self.order = QA_QAMarket_bid_list() self.bid = QA_QAMarket_bid() self.setting = QA_Setting() self.clients = self.setting.client self.user = self.setting.QA_setting_user_name self.market_data = [] self.now = None self.last_time = None self.strategy_start_date = '' self.strategy_start_time = '' self.strategy_end_date = '' self.strategy_end_time = '' self.today = None self.strategy_stock_list = [] self.trade_list = [] self.start_real_id = 0 self.end_real_id = 0 self.temp = {} self.commission_fee_coeff = 0.0015 self.account_d_value = [] self.account_d_key = [] self.benchmark_type = 'index' self.market_data_dict = {} self.backtest_print_log = True # ?? self.if_save_to_mongo = True self.if_save_to_csv = True self.stratey_version = 'V1' self.topic_name = 'EXAMPLE' self.outside_data = [] self.outside_data_dict = [] self.outside_data_hashable = {} self.absoult_path = sys.path[0] self.dirs = '{}{}QUANTAXIS_RESULT{}{}{}{}{}'.format( self.absoult_path, os.sep, os.sep, self.topic_name, os.sep, self.stratey_version, os.sep)
def __save_strategy_files(self): file_name = '{}backtest_{}.py'.format( self.dirs, self.account.account_cookie) with open(sys.argv[0], 'rb') as p: data = p.read() collection = self.setting.client.quantaxis.strategy collection.insert({'cookie': self.account.account_cookie, 'name': self.strategy_name, 'topic': self.topic_name, 'version': self.stratey_version, 'user': self.user, 'datetime': datetime.datetime.now(), 'content': data.decode('utf-8'), 'dirs': self.dirs, 'absoultpath': self.absoult_path}) with open(file_name, 'wb') as f: f.write(data)
def _make_slice(self): QA_Setting.client.quantaxis.slice.insert({ 'cookie': self.account.account_cookie, 'account_message': self.__messages, 'account_d_value': self.account_d_value, 'account_d_key': self.account_d_key, 'now': self.now, 'today': self.today, 'running_date': self.running_date, 'strategy_stock_list': self.strategy_stock_list, 'dirs': self.dirs, })
def _deal_from_order_queue(self): # ??bar?????,???? __result = [] self.order.__init__() if len(self.account.order_queue) >= 1: __bid_list = self.order.from_dataframe(self.account.order_queue.query( 'status!=200').query('status!=500').query('status!=400')) for item in __bid_list: # ????????????? item.date = self.today item.datetime = self.now __bid, __market = self.__wrap_bid(self, item) __message = self.__send_bid( __bid, __market) if isinstance(__message, dict): if __message['header']['status'] in ['200', 200]: self.__sync_order_LM( 'trade', __bid, __message['header']['order_id'], __message['header']['trade_id'], __message) else: self.__sync_order_LM('wait') else: self.__QA_backtest_log_info( 'FROM BACKTEST: Order Queue is empty at %s!' % self.now) pass
def before_backtest(self): global start_time start_time = datetime.now() global risk_position print(self.market_data_hashable) input()
def end_backtest(self): global start_time end_time = datetime.now() cost_time = (end_time - start_time).total_seconds() QA.QA_util_log_info('???? {} {}'.format(cost_time, 'seconds')) self.if_save_to_csv = True self.if_save_to_mongo = True
def SqlExecute(conn, sqlquery=''): """ Executes sqlquery and returns lists with column names and data The connection info is passed as a dictionary with these required keys: servername, username,password If username is empty will use integrated security These keys are optional: defdb, colseparator """ if 'colseparator' not in conn.keys(): conn['colseparator'] = chr(1) if conn['username'] == '': constr = "sqlcmd -E -S" + conn['servername'] + " /w 8192 -W " + ' -s' + conn['colseparator'] + ' ' else: constr = "sqlcmd -U" + conn['username'] + " -P" + conn['password'] + ' -S' + conn['servername'] + ' /w 8192 -W -s' + conn['colseparator'] + ' ' # now we execute try: data = subprocess.Popen(constr + '-Q"' + sqlquery + '"', stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() except Exception as inst: print('Exception in SqlExecute:', inst) return -1 records = [] lst = data[0].splitlines() # lst[0] column names; lst[1] dashed lines, (skip); lst[2:] data # now we decode for x in lst: try: #try default utf-8 decoding line = x.decode() except UnicodeDecodeError: #in case of weird characters this one works most of the time line = x.decode('ISO-8859-1') lst2 = line.split(conn['colseparator']) records.append(lst2) fieldnames = records[0] data = records[2:] return data, fieldnames
def DatedString(): """ Returns dated string with this format 2014_12_30_135857_4581860 """ from datetime import datetime now = str(datetime.now()) now = now.replace('-', '_') now = now.replace(' ', '_') now = now.replace(':', '') now = now.replace('.', '_') + '0' return now
def sunrise(self,when=None): """ return the time of sunrise as a datetime.time object when is a datetime.datetime object. If none is given a local time zone is assumed (including daylight saving if present) """ if when is None : when = datetime.now(tz=LocalTimezone()) self.__preptime(when) self.__calc() return sun.__timefromdecimalday(self.sunrise_t)
def sunset(self,when=None): if when is None : when = datetime.now(tz=LocalTimezone()) self.__preptime(when) self.__calc() return sun.__timefromdecimalday(self.sunset_t)
def solarnoon(self,when=None): if when is None : when = datetime.now(tz=LocalTimezone()) self.__preptime(when) self.__calc() return sun.__timefromdecimalday(self.solarnoon_t)
def generateSSLCert(): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.DATA_DIR, 'plexivity.key')) or not os.path.exists(os.path.join(config.DATA_DIR, 'plexivity.crt')): logger.warning("plexivity was started with ssl support but no cert was found, trying to generating cert and key now") try: from OpenSSL import crypto, SSL from socket import gethostname # create a key pair k = crypto.PKey() k.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, 1024) # create a self-signed cert cert = crypto.X509() cert.get_subject().C = "US" cert.get_subject().ST = "plex land" cert.get_subject().L = "plex land" cert.get_subject().O = "plexivity" cert.get_subject().OU = "plexivity" cert.get_subject().CN = gethostname() cert.set_serial_number(1000) cert.gmtime_adj_notBefore(0) cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(10*365*24*60*60) cert.set_issuer(cert.get_subject()) cert.set_pubkey(k) cert.sign(k, 'sha1') open(os.path.join(config.DATA_DIR, 'plexivity.crt'), "wt").write(crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert)) open(os.path.join(config.DATA_DIR, 'plexivity.key'), "wt").write(crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, k)) logger.info("ssl cert and key generated and saved to: %s" % config.DATA_DIR) except: logger.error("unable to generate ssl key and cert")
def startScheduler(): db.create_all() #create default roles! if not db.session.query(models.Role).filter(models.Role.name == "admin").first(): admin_role = models.Role(name='admin', description='Administrator Role') user_role = models.Role(name='user', description='User Role') db.session.add(admin_role) db.session.add(user_role) db.session.commit() try: import tzlocal tz = tzlocal.get_localzone() logger.info("local timezone: %s" % tz) except: tz = None if not tz or tz.zone == "local": logger.error('Local timezone name could not be determined. Scheduler will display times in UTC for any log' 'messages. To resolve this set up /etc/timezone with correct time zone name.') tz = pytz.utc #in debug mode this is executed twice :( #DONT run flask in auto reload mode when testing this! scheduler = BackgroundScheduler(logger=sched_logger, timezone=tz) scheduler.add_job(notify.task, 'interval', seconds=config.SCAN_INTERVAL, max_instances=1, start_date=datetime.datetime.now(tz) + datetime.timedelta(seconds=2)) scheduler.start() sched = scheduler #notify.task()